Chadius: Resume

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Two years in software engineering at a startup company gives experience in various programming environments, interface design and quality control while developing products for the health care industry.

Major Accomplishments

  • Programmed a pedometer to count steps taken and transmit totals to the company server.
  • Designed and implemented features to the display to make the pedometer less obtrusive to users.
  • Initiated process to reduce pedometer packaging and distribution times by one-third.


A flexible engineer who works best in teams with loosely defined roles, with opportunities to learn new disciplines. Enjoys working on direct applications to users.

Other Accomplishments

  • Experience programming with: C++, C, AVR Assembly, Ruby, Linux, Simple Directmedia Layer, git
  • Created a framework for the administrator website to add users to the Pedometer system without directly manipulating the database.
  • Built prototype testing program for MIT's 2004 Robocraft Artificial Intelligence contest with a group of three.
  • Implemented video filter to place emphasis on a given section in a picture using C++ as part of a final class project.


AWare Technologies, Inc

  • Cambridge, MA (2007-2009)
  • Software Engineer

Startup company developed wellness and fitness applications for corporations. Developed a pedometer called StepTracker and the corresponding website FitAware to reduce health care costs and keep people healthy. Worked with a group of 3 in engineering.

MIT Hayden Library

  • Cambridge, MA (2001-2007)

Worked the front desk for self-support while programming hobby games at MIT's head library.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Cambridge, MA
  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science 2005

Relevant Courses include: