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Saeünn Kollsdottir is a mistborn shaman hailing from the Frozen North. Her father was the shaman (dream-focused) of their tribe, Owl Moon. Saeünn doesn't know who her mother is; no one in the tribe does, in fact. Koll, Saeünn's father, went on a dream-walk for several moons, and returned with the infant Saeünn in his arms. He has never revealed her parentage.

Saeünn wasn't shunned from the village or anything, despite her uncertain heritage and freakish mistborn markings, but she never really fit in. About eight years ago, she dreamt her path: she would travel south, to the village of Eldyrwood, and wait for those she would guide.

As MJR opened, her group arrived. It took them a year to figure out they should come to her; their first test. Ha. In the meantime, Saeünn has found herself suddenly in the middle of a lot of attention, the kind she has no idea what to deal with. All these people want things from her; want her to help them. And some just want to be her friend. What is up with that?

Anyways right now she's off being all kidnapped by nethermancers and stuff. Maybe to be rescued pretty soon now.