From UtterChaos
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Chad S. (GM): rolling 1d4 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): rolling 1d4+6 ( 4 )+6 = 10 Chris E.: rolling 1d20 ( 14 ) = 14 rolling 1d20 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hey Chris, are you online? Chris: yup (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sweet. Can you see anything in this campaign? Can you see any tokens on the lower right corner? Chris: I see 4 tokens. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hernan's been having trouble seeing character sheets. Looks like you can move one of them. Can you move the one on the left? Chris: Don't think so. Chris's PC: Now I can. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Try now. Maybe I should give you permission first Looks good. I'm guessing you can't move the two green guys, which is what I expect. Chris: correct (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay. Can you see "Chris's PC" in the Journal tab? Chris: Yeah. And a character sheet pops up. (GM) Chad S. (GM): w00t w00t Chris: I can't see the other players sheets though. Just their empty bio. (GM) Chad S. (GM): So you see 4 PCs in the character section, but when you open them you only see the bio section. Alright, I'll throw some screenshots at Hernz. Chris: I can see Everyone's PC sheet. And mine. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Good. Chris: Someone's STR Check: 8 (GM) Chad S. (GM): One last Question: Under the character sheets, do you see a handout? Chris: Yeah, I read the Trading Company Sheet. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, hopefully Hernz is looking at the wrong page, lol. Chris: Does he claim to be in the room now? (GM) Chad S. (GM): No, he emailed me a few hours ago. There were some permissions I had to set up, but he checked again at around 9:15PM and said the Journal tab was blank Chris shrugs. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh well. Bedtime for me. Hopefully he was just on the wrong page. See ya. Chris: k (GM) Chad S. (GM): Google Image Search Syndrome is strong in this campaign... Chris: haha (GM) Chad S. (GM): If you have a better icon to use for Fi, feel free to drag & drop the image onto the page. I can grant you control over it at that point. Chris: I'll might get to it eventually. Dan: Hey Chad, may I please have a character do that I can edit it up? =) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes you may. Dan: claps his hands (GM) Chad S. (GM): I added a placeholder token, the blue guy Dan: What do we have for people's classes so far? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Chris is a Hunter, and Hernan is gonna play a Monk. Dan: I was thinking of playing a ancestor worshiping dwarven cleric (GM) Chad S. (GM): George opened a thread asking who's playing what. Dan: where? (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's on the Campaign discussion page The cleric sounds cool though. Dan: excellent Actually I might go warpriest... I'll look it over and make a decision later (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, take your time. Mostly depends if you want to fight or cast more. Chris: Could I get another token & sheet for my animal companion? I haven't decided which of cat, wolf, or Elk that I want yet. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I gave you a Tiger token for now. Chris: cool beans. Dan: heh nice. Name him Kibble Dan is activating their Warpriest ability, Blessings Dan: Blessings uses remaining: 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hey Dan, how did you activate that, anyway? Dan: There's a dice icon next to my class features, didn't know what it did. Now I do. Unfortunately I don't think it's accurate... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hehe, there's still a lot for me to figure out on this, too. Fi Falowyn goes for a swim. Hernan L. is activating their Monk ability, Flurry of Blows Hernan L.: -1/-1 Flurry of Blows uses remaining: -1 Hernan L. is activating their Monk ability, Flurry of Blows Hernan L.: -1/-1 Flurry of Blows uses remaining: -1 Hernan L. is activating their Monk ability, Stunning Fist Hernan L.: DC 10+1/2lvl +Wis mod Stunning Fist uses remaining: 0 Hernan L. is activating their Monk ability, Stunning Fist Hernan L.: DC 10+1/2lvl +Wis mod Stunning Fist uses remaining: 0 Hernan L. is activating their Monk ability, Flurry of Blows Hernan L.: -1/-1 Flurry of Blows uses remaining: -1 Hernan L. is activating their Monk ability, Stunning Fist Hernan L.: DC 10+1/2lvl +Wis mod Stunning Fist uses remaining: 0 Hernan L. is activating their Monk ability, Flurry of Blows Hernan L.: -1/-1 Flurry of Blows uses remaining: -1 Chris casts Light! Chris: School: Evocation (light); Level 1 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, M/DF (a firefly) Range: Touch Targets/Area: Object Touched Duration: 10min/level Chris: Saving Throw: DC 14, N/A; Spell Resistance: Fi Falowyn casts Fi Falowyn|repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_name! Fi Falowyn: School: Fi Falowyn|repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_school; Level 0 Casting Time: Fi Falowyn|repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_cast-time Components: Fi Falowyn|repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_components Range: Fi Falowyn|repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_range Targets/Area: Fi Falowyn|repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_targets Duration: Fi Falowyn|repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_duration Fi Falowyn: Saving Throw: DC 13, Fi Falowyn|repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_save; Spell Resistance:Fi Falowyn|repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_sr Fi Falowyn|repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_description Cat B.: rolling 4d6 ( 6 + 3 + 5 + 3 ) = 17 George B. is activating their Bard ability, Bardic Knowledge George B.: + class level to Knowledge checks Bardic Knowledge uses remaining: -1 Cat B.: (To GM) rolling 2d10 ( 3 + 6 ) = 9 Cat B.: (To GM) rolling 2d10 ( 9 + 8 ) = 17 Cat B. is activating their Type racial trait Cat B.: Outsider (native) Type uses remaining: -1 Cat B. is activating their Type racial trait Cat B.: Outsider (native) Type uses remaining: -1 Cat B. is activating their Fiendish Resistance racial trait Cat B.: cold/electric/fire 5 Fiendish Resistance uses remaining: -1 don't mind me, just figuring out how the character sheet works... Meghan E.: how do I do the thing? oh there are instructions... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Check out the Journal tab, I just added your character sheet (3 seconds ago) Guy Night became a real jam session for this campaign and I told Chris to remind you. Meghan E.: Yeah, I figured. I should think of something. I kinda want to play an aasimar but I also kinda need to do work stuff. and cookie stuff. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, work will do that. Aasimar's are fine. Here's what the party has so far. Monk, Bard, Warpiest (fighter/cleric hybrid), Hunter (Druid/Ranger hybrid), Oracle (Wizard:Sorcerer::Cleric:Oracle) I think it's pretty wide open on what you want to play. The team might lack some arcane power and frontline strength. Because multiple people share the role (Warpriest, Monk, and Hunter's Pet are frontline) and the Bard is your only arcane strength so far. Meghan E.: Sorceror sound ok? Chris, is your 6'4" elf really 96 lbs? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sorcerer sounds good to me. Fi has hollow bones! He's the XMan Angel. Meghan E.: Right ok. except without the wings I'm going to use him as staff Hey: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-aasimar Angelkin ok? So me and Cat's character can bicker? (she's playing the tiefling, right?) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Cat is the Tiefling, yes. Anglekin is OK with me. Looks like it overwrites your stat, skill and spell like bonuses. Meghan E.: it might also overwrite the defense racial trait and senses racial trait with "Celestial Tracker" and "Planetar's Visions" because otherwise I don't know how those apply (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hmm, yeah, these usually say "This replaces X trait" but I don't see it in the description. One sec... Meghan E.: probably also going to go for the celestial bloodline for sorceror because why the heck not. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh hai I came from angels Meghan E.: let's go overboard with it I'm going to be one of those "well, I did it, and I'm good, so it must've been a good thing" assholes. or I'm going to be one of those unable-to-swear oh-no-this-place-is-evil oh-no-my-boots-are-dirty types (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'm going to rule that Angelkin replaces all of your standard Aasimar traits, so it would replace your Defense and Senses. Meghan E.: ok. that makes sense, rather than getting to pick and choose so I can track evildoers (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, because otherwise why wouldn't you add those traits? Meghan E.: (or at least track) and I can ignore DR of an evil outsider if I get a critical hit... which ... doesn't seem all that likely to help, but ok. I'm going to be a terrible sorceror (GM) Chad S. (GM): Specialize in Ranged Touch Attacks yeeeah Meghan E.: says melee weapon (GM) Chad S. (GM): Either that or join the frontlines as a Magus, lol Meghan E.: yipes but my bloodline is like redbull! meh, no. I'm going to be pretty. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Pretty Angel Sorcerer Meghan E.: Yup. maybe I'll get a magical girl transformation (GM) Chad S. (GM): Thrown in for free with Alter Self Meghan E.: I get alter self as a spell-like ability yup. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Also, is her name really Claire-bear? Meghan E.: If I go female, her name will probably be Claire If I go male, the magical girl transformation is going to be AMAZING (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi will be confused Meghan E.: do elves not believe in gender? "There is no word for male in Elvish" Ugh, alter self only lasts 1 min/level. :/ (GM) Chad S. (GM): Time for Extend Spell! Meghan E.: That's how long the average magical girl transformation sequence takes Chris claps. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Chris joins the brawl! Meghan E.: should I minmax some stats? what's good for a sorc? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Dunno, your choice. I suggest you pump Charisma of course. Can't fail with Con & Dex, too. The real question is if you want to buy a 14 Cha or 16 Cha, since you get +2 Cha from your race and that's 5 character points. Meghan E.: yeah. probably 16 cha maybe a little wis (GM) Chad S. (GM): Spend 17 points for 18 Cha and spend the rest on a single 13! Yeah! Meghan E.: hah. don't tempt me 18 cha, 18 str, straight 10s the rest of the way pretty angel smash! (GM) Chad S. (GM): 18, 18, 12, 7, 7, 7 = 20 points Meghan E.: that'd give me 2 20s, potentially that seems excessive (GM) Chad S. (GM): No wait, 18, 18, 8, 7, 7, 7 is 20 points, my bad Meghan E.: heh. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Might be a liiiiiiitle over the top Meghan E.: 10 14 14 10 12 18 is what I'm thinking with my aasimar +2s in there I like having hit points. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hit Points are good, a Magus I'm using is a glass cannon. Not a good idea on the front lines, haha. Stats sound good to me. Meghan E.: and whenever I get an increase it's all going into cha. all charisma all the time. (GM) Chad S. (GM): That's how Dai-Gurren rolls! Meghan E.: I'm gonna need some shades (GM) Chad S. (GM): And a sword you have no idea how to wield, but you look super cool while carrying it Meghan E.: yup how should I go about picking traits? Like http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/social-traits/destined-diplomat sounds good but the description talks about eidolans? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You should start here: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits You can choose 2 traits, but they cannot be from the same type of trait. Oh, don't worry too much about the flavor. Meghan E.: ok (GM) Chad S. (GM): "An angel came to you in a dream and gave you Diplomacy skillz" or something. Meghan E.: "People listen to me because I'm right, not because I argue well." ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): I got a new Token for you Hernz :) Hernan L.: hahaha... just need 2 feats and equip... and a story... I hate this char sheet btw lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Haha, I actually haven't done much with it yet. I figured people can just link to a character sheet online. Can you see the "How did Merki help Roshi" handout under the Characters tab? Hernan L.: I might have to do that instead lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Some things I like about these, some things I don't like about these character sheets. Hernan L.: yeah, I saw that... was gonna email you telling you I love the 100x gravity room hahahaha (GM) Chad S. (GM): Need to get in that room again...do whatever he asks! Hernan L.: lol, yup (GM) Chad S. (GM): Just making sure you could see it and it's in character to want that Hernan L.: you sure we cant start at level 4? lol... I'm too squishy yeah, very cool (GM) Chad S. (GM): Super squishy level 1 time! Enjoy getting owned in 1 lucky hit Hernan L.: lol I might take toughness to thwart your evil ploy (GM) Chad S. (GM): Noooo! Now I need 2 lucky hits Hernan L.: with ac 17, just a hit (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hey, AC 17 at level 1 is really good Hernan L.: i guess... forgot that my bab is 0 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, I don't think any PCs have a BAB of +1 Hernan L.: go fighter-less team! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah! All of my encounter assumptions are out the window now! Who's going to tank? Who knows! Hernan L.: we'll just kill before we get hit, right? (GM) Chad S. (GM) gives thumbs up Hernan L.: are we gonna face tons of fireballs and dragon breath to warrant lightning reflexes? lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): ....maaaaaybe Chris's Animal Companion can tank, right? Hernan L.: I dunno... but, I do know that this stupid charcter sheet tool is impossible to do feats with... I can't track them properly... on to a regular character sheet it is. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh right, I should be using "/o" when I'm out of character Meghan E.: Hey Cat George B.: Hey Meghan Meghan E.: Hey Workin on the character sheet George B.: Ditto Cat B.: xerox :P trying to decide if i want to switch my oracle mystery thingy-thing...fun times. Meghan E.: Next thing I do is figure out how to put in all my sorceror stuff Cat, I might be hitting you up for info on this it's been a while since I played a magelike thing And I need another trait... Is there a place to put in bloodlines? Cat B.: on the built-in character sheet thing? I put my similar stuff in on the classes tab under "class features and abilities" Meghan E.: Yeah. I want to put in a ... oh! It works. "Max calculation = 3+CHA-mod calculates nicely" Cat B.: yup Meghan E.: sweet Cat B.: yeah, i was able to get class level in one also. so, an aasimar and a tiefling walk into a bar, huh :) Meghan E.: we're going to be the best of friends especially 'cause "Of all the aasimars, angelkin are the type who perhaps most often clash with tieflings. Angelkin have difficulty embracing the idea of harmony when it comes to their corrupt cousins, and most see tieflings as embodiments of evil that can never be trusted. It takes extraordinary circumstances for most angelkin to cooperate with tieflings, and even then, alliances are rarely more than fleeting." Claire-bear's Sorceror (Celestial) caster level check: 11 Chris casts Entangle! Chris: School: transmutation; Level 1 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, DF Range: long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Targets/Area: plants in a 40-ft.-radius spread Duration: 1 min./level (D) Chris: Saving Throw: DC 14, Reflex partial; Spell Resistance: No This spell causes tall grass, weeds, and other plants to wrap around creatures in the area of effect or those that enter the area. Creatures that fail their save gain the entangled condition. Creatures that make their save can move as normal, but those that remain in the area must save again at the end of your turn. Creatures that move into the area must save immediately. Those that fail must end their movement and gain the entangled condition. Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check. The DC for this check is equal to the DC of the spell. The entire area of effect is considered difficult terrain while the effect lasts. If the plants in the area are covered in thorns, those in the area take 1 point of damage each time they fail a save against the entangle or fail a check made to break free. Other effects, depending on the local plants, might be possible at GM discretion. Meghan E.: Nice, Chris Chris: Wow. It really writes everything... Cat B.: they definitely need a 'notes' field or something... sometimes i feel like pathfinder isn't 100% consistent...the tiefling page actually said they often get along surprisingly well with aasimar because both tend to be a little bit outcast. (understatement of the year candidacy complete.) Meghan: I'm "special" Cat B.: yeah, i am too...i'm the div-spawn kind ;) no generic business for me. :) Meghan: I'm gonna look that up Oh god, are we both diplomacy bombs? Cat B.: no. Meghan: ok I saw that div-spawn got bonuses to diplomacy. Cat B.: i actually swapped that ability. Meghan: ok Cat B.: i have the vestigial wings and prehensile tail. Meghan: I wonder if I can swap out some of my useless traits... Chris casts Entangle! Chris: School: transmutation; Level 1 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, DF Range: (400 + (40 * 1)) Targets/Area: plants in a 40-ft.-radius spread Duration: (1 + 0) minutes Chris: Saving Throw: DC 14, Reflex partial; Spell Resistance: No Almost... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hey Chris, did you see my "How did Merki help Fi" handout? Chris: Yup. Seems reasonable ;-) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, good to hear. ...It's Turtle Rock from Link's Awakening, btw Cat B.: chad, i don't know if i like my mystery...i can still change it right? Chris: Yeah. Still a mystery? Cat B.: brat. Meghan: Hey Chad, can I trade out Celestial Tracker and/or Planetar's visions for things that don't suck? Cat B.: EVERYONE PILE ON THE GM Meghan: that's the idea Chris jumps on the GM! Meghan jumps on the GM! Meghan: (I think we all know where this is going) Cat B.: it's good to be the GM ? Chris: GANG BANG! Meghan: really? He's more like the queen right now Cat B.: it's true. Meghan: we're terrible people George B.: Hawk Hubertins's Bard caster level check: 12 Meghan: So should I be a guy or a girl? Cat B.: well, if you want to keep the polar opposite thing going, i vote guy. Meghan: Since Chris has already claimed the both/neither category (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can change th Meghan: Or, we could be lesbians. ;) Cat B.: also an option. Meghan: always a good idea Cat B.: as long as your not offended that i'm blue ;) erm. you're. Meghan: As long as you're not offended that I will always be prettier than you. Cat B.: heh. you went for the 20? Meghan: I'll try not to accidentally smite you no, actually. maybe I should I could be dumber I don't really need any wis Chris: MIN/MAX! Meghan: nah, I'll just keep the 18 Cat B.: do we have a knowledge bomb yet? Meghan: do we have any characters with any amount of int? Cat B.: i don't think so. Meghan: 'cause I got 3 skill points and none of them are going into knowledge Cat B.: i put one in k-planes but i'm considering other stuff that would be sort of knowledge-y. (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...I think Chris's Animal Companion is the closest to a frontline this party has Meghan: excellent (GM) Chad S. (GM): 18, 18, 8, 7,7,7 = 20 Character Points Bards can be Knowledge bombs Meghan: I'm going back to the Celestial Resistance one then. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Instead of the Celestial Tracker, I'm guessing Chris: I've got 14 int. Meghan: Hrm... except I get acid and cold 5 from my bloodline at level ... 3? do they stack? Chris: 12,16,7,14,16,12 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Resistance from different sources do not stack Meghan: damn (GM) Chad S. (GM): Play a Human :) Meghan: fuck no Chris: fvck Meghan: what fun is that? (GM) Chad S. (GM): fsck Chris lols Meghan: Maybe I'll sub out for some of the other trait things George B. casts Hawk Hubertins|repeating_lvl-1-spells_1_name! George B.: School: Hawk Hubertins|repeating_lvl-1-spells_1_school; Level 1 Casting Time: Hawk Hubertins|repeating_lvl-1-spells_1_cast-time Components: Hawk Hubertins|repeating_lvl-1-spells_1_components Range: Hawk Hubertins|repeating_lvl-1-spells_1_range Targets/Area: Hawk Hubertins|repeating_lvl-1-spells_1_targets Duration: Hawk Hubertins|repeating_lvl-1-spells_1_duration George B.: Saving Throw: DC 11, Hawk Hubertins|repeating_lvl-1-spells_1_save; Spell Resistance:Hawk Hubertins|repeating_lvl-1-spells_1_sr Hawk Hubertins|repeating_lvl-1-spells_1_description (GM) Chad S. (GM): Man, people are using these character sheets way more than I am...Now I gotta cook one up so I look like I know everything George B.: I figure if i'm going to use it, I'm going to use the heck out of it. Who's Merki? What's Merki? Why's Merki? When's Merki? Meghan: :) ok, to replace celestial resistance do I take Deathless Spirit, or Exalted resistance? Chris casts Entangle! Chris: School: transmutation; Level 1 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, DF Range: =(400 + (40 * 1)) ft Targets/Area: plants in a 40-ft.-radius spread Duration: (1 + 0) minutes Chris: Saving Throw: DC 14, Reflex partial; Spell Resistance: No Chris casts Entangle! Chris: School: transmutation; Level 1 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, DF Range: 440 ft Targets/Area: plants in a 40-ft.-radius spread Duration: (1 + 0) minutes Chris: Saving Throw: DC 14, Reflex partial; Spell Resistance: No \[\[\spellclass-0-long]] seems to have done it. George B.: I'll... have to take a look. If I can figure out where you added it. Chris: ignore the \ (GM) Chad S. (GM): George, the handouts are underneath the Journal tab, below the Characters. Meghan is activating their Alter Self racial trait Meghan: Alter Self 1/day Alter Self uses remaining: 0 George B.: Can I be -1 years old? (GM) Chad S. (GM): TIME PARADOX George B.: I mean, the sheet will let me... Chris: I think that means that you are 1 year younger than MAXINT. Meghan is activating their Magical racial trait Meghan: Alter Self Magical uses remaining: 0 Hrm. uuuugh, picking a second trait (GM) Chad S. (GM): Traits are tough. You could also spend a feat to get 2 more traits, but that makes the choices even worse, IMO Meghan: Why would anyone do that when they could have Toughness? Chris casts Light! Chris: School: Evocation (light); Level 0 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, M/DF (a firefly) Range: Touch Targets: Object Touched Duration: 10 minutes George B.: So, I haven't actually figured out Hawk's backstory yet, so I'll have to let you know after I've got that as to whether your handout makes sense. Also, the SRD has over 1000 traits, which makes picking a trait potentially annoying. Meghan: Although the number of traits that say "you can use your charisma modifier instead of..." are tempting (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay. Once you figure it out it can be edited. Once your character is named and I get a basic personality I decided to write a character specific hook. George B.: Hehe Fair enough. