LongestRoad Pazuzu

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Revision as of 16:04, 12 February 2009 by Zahnnie (Talk | contribs)

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He pretty much looks like Ares from Xena.
I used to have a crush on Ares. Badass god of war yeahhhhhhhh.

Pazuzu is one of the demon lords of the current large conflict. He is way cooler than Graz'zt because he has powerful demons and shiny treasure and relics and even friends with the GREEN dragons. How awesome is that? Graz'zt does not have dragon friends. Also, Graz'zt is dead, and Pazuzu isn't, which is another pretty good selling point.

To update, Pazuzu recently got involved in the conflict at a much more personal level, arranging to meet with Ezel and make a businessmanly exchange of orb for orb. This may or may not have involved him totally slaughtering an entire temple of Tiamat(while some dude wailed on their guitars really hard in the background). Just because they had the copper orb at the time. Anyways, he showed up to the exchange, and then totally tried to cheat and grab all the orbs, ever. The party attempted to fight but then realized they were going to be cheesed, and fled. Oops, Aezma was kidnapped also.

Pazuzu is a DICK.

Appearance: Pazuzu is a very handsome and charismatic dude. His last known appearance was that of a dark-haired human-looking fellow with the strange ability of always seeming to be standing in a shadow even when he isn't. Also he totally has an evil goatee.