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  • “As well, the Illthids have proven their treachery yet again.” - Drow High Priestess. “Takes one to know one.” - Chadius. “Wait, let me find my surprised face.” - Alex. Chadius makes shocked face.
  • “Are they going to tell us something we don’t know? I’m getting bored.” Gwen, quietly to Elly during an important meeting.
  • “Since you seem to be one of the more effective groups in getting things done.” - Drow High Priestess. “Was that a compliment?” - Gwen, whispering again. “I don’t know.” - Elly
  • “Then we will not detain you any longer.” - Shathûr. “Get the fuck out.” - Chadius
  • “The priestess doesn’t want to sully her tongue by speaking you language, so I will speak.” - Ryurn “Well, I can think of better ways to sully my tongue than talking. Oops! Inside voice!” -Gwen
  • “Do we have any vials of holy water lying around?” - Aurora. “Nope. I should make some.” -Alex. “Do you have a priest and some condoms?” - Ardonite.
  • “Kill it! Kill it Cub! Kill it! It gets eaten by a giant cat!” - [[user:Nybble|Nybble]. “Cub inflicts 32 points of damage.” - Ratri.
  • “Gonna drag him off the road, so no one finds him out of the blue. Y’know ‘doot-doot-doot-doo-doo, Holy Shnoinkus!’” -Ratri.
  • “Hang on, I need to go answer my sword” - Asterix
  • “He wasn’t really speaking very straight.” - Asterix. “Was this after the glowy thing?” - Gwen. “Yes.” - Asterix. “Ah, well, that may be it then. Glowing takes a lot out of you.” - Gwen.