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August 18, 1236 AD

Cat: i forget how far it is back to the forest or wherever we left people.
Hernz: Cat, while you're at it, we also have bracers from the harpies we never identified :)
Nidranisan : Spellcraft
Check	27
Cat: one more for the harpy bracers if they're magical. loot sheet doesn't say.
Hernz: they are... you had failed like 4 in a roll lol
Chris: I've got Keep Watch, and two spell slots left.
Hernz: Anyone who has appraise, we have two sets of jewels/gems to ID (harpies and baat)
Chris: I can get 5 creatures in a casting. Everyone affected gets benefits of 8 hours of rest while still being able to keep a lookout.
So who will sleep? Hmm... I'm guessing Hawk.
Cat: as long as the perception monsters keep lookout i'm good :)
realtime 1/2 8:53 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The summary and logs are on https://wiki.utter-chaos.net/ucwiki/index.php?title=DivineDetritusVanquishTheHorribleCurse
I want to clear the Chat Archive soon, so if no one has any objections I'll clear it up in a week or so.
Nidri spends her time studying the bracers the harpies wore and realizes they are bracers of armor +2.
Weary, the party decides to set up watch and make sure no monsters try to avenge their fallen master.
Well, except for Hawk, who is fast asleep.
Hernz: lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): We began this arc on August 9th...
This took up 1 day of game time
August 17 (lunchtime)
The grass and plants of the land are already overtaking the barren dirt and skeletal remains of the fallen warriors.
You can see more spirits pulled into the afterlife, where they may be judged and brought to their final desination.
You even see small fish in the lake competing over small grubs. It looks like nature is returning to claim what the vampire took from it.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): After a good morning's rest, you awaken fully refreshed.
Hernz: holy crap! 4 months for the castle! lol
Hawk Hubertins: Wha? Oh, did I fall asleep again?
I'm somewhat torn about these instruments. One one hand, they were used for unspeakable evil, and should be destroyed. On the other hand, both are exceptionally well made, and should be used to bring beauty to the world.
Hernz: we have both, right... yup
Vegeta: weapons aren't evil, only the wielders... is what some would say... unless your weapons are your fists
I say we sell them if they're worth anything... I'm not superstitious... I'm just a little stitious
Hernz: HUB on the 13th?
George: Yes, Hub is on the 13th.
Fi: If they were cursed or unholy, I could agree to destroying them.
Otherwise, just think of them as a foolish person who was deceived into doing an evil act, but deserves a chance at redemption.
So back to see the plant people?
Vegeta: let's go see the plants
Cat: agree
George: Back to the appropriate places to recover peoples bodies, then back to a city where we can hopefully get them raised?
realtime 1/4/2018, 8.46 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Looks like no one died while shoveling. Good.
Back to the forest!
Hernz: teleport us!
As the party travels back to the forest, Fi notices the plants and animals coming back to life. It seems like nature is taking over...
Perhaps it is taking over too quickly. Trees are growing over each other, rodent population seems to have exploded and rotting fruit litters the trail.
The source of this becomes clear: The new leader of the forest barely able to contain itself. It is less humanoid and more of a large, writhing mass of vines and leaves that sprawl in multiple directions.

August 18, 1236 AD (evening)

A flower blossoms as you approach, revealing the head of the new leader of the Green Folk.
Green Leader: Ah yes, it is you!
Welcome back to Queen Califisteri's homeland.
Green Leader takes a deep breath
Some of the grass bursts underneath you, forming into comfortable cushions
Green Leader: The land surrounding the lake has become alive again. I think I have you to thank.
I can barely contain my excitement... and the Queen's gift is overwhelming me. I am... glad to live long enough to see the evil taint repelled.
I worry for the Queen, though- her body is too weak, I fear she doesn't have much longer to live. If she were to... all of us are worried.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, enough exposition from me.
