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Latest revision as of 19:09, 7 December 2014

Every day, imperial troops keep showing up to help rebuild, speeding up the recovery of the city. We find that all these weird events are definitely diety-related... so we decide to go to the Capital to see the Council to see if there's anything we can do about this.

We first go to the temple of Puccih, which is full of refugees and for the most part has been repaired. Astera apparently knows some people here, so we get to find some leads. We then went to the temple of Knox which was similarly full of refugees and guards. And finally we go to see the captain to let him know that we're looking to depart.

Before leaving, we go to the mage guild to pick up Mara's Mantis that was fixed... on the way there, we are attacked by two weird creatures... one that had a huge mouth in its belly, and another one that duplicated any time we hit it... some aberrations from some primal plane. After some fighting and after one of my spells went totally out of control, we beat them.

Outside we hear an explosion, and as we rush out, we notice a large eyeball creature with tentacles is shooting disintegration rays around and then suddenly a silver dragon sweeps down and destroys it and then flew away. For the life of me, I am not able to figure out what that thing was... as crazy as that sounds, we then saw a stampede of those multiplying things... except they were miniature... but there were a TON of them... Something very strange is going on.

This keeps repeating as these eyeballs show up and dragons swoop down and take them out. At one point, we even heard a huge dragon roar aura sweep through... wow, that was powerful!! In the meantime, we are heading back to the guard barracks to show the footage of the Mantis to the Captain. However, the guards where too busy due to all that was going on, so we had to leave and wait till the next day. As we walked out, another herd of even smaller purple creatures ran by towards an alley. So we decide to go around and help get rid of some of these...

We come to know that there's two silver and two gold dragons that protect the city. Eventually we get to watch the recording back and notice a huge Balor and a Planetar among the angels and demons... we show this to the Captain who tasks us with finding out the identities of those two.