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An empty planet, or so we thought... after our crash-landing we surveyed the damage and found the major trouble to be that we were missing one of our engines, and some important bits of the life support system. This wasn't really something we could patch together ourselves. Victoria managed to pick up a few metal-signatures on the scanners- one was to the west, and looked like our engine; the other was to the north, something much larger. We sent a probe west- well, we sent two, and the first got lost in the storm- and discovered pretty quickly that the engine was toast. There were some pieces smashed that we couldn't do without and couldn't replace.

We sent the probe north to the larger signature and found what looked like a large fortress in the mountains. We didn't see much of it though before it zotted the probe out of the sky. Well, we better go check it out anyways... we set off that night.

There are two major species in the desert here. One is a meter-long beetle that spits acid and eats... well, a lot of things. The other is a large winged reptile, rather huge, that eats the beetles. We had one memorable beetle run-in in which Gerd totally scared the poor thing into spraying the long-suffering Kamir, damaging the heroic weren's armor. Oh, and we also found some kind of carnivorous plant, which attempted to eat us and instead got electrocuted by Gerd.

Before we reached the mountain range to the north, we saw a village in the distance. Wow! We altered course to head towards it and discovered it was entirely inhabited by genetically altered humans who had escaped from their laboratory about fifty years ago and settled here, along with their "father" Dr. Rosencrantz. They were a little bit worried though, it had been about two years since they had heard from him, and the teleport pad was broken too.

So, these humans were... really different. Some had physical changes, like tentacles or horns, and some had what seemed to be psionic abilities... that weren't psionic. Their Elder could even see the future. He told us we'd find the parts we needed in the laboratory (the "fortress" we saw), but there would be dangers also, robots and traps and stuff. The whole town was really nice and hospitable, put us up for the night. Some of them asked if we could take them with us when we left the planet, which I'm sure will be fine.

So the next day we went towards the jungle. It wasn't that bad; Kamir led the group through pretty well, and there was only one real fight. This winged lizard thing jumped us and almost made off with Kaelum for lunch. But he was fine, blasted him with this bracelet thing. We continued on and ended the day at the base of the mountain.

The next whole day was climbing. Gerd just levitated up there, but Kamir and Kaelum had to do it the hard way. It was pretty late when we finally made it up. We found a whole bunch of mining in process, and a courtyard containing a teleport pad and a door in the middle of nothing. No wall or anything. The Elder had foreseen the password though- sasha123. We saw it led to some computer room, but decided to rest overnight and let Gerd recharge before heading in.

The next morning we hopped through the door, and were immediately questioned by the computer as to whether we were here to see the Doctor. When we said yes, it said we were a threat and teleported us into this hallway full of sentry-bots... EVERYWHERE. I wonder how we're going to get out of this?