Chadius: TOA Algera

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See? Min's in her right hand.

Terillis Algera is a green-scaled Merm who likes to explore and discover ruins. She is the hostess of Terri Algra: Artifact Hunter and has a profitable TV show where she films and comments on her exploits and travels. She spends a lot of time on the surface (with her moisture-preserving goggles) talking to humans and yakking about her recent journeys.

In Merm society, Terillis is highly respected, since she always has a new story to tell or new gifts to showoff. The upper Houses despise her actions since she winds up trespassing their property. Still, her popularity has saved House Algera's social status. Her family is so proud.

The SS Minnow is her submarine. It is sentient and covered in coral. It enjoys exploration and enjoys viewing artifacts from Terillis's remote. Terillis calls it Min for short.

The Darco Defense Corporation built the SS Minnow about ten years ago. It is equipped with Lightning Lance Launchers and two fine-manipulation claws. It can seat up to ten people and can last for about a week before it needs to refuel.