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Current Anime Season Fansubs

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya I don't think I've ever seen such gall in a first episode. The first opening scene is badly done karaoke, the narrator has only the vaugest idea what's going on, the acting is wooden, the picture quality looks like its been done with a camcorder, the plot makes no sense, and you get the picture. Its still pretty funny though. At the end of the first episode we cut away to a group of people in a room who have just watched this on their club TV. Most of them are horrified at how it turned out, but the director, Haruhi Suzumiya, stands up and proclaims "Its really well done!" And thus the first episode ends.

Ouran High School Host Club The bishounens! Their sparkles hurt my eyes! And the opening sequence is mostly in pink - if this isn't shoujo anime I don't know what is. All the same there's this wonderful dry humor to it that makes me want to keep watching, so I will.

Utawarerumono A guy wiht no memories and a metal mask he cant' remove wakes up in the care of a family o fpeople with dog ears and tails. Its set in some sort of fantasy medieval Japan. In the first episode a demon is released from its seal. From the OP it looks like Our Hero will have to assemble a party of Heros to do battle with the Evil Overlord. In short, utterly steriotypical but I'm going to watch it anyways because I've got a hitherto unrecognized weakness for cute girls with dog ears. Suddenly those InuYasha fangirls seem less crazy to me