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Over...1000 traits! pinky George B.: NARF! Meghan: heh the filter's pretty good though Cat B.: having enough trouble picking between 6 mysteries. the 1000 traits might take me all weekend. though i suppose this is a bit of a bigger decision. Meghan: I'm thinking "You can use your Charisma modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier when attempting Will saving throws against charm and compulsion effects." although maybe "You may use your Charisma modifier when making Knowledge (planes) checks instead of your Intelligence modifier." might be better... that'd be where my third skill point would go might fit in with the "Angels are awesome shut up" attitude Cat B.: one of the mysteries i'm looking at has a thing where i could sub cha bonus for all k. skills. Meghan: nice Cat B.: that'd be the "the party actually needs knowledges" option. Meghan: I've got my PhD in looks iykwim Cat B.: i kinda do, y'know? Meghan: nice Cat B.: how are aasimar ages? also older? chad...given the setting, will i regret it if i go all language/knowledge? George B.: Wait, you're looking at using your cha modifier for everything? Are you pretty? No way you could be prettier than me! :P Meghan: shit are we all pretty? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, begin the Pretty Wars ...not Hernz Meghan: or Chris's dog George B.: I'm a friggin' human Bard. Of course I'm pretty! Chris: well... above average. Meghan: I'm an aasimar sorceror George B.: cough19cough Meghan: guess I'll have to buy those extra points. so long dental plan George B. giggles. Chris cries. Cat B. lols. Meghan: I need to find 7 more points George B.: Mind you, I also have two 8's. Chris: At least that might keep Roshi off of me. Meghan: Ok. now I'm the prettiest. George B.: Uhoh. What'd you do Ray? Meghan: :) George B.: Am I going to have to go swap stats around to get the 20? Meghan: do we have to fight? Chris cries more. George B. giggles at Chris. George B.: Yes. You started it. :P Meghan: I don't have any 8s (GM) Chad S. (GM): Both try to flirt with Fi. Whoever charms Fi first wins Meghan: ... Fi Falowyn runs away. Meghan: George, is you character male or female? George B.: Yes. :P Meghan: oh, great George B.: Male. Male/Hetero, actually. Meghan: I could drop it to a 19 if it'd make you feel better. George B.: No no, if it's that important to you to be prettier than me, you should go ahead and do it. Meghan: I'm not sure it is. George B.: \/guilttrip Meghan: :) see, if I put it at a 19 then all my other stats go even and if we make it to level 4, we get a bonus ability point, right? My diplomacy check is still pretty good. I need a magic user's opinion on skills Should I put a point in spellcraft? Meghan: Why did I ever think Character Creation was the fun part of D&D? Cat B.: it was more fun when the classes were things i could actually hold in my brain. George B.: I have two odd stats (19 and 15) and everything else is even. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Chris: It was fun when I had hours to think about twinking things. George B. is attacking @{target|token_name} with Rapier! George B.: Attack Result: 9 (Needs at least 17 to crit.) Damage Result: 1 Crit: 18/x2 Crit Confirm: 0 Crit Damage: +1 George B.: Type: P Notes: Can use Weapon Finesse George B. is attacking @{target|token_name} with Short Bow, composite! George B.: Attack Result: 18 (Needs at least 22 to crit.) Damage Result: 4 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 19 Crit Damage: +7 George B.: Type: P Notes: Meghan: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/3rd-party-spells/rite-publishing---3rd-party-spells/p/pants what Target 1 creature wearing pants level 0 spell Chris: best... spell... ever... Meghan: You know who needs this? Ember. Cat B.: heh. Cat B's PC's Oracle caster level check: 11 Meghan: Claire-bear's Sorceror (Celestial) caster level check: 3 Cat B.: There's not enough "stuff" on that...i can't note my feat. Chris is attacking Fi Falowyn's Animal Companion with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Chris: Attack Result: 8 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 4 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 14 Crit Damage: +7 Chris: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Meghan: Claire-bear's Concentration check: 24 Cat B.: i am so going to forget about it. :/ Meghan: ugh, feats ok, so what sorc/wiz spells should I be getting? Oh, "Clean" seems in character Cat B.: you can never go wrong with a good magic missile ;) Meghan: true I'm just looking at cantrips now Chris: But not an evil magic missile. Meghan: Trying to figure out what kind of character this is Cat B.: i think i might be down to just needing traits and a name..... George B.: Just don't cast Pants before I cast this: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/waves-of-ecstasy Meghan: are we writing more fanfiction here, George? George B.: ... no comment. ;) Fleir is attacking Fi Falowyn with Bite! Fleir: Attack Result: 7 (Needs at least 22 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 6 Crit Damage: +5 Fleir: Type: PBS Notes: Trip Meghan: ... you're such a weirdo Fleir is attacking Fi Falowyn with Bite w/ Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 4 (Needs at least 22 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 3 Crit Damage: +5 Fleir: Type: PBS Trip Attempt: 18 Meghan: So what is our job? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You all work for the East Ferren Trading Company, officially as deliverymen. Meghan: ok Dan: It totally is! And I think that it's a great setup for something in the future. Can I use that as my divine focus? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, go for it Dan: also, I plan to take him through the shield focus feat tree but a lot of them require one to be a fighter. Since I'm a warpriest can we say I am a fighter for that purpose...? maybe have a formula to calculate my "fighter level" for those types of feats (GM) Chad S. (GM): The Warpriest bonus feats let you use your Warpriest level as a fighter level. Is that what you're looking for? Dan: yeah I am! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Warpriest hoo! Dan: It looks like the feats that would allow me to fight with my shield as an off-hand weapon and get other cool stuff have pre-requisites that require higher dex than I planned to have. I'll have to look them over in more detail at some later point before I have my build strategy figured out. That is if I want him AC focused or HP focused (GM) Chad S. (GM): Right. I think you're the closest thing to a front liner right now, besides Chris's pet. Dan: good to know =) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Don't know what Hernz's fighting style is, but he's a Monk. Dan: cool =) oh yes... what did you mean by choosing two traits? (GM) Chad S. (GM): http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits You can choose 2 traits for free, but they must be from different types. Mechanically, these are character flavor that manifest as "mini feats". George B.: Hrm. So... how much do we care about encumberance? Chris: Do we get a party mule? :-P George B.: I mean, we're in an urban setting, so we don't exactly need to be carrying camping gear, but Hawk is kinda wussy. Chris: Camping gear would probably put me at medium. If as a group we need to go traveling, we should probably all pull some coin together to get a pack animal. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I don't think you need to worry about encumbrance unless it's egregious. I usually don't worry unless you carry a bunch of equipment or are wearing armor. George B.: So just armor and weapons theoretically puts me at medium. S'why I'm asking. At medium by less than a pound. Chris: There's a trait that lets you carry as if you had 2 more strength :-P George B.: True. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Did anyone else get booted from the site? George B.: But which trait would I toss for it? Not me. Chris: nope (GM) Chad S. (GM): I guess I'd lose the +3 rounds of Bardic Performance. There's a feat you can get that gives +6 rounds, so this trait is easier to replace. George B.: Nah, I'm going to switch armor. ;) Really, if Hawk is in combat, he's done something wrong. And yeah, in a couple of levels, I'm going to get the two bardic performance enhancer feats, one gives you +6 rounds, and the other gives you 2 rounds after you stop performing. So he'll basically start singing when combat starts, and won't have to stop. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, that 2 rounds ability is great, because you can multitask with magic. George B.: I have a feat that lets me cast as a part of the performance, and gives me a free round of performace for casting. Harmonic Spell Also, performance counts as concentration thanks to Spellsong, which also lets me hide my spell casting as a part of the performance. Cat: Er, still working on personality :) I suspect sort of...dry, spunky when she's interested in something, and usually hanging out on the sidelines, watching and avoiding getting involved unless something really grabs her interest. I just have to figure out what is "interesting" to her. :) Chris: I slapped together an avatar from a fire emblem sprite sheet. Fi Falowyn: Fleir, sing. Fleir: Wooooooo! Cat: rolling 1d100 ( 81 ) = 81 rolling 1d100 ( 63 ) = 63 Chris: rolling 1d1000000 ( 1140 ) = 1140 Cat: wat. Chris: Always wanted to do that. Cat: that's a suspiciouly low result. oh wait... btw, for character creation, i found it useful to get the pdf of the tiefling book from paizo...they have an aasimar one too if meghan wants to do that, i think it's called Blood of Angels. it collects all the stuff together so it's easier to find, but it's mostly the same as what's in the srd. (more art.) Chris: ok. I'll mention it. George B.: rolling 4d38 +7 ( 18 + 32 + 24 + 22 )+7 = 103 rolling 6d1 ( 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 ) = 6 rolling 6d0 ( 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 ) = 0 It wouldn't let me roll a d-1 Chris: I tried as well rolling 0 - 1d1 0-( 1 ) = -1 close as I could find. George B.: But you can easily roll any arbitrary positive integer sided die, which is pretty neat. Chris: rolling 1d20 ( 13 ) = 13 rolling 1d100 ( 21 ) = 21 It only 3D rolls the simple dice :-P Hernan L.: Ok, I should be done with Vegeta... when do we get this thing rolling?! George B.: rolling 4d38 +7 ( 29 + 33 + 32 + 37 )+7 = 138 rolling 1d8 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Almost everyone is done with their characters, so we'll begin no later than Saturday, Nov 29. If everyone's done before then then we'll start sooner. (To GM) rolling 1d10+3 ( 7 )+3 = 10 George B.: I'm on a boat! Hawk Hubertins: I'm on a boat! (GM) Chad S. (GM): No stop stomping those boats! People paid for them! Hawk Hubertins: Whee! I'm flyin'! Meghan: I'll try to come up with an actual character concept other than "prettiest angelkin in the garrison" (GM) Chad S. (GM): Go for it. I haven't figured out why you owe Merki yet. Meghan: too much shopping. overbought hair care products (GM) Chad S. (GM): I figured you had a busy weekend. Chris: I think that was in game. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Uhh, errr um... Meghan's Character spent the weekend buying hair products. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Phew Meghan: hah no, I mean, that's probably why I owe Merki. Debt maybe. possibly. (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol. Merki could have paid off a debt you racked up at one point. Meghan: and I still haven't really mastered the whole financial-planning skills thingyet George B.: The trick to financial planning according to Hawk: Hawk Hubertins: Just forget you have money and you won't spend it. Now if only I wasn't so poor, I could forget about the money I had. Fi Falowyn: Buy only what you need to survive. Hawk Hubertins: It's a +5 celestial hair dryer, and I can't live without it! Meghan: Ok, that's a good plot hook. I'm happy with it. I should probably fix it so that her name is Claire, not Claire-bear. ;) Ok, time to make pie. Or something. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Mmm, pie George B.: PIE!! EAT ALL TEH PIE!! Meghan: apple pie George B.: Apple and pumpkin. Meghan: same I'm baking the apple and got the pumpkin one from costco Chris will have to make his chocolate one George B.: Well, these are from the company potluck a few days ago. Meghan: and PinkCat made pecan George B.: So what you're saying is you need more pies because you don't have enough It's a legal requirement that you have at least one pie per person on turkey day. Meghan: true Chad, get on that Chris: My pie is done. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Remember to choose your character in the "As" dropdown if you mean to speak in character. Dan's in Arizona and will have limited internet until Wednesday, so Nordi will catch up.
April 1, 1236 AD. Morning
The sun rises over the city of Harvest Wharf. People are leaving their homes and going to work, thankful that all of the snow from the Winter finally melted. As your day begins, you receive a message from one of the Runners. "Merki here. Time to cash in that favor. Please meet me in my office at the East Ferren Trading Company right before lunch." When you reach Merki's Office, the Half-Orc is already chatting with a young dwarf, decked in Scale Mail. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Describe your morning, then describe your appearance when you reach Merki's office.) Cat: Nidri shows up a little on the early side, with a pretty ratty bag slung over her shoulder. She's wearing some beat-up old leather armor, scuffed leather pants, well-worn boots and a tattered cloak. For those who haven't met her yet...she has blue skin, bright blue eyes, and short, spiky platinum-blond hair. She also has stubby bat-style wings, a long tail, and nubby little horns. Meghan still needs to pick a feat and spells.... crap. George B.: Hawk shows up a couple of minutes late, with a slightly stunned smile on his face. He's a handsome human male with short, curly blond hair and blue eyes. His leather armor is almost shiny and looks new, as does the rapier on his hip. His bow and arrows look slightly more worn, but exceptionally well cared for. Merkinalious Urgh nods at Nidri and Hawk. Merkinalious Urgh: Sit down, there's plenty of chairs. Hernz: Vegeta shows up shirtless, nonchalant, buttoning up a pink shirt... he goes around the room, seeing these people for the first time... ignores all the women, and eyes the men, not as a gay person, but as a "I wonder who my competition is here"... obviously it couldn't be a woman... obviously On a side note, does roll20 notify you when stuff's happening? I just happened to check my email... is it and saw a notification... not sure how that works Merkinalious Urgh: I don't think roll20 has notifications like this. It's intended for voice chat, so it wouldn't need notifications. Hawk Hubertins picks a chair and sits down. Hernz: so that it for today? I forget if you said one move a day or whatever... Chris: A really tall and thin elf shows up exactly on time wearing a brown outfit and hide armor. There is a bow, a shield, and a quiver of arrows on her back. A long sword is sheathed at his hip. Everything about her tells you that she has spent a lot of time outside, and all of his equipment is well used. Fi Falowyn Bows politely to Merki, takes a seat, and remains completely still for the time being. Meghan: I think there's only one other male character, Hernz, so you'll have to at least consider the women competition Claire wanders in well after everyone's gathered and doesn't even look guilty about it. Meghan: Claire has straight blonde hair and glowing blue eyes. She always looks like she's just walked off the runway--hair and makeup perfect, and clothing expensive. And she glows, just a bit. Sometimes she has a full-out halo, but mostly it's just that her hair and skin reflect the light just-so. Claire: Nothing super important happened this morning. Slept in, visited the market, late breakfast at my favorite cafe. The usual. Merkinalious Urgh: Great! Everyone I want is here. Merkinalious Urgh Grins Merkinalious Urgh: I'm always keeping a lookout for any relics from the war from long ago...I think I found something, heehee! Merkinalious Urgh jumps out of his chair behind the desk Merkinalious Urgh: Alright. There was one angel, I think its name was Perseverance. It always wore some kind of headband, I'm guessing it was something from its time in the Upper Planes. No one knows what happened to it, but the headband was left behind with a brave warrior as a gift. Too bad that warrior died in a battle at some point and the headband was lost. My spies tell me they saw the headband in the Terria Swamp, also known as the Swamp of Despair. I want you guys to go to the swamp, find the headband, and bring it back to me. I'll have horses ready for you tomorrow. One other thing: You're doing this for me. Not the Company. Technically you're taking vacation days off. No other employees know about this, and it should stay this way. Got it? Merkinalious Urgh sits back down in his chair. Merkinalious Urgh: Also, Norvi. I'll need your help with something today. You can meet up with the group tomorrow. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Merki's done talking. Feel free to ask questions, introduce yourself to the group or prepare for the journey tomorrow. Claire: A swamp... awesome. Fi Falowyn: (To GM) rolling d20+6 ( 4 )+6 = 10 Fi Falowyn looks over the others in the room. Fi Falowyn: Sounds like we have a bit of a hike ahead of us. Fi Falowyn turns to Merki. Fi Falowyn: Unless you can provide us with horses. Merkinalious Urgh: Oops, did I not mention horses? Oh yeah, you guys will have some horses. For your vacation. I'll have them ready tomorrow. Fi Falowyn turns to the rest of the party. Fi Falowyn: We will certainly be in the wilderness for at least a night. I suggest that you bring something suitable to sleep in at night and a couple of days worth of food and water. I will prepare our horses as soon as we are done here. Chris: Strike that. Fi Falowyn: Not sure how I missed the horses thing. I'll rephrase: Chris: Not sure how I missed the horses thing. I'll rephrase: Fi Falowyn: We will certainly be in the wilderness for at least a night. I suggest that you bring something suitable to sleep in at night and a couple of days worth of food and water. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+5 ( 5 )+5 = 10 Vegeta: rolling 1d20+5 ( 17 )+5 = 22 having made a wis check, Vegeta does his best to "whisper" To Merk: This is your group? A bunch of women to go fetch you some laundry? Why not send that dwarven fellow with us, at least we could spar together on the way there.... hmp! that's what I get for owing favors... have it your way. Hernz: The team will notice that a combination of his arrogance and short stature does not a charismatic vegeta make In the end, a debt is a debt, and he will do this per his code of honor. Vegeta: ...and let's try to avoid the "misunderstanding" from the last stable boy... I ride full-size horses! Fi Falowyn sighs. Hawk Hubertins: W-we're going to be riding horses into the swamp? Not exactly what I thought I'd be doing for you, Merki. Hawk Hubertins turns to the rest of the group. Hawk Hubertins: Hi, for those who don't know me, I'm Hawk. I haven't spent much time on horses, though I have spent quite a lot of time traveling. I even know a song or two which will help pass the time while we look for the headband. Hernz: how do you type stuff so it shows as you doing an action instead of talking? Chris: '/me blah' Hernz: danke Hernz thanks Chris Hernz: lol Chris laughs. Fi Falowyn: Hi Hawk. I'm Fi. I suspect that I will be your guide. Merkinalious Urgh laughs Merkinalious Urgh: Vegeta, don't worry about it. These people are more than capable of helping you. I'd hate to think how Melody would react to that attitude. Vegeta: So how will we know we got this angel's headband and not one from some loser that might have been killed over there? Any idea what this looks like or if it radiates any special magic? Merkinalious Urgh: I've heard the headband has a particular design on it. Obviously angelic. Chris: So, big white wings and a halo? :-P Hernz: lol Vegeta turns to the group Vegeta: I'll see you all tomorrow. Make sure you don't get in the way... Vegeta walks out Hawk Hubertins: Charming fellow. Why is he coming along, Merki? Fi Falowyn: Would you rather be the punching bag? Nidranisan snickers. Nidranisan: So, does anyone know why it's called the "Swamp of Despair"? Just in case there's anything we can do to prepare before we just sort of...walk in. Fi Falowyn: From what I know, it seems rather lacking in animal life, but I am unfamiliar with the source of the name. Merkinalious Urgh: Vegeta is a bit...rude. Reminds me of my young days, when I was as charming as he. Merkinalious Urgh smiles jokingly, showing one of his elongated teeth. Merkinalious Urgh: Vegeta and Norvi here appreciate strength. Once you earn his friendship you will have his bond. Or maybe he's a jerk who will take this hits for you, I don't know. Merkinalious Urgh shrugs Nidranisan: Either way. I suppose we'll find out. Claire: I guess I have been wanting to travel... Merkinalious Urgh: As for the swamp itself, I haven't paid too much attention to it. Everyone calls it that, except the Terria family of course. It's their land. Nidranisan: Interesting...so we're going onto their land to retrieve this thing? Merkinalious Urgh: Yeah. They don't dispatch any guards to patrol the swamp, so I doubt you'll get caught. Once you've found the headband, or can confirm this is another rumor, our debt is repaid. Nidranisan: What kind of evidence would we need to confirm it's a rumor? Merkinalious Urgh coughs Merkinalious Urgh: (To GM) rolling 1d20+5 ( 18 )+5 = 23 Nidranisan: I don't want to go all the way there and back only to find we didn't get a good enough look. YOu know? Merkinalious Urgh: Haha. Well, err. If you can't find it, I guess you can't find it. I trust you guys enough that you'll take a good look. Nidranisan: Okay then. And I suppose on the off chance guards are patrolling the swamp, we don't know you? Fi Falowyn smirks. Merkinalious Urgh: Yup. Just on a trip to the next town. You thought this was a good place to rest for the night. Any other questions? Norvi and I need to talk privately for a bit, so you guys will have to shoo. Come back sometime tomorrow. Hernz: Did we establish if Norvi was coming with? I forget Cat: He's catching up tomorrow. Nidranisan nods and heads out, and waits outside to see if anyone else wants to coordinate any preparations. Fi Falowyn heads out of the room. Fi Falowyn: If anyone wants help getting ready, just let me know. Hawk Hubertins: See you all tomorrow! Hawk Hubertins leaves, whistling an upbeat tune. Merkinalious Urgh: Anything I can help you with, Claire? The travel will be good for your complexion, I think. Claire: Oh, Uhm, nope. Guess I'll be going. Claire leaves as well, giving no notice that she was probably napping. The party (except Norvi) are outside of Merki's office as Merki shuts the door. Feel free to wander around town, find more information, or talk in the meantime. Fi Falowyn: In going to see if I can find a map or any written info on the Swamp. I suggest that someone else ask around for more recent information. Chris: (To GM) rolling 1d20+7 Knowledge Nature. ( 8 )+7 = 15 Merkinalious Urgh: Looking around at the Ranger's guild, Fi finds a Half-Elven woman who has a general map of Terria Swamp. She'll sell it to you for 1 gp. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Imagine the GM said that "Going to that swamp? Be careful. I've heard a lot of people go there to drown in the swamp waters." Hawk Hubertins wanders off to find food and other supplies for an overnight stay in the swamp. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk is able to buy rations and other supplies without much trouble in either the Docks or Traderstrip. Fi Falowyn buys the Terria Swamp map. Nidranisan is also grabbing sort of standard supplies, and probably trying to figure out anything else about this particular angel or the headband. Nidranisan: (To GM) rolling 1d20+4 ( 7 )+4 = 11 Claire is going to get her stuff, get her neighbor to water her plants while she's gone, and probably buy supplies. (GM) Chad S. (GM): It sounds like everyone is ready. If so, the day passes uneventfully.
