Introducing Hilarity

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Revision as of 14:48, 8 March 2006 by Chadius (Talk | contribs)

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Chadius: We should probably introduce Hilarity. Bish is coming back from the supermarket and she blew up something...or something like that.

Aurora: Like, smoke coming from the basement, Bish panicking and dragging her out, then her going "ooo, candy!" and completely oblivious to the damage to his house?

Chadius: Yeah, that's pretty kewl. Lemme dump this into a wiki.

Aurora: needs more expansion. perhaps some eyerolling from bish and getting a fire extinguisher, showing that this happens all the time.

Panels & Stuff:

1 - Bish's kitchen. Bish is in background, coming in from garage with groceries in bag. Smoke is seeping out from under a closed door on the side. Bish looks surprised.

2 - No people in scene. Door is now open, smoke is pouring out. Sound effects.

3 - Bish appears with Hilarity in arms. His hair is mussed. They're both smudged with dirt. She looks unconscious.

4 - Hilarity looks all starry eyed up at Bish.

5 - Hilarity has candy. Yay!

6 - Bish eyerolls, fire extinguisher in hand, smoke still pouring out from the basement. Hilarity is munching on a wrapped candy bar.

1 B: Groceries - *sigh* Great, a fire.



4 B: Hilarity. What was it this time? Insurance will go insane-

5 (Hilarity jumps to the bag, grabs the candy, and jumps forward. I want 3 pics of her to cover this motion. They'll be in a single panel to represent the one quick motion she performs.)

  • In Bish's arms
  • Next to the groceries, reaching for the bar.
  • Off to the side, munching on the bar.

H: Candy!

6 bish sighs. The automated maintenance system has sprouted a fire extinguisher from the ground, next to Bish (A carefully hidden hole in the ground, I suppose.) Bish reaches for it. Hilarity is rilfing through the bag, searching for more candy. (Hmm, need to show the house damaged, so we can drive that point home.)