Hernz: um... I forget now... it's been 4 months haha
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll read the last part of the summary, then: "The withered creature appears again and asks that the party convinces the queen to calm down. In her weakened state, she can relinquish most of her power to someone else. The party manages to convince her to surrender most of her energy to their guide. It burst forth with energy and reverts the forest maze. Promising to preserve Ventshi and Darius's bodies, it suggests they spend the night here before assaulting the vampire's lair. Everyone needs time to grieve."
That was the end of the summary at https://wiki.utter-chaos.net/ucwiki/index.php?title=DivineDetritusInterviewsSuck
Vegeta: We killed the Baat
will that return the queen to her previous state, do you know?
Green Leader: Her health is still terrible, I'm afraid. If we do not help her soon I am certain she will die.
Hernz: tag, someone else is it lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol. Time for me to go to bed. New class is kickin' my ass, and Friday's commute should be fun (TM)
Cat: uh. how do we know how to help her? heal check, k.nature check, something else?
Hernz: in case healz helps...
Vegeta : Heal
Check	15
George: Hawk will take 20 if it's a knowledge skill using his bardic ability.
I'm not dead yet, but I'm also not done shoveling either.
Chris: I took me 3 hours to clear it.
Hernz: one hour yesterday, we'll see when I go at 5 today for more
it's ON!
Chris: That's with a snow blower.
George: 2.5 hours to get the driveway mostly done. I still have to do the sidewalk, the front walk, the steps, and dig the CRV out.
Hernz: hopefully weather melts some for next Sat so we can make that mountain climb :)
George: Heh. We'll see. Definitely not going to be much melting this weekend.
Chris: hah. the road is clear. the bigger problem is we're supposed to have rain and ice on Fri/Sat next week.
George: ...
Hernz: they dont know a week in advance! lol
Chris: True, but we know it will precipitate and be hovering close to 32˚F.
Probably ;-)
George: Ok, that's it. Snow is shoveled, and I'm dead now.
Hernz: not too bad... 20 more mins... maybe we didn't get hit as hard as you guys... or I should switch careers to a shovel... anyway, phew, it's done
George: We got well over a foot, plus drifts.
Hernz: same here... maybe a lot got blown away here
George: With the snow blower, still took over 3 hours.
Almost 4 hours.
And one more hour today clearing out snow so I meet town sidewalk standards and can get my car out of the driveway.
Yup, ded.
realtime 1/6/2018 7:15 p
Queen Califisteri is still alive, wrapped in the same leaf she crawled into after relinquishing her power. Her body has withered and her breathing is slowing down.
The bite marks on her neck are gone, but she has suffered a great amount of injury internally. It's clear to you she will not survive another day.
You will have to find some way to heal her massive injuries to pick her up from the brink of death.
Cat: is it clear that just pouring a ton of hit points into her won't help?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It's more than just HP damage, she is effectively suffering from basically a potent disease.
I'm trying not to make the solution too obvious, here
But you do have the tools to save her right now, and you'll need more than Cure X Wounds to do it
Cat: ok. i'm maybe totally dense but not really seeing much at all for leads so i'm asking questions :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah I know. This is one of those "look at your gear" problem
Also there's an alternate solution to this, so I'm interested in where you go with this.
Cat: i mean i can cast remove disease.
if we thing it looks like a disease i can try thig.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That reminds me: You all notice a bunch of sores on Claire as you approach the forest.
Remove Disease will help, but it won't solve the problem. You'll need something stronger than that.
Which you have.
Cat: i mean we have that Heal someone just gave us. it'd be nice if we can verify that's truly necessary before using it up.
Nidranisan : Heal
Check	31
that was to take a look at claire.
and see if i can figure out what's up with her.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So, remember that swarm of botflies you ran up against when you saved Simon?
They buzzed around Claire and laid a bunch of eggs. Ewww.
Claire: (GM) Fort Save: 23
Cat: uuh. yeah kinda.
i thought we dug out all the botfly crap.
Claire: (GM) Still not gonna mess with my Diplomacy checks, sorry
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Did you? Uh, lemme check...
I don't see anything about removing the infection. Everyone made their Fort Save vs Disease except Claire.
