LongestRoad Thame

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Oraine's sibling and littermate, Thame resembles his sister very closely. He's a few inches taller, broader in the chest, and wears his hair longer; but at a glance one could easily mistake one for the other, especially in feline form. (As Sil and Jer both did upon first encountering him...) They both have that thick dark hair and gold-brown eyes...

He is mild and reserved, in the fine tradition of Mhuinntir anywhere, but has a particular soft spot for Oraine. He worries about her in that kind of cute protective big-brother way, which of course irritates her to no end.

If Thame realizes how good-looking he is he certainly doesn't show it. He has yet to take a mate or show more than passing interest in any other Mhuinntir (or anyone, for that matter).