From UtterChaos
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- 2 April 16, 1236 AD
- 3 April 16, 1236 AD (evening)
- 4 April 16, 1236 AD (Evening)
- 5 April 16, 1236 AD (night)
- 6 April 17, 1236 AD
- 7 April 17, 1236 AD (lunchtime)
- 8 April 17, 1236 AD (Afternoon)
- 9 April 17, 1236 AD (afternoon)
- 10 April 17, 1236 AD (evening)
- 11 April 18, 1236 AD (morning)
- 12 April 18, 1236 AD (morning)
- 13 April 18, 1236 AD (lunchtime)
- 14 April 18, 1236 AD (afternoon)
- 15 April 18, 1236 AD (Evening)
- 16 April 18, 1236 AD (evening)
- 17 April 18, 1236 AD (nighttime)
Next: Magmere's out of town
Prev: The Krimson Within
April 16, 1236 AD
It is late afternoon by the time the party returns to Harvest Wharf. The last two days have been uneventful and somewhat boring, but at least they were sunny. Hernz: I think while we're here, we should get rid of all the loot. I'm ok selling all that stuff, except for the robe of jubilation cause I have no idea what that is :) Chris: No selling angel artifacts! Hernz: lol Chris: Things to do: 1) Tell Jovias what happened and deliver letter. 2) Tell Marjorie what happened and let her know to expect Jovias. Hernz: yup yup oh! fancy office! Btw, Hernz epiphany: Non combat feats are awesome!!!! Chris: lol Meghan: nice (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hernz's lightbulb! Alright, what's your first order of business? Fi: I think we should probably talk to Majorie first. That way we might be able to set some expectations for Jovias. Hernz: should we make this easier and all go together to whereever we go?> Vegeta: sounds good... Fi: Although I think we keep silent about the existence of the robe from the angel. Cat: yeah. Nidranisan: Yeah, I think we go talk to Dakan about that, if anyone. Fi: Does everyone think it is safe to mention that there was an angel present? I'm not sure how to explain the situation without doing so. George: Genocide all citizens of hw. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Kill 'em all and let the gods decide! Chris: You're the good character... Vegeta: I'm not one for hiding that to be honest.. George: Yup! Hernz: vegeta will be fun next level when he takes a vow of truth lol George: Character, the player on the other hand... Nidranisan: I mean, we don't have to go into detail. Fi: Ok, an angel did it. Nothing was left of her when done. Nidranisan: We don't know which one, or how or whatever. Chris: If Vegeta starts spilling the beans, we'll just stop talking in front of him ;-) Hernz: one more level... and I can always say nothing lol Cat: as long as you can just keep your mouth shut ;) Hernz: lol George: Fancy office indeed. Cat: hey, don't laugh too loud -- Gwen couldn't ;) so are we checking out our office first, or going straight to marjorie? Fi: I assume that we should check in and request an appointment. Then we can fool around in the office until then. Nidranisan: Makes sense. Hernz: who's the merchant person in our group? Chris: Claire and Hawk. Hernz: claire or hawk? k Chris: and/or. Hernz: does anyone wear leather that might need masterwork? btw, love the manikin for us to make out with in our office tight buns Chris: that was for Vegeta. Hernz: I know lol Chris: WTF, is the point of masterwork leather? Nidranisan: imean, i wear leather but...masterwork is a little silly on me. Hernz: less... um... arcane fa- I have no clue lol prepping for when you do +1? Nidranisan: true. Cat: what's the armor bonus on masterwork leather? same? Hernz: same Cat: lol. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Masterwork Studded Leather... key word is Studded Cat: ah , that's different. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh! Unless you're a Druid Chris: that's better. Hernz: oh, then put that in the loot... it reads leather (GM) Chad S. (GM): Masterwork armor lowers the Armor Check Penalty, but leather armor has 0 ACP Chris: Fi would be interested in the studded leather if it is in fact studded. (GM) Chad S. (GM): nope, it's masterwork leather. Chris: lol. useless. Hernz: lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hey! You can sell it for more! Hernz: you give us false hope! Cat: love when even the GM isn't sure what the loot is! :) though it would be totally hilarious for nidri to wear MW leather. Hernz: quick, add a +5 arrow before he notices Cat: it's beautifully made with exceptional materials and craftsmanship, and also, it's broken. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Just tell me when the salesmen want to sell. Hernz: so also sell the vials of alchemist fiere, yes? Chris: Fi would insist we do real work first. Hernz: yeah, order doesnt matter (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, let's see who you're visiting first. (1 = Marjorie, 2 = Lord Dakan) 2 Fi: To Dakan! The number of patrols have died down since the explosion a week ago. The barracks have plenty of guards running around. The desk sergeant lets you into Captain Dakan's room. He has a map of the city on his wall, with some locations pinned. Alexen Dakan: Ah, yes. Please be seated. I hope your trip went well. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (lol, forgot about Jovias Dewleaf) Cat: we alreayd said we wanted to see marjorie before dewleaf. Nidranisan: Depends on your definition of "well" I suppose. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (yaaaaay DM keepin' it stylish!) Nidranisan: Fixed a broken relationship, liberated a town from the charmed control of an angel, opened the door for a business deal. Apparently, for us, the usual. Alexen Dakan: Oh? I heard some reports of increased Gnoll attacks. Wait, what? Charmed control of an angel. Fi: That's what she said. Nidranisan: Some of them thought it was this woman who lived in the town and who had died coming back for some sort of vengeance. It was...what's her name? Jubilation? kind of using the personal of the dead lady a little. persona. the angel had charmed the whole town into singing and dancing and not doing much else. for like a month. Alexen Dakan: Jubilation...she was quite the cheerleader. Rallied one of our units to a few victories. Wait, was this woman wearing a robe of some kind? No, don't answer that. Nidranisan: Yeah...so, we're back to that part where we may or may not have met said angle who may or may not have been wearing a robe we may or may not have in our possession. Alexen Dakan: I see... Alexen Dakan leans back on his chair Nidranisan: If, hypothetically speaking, there had been a robe, would you know something about it? Alexen Dakan: I have heard...theories from one of my contacts. Would you like to meet him? Nidranisan: Might be appropriate, we seem to run into these sorts of things a lot and would do well to be prepared. Fi nods. Alexen Dakan: The Arcane Library in Traderstrip allows outsiders to visit by appointment only. I have an appointment with one particular elf named Micel Verdantflame. I think you should take my place. Nidranisan: The angel Merki talked about supposedly had a headband thingy. do they generally have a 'faorite' item each? ...favorite. Cat: Huuuurrrr me can talk.... Alexen Dakan: I believe so. They always seemed to wear some kind of distinctive garment. Nidranisan: mm. Maybe even with some sign of their identity, if one knew what to look for? Alexen Dakan nods Nidranisan: Mm. This Micel Verdantflame...he studies this kind of thing? Alexen Dakan: Yes he does. He is quite interested in the many forces present during the many conflicts we've had this past century. Nidranisan: Okay. Alexen Dakan writes a note Alexen Dakan: Take this message. You can use it to enter the Arcane Library and speak to Micel. Be wary. The only thing he cares about are outer planar matters. Nidranisan: So like, don't accidentally mention the weather? Alexen Dakan: He is all business, all the time. Fi: Sounds familiar... Alexen Dakan: Getting this appointment was relatively difficult. I had mentioned that you may or may not have seen some angels. Chris: can we just abbreviate that phrase to MoMN? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Never! Cat: MoMNhSSA Alexen Dakan: As always, I thank you for your eyes and ears on this. Cat: mom-n-husaaaaa Nidranisan: This was some very prolonged and direct meddling with people. That's pretty concerning, to me. Alexen Dakan: Yes, this kind of meddling worries me. Nidranisan: Well, I suspect just our experiences so far will be at least something Micel will want to hear. I hope. Alexen Dakan: I hope so. Is there anything I can help you with? Nidranisan: I think that covers it for now. If you hear of anything else that needs to be investigated, let us know. Alexen Dakan: Of course. As the party leaves Dakan's room, they notice a group of imperial soldiers cheering. The leader of the group runs off to Captain Dakan while the others remain in a waiting room. One of them pops his head out and notices Vegeta. Fi: huh? Eldrick: Oh! Hello Lord. Uh, Sir Vegeta. Lord Sir. Nidranisan: Oh lord. Cat: too...much...futurama... Vegeta: ah, Eldrick... what brings you here? Hernz: logging off for 10 mins... brb (GM) Chad S. (GM): lolz Cat: of course. right when his plot arrives. once the oil is hot, i'll be afk for a bit frying donuts. terrible, i know. Eldrick: We just got back from our battle against the Dragonlord! It was so fun! Fi: [Party] What the fuck is a dragonlord? Vegeta: and you're in one piece! a fine sayan warrior you are Eldrick: Yeah, it was awesome. Vegeta: [to party] does it matter what it is? with a name like that, sure sounds a mightier fight than some flies and a scarf Eldrick: To be honest, the rest of the Dragon Warriors beat him. But then I saw his pet dragon hop out of nowhere. Vegeta: ha! a mighty target for one such as you I take it! Eldrick: It tried to eat the Captain but then I knocked it aside with a focused blast! Vegeta sounds shocked... Eldrick: Oops! I wasn't supposed to mention any of that. Vegeta: a... a... focused blast... that's an imparessive technique Eldrick: Yeah, I can shoot a blast of force out of my hands. So cool. But I'm sure a Lord Sir like you can shoot millions of blasts. Sir. Lord. Vegeta: yeah.. um... ahem... no need to demo that... maintain your energy reserves... never know when you'll need it again Eldrick: I know. Our next mission is to go deep underground and fight this big...fire flea...thing. Fi: Yeah... he shoots them all the time. Eldrick: He does? That's Vegeta for you! There's this really strong chief who saw it and called it... "La-Vos" or something. She said it stands for "Big Fire" Vegeta: well, yes, just carry on then... where might this fire flea thing be located that you're going to? [to Eldrick] we're among blood, you can trust me Eldrick: Oh yeah! It's over in the...um....uh... The...village...fire bomb... Man, I never remember this kind of stuff. Vegeta: [to party] that ring a bell to anyone? Chris: Naaah... Naaaaaaaah... Nah Naaaah! Fi: Fire bomb? Fi's Knowledge (Geography) check: 27 Umm... don't think that's a place. Maybe some place in the Norrish sea? Lots of fire islands there. Vegeta: interesting... well then, good to know. Vegeta clearly has something troubling him in the back of his mind Eldrick: But yeah. Anyway. It should be lots of fun. I'll make sure our homeland is proud. Er, make sure I represent our homeland. Vegeta: yes... remember the saying.. "Don't Die!" Chris: I waste all my 20s on skill checks. Hernz: lol Eldrick: Will do Lord. Sir. Eldrick is dragged back by the other soldiers and hand him some ale. Fi: So energy blasts. I take it you have been working on that for a while? Vegeta: ahem... silence... just haven't found a worthy oponent yet Fi shrugs. Vegeta thinks to himself, how a peasant like Eldrick is capable of being stronger than himself... it seems to be eating him inside (GM) Chad S. (GM): Training Montage! Hernz: lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, that's Lord Dakan (and Eldrick, I guess.) Next up is either Marjorie or Mical Verdantflame. Cat: marjorie first i would think. Nidranisan: then dewleaf. then we can figure out mical. Hawk Hubertins: Sounds like a good plan. Fi: Agreed Vegeta seems to follow the party but is totally out of it Cat: awww poor veg. At the East Ferren Trading Company, the party notices the newly furnished room. It seems to have most of, if not all of their furnishings. Vegeta notices the training dummy, approaches it... Vegeta: this joke... this will never do! Nidranisan claims the 'bottom right' corner. Nidranisan: Yeah, this'll do. Hawk Hubertins: Very nice. This will do very nicely. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Feel free to move the furniture around) Cat: just don't steal my corner. ;) Chris: quick, build a fort around her. Meghan: nice we're terrible people Chris: roflmao. Nidranisan is just sitting in the corner, being normal. Meghan: I don't even know what these things are George giggles. Meghan: I stole Fleir's bed George: We're horrible people. :) Meghan: Vegeta's dancing that training dummy has a nice ass Hernz: lol Chris: GM takes away token privilages in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Vegeta: LOL Meghan: awww George: What the heck is the thing by Nidri? Meghan: I'm going back to reading my porn then (GM) Chad S. (GM): That's a lamp next to 2 chairs. George: Ah, ok. Nidranisan "unpacks" a couple random things into her "desk" -- i.e. a small pile in the corner. After a few minutes, Torras Lendolay knocks on the door. Nidranisan is hanging out in her "chair" i.e. that floor tile in the corner. Vegeta: no one will get that? ugh... Vegeta goes to the door Torras is still standing by the door. Torras Lendolay: Greetings, Mister Vegeta. I wanted to see if you enjoyed your office. I purchased most of these items as part of my assignment. Vegeta: please come in, I'm sure you have business to discuss Torras Lendolay: ...actually, I don't. I just wanted to say hello and see if you were enjoying your accomidations. Hawk Hubertins: THey're lovely! Thank you for getting the furniture for us. Torras Lendolay: Of course. Some of the furnitutre salesmen in Traderstrip offered deep discounts that they personally owed me. Nidranisan: We appreciate your efforts to get the particular items everyone wanted. Torras Lendolay nods Nidranisan: I think some days we'll be spending a lot of time in here and it will be much more comfortable for your efforts. Torras Lendolay: As always, you may request more furniture from Marjorie if desired, or give me your requests. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Aaaaand I'm going to bed. Night folks!) Hernz: night
April 16, 1236 AD (evening)
The party observes their new office in Harvest Wharf. Torras Lendolay visited to make sure the accommodations are comfortable. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, what's next for the party? George: Blood, death, destruction? Hernz: I think we agreed on Majerlie next? and what george said (GM) Chad S. (GM): It is late in the day. She may not be at work. Cat: I thought we were going there when we got in, to get a spot on her schedule. before we started settling into the office. Hernz: If not, no biggie... markets still open? at least we can do that? I know we wanted to see her before jovias I think, right? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You could always see if she is available. Cat: check on our way out? As the sun begins to set, the party heads past Lendolay's office and towards Marjorie Mel's office. Most of the office is empty, except for Marjorie, who is comparing the day's notes. Abraxinal is at hand, with an array of various drinks in unique cups and glasses. Nidranisan peeks in the door. Nidranisan: Ah, Marjorie, you are still here. Did you perhaps have a moment? Marjorie Mel: Of course. [Undercommon] Abraxinal, prepare some seats for our guests. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Of course, Life Debt Master. [Undercommon] It is good to see him here! Abraxinal Abraxinal prepares several seats for the party to sit. Marjorie Mel: Now then, what may I do for you? Nidranisan stands. Nidranisan: We just arrived back from our mission. We were able to deliver the sad news to both of Merki's parents. Marjorie Mel Collects one of her cups carefully with two fingers. Nidranisan: There were some...odd things going on in the krimson forest. Marjorie Mel: Oh? Odd? Nidranisan: The town where Merki's father lived was charmed. By some sort of apparition. It seemed to be Angelic. We were able to break the charm, but the town was under some sort of odd control for a month. They may be sending a request for aid. And we wanted you to be apprised of the situation. Marjorie Mel nods while drinking from one of her cups. Marjorie Mel: I am glad you were able to break the charm. My family has had run ins with these types of influences in the past. I think the angels mean well, but they are too demanding and overzealous. Nidranisan: It definitely seemed overzealous. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] And gullible! Oh, I shouldn't speak out of turn. Marjorie Mel: Yes, and gullible. [Undercommon] Do not worry, it was quite useful. Nidranisan: Gullible? Marjorie Mel: During the Fifty Years War...well, they didn't like us. A few rumors and they wanted to persecute us. Many times over, we professed innocence, but they didn't believe us. If it weren't for the efforts of Lord Dakan... I have much to thank him for. Nidranisan: Ah. Hawk Hubertins looks amused. Nidranisan: Well, I'm glad he was able to assist. Marjorie Mel: Yes, indeed. We will help the Krimson Forest as much as we can. There are admittedly many opportunities there. Nidranisan: We thought the EFTC might help \...well, yes. That. Marjorie Mel: More than mere ink. Hawk Hubertins nods. Nidranisan: We have a letter for Jovias Dewleaf Hawk Hubertins: There's a soup they make there. A bit spicy, but I think it would sell well with the right customers. Nidranisan: ...The soup was from the orcs, but yeah. Marjorie Mel: Orcs? Interesting. You made peace with the Redtooth Clan, as well? Nidranisan: Well, just with Halgresh. Marjorie Mel: Halgresh? Nidranisan: She's sort of on the outs. Merki's mom. Marjorie Mel: Ah, yes. Well, you may deliver the letter with my blessing. Marjorie Mel takes another cup and spits into it. Hawk Hubertins: What's with all the cups? Marjorie Mel: I have a very specific diet. I tend to consume after hours. Hawk Hubertins: Ok. Vegeta: Nothing wrong at all with specific diets... Hawk Hubertins: [undercommon] It's good to see you again, Abraxinal. Marjorie Mel: Indeed. It's important to maintain a proper nutrition levels. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Yes, Life Debt Master. I am glad to see you unharmed. Work Master has been taking good care of me. [Undercommon] She even helped me with some of the scars. Hawk Hubertins: [undercommon] How's she doing with her lessons, Marjorie? Marjorie Mel: [Undercommon] She is doing well, picking up the nuances of the common tongue. I think she will understand the language soon. Melanie seemed intrigued by some of her fashion ideas. Hawk Hubertins nods. Hawk Hubertins: [undercommon] I'm a little disturbed by that. However, I'm glad she's learning well. Marjorie Mel nods Marjorie Mel takes a different glass and quickly quaffs it down Marjorie Mel: Thank you all for the information, and thank you all for your hard work on behalf of the East Ferren Trading Company. Abraxinal carefully collects several of the used cups and begins washing them in a nearby sink. Nidranisan: I'm glad we had the opportunity to meet Merki's parents. Hawk Hubertins nods approvingly. Hawk Hubertins: Me too. It was almost like getting him back for a little while. Nidranisan: ...now we just need to see if all of us combined can even come close to filling his shoes. Marjorie Mel: Yes, his impact was great. He was so humble. It is good to know his parents loved him. Nidranisan: In fact, they have used this moment to reunite and work out their relationship. I hope they may some day choose to pay us a visit here. We also told them they would be welcome to contact the company if they do visit Harvest Wharf. Marjorie Mel: Of course they will be welcome. Nidranisan: Well, unless you have any specific further assignments for us, I think we don't need to take up more of your evening. (can wait if others want to weigh in before we go.) Marjorie Mel nods Hawk Hubertins: Indeed. Thank you for seeing us at this late hour. Fi: I guess Hawk and I should go see if Jovias can meet with us. It is pretty urgent. Nidranisan: Probably true. It's a pretty short meeting, you could drop off the note and answer his questions. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Bad news, folks. Dan's out. HIs life has gotten super busy.) Chris: Nooo!! Norvi!!! (GM) Chad S. (GM): (This party just got awesome again!) Chris: Fi will have to go back to sword fighting... (GM) Chad S. (GM): So Fi and Hawk wanted to meet Jovias? Chris: Yup Fi and Hawk attend the Morning Shade right after sunset. Chris: I need to put Locke to bed, and I imagine something similar for Eric is happing now. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup. Can wait. Meghan: Clearly we need to tell Anne to take over his character (GM) Chad S. (GM): Clearly. Luckily Vegeta will take the front lines! :) Cat: Anne did say she was thinking frontliner. i can cover the healing ;) Cat is taking back that wand of cure light before he leaves us for good though! Cat: well, nidri is. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup. I sent her an initial email, but no reply so far. Chris: welp, I'm here again. George: And I'm about to leave, so we should do this quickly. Chris: And chad fell offline. Oh well. later then. Hawk Hubertins: I'll try to hop on when I get to the office. I can probably do a little bit while I'm there if Chad reappears. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Still there? Chris: I am George: Kinda Mostly I think Offline for a bit again. Guessing Chad went offline again too. :/ Hernz: I got the solution to Norvi leaving (which is sad btw, but we'll fight on): 5000 XP :D 5k XP is the answer to all of hernz's problems... no girlfriend? that's ok, he'll be happy with 5k XP Get in a serious car accident? Don't call Di'Olivera and Associates, take 5000 XP! Chris: clearly Dan: Hey, everyone! I want you to know I really enjoyed playing with you guys, but sadly I've had a lot of issues finding the time getting on and contributing to the game. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that my not being part of this game anymore was not your fault, and I would enjoy gaming with any of you in person. I hope you have fun, and best of luck to the party! Hernz: thanks Dan. it was fun! (GM) Chad S. (GM): So...what's next? George wanted to do something, right? Cat: fi and hawk were going to go see jovias. if they didn't secretly do that already.
April 16, 1236 AD (Evening)
The sun sets as Fi and Hawk arrive at the Morning Shade, an inn in Traderstrip. Hopefully they can find Jovias Dewleaf. Chris: Do we need to do anything to determine if we can find him? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, you just ask at the front desk. The host leads the pair to Jovias Dewleaf's room and reminds them to keep quiet during while in the halls. Knocking on the door, it opens with a loud pop. Jovias has just finished mixing...something into a red potion. He motions Fi and Hawk inside and closes the door. Jovias Dewleaf: Fi. Hawk. How can I help you this evening? Fi: Hello Jovias. I'm afraid that we've got some ill news to give you. Can I take it you've been out of contact with the Krimson Konsortium for a few weeks now? Jovias Dewleaf: Oh? No, I've been in constant contact with the Konsortium. Fi: Fi's Sense Motive check: 20 Hernz: correct Fi: It's ok Jovias. we're here to inform you why. Jovias Dewleaf: Wait, you all know why? I had assumed Laresella had given me more responsibility. Cat: (there's some pretty serious couch tickling and giggling going on over here, hawk will probably not be joining for a little bit.) Hernz: LOL Cat: (WITH ERIC) Fi: A creature, possibly an angel, was exerting some kind of mind control on your village. The entire population was affected and stopped doing their work and spent their days singing and dancing. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (LOL) Fi: It took the form of Cillis Goldenrod and claimed to be spreading joy and tolerance. Jovias Dewleaf: Goldenrod...oh. Oh my. Fi: The village will probably need assistance, I have been asked to deliver this to you. Fi hands the letter from Laresella. Jovias Dewleaf Jovias takes the note and starts reading. Fi: We've already briefed EFTC, and they will be expecting contact from you. Jovias Dewleaf: (To GM) rolling 1d20+8 ( 10 )+8 = 18 Jovias Dewleaf: Humans are quite... unique, Fi. Their short lives drive them to make great achievements before their life burns out. Fi: Yes, I have noticed. Everything has been moving much more quickly since I began living among them. Jovias Dewleaf moves a vial over so another vial's contents pour into it without looking up from the letter. Jovias Dewleaf: ...It's kind of scary. Fi thinks for a bit. Jovias Dewleaf: But yes, I will definitely have to change my priorities to helping deliver supplies. This wasn't exactly how I thought it would work out, but thank you for helping me. Fi nods. Fi: I'm sorry that this is what I had to report. Jovias Dewleaf: This should help us get more communication with the East Ferren Trading Company. Chris: I'm going to pause for a bit so Hawk will be able to interject at this point. Cat: george said he most went in case of diplobomb. but at this point eric's bedtime is in like 10 minutes anyway. Chris: Ok. I just thought it was an appropriate time for him to be smooth. Cat: true :) Jovias Dewleaf Grabs a couple of vials and crushes some Krimson berries into them. George: I might be able to catch up in about 20 minutes. Jovias Dewleaf: No problemo. (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...that was me,, not Jovias. Cat: really? it totally seemed like his style. Jovias Dewleaf: like, totally cool beans bro George doesn't quite have a second brain cell to rub with the first one, so Hawk doesn't have anything good to say at this point. Jovias Dewleaf: I see your friend is quiet, Fi. It is almost dinnertime. Fi: Ah, yes. It's been a very long day. Thank you for seeing us at this hour. Jovias Dewleaf: Of course. If there is nothing else, I have a lot of work to do. Fi: Yes. Good luck. Fi bows. Fi turns to leave. Fi and Hawk turn to leave as Jovias picks up another bucket of preserved Krimson Berries. Hernz: I think that leaves selling stuff? Cat: i assume we'll keep the potions. they'll be pretty useful i think. the rest can go. Hernz: only healing ones.... 750 for a potion of + to att/dam for a short time is totally worth selling same with bull strength... only lasts a short time unless people want to keep and use them as part of their share... no point in hogging all the potions we get just in case Cat: we can see what other think about the potions. it's not about "all the potions we get" so much as ones that can actually make us able to hit things in combat. we've had a lot of cases of whiff-fest. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Lord Dakan gave you a reference to Micel Verdantflame, but that was added to your agenda today. Cat: +2 to hit for a whole combat is actually pretty nice. Hernz: yeah, but for that money, we can almost get +1 to AC forever with a permanent enchant Cat: so what you're saying is, you want to buy magic armor ;) Hernz: I'm saying it's better spent elsewhere Fi: So who wants to talk about outsiders? I can go to listen, but I don't know anything about them. Vegeta: don't look at me! Nidranisan: I know a little. Hawk Hubertins: I always like hearing stories. Chris: hehe. Hernan keeps trying to get us to sell stuff, but we keep pushing on plot :-P Hernz: I'm cool with plot, but I want to get rid of all that stuff... otherwise we'll go again with the "how much did we get? what did we do with the loot?" Cat thinks vegeta is shopping for something ;) Hernz: a scarf (GM) Chad S. (GM): A pink shirt labelled BAD MAN Cat: lol i should totally ditch my undercommon book now that hawk learned it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Is the party doing anything else this evening? Hernz: cough cough Cat: well if anyone else wants to weigh in on the potions with a tie breaker, go for it. our two sellers are not talking right now anyway. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Are we just figuring out loot before the end of the day? Cat: i think that's the only other thing. Hernz: we can sell at any point... if you want to advance plot for now, that's fine not like we earn interest on money we get from loot lol, so whether we sell now or before we head out, same thing I just want to avoid another potential "follow me to the sewers" battle before we get to sell stuff again and get potential helpful equipment Chris: When are we supposed to see Micel Verdantflame? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You should wait until tomorrow to meet him. Hernz: so here's my reasoning for selling potions... who will use them to go up into melee? Not the sorc, not the bard, not the priest, not the frail elf (who does tons of dps with bow anyway), not the monk who can't drink potions... so that leaves the dog with no oppossable thumbs Meghan: are they healing potions? Cat: sure, if no one is going to use them, we can sell. no, it's a bull's strength and a greater magic fang. Meghan: oh, yeah. nvm Cat: you wanna diplobomb selling or whatever? Vegeta: first we agree on what... I say everything but the wand of mage armor Cat: yeah claire has been carrying that, that can be useful. i thought we had decided to sell the alchemist's fire. for the elf rescue i think we're just selling it all at this point. Chris: yes Hernz: works for me Cat: and we should then summarize the gp amount at the top. Vegeta: the new gp amount, right? or keep the old one from the previous loot as well? I think we all took that already, no? Cat: i'd rather keep one line per batch unless/until that actually starts taking up too much space. i think we can basically keep the first sentence and add one sentence with today's date and that it's from the Krimson quest. with the pp from the forest and all the elf rescue loot. combined. Hernz: sure (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bedtime for me. Those who want to sell should make Diplomacy rolls (and indicate who leads). Cat: might as well help. i think claire should lead if available. :) Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Diplomacy check: 23 Cat: yay, i'm a helper! adjusted the "things we're selling" list. until all the diplo rolls are in. Vegeta: Diplo assist 18 Hernz: HA! I crit! lol Meghan: ... Claire: Claire's Diplomacy check: 14 hahahhahahhah... I guess I assist Hernz: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Meghan highfives Hernz Chris: lol Hernz: lol Meghan: I like that. Cat facepalms. Hernz: come on.... HAWK! Cat: i'll ask him to click the button in a aminute. whatever that is. he's in the middle of some leatherwork. Meghan: nice Fi: Fi's Diplomacy check: 13 Chris: I felt left out. Cat: you're a helper too :) George: So yeah, those leather tea cup holsters that people were posting on FB? Just finishing up my first attempt at one. Diplo...bomb? Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Diplomacy check: 17 Hernz: +9 from assists (cat gives +3) Meghan: we're super good at this this is why we never make any money Vegeta: lol Hernz: btw, I just looked at the rules for bargaining and it uses bluff vs sense motives and its complex... dont see the use of diplo for it haha... whatever... chad, have fun lol Meghan: yes! I can bluff. what are the chances I'll roll another 1? (1/20) Hernz: what are the chances I'll crit? lol Meghan: Claire's Appraise check: 4 whoops, wrong button Claire's Bluff check: 24 there, that's better. Cat: nidri is better at 'proof by pounding the table' if you know what i mean. Vegeta: lol Cat: (WHAT. INTIMIDATE.) Hernz: well in case he wants bluff checks... Vegeta: bluff 11 Chris: I think Chad has his own mechanic that he already uses. Hernz: I guess he can just roll for us in secret lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, I have my own magic thingie. Normally you can only sell things for half unless they are very rare. Merchant's Diplomacy check 26 Chris: lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): vs the total 26 Hawk isn't able to make much headway with the aggressive merchants, and he stops where he started - the default 50% sale price. Hernz: excellent lol I think if I did the loot right, comes out to 461 GP 4 SP each... someone double check for me. George: I talked to Anne today. She's been swamped, but does still want to join the run, and will try to ping Chad about it this weekend. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sounds good, George. Thanks for asking. Hernz: sweet!
April 16, 1236 AD (night)
Hawk leads the party to Traderstrip to sell their gains and profits. The sun has set and businesses are closing. The bars are open for business, though. Cat: lol. "hey guys, go get a drink!" (GM) Chad S. (GM): Just giving people a chance to cram more into this busy night. Hawk Hubertins wanders off to find a tavern to perform in. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Feel free to make a Perform check, Hawk. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Perform: Singing check: 23 Hawk heads off to a tavern in Traderstrip, giving a joyous performance. He earns 14 silver pieces from donations. Hernz: saw-weeeeet Fi: I'm done folks. Good night. Hernz: for a second I was going to say "chris is going to sleep at 8???" lol Chris: :-P Hernz: never know... I've had days liek that man lol Vegeta seems in a trance the entire day ever since he had the DragonLord conversation Vegeta: uh.. yeah... yeah, I got stuff I need to do... I'll see you all tomorrow (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, last call before I jump to the 17th. George: Don't do it! Don't jump to the 17th! Jump to the 57th, please. Or April the 41st.