Cat: huh.
maybe we also had the same thing in the hub and did it right there.
i definitely remember a very annoying process of removing botflies from someone
so is there something that can be done for her now?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The botfly infestation works as a disease, so you can cast Remove Disease and purge them permanently.
Cat: ok. she can wait until we resolve the queen and then if i haven't used up my robes for that process today i can cast it for her later.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it.
Cat: so yeah based on what i know my thoughts are either stacking a remove disease with other stuff for the queen, or burning the Heal thing we just got...would like to hear what the rest of the crew thiks.
i can try dumping some holy water on her and see if it burns lol.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol. She's a protovampire, kill it
Cat: i don't think i have much else that is helpful for healing people.
George: Ok, so the Heal is the "easy" way to do this. Did we get our spells back when we rested?
If we did, Song of Healing cures a bunch of lesser conditions, and dumps in some fast healing. If we use Heal skill and k/nature or somesuch, can we get an idea of what kinds of things we need to cure? Being vague is fine and all, but it gets frustrating when we're trying to figure out what to do and don't get any info.
Hernz: ok I did not see all this before the email I replied to lol... reading
By giving up Slow Fall, Vegeta picked up "Plot Healing" ability... oh wait, that's not true
so the thing with remove disease is that it removes the disease, but not any effects it may have caused... let's see, there's no skill check to ID a disease (heal or Ks don't list)...
Reval's blessing, if it's a one time use, would be like spending 1650 GPs on a heal scroll... not terrible... or maybe we're supposed to chop her up with Baat's original axe :)
realtime 1/7 4:31 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So, everyone is weighing their options. Reval's Blessing will certainly heal the queen.
Assuming Hawk burns his 20 check on K Nature, you also know that you could let her die, and allow the guide to take over as the new leader of the forest. This will cause some instability in the forest but will lead to long term change.
Hernz: I forget, but were they unhappy with the queen?
or rather, not like she was a crazy psycho
(GM) Chad S. (GM): As for healing the queen, Baat did quite a number on her. Diseases, Curses, and some kind of long term confusion effect. And HP damage as well.
The guide says the queen was quite nice until Baat messed with her.
She was pretty much rambling and murderous.
Basically you can use Reval's Blessing to save her or you can move on and take Ventshi, Darius and the Harpy Egg with you.
Hernz: they helped keeping the npcs alive... i guess we can help her... veg isn't going to push the party to do so though
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Naturally, Vegeta can't punch her back to health :D
Hernz: lol
wait till I get the spirit bomb!
...wait, that won't help either
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol
Hernz: lvl 14 chad, spirit bomb... you just wait
George: Hawk is fine burning the heal on fixing the queen, and moving on to help the party NPCs.
Cat: nidri would mostly be curious what the other forest peeps think.
especially the guide who is trying to hold down the fort right now.
are they ready to let her go or do they want her back?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, the Green Folk want her to live, they are utterly loyal to her.
That's why they attacked you when you entered.
Cat: yeah i'm probably on the vote of "they watched our dead npcs for us, we can use the heal and then move on."
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, that sounds like 3 votes for heal the queen.
After some debate, the party decides to heal the weakened queen using Reval's Blessing
You reveal a holy light, anchored with several stones and hold it close to the dying queen. The energy washes over her.
Her body convulses for a moment and she enters a coughing fit. The trees around her wither in an instant as her body regains its form.
Some shrubs bloom under her arms, lifting her upright until she can stand on her own.
The Green Folk rejoice as their queen is reborn!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I got more to write but... dinner time! Feel free to react.
The woman stands back up. She hesitates and checks herself again- she's standing! The wounds on her legs are gone!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Stealing concept art from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/380343131005503988/
Queen Califisteri pets the giant fly trap she used to ride.
Queen Califisteri: Thank you. Thank you all for your assistance. We will speak more in a moment.
The Queen turns to the Green Guide as the Green Folk surround her. It is clearly happy to see the Queen, but also straining as its form is too much.