April 2, 1236 (Morning)
Another day begins in Harvest Wharf. Slightly cloudy. Fi Falowyn is at the stables at the crack of Dawn with a mule of his own loaded with gear. She will check over all the horses when they are ready and help out with packing supplies onto horses if anyone needs it. Nidranisan arrives promptly, looking much the same as yesterday but with her bag a little more full, and a waterskin tied to the bag from its broken shoulder strap. Nidranisan: So, are these pack horses, or are we riding? (GM) Chad S. (GM): These are light riding horses. Fi Falowyn: Riding. Cat: Ah. Fi, maybe I can get a quick uh...refresher before we head out? er Nidranisan: ^ Nidri Fi Falowyn: Sure. These are well trained. Fi Falowyn demonstrates. Fi Falowyn: rolling 1d20+5 ( 10 )+5 = 15 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi seamlessly rides the horse without trouble. Hawk Hubertins shows up with a stubborn but otherwise docile and seemingly reasonably trained pack mule with bags that seem to have things in them, but are certainly not overloaded. Hawk Hubertins: It's been a long time since I was last on a horse, but how hard can it be? I'm sure I haven't forgotten how to ride. You just sort of sit up there and it follows the... wagons. So, can I get a quick refresher? Vegeta Vegeta shows up, has a pack with him, and wearing a blue outfit with a chest piece, that while it looks like it is cool armor, offers no protection whatsoever Vegeta: Excellent... glad Merki came through with these... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi is helping Nidri with Horse riding 101, but she is glad to teach Hawk. Vegeta: rolling 1d20+2 ( 5 )+2 = 7 Vegeta struggles as he picks one of the biggest horses and can barely even mount it Vegeta: uh um... this one's got a wild spirit... yeah... Nidranisan: rolling 1d20 ( 12 ) = 12 Nidranisan managed to stay on the horse pretty well, despite the fact that her saddle appears to be broken. Hawk Hubertins: rolling 1d20 ( 11 ) = 11 Hawk Hubertins manages to not fall off the horse. Chris: Oh geez. Nidranisan is going to drive Fi nuts. Fi Falowyn keeps trying to fix Nidranisan's saddle. (GM) Chad S. (GM) found out how to roll as other PCs... Fi Falowyn: (To GM) rolling 1d20+5 ( 9 )+5 = 14 (GM) Chad S. (GM) laughs evilly before switching from evil to good Cat: lol. I think she'll drive everyone a little nuts. Also, Nidri for short. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi seems frustrated. Every time he looks at one thing, another rope seems to unravel. Or the strap suddenly loosens. She has no idea why thr saddle is this loose. Vegeta tries the largest of the five horses, but the horse is having none of that. The stables have five horses set aside for the five of you. The dwarf Norvi isn't there. Nidranisan: Don't worry about it, Fi. That's my life. Meghan: Claire's Ride check: 20 Claire: Eh? Can I take the biggest horse because it doesn't like Vegeta? Claire as no trouble mounting the horse and moving. Nidranisan: So, I guess we're off then? Vegeta: hmph.... take that stupid horse... it is a coward afraid of being having a strong warrior as its master Hernz: (I was going to say "of being ridden by a strong warrior"... yeah, did not sound good at all) (GM) Chad S. (GM): If no one has anything else to do, you guys leave Harvest Wharf. Hernz: woot Claire: I'm good. Meghan: (should I have charm person?) George B.: Yeah, I think I'm good. Fi Falowyn gives up on the saddle. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Decide soon. I suspect your first battle will start soon, and then your choices are final. The trip to Terria Swamp will take a whole day. On the way, you see merchant caravans heading to and from town. Fi Falowyn whistles loudly as the party leaves town. Hawk Hubertins takes the note that Fi whistled and turns it into a song about traveling the roads of the world. Hernz: rolling 1d20+2 ( 11 )+2 = 13 Vegeta seems to be getting more used to this horse Fleir: (To GM) rolling 1d20+6-5 stealth while moving normally? ( 11 )+6-5 = 12 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire /gmroll 1d20+1 Oops Meghan: hah (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+1 ( 2 )+1 = 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+3 ( 4 )+3 = 7 Hernz: Over the past day, anyone who has paid any attention to Vegeta's actions notices that he seems particularly attentive... his eyes always looking around at all time (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+1 ( 16 )+1 = 17 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+8 ( 12 )+8 = 20 Hernz: medium/large? huge, white and with Scully as its voice? (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol took me a second to get it Chris: "/w gm foo" hernz:-P Lol Hernz: i was saying that to everyone ;) Hawk Hubertins: :P George B.: Err, that was from the player, not the character. Oops. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone does it, haha Hawk sings about the joys of travel, and the benefit of horses. Vegeta keeps his eyes peeled for threats. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anyone plans to do anything special at lunchtime, or should I fast forward to dinner? Meghan: No plans Fi Falowyn: Everyone bring food? Meghan: sure Fi Falowyn has extra just in case. Fi Falowyn spends some time memorizing the map. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+((((3 * 1) + 3) - abs((3 * 1) - 3)) / 2) ( 20 )+((((3*1)+3)-abs((3*1)-3))/2) = 23 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+(1 + ((((3 * 1) + 3) - abs((3 * 1) - 3)) / 2) + ((floor((16 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2)-5) + floor(0/2) - (floor(abs(0)/2)) - (floor(abs(0)/2))) + 2 + 1 + 0 + 0) ( 10 )+(1+((((3*1)+3)-abs((3*1)-3))/2)+((floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+floor(0/2)-(floor(abs(0)/2))-(floor(abs(0)/2)))+2+1+0+0) = 20 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+(1 + ((((3 * 1) + 3) - abs((3 * 1) - 3)) / 2) + ((floor((16 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2)-5) + floor(0/2) - (floor(abs(0)/2)) - (floor(abs(0)/2))) + 2 + 1 + 0 + 0) ( 11 )+(1+((((3*1)+3)-abs((3*1)-3))/2)+((floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+floor(0/2)-(floor(abs(0)/2))-(floor(abs(0)/2)))+2+1+0+0) = 21 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20 + (1 + ((((3 * 1) + 3) - abs((3 * 1) - 3)) / 2) + ((floor((16 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2)-5) + floor(0/2) - (floor(abs(0)/2)) - (floor(abs(0)/2))) + 2 + 1 + 0 + 0) ( 6 )+(1+((((3*1)+3)-abs((3*1)-3))/2)+((floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+floor(0/2)-(floor(abs(0)/2))-(floor(abs(0)/2)))+2+1+0+0) = 16 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20 + 10 ( 7 )+10 = 17 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20 + 3 ( 1 )+3 = 4 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20 + 1 ( 11 )+1 = 12 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20 + 1 ( 13 )+1 = 14 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20 + 2 ( 1 )+2 = 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20 + 8 ( 20 )+8 = 28 Hernz: any down time is practice time for Vegeta (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll fast forward to dinner. the sun is midway through setting, and the clouds have a beautiful red hue. Your horses need some rest after the day's journey and you see a campsite up ahead. You don't see a campfire, but you do notice an abandoned caravan. Nidranisan: look like it's been there a while? or recently-abandoned? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Gimme a perception check. (To GM) rolling 1d20+2 ( 9 )+2 = 11 Hernz: private? Nidranisan: (To GM) rolling 1d20+1 ( 20 )+1 = 21 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Doesn't matter to me. Hernz: rolling 1d20+9 ( 19 )+9 = 28 Chris: Fi Falowyn's Perception check: 22 (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's pretty clear the wagon has been recently abandoned. Many of the wares are still there. Vegeta: no one around? Nidranisan: signs of a fight at all? Vegeta subtly informs the party Chris: Fi Falowyn's Survival check: 14 anything interesting in the tracks? Vegeta: there seems to be someone under the carriage... trying to hide (GM) Chad S. (GM): Footsteps are very fresh. You notice they are around the wagon, with no obvious exit. Vegeta slowly approaches the wagon Hernz: sorry, forgot to wait for people's reactions... once people react to the news, vegeta will approach... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hehe. Sometimes I rush ahead in PbP runs. Fi Falowyn: Hawk, you want to try to talk to them? Hawk Hubertins: Hmm? What? There's someone here? Oh, hello. Hawk Hubertins's Diplomacy check: 26 We just got here, and are wondering if you would care to come out and talk to us? (GM) Chad S. (GM): (4 Minutes and it's bedtime for me.) You hear a voice mumble "...Oh no, this is it, isn't it?" A middle-aged Elf wearing merchant's clothing crawls out from underneath the carriage. His hands are held up in surrender. Merchant: Take whatever you want. Please don't hurt me! Nidranisan: Were you hiding from someone in particular? A Half-Elven woman jumps out from the carriage, holding a dinner knife. She quickly runs in front of the Elf and tries to brandish the knife. Merchant's Daughter: I won't let you hurt father! I know what you thieves do to travellers! I've heard the stories! Nidranisan: ...pretty sure if we were actually going to steal something, we'd be pretty well done with that and gone by now. It's clear she has no idea how to grip the knife. Also, it's a dinner knife. Hawk Hubertins: I. Uhm. Err. Oh. You see, we're not here to hurt or steal from anyone. We're not thieves either. Maybe you could put down the knife and we can talk? The Elf slowly takes the woman's hand and retrieves the knife from her. He nods silently to her, and then to Hawk. Fi Falowyn: Or we could just go if you really want. Just thought we could be helpful. Hawk Hubertins: Thank you, sir. By what name are you called? Merchant: I'm sorry. We heard some horses coming and we thought you were with the Gulliver Bandits. Hawk Hubertins: The wholliver whatits? Fi Falowyn smirks. Merchant: My name is Audren, and this is my daughter Selina. Selina exhales deeply, then does a quick curtsy to the party. Merchant: Why don't we share some stew? I have plenty of meat. Hawk Hubertins: Thank you. Very kind. Perhaps we can help straighten things up a bit while the stew cooks? (GM) Chad S. (GM): (I'm leaving it there for now so others can catch up. Feel free to shoot any questions over to the duo and I'll answer them later.) Vegeta: I'll go scout the area Nidranisan is staying by the edge of the road, and looking to Fi for what to do with the horse. Hawk Hubertins: So what happened here? You were attacked by bandits? Is there anything we can do to help you? Harvest Wharf is not far from here, though I'm afraid we're heading out of the city for a bit of a trip, otherwise we'd be happy to escort you. Fi Falowyn nods to Nidri and comes to tie the horse off. Fi Falowyn disappears briefly during the meal with some meat and returns without it. Nidranisan pulls out her own dented metal bowl and slurps food straight out of it. She mostly sits listening to the conversation. Claire is basically always silently judging you. Claire grins (GM) Chad S. (GM): rolling 1d20 + 8 ( 8 )+8 = 16 rolling 1d20+6 ( 19 )+6 = 25 Vegeta: (To GM) rolling 1d20+8 ( 1 )+8 = 9 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hmpf. Protecting these fools is beneath a prince like you. (Wrong thread, sorry) rolling 1d20 + 8 ( 17 )+8 = 25 (To GM) rolling 1d20 + 8 ( 8 )+8 = 16 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta's Perception check: 14 Merchant: Selina, get the good bowls while I get the cooking pot. Will one of you help start a fire? As night falls, Audren and Selina begin making some hearty beef stew, with carrots and some bread. Merchant: Once again, my apologies about earlier today. My daughter is a bit impulsive at times. Merchant's Daughter , mouthful of stew and bread, shrugs. Merchant: We were on route to Harvest Wharf when we heard some horrible stories about a group of bandits that began patrolling this road, targeting merchants. Merchant's Daughter finishes her food. Merchant's Daughter: They are called Gulliver's Bandits, or Gulliver's Thieves. Very recently broke off from a larger group, I've heard. Merchant turns to Hawk Merchant: No one has attacked us yet. We're just being a little cautious, is all. (To GM) rolling 1d20+1 ( 3 )+1 = 4 Merchant: (To GM) rolling 1d20+10 ( 13 )+10 = 23 Merchant: (To GM) rolling 1d20+8 ( 10 )+8 = 18 Merchant: Hawk|Perception-Check Nidrianisan|Perception-Check Norvi|Perception-Check (To GM) rolling 1d20+1 ( 8 )+1 = 9 Merchant: (To GM) rolling 1d20+10 ( 9 )+10 = 19 Merchant: rolling 1d20+3 ( 5 )+3 = 8 rolling 1d20+1 ( 17 )+1 = 18 rolling 1d20+2 ( 1 )+2 = 3 (To GM) rolling 1d20+8 ( 9 )+8 = 17 Merchant: (To GM) rolling 1d20+8 ( 11 )+8 = 19 (GM) Chad S. (GM): 1d20+8 (To GM) rolling 1d20+8 ( 13 )+8 = 21 (GM) Chad S. (GM): I can't figure out how to hide the roll and just show the result of the roll. Anyone has any tips on this? Chris: https://wiki.roll20.net/Pathfinder#Suggested_GM_macros (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, thanks Chris! Nidranisan: They split out of Magmere. Nidranisan makes a face. Nidranisan: Yeah, not a big fan. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Macro Testing) Claire's Perception 11 Fi's Perception 25 Hawk's Perception17 Nidri's Perception 8 Norvi's Perception 18 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta's Perception 28 Claire's Perception 3 Fi's Perception 19 Hawk's Perception11 Nidri's Perception 21 Norvi's Perception 17 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta's Perception 18 (Done with Macro Testing) Merchant's Daughter face turns pale. Merchant's Daughter: M-M-Magmere? Those guys are really scary. I've heard they can rob a city blind in a night. Nidranisan: Like I said, not a big fan. While avoiding them would probably be best, lets just say I wouldn't hesitate to give them some grief if the chance arose. Fi frowns. Fi: I guess that's something else to watch out for aside from the wildlife. Vegeta returns from scouting. Party notices he doesn't eat any of the food the group prepared. Vegeta: no signs of anyone around... looks pretty clear Merchant: That's good to hear. Thank you for taking a look, sir. Selina and I will feel much safer tonight. Hawk Hubertins: So you were hiding under your apparently abandoned wagons because you thought we were these bandits? Perhaps there is truth to the saying that there's safety in numbers. May we make camp here as well? Merchant's Daughter: I was going to suggest we make camp, as well. Fi performs camping setup montage. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, everyone should be able to see the party's icon's names and HP. Nidranisan collects firewood, or something. Nidranisan: So are we going to keep watches or whatever? (GM) Chad S. (GM): 4 Watches will be enough. Fi: Of course. Lets setup 4 shifts. I'll take second or third. Nidranisan: I'll take whatever's leftover. Claire: I'll take first, I guess. Fi: Vegeta, can you take third? Hawk, I suggest you pair up with someone. I'll take second. Nidranisan: So I'm fourth then? Fi: Yes, thank you. Hawk Hubertins: I'll take first watch with Claire, if it's all the same to you? Hawk Hubertins starts humming and then singing a quiet tune about the beauty of the stars. Merchant: Sh-should we help with the watch? Selina can spot things pretty easily. Claire: That's fine Merchant's Daughter gives a side glance to her father, then shrugs. Hawk Hubertins stops singing for a moment. Hawk Hubertins: Entirely up to you, though I'm sure those who are on a single watch would appreciate the company. Late night watches can be lonely times. Hawk Hubertins picks up his song where he left off. Fi: I've already got help. Fi whistles. Hawk Hubertins finishes his song and chuckles. Fleir slinks into camp and slips into Fi's tent. Hawk Hubertins: Have something to do with the extra stew you wandered off with? Fi: Yes. Hawk Hubertins: Who's your friend? Fi: He stays out of sight to avoid spooking the horses. Fleir. Merchant's Daughter a gray wolf emerges from the undergrowth and walks up to Fi. Nidranisan: So, sounds like third and fourth are the singles. If either of you wants. Chris pokes Chad. Merchant's Daughter Fleir quickly slips back into the tent, before anyone could see him! George B.: Who knew the merchants daughter was a grey wolf. And here I thought she was a half-elf. (GM) Chad S. (GM): When you can post as a dozen alts this gets confusing real fast. George B.: I imagine so. Merchant's Daughter: I guess I'll help with the fourth shift, then. (GM) Chad S. (GM): So let me get the watch order \ straight: 1st Watch: Hawk + Claire George B.: 1: Claire and Hawk 2 Fi and Fleir 3 Vegeta 4 Nidri & Selina (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, thanks! George B.: np Meghan: Works for me Chris thinks the Merchant should have a nice 3rd watch conversation with Vegeta. George B.: Go Go Gadget Merchant Watch! (GM) Chad S. (GM) after the stew, the party puts up tents and starts watches. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire's Perception 2 Fi's Perception 22 Hawk's Perception14 Nidri's Perception 12 Norvi's Perception 17 Vegeta's Perception 23 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Meghan: My PC is so great at this. She really needs a smart phone or something that she's always paying attention to instead of the rest of hte world George B.: Hehe. Nice! What's the D&D equivalent of a smartphone? Meghan: she's just listening in on angelkin radio they're playing her jam George B.: That or she gets distracted during watch because Hawk is pretty much always humming or singing quietly. (GM) Chad S. (GM): rolling 1d20+2 ( 8 )+2 = 10 rolling 1d20+6 ( 15 )+6 = 21 The first watch is uneventful. Good thing because Claire wasn't paying much attention. Fi keeps her eyes peeled but doesn't see anything suspicious. Audren tries to have a conversation with Vegeta, but Vegeta is too absorbed in his training for small talk. Selina is pretty quiet during her watch, but doesn't mind talking to Nidri. Nidranisan chats a little, about nothing much. Merchant's Daughter has small talk with Nidri, occasionally patrolling or looking around. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Overall, the night is quiet. (Hernz, if you want to mention any activity Vegeta did feel free. But I'm pretty sure nothing big will happen.)
April 3, 1236 AD (Morning)
The skies are still cloudy. You can't see the sun, but the clouds give off enough light to see normally. It's clear it will rain in a few days. You all wake up, still alive (yay!) Chris: Woot! Day 1 of adventuring success! Cat: yay success. Nidranisan and Selina probably have breakfast going as people wake up. Hernz: sorry, I was out :) Vegeta did nothing extravagant I guess lol Fi comes out of her tent completely dressed and armored. Fleir comes out of Fi's tent, sniffs around, and then darts off after a squirrel. Cat: lol squirrel. Merchant: Thank you for all of your help, and sorry about the confusion before. I think we're less than a day from Harvest Wharf. We should be on our way. Fi: Yes, we are just a day out of there ourselves. Have a safe journey. Hawk Hubertins: Safe journey. Thanks for the stew! (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20 + 1 ( 19 )+1 = 20 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+6 ( 5 )+6 = 11 (GM) Chad S. (GM): The party waves goodbye to Audren and Selina as they pack up the wagon and head off to Harvest Wharf. Hernz: love the custom tokens!! Nidranisan: Well, time to saddle up I guess. Vegeta: Works for me... the sooner we get this over with, the quicker I can return to some hard training at my place (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'm halfway through with making custom tokens for everyone. Hopefully I'll have the rest done by this weekend. Hernz: FYI, I'll be gone after 6:45 today and likely not get back on this till 11ish. Vegeta will just be polishing his shield if anyone asks (yes, he has no shield, shut up) So are the HP bars at the top of the tokens tied to actual HP in any way? Hawk Hubertins packs up his camping gear and mounts up. Chris: Yes, Hernz. Click on your token, and you will see a number in the green circle. That is your current HP. You can modify it there too. If you double click your token, then you have access to the Max HP and other things. Fi: Vegeta, I admire your resolve in bettering yourself through training, but sometime experiencing new things can lead to breakthroughs. Fi packs up camp. Fi: Once we reach the swamp, we may need to tie up the horses depending on how bad it gets. I'll keep an eye on the terrain in front so you guys can concentrate on looking for the headband. Hawk Hubertins: Thanks Fi! Shall we get going? Fi: I think we are all set now. Nidranisan follows Hawk and Fi. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Back on your horses, you head back on the road and make good progress. After a lunch break, you turn off the main road and continue. It's clear the road hasn't been well maintained, and it's getting a bit more difficult to travel via horse. After another hour, you finally reach a sign that reads "These lands are the private property of the family of Terria." The sign itself has been vandalized, with some red markings on it reading "Swamp of Despair- Stay Out - that means you, yes!” (GM) Chad S. (GM): Feel free to read the "Swamp of Despair" Handout Fi: (To GM) rolling 1d20+5 ( 15 )+5 = 20 Chris: Who is this "you" person that I keep hearing about? Fi: We should probably tie up the horses nearby. We need to plan to return here by the end of the day. Swamp camping is unpleasant. Claire: So we're just going to venture in and out a bit to explore? Fi: If this map is accurate, I think we can cover half the swamp today. Maybe the other half tomorrow by midday. Hawk Hubertins: Sounds like a plan to me! So do we take the left half or the right half? Fi contemplates while scanning the map. Fi: (To GM) rolling d20+6 ( 17 )+6 = 23 Fi: Ok. Let's cover this side of the pond today. We'll cover more ground today that way. Fi points at the map, and then points into the swamp. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, so what's everyone's plan for checking the swamp? Claire: Follow Fi's lead Chris: At this point I think we are basically going to have to search until we find something that seems worth investigating. Searching every nook is not feasible. I can have Fi focus on keeping the party safe. George B.: Pretty much. Fi has the map, we'll follow him. her. whichever. Chris: Ok. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright folks, make some Perception checks and some Survival checks. Both are based on Wis if you're untrained. Claire: Claire's Perception check: 2 Claire's Survival check: 4 Chris: 1 each to start? Claire is texting her besties again. omg wtf bbw. Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Perception check: 12 Nidranisan's Survival check: 21 Fi: Fi's Perception check: 17 Fi's Survival check: 18 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Just roll them both. Vegeta's Perception 9 Vegeta's Survival 19 Chris: Lot's of 1's and 20's tonight... Cat: it's your far-reaching influence as party shepherd, chris. (GM) Chad S. (GM): It becomes clear to many that this swamp is desolate. There are almost no animals here, and the plant life seems drained, almost dead. Fi: I don't hear any fish. Meghan groans (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta seems in deep thought, wondering what could have caused this. He's not really paying attention to the land. Fi holds up her hand and stops. She speaks quietly for the moment. Fi: Something just headed off that direction. two somethings. They know we are here. Shall we follow? Nidranisan: Uh, probably. we're kinda not supposed to be here. any idea what kind of things? George B.: Hawk Hubertins's Perception check: 7 Hawk Hubertins starts singing quietly. Chris: rolling 1d20+Survival-cs ( 19 ) = 19 uh.. Why does the test button roll publicly? Hawk Hubertins singing: Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers, and me. Chris laughs. Fi: Humanoid. Probably unarmored. That's about all I could see before they headed off. Fi starts tailing them. Hawk Hubertins follows Fi Hawk Hubertins grabs Claire by the elbow to make sure she doesn't wander off in some random direction and get separated from the group while she pays attention to her funny glowing rock. Fi: (To GM) rolling 1d20+((((3 * 1) + 3) - abs((3 * 1) - 3)) / 2) ( 1 )+((((3*1)+3)-abs((3*1)-3))/2) = 4 Claire: Thanks Hawk Claire is probably playing with her halo. (GM) Chad S. (GM): As Fi heads off after the two men, he notices a camp with three large tattered tents. The two shapes seem to stop there. Fi: There is a camp ahead. Nidranisan: seriously? camping in the swamp of despair? Fi: Maybe they're desperate? Vegeta, could you check out what you see that way? I'll check on this side. Meet back here unless we are found discovered. Hawk Hubertins: They'd have to be to camp here. Claire: maybe they're undead do undead camp? like, vampire bonding trips? ghoul getaways? wraith weekends? Fi: (To GM) rolling 1d20+5 stealth ( 20 )+5 = 25 Fi: (To GM) rolling 1d20+10 perception ( 3 )+10 = 13 Nidranisan: ...wouldn't that be "vampire vacations"? Claire: I didn't start thinking of alliteration until after that one Nidranisan: I suppose this is hardly the time and place for alliterating anyway. Hawk Hubertins: Hmm? I hardly heard you. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Who are these mysterious men? What did Vegeta and Fi find out? Did Claire think up a rocking rhyme? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z! Title: War were declared Meghan: This game does move at about that pace Chris: Lol. Thanks, Chad. Are you kidding, we got at least 3 scenes out of this? Meghan: and we don't do that much recap George B.: This thing has built in recap. It's called the chat archive. :) Cat: yeah, chad promised us a fight, i'm still waiting ;) Cat will probably get gacked by the next time I check this thing... Chris: Macro Tests. Please ignore :-P rolling 1d20+(1 + ((((3 * 1) + 3) - abs((3 * 1) - 3)) / 2) + ((floor((16 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2)-5) + floor(0/2) - (floor(abs(0)/2)) - (floor(abs(0)/2))) + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0) ( 3 )+(1+((((3*1)+3)-abs((3*1)-3))/2)+((floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+floor(0/2)-(floor(abs(0)/2))-(floor(abs(0)/2)))+0+0+0+0) = 10 Well... Disgusting, but works. rolling 1d20+7 ( 18 )+7 = 25 much better. "/r 1d20+7" Meghan: rolling 1d10+2 ( 1 )+2 = 3 Chris: "/r 1d20+[(1 + ((((3 1) + 3) - abs((3 1) - 3)) / 2) + ((floor((16 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2)-5) + floor(0/2) - (floor(abs(0)/2)) - (floor(abs(0)/2))) + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0)]" Hernz: ok, just caught up to all that Chris: Hope I didn't get Vegeta killed :-P Hernz: hahahaha so wait, did vegeta go on his own or anyone go with him? Chris: I picked the two characters I thought might be stealthy to look from different sides. So you are alone. Hernz: well gm didn't roll a stealth check haha... anyway.... let me doublecheck one thing... Chris: He probably did privately. Hernz: oh right haha Chris: Don't think there is a way for him to roll so that just the player can see also. Hernz: well, apparently it failed Chris: There were a lot of 1's and 20's today. Hernz: yup, I saw lol Chris: I got a 1 and a 20 myself privately as well. Meghan: it's weird that you're not listed here. Chris Chris shrugs. Hernz: well, I need gm to ask what I see Chris: He sleep now. Hernz: I know lol so yeah, I'll leave him a few whispers Chris: Feel free to let me know if Vegeta had any response to Fi's comment: "Vegeta, I admire your resolve in bettering yourself through training, but sometime experiencing new things can lead to breakthroughs." Hernz: oh right... sorry, I had waaaaay too much to catch up on and then I saw bodies and people and things and forgot about that lol Chris: I expected as much. Vegeta: reply: well of course... besides, how can you prove you're the best if all you do is punch air all day.. Fi grins. Fi: Of course... Vegeta: have you ever even lifted a hand against another person? Fi: Once. If you think a bow counts. Vegeta: if you ever want to spar, just let me know... It'll at least amuse me on this trip until we get to the swamp Fi: Haha. Don't think the horses would appreciate that. We're almost there anyway. Perhaps later. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I can talk as a person then use "/gmroll" to make a private skill check only that person and I can see. George: Sir yes sir! Sir sir! Fun and silliness. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hehe. Mostly waiting for Vegeta's reaction. I probably need to mess with the encounter I planned- lousy unpredictable PCs! Dan: Well, I'll keep my ears open for the bloop while I watch stuff in another window and work on cables here at work (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think that's everyone's MO, lol. Don't quit work just for my super cool run Hernz: raises his voice, making it loud enough for everyone to hear, but trying to sound intimidating and says... oops Vegeta raises his voice, making it loud enough for everyone to hear, but trying to sound intimidating and says. Vegeta: Well, look who we happen to have here... rolling 1d20-2 ( 19 )-2 = 17 (yup, -2 intimidate hahaha) (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's because he's so tiny! The man clad in leather armor jerks toward Vegeta. His voice is loud yet monotone. Clear enough for everyone to hear, yet garbled. "Throw them into the morass." The desiccated bodies lurch towards the party... (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Finally, been waiting to say this) Roll for Initiative! Vegeta: BATTUL!!! Oh, F'ing SWEEET (GM) Chad S. (GM): People can see the battle map, right? Vegeta: hells yes... awesome Hernz: sorry, that was all hernz saying (GM) Chad S. (GM): Thug's Initiative 10 Vegeta: initiative = /r 1d20+2 dammit rolling 1d20+2 <-initiative ( 6 )+2 = 8 Chris: Fi's Initiative result: 12.03 (GM) Chad S. (GM): wat Hernz: So I was reading, per rules, during first round of a battle, until your initiative comes along, you're "flat-footed" HAHAHAHA Hernz likes chri's role Chris: That is my dex mod. it is for breaking ties. That is what happens if you click initiative in the sheet. Hernz: *roll Chris: Fleir's Initiative result: 5.02 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, you are flat footed until your first turn. Feel free to look at the Initiative Sheet handout. Once the first round is over, your initiative numbers won't matter anymore. Vegeta assumes a defensive stance, crossing his arms across his chest and awaiting the upcoming onslaught. Norvi Torvaldr: (To GM) rolling 1d20+2 ( 4 )+2 = 6 Chris prepares to do battle with traffic. