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Revision as of 15:05, 4 June 2022

I started making bagels over the course of quarantine, because why not? I used this recipe that turned out pretty decently, but is just absolutely fucking unreadable and too fucking long with the intro bullshit for no reason before you get to the recipe, so I'm putting a condensed-ass version here. Fucking food bloggers can't keep that shit to a reasonable fucking paragraph or less up top.

Ingredients: 3.5 cups bread flour

2 tsp instant yeast

4.5 tsp sugar

1.25 cups warm water (divided into 0.5 cup and .75 cup)

1.5 tsp salt

Mix the sugar and 0.5 cup water together in a small bowl and proof the yeast for 5 min. Mix the flour and the salt in a big-ass bowl. Make a well in the middle and pour in the proofed yeast mix. Pour in the rest of the warm water and smush it around with either a spatula or your hands until you get a cohesive dough. Flip it out onto a clean floured countertop and knead the shit out of it for 10 minutes. Lube up the big-ass bowl that you made the dough in, and dump in the kneaded dough ball. Cover with saran wrap and proof for 1 hour or until the dough doubles up in size. After 1 hour, punch down the dough and let it rest for 10 minutes. Cut up the dough into 8 pieces, and roll each piece into a ball (gathering up the edges of the dough and pinching it together real tight until you have a ball shape, then rolling it around on the counter until it's smooth). Flour up your finger and ream the bagel-hole through the center of each dough-ball, and pull it out to about 1/3 the diameter of the dough ring. Let the proto-bagels rest for 10 min while you heat up a big-ass pot of water and preheat the oven to 425. Boil each bagel for 2 min per side (4 min total), drain then put them on a baking sheet. Bake for 20 min.