She cups the face in her hands and focuses. The guide's mutated growth withers and reverses growth, until the Guide is back to its humanoid self. The Queen's body grows slightly and her body radiates with health.
Green Guide: My Queen! They- they promised they would help you! I am overjoyed!
Queen Califisteri smiles, then turns to the party. Small shrubs emerge underneath you as she approaches.
Queen Califisteri: Sit, sit. I will stand, if you don't mind- I've been seated for several decades. You will understand be better if I use this "Common" tongue, correct?
I remember all of you. As you stepped into my grove I could hear you, see you, smell you.
I fought you, too confused and compelled to understand much more beyond a thirst for your blood. I also remember the small human punching me repeatedly.
She seems annoyed by that before regaining her composure.
Queen Califisteri: I hoped you would slay me, or let me perish. With that fiend's corruption, I was a blight upon this forest. And yet you have given me another lease on life. For this, I am thankful.
I have maintained the bodies of these two creatures- the ones you call "Ventshi" and "Darius". I formally apologize for slaying them and will do what I can to bring them back.
I can grow new bodies for them. Young adult bodies in their prime, and these two can transfer their souls into them. I do not have control over what bodies they will have.
You are of course welcome to reject this offer, and take the bodies for your own revival. They will not rot for about 10 days.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Ventshi and Darius's corpses are preserved using the Gentle Repose spell.
The Queen is offering to cast Reincarnate + Restoration to revive them and remove one of their negative levels. However this will probably change their race.
George: Anyone have speak with dead?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I will roll a d100 to determine the race, but you can spend a trinket to force me to roll twice and you pick the best option.
You can of course ignore all of this and just cart the bodies to the nearest town to cast Raise Dead.
Here is the description for the Reincarnate Spell:
The Queen stands patiently, awaiting your decision. The Green Folk move around you, offering fruits, vegetables, nuts and water while you debate the decision.
Hawk Hubertins: Nidri? I think you should make that decision for Darius. Anyone have a sense about whether Ventshi would prefer reincarnate vs. us taking him back and trying to find someone to raise him?
Nidranisan: If we can get somewhere to buy the components within the 10 days, I can raise them.
I can't...really picture Darius wanting to be a goblin, or a kobold. It would kind of interfere with his career.
Or if the queen has the alternative material components for a raise...
Queen Califisteri: Unfortnately, the gods have granted me domain over reincarnation. I will see if there is something I can find to at least compensate you for the costs.
Some of the Green Folk scamper off as soon as she says this.
Queen Califisteri: Do I understand correctly that you reject my offer to reincarnate Darius?
Fi: Personally, I would take her up on her offer for both, but I suppose that's due to me having spent too much time in the wild.
Nidranisan: I really feel like Darius would prefer to return to his own body. Ventshi however may be fine with what nature provides.
Vegeta: If there’s a chance of being reborn as a sayan, they should take it... we are far superior, heh
Hernz: Ventshi was a monk right? hm... no idea how that would affect his vows or anything....
George: Sounds like No reincarnate for Darius, and Yes reincarnate for Ventshi?
Hernz: Im game for that... could be cool to actually see a reincarnate :). After all, can’t be worse than being dead
Chad: I demand a roll of 100 is a sayan (even though that just means a human w ki powers of you follow vegeta lol)
realtime 1/9 5.39 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Sounds like Darius's body will be preserved and Ventshi will be reincarnated. Does anyone want to spend a token to force a reroll?
I will secretly roll a d100 now. If you spend a token with 24 hours I'll roll a second time and reveal both rolls.
(To GM) rolling 1d100
= 91
Queen Califisteri: ...I understand. Darius's body will be preserved. The Green Folk will prepare for Ventshi's return.
Several Green Folk run off to gather more ingredients, singing about their retrieval efforts.
Queen Califisteri: While we prepare, I must inform you of the harpy egg you brought into our care. The guide mentioned it was a healthy harpy egg. It will hatch at some point today, perhaps within hours.
