LongestRoad Sir Osmul Aldeen Drayurn

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Sir Osmul Aldeen Drayurn

A courtier and fop, Sir Osmul has a repuation for a quick wit, having a skilled tongue at negotiation, and being an enthusiastic lover, skilled in many arts, including seduction. His skills with the blade are not legendary, but are know to be adequate when dueling is required by honor, though he will try to avoid fighting whenever possible. Arrogant, he frequently views himself as above the law, and is startled when shown that this isn't the case.

Sir Osmul was engaged by Struquin to help the party enter the Royal Palace during a recent crisys. He promptly led the party through a closing gate, and got them into a chamber with a very ill adventurer who had been badly cursed while under the protection of the Lady of Pain.