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Rolling remaining initiatives to speed things up (battle is slow enough already) Claire's Initiative 13 Fi's Initiative 20 Hawk's Initiative4 Nidri's Initiative 8 Norvi's Initiative 14 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta's Initiative 4 Chris: You did so much better for me than I did :-P Hernz: lol Dan: Ha! I'm not even there (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire and Fi can perform their actions now. Chris: Gah. Fi's the high dex character too? (GM) Chad S. (GM): The grass patches count as rough terrain and can be crossed. Hernz: Dan is a ghost Dan moans ethereally George: Eep! A G-g-ghooost! Chris: G-G-G-Ghost Pirate! Meghan: I guess I should move up. So, dessicated bodies... undead? I was mostly joking about that but the setting does suggest it. But hey, pearl of brilliance actually works better against undead... so yay. Fi activates Animal Focus as a swift action. Form of Tiger. Fi is attacking with Long Bow! Fi: Attack Result: 14 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 3 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 19 Crit Damage: +10 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Chris: I clicked on the guy in the lower right corner, did it note that at all, Chad? BTW, we don't see names or HP bars for these guys. Meghan: I moved up Dan: yeah, we probably shouldn't be be privy to their HP Chris: number yes, % of the way to death... maybe. Otherwise it could be confusing which ones have been damaged already. Maybe just use the little badges? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire moves up to some shrubs. Fi lets an arrow fly from his bow, wounding one of the thugs. He doesn 't seem to react to the arrow as he bleeds. Claire: oh shit. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The armored leader and two people quickly surround Vegeta. The other two figures walk after Fi. A noise comes from the tents and eight more wasted figures emerge from the tents. They turn methodically towards the party, almost in perfect lockstep. In perfect unison, they moan "Throw them in the morass" Oh wait, one sec I realized they had partial actions - they can't double move yet The five figures head towards Vegeta and Fi. Eight other figures emerge from the tents. All of the figures appear to be unarmed. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, that's the surprise round. Claire and Fi, you are up. Meghan: what happened to everyone else's turns? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, Chad's a doof Meghan: I mean, I'll go again, but... Cat: yeah, i'm a little confused. :) Meghan: I probably should've gotten a weapon or something (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sorry, I'm mixing up surprise actions with normal init. Meghan: maybe some armor (GM) Chad S. (GM): Retconning the heck out of this! Meghan: I haven't acutally purchased any equipment yet let me go buy a knife or something (GM) Chad S. (GM): You should buy stuff for Claire. Surprise Round: Fi shoots, Vegeta enters Total Defense Surprise round is over. Top of the initiative is Fi and Claire. You have a full round. Chris: Fi will shoot that same guy. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Also, the 8 others haven't emerged yet, but I guess you all have a hunch of what will happen soon >_> Make you rolls, Chris Fi is attacking with Long Bow! Fi: Attack Result: 12 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 15 Crit Damage: +13 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Hernz: BATTUL!! sorry, can't help saying that Meghan: Claire moves, I guess (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi's arrow strikes true. The thug falls. Any other actions you two will take? Cat: whoa. 2 damage kill? maybe we're not totally boned. Fi: 5 Two attacks. One was surpise. Cat: aaaah that was the followup. got it. ok, still might not be totally boned. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I mean, you two have full round actions right now, so... Cat has no idea of what all the timing is on stuff right now...totally lost on initiatives. Cat: i know mine sucked :) Chris: Sorry. I'm moving. Fi moves closer to the party. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Cat, you should look at the "Initiative Sheet" handout And yes Hernz...BA-TTUL Alright, you still have a standard action, Claire. Cat: oh hey, it's a handout. Meghan: I think moving is all I'm doing now and I've done it (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright. NOW the budguys move. Cat: budguys? aww, they're our buds! Hernz: I thought they were coming with beer Cat: that's not beer. ;P Hernz: lol The man clad in leather armor and two others surround Vegeta. They don't seem to care much about their own self being as they Surround him. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hernz, the two red icons provoke AoOs as they move through his threatened space. Hernz: I'm all out defense... I dotn get AoO (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh right :P Cat: ...still probably a good plan from the look of things... Of the two remaining thugs, the survivor lurches toward Fi. You hear a noise as eight more withered people emerge from the tents. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, now it's time for Hernz, Fleir, Hawk and Nidri. Vegeta fights defensively Vegeta begins flurrying, aiming for unarmed thug to his left Fi is attacking with Bite & Trip! Fi: Attack Result: 21 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 8 Crit Damage: +8 Fi: Type: PBS Trip Attempt: 23 Meghan: How do you do that distance thing? Vegeta: rolling 1d20-2 ( 9 )-2 = 7 Fi: gah wrong char selected. Cat: ur...does that show you guys everything i measure? Fleir Flier attacks. Rolls are valid. Vegeta: bring it you lowly scum! Vegeta second attack Vegeta: rolling 1d20-2 ( 19 )-2 = 17 Cat casts Bane! Cat: Level 1 Targets/Area: 50 foot radius from me Duration: 1 min/lvl Saving Throw: DC 15, will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes Meghan: looks like it, now I want to know how Chris: press space while moving gets the measurements. If you press space partway, it will mark off more complex moves. Cat: uh. imagine that says nidri. siiigh Vegeta: rolling 1d6 ( 4 ) = 4 Cat: chad, time to roll a lot of will saves... it gets the four by the close tent, all the ones on vegeta, the one on fi, and that kind reddish one by the far tent. ok. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Redish one is bleeding out George: I think the red one is down. Cat: well, that's fine then i suppose. :) Fleir runs out behind the bush. He quickly digs his jaws into the thug in front of him and drags him down. The man stops moving. Meghan: I wonder if we'll feel bad about killing these guys... Fi: Good Fleir! Vegeta uncrosses his arms and nonchalantly throws his arm to his left, missing air. Annoyed, Vegeta actually turns and gives a mean body blow. Hawk Hubertins is activating their Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: -1 George: 8 rounds of that. Meghan: Nice Vegeta: tight! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Save DC 15 17 Save DC 15 8 Save DC 15 20 Save DC 15 3 Save DC 15 4 Save DC 15 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Save DC 15 5 lol Chris: nice Hernz: sweet rolls... they get d4s for saves? lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): lolz Can you guys see the skull and crossbones? Cat: yuuuup. that my bane? :) George: Yup (GM) Chad S. (GM): Good. Hernz: didnt 2 of them make the save... only one marked as having successed... not to add to all this chaos :) Cat: might been the one on fi who is bleeding out now... Nidri focuses and a wave of darkness emanates from her. Several of the thugs seem to hesitate. Hernz: what's that do Cat? Cat: -1 to their attack rolls (and saves vs fear) (it's inverse bless) Hawk runs up behind Nidri and Claire and sings a rhyme about the valor and strength of combat. As the battle rages on, everyone notices a Dwarf, clad in a Chain Shirt, Shield and Axe run onto the field. It's that Dwarf you saw in Merki's office a few days ago. Fi: Just in time Norvi! Round 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire and Fi, you're up Fi is attacking with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 10 (Needs at least 26 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 15 Crit Damage: +5 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' I rolled a 4. Cat: yeah, we heard you. ;) Hernz: lol Meghan: :) Fi attacks without moving. Fi's arrow flies true, but the thug turns to the side, avoiding the arrow. Meghan: Argh... I suppose I should've tested the macro... I want to attack someone (GM) Chad S. (GM): Plenty of targets. Meghan: I'm getting SyntaxError's (GM) Chad S. (GM): What's your code? Meghan: default attack macro text (GM) Chad S. (GM): Could you copy and paste the code with quotes? Meghan is attacking with Pearl of Brilliance! Meghan: Attack Result: 16 Damage Result: 4 Notes: Touch attack or throw it as splash weapon. Splash 10'. Must make a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds Hey, there we go. Claire: Pretend I did that. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Which targets? Meghan: the hooded guy in front of the closest tent splash to the guy next to him ranged touch attack (GM) Chad S. (GM): What's the splash damage? The direct damage is 4, right? Meghan: splash is the fort save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds I guess that affects both of them. unless they're undead, in which case it does actual damage (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, I see. What's the DC? Meghan: Uhhhh http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/3rd-party-spells/rite-publishing---3rd-party-spells/p/pearl-of-brilliance (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fort Save DC 14 16 Oh wait, it looks like DC 15 Meghan: probably both of them should make it. unless 4 damage kill the first one. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fort Save DC 15 17 Cat: lol. Claire chants and generates an orb of pure light from her hand. She hurls the gem at the two thugs. One of them is overwhelmed by the holy light and collapses. The other one ignores the bright light. Fi cheers! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh snap I can use the arrow keys Nidranisan is not going to enjoy this part... The thugs shamble over in perfect unison and try to surround their targets. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, the top target provokes an AoO as she moves through your space. Vegeta: rolling 1d20-1 ( 4 )-1 = 3 hmph! where this other stupid mosquito come from? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir, the baned thug tries to attack while unarmed, provoking an AoO Fleir is attacking with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 8 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 9 Crit Damage: +7 Fleir: Type: PBS Trip Attempt: 17 Chris: I got another 4. Hernz: 4s aren't fun lol The thugs surround Fi. One of them prepares to punch Fi, not caring for her safety. Fleir tries to bite her but misses entirely. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Unarmed Strike 8 for 3 Nonlethal damage The thug misses Fi. Where was she aiming? Vegeta, what's you AC? Vegeta: 21 right now Chris laughs. Chris: They might crit... Hernz: lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): You have any more AoOs this round? Vegeta? Hernz: nope (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay then. Unarmed Strike 23 for 2 Nonlethal damage Unarmed Strike 21 for 2 Nonlethal damage Vegeta: oh come on!! lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Unarmed Strike 17 for 4 Nonlethal damage Chris facepalms. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Unarmed Strike 9 for 7 Nonlethal damage lol Surrounded, Vegeta is pummelled by two of the fighters. The leather-clad leader tries to punch Vegeta in the Kindeys, but Vegeta deflects it easily. Hernz: time to get rid of their flanking bonuses (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, everyone else is up. Fleir is attacking with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 22 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 3 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 18 Crit Damage: +7 Fleir: Type: PBS Trip Attempt: 19 Vegeta first attack against injured guy Vegeta: rolling 1d20-1 ( 13 )-1 = 12 1d6 rolling 1d6 ( 3 ) = 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Which one is Fleir attacking? Fleir: Bottom Most. Nidranisan is activating their Oracle ability, Revelation (lvl 1) Nidranisan: Demonhide Revelation (lvl 1) uses remaining: 0 Fleir: I mean, "grr..." Vegeta: did that 12 hit? Vegeta throws a mean hook and knocks out the woman on his left. She moans "Throw them in..." as she collapses. Vegeta second attack to enemy below him Vegeta: rolling 1d20-1 ( 8 )-1 = 7 nope Full of confidence that he's the best, Vegeta adds a flourish to his followup strike...missing entirely. Fleir bites down on the thug who circled around the undergrowth. The thug falls but is still active. Fleir remains in place. Cat: ...i can 5-foot step diagonally, right? Nidri braces for a moment, and her skin bristles in a metallic sheen. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Your revelation was a standard action, so you cannot take a 5 foot step. Cat: standard, not full... i can't 5-foot with a standard? Fleir: You have a move left. You could choose only 5. Cat: ...but it would provoke? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oops, you can take a 5 foot as long as you don't take any other kind of movement. My bad George: 5 foot step can only be used if you don't use another move action. yeah. (GM) Chad S. (GM): That leaves Hawk and Torvi for this round George is activating their Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 George: +1 to attack and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 7 Hawk Hubertins is activating their Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 7 George: Oops. Bard song continuing. 5 foot step back. Chris: BTW, Chad. The attack macros have us click on the target. If you name them, the target name should be in the action. If that helps at all. George: Draw bow as move equivalent action George is attacking with Short Bow, composite! George: Attack Result: 15 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 4 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 21 Crit Damage: +9 George: Type: P Notes: And again I forgot to switch to Hawk. Do I need to reroll that attack as Hawk? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nah, it's cool. Which one is your target? George: DIrectly to the right of Hawk. The one who got hit with the bane. I think just just called him thug b, but the name is hidden. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, all enemies should have names and bars. Yeah, Thug C is hiding Thug B's name to protect the innocent. Chris: lol George: Heh. :P "And lo, he strikes!" Hawk's arrow hits the foe directly in the forehead, where he falls immediately. His arms struggle for a moment, then stop. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think that's all but Norvi. Feel free to tell me what you will do next turn, Fi and Claire and I'll process them after Norvi moves. Hope you are all having fun with the battle so far. Chris: yes. George: Yup, good so far. Fi drops her bow, and draws her sword. Vegeta: ZOMBIES!!!! Fi is attacking Thug D with Long Sword! Fi: Attack Result: 14 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 3 Crit Damage: +6 Fi: Type: slashing Notes: Hernz: but yes, I'll have to do all that macro stuff later Chris: Filling out the attacks takes care of most of it. Then you can just click the die and the target. Hernz: ah, using those char sheets they provide... it was harsh for the monk flurry Chris: Then just use them as a template for your own :-P Hernz: or I keep rolling like I have lol Chris: True Hernz: can you guys see my partial health bar? nm, it was hidden behind the thug (GM) Chad S. (GM): DM with the save Cat: can't really get to you though. fight your way over here ;) Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Ranged Attack result: 21 Hawk Hubertins's Ranged Attack result: 11 George: Blerf. Trying to figure out the name of the ranged attack total bonus in my sheet while writing a macro, and accidentally clicking stuff. Sorry guys. George is attacking @{target|token_name} with his Composite Short Bow! George: Attack Result: 12 George is attacking @{target|token_name} with Short Bow! George: Attack Result: 4 George is attacking with Short Bow! George: Attack Result: 19
April 3, 1236 AD (late lunch/afternoon)
Round 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'm waiting for Norvi's action. Claire and Fi have their actions queued up. Also, I altered the initiative chart to show some statuses. At this point initiative doesn't matter. Er, it won't matter once Norvi moves. Hernz: hey, I didn't realize inspire courage did +1 damage as well, so glad you added that to the initiative sheet... it helps Meghan: Too bad there's no good way to say "temporary plus one damage to all attacks" the same way you can put in a +1 to the attack rolls... George is attacking @{target|token_name} with Short Bow! George: Attack Result: 16 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 George is attacking @{target|token_name} with Short Bow! George: Attack Result: 6 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 (To GM) rolling 1d20+4 ( 13 )+4 = 17 George: (To GM) rolling 1d6 ( 3 ) = 3 George: np Yeah, that would be nice. The built-ins on the sheet are nice, I just wish I could figure out how to reference them so I could have a quick reference to them. Macros, that is. #{Hawk Hubertins|repeating_weapon_1_Attack} George is attacking Thug G with Short Bow! George: Attack Result: 15 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 4 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: [[1d20 + ((0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0) + ((floor((15 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2)-5) + floor(0/2) - (floor(abs(0)/2)) - (floor(abs(0)/2))) + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0) Crid Damage: +8 George: Type: P George is attacking Thug G with Short Bow! George: Attack Result: 20 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 12 Crid Damage: +12 George: Type: P (GM) Chad S. (GM): Almost there! George is attacking with his Rapier! George: Attack Result: 17 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 0 Crit: 18/x2 Crit Confirm: 19 Crid Damage: +2 George: Type: P Hawk Hubertins is attacking with his Rapier! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 16 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 18/x2 Crit Confirm: 18 Crid Damage: +2 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P Hawk Hubertins is attacking Armored Thug with his Rapier! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 15 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 18/x2 Crit Confirm: 19 Crid Damage: +5 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P Hernz is attacking Thug C with Flurry 2! Hernz: Attack Result: 19 (Needs at least 19 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 7 Crit Damage: +3 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking Thug C with Flurry 2! Hernz: Attack Result: 16 (Needs at least 19 to crit.) Damage Result: 1 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 4 Crit Damage: +5 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking Thug C with Flurry 2! Hernz: Attack Result: 5 (Needs at least 19 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 4 Crit Damage: +7 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking Thug C with Flurry 2! Hernz: Attack Result: 14 (Needs at least 19 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 8 Crit Damage: +2 Hernz: Type: B Notes: apologies for the spam of attacks... trying to figure out my flurries Hernz is attacking Thug C with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 15 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 9 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 20 Crit Damage: +11 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking Thug C with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 12 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 2 Crit Damage: +3 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking Thug C with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 4 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage Result: 113 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 0 Crit Damage: +115 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking Thug C with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 1 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage Result: 113 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 12 Crit Damage: +113 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 14 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage Result: 3 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 8 Crit Damage: +5 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 6 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage Result: 1 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 3 Crit Damage: +1 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 13 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: -1 Crit Damage: +2 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking Thug C with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 1 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage Result: 4 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 2 Crit Damage: +3 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 15 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage Result: 3 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 42 Crit Damage: +1 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 3 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage Result: 3 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 13 Crit Damage: +2 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Hernz is attacking Thug C with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 9 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage: +6 Hernz: Type: B Hernz is attacking with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 4 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage (blunt): +4 Hernz is attacking with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 14 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 3 Crit Confirm: 11 Crit Damage (blunt): +3 Hernz is attacking with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 6 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 3 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 9 Crit Damage (blunt): +3 Hernz is attacking Thug G with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 10 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 13 Crit Damage (blunt): +5 Hernz is attacking with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 9 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 3 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 8 Crit Damage (blunt): +4 Hernz is attacking with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 1 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 3 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 2 Crit Damage (blunt): +2 Hernz is attacking with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 6 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 1 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 12 Crit Damage (blunt): +5 Chris: Hmm... a flurry of flurries. Hernz: lol! Hernz is attacking with a mighty two-handed slam! Hernz: Attack Result: 12 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage (Blunt): 2 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 3 Crit Damage (Blunt): +1 Hernz: Notes: Hernz is attacking with a mighty two-handed slam! Hernz: Attack Result: 11 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage (Blunt): 6 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 13 Crit Damage (Blunt): +2 Hernz: Notes: Stuns for 1 round Hernz is attacking @{target|token_name} with a mighty two-handed slam! Hernz: Attack Result: 18 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage (Blunt): 1 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 4 Crit Damage (Blunt): +4 Hernz: Notes: Fort Save DC +[(((floor((20 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2)-5) + floor(0/2) - (floor(abs(0)/2)) - (floor(abs(0)/2)))+10+floor((1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2))] Stuns for 1 round Hernz is attacking @{target|token_name} with a mighty two-handed slam! Hernz: Attack Result: 16 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage (Blunt): 2 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 12 Crit Damage (Blunt): +2 Hernz: Notes: Fort Save DC +15 Stuns for 1 round Hernz is attacking @{target|token_name} with a mighty two-handed slam! Hernz: Attack Result: 10 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage (Blunt): 6 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 17 Crit Damage (Blunt): +4 Hernz: Notes: Fort Save DC 15 or Stunned for 1 round Hernz is attacking with a mighty two-handed slam! Hernz: Attack Result: 21 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage (Blunt): 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 7 Crit Damage (Blunt): +2 Hernz: Notes: Fort Save DC +[(((floor((20 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2)-5) + floor(0/2) - (floor(abs(0)/2)) - (floor(abs(0)/2)))+10+floor(Vegeta|level/2))] Stuns for 1 round Hernz is attacking with a mighty two-handed slam! Hernz: Attack Result: 3 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage (Blunt): 4 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 9 Crit Damage (Blunt): +3 Hernz: Notes: Fort Save DC 15 or Stunned for 1 round Hernz is attacking with a knee to the stomach! Hernz: Attack Result: 12 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage (Blunt): 2 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 17 Crit Damage (Blunt): +6 Hernz: Notes: Fort Save DC 15 or Stunned for 1 round Hernz rushes Thug C and drives a knee to the stomach! Hernz: Attack Result: 10 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage (Blunt): 4 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 13 Crit Damage (Blunt): +5 Hernz: Notes: Fort Save DC 15 or Stunned for 1 round Dan: Sorry guys, are we still waiting on me? Hernz: yup :) Hernz is attacking @{target|token_name} Flurry Hernz: Attack Result: 2 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 0 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 9 Crit Damage: +0 Hernz: Type: B Notes: Vegeta|repeating_weapon_0_notes ok, I'm done Dan: well... since my movement speed is only 20.... Norvi Torvaldr charges Thug G! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Roll attack + damage like a boss Norvi Torvaldr: rolling 1d20+4 ( 3 )+4 = 7 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Don't forget Inspire Courage and Charge Dan: well inspire courage doesn't grant bonus to hit does it? (GM) Chad S. (GM): It gives a +1 George: It sure does. Dan: oh then that roll would be a 9 to hit then.... George: +2 from charging, +1 from bard song would be a 10, wouldn't it? Dan: oh I thought it was a +1 from charging, my bad George: Nope, charging is +2 to hit, and -2 to AC until your next turn. So if someone provokes this turn, you still get the +2. ;) The dwarf runs in at full speed (not as fast as most of you) and swings his axe...missing the Thug, who seems singlemindedly focused on pummeling Vegeta. Dan: do you mind if I move over here instead , to be adjacent to Vegeta? Norvi Torvaldr: By Winheldr, I will not miss again! (GM) Chad S. (GM): You mean here? Dan: yup! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Done and done Round 3 Dan: thanks (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi and Claire are up next. Meghan and Chris: You gave me queued actions. Do you still want to do them, or something else? George: What about Fleir and Hawk? They didn't get actions in Round 2 yet. (After Norvi's action) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk shot and killed Thug B. Fleir tripped Thug F. George: Ok, I'm confused about rounds, probably because of the surprise/retcon from last night. You know what Hawk's plan is for his next action, assuming it's still valid. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, sorry about all that. To speed up battle, the round is basically before enemy, enemy, after enemy Everyone except Norvi had acted in the "after enemy" phase last night Except for Fi and Claire, who acted "before enemy" Adding HP bar for Hawk Meghan: yeah,ok. Claire is attacking Thug C with Pearl of Brilliance! Claire: Attack Result: 14 Damage Result: 3 Notes: Touch attack or throw it as splash weapon. Splash 10'. Must make a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds Meghan: I believe thug C and A make fort save dc 15 or are dazzled. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fort Save DC 15 8 Fort Save DC 15 20 Claire generates another pure white pearl and hurls it at the thug. His body is injured by raw exposure to the holy light, reducing his eyesight for 4 rounds. The other thug seems unfazed. (GM) Chad S. (GM): That's your standard Claire. You still have a move action. Meghan: I took a 5 ft step back (GM) Chad S. (GM): Ah, OK. Using Fi's queued action. Fi swings his sword, slicing the thug across the abdomen. The thug doesn't seem to react to the bleeding. He continues to moan "Throw them into the morass" The thugs clumsily try to surround, stand up, or punch the party members with almost no concern to their personal well being. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Almost every thug is provoking AoOs. If you can take advantage of it, I added it to the "initiative and statuses" handout. Nidri, I forgot if you have a melee weapon out. Hawk has a shortbow so he doesn't have a melee weapon. Hernz: does H, G or Armored thug provoke? (GM) Chad S. (GM): G and H do. The Armored Thug seems to know how to fight unarmed Hernz: ah, I see it wait... do thugs provoke from anyone next to them when they attack unarmed melee? isnt it just the person they're attacking? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, they provoke from anyone in range. It's why Greater Trip is nuts. Dan: then I'll attack G Vegeta attacks Thug H with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 20 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 1 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 6 Crit Damage (blunt): +3 Hernz: a crit with fail check and min damage... great lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Lol Hernz: wait should be 2 dam from georges thing (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can't flurry in an AoO. Is that just a macro thing? Hernz: yeah, tis just an attack (GM) Chad S. (GM): Ah, OK. Hernz: I'll mod the macro lol Dan attacks thug G with a look of utter determination Norvi Torvaldr: rolling 1d20+4 ( 15 )+4 = 19 As the thug raises her hand, Vegeta sees her moment of weakness and STRIKES! ...lightly kicking her thigh. Chris: So D is attacking Fi, and F is standing up? I will have Fleir AoO D and Fi AoO F if possible. Norvi Torvaldr: rolling 1d10+3+1+2+1 ( 7 )+3+1+2+1 = 14 Hernz: is the +2 from charge? cause it only affects attack... either that or you have crazy bonuses :) Dan: oh I thought that was on damage, sorry Hernz: still crazy sweet dmg :) Swearing upon Winheldr's name, Norvi's waraxe comes down on the foolish thug in an overwhelming display of force, flattening her immediately. Fleir is attacking Thug D with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 18 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 4 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 5 Crit Damage: +6 Fleir: Type: PBS Trip Attempt: 9 Norvi Torvaldr yells in exultant triumph Vegeta grins with a fire in his eyes Fleir is attacking Thug F with Long Sword! Fleir: Attack Result: 7 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage Result: 9 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 12 Crit Damage: +6 Fleir: Type: slashing Notes: Vegeta: a worthy warrior! Fi made that second attack... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir mumbles "ruh-roh" and hands the sword back to Fi. Fi's face makes it clear there will be no extra treat tonight for her wolf. Hernz: hahahaha The wolf quickly snaps at the thug's arm as it approaches his master, dragging the thug to the ground. The man does not recover. Fi sees the thug trying to stand up and quickly digs her sword into the man's gut. He struggles to stand for a moment before collapsing. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Cat can resolve her AoO when she gets on. I'll attack with the other thugs now. Unarmed Strike against Fi: AC 7 for 3 non lethal damage Unarmed Strike against Vegeta: AC 21 for 3 non lethal damage Unarmed Strike against Vegeta: AC 23 for 8 non lethal damage Boom Hernz: LOL seriously man! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Where's your total defense now? Victory Lap Hernz: its partial defense! As Vegeta admires the strength of his new comrade, he is distracted by the punch from the female. As he turns to address this, the leather-clad foe punches a pressure point on Vegeta, knocking the warrior unconscious. Vegeta: ...not.... yet..................... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta is at 9 Nonlethal and 7 lethal damage, yes? Vegeta: you put everythign as non lethal that last round or does it turn to lethal once below 0? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Right. Vegeta: then yes (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay. Dan: might I ask what status effect is denoted by the skull and crossbones? (GM) Chad S. (GM): The skull and crossbones mean they have been Baned. This is the spell Bane, cast by Nidri. So they have -1 to attack and something else... http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/bane The opposite of bless... Hernz: so then vegeta should have a huge red X, with a nuke blowing up over him lol Dan: haha, excellent The thug attacking Fi doesn't seem to care about what Fi and the wolf did to her companions and flails uselessly in Fi's direction. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think Fi has been passing the good attack rolls to your goons, Vegeta Hernz: lol I took two 21s and two 23s... and a good chunk of damage on that last one too lol this happens everytime I create a dbz character... captain ginyu also fell in his first battle after the first guy landed a crit on the first attack lol Dan: lol Meghan: captain Ginyu also bought a mule, so his judgement isn't the best (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk bought a mule... Hernz: lol it was cost effective!! Dan: are we waiting on other AoOs? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, I don't know if Nidri has a weapon or not. If you want to queue up attacks, you can tell me now and I'll apply them when it's your turn (unless you're online) Hernz: Vegeta fights Freeza in hell (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta has a ton of non lethal damage so I'll add a blue bar to represent the non lethal damage he's taken. Cat: nidri has no weapon no real way to take an AOO. question is, can she get to vegeta. looks like she'd have to take more than one attack to manage it. have the thugs been making AoOs on us? Hernz: I dont think we've given them chances Cat: veg is down though, yes? Hernz: very yup Cat: the guy to his right is the leader? 'armored thug'? Hernz: seems to be the only one armored Cat: mm ok. looks like i need to wait for thugs A and C to finish up what they are doing. and then see if nidri still has the pants to get over there. i have a cure light for ya, if i can get over there alive :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Thug attacks Nidri with Unarmed Strike 20 for 2 non lethal damage (Crit Confirm) Crit Confirm Nidri with Unarmed Strike 15 for 1 non lethal damage Thug attacks Nidri with Unarmed Strike 11 for 3 non lethal damage Hernz: a crit confirmed does 1 damage? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Now look Hernz, you're unconsious and you can't soak good enemy rolls It's the extra damage from the x2 crit But it missed. Hernz: gotcha... misread that... The two thugs swing wildly against Nidri. Unable to predict their swings, Nidri is clocked solidly by Thug A. Cat: so...i took 2? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, 2 non lethal damage I added a blue bar to represent the non lethal Cat: so the blue fills up, and the green empties? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Once the blue meets the green, you are staggered If you take more non lethal it converts to lethal Hernz: Chad I admit, that having a blue and green bar makes me feel like I'm a badass boss in streets of rage :) Cat: ok. so, next question...can i move away and see if the thugs take attacks of opportunity before i decide exactly how far i'm moving? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hernz begins a dance rave while fighitng Frieza Cat: or do i have to declare up front where my movement ends? Hernz: Is Vegeta bleeding? Cat: (bleeding question also relevant to my decisions...) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, he took 7 lethal damage. Cat: 'cause i should go help vegeta but if i take 3 attacks to do it, i could be in quite a lot of trouble myself... (GM) Chad S. (GM): If you're taking more than a 5 foot step, you can decide which way to go. Cat: taking more, which means A and C might take AoOs on me. (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can tell that Thugs A and C can't take advantage with AoOs. Cat: ok. i'm going to go around thug H then. i think 30 will get me just above him, where i can cast on vegeta. (GM) Chad S. (GM): They don't threaten because they're using Unarmed Strikes and don't have Improved Unarmed Strike. Okay. Cat: ok, i don't know how to put a target in this yet, but let's try out my shiny new macro... Nidranisan casts Cure Light Wounds! Nidranisan: Level 1 3 When Nidri sees Vegeta fall, she weaves away from the thugs and runs to Vegeta. None of the thugs she runs past are able to react to her as she runs or casts a spell. Nidranisan: well that was a crappy roll. Hernz: lol :) does that take away from the lethal first, right? Cat: macro testing again, disregard this one: Cat casts Cure Light Wounds! Cat: Heal 8 HPs. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Healing adds HP and reduces Nonlethal Hernz: nope, guess not it does?? Cat: better. (also, sad about the rolling HAH. sorry, hernz.) Hernz: LOL Cat: it also stops your bleeding, at least. (GM) Chad S. (GM): "You heal nonlethal damage at the rate of 1 hit point per hour per character level. When a spell or ability cures hit point damage, it also removes an equal amount of nonlethal damage." Cat: so you get 3 real hps, heal 3 non-lethal, and stop bleeding? i'll take it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I was surprised, too. But healing nonlethal is way cool. Hernz: interesting (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta is still unconscious, but stable. Cat: technically, i have 2 more of those. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir, Norvi and Hawk it's your turn. Fi: Fleir, Get him! George: You've got Hawks queued action, so you know what he doing. Cat will have to figure out at some point how to macro "plus class level but cap it at +5"...i guess it'll be a while before i have to worry about that huh. (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...move zig? Fleir is attacking Thug A with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 9 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 23 Crit Damage: +4 Fleir: Type: PBS Trip Attempt: 19 Hernz: no, no, this battle will give us 20000 XP cat! Cat totally just figured out how to mark spells cast per day. feeling dense. Fleir runs ahead, past the thug who barely reacts. He bites at a thug but misses the leg. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk fires his shortbow at Thug A: AC 17 for 3 damage Oh! I forgot bardsong! Cat: LOL. George: Hehe. Go Hawk! Hawk maintains a rousing ballad and lets loose another arrow, striking the foe in head. The thug crumples immediately. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Consuming Norvi's queued action) Hernz: his queued action is dancing around my corpse? lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Norvi attacks the Armored Thug with his greataxe: AC 16 for 7 Norvi attacks Thug H with his Shield Bash: AC 10 for 5 damage Norvi steps over the fallen thug. He hacks at the leather-clad thug, severly wounding him. He tries to hit the other thug but is unable to. Hernz: I just realized I should have taken a 5 step AWAY from the center so I wasnt gang banged... (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol Round 4 Chris: Is that really what Vegeta would have done? ;-) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire and Fi, you're up. Hernz: you're right chris hahaha Chris is attacking Thug E with Long Sword! Chris: Attack Result: 9 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 5 Crit Damage: +3 Chris: Type: slashing Notes: Fi attacked. Not Chris. gah. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Chris tries to give Fi 100 hit points. Chad punishes him by skipping Fi's turn Fi swings her sword but misses the thug. (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's Claire's turn Cat: so, the red thugs are down, yes? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, they are down Cat: so we have C, H, E and thug leader? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes Cat: heeeey we're a lot less totally screwed than i thought! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, I was interested in trying out this kind of battle. Seems to be going well, Meghan: Ok, trying to attack with my crossbow instead right now. (GM) Chad S. (GM): except the strongest guys surrounded Vegeta lol Shooting Thug C I assume? Meghan is attacking Thug C with Crossbow! Meghan: Attack Result: 13 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage Result: 3 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 10 Crit Damage: +6 Meghan: Type: P Notes: (GM) Chad S. (GM): Meghan shoots the thug through the Mac. Claire looks grumpy. Claire: do you want me to shoot it instead? Hernz: lol Claire pulls out her crossbow and fires a bolt into the thug's gut. The thug collapses. Cat: wo er, woooo Meghan: (loading it was move equiv so I'm spent ) (GM) Chad S. (GM): With Vegeta down, the two thugs turn towards... Even = Nidri 1 Norvi. Norvi's AoO AC 13 damage Norvi's AoO for 13 damage Wow, I rolled that damage well Chris: squish George: Why was there an aoo? Hernz: he attacked unarmed George: oh Hernz: and they dont have improved unarmed strike George: Right The leather-clad thug and his associate step towards Norvi. One thug raises her hand to strike and is quickly cut down by an alert Norvi. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Armored Thug attacks Norvi, hitting AC 4 for 5 damage The leader seems unfazed by this, but Norvi easily deflects his strike. Hernz: (gm is secretly adding +20 to attacks against vegeta, I figured it out) Chris: Well, 19. (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol you soaked all of my 19s and 20s Hernz: lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright. Fleir, Norvi, Nidri, Hawk and Vegeta, go Chris: There is another Thug on Fi still. Shall she AoO ? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, he provokes Nidranisan taps Vegeta again. Chris is attacking Thug E with Long Sword! Chris: Attack Result: 21 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 8 Crit Damage: +7 Chris: Type: slashing Notes: Nidranisan casts Cure Light Wounds! Nidranisan: Heal 5 HPs. Hernz: wooooooo! does vegeta get to do anything? Chris: Didn't confirm the crit, but didn't matter :-P The thug raises his foot to strike, and Fi uses this moment to drive her blade into his leg and take him down. Nidri summons more positive energy, rejuvenating Vegeta. He regains consciousness. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, your move action? Fleir is attacking Armored Thug with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 20 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 12 Crit Damage: +5 Fleir: Type: PBS Trip Attempt: 17 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta would get to move...but it doesn't matter Hernz: right Claire: Well, maybe we should find out what the morass is... Chris snicker. Cat: i think i'm cool where i am. Vegeta: thanks... what was your name again? Fleir quickly lunges at the leather-clad thug, dragging him down. The leader's last words are "Throw him in...the..." Cat: y'know, whith vegeta and norvi between me and the bad guy. Nidranisan: Nidri. You OK now? Vegeta: ... thanks Nidri... this goes to show how rusty I've gotten not getting any real fights in a while Norvi is just glad to help. Vegeta: and you... dwarf... you fight well... anyway, let's see if we find that silly bandana Fi: ... (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol Claire: headband? Vegeta: yeah yeah Vegeta checks the armored thug for any "loot" then searches the tents Claire mumbles: Well, you took a lot of hits, so at least we've established that you're good for something. Fi notes that Vegeta ignored her. Vegeta: (hey, he didn't see you al the way behind that tent) Chris: lol. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anyone has the Heal skill? Nidranisan: uhm. probably one sec Vegeta: its untrained Claire: yeah maybe Nidranisan does...you want a check? Claire: actually no, Meghan: I mean, I have a check of 3. so I can assist? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes please, give heal checks. You can take this untrained. Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Heal check: 13 Chris: Fi's Heal check: 15 Meghan: Claire's Heal check: 23 Vegeta: vegeta's heal check /r 1d20+5 doh Meghan: ;) Vegeta: rolling 120+5 120+5 = 125 Meghan: ... Vegeta: LOLOL rolling 1d20+5 ( 7 )+5 = 12 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta identifies several new strains of bacteria Vegeta: HAHAHAHA (GM) Chad S. (GM): Norvi's Heal check 16 Anyone who beat DC 15 notices that the thugs are already dead, not just unconscious. Claire: ... Welp. Nidranisan is so fail as party healer. lol. Vegeta: LOL (GM) Chad S. (GM): I assume everyone tells everyone else about this. Searching the camp, people notice a symbol written throughout the camp - it must have been the group's sign. Fi: I wonder if they were already dead... Nidranisan mumbles something unkind about Magmere Construction Company. Vegeta: you mean these things were dead from the start... what kind of disgusting sorcery is this? Besides the Leather Armor the armored thug was wearing, the other thugs are wearing nothing but tattered rags. The tents reek. It seems like nothing was repaired or upkept for quite some time. Fi: I wonder if there is anything in the pond. They seemed awfully intent on tossing us in. Vegeta is feeling gross... you can almost tell he wishes he could shower right about now after hearing he's been in contact with dead flesh Searching further inside the tent, you notice some loot! Vegeta: you have a good point Fi... ugh, I'll take a look (GM) Chad S. (GM): Longbow Thorn Bracer 3 bolas 2 sets of Studded Leather Armor Light Steel Shield 10 gp in coins (GM) Chad S. (GM): 71 gp worth of gems And the leader's Leather armor George: Is the leather MW or regular? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Regular armor Hawk Hubertins: I'm not fond of this place. So did anyone figure out why they attacked us? (GM) Chad S. (GM): I added the "Loot!" handout for easy access Hawk Hubertins: Other than because we're intruders on their land and they wanted to throw us in the... what were they saying? Morass? Fi picks up something from the ground. Vegeta: if they're the thugs we think they were that attacked those two merchants, then they likely didn't need a reason Hawk Hubertins: Even roadside brigands have a reason for attacking, even if it's not a nice one. Or a good one. Or much more than they think they can beat you up and take your stuff. Fi checks the faces of all the thugs. Nidranisan: Fi? You find something? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anyone looking at the Pond make a Knowledge(Nature) and/or Knowledge(Arcana) check. Fi: I recognize something of a former friend's. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Nature) check: 17 Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Arcana) check: 12 Nidranisan doesn't have either K skill. George: (Bardic Knowledge) Vegeta make a knowledge gross check... Fi: Fi's Knowledge (Nature) check: 12 Vegeta: ugh... disgusting Nidranisan: uh oh. I hope one of these isn't your former friend... Chris: Rolled a 5... Claire: Claire's Knowledge (Arcana) check: 12 no, wait... it's only trained and I didn't put any points into it. ignore that! Claire's Knowledge (Planes) check: 27 now if it's planar... Chris laughs. Vegeta: lol Claire immediately thinks it's something demonic. Nidranisan resembles that remark. (GM) Chad S. (GM): It looks like...a pond. The thugs must have camped here for easy water access. Claire: ... did they drink from that stuff? Claire hopes she remembered to bring bottled water with her... Fi: Probably better to not test it. Claire: Hey, Vegeta, taste this. you're big and strong right? I'm sure it'll do nothing to you. Vegeta: hmph... Fi frowns. Claire adjusts her halo. Claire: Claire's Bluff check: 14 Claire's Diplomacy check: 28 Vegeta: sense motive: rolling 1d20+9 ( 18 )+9 = 27 you get a minus to deplomacy cause he wants to throw you in there lol Claire: ... it would be wrong to use charm person at this point, wouldn't i? it? Vegeta: LOL Hawk Hubertins: With how valiantly our companion fought for us, you now want him to risk his life by drinking from an unknown pond? If we're going to test the water, we'd want to at least wade in a ways so we can get some of the deep water to drink anyway. Right? Nidranisan facepalms. Fi takes a branch and dips the end in the pond. Fi: At the very least don't use something important first. Hawk Hubertins: What do you think, Fi? Is it safe? Vegeta touches the water Fi: No. I just want to know if there is anything beyond that to worry about. Hawk Hubertins goes around and collects up as many of his arrows as he can recover. Claire: Too late. You have angered the pond. It attacks. Fi: The big ones are mine. (GM) Chad S. (GM): 50% chance to recover the arrows from those sweet headshots you made Vegeta starts shaking and acting screaming! Vegeta: *no acting screaming, just screaming Claire: welp, there goes our meatshield. Vegeta raises his hand to his face and starts screaming like crazy George: rolling 3d2 ( 2 + 2 + 2 ) = 6 Cool, recovered all three of them. Vegeta turns to the party with worried eyes and runs towards Claire Fi: Uhoh. Claire casts Clean! Claire: School: Transmutation; Level 0 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: VSM (bit of soap) Range: close (25'+ 5' /2 levels) Targets/Area: one object or one 10'x10' room Duration: Instantaneous Claire: Saving Throw: DC 14, none; Spell Resistance: No You wave your hands in a circular motion over an object (or in the air to clean a room) and all dirt on the target immediately vanishes as though the object or room was just scrubbed thoroughly clean. don't touch me with your filthy hands Claire waves her hands over Vegeta Hawk Hubertins: What? What happened? Are you ok? Vegeta: rolling 1d20+7 ( 2 )+7 = 9 Claire: you miss Vegeta: that was my will save Claire: you still miss Vegeta: I assume that's what that was? Claire: whoops Vegeta: or not? Fi: rolling 3d2 for arrow recovery. ( 2 + 2 + 1 ) = 5 Hernz: what's the syntax for rolling and saying something at the same time? like "rolling for x" Chris: "/r blah blah d20 blah blah" Hernz: hm... didnt do it for me when I did the sense motive... let's try again Chris: oops you can't put anything before the die. Hernz: rolling 1d20+9 for blah blah ( 19 )+9 = 28 k Hernz thanks Kurisu Hernz: ask meghan if she charmed vegeta Chris: that was a clean spell. Hernz: oh... in that case (GM) Chad S. (GM): If you want a smaller footprint on that roll, you can also try "blah blah 20 blah blah" Vegeta gets right up to Claire screaming then stops (GM) Chad S. (GM): Put 1d20 in square brackets Vegeta: ....idiot Claire: you're the filthy one. touching swamp water. You nasty. well, you were. You're clean now. You're welcome. Hawk Hubertins: Guys? We're in a dangerous swamp and you're already bickering like children? Chris: You probably don't feel like you need the shower anymore :-P Fi clears his throat. Vegeta staring at the swamp water Fi: So no one saw the headband in camp, correct? Hawk Hubertins: The head... Oh, I forgot we were looking for it. Vegeta: there's nothing in there... probably just corpses they've been dumping... we should move on With the thugs defeated and their camp searched, the party does not find anything resembling a headband. By now it is late afternoon. (GM) Chad S. (GM): So, what's next? Fi suggests continuing with the planned route. Hawk Hubertins: Good idea. Let's keep going. Vegeta agrees Nidranisan is ready to go. The party continues along the route, searching for anything out of the ordinary. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make Perception checks. Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Perception check: 13 Fi: rolling 1d20+10 Perception Check ( 14 )+10 = 24 Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Perception check: 20 Vegeta: rolling 1d20+9 perception check ( 12 )+9 = 21 Cat: geez. i should just pack up and go home huh. :P Hernz: lol Cat will be over here, doing my code reviews. Chris: Sorry, Elven Hunter and a Wisdom Monk. Cat: and a bard. Claire: Claire's Perception check: 12 George: A pretty bard, thankyouvermuch. Chris: He just rolled a 17 :-P (GM) Chad S. (GM): Norvi's Perception 4 Chris: lol Vegeta: lol Cat will be over here with Norvi. Claire: Hey, this swamp is pretty depressing, isn't it? Claire just noticed. Fi: It's a swamp. Vegeta: why don't you go complain to Merki to send you to ice cream land next time Nidranisan: might be why they call it the swamp of despair. Hernz: btw chad, what xp scale are we using for leveling? Fi: There's usually more wildlife in a swamp. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Probably fast. I haven't decided yet. Hernz: k Vegeta: what could possibly live in a place like this? Claire: Swamps are usually full of life. This is... not natural. Fi: Most swamps are rather full of life. The water and trees provide a thriving habitat. Vegeta: name me one thing that would thrive in this place? Fi: Insects. Fish. Crocodiles. George: Frogs? Vegeta: ...ok, name me 3 more Hawk Hubertins: Frogs? Vegeta: fine fine, you win, sheesh Hawk Hubertins: Snakes. Uhhh... Has anyone seen any snakes? Claire: Ahh, plants? Fi: This one still has those at least. Meghan: the plants were dying, I thought. Cat: so you still can't hear any fish, is what you're saying. Chris: I said that days ago :-P Cat: hence "still" :P Chris: yup Nidranisan: so, something is clearing making this swamp weird. i suspect we'll make more progress if we track that down. Fi: Agreed. Nidranisan: er, clearly. your map have any indicators of a center to this swamp or anything like that? Vegeta: what if it's just something that's scaring off all this wildlife you speak of Fi: It's hard to scare insects. Vegeta looks at Fi Vegeta: at least someone seems to know what she's talking about Fi: There is a larger pond that divides it. I was planning to cover the ground on the larger side today. (in reference to Nidri's question) Hawk Hubertins: Lead on, Fi. Nidranisan: yeah. maybe we'll want to look at the larger pond itself as well? Through the afternoon, the party follows his lead through the swamp. They don't find much more than some swamp life. Fi: I agree, but I think it would probably be for the best for us to stick to the land for the moment. Nidranisan: yeah. Fi: rolling 1d20+7 Survival Check ( 7 )+7 = 14 Chris: In case Chad wants it :-P Vegeta: rolling 1d20+5 survival just in case as well ( 4 )+5 = 9 buah buah Fi: I think that is what we can do for the day. Lets head back and make camp. Vegeta: we are heading back instead of just camping around here? Fi: Yes. We will be doing the other side of the pond tomorrow anyway. Nidranisan: i'm not sleeping in a lifeless swamp with questionable water and dead people beating me up. Claire: That was always the plan Hawk Hubertins: I'm not crazy about the idea of sleeping in this swamp. A damp bedroll would be unpleasant. Vegeta lets out a hearty laugh from Nidri's comment Vegeta: fair enough Claire: that's why we're exploring half today and half tomorrow. Nidranisan: so yeah, back to camp. Chris: Also we left all our heavy gear with the horses and mules. Hernz: (I must have missed that part of the plan, no problemo) The party leaves the swamp, and prepares to make camp. (GM) Chad S. (GM): What are your watches? Hernz: I'm good with the one we had last time... if we remember it... plus now we can add Norvi Chris: I should probably put Fleir on someone else's watch... Fi: Anyone want Fleir to stay up with them? Nidranisan wouldn't mind. Fi: Ok. Vegeta, can I swap with you? Second for you, and third for me? Vegeta: sure Fi: Then I will wake up Fleir to watch with Nidri. Chris: So 1: Hawk & Claire 2: Vegeta 3: Fi 4: Nidri & Fleir. Where shall we have Norvi? Claire: with Vegeta let's haze the new guy (GM) Chad S. (GM): Norvi has a +2 to perception Chris laughs. Vegeta: lol Fi wonders if Vegeta would just try to spar with him all night. Claire: Please no. Some of us need beauty sleep. And by us I clearly mean me and Hawk. Fi: ... Whatever. Claire: ... I can maybe brush your hair for you if it makes you feel better? Fi: Sure. Why not? Claire brushes Fi's hair while everyone's getting ready for bed. And possibly braids it as well. Claire probably has some nice ribbons for it. Claire probably has two mirrors so Fi can see how it's braided in the back. Fi has a befuddled look on her face. Hawk Hubertins helps Claire using his own mirror to help Fi see every angle. Claire: Right? Fi blushes. Claire: good call. I've been thinking of getting one of those magical floating sets so I can do complicated stuff... Hawk Hubertins: You look good like that, Fi. Hawk Hubertins blushes. Fi: umm... thanks? Hawk Hubertins ducks under his blanket on his bedroll before remembering that he's on first watch. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Rolling a million private checks...) Vegeta: lol Chris: Is that what they call it now days? Hernz: Black dragon eats Hawk The night is eerily quiet. You don't even hear ambience. Chris: I need one of those white noise generators... Claire: well, since "ambience" usually means "bugs" I'm ok with this Hawk Hubertins looks totally flustered after a whispered conversation with Claire. Hawk Hubertins blushes beet red. Hawk Hubertins: I.. I... I... Meghan: If we get attacked first watch, blame the gay porn. Chris: Are we shipping characters already? Hawk Hubertins seems to have lost his voice. Meghan: when are we not? Claire gets a book out of her pack that says "bucket list" and checks off the one that says "shut up a bard" Claire: Good deed for the day, done. Now, who wants s'mores? Hawk Hubertins: S'mores? Hawk Hubertins starts singing about desserts. Claire: Look, a convenient change of topic! Don't say I never gave ya nothin'. But also, I'll lend you those books when we get back to the city. They're educational. Chris: "educational" Meghan: There are diagrams and everything. Chris dies. Vegeta is doing his best to not get involved in any of this conversation... Fi goes to bed. Fleir joins her. Vegeta: I tjpught we were up already thought* George: Meghan, we're horrible. :) Chris: I assume that was either before bed or first watch. I treated it independent of the time passing. Meghan: probably first watch Vegeta: gotcha Claire: Hawk, you and I are going to be the very best of friends. Hawk Hubertins: Ok, you have to teach me how you got your boots that clean after trekking through that muck today. Claire: Oh. Claire casts Clean! Claire: School: Transmutation; Level 0 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: VSM (bit of soap) Range: close (25'+ 5' /2 levels) Targets/Area: one object or one 10'x10' room Duration: Instantaneous Claire: Saving Throw: DC 14, none; Spell Resistance: No You wave your hands in a circular motion over an object (or in the air to clean a room) and all dirt on the target immediately vanishes as though the object or room was just scrubbed thoroughly clean. There ya go. Hawk Hubertins blinks a few times. Hawk Hubertins: Wow! Claire: So much better than actually cleaning my bathroom at home. Hawk Hubertins: And here I thought singing people to sleep was useful! Nidranisan: wow, you two will be ALL SET when you have kids. Nidranisan didn't look like she was paying attention... Hawk Hubertins: Nidri, go to bed already! You don't want to be sleepy during your watch! Chris dies again. Claire gives Nidri a side-eye Claire: Though, they would be very pretty children... Hawk Hubertins: I... Uhhh... think I should go check on... on... on the horses. Claire gives Hawk a side-eye Hawk Hubertins walks over to the horses looking totally flustered. Cat throws chris a cure light? Chris stops bleeding. Nidranisan is already settling in to sleep, maybe snickering just a little bit. Hawk Hubertins quite obviously has no idea what he's doing and sort of shuffles around among the horses singing quietly until one or two of them fall asleep. Nidranisan: Pretty sure Fi has that covered, Hawk. Nidranisan is pretty much mumbling in her sleep. Claire: So, Hawk... how'd you start working for Merki? Cat: (George is getting ready for bed at this point, he may get back to you tomorrow.) The adults still have UC-South-plague. Claire: ok. Meghan: d'oh Cat: sunday. Meghan: Still on for Hub on Saturday? We should plan food yes! Cat: yeah, we should plan food. Meghan: that's what I meant Cat: i think george has some dessert. Meghan: more time to plan food, too Cat: i might have some salad capability. waiiiit, we're hanging around, yakking OOC in our game, about our other game. quick, chris, die again ;) Meghan: :) Chris: I was just about to tell you guys to take it elsewhere :-P Meghan: but this is convenient! Cat: so is AIM :P Meghan: nah. this chat room is mostly filled with Hub players anyway Chris: Sorry, Dan. Meghan: whatev he can join the hub if he wants to be super cool Chris laughs. Vegeta: lol Meghan: I have a theory on what happened to Vegeta's kingdom While he was away, the whole kingdom decided to move. Everyone packed up and left, setting fire to their homes when they did so. They now known as "No-Vegetas" (we can have one) Vegeta: hahahaha Meghan: Some people volunteered to be killed to make it look authentic they were like "Our prince has a 7 charisma. He going to get us into so many wars when he becomes king. let's just leave now" and they took a vote and it was unanimous except for one kid they sent to earth to conquer it Hernz is dying laughing Chris is speechless. Meghan: watch out for that kid, Hernz Warn your character Hernz: I hear he's wearing an angelic bandana Meghan: oh shit Hawk Hubertins: I was in the city and needed work, and I guess Merki heard me perform in a tavern, because when I went to the company to get a job, he hired me on the spot. Not much to tell, really. How about you? How'd you meet Merki? George: Yes, I have dessert for Hub. And it might get interesting because my voice is all screwed up from whatever our plague is. Meghan: boo voice but yay dessert! Claire: I got cursed, got into debt, lost my job, and he fixed a bunch of that for me and gave me a job. George: Anyhow, I'm off to bed. G'nite guys! Claire: night! err Meghan: Night! I need a keyboard macro to switch ic/ooc Chris: "does /ooc work" Meghan: oh does it? Chris: apparently so. Meghan: huh excellent too bad /ic doesn't but I do need to remember to prefix it Hernz: testing ooc Vegeta: nice. Hernz: alright, I'm out Meghan: ditto Cat: see y'all on the flip side.