Fi, you should be the first to see it, of course. If you desire, we will take the egg and raise her to be a strong, healthy and kind individual.
All I ask is how we should guide her upbringing. Should she call upon nature to guide her? Perhaps she should be an archer like many of the Folk here? Or perhaps she should learn how to use her trickster voice for good?
One group of Green Folk returns with a small cachet of gems and hands them to Nidri, humming all the while.
Queen Califisteri: We have little use for these kinds of gems, but I do know you can trade them for the necessary ingredients.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll add these to Baat's Castle's loot sheet. You'll need an Appraise check to judge them accurately.
Nidranisan: Thank you.
Queen Califisteri: No, thank you. You prevented the grove from enduring a slow, chaotic death.
Oh! And I know you enjoy naming creatures- you should think up a good name for the young Harpy. We... we don't really use those identifiers.
Cat: lol gm doesn't want to come up with another name :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): No no, it's the lore the Green Folk don't really have names. Besides the Queen, but she does have an explanation of that if you ever ask her.
But it's dinner time for me!
Hernz: call it.... broccoli
Fi: Gwaeriel.
Chris: Those of you who speak Elvish know that Fi is not being terribly creative. It basically translates to Daughter of Wind.
Hernz: I thought it would be Maria
Chris: lol
Hernz: so which class? or you taking her with you?
Chris: I'm trying to figure out what Fi would do. She's a bit torn on if she should leave her here or attempt to raise her.
If she wasn't traveling so much, she would probably raise the harpy.
This triggered the same thing that made her raise Fleir. Killing the parent of an innocent makes her feel responsible to care for the child.
Cat: ...i thought there used to be a setting to let me not have everyones pictures cover like the whole entire map. did they just nuke that?
George: Settings, game settings, player avatar size.
Hernz: Did Nidri ever use the remove disease on Claire? it still says she has botfly infestation ewww
realtime 1/10 7.13 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire is still diseased.
Queen Califisteri: Gwaeriel. That sounds... appropriate.
Hernz: rolling time! come on SAYAN!
(To Vegeta): The Queen doesn't really have an opinion on the name, she's just making small talk.
Queen Califisteri: I think we are ready to return Ventshi to the land of the living. This will take about an hour.
The Queen spends about 10 minutes chanting, calling to the gods to give her the power to build a new vessel for Ventshi's soul.
A bed of leaves sprout about 3 feet from Ventshi's Nagaji body. A ball of flesh begins to grow on top of the leaves.
The Queen sits down on her favorite flytrap, exhausted. While her sanity has returned her strength hasn't. The Guide apologizes profusely as she dozes off.
About 50 minutes later, the Queen jumps awake, startled by her very loud snoring.
Queen Califisteri: Ah, it should be done soon. I will unfurl the leaves and we shall see the new body Ventshi has taken-
The leaves that held Ventshi burst into flame as you hear a squeal from within. A creature emerges from the ashes, full of pint-sized fury!
A gold-scaled kobold emerges.
Hernz: close enough to super sayan lol
Ventshi: Aaah! I am... alive once again?
Ventshi gazes upon the other body.
Ventshi: But that is... me.
Ventshi gazes upon Darius's body

Vegeta is not the shortest!
Ventshi: And Darius is still... THE QUEEN! What did you do him? What did you do to me? ANSWER NOW OR FACE MY WRATH!
Some of the Green Folk stop celebrating and stare closely. The Queen maintains constant eye contact.
Vegeta: relax shorty (heh)... it was this or death for you... the queen was controlled by Baat at the time she attacked us... we took care of him and his goons
Vegeta! You seem much taller than I remember you...
Ventshi: Vegeta! You seem much taller than I remember you...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (Huh, Vegeta and Ventshi are next to each other on my NPC list)
Ventshi eyes the queen suspiciously, even as she blesses him with a shower of tulip petals.
Queen Califisteri: This will relieve some of the stress you must be enduring. Returning from after death is a traumatic event.