April 17, 1236 AD
The party awakens the next morning. It's pretty sunny. Norvi Torvaldr: (GM) Everyone. I've been giving it some thought. I think it's better if I joined the Town Guard. Someone can keep an eye on what's going on in town, you know? Vegeta: what? the swamps too dirty for you dwarf? Vegeta smirks Norvi Torvaldr: (GM) I suppose so, good friend. Norvi Torvaldr laughs Vegeta: I'll come back in a month to make sure you haven't been slacking off. Hawk Hubertins: Fare thee well, Norvi. We'll see you when we're around town. Norvi Torvaldr: (GM) Don't worry about that. I need to earn Dakan's favor, to learn some more about the war. (GM) Hawk, may we meet again. Your music never failed to cheer me up. Fi: Goodbye Norvi. It's been a trip. Norvi Torvaldr: (GM) It's been a good journey, Fi. Take good care of Fleir. Fi: Say goodbye Fleir. Fleir holds out her paw. Norvi Torvaldr: (GM) Haha, take good care of Fi. Norvi Torvaldr shakes Fleir's paw Fleir tilts her head. Norvi Torvaldr pets Fleir Norvi Torvaldr: (GM) Alright. Time for me to go. (GM) Tell the others I said goodbye. The dwarf gets his stuff and heads off towards the barracks. Cat: awwww missed the big dan exit. Chris: doh! Cat: i guess it was kinda a big chad exit. but hey. Norvi Torvaldr: (GM) Hmm? Did you say something, Nidri? Nidranisan: Mind if I hang on to that wand? And you got to see Hawk about your share of the Krimson business, right? Norvi Torvaldr: (GM) Oh right. Let me give you that wand. You can keep that share from our trip to Krimson - something tells me you'll need it more than me. Norvi Torvaldr hands the wand of Cure Light Wounds to Nidri. Nidranisan: You sure? I guess the guard pays a nice wage. :) Norvi Torvaldr: (GM) Yeah, I'm good for now. Nidranisan: Ok. Thanks for all your help. Norvi Torvaldr nods Norvi Torvaldr picks up his bags and heads off. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, that handles that. What is next for the party? Hernz: Melci was it? Nidranisan: i don't have anything else to do tonight. Hernz: I think we skipped to the next day this was in the morning, yes? (GM) Chad S. (GM): This is the morning of April 17th. Nidranisan: oh whoops. Cat: er. yeah whoops. missed that. so yeah, that guy we're supposed to go see. i guess we'll go see him in the morning...you guys want to check in at work first, or just go? (i vote just go.) Hernz: just go The Arcane Library is definitely one of the fancier buildings in Traderstrip. Protected by several abjuration spells and wards, the group walks past a security checkpoint. The guards let them remain armed but warn them not to cause trouble. The lobby doesn't seem to have any other exits. A halfling woman is at the desk, mumbling to herself and manipulating a pile of stones. Receptionist: Welcome to the Arcane Library. I'm Jenora. Please present your appointment or your member card. Fi: Hey. Who's got the appointment? Cat: hint: not me. someone does tho. probably you or hawk. Chris: probably was you. You were the one talking when he wrote the note. Hernz: Party hands note to receptionist Chris: bah. Hernz: (lol) Fi extracts the note from somewhere. Fi: Here you go. Receptionist: Thank you very much. Cat: yeah, but i try not to hold paper. The receptionist waves her hands, and part of the wall gives way, revealing a staircase. Cat: bad things happen sometimes when i try to hand it back. Chris: fine. We can just assume the Fi holds onto everything for convenience sake :-P Cat: well, it's your fault you're always here ;) Hernz: lol Nidranisan heads up or down the staircase, as appropriate. Fi: Nifty wall. Vegeta: yes, apparently installing a regular staircase was too expensive Receptionist: Not enough room for staircases. Fi: Ah, urban living. Vegeta whispers to the party Meghan: no TARDIS solution? just make more room? Vegeta: remind me to shut up Fi: No problem. Nidranisan: Will do. Claire will periodically, diplomatically, tell Vegeta to shut his pie hole. The party heads down the staircase and walk up into a large, hemispherical room. Nidranisan: fancy staircase. it goes both ways. Cat: awwwww yeah. Fi: Uhh... sure. Vegeta: lol The walls are black as night with several dots painted in the sky. Cat: well folks, we've arrived at the planetarium. A middle aged elven male is sitting in a chair, staring at the ceiling. Chris: yup. Do we get to find out when the eclipse is so that we can invade the fire nation? Nidranisan waits like half a minute to see if he notices us. Meghan: I'd rather not be hunted down by a giant owl, thanks Chris Cat: i keep wanting to call him Mycen. so not the right name. Meghan: middle-aged elven means, like, 500 right? or older? is he going to pester us about how many times he's told them to deal with that ring now? Nidranisan patiently waits for the elf to react, but he continues to stare at the ceiling. Vegeta: ahem Micel Verdantflame: sigh Nidranisan: Vegeta? Shut up. :) Micel Verdantflame: You aren't Lord Alexen Dakan. Are you here in his stead? Nidranisan: We are, sir. Hernz: lol Cat: hey, you said to! Claire is just going to get a long stick and poke Vegeta and that'll be our sign for "stfu" Fi: We may or may not be the ones that are dealing with outsider things. Vegeta whispers under his breath Vegeta: and they tell me to not talk.... Claire gives Fi a side-eye Micel Verdantflame: I see. Unlike the captain, I already know we're dealing with all sorts of outside influence. Claire: I mean... isn't that why we're here? Fi: This is the entire point of this meeting guys. Micel Verdantflame: Most outsiders have to be summoned to this plane. They must make a pact with whomever summoned them. When they are done, or they are defeated they simply return to their home. Nidranisan: Hmm. Micel Verdantflame: And yet, over one thousand years ago, a large number of outsiders were...dumped here. And all interplanar travel and communication with outsiders became very prohibitive. Nidranisan: And those two events seem to be related? Micel Verdantflame: You could kill a demon, and its corpse would remain on this plane. This land became a battlefield. Nidranisan: Interesting. Vegeta: More like it was always the battlefield and now it became the burial ground Micel Verdantflame: An interesting, but true way to put it. Some lands have never recovered from this disaster. There is one island that is constantly in turmoil and chaos. Claire considers poking Vegeta but that was ok. Micel Verdantflame: Why did this happen? How did this happen? These are answers I seek. Nidranisan: Because of direct influence of lingering outsiders? The island, I mean. Micel Verdantflame finally sits up, looks at the party. Micel Verdantflame: Yes, this island is permanently overwhelmed by disasters, magical, physical and mental. Nidranisan: Hmm. Micel Verdantflame smiles Micel Verdantflame: Quite intriging. Micel Verdantflame returns to his deadpan expression Nidranisan: We've seen a recent and local example of some "direct meddling" as it were. That one did not leave a corpse, though. Micel Verdantflame: Ah, now I'm listening. Please continue. Nidranisan: So would that mean someone had summoned it? Micel Verdantflame: Or it could have willed itself back to existence. I don't suppose you know what you dealt with? Nidranisan: Jubilation, I believe. Meghan: why do we keep living here? Hawk Hubertins nods. Hawk Hubertins: Or at least, I'm pretty sure it was. The robes were in the right pattern. Meghan: did we bring the robe? Micel Verdantflame: Jubilation...an energetic Azata. Lived through most of the war around here. Known for its robe. George: Probably. Cat: i don't think we have any place we trust to stash either artifact. Chris: I MoMN have brought it ;-) Cat: :P Hernz: lol Nidranisan: And apparently for making people sing and dance. A lot. Like for a month. They thought it was the ...ghost, or something... of a woman who had died. who came back to punish the town. Fi: Yes, it took the form of a dead human. Plus some wings. Hawk Hubertins: But it was still wearing the robes of Jubilation. Micel Verdantflame: Yes, it was trying to regenerate. Meghan: anyone else get a very ... In the name of The Moon, I will punish you! vibe? Chris: no. Micel Verdantflame: ...I hope you didn't kill it. Meghan: I'll work on my transformation sequence then. Nidranisan: How do you kill them? Meghan: good question Nidranisan: Or how would we know it died? Fi: If by kill, do you mean damaged until it faded away? Meghan: we ... might not have. Nidranisan: I mean...no corpse, as I said. Hawk Hubertins: We defeated it in battle, but I don't believe it was dead. Claire pokes Fi with a stick Micel Verdantflame: I wonder... Fi: What? This is important? You can just blame me anyway... Claire: Oh, we will Micel Verdantflame starts to lean back in his chair, pivoting towards a few stars. Nidranisan: Well we seem to run into these, so if you have advice on what to do, we may be able to apply it in the future. Meghan: were we going to bring up the headband? Micel Verdantflame: The reason why I am in this town is to look for a rare material called Black Sendrine. Cat: i'll get there i'm sure :) Meghan: ah, yes, the McGuffinthril. Cat: shit guys, we found the name of unobtanium. Micel Verdantflame: A human mage thousands of years ago proliferated it after she was drowned in an island somewhere. Meghan: I just want to make sure I don't mention something I'd know i'm not supposed to Cat: (should i not ask how you're drowned in an island?) Chris: I just thought that too. George: Err... What Cat said. Meghan: the whole island sank (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Drowned on an island) Chris: next to? (GM) Chad S. (GM): (I guess, drowned in a body of water next to an island) Chris: good enough ;-) Nidranisan: That island, or a different island? Meghan: an island of water in a sea of land. Nidranisan: The one you mentioned before. Meghan: aka: a lake Hernz: tripped in toilet Cat: "he brought a large map representing the sea, without the least vestige of land..." Meghan: better! Micel Verdantflame: No, actually. Different islands. Cat: zomg they need ooc to be colored differently. Meghan: or a bidet Nidranisan: Sorry, had to ask. Meghan: yes they do Micel Verdantflame: Yes. Nidranisan: So she figured out this ...substance has some special properties I assume? Meghan: no! I have the best idea next time we do that. Nidranisan: And did something...after she died? Meghan: play character that are named after other players. Micel Verdantflame: Or someone used her remains in some kind of ritual. I'm not completely sure of the details, but I do know it helps outsiders recover and regenerate. Meghan: so we must find it and destroy it at all costs Nidranisan: Ah. this material does? I presume you'd want a sample to study? Meghan: unless I get an angelic girlfriend, in which case, not so much. Hawk Hubertins: So, what would happen if we did manage to kill an angel? Claire: Is that what the robe was made out of? Hawk Hubertins: I mean, the demons corpse caused that island to go crazy, so what would an angel corpse do? Something similar? Micel Verdantflame 's eyebrow raises George: Player may have misread the conversation. So you can ignore the second part of that statement. Micel Verdantflame: A sample would be quite beneficial to me, yes. Most of them can also speak to and communicate to those who use and wear them. Nidranisan: Oh, she spoke. Nidranisan mumbles. Nidranisan: So did the other one, if that was even one of them. Not so sure about her. Micel Verdantflame: Several people quickly gained power and status. At least until it made them a target. Meghan: Now would be a great time for the party to start actively wearing all these artifacts Cat: i suspect a lot of people would recognize them that we don't really want attacking us for our way-awesomer-than-level-2 stuff... George: I will wear all of teh artifacts! Micel Verdantflame: [Hawk] Outsiders leave a large amount of energy as they perish. Too much of anything is bad. Nidranisan: Do they sometimes burst into flames and disapper? Cat: only, with another 'a'. Hawk Hubertins: Right, so we want to avoid actually killing any outsiders we run into. George: And a 'te' Chris: which one burst into flames? Unless you think Reeta was? Micel Verdantflame: Depends on the creature, of course. Some angels had burst into radiant energy, purifying the land to the point where it remained sterile. Many demons classically burst into flame. Cat: curious about Reeta. we never found the one in the swamp if it wasn't related to her. do we know the name of the one who the headband belongs to? player doesn't remember. Chris: I don't think so. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The headband was that of Perseverance. Cat: right. ok. Micel Verdantflame: While I do enjoy all of this...theory, I wouldn't mind beginning a trade or at least a display of what you have found. Nidranisan: I'm sure we could arrange for you to examine some items...do you know anything about Perseverance as well? Hernz: we gave the headband to Drakan, no? Chris: I think if we are going to show these to someone, this is probably the person that it would make most sense to. no. He wanted nothing to do with it. Hernz: ok, my bad Chris: He didn't even want confirmation that we had it. Thus the whole "may or may not" joke began. Micel Verdantflame: Perseverance...very interesting Archon. Actually distributed its power away. Cat: nidri grabbed the robe and probably still has it in her pack. i assume claire still has the headband. Nidranisan: Ah. Hmm. Do you know about the abilities these items have? I was only able to scratch the surface. Meghan: yup Micel Verdantflame: I suspect they grow in power as you feed it, or as you sync up with them. Have you tried communicating with them? Nidranisan: Not yet. Nidranisan kind of side-eyes the rest of the party. Claire: We really weren't eager for the kind of attention that comes along with it. Claire's Bluff check: 18 Hawk Hubertins: And we didn't know you could communicate with a headband. Nidranisan starts digging in her bag. Vegeta: what exactly would it "feed" on? Micel Verdantflame: (To GM) rolling 1d20+4 ( 1 )+4 = 5 Micel Verdantflame: Haha. Very rare do I see humble people. Usually they try on the first shiny bauble they find. Hawk Hubertins: Humble might not be the right word. Micel Verdantflame: Some have tried to devour mortal souls, I've heard. Never tried it myself. Meghan: part of my bluff check involves not whistling innocently despite the desperate urge to Hawk Hubertins: We're generally more on the side of cautious. We don't want to draw the kind of attention that wearing such an item around might bring. Hernz: you guys sure you want to wear those? lol Micel Verdantflame: Makes sense...I suppose. Micel Verdantflame sighs Nidranisan pulls out the robe from her bag. Micel Verdantflame smiles Meghan: is everyone looking at Claire? accusingly? Micel Verdantflame: (Not Micel, his sense motive was a 5) Meghan: I'm sure Fi is George: Hawk is not looking at Claire. In that "I'm not looking at you!" way. Nidranisan: It has a fairly standard magical function, not really for a robe, but there's another power strong enough I'm not able to identify it. Claire is a paragon of virtue, thank you. Cat: player forgot what it was. Fi: Fi's Bluff check: 20 Micel Verdantflame: Yes, yes... Fi is not obviously looking at Claire. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The robe functions as a Circlet of Persuasion...but it's a robe. Cat: right. Micel Verdantflame: Interesting. May I hold the robe? Micel Verdantflame finally steps out of his chair Nidranisan: I assume you'll use appropriate care of course. :) Nidranisan holds it out. Micel Verdantflame: Yes...yes. Micel casts a spell (identify) and takes a long look at the robe. Nidranisan: I was only able to uncover the persuasion ability. Micel Verdantflame: Jubilation is still there. Weak enough it can't physically manifest. In this state, all it can do is communicate telepathically with its wearer. Hawk Hubertins: Interesting. Nidranisan: Ah. So, we didn't kill it. Claire: Go us. Does it just ... whisper? Meghan: Is it tell you to touch the butt? (telling) Cat: you might want to have the headband inspected too. Chris: No Cat: y'know, so you know if you're carrying a sentient intelligence around in your pack. Meghan: good idea. Micel Verdantflame: I'm guessing you weakened it. That's how it usually works. Start quiet, finish as a confidant. Or ally. Chris: It knows what you did last night. Claire: So, you seem ... good at that. Want to check out the Perserverance one, too? Meghan: it sees ... ALL Micel Verdantflame: Ah, yes. Micel Verdantflame hands back the robe and takes the headband Claire gets out the headband for Micel's inspection Hawk Hubertins: I guess we did find an angel after all. casting more identify spells, looks at headband. Fi shrugs. Nidranisan: Well, it confirms what Merki meant by hoping we brought it back. Fi: If one person put multiple on, would they get into an argument in that person's head? Micel Verdantflame: One of Perseverance's many headbands. Hawk Hubertins: Yeah, that. Claire: ... Does Perserverance have many heads? Fi: Perseverance like to spread the influence evidently. Micel Verdantflame: Perseverance, as the name implies, never gives up. I'm not sure about their true forms. Those who did not comply their forms were often persecuted. Meghan: Do the monkey and the zebra keep arguing with each other? Nidranisan mumbles to Claire. Micel Verdantflame: Of course, wearing multiple garments will present multiple voices. Nidranisan: Maybe we should switch. Micel Verdantflame: Some people want the voices to agree. Others want the voices to disagree and counter each other out. Claire: Do you really think that's a good idea? Meghan: Let's be fair... I probably shouldn't be near either of these. I'm going to roll a 1 eventually Cat: as would everyone. with roughly equal probability :) Meghan: ok. new plan we put the artifacts in a box Nidranisan: Sounds like not a great idea to me. Meghan: and we put that box in another box Micel Verdantflame: Me? I am historian. I'm not wearing those unless I need to. Meghan: and we put that box in another box. And we mail that box to ourselves. and when it arrives... Chris: we smash it with a hammer? Hawk Hubertins: I think that's a remarkably good idea. Meghan: exactly Nidranisan: Though with just one, I'd consider trying to talk to Perseverance. Hawk Hubertins: We, on the other hand, aren't that smart. Nidranisan: I'm not so sure I'm interested in Jubilation. Chris: or to save on postage... Claire: No one is. Maybe Fleir. "Who's a good puppy?" Fi coughs. Claire pokes herself with a stick Chris: Put it on Vegeta. He's got a good will save, right? Meghan: hah. Monk ok, new plan! he also has dex, right? So he can JUGGLE them. and never actually come under their influence Nidranisan: Do you know what happens if someone tries to wear one of these artifacts and is overcome? Claire: ... apparently, we beat the crap out of them. Meghan: Hernz is being too quiet. I have to provide commentary. Vegeta: lol Hernz: I turn away for one minute Chris: sorry. Micel Verdantflame: Sometimes the Outsider simply dominates the host. Other times the host rejects the Outsider. Meghan: Chris informs me that you do not, in fact, have dex. what the fuck kind of monk are you? Hernz: I have 14 dex! lol Nidranisan nods. Hernz: I'm a super sayan build.............. Meghan: I miss my monk Cat: so you have like 9000 con? Hawk Hubertins looks at the robe. Hernz: uh.... nope lol all wis Nidranisan: So, do you have any more information on this rare substance? What it looks like, whether it will detect as being magical? Micel Verdantflame: There is a massive tunnel system underneath Harvest Wharf. I had detected some there, along with some kind of conjuration magic. Alas, Lord Dakan has locked those tunnels up tight. Chris: Anyone else smell dungeon? Micel Verdantflame: If I feed him a story or three, he will open up a bit. Nidranisan: We may be able to gain access, actually. Claire: uhhh... I may have some information on those. Micel Verdantflame: Oh? I suppose that's why you took his place. Nidranisan: We actually helped him out, quite a bit, in the incident that resulted in them becoming locked down. ...Did you want to add something, Claire? :) Vegeta: I smell another dungeon alright... and likely smelly like the sewers and swamp Claire: ... we might not be the only ones down there. Hernz: that was ooc Nidranisan: Well, if there's rare materials and lingering magic, I would think not. Do you know who is down there already? Other than maybe leftover Magmere schmoes? Claire: I think that was what Magmere bombed in the first place Micel Verdantflame: Bah! There is already competition? Claire: It opened a lot of different routes Nidranisan: Aah. Meghan: Race To The Finish Nidranisan: Nothing would please me more than beating Magmere to the goods. Claire: and then Beating Magmere Chris: Guess we should have brough Zero Suit Samus... Nidranisan: True. Claire: possibly with a stick Nidranisan: Likely. Well, I do have a knife now. But that's not really "beating" per se. Meghan: I've got my sword. I've got my map... Hernz: mmmmmmmm zero suit samus.... mmmmmmm Nidranisan has a kinda scary flash in her eye for just a minute there. Chris: I'll get the pixie dust... Nidranisan: Well, Mist Verdantflame, if we can get ahold of any of this...stuff...perhaps we can gain an additional audience with you to have it examined. Micel Verdantflame: I am very willing to trade any Black Sendrine you can find for me. Nidranisan: Mister... Hawk Hubertins: Then if we find any, we will be in touch. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Shoves Ike's sister out of the room) Nidranisan: Did you mention what it looks like or is that unknown? Hawk Hubertins unconsciously takes a step away from Nidri. Meghan: and her horse. Micel Verdantflame writes one note with a description and drawing of Black Sendrine Hernz: when we go near it, an "X" button will display for us to press Micel Verdantflame writes another note giving the party a pass to return Fi takes it. Chris: there. Nidranisan: Please feel free to send a runner if you uncover any additional leads we could follow. My name is Nidranisan, I'm not sure we actually introduced ourselves. Hernz: or a new party member ;) Micel Verdantflame: No, you didn't. Hawk Hubertins: How terribly rude of us! Cat: naw, we're heading back to the sewers, newbie will definitely be an excremental. Hawk Hubertins: I am Hawk Hubertins. Micel Verdantflame casts some magic to finish drawing your names on the pass Hawk Hubertins bows. Fi: I'm Fi "Rude" Falowyn. Micel Verdantflame: Well, you all know who I am. Or you just told a complete stranger vital information. Wouldn't be the first time. Cat: i'm gonna start calling you FiRF for short. pronounced "fearf" "it was written right here next to all the stuff you said!" Vegeta: Vegeta Vegeta nods Claire: I'm Claire. Hi. Nidranisan stuffs the robe back into her backpack for now. Micel Verdantflame: Yes. Well. Good to see you all. Claire takes back the headband, stares at it for a moment, then shoves it back in her pack. Nidranisan: Thank you for your information. If you like, we'll also be in touch if we have another "encounter", so to speak. Micel Verdantflame: Excellent. Now then, anything else? Another day of astronomy awaits... Fi: I'm good. Anyone else? Claire: I'm cool Hawk Hubertins: Thank you for your time, Mr. Verdantflame. Vegeta: let's go see about getting access to this passage Nidranisan nods politely and turns to head out the way we came. Meghan snickers. I'll get access to your passage The party heads downstairs and walks back up to the ground floor. Meghan: I may have been reading far too much gay fanfic lately. Chris: yes Hernz: poor chris.... Meghan: No, you're right, Chris. No such thing The receptionist is still at the desk, arranging rocks on her desk. Chris: she only hears what she wants. Meghan: Sure, I'll share it with you. Chris: Does anyone else things it is bed time?... No one? George: Way past bed time. Meghan: Definitely bed time Chris: Oh ok. Maybe another time dear. Hernz: nah lol Meghan: ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bedtime for me, folks. Hernz: sehr gut Fi stops to look at the Rock "Art" Fi: [Receptionist] Were those made here? Receptionist: Hmm? No, not here. Well. One of the mages who works at the Arcane Library collects ore like this. Fi: Ah. Thank you. Do you know their name? Receptionist: Durrick of the Golden Cairn, sir. Fi bows. Chris: I'm done here unless anyone else wants in on the conversation. Hernz: done Cat: done George: .enod With their business concluded, the party leaves the Arcane Library.
April 17, 1236 AD (lunchtime)
Cat: quick lunch and on to the office? George: Sure Cat: i don't think we have an official new assignment yet. Chris: Sure. We should probably make sure there is nothing pending for us. Then I guess back to Dakan to get access to the underground. Cat: sounds like a plan (GM) Chad S. (GM): Heading back to the office, you don't notice any assignments. It looks like you have the day off. Cat: sweet, we go looking for trouble ;) Vegeta: Should we go see Dakan? Never know how long it might take to get access to that underground section Nidranisan: I do believe that's the next step. You're always so excited to visit the barracks. ;) Vegeta: There's a lot of fighting energy there... much more suits my style It seems to be business as usual in the barracks. Soldiers sparring, learning about law and procedure, and escorting suspects to and from their holding cells. Norvi is already in one of the law classes, learning about basic procedure. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Hey Chris, is Meghan there?) Cat: we're in the throes of bedtime over here. i suspect they might be as well. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, I'll give her a second - she learned some info separately she might want to share. George kicks down a door. Chris: sorta... Should I kick her? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Probably. Meghan: ok, I'm here Cat: we're on our way to Dakan to talk about access to the underground. :) Meghan: We ought to be in the throes of bedtime, but Locke's getting tea right. Claire has a contact keeping tabs on "the underground"... a mole, if you will Cat: lol. Meghan: He says that the bombings opened up a lot of new passages around town Fi: So Magmere is trying to get in there? Nidranisan: I wonder how much of that Dakan is aware of. Claire: It cooould be a convenient coincidence. but it probably isn't Hawk Hubertins: But we still want to go down there and look for the selenium deposits, right? Fi: Okay, so in addition to all the lovely beasties that like to live in ruins, we'll be dealing with them too. Hawk Hubertins: And, as Vegeta says, the stinky poo gas. Hawk Hubertins wrinkles his nose at the thought. Fi: We might not be in the sewers... Fi pulls out a die. Fi: A 5 is sewage. A 6 is super stinky poo gas. rolling 1d6 ( 1 ) = 1 Hey. It could be water free! After a short wait, the party is lead to Captain Dakan's room. As always, the good captain is focused on his map of the city, planning patrol routes. Hernz: brb guys Chris: Locke bed time. Fi: Anyone want to ask nicely, or should I just drop it all at once? Hernz: back Nidranisan: I mean, I wouldn't go into serious detail... but saying we may be able to find something Mister Verdantflame would like to examine would probably be enough. He'll go into his "oh god, no details" mode. Fi: Sure. Good afternoon, Lord Dakan. May we briefly interrupt? Alexen Dakan: No Lords here, only a Captain and his allies. Please sit down. How can I help you? Fi: We've spoken with Micel and have uncovered some information that may explain a bit of what has happened here recently. He believes that there is a rare material in the depths of Harvest Warf related to the numerous outsider events. Unfortunately, we have also come to believe that Magmere is also searching for this material, and the bombing was an attempt to make headway. Alexen Dakan: Interesting. Those tunnels were constructed during the Fifty Years War as a safety shelter to be used in times of emergencies. Fi: I see. The timing lines up. Alexen Dakan: They are craftier then I thought. How did Micel find out about this? Nidranisan: It sounds like the substance may be detectable. Perhaps magically. Fi: Micel knows of the material, I didn't press him for details. Alexen Dakan: That elf always keeps secrets... His theories make him a recluse among planar theorists. Fi: Not sure how Magmere would know. Alexen Dakan: Yes, yes. My troops investigated the sewers pretty thoroughly the night of the attack. It looked like they were aiming at House Mel but their magic went off prematurely. If what you say is true though, maybe that was all a distraction. Fi: Yes, perhaps it would make sense for us to investigate? Alexen Dakan: Yes. Oh, do you want to investigate this? I was going to dispatch a few units. But if you are volunteering that would be quite helpful. Meghan: Adventure is out there! Nidranisan: It might be best if we go. Meghan: or rather, down there. Fi: I think it would be wise since we also need to be on the look out for the material. Nidranisan: And we have a future appointment with Micel to discuss our findings. Alexen Dakan: I see. Please, tell me what you learn about this when you complete your investigation. Fi: Of course. Alexen Dakan: There are a few public entrances in the major neighborhoods in Harvest Wharf. They are currently closed to the public, but I will give you permission to enter and investigate. Fi: Is there somewhere that we might find at least a rough layout of the underground? Alexen Dakan gets a map of the tunnels Cat: i think i have a name for what Fi's got: cartophilia. Chris: that works. Alexen Dakan: Of course. These routes were drawn last year. If the bombing did change things, then it may not be fully accurate. Alexen Dakan writes a note Nidranisan: I'm sure Fi can update the areas that are incorrect. ;) Alexen Dakan: Take this and present them to the guards at any entrance to the shelter to gain access. Fi: Very well. [Party] Shall we off? Hernz: Do you want me to whack a guy, whack off a guy? Vegeta: Lead the way Fi: Pick up anything you might need under ground. Let's meet up by this entrance. Fi points at the map. Meghan: Fi's got an interesting kink around maps. Chris: You try wandering the world for years without one. Hernz: I know the player would need to make a sense of direction check to find my way there, I'm assuming the characters don't, right? :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can get there easily. Which neighborhood are you pointing at, Fi? Chris: No Ryogas here. Hernz: lol Chris: Where are the bombings most prevelant? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Cliffside, closer to the Mel family house. Fi: Hmm... This area was probably already searched well. But it may also be how they get in with the other ways guarded. Lets start at an entrance in the closest area near there. We can look for disturbances in the setting from there. The area near the bombing will already be a mess and well traveled. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Alright, bedtime for me. Buy whatever gear you want to and prepare for cave hopping tomorrow!) Hernz: to the SCARF SHOP!! Fi: I know a good place to get scarfs. Fi waves her scarf around. Vegeta shows up to the appointed location and waits for the rest of the party to show up Claire: I like your new scarf, Vegeta. Chris: I agree with Hernan's math and have recorded it in the Loot sheet. The total brought in for the Elven Lands is 461gp + 4sp. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, I assume the party has bought all of the supplies they wanted to. Chris: I'm still working on it. Hernz: yup Cat: i have no clue what i need. :) Hernz: oh kurisu Chris: Probably master work armor. Hernz: let's be the rainbow scarf team! Cat: lol. i probably don't need masterwork armour ;) Chris: Locke has been bugging me about Mario techniques. Cat: we have continual requests for "aaaaa shooooooow" Hernz: LOL Chris: Ok. Master work chain shirt for 250. Trading in old armor for 10gp. Claire: I now have about 700 gold. In jewelry on my person. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Secret Super Mario tech. Meghan: Since magic stuff is crazy expensive I'm not going to have enough to buy any for a while. Is there a bank or something in town that I can open an account? That might be safer than taking my jewelry into the sewers. tenisu Hernz: just FYI, I have a tennis match to leave for by 11:10, then I'll be back by 1:30 or so Chris: Don't let me hold you up. I think I've got things figured out, just applying them. Fi shows up with new armor. (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can exchange money for bank notes. The Mel family owns one of the largest banks in this continent. No worries, take your time to prepare. Bayonetta reminds me if I don't know how to treat a lady I should speak to my mum. George: I should get Bayonetta. After I finish Mass Effect 3. Hernz: to everyone's disappointment, vegeta is not actually showing up with a scarf (GM) Chad S. (GM): Assuming you're getting a Wii U George, the sequel comes with the original. George: That assumption may not be correct. Hernz: btw, meghan, I'll be able to tank a whole lot better with a dose of mage armor since we're down a tank (GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, the 360 version should be really cheap at this point. Chris: You would also need to aggro :-P Hernz: or the PS3! why does no one have a ps3?? lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): I have a PS3...might buy that South Park game at some point. George: I guess we do have a spare hdmi hookup at this point. Chris: I don't... (GM) Chad S. (GM): But that PS3 Bayonetta has...problems. Hernz: lol, I'd at least be able to move up to draw initial fire... let them run past me and invoke my AoOs!! Chris: I had to unplug the OUYA. George: Heh. I have a few games on the OUYA that I want to play. I just don't seem to have much time to play video games these days. It's like there's a small person constantly demanding "A Show!" (GM) Chad S. (GM): Was about to say that Chris: Locke treats them like shows. George: At least he likes Futurama. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, we all know Eric has good tastes. George: He was asking for some scotch at breakfast. Chris: We said that about Locke until he decided that he liked the D&D cartoon. George: Hey! I liked the D&D cartoon! Chris: While I appreciate your taste, no one said you had "good" taste ;-) George: :P (GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, we all know Eric has good tastes. shakes fist Cat: he likes ultimate spiderman, futurama, and tom baker dr who. PROOF BY THREE EXAMPLES. Hernz: I hate that they got rid of my saturday morning cartoons on the WB.... Cat: saturday morning cartoons. heh. Hernz: But yeah, Vegeta's in the same boat as Claire... need magic items only, so he still looks the same (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta isn't blinging with jewelry? Hernz: Just a ring-pop Cat: yeah i don't...really know what i'm saving up for. probably an item that will fix my lack of AC or give me a cha bonus. which would be magic and expensive. Hernz: are you proficient with armor? aren't you priestish? Chris: Ok I'm grabbing some assorted arrows. Then I'm done. George: Hawk needs more skills. And feats. And maybe a masterwork bow, but then he just needs magic stuff. Cat: i'm an oracle, but any armour i wear is 'broken' and therefore gives half AC bonus. not really worth it. and i don't have the strength to be happy lugging the really heavy stuff. Hernz: gotcha Cat: similar deal with weapons. i did pick up a cheap ass dagger so i can threaten though. for flanking purposes. Hernz: vegeta needs a belt of +10 to all stats... so when we get to Epic level, he'll buy his first item (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri's gonna cut you... With this knife Rusty, cracked knife Cat: now, with extra tetanus! Hernz: yeah, normal weapons is why I miss playing fighters lol... a masterwork weapon is relatively cheap and the +1 attack matters a lot (GM) Chad S. (GM): Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 is only 4000 gp away! Nidranisan: lol. er Cat: lol. :) Hernz: wrong, only 3200 away now! lol.... let's hope I become real good friends with hawk and he can haggle a bit for me too lol and yeah, a +1 weapon is 2k, +1 fists are 4k... damn them! Cat: so yeah, i'm gonna put some dollars in the bank. i figure every time we sell loot, i'll just deposit in chunks of like 50 gp. Hernz: yeah, I'm good on shopping Cat: so for coins-on-hand terms i'll generally have whatever's leftover change less than 50 :) Meghan: ditto Can't you use monk weapons? get you some nunchaku? (GM) Chad S. (GM): So Fi spent money on stuff. Claire, Nidri and Vegeta aren't buying stuff. I think that leaves Hawk. Meghan: No, no stuff yet. I actually show up with less jewelry than before because I put a lot of money in the bank I mean, still some jewelry. I'm not going in naked. Chris: Special arrows cost a lot :( Hernz: I vowed against weapons... cause vegeta never used them :) lol Chris: I've got 1 trip and 1 pheromone. Hernz: alright, off to tenisu! don't kill me in the next 2 hrs Meghan: ciao (GM) Chad S. (GM): A boulder falls on top of Vegeta Cat: in other news, eric is now playing 2048 on the ouya. George: Hawk needs more skills. And feats. And maybe a masterwork bow, but then he just needs magic stuff. Meghan: nice. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it. So, holding on his money for now, I take it. Cat: yeah, i think not much shopping just yet. Hawk Hubertins shows up ready to go. Nidranisan is there, ready to go. Cat: which i think is everyone, yes? Fi: Alright. I'll take the lead. I think a few light spells between us should be sufficient for visibility. Fleir, Vegeta, and I will look for disturbances. From there we will try to track activity. Nidranisan: I may want to pause now and the to detect magic if you find an are of interest. area. Fi: Seems reasonable. Hawk Hubertins casts Light as often as necessary to maintain visibility. Fi shows Captain Dakan's permission note to the guards near the Cliffside fallout shelter entrance. The guards nod, then begin fiddling with the 10 foot tall steel door embedded in a rockface. They pull the door open and let the party in. Cat: ...big door. Guard: Just knock on this door when you are finished investigating. We will keep watch here. Glory be to Harvest Wharf. Cat: sweet, i think we head ind. ...in. dungeon crawl time! The first hundred feet or so of rock are well-lit by permanent light spells. Inscribed into the walls are messages alerting you to remain calm within the tunnels, and some basic tips on rationing food and making space for others. It also gives a brief history of the Fifty Years War, and explains that these caves were built to protect the citizens of Harvest Wharf. Cat: "please do not shove or trample as you step further into the tomb to make more room for others." (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can make Knowledge (Dungeoneering), K (History) and K (Local) checks. Cat: the only K i have trained is planes. :( hawk is gonna come roll in a minute tho (GM) Chad S. (GM) Nidri scratches her butt and burps. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Man, I gotta rememeber desc vs em Cat: nice :P serves you right! ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check: 13 Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (History) check: 23 Hernz: back... cartching up Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Local) check: 21 Hernz: ditto on the butt scratching and burping for vegeta Hawk Hubertins pokes a wall with his finger. Hawk Hubertins: Huh. I guess the Mels decided to build this here because the limestone is so easy to work. Nidranisan: Interesting. any implications for our search? Hawk Hubertins: Should be easy for us to break through a wall if we think there's something on the other side. (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can also make survival checks. Hawk Hubertins: Though lots of people have tried to break in because they thought there was some kind of treasure. That's why the guards are there. Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Survival check: 18 Well, it sounds like there kinda is. Vegeta: survival 19 Nidranisan: Mm. we should probably be a little careful where we step. Vegeta: Just keep your voices down... we don't want to cause any cave ins Fi: Fi's Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check: 26 Fi's Survival check: 23 Cat: nice. the knowledge streak continues. your virtual dice just love skills that start with K. Chris: Evidently. Hernz: quick, get the KILL skill!! Fi: Oh boy. Everyone be sure to watch your step. This is going to be slow. Nidranisan: yeah. The party hears the steel door close behind them as they travel through the shelter. The party walks through the cavern for about half an hour without trouble. The ground becomes less even, and they are at the extent of the permanent light fixtures. Hawk chants and draws a light out of thin air to keep things lit. and maintain visibility. Fi casts light too. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi reads the map and notices the cave splits into two different branches, roughly north and south. Chris: I'll put mine out if I need to sneak for some reason. Fi: Let's heads toward the bombing sites first and look for activity. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a survival check, Fi. Nidranisan: Sounds reasonable. Fi: Fi's Survival check: 23 As the party moves south, he notices something wrong with the ground and halts the party. Poking the ground with his stick, a 20x20 foot sinkhole opens up right in front of the party. Nidranisan: Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Fi: Lovely. Nidranisan: Nice catch, FI. Fi marks the map. Hawk Hubertins: That would have hurt. Hernz: is the tunnel by chance 20 feet wide? (GM) Chad S. (GM): A liiiitle bit over 20 feet. You could probably balance yourself across the sides of the newly found pit. Fi: Seems no one else came this way recently... I know, captain obvious. Nidranisan: Hey, when did you get promoted to captain? Congrats! Nidranisan's Bluff check: 10 Fi: Fi's Sense Motive check: 21 Nidranisan does not do a good job of hiding smirk. Vegeta: hmm.... do we keep going? Fi? Fi: Well, I was hoping to work our way towards the bombing sites so that we could see where they may have started searching. Guess they hadn't made it down this far. I would like to continue if everyone is ok with that? Fi pulls out some rope. Nidranisan: Oh hey, rope. Smart. Chris: I'm going to check on a skill check real quick. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Story of my life. "Which skill is that?" Cat: roll your 'skills' skill! Chris: looking at feasibility of send Fleir over with one side of the rope first by jumping. looks like DC20 and he has a +14 Nidranisan: Hah. Cat: Hah. but think about last time..... Chris: well, I have the rope in case he misses. she Hernz: does it look hard to get across on the side that we can step on? (GM) Chad S. (GM): 2 Acrobatics DC 10 checks are needed to walk across the thin remains without falling over. Cat: and with the rope? lower DC? Hernz: so fleir can just walk over there? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can also try 2 Climb checks at DC 7 to climb down safely. You'll need another 2 to climb up. Chris: nope. +8 on jumping. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I assume you're using the rope and knotting it. And you have opposable thumbs. Vegeta: tie a rope on me I'll walk over acrobatics checks: 11 15 Fi: I'll have to tie the rope on Fleir anyway. Vegeta grabs the rope and carefully tiptoes across the edge of the cavern. Fi: Ok. Fleir and I will go last. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay. Are you climbing across the gap? Or are you climbing down then climbing up? Chris: sounds like across. (GM) Chad S. (GM): 2 Climb checks, DC 7. Chris: who are you talking to? (GM) Chad S. (GM): wait, one sec. To walk across the ledge, the party must make 2 Acrobatics checks at DC 7. Chris: ok. So vegeta is across. Now everyone else rolls. Hawk Hubertins: Guess I'm next. Hawk Hubertins's Acrobatics check: 20 Hawk Hubertins's Acrobatics check: 11 Hawk's across. Meghan: acrobatics? twice? ok Claire: Claire's Acrobatics check: 17 Claire's Acrobatics check: 6 Meghan: oops? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Try again, Claire Claire: Claire's Acrobatics check: 10 Nidranisan waits for 2nd to last. Claire gets halfway before her halo hits the wall. She quickly regains her footing and finishes crossing. (GM) Chad S. (GM): So Cat, Fi and Fleir remain Meghan: stupid halo when I get my wings... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Where Cat = Nidri Vegeta: Fi, try to find somewhere over there to leave it tied Meghan: actually, that was probably in character Fi: That won't work. Since you went first. Fleir doesn't have hands. Nidranisan: is Fleir going together with you Fi or by himself? Vegeta: well then, no big deal... we'll just do this again on the way back... better so we arent followed Fi: Fleir will choose what he feels like doing. I'm going to tie him first. Go ahead Nidi. Nidri. The rope seems to unwind and fray slightly as Nidri grabs the rope. Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Acrobatics check: 13 Nidranisan's Acrobatics check: 7 Cat: i need better than 7 don't i. Vegeta: I'll be back in 5 Nidri gets halfway. She grabs one part of the rope that seems to fray some more. She barely keeps hold on it and finishes crossing. The rope returns to normal as she releases the rope. Fi ties one end of the rope to Fleir. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta drops the rope, disappears, goes backstage and grabs some donuts. Fi: Stay. Fleir's Acrobatics check: 7 Fleir's Acrobatics check: 20 Chris: lol Cat: I'll hold it! Chris: wrong sheet. Fi: Fi's Acrobatics check: 24 Fi's Acrobatics check: 12 Fi uses some elven grace (TM) to gracefully walk across the ledge. Fleir: rolling 1d2 High = jumping. ( 1 ) = 1 Fi: Come! Fleir will try to walk across. Fleir: Fleir's Acrobatics check: 21 Fleir's Acrobatics check: 16 Fleir very carefully walks across the gap, paw over paw. Fi: Good girl. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, the party is across. What's next? Fi: Let's keep looking. Nidranisan: Yeah, lead the way Fi. Nidranisan kind of picks up the rear. Hawk Hubertins hums quietly to himself. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make another Survival check Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Survival check: 22 Fi: Fi's Survival check: 12 Claire: Claire's Survival check: 8 Nidri is quick to point out a safer route through the cave. Chris: Isn't this what Dungeoneering is for? (GM) Chad S. (GM): K Dungeoneering and Survival can point out hazards. K Dungeoneering is a harder check. Chris: interesting. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, I know. As the party travels forth, the echoes of their footsteps are replaced by rumbling noises. Nidranisan: uuuh. The ground still feels pretty stable. As they travel further... Fi: Watch the ceiling? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a Perception Check. Fi: Fi's Perception check: 23 Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Perception check: 19 Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Perception check: 5 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk is distracted by the rumbling noise. Nidri and Fi notice the same thing: Several dead bodies lie in the path before them. Nidranisan: Magmere uniforms? Or otherwise? The uniforms have Magmere's insignia on them. Fi: Sounds like fighting ahead. At least they are easy to identify. Shall I sneak up to scout, or do you guys want to come? Nidranisan: I'm not sure anyone should go alone. Hawk Hubertins: What? Fighting? Fi: Yes. Fighting. Blades. voices. Maybe they are mining. Hard to say. Nidranisan: Can Fleir go with you and run back if something happens? Fi: Probably. Vegeta: perception 29 wait... that sounds more like blades and shouts echoing off the walls... I hear some hissing too Fi: So, they've found a creature. I'll take a look. They probably won't notice with all the fighting. Fi and Fleir head up the cavern...sneakily? Chris: yes. and in the dark. Fi: Fi's Stealth check: 26 Fleir's Stealth check: 9 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+6 ( 12 )+6 = 18 Fi: Damn it Fleir. Fleir shrugs like Scooby Doo. Vegeta: stealth 25 Chris: Bought some stealth? Vegeta: had a point to waste ;) (whispers to Fi) you see that? Fi: (Vegeta) Magmere getting owned by some men in black? Vegeta: (Fi) looks like it... do we let them finish each other off and then attack? Claire: Claire's Perception check: 17 Fi: (Vegeta) Uhh... I don't know enough about who they are. I also don't think Magmere has any impact on them. Meghan: (delayed! I'm adventuring in the sims) Fi: (Vegeta) We should head back and discuss. Vegeta: (Fi) let's get the party this way, if they notice us, we jump in Fi casts light on a stone and throws it towards the pary. A lit stone is tossed through the hallway, landing in front of Claire, Nidri and Hawk. Nidranisan: I guess that means we head over. Nidranisan's Stealth check: 4 HEY GUYS, DID YOU NEED SOMETHING? Hernz: LOL (GM) Chad S. (GM): As Nidri apporaches, she notices the scene: Walking into view, you notice two people wearing Magmere's Insignia, severly wounded. They have some kind of snake and a giant ant out. You also notice about seven other humanoids, clad in black clothing, basically untouched. The room is well lit thanks to a light spell already cast. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Feel free to rearrange your starting positions - you approached from the left side of the map. George: Nice icons for the magmere Nidri accidentally kicks a rock over, hitting one of the armored swordsmen. She turns to the party and motions the other swordsman over. Nidranisan is so awesome. Cat: can i armor up on my way over? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can make Knowledge (Local) checks. Hawk Hubertins: Hi guys, what's going on? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, you can armor up Cat: like do i have time for an action? Fi facepalms. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Local) check: 4 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+5 ( 17 )+5 = 22 Nidranisan is activating her Oracle ability, Demonhide Nidranisan: Uses remaining: 1 Claire: Vegeta, do you want a mage armour? Vegeta: I guess.... Cat: i notice the turn order is up...that mean we should roll initiative? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes you should roll init. Claire: Claire's Initiative result: 5.01 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20 ( 14 ) = 14 Cat: and it's A and B who noticed Nidri? Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Initiative result: 7.02 Fi: Fi's Initiative result: 22.04 Fleir's Initiative result: 14.03 Vegeta: initiative 18 Cat: yeah, we all know who's paying attention here... Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Initiative result: 9.02 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 3 ) = 3 Hernz: is that mage armor wand touch range? (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 3 ) = 3 Meghan: No clue (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's range touch Meghan: ok Claire is using their item Wand of Mage Armor Claire: Wand of Mage Armor uses remaining: 49 (GM) Chad S. (GM): The spell is, anyway Chris: Should be same as spell. Claire: have a mage armor, Vegeta. Unless I have to wait until my turn Vegeta is protected with a translucent field of magic. Claire: in which case, stick around and then have a mage armor. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I assume Claire did it as prep. Claire: sure anyone else? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Only time for 1 action. Claire: yeah, but figuring out what to do next. Chris: I guess if we have a prep actions, I Magic Fang Vegeta. Claire: if it's "keep nidri nearby and pop one on her" or "armor up myself" Or fleir... (GM) Chad S. (GM): The mounds are 10 foot tall mounds of rock. Fi casts Magic Fang on Vegeta. Hernz: sweet Chris: Fleir is next. (GM) Chad S. (GM): They require an acrobatics check to cross without falling over, and consume 15 feet of movement. Vegeta can feel the power from Fi and Claire's spells (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anymore prep? Chris: Hawk? Hernz: is the ground regular move? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, the ground is normal movement. The enemies are ready for the party's arrival, but Fi is ready first! Fi casts Magic Fang on Fleir. Fleir can feel the power from Fi's spell! (GM) Chad S. (GM): copycat copycat move action, Fi? Cat: well, this looks like it's gonna be fun. Meghan: Charm person, if they're people. Chris: nah. I'm good. Cat: is it kind of a giveaway to have "enemy" and "magmere" separately? ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): From the makers of Enemy present Enemy 2: Magmere Vegeta: LOL Fi: We are here on behalf of the city. State your purpose! Vegeta: You want someone to hit you idiot? One swordsman walks up to the party and makes a gesture with her hands while hissing. Flames shoot out from her palms, covering Hawk, Vegeta, Fi and Fleir. Fi: Just checking. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a Reflex Save DC 13 to take half of 3 fire damage Hawk Hubertins: Owowowow! Hawk Hubertins's Reflex save: 23 Save notes: Fi: Fleir's Reflex save: 21 Save notes: Vegeta: reflex 17 + Evasion Fi: Fi's Reflex save: 27 Save notes: +2 vs enchatment Cat: enchatment. Is that when they talk at you about really annoying stuff? ;) Fi, Fleir and Hawk duck out of the way, avoiding most of the flames. Chris: sigh. Vegeta simply emerges from the smoke, unharmed like a true warrior. Claire: Claire's Reflex save: 20 Save notes: +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against becoming blinded or dazzled while Halo is up. Inspire Courage does +1 save vs fear & charm Meghan: whoops, missed that it didn't hit me (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire was barely out of range Meghan: save that for the next one? The other swordsman conjures a translucent shield in front of himself. Swordsman A has a Cutlass while Swordsman B pulls out his flail. Hernz: which one conjured a shield? nevermind B Cat: swordman with a flail? that's...odd. Hernz: bardsong up yet or no? Chris: I'm not one to judge. George: Not yet. Will be on my turn, but that's after your first round. Chris: didn't want to do that as the prep action? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman C conjures a pair of energy bolts from his hand, hitting the snake for 7 damage The serpentine creature collapses under a hail of energy. Summoner: Snake? Snake? SNAAAAAAAAAAAKU! Chris: Seems like the wrong game for that... Meghan: it pleases me Druid: We're gonna die! Heehee! Fi: Yes, laugh in the face of danger. Druid: I know, it's great! Fi: I don't even... Cat: erm, are they like drugged? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker D attacks the Giant Ant hitting AC 20 for 6 Damage One of the strikers pulls out a curved knife and cuts the giant ant. It quickly collapses. Druid: Ooo! We're totally gonna die now! Summoner: Shut up, we need to keep cool. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker A attacks the Druid hitting AC 11 for 3 Damage Another fighter climbs on top of the ant and slices deeply into the druid. She's still standing. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker B attacks the Summoner hitting AC 6 for 3 Damage Chris: AC 11. SRSLY? stupid druids. A forth striker boxes in the Magmere Summoner but is unable to connect. Nidranisan: Not looking good for Team Magmere. Druid: Oooo, now we're really bleeding! Nidranisan: Or maybe, according to them, looking great! Summoner: Unbelievable. How did YOU survive that raid? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Go Vegeta Go! oops Partly through Round 1 Hernz: 5 ft step Vegeta Pummels Armored Swordsman A! His arms move so fast that to the untrained eye, it looks like Vegeta struck just once. Vegeta: Attack Results: 7 || 8 (Needs 21 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 4 || 2 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 7 Crit Dmg (blunt): +4 || +3 Vegeta: Special: If hit by first hit, Fort save DC 15 or be stunned for 1 round. The swordsman takes a step back as Vegeta gets nothing but air. She hisses back at him as a taunt. Hernz: well... that sucked Meghan: it looks like he struck just once, but in reality, he didn't hit at all. Hernz: HAHAHAHA (GM) Chad S. (GM): Druid attacks Striker D hitting AC 21 for 4 Damage The giggling druid raises her scimitar and quickly slices striker D. Druid: Think they're gonna kill us, or enslave us? I think kill! Summoner attacks Striker A hitting AC 20 for 2 Damage Summoner tries to crit confirm Striker A hitting AC 5 for 3 extra Damage The summoner seems resigned to his fate, but he performs a very quick stab in the striker's midsection, barely missing vital organs. Summoner: Team Magmere will not forget this! The higher ups will make snakeskin wallets out of your hides! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone else can go now. Chris: Will hawk be singing for us? Meghan: who was I armoring? Anyone? Just me? Chris: I suppose you could do Fleir. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 12 Claire: ok, I'll mage armor fleir. +4 ac Claire is using their item Wand of Mage Armor Claire: Wand of Mage Armor uses remaining: 48 Hernz: but fleir has armor no? Chris: it just replaces it, yes? George: Ready to cast TI if someone misses by 1, as usual. Hernz: tyes Meghan: yeah, it takes the better of the two, I think Fi: +4 is better than +2. Hernz: oh, I thought he had better... nm Hawk begins a rousing song about the deeds of the mighty. Nidranisan casts Bane! Nidranisan: Level 1 Targets/Area: 50 foot radius from me Duration: 1 min/lvl Saving Throw: DC 15, will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes 50-ft.-radius burst, centered on you. Enemies take –1 on attack rolls and saves against fear. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman A's Will Save 7 Swordsman B's Will Save 12 Fi is attacking Armored Swordsman A with Powerful Bit & Trip! Fi: Attack Result: 12 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 9 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 10 Crit Damage: +10 Fi: Trip Attempt: 21 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker A's Will Save 5 Striker B's Will Save 13 Fleir did that. Nidri fills the enemy's hearts with hopelessness and dread. Fleir's fangs bounce harmlessly off of the swordsman's armor. Round 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Going to be offline for a few hours. Probably will resume around 7 PM Fleir is attacking Armored Swordsman A with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fleir: Attack Result: 12 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 4 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 15 Crit Damage: +22 Fleir: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Fi did that. Chris: sigh. George: And then I was picturing Fleir drawing a bow with his paws. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (I got maybe 1/2 an hour before I go jogging) Hernz: GO ENEMY!! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman A tries to attack Vegeta hitting AC 10 for 6 Damage Vegeta: try again loser (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman B tries to attack Fleir hitting AC 20 for 9 Damage Hernz: doh... I think that hits her... it... whatever (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hey Fleir, did that hit? AC is currently 20, but I can't tell if that includes the Mage Armor or not Vegeta: it does... normally it is 18 I think Hernz: but yeah, confirm with chris (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman C tries to attack the Summoner hitting AC 14 for 4 Damage Vegeta: I'll txt chris The swordsman hits with his flail (what), knocking the Summoner out. He falls, bleeding. Druid: Awww man, I'm gonna die last! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker B tries to attack the Druid hitting AC 12 for 3 Damage Striker D tries to attack the Druid hitting AC 20 for 6 Damage Hernz: well, that's coming our way soon (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh wait, Striker B has sneak attack... The striker quickly catches the druid off guard, landing a lethal blow. Chris: Fleir AC is currently 20. Guess I shoulda pumped dex on her instead of st. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir was bonk'd by a flail for 9 damage. Hernz: lol Druid: Whee! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta! Fi: You're insane. Vegeta Pummels Armored Swordsman A! His arms move so fast that to the untrained eye, it looks like Vegeta struck just once. Vegeta: Attack Results: 19 || 8 (Needs 22 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 4 || 8 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 9 Crit Dmg (blunt): +7 || +3 Vegeta: Special: If hit by first hit, Fort save DC 15 or be stunned for 1 round. Hernz: ok, one hit hopefully and save or stun bleach (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman A's Fort Save 9 Swordsman A drops her cutlass, stunned. Hernz: so if the first one stuns... I get bonuses on the second attack... (he has no dex and whatnot, but I doubt an 8 hits anythign armored) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, misses. Vegeta: k Chris: well... Magmere is down, so the rest of us go? Hernz: can I 5-ft into the mound if I get the acro check? Cat: and it missed by more than 1? yeesh. oh, wait, the 19 did hit. you were talking about the followup. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 21 21 = 21 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 5 5 = 5 (GM) Chad S. (GM): One sec... Oh right, stunned targets get a -2 to AC. The followup hits. Vegeta's followup strike quickly floors the swordsman. Hernz: saweeeet I'll 5-ft over him (GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it. The Magmere survivors continue to bleed, unconscious. Everyone else, go Fleir is attacking Armored Swordsman B with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 7 (Needs at least 25 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 18 Crit Damage: +4 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 24 Chris: WTF? Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Fleir! Nidranisan: heal 3 HPs. Cat: go go massive d8! Nidranisan is gonna regret that when striker D tries to flank fleir, too. Meghan: is Hawk's song on? (GM) Chad S. (GM): yes Nidranisan: Hey Hawk, C is going around... Meghan: would stepping diagonally past strike D provoke? Chris: yes. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes Meghan: but the black is wall, right? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah that's a wall Claire is attacking Gray Clad Striker D with Crossbow! Claire: Attack Result: 9 (Needs at least 22 to crit.) Damage Result: 4 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 8 Crit Damage: +8 Claire: Type: P Meghan: welp, that misses. George: Do I go for D, or risk a charge from C? Chris: I don't think the rubble blocks your shot. You could probably shoot from there. George: Chad? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can shoot over the rubble Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 11 Hawk Hubertins is attacking Gray Clad Striker C with his Composite Short Bow! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 6 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 3 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage: +8 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P Round 3 Fi is attacking Gray Clad Striker D with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 27 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 26 Crit Damage: +13 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Chris: I think he is dead. Meghan: wow Hernz: nice... Fi quickly shoots the creature assaulting Fleir right through the heart. Meghan: Not my dog you Bitch! Chris: pretty much. Meghan: strike B is getting coups de grace on the magmere fellas Striker A wipes the knife against his wound, coating it with his blood. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman B attacks (Even = Vegeta) 1 Swordsman B attacks Fleir with his Flail hitting AC 25 for 10 damage Swordsman B crit confirms Fleir with his Flail hitting AC 22 for 7 extra damage Meghan: wow. ouch Chris: thanks. Hernz: shit.... Fleir is staggered by the swordsman's flail (what?) Fi: Damn it Fleir! The others move into position. Cat: hey, i guess he'd be down if i hadn't heal him those 3 hps before? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes it would. Cat: and it's also my turn again? Chris: not all the baddies have gone. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Waiting for Vegeta Who did I miss? Cat: right, magmere's turn to bleed after him. Fi: C Chris: C (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh right. Striker C attacks Hawk hitting AC 15 for 5 damage The striker circles around, hitting Hawk. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, now I'm going offline until 7. Give me your queued actions. Hernz: enemies done? and does fleir still flank if staggered? I'll assume so... Vegeta 5-ft steps George: I believe so. Vegeta Pummels Armored Swordsman B! His arms move so fast that to the untrained eye, it looks like Vegeta struck just once. Vegeta: Attack Results: 24 || 15 (Needs 24 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 6 || 3 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 13 Crit Dmg (blunt): +8 || +8 Hernz: oooh... if that crit actual hits... that's gonna hurt for 25 total come on all that bane and crap Cat: bane is just -1 to hit for them i believe. Chris: He has a shield up. Hernz: doh... might just be one hit then... did Hawke use his +1 thingie yet? might at least make the second hit connect Cat: he didn't. if the second attack is off by one, i'm sure he'd use it. we're heading out for a while, probably back online 8:45/9 Vegeta's first strike clobbers the swordsman with a flail (what?) the second one bounces cleanly off of his shield. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+2 ( 11 )+2 = 13 Hernz: 16 would have missed too on the second one? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes. Go Shield! Hernz: damn! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri said she would heal, so... Fleir recovers 5 HP Fleir is attacking Armored Swordsman C with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 14 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 6 Crit Damage: +10 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 13 (GM) Chad S. (GM): The Swordsman sidewinds away from Fleir's bite. Meghan: Hey, my heavenly fire thing think it provokes? Ray, ranged touch attack. spell-like. probably, right? Hernz: probably? Meghan: I should've put up a mage armor oh, well. Hernz: the casting does, and maybe the ranged touch... not sure Meghan: well, if it does, I'm doing it defensively. Claire: Claire's Concentration check: 25 Meghan: and pretty well, too. let's play "are they evil!" Claire is attacking Gray Clad Striker A with Heavenly Fire! Claire: Attack Result: 8 Damage Result: 4 Type: divine Heavenly Fire uses remaining: 4 Notes: Only hurts evil creatures. Ray. Use up to 7 per day. Hernz: I dont knwo the rules that well... I'll let chad do the legwork hahaha Meghan: doesn't much matter b/c I missed. and my check probably means they don't get an AOO if it mattered (GM) Chad S. (GM): You do need a concentration check to use the Spell-Like. A ranged touch attack does provoke even if you cast defensively. I'll assume you 5 ft stepped offscreen... Claire: oh, there's an offscreen. ok,then sure The striker quickly ducks out of the way, hissing. Claire: now we'll never know if they're evil or not. (GM) Chad S. (GM): EEeevill... Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 10 Hawk Hubertins is attacking Gray Clad Striker C with his Composite Short Bow! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 10 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 23 Crit Damage: +12 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P (GM) Chad S. (GM): The striker dodges the arrow. Round 4 Hawk Hubertins sings The bard was in trouble, but his trusty band, would save the day, and lend a hand! Cat: go go Fi! Fi: Ugh. Fine. Fi drops her bow and pull out her sword. Fi: I'm going to regret this. Fi is attacking Gray Clad Striker A with Long Sword! Fi: Attack Result: 19 (Needs at least 22 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 12 Crit Damage: +6 Fi: Type: slashing Notes: Hernz: better than me lol Fi quickly cuts down the striker. Fi: Take that bloody bastard. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman B attacks Fleir hitting AC 14 for 9 damage Swordsman C attacks Fi hitting AC 16 for 6 damage Chris: AC19 atm. Meghan: If you cut down C, I'll make a break for the Magmere group to try to keep them from dying. I might do that anyway. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker B attacks Vegeta hitting AC 14 for 10 damage Meghan: it's only been one or two rounds, right? They might not be all-dead. Chris: maybe. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker C attacks Hawk hitting AC 20 for 5 damage The striker hits Hawk, wounding him severely. Vegeta, Fi and Fleir dodge their attackers. Chris: dodgy (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's been 2 rounds since Magmere dropped. Fi dances his lower body in place. Vegeta attacks Armored Swordsman B with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 20 (Needs 24 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 6 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 12 Crit Damage (blunt): +6 Vegeta attacks Gray Clad Striker B with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 18 (Needs 22 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 6 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage (blunt): +7 Vegeta's roundhouse kick takes out the armored swordsman and wallops the Striker. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+3 ( 17 )+3 = 20 Fi: Yeah! Kick the shit out of them! Hernz: Vegeta will stay put for now so that fleir can flank Chris: there is still one up over here, threatening. Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Hawk! Nidranisan: heal 3 HPs. Cat: ok, next time i should just queue it and pretend i'm not here....Chad rolls not-a-1 on my healing. (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol Fleir is attacking Armored Swordsman C with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 17 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 9 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 6 Crit Damage: +6 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 25 Chris: +2 for flanking. Meghan: ok, I'm going to need a double move to get to them. Can I still make a heal check when I get there? Fleir quickly drags down the swordsman. He hisses as he falls. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (You gotta stop tripping people as you kill them, Fleir!) Chris: yeah real helpful. Claire: Claire's Heal check: 22 Meghan: If I can make the heal check, yay. If not, save that for next round. On the druid, he's closer. Fi: Nice bite, Fleir. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 9 Hawk Hubertins is attacking Gray Clad Striker C with his Composite Short Bow! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 7 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 11 Crit Damage: +9 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P Nidranisan: Little help here, Fi? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You'll need an action to make the Heal checks. Round 5 Fi: Excuse me! Hawk Hubertins looks greatful as he continues singing. Fi is attacking Gray Clad Striker C with Long Sword! Fi: Attack Result: 21 (Needs at least 22 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 4 Crit Damage: +6 Fi: Type: slashing Notes: Leave them alone! He hisses as Fi strikes him. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The striker passes his knife over his wound, coating it in his blood. Nidranisan: Nice assist! I'm betting that blood is bad news though. Maybe don't get hit with that knife. Fi: Yeah. That's why I took the other down first. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker C attacks Fi hitting AC 22 for 5 damage Fi: GAH! Nidranisan: ...he would. Nidranisan points. CAT SAID IT. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker C crit confirms Fi hitting AC 22 for 5 extra damage Cat: nice confirm. Hernz: WOW (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Also make a fort save) Fi: FUCK YOU! Hernz: LOLOL Claire: Luckily, Nidri's right there... Fi: Fi's Fortitude save: 17 Save notes: +2 vs enchantment Cat: and lucky i have ONE cure light left. Fi collapses as the striker quickly slashes him across the chest. Nidranisan thought he was gonna pick the bow back up :( Chris: Would have been you or hawk otherwise. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker B passes his knife over his wound, coating it in his blood. Striker B attacks Vegeta hitting AC 6 for 6 damage Cat: but i can actually take 10 damage. Vegeta doesn't bother dodging the knife. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Your move, Vegeta Chris: wasn't anticipating a crit. Have 19AC. Vegeta attacks Gray Clad Striker B with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 17 (Needs 22 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 6 Crit Damage (blunt): +3 Cat: erm, in fact, i probably healed that 1 hp from forever ago and didn't note it. OOPS. George: Nice attack. Cat: mine's only 17, but still. Vegeta takes out the striker assaulting him. Hernz: can I move where Fi is down? kinda to block the striker from the rest of them? Cat: you'd provoke. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah you can block. He could move there without entering the striker's threat range. Cat: ah ok. by going around the other way from where he went on the map. i bet now i won't be able to click on fi for my cure macro ;) Vegeta: LOL Hernz: let me know when and I'll move temporarily Cat: you have enough move to block in front of hawk instead? Hernz: he'll attack me or have a long way to not provoke Chris: go through Nidri's space. George: I actually prefer where he's standing now. Hernz: oh, nvermnd yeah me too Fleir is attacking Gray Clad Striker C with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 17 (Needs at least 25 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 22 Crit Damage: +5 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 7 Vegeta: haha! good job dog Fleir: GRRRR! Hawk Hubertins wraps up his song. Hawk Hubertins: Ow. Fleir bites the creature who attacked his friend, taking him down. Nidranisan hands Hawk a wand. Kind of. She's...holding it with her tail? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a heal check, Claire. Hawk Hubertins takes the wand without noticing that Nidri was holding it with her tail. Chris: she said to use the one she rolled. Unless it's a new one. Meghan: I had one queued Did it go off last round and I need another one? Or do you just want me to reroll? (it was a 22) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh okay. Vegeta: wait, why are we healign them? We got more to look around and not like we can take them around with us (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anyone healing Fi? Hernz: and yes, that was vegeta, not me Vegeta: heal 24 Cat: she's making a heal check to keep them from bleeding out. doesn't cost anything but a round of time. Vegeta: so what if they die? it's battle... they should know better Vegeta renders first aid on the unconscious Fi. Nidranisan: maybe they know something. Cat: george is setting up the macro for the wand. Claire: If they're Magmere, Dakan will want them arrested. Probably. Hawk Hubertins is using their item Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Fi healing [1d8+1] Hawk Hubertins: Wand of Cure Light Wounds uses remaining: 9 Meghan: Because I'm Good, Dammit. George: Oops, messed up the macro. Hawk Hubertins: rolling 1d8+1 ( 6 )+1 = 7 Vegeta: yes, but we can't carry them around while we search Claire: ah, right, we're the only ones down here. Fi eventually awakens. Claire: We can bring them with us on our way back. and we can bind them now. maybe. Fi: Gah! what happened? Hawk Hubertins: Fi, are you ok? That thing hit you pretty hard. Fleir didn't like that though, and took it down. What the heck are those things? Fi: Oy. Vegeta: (looking at party) is that what the rest of you want to do as well? Fi: The appropriate thing to do for our mission is to bring them back. We need information more than anything else. Vegeta: I'm sure Melic really cares to have them alive..... Fi: Melic is not our mission. Nidranisan: As far as them, I care more what Dakan thinks. Fi: Melic is a resource. Vegeta: fine fine.... just know that this will get you killed in the future Fi picks up the sword that hit her. Nidranisan: Sometimes you take risks to gain benefits. The party collects what they can from the figures here. Fi: No this will kill me in the future. Hawk Hubertins takes a closer look at the figure that was attacking him. Fi will try to reverse track the Magmere team. Fi: Fi's Survival check: 27 Nidranisan: So uh, what are these things? They were hissing. Fi: Not typical dungeon creatures. Chris: Unless GM says I can roll K. Dungeoneering. Nidranisan: And are you feeling ok Fi? It definitely did something funky with that knife. Fi: I don't know. The impact was really bad, but can't tell aside from that. Nidranisan: OK. Well if you start feeling weird or anything, let me know so I can take a look? Fi: Yeah. Sure. Bleh. Way too many people through here. I want to find where they came in, or at least a proper exit so we can drop these people off. Nidranisan: Claire...maybe you could set Hawk on fire real quick? I don't have a lot of healing left, and I'd like to keep it in case of emergency. Hawk Hubertins is using their item Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Fleir healing 2 Hawk Hubertins: Wand of Cure Light Wounds uses remaining: 8 Nidranisan: Sorry Fleir, you're just cursed today. Claire is healing Hawk with Heavenly Fire Healing Claire: Healing Result: 2 Type: healing Notes: Only heals good creatures. Ray. Use up to 7 per day. Fi casts Cure Light Wounds on Fleir. Fi: Healing: 10 Saving Throw: DC 14, Will half; Spell Resistance: Yes Hawk Hubertins: Thanks Claire. Claire: Want me to set you on fire again? Claire is healing Hawk with Heavenly Fire Healing Claire: Healing Result: 2 Type: healing Notes: Only heals good creatures. Ray. Use up to 7 per day. uuuugh. Total of 4... how much do you need? I can do this 4 more times. Cat: lol dice. Hawk Hubertins: I should be fine for now. That tingles. Nidranisan: So are we going deeper in now, or are we retreating for the day? Hawk Hubertins smiels. Hawk Hubertins smiles too. Fi: I think we need to take a different exit. These guys came in through a different route. Nidranisan: Not sure how that will go with the guards. You think we should find where they came in, and it will be unguarded? Fi: The guards will be easy, still have a note. Nidranisan: Yeah, assuming they open up nicely when we knock. Hawk Hubertins: These guys look sort of like snakes. I'm not exactly sure what they are. Fi: We could bring the head of one. Hawk Hubertins turns slightly green at the thought. Fi: To identify it. Or someone could try describing them well... Hawk Hubertins: I... suppose. Fi: I can go either way. Hawk Hubertins: I think I got a good enough look at this one to describe it. Claire: Well, that gruesome. Cat: is there a skill to identify what these goons are? Fi: what? it works? Chris: I think K. Local was floating around. (GM) Chad S. (GM): K Local is the skill of choice. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Local) check: 4 George: Nope, serpent men it is. Maybe they're followers of set and hitting the with star metal will banish them. :P (GM) Chad S. (GM): To their HOME DIMENSION! George: Conan The Adventurer! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Don't make me drop that youtube link Cause I will George: Not to be confused with Conan The Barbarian, or Conan The Destroyer, of course. Cat: we need conan the librarian. Fi picks up the druid. Nidranisan: So...we're going to look for the door they came in? Fi: Shall we? George: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SsHfWBLVr0 Fi: (gm) is there a route on the map that leads to an exit on this side? Chris: ooc. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeaaah Conan the Adventurer! Hawk Hubertins: Anyone have any idea why they were acting so strange? Nidranisan takes a few quick notes down on what they did, and how they look. Meghan: I'm sorry I followed that link now. Fi: Who? Magmere? I thought that was normal for them. Hawk Hubertins: Giggling about their own deaths is normal for those people? Nidranisan: You mean the babbling about...yeah. Fi: Well, the last two were weird. Nidranisan: That didn't seem normal. Even for Magmere. Hawk Hubertins: Exactly. Nidranisan: They seemed somehow charmed or something. Nidranisan casts Detect Magic! Nidranisan: School: N/A; Level 0 Casting Time: N/A Components: N/A Range: 60' cone Targets/Area: N/A Duration: 1 min/lvl Nidranisan: Saving Throw: DC 14, N/A; Spell Resistance: Cat: any lingering auras? on them or the other guys? Vegeta: perception to see if I see anything funny 14 (GM) Chad S. (GM): No lingering auras detected. Chris: arrow recovery 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Besides the black blood from the snake men, not much. Nidranisan notes down, blood is black. Cat: Any funky teeth or claws or whatever? Nidri is basically looking one over and doing a quick anatomy writeup. so we can try to figure out later what they are. or at least give Dakan a good description. Hawk Hubertins: (To GM) rolling 3d2-3 ( 2 + 2 + 1 )-3 = 2 Hawk Hubertins recovers 2 arrows (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay. Things of note: - Eyes have no pupils - Forked Tongues - Scaly skin only visible up close - Black Blood George: Hooded, snake like heads as well, no? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Slightly hooded, not to a ridiculous degree. Alright, what will the party do next? You should decide on this and then we can start on it tomorrow. Chris points to his earlier question. Chris: (gm) is there a route on the map that leads to an exit on this side? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, there's a way to get to the exit on the Docks side. Assuming you want to avoid the sinkhole. Chris: yes. Fi: We can at least drop these guys off with the guards at that exit. (GM) Chad S. (GM): What are you doing to the two from Magmere? Oh, OK Fi: From there we can decide if we want to take a breather to heal up and get spells back. Nidranisan: Yeah, we can think about that on our way to the door. Nidranisan wanders around with det magic up for a little bit just to see if there's anything interesting around. Heading back to the entrance, the party finds more corpses from Magmere, panicked. No magical aura was detected. Chris: all fully dead? Cat: does it look like they were probably killed by similar creatures? The party reaches the Docks entrance with the two unconscious Magmere agents. (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...they are already dead. Vegeta: (looting what we can? ;)) Claire: yup Chris: Thanks Vegeta! (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Yes, there has been some looting.) (Added to the Loot document) Nidranisan knocks on the door at the entrance. Cat: assuming it's a similar setup, with a big door... A minute after knocking the door, it opens revealing a pair of armed guards. They relax once Fi shows Lord Dakan's note. Fi: These two need a trip to the prison.
April 17, 1236 AD (Afternoon)
Fi: Please let Dakan know. They should be questioned. Guard: More from Magmere...we'll gladly take them away. Captain Dakan should be thankful for your help. Fi: Yes, that is why we are here. What do you guys want to do? Try to explore further? Hernz: I must have missed that being part of our mission somewhere Chris: We are supposed to be figuring out WTF is going on. The mineral is just part of that. Cat: he was going to send some other team in, and we volunteered to go instead so we can also be looking for the mineral. which is largely how we got access. particularly without looking suspicious to anyone else in the guard. Hernz: oh right! sorry, lapsed on that with switching back and forth on/off this things... sorry! Cat: if we are going to explore further i think we need to be careful and avoid any more fights if possible. that...was actually supposed to be Nidri. Fi: Agreed. Anyone else? Vegeta: those seem to find us more than the other way around Fi: We technically could have avoided that one... Next one won't be certain though. Nidranisan: Yeah. And caves aren't the easiest place to cut and run. Claire: I've barely used any spells, so I'm good. but if our healer is out, then yes, we should go back. Nidranisan only has 1 healing spell left. Vegeta: I'm with Claire Fi: Fair enough. Let's speak with Dakan and prepare for tomorrow. Maybe we can get some info on what those guys are. Nidranisan: Yeah, and be better prepared for them. (GM) Chad S. (GM): That's it for today. See you tomorrow. Cat: g'night! George: So is the party leaving the tunnels and resting for the night, then coming back the next day? Meghan: I think so Hernz: yup... and seeing if drakan has info on these guys based on our description of them to see if we can better prep George: Cool. Hernz: I think the only thing might be figuring out that poison of theirs and maybe any antidotes... not sure if Fi is sick or not George: Did Fi fail a save? Hernz: I dont know... he rolled a 17... not sure if that made it or not for sure... I should re-read that I guess lol ok logs dont say Fi failed it... my bad George: I'd be surprised if there was a secondary save if nobody failed the initial.