April 4, 1236 AD (morning)
A light drizzle greets you as you climb out of your tent. You can't see the sun through the clouds, but the ambient light is still enough to see normally. You take down your tents and prepare for another day of trekking through the swamp, this time crossing the strangely innaccurate pong on the otherwise stellar map As you pass by the "Stay Out- that means you, yes!" You wonder if those thugs ever saw or cared about the warning. Hawk Hubertins: Lovely weather we're having. Fi: It might be getting worse soon. Nidranisan doesn't seem to bother with any kind of cloak or overcoat. She just gets wet. Fi tries to predict the weather. Fi: Fi's Knowledge (Nature) check: 12 Chris: Well, it wan't a 4... wasn't Vegeta: Let's get going and try to make most of today before we have to return. Chris: I'm just going to leave these here. Fi: rolling 1d20+10 Perception Check ( 14 )+10 = 24 rolling 1d20+7 Survival Check ( 3 )+7 = 10 Hernz: good idea Vegeta: rolling 1d20+9 perception ( 16 )+9 = 25 rolling 1d20+5 survival ( 18 )+5 = 23 Chris: sure now you roll high :-P Hernz: Can I suggest maybe leaving our cell #s on this so that when we get going, we can ping people like "hey Hernz, it's on" or some such? Like today I'm home all day, but in case I'm not glued to the computer, you know? /me laughs Chris: sure. 781-325-3772. Meghan is 781-266-7362 Cat: 617-388-7739, george is 617-331-3212 (text is cool) Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Survival check: 7 Nidranisan's Perception check: 16 Chris: I think Dan is 617-470-1411 Hernan, you're 781-696-0778? Cat: those are the numbers i have for hernz/dan also. Dan: damn.. I missed a lot Chris: sorry, Fleir stole one of your kills. Norvi was probably on watch with Vegeta unless you chose otherwise (Fi is probably the only other option). George: Bandwagon time... Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Perception check: 22 Hawk Hubertins's Survival check: 11 Cat: wait, we have a bandwagon? George: :P Chris: Where else would Hawk get his accompaniment? George: From his invisible friend/companion Julio who plays music that only the audience can hear. Vegeta: yup, that's my # Norvi Torvaldr enthusiastically (and loudly) enjoys his breakfast of bacon and eggs before the trek begins. Norvi Torvaldr: Norvi makes a [1d20+2] perception check Norvi makes a [/r 1d20+2] perception check damn Chris: 9 "double brackets." Norvi Torvaldr: Norvi makes a 7 perception check Hernz: makes a random 11 check to test double brackets excellent Chris has spent too much time perusing the wiki. Hernz: lol Norvi Torvaldr tries for a nature check now: 7 Hernz: well at least we have Fi and Vegeta on the 20+s lol Dan: /em tries nesting the emote and ooc commands Norvi Torvaldr: damn Chris: yeah, noticed that limitation. Cat: hey chris, you figure out how to do a dieroll macro with a cap on the add? as in 1d8 + (level capped at 5) Chris: They have a lower of function, I'll grab it real quick. Cat: read most of the macro/dieroll stuff and didn't see it. Chris: 5 " 1d8 + ( { 5 , whatever }kl1) " Cat: wow. that's...intuitive. Chris: I can't paste is exactly in here. https://wiki.roll20.net/Macros_-_Pathfinder_Examples Look under Calculated Die Rolls. Nidranisan: 1 Cat: hrm. Cat casts Cure Light Wounds! Cat: Fleir - heal 7 HPs. well, it seems fine... Cat casts Guidance! Cat: Duration: 1 minute Fleir - take +1 on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (choose before you roll) sorry chris, i'm testing macros on your puppy. The party continues the search through the swamp, finding nothing of interest besides a general lack of wildlife. Eventually the party makes its way to the pond. The pond itself seems endless in one direction. Turning to the left or the right, the pond seems to stretch out all the way to the horizon. Vegeta: This is one heck of a pond... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Feel free to read the "Swamp Pond" Handout. Hernz: is that "force" physical? Hawk Hubertins: Nobody go swimming, no matter how much you want to. I think swimming here would be a really bad idea. Also, no drinking the pond water. Fi laughs. Hawk Hubertins: Hey, do you think that one of those guys down there has the headband? Maybe someone should dive in and take a look? Vegeta: you should make up your mind... Fi: So no swimming, but diving is fine? Hawk Hubertins: Right, that's probably a bad idea, huh? So how do we find out if the headband is down there? Fi: It's pretty clear, might be able to spot it... Vegeta rolls a 27 perception to try and spot Fi: rolling 1d20+10 Perception Check ( 16 )+10 = 26 Hernz: man, if only I traded my perception checks for attack rolls lol does it make sense to assign one person and have the rest assist in these types of situations? Chris: Uncertain. Hernz: in theory we could take 20 if we take long enough just stare for a few mins Chris: Chad, are you saying we still need to cross the pond to explore the area we haven't tried? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Seems that way. Fi isn't certain about how long it would take to walk around it, but the pond itself is about 30 wide. The water is clear, and the bodies can be easily counted and viewed. They seem to wear the same colors as the armored thug the party faced yesterday. The party estimates about forty people in total drowned in the waters of this pond. Hernz: any equipment on them as we search for the headband primarily? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Some have leather armor, but nothing resembling the headband you are looking for. Vegeta: anyone care to pawn that armor? or should we just try to cross? Dan: how deep is the water? (GM) Chad S. (GM): About 20 feet deep. Hawk Hubertins: I think this may be where they wanted to throw us yesterday. We probably want to find a way around this particular pond. Vegeta: but these look like their own men... unless their trying to feed something lurking down there..... well, there's the log... I'll test it out Vegeta approaches the log and tests its sturdiness by lightly jumping on iy (GM) Chad S. (GM): The tree is still somewhat upright, but the trunk looks rotten. Do you want to knock the tree down? Hernz: oh, sorry, I thought it was like in the picture I'll wait for the others to see what they want to do... vegeta isn't the strongest.... yet... but he'd never admit that and they'd likely have better luck taking down the tree Hawk Hubertins pokes the dead tree with a stick to see how rotten it is. (GM) Chad S. (GM): To knock down the tree, a strength check is needed. Knowledge (Nature) and Knowledge (Engineering) will give bonuses to this. Norvi Torvaldr: I have this taken care of Hawk pokes the tree with a stick, and it sounds relatively hollow. With enough strength it could be knocked dow. Norvi Torvaldr brushes the dust from his hands and pushes hard on the tree Norvi Torvaldr strength check 22 Norvi pushes hard on the tree. It makes a lot of noise as the trunk begins to splinter and eventually collapse. With the resistance mostly broken, Norvi gives a single shove and knocks the tree over completely. It lands on the surface of the pond and extends across the pond. It seems like you would be able to cross the pond by walking on the fallen tree. Hernz: zelda door open melody plays in the background Vegeta: let me try it first Vegeta gets on the tree to cross is, acrobatics 8 Hernz: doh... lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a Will Save, Vegeta Vegeta: will 16 Fi: I've got some rope, so if someone makes it across we can string it up to help others cross. Vegeta leaps upon the log and feels a strange force trying to pull him off the log. He maintains his footing nonetheless and is in no danger of falling in. As everyone sees Vegeta, they suddenly realize their quest is hopeless. They may as well give up and end their miserable existences. They may as well... Throw themselves into the morass. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone make a Will Save! Fi: Fi's Will save: 20 Save notes: Norvi Torvaldr: does this trait apply?: "You receive a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and poison." (GM) Chad S. (GM): It does not, Norvi. Hernz: I wish lucia was here with her +2 vs enchanment lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): This is a mind affecting Supernatural enchantment. Dan attempts to resist. Will save 9 Norvi Torvaldr: ... Fi: Then I guess mine was actually a 22... Fleir's Will save: 9 Save notes: Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Will save: 9 Save notes: Hernz: chris, you can toss that in your notes then so it will say it automagically George: So, first save and you get a TPK? Hernz: this will save was for all the party members for trying those mushrooms we found (GM) Chad S. (GM): Haha. Can you guys roll initiative? Fi: Fi's Initiative result: 18.03 Vegeta: Initiative 11 Fi: Fleir's Initiative result: 15.02 Norvi Torvaldr: Norvi Torvaldr's Initiative result: 12.02 Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Initiative result: 21.02 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Waiting for Claire and Nidri's saves and init. George: Cat will be offline for a while. She's out to dinner at Kath's house with Eric. Meghan: Claire's Will save: 21 Save notes: Claire's Initiative result: 10.01 Dan: please keep me from pulling a Frodo Baggins into the swamp Hernz: lolol Chris: Here's hoping that 9 is enough, because half the party is going in with that. Claire: I'll honor your memory Dan: that's very noble of you... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri's Will Save 19 Nidri's Init 9 Alright, here we go. The magic number is 13. I updated the "Initative and Statuses" handout. Nidri frowns for a moment, then shrugs. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, you're up. Hawk Hubertins: Come on guys, let's go for a walk. Hawk Hubertins starts walking into the pond. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Now I have the Cliffdiver theme from the Price is Right in my head) Fi: Shit! Fi attempts to stop Hawk. Before anyone can react, Hawk briskly strolls into the pond. As soon as he steps in, he slowly sinks in. Fi notices Fleir and Norvi giving a similar thousand yard stare towards the pond. It looks like they are planning to run in! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Your move, Fi Fi: Arg! I'll deal with the sinking bard first. Fi attempts to pull out Hawk. Fi: swift action activate Animal Focus Bull. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk is 1 feet into the pond. Er, 5 feet into the pond. Hawk is 5 feet into the pond. (Note: Use * for multiplication of dice, not x) To pull Hawk out, you will need something with reach like rope or a branch. Then you and Hawk will need to make strength checks. Dan: will we get a chance to break the effect? Fi has rope. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup. As the pond drags Hawk, he snaps out of it and realizes he made a biiiiig mistake. He has plenty of things to live for! Claire: hrm... competing charms? nevermind, he's come to his sense sense ... senses (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, Fi and Hawk need to make Strength checks. Fi: Fi's STR Check: 3 Fi swears like a sailor. Hernz: lolol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh boy Still need the Strength check from Hawk Hernz: what happens if its a tie? Chris: He should be helping now. He snapped out of it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's not opposed. Both need to succeed their strength checks, but the victim needs to make additional checks if he fails Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's STR Check: 12 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Phew) Hawk Hubertins: How'd I wind up in here? Chris: There is one more rope on the bank since Fi was planning to use it to help cross. Fi is too busy sliding in the mud and swearing to answer. Hawk Hubertins pulls himself out with all of his might. George: "might" Fi focuses the strength of a bull! He reaches some rope out to Hawk, but is unable to pull Hawk out. Hawk, for his part, manages to not sink further into the pond (GM) Chad S. (GM): TEST YOUR MIGHT Dan: LOL (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir and Norvi are up. Fleir walks into the pond. Norvi Torvaldr: into.... the morass.... Norvi Torvaldr walks into the water (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oi, the strongest characters are drowning themselves...sweet Fi: Damn it Fleir! Get you ass back here! Fuck, only brought 2 ropes. As Norvi slides 5 feet into the pond, he realizes that this is no way to honor his bretheren! Hawk Hubertins: Guys, cut it out, we need to stay out of the water! Fleir attempts to tread water. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, go! Hernz: one sec, trying to see if my monk's thing has a rope yup, I got rope Vegeta throws the rope towards Norvi Vegeta: grab on you idiot! Norvi Torvaldr: Gladly! Norvi Torvaldr attempts to grab the rope and haul himself to freedom without dragging Vegeta in with him (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make strength checks, please Vegeta: strength check 14 Norvi Torvaldr: Norvi Torvaldr's STR Check: 11 Vegeta tosses a rope to Norvi. With their combined strength, Vegeta pulls Norvi to shore without dragging Vegeta in. Vegeta: does your armor HAVE to weigh this much?? Norvi Torvaldr: It's the only way to keep the mosquitoes out! Fi: Will someone either take this one or toss the other rope to Fleir! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire, it's your move! Chris: Meghan is slightly delayed by starting dinner. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll wait. Welp, here's my deathtrap, hope you enjoy! George: Right, giant lobster trap queued for Hub tomorrow. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Juggernauts are only CR 9! Any level 9 character can overcome DR 15/Adamantine Vegeta: I am lost... Chris: If prepped. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Unrecognized command "/batman" Vegeta: lol Dan: lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Overall status: Fi is helping out Hawk and no one is currently helping the wolf. Claire and Nidri are up next. Chris: Meghan said that Claire will be throwing a rope to Fleir. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri will assist Claire as they try to pull our Fleir. Make a strength check, Fleir Claire's Strength check 1 Chris: Fleir's STR Check: 20 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri's Strength check assist 4 lolz Hernz: lol... Chris facepalms. Claire is amazing, thanks Claire isn't going to get that yucky swamp water on her hands. Look what it did to Vegeta's gloves! Claire: lol Meghan: lol is more appropriate for me Claire is probably not laughing. Claire ughs Nidri shugs. "Well, I tried." (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk. Make a swim check. Fleir continues to tread water. Fi swears she saw Fleir raise an eyebrow in disbelief. Fi: I'll help you as soon as I can Fleir! Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Swim check: 2 I'll help outbbt.... blub... Claire: Guess I'm on first watch alone tonight. Fi: Fi's STR Check: 20 Vegeta: lol Fi strains with renewed motivation. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hold it Fi, this is a different Str check. Not your turn yet. I'll save it though. Chris: fine :-P Hawk struggles, but the pond pulls Hawk under! He quickly holds his breath! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Drowning rules: You can hold your breath for 2 * Con Score rounds if you do nothing, but if you take a standard action, your duration is reduced by 1 round. Hawk's breath: 0 out of 24 rounds remaining Okay, Now it's Fi's turn. Hawk, I need a Strength check! Make it good! Watching Hawk go under, Fi pulls with renewed vigor! Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's STR Check: 9 George: How about an average one? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a swim check, Hawk. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Swim check: 7 Unfortunately, Hawk is unable to pull himself up or swim to the surface. Fi: Damn it Hawk! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir is up. He may make a swim check to swim to the shore. Fi: Fleir's Swim check: 5 WTF! (GM) Chad S. (GM): FAIL FAIL Vegeta: lolol just concentrate on the bard, I'll get your wolf out Fi can no longer speak coherently and has made this M rated. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Rated M for Mature Fleir has trouble treading and sinks into the pond. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir's breath: 0 out of 30 rounds Norvi is up, Vegeta is right behind him Vegeta looks at Norvi like "let's use this rope to pull that big mutt together" Dan: I'm not sure I could get Flier to grab a rope I toss him Chris: He's already bitten into one. Dan: oh! That's a different matter (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire and Nirdi are trying to pull him up Chris: with a -1 total. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Will you take charge, Nidri er, Norvi? Norvi Torvaldr: I'll step in and haul at that rope Hernz: oh, sorry, then vegeta would have said to Norvi to go help the dog and he'd help Hawk Meghan: should I roll again? meaning actually roll myself this time? Norvi Torvaldr: Norvi Torvaldr's STR Check: 16 George: There's plenty of time for Hawk. He's got at least a few more rounds to go before he drowns. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire and Nidri should make Strength checks Claire: Claire's STR Check: 9 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri's strength check assist 11 Fleir, make a strength check Fleir: Fleir's STR Check: 4 Chris: ARG! (GM) Chad S. (GM): sigh Meghan: you're really good at this, Chris (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a swim check, Fleir Chris: Fleir's Swim check: 4 Double ARG! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Double sigh Hernz: wow... well, waste them now lol Norvi gives a MIGHTY pull of the rope. Sadly, Fleir does not follow through. It's hard to pull yourself by the jaw! Hernz: funny, when putting my skills I was like "who ever needs swim?".... Chris: Fi has it. Hernz: so a nice 1 rolled lol Chris: Fleir only gets two SP though. So he doesn't. He got a 2. Hernz: doh Chris: On both rolls. And a 3 the round before. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, want to lead the pull to help Hawk? Fi can assist. Hawk, I need another Strength check. Vegeta: strength check for the rope (don't get your hopes up here) 9 Chris: Fleir's STR Check: 18 Dan: I could always swim down there with a rope around my waist Fi will probably be jumping in the moment Hawk is out from her current appearance. Hernz: now let's hope hawk can hold on... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hey Chris, is that Fi's strength? Chris: Currently she has +2, so 14. yes, that was Fi's roll, sorry. Same bonuses. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright. Let's see if Hawk can climb up. George: Need another strength check? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes please. Chris: Better to guess and make an unneeded roll :-P (GM) Chad S. (GM): No! You'll burn your 20s! Chris: Or in my case, my 2s. Hernz: lol Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's STR Check: 11 George: Or in my case, my 10s Ok, I guess that was a 12. Chris: Yay! A number above 10 on each side. Hawk is pulled to the shore of the pond with the combined force of multiple members. (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's Claire's turn. Meghan: For what? More strength checks? Claire: Claire's STR Check: 9 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri assists! 16 Dan: maybe your mage's hand could lift more at it's 5lb weight limit Hernz: lol Fleir: Fleir's STR Check: 19 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Norvi? Would you like to assist? Meghan: what mage's hand? Vegeta: 5 strength check assist lol Dan: I will assist Fleir isn't on Vegeta's rope. Norvi Torvaldr: Norvi Torvaldr's STR Check: 8 Dan: lol Hawk Hubertins gasps for breath and then stands up to see who else needs help. Hernz: I was moving to the other rope Chris: Ok. I assumed we could only change on our init. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, you can only change ropes during your turn Hernz: figured if it was dan's turn, I was right after... anyway Fleir holds tightly onto the rope. Sadly there is not enough pull on land to hoist him. Chris: It was Claire's. Chad seems to be allowing people already on to assist on that characters' pull. Hernz: ah, gotcha (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, you are on shore. Gods almighty, what were you thinking? It's your turn, Hawk. Hawk Hubertins looks around for who is still in the water and what he can do to help. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir is the only one left in the pond. Claire, Nidri and Norvi are helping to pull him out. Chris: I would suggest trying to pull on the rope. Fi looks like he is about to do something really stupid. Hawk Hubertins readies the action of casting a spell if someone fails on their attempt to help Fleir. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi, go for it. Fi ties the rope she has around herself and dives after Fleir! (GM) Chad S. (GM): sploosh Make a swim check to reach Fleir Fi: Fi's Swim check: 24 Fi has no trouble navigating through the pond to reach her wolf. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir's turn. Chris: Will try to swim with Fi's help if possible. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir makes a swim check, Fi can assist Chris: Fleir's Swim check: 7 Fi's Swim check: 13 Dan: d'oh Chris: Triple ARG. George: Does that trigger Hawk's action? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, you may react to Fleir's triple FAIL George: So Fleir gets 7, +2 from Fi's assist, making it a 9? Chris: I think so. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, correct Hawk Hubertins casts Timely Inspiration! Hawk Hubertins: School: N/A; Level 1 Casting Time: 1 immediate Components: V Range: Close Targets/Area: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Hawk Hubertins: Saving Throw: DC 15, Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes A word of arcane-empowered inspiration can snatch victory from seeming defeat. Cast this spell when a creature fails an attack roll or skill check. The target gains a +1 competence bonus per five caster levels (maximum +3 bonus) on the attack roll or skill check retroactively. If the bonus is enough to make the failure a success, the roll succeeds. Chris crosses his fingers. Fleir doesn't resist. George: Giving Fleir a retroactive +1, making it a 10. Hernz: it is taking us longer to fight this water than it did the thugs lol George: Heh. Chris: Only because Vegeta was unconscious for part of it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): With Fi's help and Hawk's timely music...Fleir is able to swim to the surface of the pond and take a breath of air. He is unable to swim towards the shore though. (Swim check needs to be better) Chris: YAY! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Norvi, it's your turn. Dan: can I help by hauling on the rope? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can try to pull Fleir to shore. This uses a Strength check. Dan: righto! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir will need to make a Strength check, too. Dan: Norvi Torvaldr's STR Check: 23 Fleir: Fleir's STR Check: 10 Dan: crit! George: Holy Shnoinkus, Dan! Hernz: he critted lol... that's the green box around the roll... finally! Claire: Claire's STR Check: 20 Norvi Torvaldr turns green and lifts everthing in sight one by one, tearing all his clothes off in the process Claire does not do that. Hernz: NOW we get all the 20s??? Claire just didn't want to get outshone in the rolling-20s dept. Norvi seems to have some kind of vendetta with this pond. He singlehandedly pulls Fi AND Fleir out of the pond in a single pull. Fleir managed to barely hold on. Dan: ok, I have to go. Have fun! Claire: Sure, sure. Pretend I didn't help. Chris: THANK YOU! Claire gets her Clean spells ready. Claire: How many of you dumbasses jumped in the lake again? I'm not traveling with a wet dog. Vegeta: Fi made it 4 lol Hawk Hubertins coughs a bit of pond water out of his lungs. Fi hugs Fleir and cries while saying, "Thank You" repeatedly. Nidri gives Claire a thumbs up, noting her effort. Hawk Hubertins: I... Might have thought it was a good idea for some reason. That was strange. But Claire is too busy berating everyone to notice. Nidri shrugs. Claire: Thank you, Nidri. Hawk Hubertins: Thanks guys. Good job getting everyone to safety. Now, how do we get across the pond? Fi after Fi recovers: Fi: I suggest we someone with balance crosses with a rope tied around them. Then they can tie it to a tree on that side while I tie it to a tree on this side. Claire casts Clean! Claire: School: Transmutation; Level 0 Clean uses remaining: 9 One for the dog... Fi: Then we can tie a safety rope on each person as they cross. Claire casts Clean! Claire: School: Transmutation; Level 0 Clean uses remaining: 8 One for the willing swimmer Claire casts Clean! Claire: School: Transmutation; Level 0 Clean uses remaining: 7 One for the bard... who else? Fi: Norvi. Claire casts Clean! Claire: School: Transmutation; Level 0 Clean uses remaining: 6 One for Norbi Norvi whatever Hawk Hubertins: Thanks Claire. Vegeta: handy little trick you got there Fi: Anyone want to be the acrobat? Hawk Hubertins: I'm ok for balancing, but not great. I could either try it, or stand on the side and see if I can help out whoever wants to give it a shot. Hernz: what's this acrobat thign for? Hawk Hubertins: I can sing that song a few more times. Fi: Crossing the log with a rope tied to you. Hernz: ah, I see I think the tree looks not too difficult to cross but chad can confirm vegeta rolled like an 8 and he was fine I thought Chris: If it is a take 10 and we pass thing, then ok. