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Latest revision as of 19:09, 7 December 2014

In an effort to get Totoro stronger, I started researching a permanency of greater magic fang. I need to get a lot stronger before I can do that... and it's going to cost a lot... but I hear that's how the best Eidolons distinguish themselves.

I also went by and checked how the expense report on the stupid pearl is going... yeah, not happening anytime soon... I just HAD to do it right before the town was destroyed... blah... Oh well, I guess then I better help with Totoro and Astera in restoring this town as soon as possible! The town is happy to have me helping out by casting Ant Haul as much as I can, so I feel very useful!

We then started hearing rumbles of thunders for a few minutes, even though the skies were clear and it was nice and sunny... and then suddenly it starts raining miniature giraffes......??? Then after a few minutes, the "rain" stops and the giraffes scurry off into hiding and disappear. The one cool thing about this was that Amber actually took one of the miniature giraffes and tamed it for herself and it became her familiar! That's sooooooooooo cute! She named him Finnigan (Figgy for short).

...why can't Totoro be that cute?... stupid bad-breath goof ball.

Manny in the meantime managed to assemble a small theater troupe, who now are in charge of setting up concert dates and dealing with all that... wow, I knew he was a people person, but this is way more than I would have thought!!

When we wake up the next day, outside on the ground, everything is covered in some sort of weird shiny aqua powder, that looks like snow... except for the color. Manny (like an idiot) tries to eat it and gets a little sick... stupid showoff!

In any case, we finally do have the concert that night, and I dance to help Manny perform, then when I go to release our eagles for the show, the spell got out of control and I have no idea what happened... but everyone was staring at me and applauding... guess my performance must have been awesome!! (14...). After the concert, a couple guys approached me and I got all flustered and ran behind Astera to hide....

Towards the end of the day, a courier came by with an envelope for me! It was the money for the expense reimbursement which got approved! FINALLY! Then at the end of the day, we had another concert. This time I didn't screw it up, and a few men brought me chocolates, and very bad poetry... I took the chocolates :-D.

The next day we wake up and there's some weird multicolored hail... turns out that it's some sort of hard candy rain... why? Why did this have to happen after I ate all the chocolate?? what horrible timing! And it ended up raining ALL day!!! there was like a foot of it all over the place! The water supplies got all sugared up, and apparently other cities got different candy rains! When the rain stopped, the next day, the foot of candy was still there... and apparently other cities got worse things.