Ventshi, I wish to help you rebuild your haven. In my madness, I attacked many innocent people and subverted the monastery's defenses.
Ventshi snorts
Ventshi: It will not be easy. There is much to rebuild in terms of the temple and in terms of trust. But... I will need new recruits.
Vegeta: I'll gladly help you test out that new body of yours
Ventshi: Yes, this will be a good idea. My staff will... hmm. It's too large now.
Ventshi clearly isn't used to his smaller, weaker frame, but he does have a newfound agility he didn't have before.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): If you guys want to ask the queen or the guide anything, now's the time. Fi should decide what to do with the egg. The party may want to add their advice, as well.
Vegeta: Fi, leave the hatchling here... it'll just slow us down...
Hernz: veg has no opinion on class... hernz thinks probably druid is best... help rebuild the forest better that way
Hawk Hubertins: Even with this business behind us, our road is not a safe one. Vegeta might be right that it would be for the best to leave here her, where she can grow up in relative safety. And you could always make the trip back here if you'd like to check in on her.
Nidranisan: I think it's up to Fi.
I'll be over here trying to help out Claire a bit.
Nidranisan pulls out her scroll of remove disease and casts without consuming it.
Cat: ...i think it was remove disease we said would do it. something i had anyway.
Hawk Hubertins: Naturally it's up to Fi, but I'll support whatever the decision is.
Fi: Very well. It is probably better for the child to remain here.
Please teach her the ways of nature. If at some point she decides to leave the forest, please call upon me. Society outside of the forests can be difficult to adjust to.
Meghan: If you guys need to use my diplomacy skill for anything just go for it
Cat: we need someone with appraise, heh.
George: Maggie?
Even though he doesn't have it, Hawk can use Jack of all Trades to make an appraise roll.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Appraise
Check	12
realtime 1/12 8.08 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Remove Disease requires a caster level check: 17
As Nidri casts, the sores on Claire disappear, leaving her skin smooth as usual. Thousands of tiny Botflies cry out as they are exterminated.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (Insert images of mass slaughter of Pikmin here)
As Fi makes her decision, the Queen nods.
Queen Califisteri: Come, Fi, the egg is hatching soon. You should greet... Gwaeriel... first.
The Queen escorts Fi onto a hill with a single tree on top. Her pet flytrap hoists Fi to the top where he sees the nest. Several Green Folk are maintaining the nest and humming.
Fi gets to see the egg as it begins shaking. Cracks appear on the egg as a sharp force kicks it from within.
Finally the egg is breached by a pair of tiny talons. A girl's face emerges from the whole and starts crying as she crawls up to Fi.
Meanwhile, Ventshi takes what he can from his Nagaji body. Most of it is comically oversized, but his focus is on the red sash.
Ventshi: I am ready to return to the monastery.
I am glad to be back alive. But... I see why you decided to preserve Ventshi.
I will follow you back to the monastery, but after that we must part ways. You are welcome to visit, of course. And if you know anyone who is good at construction, I will gladly take their assistance.
Hawk isn't sure of the exact value of Baat's gems. 300 gold, maybe?
Cat: we need a check for the pouch from the queen too, right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Appraise
Check	23
Hawk is absolutely certain the Queen handed them 1500 gold pieces of jewelry.
Hernz: there are gems from the castle gate too... another appraise check!
Hawk Hubertins : Appraise
Check	22
(To Fi): You have a new personal quest! "August 18, 1236 AD - Raising kids"
(To Hawk Hubertins): You have a new personal quest! "August 18, 1236 AD - Green Folk courage"
(From George): Replied to it.
realtime 1/15 8.09 am
Hawk knows the gems they found at the front gate are worth about 1000 gp.
Queen Califisteri: Good luck in your travels. Call for me while in this forest and I will meet you in an instant.
Ventshi snorts
Ventshi: Yes, let us go now. I feel like we've been waiting for days.
And with that, Queen Califisteri bids you goodbye. The Guide tells you if you ever get lost, listen to the humming of the Green Folk.