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta did have to balance himself, but it looked easy. Can't take 10 because failure is risky. Hernz: can I try to assist people through? Fi: Ok. I suggest that Vegeta crosses with the rope. We hold it from each end while everyone crosses 1 at a time holding it in case they fall. Vegeta: sounds like a plan Fi: I'll go last. Vegeta: acrobatics check 20 Vegeta has no trouble walking across the log. Fi: Hawk? Hawk Hubertins takes a deep breath, and tries to walk across the log, holding the rope. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Acrobatics check: 10 Hawk is able to cross. Fi: Claire? Hawk Hubertins holds the action of casting a spell if someone looks like they're about to fall off the log. Claire: aaaa.... Claire's Acrobatics check: 20 Oh, ok. Nothing to worry about. Fi: Norvi? Hernz: chad, can you roll this for norvi since he's gone now? George: Cat should be home soon. Fi: Nidri's after him. Actually, let's send Fleir next. Fi ties a rope to Fleir. Fleir: Fleir's Acrobatics check: 8 Fleir struggles, but he is able to cross. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Should Norvi cross now? Fi: Norvi then Nidri. George: Cat just got home, so I'm going afk to help with Eric. She'll be online shortly. Norvi notes that he likes solid ground, not unstable logs like this. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Norvi's acrobatics 14 Norvi is able to cross without trouble, though Fi just knows that she will be the one falling. Vegeta: you'll be fine... the water is not nearly as deep as you are tall Fi chuckles nervously. Chris: Are we waiting for Cat to join? Vegeta: yup Chris: cool. I'll work on putting Locke to bed too. Cat: someone said something about...oh look, a log across a pond. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri did a lot of shrugging today Make an acrobatics check to cross the pond on a log Nidranisan casts guidance on herself first. Nidranisan: rolling 1d20 + 3 lol acrobatics. ( 4 )+3 = 7 Nidri almost loses her balance, but is ultimately able to cross the pond without falling in. George: Oh good, I think TI and Guidance don't stack. Fi holds onto the rope and crosses. Fi: Fi's Acrobatics check: 20 Vegeta smirks Vegeta: what I say? Fi: I was just a little anxious with all that excitement earlier. Hawk Hubertins: Me too, but it looks like we all made it. The party crosses the pond successfully. George: That really shouldn't feel like such an accomplishment. Fi coils up all the ropes and hands Vegeta's back to him. Fi: Thank you. Hernz: totally agree w george lol Fi: Stupid will saves... Chris: ooc (GM) Chad S. (GM): ACHIEVMENT UNLOCKED: Pond Crossed Hernz: HAHAHAHA (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh wait, Hernz has a PS3 Hernz: 1300 xp, right? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You gained a trophy! Pond Crossed Cat: ah, the joys of level 1. Chris: Chad, you start a handout with our achievement list? can you one handed typing... woot! Hernz: sweet lol Cat: duh nah nah NAAAAAAH Across the pond, the remaining part of the map is much smaller than the area they searched yesterday. The swamp is next to a rock formation that cuts off one of its sides from the nearby regions. Hernz: nah, nah nah naaaaaahhhhhh! (GM) Chad S. (GM): insert sweet guitar solo and explosions Cat: like a tall, unclimbable, non-interesting rock formation? (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's climbable, just uninteresting. Plus it's in the Swamp of Despair. Claire: Thanks for that. Hernz: any caves or anything that we can see? Meghan: Sorry, that was ooc for the achievement Hernz: any black dragon lairs we can see? (GM) Chad S. (GM): There are many naturally formed caves along the rocky hills. No dragons, though. Fi: Hmm... wildlife on this side. Fi points towards a hiding wolf. Nidranisan: is it normal that a wolf would be hiding from us? Vegeta looks around for any signs of anyone who might have crossed to this side before us Fi: If alone against a group this size. Vegeta: perception 23, survival 8 Fi: Fi's Knowledge (Nature) check: 27 Chris: Anything odd about the Wolf's behavior? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta notices three giant flies. They must be about 7 feet long! Can I get a marching order? Chris: lol Meghan: I'm good where I am in the map Chris: Fi was probably leading the route. Hernz: we were probably just clustered randomly given we just crossed and were looking around George: You're serious? I thought you were joking... Hernz: is nidri having gas issues in her token? Cat: what direction did we come from? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You came from the bottom of the map Hawk Hubertins: That's a fine place for Hawk to be. George: Err, that should have been ooc... Oops. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, is everyone good with their positions? Hernz: works for me... what's the water looking stuff? Chris: And are the rocks some kind of cover? (GM) Chad S. (GM): The rocks are cover. The water stuff is shallow water that counts as rough terrain. Chris: Ok. Guess I'm set. Hawk Hubertins: rolling 1d20 + (((floor((15 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2)-5) + floor(0/2) - (floor(abs(0)/2)) - (floor(abs(0)/2))) + 0 + 0) ( 3 )+(((floor((15+0+0+0)/2)-5)+floor(0/2)-(floor(abs(0)/2))-(floor(abs(0)/2)))+0+0) = 5 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Mystery Arrow? Hits Fleir's Flatfooted AC 21 for 3 damage Meghan: fuuuuuuuck While looking around, a goblin hops on the wolf's back from behind the rock and fires an arrow at Fleir. Meghan: oh shit guys, we crossed a bridge and the enemies got harder. Cat: i think we forgot to level up first. Meghan: Chaaaaad... Hernz: hahaha George: What are we in, an Final Fantasy game? Meghan: "Reeta Headeeta" heee... Reeta Headeeta: Yes, yes! Stupid bandits can't drown anything! Meghan: dragon quest saving the princess is the first part Reeta Headeeta: Sting them all, yes! Hernz: where's the gold golemn!?!?! Meghan: right?! George: Both games have the cross a bridge, things get harder standard. Reeta Headeeta: ..weird, my Wolf teleported over. Chris: that was no bridge. Meghan: I think we're actually in a tactical rpg Chris: watch out for crossbow bolts of pure plot. Reeta Headeeta: Ahem Roll initiative! Fi: Fi's Initiative result: 19.03 Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Initiative result: 13.02 Fleir: Fleir's Initiative result: 11.02 Vegeta: initiative roll 9 Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Initiative result: 9.02 Hernz: my init rolls have been sucking at 9.02 hawk and I are tied Reeta Headeeta: Norvi's initiative 4 Claire: Claire's Initiative result: 9.01 George: Great, three of us at 9. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Enemy's init 22 Chris: lol. Hernz: well, at least we used up all our bad rolls trying to swim, right? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Reeta's Bow hits flatfooted Fleir AC 10 for 5 damage Reeta's bow hits Fleir again, but he shakes the arrow off before it penetrates his skin. Hernz: does it provoke for moving close to me? Chris: Natural weapons. And it would have to move through a square you threaten not just into. Hernz: I forget how aoos work lol ah, that's right danke (GM) Chad S. (GM): Giant fly tries to bite Fleir for AC 21 for 3 damage Make a fort save, Fleir Jeez my dice are running hot Fleir: Fleir's Fortitude save: 15 Save notes: (GM) Chad S. (GM): Resisted! George: You're hot, and so far, we're not. The giant flies quickly close in. One of them bites Fleir, spreading its filthy disease to him. Fleir's constitution easily resists its effects. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone, go. Make a Knowledge Nature check to identify the insects. Make a knowledge Arcana check while looking at Reeta. Vegeta knows nothing... he dumb Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Knowledge (Arcana) check: 9 Fi: Fi's Knowledge (Nature) check: 9 Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Nature) check: 18 Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Arcana) check: 18 Hernz: go hawk! Chris: Another 2!!!!!!! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hey, they're not 1s! Nidranisan casts Bane! Nidranisan: Level 1 Targets/Area: 50 foot radius from me Duration: 1 min/lvl Saving Throw: DC 15, will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes 50-ft.-radius burst, centered on you. Enemies take –1 on attack rolls and saves against fear. Chris: Doesn't help... Hernz: at least the fort save was good :) Chris: true (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, you will provoke an AoO if you cast. Do you want to try to cast defensively? Hernz: cant she 5 foot step? Cat: imagine the 5-foot came before the cast. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it. Question: How do I measure distances without moving the token? Meghan: ruler instead of pointer in menu Cat: i don't know that it understands terrain tho. Hawk Hubertins: Hello? We mean you no harm! Please stop shooting us! Claire: Does that ever work? Hawk Hubertins is activating their Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 7 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Cool, Reeta's in range of Bane Chris: Can you 5 foot into rough terrain? Meghan: Inspire courage is also +1 damage, right? George: Yes. Cat: woot. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Chris, you cannot use the 5 foot step move into rough terrain. Chris: Can Fleir 5 foot here? (GM) Chad S. (GM): It costs twice as much movement than usual, though. Fleir can 5 foot there. Chris is attacking Giant Fly with Bite! Chris: Attack Result: 5 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 9 Crit Damage: +5 Chris: Type: PBS Notes: Fleir did that. Meghan: heh Chris: And there's the 1. Cat: did everyone make the bane saves, or not updated yet? (GM) Chad S. (GM): I haven't rolled for bane yet, sorry What's the DC on it? Will save Cat: no prob. DC 15 i think? Chris: bother bother bother Cat: just glad it wasn't that it was a total wash :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, feel free to read about Giant Flies at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/vermin/fly-giant George: Cool. Thanks! Fi draws sword and moves up. Chris: Stupid 0 bab. Cat: survive a couple more fights and we'll get to become useful some day! :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Gimme a sec here...) Reeta's Will Save 8 Reeta's Wolf's Will Save 15 Cat: until i get more spells...you might be rolling a lot of will saves... Chris: Can't draw during a move until +1bab. Cat: chris -- i was assuming you finally get a point of bab if we make level 2 :) Chris: yup just stating the reason for my annoyance. Hernz: unless he multiclasses into a dirty wizard Chris shudders. Hernz: lol Chris: Worst multiclass ever... Reeta Headeeta: After casting Bane, Hawk mentions the flies are mindless and cannot be filled with dread. (GM) Chad S. (GM): That was me. Meghan: really? Chris: Reeta know all! Reeta Headeeta: Oh wow. Another one, Daddy? Why she sorry scary, yes? Cat: ah well. Reeta Headeeta: *Why she so scary, yes? Nidranisan will probably regret not having put up the armor first. Claire will probably regret having no armor at all (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's like she's wearing nothing at all! Nothing at all! Nothing at all! Cat: does claire have a deflection bonus of any kind already? Meghan: nooope Cat: i have a spell for that. if you're ever in a situation where you think +2 ac would help. Fleir does not manage to bite the fly in retaliation. Fi prepares to melee the fly with her sword. Cat: you're sort of surrounded by good guys at the moment. heh. Hawk Hubertins sings Flies are dumb and nasty, avoid their bites, they're full of disease! Meghan: yeah, I'm gonna lob balls of light at them. they're probably not actually evil, right? Vegeta: what kind of bard can't even rhyme?! (GM) Chad S. (GM): So I've heard Fleir, Fi, Nidri and Hawk. Did I miss someone? Claire: uuhhhh... Hernz: uh.... do we go yet us 9 init peeps? Claire: it would be rude of me to throw something that'll catch Norvi in the splash zone. Chris: He just said for everyone to go. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Just go, Vegeta. Hawk Hubertins nods while he continues to sing. Hernz: sorry!! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Basically everything is before or after the enemies. Claire: But I'm totally going to do it anyway. Vegeta: crap those two won't last a second... dwarf, you take care of this one Claire: uhm... or not. Norvi nods. Claire: Oh! but now I can shoot something. Vegeta is attacking Giant Fly with a knee to the stomach! Vegeta: Attack Result: 18 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage (Blunt): 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 8 Crit Damage (Blunt): +1 Vegeta: Notes: Fort Save DC 15 or Stunned for 1 round Claire is attacking Giant Fly with Crossbow! Claire: Attack Result: 20 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 11 Crit Damage: +8 Claire: Type: P Notes: Nidranisan: thanks for the cover! Vegeta is fighting defensively btw Claire: (that's the one in front of Norvi. It's -4? so I guess that hits AC 16?) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, -4 for firing in melee Claire fires a crossbow bolt into the giant fly. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta punches the fly in the stomach... Hernz: no, it was a knee!! lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fort Save DC 11 Vegeta quickly stuns the giant fly. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Norvi swings his waraxe 20 for 12 damage Norvi quickly crushes the fly beneath his axe. Hernz: FYI, to party, stunned removes dex bonus to AC and also does -2 AC, and can't take actions for a round... POUNCE! Claire: Nice Vegeta smirks Nidranisan needs to get a damage spell. :/ (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, I think that's everyone. Round 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Giant Fly A is stunned. Giant Fly C is attacking... (odd is Fi) 2 Giant Fly will try to bite Fleir, hitting AC 10 for 3 damage One fly is uncoordinated. The other fly bites but is unable to penetrate Fleir's armor. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Reeta fires another arrow at Fleir, hitting AC 13 for 3 damage Reeta's arrow hits Fleir, but he quickly shrugs off the arrow. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, your turn. Chris is attacking Giant Fly C with Bite! Chris: Attack Result: 10 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 9 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 9 Crit Damage: +7 Chris: Type: PBS Notes: Fleir did that. +2 on top for flanking. Hernz: nidri/hawke, you guys go first... when I go, stun is over Hawk Hubertins draws his bow, and continues singing. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir is about to miss Giant Fly C. Would you like to apply? Nidranisan is activating her Oracle ability, Demonhide Nidranisan: Revelation (lvl 1) uses remaining: 0 Claire: Want me to check if the goblin is evil? Meghan: can I hit the goblin with a ray attack from the square behind Fi? Or are the rocks in the way? Hawk Hubertins casts Timely Inspiration! Hawk Hubertins: School: N/A; Level 1 Casting Time: 1 immediate Components: V Range: Close Targets/Area: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Hawk Hubertins: Saving Throw: DC 15, Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes A word of arcane-empowered inspiration can snatch victory from seeming defeat. Cast this spell when a creature fails an attack roll or skill check. The target gains a +1 competence bonus per five caster levels (maximum +3 bonus) on the attack roll or skill check retroactively. If the bonus is enough to make the failure a success, the roll succeeds. on Flier as a part of his bard song. Hawk Hubertins's Perform: Singing check: 27 Casting is hidden in the song, perception DC 27 to notice the casting. Hawk Hubertins: Casting counts as maintaining the bard song this round. Fleir's bite seems to miss, but something about Hawk's sound causes Fleir to strike again, ripping off some of the fly's legs. Nidri's skin turns hard as metal. George: And there's Hawk's trick, since he's a one trick pony. ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, that spot is clear. Vegeta: perception 25 Fi is attacking Giant Fly C with Long Sword! Fi: Attack Result: 16 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 5 Crit Damage: +3 Fi: Type: slashing Notes: Meghan: cool Hernz: nope, don't notice Fi: +2 for flanking. Claire is attacking Goblin with Heavenly Fire! Claire: Attack Result: 10 Damage Result: 3 Type: divine Notes: Only hurts evil creatures. Ray. Use 3+((floor((19 + 0 + 0 + 0)/2)-5) + floor(0/2) - (floor(abs(0)/2)) - (floor(abs(0)/2))) per day. ... ugh. Claire: (fixed that I think) Vegeta attacks Giant Fly A with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 1 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 10 Crit Damage (blunt): +1 Chris: There's the next 1. Fi and Fleir quickly cut down the fly. Hernz: sadly, that was me rolling a 2 lol... yeah, plus -1 from the fighting defensive/bard song combo Vegeta attacks Giant Fly A with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 1 (Needs at least 18 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 14 Crit Damage (blunt): +4 Chris: And a 3. Vegeta: really?? stop moving you damn fly! Even though the fly is not actively dodging and severely uncoordinated, Vegeta fails to hit the fly. Hernz: no, by the time I attack, the stun ends (GM) Chad S. (GM): OH yeah, I see Hernz: vegeta isn't that bad! (although he'd still have missed a non-moving fly) lol btw it would have taken falling damage if it was high enough Norvi mumbles something about boxing the goblin in and heads up to cut off its path. Hernz: but I doubt it was that high Meghan: Norvi is taking the scenic route. Chris: To keep it from running around the back. And a dwarf through rough terrain... Claire calls heavenly flames from her hands. Reeta dodges it easily. Her head tracks the flames as she mumbles..."ooh, fire..." (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, that's it for that. Round 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Giant Fly A tries to bite Vegeta hitting AC 8 for 6 damage Reeta Headeeta: Pretty wolf, Wolf. Yes? Add fire to wolf, yes? Maybe daddy will let Reeta spit fire after stupid headband guard duty is finished! Claire: ... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Reeta throws a flask of alchemists's fire at Fleir. Ranged Touch attack against AC 8 for 1 fire damage Chris cheers! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Miss direction: 3 Splash damage hits Fleir and Fi for 1 fire damage Meghan: she prefers "Ms. Direction" now. (GM) Chad S. (GM): One sec, I read that wrong. Only Fleir is hit for 1 fire damage. Reeta throws a strange flask at Fleir. The flask bursts into flames! Fleir quickly avoids the direct hit, but is singed by the residual flame. Chris: min damage 1 ;-) Perhaps as a sign of respect, the giant fly misses Vegeta utterly. Meghan: that's a fast Goblin George: Woah fast Goblin. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The goblin is riding a wolf. George: Ah, ok. It's sort of hard to tell from the way the icons are stacked. Meghan: Oh ok (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, I know. I can't even shift the nameplates over. Chris: Guess I was the one who thought it was obvious... Hernz: meghan and george failed real life perception checks George: :P (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, enemies are done moving. Party's turn! Meghan: Thanks, Hernz. Takes one to know one, huh? Chris: Fi will be shooting from her position. Vegeta attacks Giant Fly A with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 9 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 1 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 9 Crit Damage (blunt): +6 Hawk Hubertins is attacking Goblin with his Composite Short Bow! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 4 (Needs at least 22 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 9 Crid Damage: +3 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P Vegeta attacks Giant Fly A with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 2 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 4 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 11 Crit Damage (blunt): +6 Claire: Gonna try my zaaaaap again. Claire is attacking Goblin with Heavenly Fire! Claire: Attack Result: 7 Damage Result: 3 Type: divine Notes: Only hurts evil creatures. Ray. Use up to 7 per day. fuck. Chris: Fi ignores soft cover from Claire. Vegeta: stop moving you damn insect! Hawk Hubertins is activating their Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 7 Cat: so, did everyone already attack before i had a chance to cast? :) Meghan: ... probably Vegeta: yup Fi hasn't gone yet. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Looks like Fi & Fleir haven't moved Nidranisan casts Guidance! Nidranisan: Duration: 1 minute Fi - take +1 on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (choose before you roll) Fi: Thanks. Fi drops her sword, draws her bow, and shoots at the Goblin. Somehow ignoring Claire in the process. Fi is attacking @{target|token_name} with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 19 (Needs at least 25 to crit.) Damage Result: 4 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 22 Crit Damage: +13 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' I used the wrong attack. That has 1 less to the attack result. Fi's arrow finds its mark, hitting the goblin square in the chest. She giggles as the arrow hits. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think that leaves Fleir? Fi is attacking Reeta with Bite & Trip! Fi: Attack Result: 11 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 12 Crit Damage: +8 Fi: Type: PBS Trip Attempt: 17 Reeta throws a raspberry at Fleir when his lunge misses. Reeta Headeeta: Your trainer is stinky and trains you poorly, yes yes! Fi looks pissed. (GM) Chad S. (GM): This time...it's personal Claire: ... well, he did just jump into that pond, Fi. She's got a point. Fi: And you cleaned him. Round 4 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Giant Fly tries to bite Vegeta hitting AC 17 for 3 damage Claire: Because wet dog smell! (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think that misses Vegeta Claire: Maybe if he was better trained he wouldn't have jumped in the damn pond in the first place. Hernz: yup, by a bunch (GM) Chad S. (GM): Reeta will provoke an AoO from Fleir Fleir is attacking Reeta with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 7 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 23 Crit Damage: +7 Fleir: Type: PBS Trip Attempt: 9 Chris sighs. Reeta Headeeta: But nice, soft fur! At least trainer knows how to groom you, yes! Claire: No, that was me! Credit where credit is due, yeah? Reeta Headeeta: No no, Lady with Fire shoots pretty fire! Claire: well, that too. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Reeta fires an arrow at Fi hitting AC 24 for 4 damage Chris: ... Reeta compliments Flier and Claire, then fires an arrow into Fi's arm. Chris: Fi is going down. Cat: uhm. is fi's HP bar like, not up to date? (GM) Chad S. (GM): When else did Fi take damage? George: Ooo Baby! Chris: That is a crit. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh yeah, that was a 20. Crit Confirm! Reeta's Crit Confirm at Fi: hitting AC 15 for 1 damage Cat: ... Chris: whooo. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Did that confirm? Chris: no (GM) Chad S. (GM): Goody! I forgot to add another 1d6 Chris: ... (GM) Chad S. (GM): thumbs up Chris: So just 4? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Just 4 damage. Cat: sheesh do you have like 6 hp? Chris nods. Meghan: Level 1 Cat: yeah, ok, healer's standing behind the right person. (GM) Chad S. (GM): People make your moves! Cat: yeah, i thought 'ranger' and didn't really think d6 hps. (unless you have like a 5 con) Chris: Fi is shooting again. 7 con. Vegeta abandons defensive fighting Cat: well OK then. Claire: ... when is it our go again? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Party time is now Chris: now Claire: ok hold up! Claire casts Charm Person! Claire: School: Enchantment; Level 1 Charm Person uses remaining: 3 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: VS Range: 25 feet Targets/Area: one humanoid creature Claire: Duration: 1 hour(s) Saving Throw: DC 15, Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes Nidranisan casts Cure Light Wounds! Nidranisan: Fi - heal 7 HPs. Vegeta attacks Giant Fly A with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 4 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 4 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 17 Crit Damage (blunt): +1 Claire: on Reeta. Vegeta attacks Giant Fly A with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 14 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 2 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 20 Crit Damage (blunt): +1 Claire crosses her fingers. Claire: Reeta, darling, we should probably talk this out now. Vegeta: that last one is a 15 cause of the bard song, and 3 damage Hawk Hubertins is activating their Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 7 Hawk Hubertins is attacking Reeta with his Composite Short Bow! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 20 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 6 Crid Damage: +5 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P Claire: ... Hawk, c'mon. Hawk Hubertins: Oops. Sorry! Fi: Thanks, Nidri. Vegeta punches the fly, weakening it futher. Chris: I'm waiting for Claire to resolve. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Is Hawk still going to attack Reeta or is everyone waiting for Claire? Meghan: Reeta does get a bonus to her save but I can hope, can't I? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Reeta's Will Save 25 Claire: ... welp. fuck Reeta looks at Claire for a moment, lost in thought. Claire: 'm just saying we don't have to fight is all. You're clearly a reasonable person. We can be reasonable people Reeta Headeeta: What's that daddy? You don't like her, daddy? But she has pretty fire! Pretty, pretty fire! Claire: Claire's Diplomacy check: 29 My fire is quite pretty, it's true. Reeta Headeeta: Sorry pretty lady with fire, daddy said I should kill you too. Gonna miss pretty fire. Claire: That is unfortunate. Reeta Headeeta: Daddy said maybe divvy is ok though. George: Guess that means Hawk shoots at that point. Claire: ... What's a divvy? Meghan: yeah, probably George: Yes, Hawk would have waited if he noticed Claire was casting. As Claire finishes asking, an arrow from Hawk lands in Reeta's hip. She gigles some more. Reeta Headeeta: Make your move, Fi. Chris: Ok. I'll act. Fi is attacking Reeta with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 21 (Needs at least 25 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 25 Crit Damage: +12 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Fi clearly didn't like that comment about his smell and lets Reeta know. Reeta Headeeta: Did Fleir move? George: Chad, I don't have the +1 from bard song on my damage. Fi: I was waiting for this attack to resolve. Chris: just measuring. Fleir is attacking Reeta with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 9 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 17 Crit Damage: +5 Fleir: Type: PBS Trip Attempt: 6 Chris cries. George: Chris, roll them in the other order! Reeta Headeeta: Hmpf. Trainer should have taught you to fight. Meghan: ... Chris: I tried that already. It tracked. Meghan: hey, what are we doing for lunch tomorrow? George: Cheesecake and salad? Chris: So salad for health, and cheesecake for friends? Meghan: sounds good to me. I have leftover turkey but no bread. and lots of stuffing. If you know what I mean. /me winks George: I was thinking of putting the salad on the cheesecake. Chris: O.O George wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. George: Do I! Yay Norvi! Norvi runs up along side Reeta. "Try running now, ya mangy goblin!" Meghan: You know what we should all do during Hub tomorrow? this. (GM) Chad S. (GM): run ception Also you can't, because after this fight I'm out of material. Meghan: and chat about the Hub during it. Round 4 George: Heh. Ok Chad, we'll cancel run tomorrow so you can get more written for this run. (GM) Chad S. (GM): ... Meghan: ... Chris: ... Meghan: that would give me more time to shop (GM) Chad S. (GM): Giant Fly attacks Vegeta hitting AC 8 for 4 damage The fly flails uselessly against Vegeta. Claire: ... Ugh, Vegeta, I'm going to killsteal your fly if you don't do something about that. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Reeta and the wolf will provoke AoOs. Fleir is attacking Reeta with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 16 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 7 Crit Damage: +6 Fleir: Type: PBS Trip Attempt: 9 Chris: Finally. Reeta nocks another arrow, and Fleir quickly grabs her arm. Reeta Headeeta: Oh! Daddy, bring the wolf with me, too! Hernz: yes! the boss transformation 1! As Reeta loses consciousness, she appears to burst into flames. Claire: ... This will end well (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir, make a Reflex save, DC 14 Hernz: dont mind vegeta still fighting a mosquito Meghan: we're going to leave you here Hernz: lol Fleir: Fleir's Reflex save: 23 Save notes: (GM) Chad S. (GM): Norvi's Reflex Save 20 The flames would deal 2 fire damage, but Norvi and Fleir manage to only get caught in half of the blast. Norvi's AoO hits AC 21 for 7 damage Norvi sees the wolf frothing, and its fur starts to smolder. Norvi hits the wolf, but that's not enough to stop it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi, make a reflex save DC 14. Fi: How did I know... Fi's Reflex save: 13 Save notes: +2 vs enchatment ... Claire: ha-ha Nidranisan: still have that guidance lying around? Squall Lionheart: ...whatever Claire: ... Fi: How long does that last? Nidranisan: a minute. i think you had to say before rolling tho :( (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think you used it to attack last round ? Oh I see, it works once, but he has to declare it Fi: never mind. Chris: I probably would have declared it for the attack anyway. The wolf's spittle is somehow flammable, and the wolf bursts into flames as it reaches Fi, dealing 5 damage. Fi: Gah! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Welp, that's the enemy's turn. Go heroes go! Nidranisan casts Cure Light Wounds! Nidranisan: Fi - heal 8 HPs. Claire: pile on the giant fly Chris: Everyone turns to look at Vegeta. Fi: Thanks again. Hernz: to her you do a close to full heal! lol Cat: when i don't roll crap. sometimes i heal like, 2 or 3. ;) Claire is attacking @{target|token_name} with Crossbow! Claire: Attack Result: 0 (Needs at least 17 to crit.) Damage Result: 9 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 15 Crit Damage: +7 Claire: Type: P Notes: Nidri heals Fi's wounds. Cat: also helps when they're not already at negatives. Claire: ... what the fuck? Meghan: looks like I've some magical shit with my macros that was probably taking the -4 into account for firing into melee George: To clarify, the wolf is still up, and the goblin is dead? Claire isn't sure how the crossbow fired. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Wolf and goblin are dead. George: Oh, so we just have the one fly left? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, Giant Fly A never quit Meghan: no, I was shooting at the fly. I just didn't get to tag the fly. Hernz: I've noticed it do that a couple times for me too Meghan: and I rolled a 2 and maybe vegeta takes a crossbow bold in the ass Hernz: LOL Meghan: like he'd notice "Ouch, it stung me in the buttocks" George: Holding action of casting if Vegeta misses. Hernz: you still singing george? Fi will wait until Vegeta goes before attempting to take the kill. Hawk Hubertins: Yup George: Bard song is still up. Hernz: is it our turn? Claire: yes George: Yes Chris: yes Claire: kill it already, you ass Vegeta attacks Giant Fly A with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 5 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 4 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 4 Crit Damage (blunt): +2 Claire: ... I give up Vegeta attacks Giant Fly A with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 17 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 4 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage (blunt): +6 Claire: fucking FINALLY Vegeta: 5 damage! Claire: Stop using flurry until you're older Vegeta: FUCK! lol Vegeta lands a solid blow on the fly. It still functions, though! Claire: FI! Cat: roll20: how we brought back swearing in gaming runs after too many of us had kids. Claire: Please take out the fucking fly Nidranisan: there's only one left. who is it fucking? Claire: This is re-fucking-diculous Nidranisan: IS THAT WHAT YOU TWO ARE DOING OVER THERE? Claire: My excessive diplomacy skills are used exclusively for extensive swearing Fi is attacking Giant Fly A with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 21 (Needs at least 25 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 7 Crit Damage: +14 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' -4 AC. Meghan: maybe I should've kept her original picture Fi: -4 to attack rather. Cat: well, if the swear-ful diplomancy doesn't work out, lemme know if you need an intimidate as backup. it's like, the only skill i'm good at. As Vegeta prepares his sure fire 100% guaranteed kill strike, Fi's arrow hits the fly and nails it to the ground. Meghan: I'm good at intimidating evil creatures. You can intimidate the good ones. "good" George chuckles at the "kill steal" Cat: i'm apparently pretty intimidated to any humanoid. Meghan: intimidated or intimidating? Vegeta looks at Fi, crosses his arms, and turns his head away Vegeta: hmph... Cat: that other one, that makes sense... Fi: Sorry. Just wanted this over with. Meghan: I have 3 skills. Intimidate isn't one of them. so I'll be good cop and we know what that makes you Cat: intimidate is higher than my next higher check by 7. George: k, fight's over. time for me to go to sleep so I can run a game tomorrow. Meghan: sounds a little like my diplobomb Cat: vs humanoids. Chris: snort Scary! Meghan: fuck. when did midnight happen? Cat: lol chris. Meghan: thank you, Vash (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol, midnight is NOW Chris: 20 seconds. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think we can stop here for the night? George: YES! Hernz: combination of vegeta taking one hr to kill a fly and the rest of us trying to swim lol Meghan: we're collectively pretty awesome Chris is rolling on the floor laughing his ass off. (GM) Chad S. (GM): All the strong characters drowned themselves immediately, then failed to swim to shore Chris: plus Hawk. Meghan: you are not you're just laughing. I can see you. Hernz: HAHAHAHAHA Meghan: ok, now he's roflmao Cat: glad we got that sorted out. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, I'll cover the post battle report tomorrow. Hernz: k Meghan: XP! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Gotta get started on the details of your next quest. Hernz: 1300! so we can level and be badass! (GM) Chad S. (GM): And you'll all get BABs of +1! Hernz: yeah!!! Meghan: I probably won't Chris: And so my wolf won't have like 3x my HP. Hernz: alright, I'm out. see you guys tomorrow... too bad dan missed this one Meghan: yup Chris is making farty noises with one of Zelda's toys and it woke her up Should I have kept Claire's old picture? I should shoop in the glowy Cat: ask chad to put a halo on it...he fixed up a couple details on Nidri's for me. :) i guess it kinda has one. unless you mean something other than the little thumbnail one. Meghan: No, the one in her bio Cat: aaah. i haven't really looked much at those. i do kinda wish i had time to draw Nidri tho. shopping in glowy/sparkles would be hilarious. Meghan: fuck, it's late, and I need to shop tomorrow good night Cat: nini. Dan: I missed the juicy battle again. arg Chris: I think if we want to go at this speed we should try to arrange times a little bit. Meghan: poor dan He does things with his Saturday nights that don't involved D&D (GM) Chad S. (GM): Today will be a lot slower, lol. Cat snickers. Cat: i support more pauses. btw. i guess i should go post, or something. Hernz: 21 diplo 19 appraise 123 appraise 23 diplo to nicely ask for the moneys shes owed 26 surge 1 52 Hernz: surge 2 89 Vegeta dances Fi ducks into a cavern. Hernz: ok, back to real stuff Vegeta: hey, I think I see that headband thing we're looking for... over there, in that cavern Nidranisan: good, let's grab it and get out of the nasty swamp. The battle finally comes to an end. The charred remains of the goblin and the wolf leave a nasty smell. All the more reason to quickly search and leave. As the party searches Fi, Vegeta and Claire are drawn to a cave. Hernz: did the goblin have a +4 arrow? Fi enters first and takes a look. He quickly notices something and digs it out from several rocks. Fi picks up a headband, buried in the cave. She also notices random trinkets and bedding lying around. This is probably Reeta's room. George: She was also a teifling, so who knows? (GM) Chad S. (GM): (You can make a Knowledge Planes check, Fi. The party can also make checks assuming Fi shows the headband.) The goblin was using regular arrows. Fi frowns and hands the headband to Claire. Vegeta: Is that it? looks like just any headband to me... Claire: dibs Claire's Knowledge (Planes) check: 23 Fi: Do you know what it is? Hawk Hubertins pokes the ashes/corpse of the goblin with the toe of his boot. Claire: My new favorite accessory? Fi: If you like Merki breathing down your neck... Hawk Hubertins: Huh. Didn't know tieflings died so... spectacularly. Or that they could be that crazy. Claire: Can't I at least wear it back? Fi: Are you sure it doesn't clash? Fi points at Claire's halo. Claire: Nah. It's angelic. Angelic things always match. Fi: If annoying things matched, I know two who would go great together... Claire: You shouldn't talk about Hawk that way. You'll hurt his feelings. Fi: Hawk, Claire thinks you're annoying! Claire: If I thought he was annoying, would I stay up on first watch with him? Vegeta: would you girls quit bickering for once? let's just take anything else in there useful and get out of here Fi shrugs. Fi: Perfect match. Claire: Oh, Fi, I didn't know you cared. Hawk Hubertins: I hate to admit it, but I do sort of agree with Vegeta. I don't like this place. Can we get out of here please? Fi joins Vegeta in looking through the trinkets with a look of displeasure on his face. Claire casts Clean! Claire: School: Transmutation; Level 0 Clean uses remaining: 5 Claire cleans up the headband. Hawk Hubertins pokes through the pile of what was until recently an insane goblin teifling. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Perception check: 4 Chris: your turn. Claire puts on the headband Claire: Let's see what it does. Fi: Fi's Reflex save: 18 Save notes: +2 vs enchatment just in case. Claire puts on the headband. As she puts it on, it seems to resize itself to perfectly fit her forehead. It briefly glows a dim blue. Claire: Matches my eyes. Chris: She uses up the remain charge, thus making it useless to Merki. Hawk takes a close look at what was once a goblin archer. He finds some items on her. Vegeta looks through Reeta's remains. He notices what seems to be a tally sheet. Next to "Stupid Gulliver Bandits" he sees a count of 50, and he also notices a new line for "Pond crossers" with a count of 0. Otherwise, Vegeta finds a quiver with 5 arrows inside. Vegeta: lol ahem ha, looks like this goblin had us on her sights for a while... Hawk Hubertins: Huh. Weird. Though I think we were the first ones to cross that pond. We had to knock over the tree to do it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (I added Reeta's loot to the Loot! sheet.) George: Tanks. Fi: I assumed that meant that 50 bandits died, and 0 crossed successfully. Hawk Hubertins: That makes more sense. Fi: So she probably saw us flailing around in the water. Vegeta: hm... perhaps you're right Hawk Hubertins: It would have been hard to miss. We did make a lot of noise. Fi: Anyway, let's head back across the pond and get started back.Hopefully the rain won't be worse tomorrow. Chris: Chad, shall we make checks to repeat the crossing method we used earlier? Vegeta: hand me the rope (if chad says so) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Please do. The party gathers what they can and return to the pond. Fi hands one end of the rope to Vegeta and holds onto the other. The pond seems much shorter than last time. Vegeta: acrobatics check 26 People are actually able to see the edges of the pond this time. It would take perhaps an hour to reach the edge. Hernz: great waste of a crit lol Claire: Claire's Acrobatics check: 9 Whee. Wait, what was the headband supposed to do again? Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Acrobatics check: 11 Vegeta decides to show off and backflips across the log. Claire and Hawk are much less impressive, but cross without trouble. Fleir: Fleir's Acrobatics check: 9 Hawk Hubertins: It does something? I mean, I know it was an artifact from the war, but I thought it was just the equivalent of an angelic hat. The pond is a bit dirtier than before, and Fleir crosses the log without issue. Fi: Nidri and Norvi next. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri's Acrobatics check 3 Norvi's Acrobatics check 17 Like last time, Norvi has no trouble crossing. He still doesn't like it. Nidri is quite clumsy and slips off the log and falls in. She quickly climbs back onto the log though and continues crossing without trouble besides getting soaked in swamp water. Fi: Fi's Acrobatics check: 10 Claire sighs Bringing up the rear, Fi has no trouble crossing on his own. Claire casts Clean! Claire: School: Transmutation; Level 0 Clean uses remaining: 4 Better, Nidri? Nidri shrugs. After crossing the log, the party has no trouble exiting the swamp. The party takes one last look at the sign "Stay Out-That means you, yes!" and wonder why would you write that... QUEST COMPLETE! Chris: YAY! ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Riches in the Swamp Hernz: wwoooot!! (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Everyone gains 500 xp. You are on the FAST track for xp) (So level 2 is at 1300xp) That's it for tonight, folks! Your homework is to figure out watches when you camp on the way back. Claire: Hooray. Chris: I think the last set worked fine, unless anyone has complaints. Vegeta: works fine George: Agreed. That watch set seems to be pretty good. Hernz attacks @{target|token_name} with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 19 (Needs at least 21 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 3 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 7 Crit Damage (blunt): +1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): More homework: A) Tell me if you can see anything and B) Set up camp. The road is on the up side of the map. I've added some shrubs as cover. Chris: Have decent visibility up to the tents from the campfire. Gets muddled 10ft beyond that. Not sure how this interoperates with low light vision. Ah, the "light multiplier" feature. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Excellent. The muddled section is low light. I'm going to try out the Turn Tracker tool. I didn't notice it existed until now. A shame it doesn't track statuses. Chris: Yeah, there are a bajillion little features in this thing. Fog of war, and line of sight visibility. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Also, assume Fleir was healed. Chris: ok Hernz: sweet (GM) Chad S. (GM): Feel free to rearrange your tents and stuff. Hernz: I think that's fine for vegeta Chris: Just for the record, Fi also has a mule. They would probably all be together with the horses. Oh no, I forgot the horses! Hernz: great, we're all walking back Chris: It would probably be best to assume that 1 side of the fire is them. Probably closer to the road. (GM) Chad S. (GM): poof horsies. Hernz: the only thing I can think of is that we have both perception peeps next to each other... might make sense to have them in opposite corners... but again, no big deal since the person awake does the perceptioning I guess Chris: Claire wouldn't be next to the horse either :-P (GM) Chad S. (GM): Good point. Shuffling! Cat: so how do i hook it up so the initiative button in my sheet pushes it to the turn tracker? it keeps telling me i didn't have a token selected...but it doesn't prompt. separate macro? George: Hawk Hubertins's Initiative result: 3.02 I solved it by writing a separate macro and sticking it on my icon button list thingie. Hawk is fine sleeping near the horses. Means he can get to his mule more quickly. Sorry, token action thingie. Cat: Nidranisan's Initiative result: 22.02 Nidranisan's Initiative result: 10.02 Nidranisan's Initiative result: 6.02 Cat casts Cure Light on Hawk! Cat: heal 4 HPs. Cat is activating their Oracle ability, Revelation (lvl 1) Cat: Demonhide Revelation (lvl 1) uses remaining: 0 Cat is activating her Oracle ability, Demonhide Cat: Revelation (lvl 1) uses remaining: 0 Cat is activating their Oracle ability, Revelation (lvl 1) Cat: Demonhide Revelation (lvl 1) uses remaining: 0 Cat is activating her Oracle ability, Demonhide Cat: Uses remaining: 0 Sorry, macro testing. :/ Hernz: #initiative Vegeta: initiative 9 initiative 5 Hernz: perception 20 Chris: Fi's Initiative result: 10.03 Hernz: how do you have that initiative roll? w the .03? Hernz attacks @{target|token_name} with name! Hernz: Attack Result: 8 Hernz attacks @{target|token_name} with name! Hernz: Attack Result: 4 Cat: use CharacterName|Roll-for-initiative in a % macro you have to select your token first, or it won't integrate with the turn tracker thingy. so george and i set them up as a "token action" (checkbox at the bottom of macro window) Hernz: use CharacterName|Roll-for-initiative use Vegeta|Roll-for-initiative use Vegeta|Roll-for-initiative use %Vegeta|Roll-for-initiative Cat: curly braces after the percent, around the whole name|Roll Hernz: use {Vegeta|Roll-for-initiative} use Vegeta's Initiative result: 12.02 Cat: shaZAM Hernz: danke Cat: np. Hernz attacks Claire with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 13 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 3 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 5 Crit Damage (blunt): +1 Hernz: use Vegeta's Initiative result: 3.02 use Vegeta's Initiative result: 17.02 use Vegeta|attackwflurry Cat: y'know, you can get rid of 'use' on that ;) Hernz: :) Chris: Fleir's Initiative result: 15.02 Fi's Initiative result: 7.03 Fi's Initiative result: 17.03 Fi's Initiative result: 9.03 Fleir's Initiative result: 11.02 {selected|Roll-for-initiative} works, so the same macro button works for all tokens you might control. Just in case. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, I assume you healed Fleir on the way back? He was down to 6 HP I believe. Chris: 9 (GM) Chad S. (GM): 9 HP out of 17, right? Chris: yup (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d4 ( 3 ) = 3 Hernz: nice..... Cat can roll up how many it takes if you want. Cat: actually she's only got 1 left for the day. gotta heal the rest in the morning. go go cure-light macro... Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Fleir! Nidranisan: heal 6 HPs. Alright, that's it. If anyone else almost dies today, you're getting a potion. Don't die. Fleir pants happily. Nidranisan: Awww. You're cute, Fleir. Fi: Careful, he loves attention. Nidranisan: ...does that mean he won't bite me if I pet him? As the party sets up camp, Nidri helps tend to most of Fleir's wounds. If everything goes smoothly, they should return to Harvest Wharf by the early afternoon tomorrow. Cat: oh noes, i was moused over vegeta when the turn tracker got cleared, and now he's perpetually outlined in yellow! Hernz: he went SUPER SAYAN! (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol George: Hilarious. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anyone else doing anything before going to sleep? George: Cat just showed it to me. He's totally super ayan. Cat: naw, nidri's puppyflirting with fleir is about all. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, I'll move everyone inside their tents. The party went to sleep, preparing for another day.