April 17, 1236 AD (afternoon)
The party emerges from the fallout shelter somewhere in the docks district. They hand the two unconscious, but stable Magmere members they could find. It turns out the trip gave them more questions than answers... Hernz: So did we agree to go see Dakan to see if he knew of these things that attacked us? Claire: yeah Meghan: sorry, ooc I think that was the plan. report in. Vegeta: Let's go see Dakan and what he knows of these guys before we head back down The party joins the guards and splits on the way to go to the barracks. Captain Dakan seems busy. A half hour, later he eventually lets the party in. Nidranisan spends a little of that time organizing the notes a bit. Cat: (no school today. yay.) Hawk Hubertins: Captain. Hawk Hubertins nods to Dakan Alexen Dakan: Welcome, all. The guard informed me you recovered two of Magmere's members. Hawk Hubertins: Indeed. There was a fight when we got down there. Those two Magmere were fighting agianst several creatures we didn't recognize. Alexen Dakan: I see. You repeatedly demonstrate your might, however. Oh? I didn't expect that. Hawk Hubertins: We survived. Not without a few bumps along the way. Nidranisan: We wondered if you might recognize what type of creatures they were. Nidranisan holds out the page of notes. Cat: (the paper looks all folded and wrinkled, and the writing is in charcoal pencil.) Alexen Dakan: Interesting... Alexen Dakan reads for a bit, scratching his head. Alexen Dakan: Do you mind if I ask for an expert to look at these? I don't recognize them. Hawk Hubertins: Please do. Alexen Dakan stands up,talks to a guard outside, and the guard heads off. Nidranisan: We'd love to know what's up with the blood. In case we run into them again and don't fare quite as well. I'd like to be able to take care of anyone who needs it properly. Alexen Dakan: The blood is worrying. I do wonder where they even came from. I've never heard of these people before. Nidranisan: Yeah, and it's pretty disturbing that they'd be right under our town. Especially in a place that was supposed to be a shelter. The two from Magmere...they were behaving pretty oddly. Alexen Dakan: More than usual? Nidranisan: They were almost laughing, giddy about how they were about to get killed. Practically making jokes about it as they were being cut down by these hissing creatures. Alexen Dakan: Some of these Magmere members tend to be...loose. Unsurprisingly, you'd have to be foolish to mess with Harvest Wharf. Hawk Hubertins: Foolish, yes, but as Nidri said, these two seemed to be unhinged beyond what I would expect. I was wondering if they were either under magical influence or possibly either drunk or high. Nidranisan: This seemed extreme. But I did not see any lingering magical influences by the time I was able to look. I don't think they even saw us...they were rendered unconscious pretty quickly after we arrived, but we were able to fight off the creatures in time for Claire to stop them from bleeding to death. So we'll be interested to hear what they have to say, if you get any information from them. Alexen Dakan an hour later, a female gnome runs into Captain Dakan's office holding a large book. Alexen Dakan: Everyone, this is Zeela. She's the kind of person who likes to know everything. Hawk Hubertins: Hi Zeela. I take it you found something interesting? Zeela Monnish: Hi there. No, haven't found anything yet. This is just for reference. Gimme those notes. Dakan hands the gnome the notes that Nidri compiled. Nidranisan mumbles a little. Nidranisan: Sorry about the handwriting and smudges. Pens don't really work for me...charcoal pencil is the best I've found so far. Zeela Monnish giggles, reads the notes, flips through her book, reads some pages, laughs some more, scribbles all over her book, then thumbs some more pages. Alexen Dakan: I...don't think she minds. Nidranisan: That's a relief. Some people get annoyed. I don't have a lot of patience for them. Alexen Dakan: Some of the sources of her information have been...less reputable. Nidranisan: I see. Zeela Monnish: Okay, I know what they are! I found them! I thought they died, though. Haha! No one ever dies... Nidranisan: Died like went extinct? Or like those half-dozen have stood up again down there? Zeela Monnish: Okay, Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay! Okaaaay. Captain Dakan clears his throat Zeela Monnish: Sorry! Right. So this country. Long time ago. Worshipped a snake god named Stheno. They took some of her blood, right? And then they became all snakey and stuff. They got poison in their blood and spit, learned the arts of subtefuge, and started building statues of Stheno. Buuuut then someone banished them to another plane of existence. They are called the...Vish...um... Vishkanya! Yeah, that's how you're pronounce it! Vegeta: So they were banished, not quite "died" as you put it? Zeela Monnish: Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah! Banished. Poof! Opened up a portal and threw them in. Nidranisan: ...And either some got left behind, or they've been summoned back from wherever they were banished to. Cat: man, typos just make these conversations so much more fun. Zeela Monnish: As soon as Stheno got thrown in they all jumped after their master. Idiots. Vegeta: Anything you can tell us about their weaknesses or this poison of theirs? Zeela Monnish: Poison. The most common kind of poison. It reduces your constitution and makes you all tired and stuff. I bet the captain could drink it if he wanted to! Captain Dakan frowns. Vegeta: so not necessarily that strong a venom... good to know Zeela Monnish: Not sure why they're here now, though. Nidranisan: I don't recall them really saying anything, either. Just hissing. Almost like animals defending their turf. Zeela Monnish: Well, they have their own language. Millenia of isolation does that to you. Zeela Monnish pulls out a mushroom from her pockets and devours it in a single gulp. Nidranisan: I suppose that would make sense. And I doubt the corner store would have a nice, friendly phrasebook. Zeela Monnish giggles at Nidri's joke Nidranisan: Maybe Hawk can use that spell again if we run into more of them. Captain, I think our expedition into the caves down there is going to take longer than we initially thought. We may be at this a few days. Alexen Dakan: Yes, that is true...do you mind continuing your investigation? Hawk Hubertins: Not at all. I think we're all eager to see what's down there. And yes, I think I can figure out what they're saying if we need to. Vegeta: we'll resume first thing tomorrow morning Alexen Dakan: Excellent. Hopefully we'll have something more concrete from those surviving Magmere members. Thank you for your help, Zeela. Zeela Monnish: Nuh-uh! Thank whoever wrote these detailed notes! Vegeta: we'll be on our way unless anyone has anything else they'd like to ask? Hernz: (pause for others) Nidranisan: Just, let us know if you get anything important from the Magmere goons. That might help us out down there. Otherwise, we'll check in again when we've got more concrete info. Zeela...if I run into any more weird critters, I'll take notes again. Thanks for your help. Zeela Monnish: Yaaay! Your notes are pretty. Zeela Monnish grins... Zeela's intimidate 24 Cat: lol. Unfortunately it is more creepy than comforting. Cat: hey, i thought Ember had the trademark on the unintentional-intimidate! (GM) Chad S. (GM): GM theft Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Sense Motive check: 18 Nidranisan probably has some idea that it wasn't meant to be creepy. Vegeta: sense motives 12 Vegeta thinks she's a little weird creepy thing Hawk Hubertins twitches at Zeela's grin. Hernz: Clair/Fi anything you guys need from Dakan? Meghan: Nope, Claire's good (GM) Chad S. (GM): Say hi to Anne. Cat: can you check that her character sheet is set with the right permissions? Hernz: Anne!!!!!!! ...hi Anne S.: Could you set it so that I can edit my character sheet? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oops, I gave view but not edit permissions. Fixed. Anne S.: thanks! I'm a halfling barbarian (GM) Chad S. (GM): Awww yeah. I'll make up an icon at some point. Hernz: a halfling barbarian.... yes! shorter than vegeta! lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): She's a tall Barbarian Tall Halfling. Barbarian Anne S.: Hannelore Tentoes's STR Check: 4 Hannelore Tentoes's CHA Check: 11 ah, oops, sorry about that Hernz: you shoudl have seen us spamming 20-30 times in a row hahaha (GM) Chad S. (GM): Found an icon... No? No good? Hernz: hahahahaha (GM) Chad S. (GM): And yeah, don't worry about testing macros. We all have had some macro spillage. Okay, I got a goofy one, a kinda normal one and a South Park one. Hernz: Suth Park! lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): My work is done Hernz: Perfect timing for her to join... super! now you don't have to hide that dragon in the mud ;) Cat: or maybe, now we can possibly NOT DIE when we go back in those caves ;) Hernz: lol Cat: pretty sure she'll have more hp at lvl 1 than Fi ;) Anne S.: I'm still working on the character sheet though... Hernz: and most of us... with a d12 to start... yeah... I only got 15 lol Meghan: oh god, halfling barbarian well at least we have a front liner. Hernz: arent haflings good vs giants? yes, giants in the caves! George: Wait.. What? Chad, what are you doing!? The icons! (GM) Chad S. (GM): I broke theme! They're everywhere. Hernz: Magmere's infiltrated our ranks
April 17, 1236 AD (evening)
Zeela's creepy smile is more frightening than comforting, but at least the party knows what they are up against. Fi: (While still with Dakan) I'm pretty sure that there were at least 40 people going through the area where we fought. There are also Magmere corpses everywhere. Alexen Dakan: 40 people? Now I really wonder how they got in... Nidranisan: Well, who knows how many are these... vaskashi or whatever Zeela said. Zeela Monnish: Vishkanya. Vishkanya. Vish...kan-ya. Nidranisan: Vishkanya. Yeah, got that one inside out. Zeela Monnish mumbles to herself Cat: hey, it helps if the conversation was like 15 minutes long instead of having a 7 hour gap in the middle! Fi: Yeah, it was hard to tell. Alexen Dakan: As always, thank you for your help. Is there anything else I can help you with? Fi: Hmm... I don't think so. Kinda enjoying the caving. It's been a while since I've been in one. First time under a city. Alexen Dakan: Imagine my surprise when Melvin told me of his plan to build a shelter. We never needed to utilize it, but I was quite thankful. Fi: Well, it's a bit soft. I suppose it is better than buildings, but pretty dangerous. Alexen Dakan: Yes, Melvin mentioned the entryway would be stable, but obviously we haven't used it in several years. Fi: Anyway, we should let you get back to business. We'll contact you tomorrow if we find anything else of interest. Alexen Dakan: Thank you. And thank you, Zeela. Zeela Monnish: Yaaay! I did good! Zeela Monnish snaps her journal shut. Then she realizes she forgot something, and opens it again, pulling out Nidri's notes. The charcoal has smudged into her book slightly. Zeela Monnish: Opps! Sorry! Nidranisan: It's ok. With that, the party leaves the barracks. Nidranisan: I'd like to check by the office and make sure nothing else has come in that we need to deal with today or tomorrow. Or whether we've had any communication from Dewleaf. In the office, the schedule still looks clear, except for a note posted to the inside of the door. Nidranisan checks the note without taking it down. "Hey! You guys are invited to my party tomorrow night. Bring booze, bring some music and bring your booty! - Melodie" Vegeta: great.... my kind of party......... Meghan: oh god Fi: Yep. Booze, music, and booty. pretty much sums you up. Meghan: wait, we have to provide all the stuff? Chris: BYOBMB Meghan: yeah Cat: i'm organizing the loot document to condense the stuff that's already sold per adventure. and put the new stuff at the top, and the old summaries at the bottom. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Do it! Modify da loot! Cat: the deed is done. looks like everyone but Hawk is up to date on putting their monies on their sheets...other than the latest haul from the caves. Chris: now we need someone else to start an organization fight. Cat: oh, i'm sure they will *eyes Hernz& you guys still want the ammo? there's a bunch of arrows and bolts on this list. and hey, a masterwork dagger! lol. Hernz: lol, I never minded how it was organized!! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Better than Mastermind Leather Armor Fi: I don't think it makes sense to sell ammo. Cat: i would TOTALLY wear mastermind leather armor. Vegeta: nah, keep the ammo Cat: i doubt we want much of this. tanglefoot bags? anyone need a spare bow? (can i even use a light crossbow?) (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can use light crossbows, they are simple weapons Cat: right. it'll be -2/-2 because it's 'broken'...but my dex mod is 2 vs my str mod of -1. so i guess it's possible i could eventually hit something with it. wouldn't threaten for flanking purposes though? Hernz: nope, ranged weaps dont Cat: so i could keep the dagger in case i need to provide flanking, and carry around a crossbow in case of what, last ditch hail mary shot? Meghan: yeah Cat: now welcoming party input on whether that's totally useless. (GM) Chad S. (GM): pew pew Hernz: your spells are likely more useful since you aren't built for bab much Anne S.: finicky question as the book is blank on it: can I use a throwing axe in melee combat as well? Hernz: then again, neither is me right now lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, you can use a throwing weapon in melee. I assume you're not actually throwing it in that case. Cat: i don't have any damage spells. Hernz: plus likely you'd be shooting into melee Cat: and i only get 5 casts a day. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The throwing property just means you don't take a -4 attack penalty Hernz: cant hurt to keep for now just in case Chris: How does a -1 str mod affect crossbow use? Cat: so yeah, shooting into melee is something i'd have to pay attention to. Fi: I assume that it can't reduce damage. Does it affect loading it? Chris: ooc Anne S.: woot (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anyone can load a crossbow...it's bad enough, I'm not gonna nerf crossbows harder Cat: lol. thanks chad. :) so, if you guys are cool, i'd snag the crossbow and a couple bolts. Hernz: shoot some bolts try it out, see if you like it Cat: whoa. positive attack mod! Nidranisan shoots at the training dummy. Nidranisan is attacking with Light Crossbow (broken)! Nidranisan: Attack Result: 6 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 0 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 3 Crit Damage: +0 Nidranisan: Type: P Notes: Huh, nice. it reduces my damage to 0. thanks. Hernz: xbow is not dex/str dependent for dam Chris: Broken. Cat: you'd think they'd floor it at 1. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Min damage is 1... Nidranisan is attacking with Light Crossbow (broken)! Nidranisan: Attack Result: 20 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 1 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage: +3 Nidranisan: Type: P Notes: Chris: You could add the floor to the macro. Nidranisan: Hmm. I don't think we're getting that bolt back. This thing seems...unpredictable. Fi: Well, with the shaft warped like that... Nidranisan shrugs. Nidranisan: That second one was a solid shot. Maybe I should quit while I'm ahead. I mean, in an emergency, especially if I have a clear shot before someone runs up, it could be useful. I guess. Fi: While the head is nice place to hit, you are more likely to hit if you aim at the body. Nidranisan: Aiming is probably a little advanced. Particularly with the sights perpetually misaligned. Sure beats this thing if I need to actually hurt someone though. Nidranisan is suddenly holding the worlds crappiest dagger. Fi: Oh, you weren't aiming at the head? Nidranisan: Not...per se. Hawk Hubertins is hiding not quite under his desk while Nidri is playing with the crossbow. Nidranisan stashes the dagger and lines up to try another shot or two. Nidranisan is attacking with Light Crossbow (broken)! Nidranisan: Attack Result: 2 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: -1 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 4 Crit Damage: +5 Nidranisan: Type: P Notes: Nidranisan is attacking with Light Crossbow (broken)! Nidranisan: Attack Result: 3 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage: +1 Nidranisan: Type: P Notes: Yup. Should've quit while I was ahead. Nidranisan is attacking with Light Crossbow (broken)! Nidranisan: Attack Result: 2 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 20 Crit Damage: +6 Nidranisan: Type: P Notes: Nidranisan stashes it. In her bag. Far away. Anne S.: Hannelore Tentoes is now complete! Fi dives behind a couch. Claire: Maybe point it the other way next time? Meghan: Who does it hit? Cat: unless someone is like, standing next to the dummy while i shoot it, it probably doesn't hit anyway. but boy did i use up some real stinkers on the d20 queue! Chris: Vegeta could start practicing arrow catching. Cat: or bolt catching at least ;) Hernz: wish I had taken deflect arrows now lol Nidranisan: So what's this party? Party tonight, bring your own party? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a knowledge (Local) check. You can make this untrained. Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Knowledge (Local) check: 21 Hernz: and yay for tentoes completion! how many HP you have? we have a bet going lol Cat: bam. Fi: I thought it was tomorrow night. Vegeta: K local 5 Nidranisan: Oh whoops, I probably read it wrong. Anne S.: woot!! George: There's a party? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anyone who beats a 5: Melanie's parties tend to be pretty wild. She tends to attract several big name celebrities and take several suitors to her private quarters. Hernz: when was that for? Cat: lol. Hernz: date wise Fi: Fi's Knowledge (Local) check: 13 (GM) Chad S. (GM): April 18 Nidranisan is totally there. Hernz: and is that today/tomorrow? (GM) Chad S. (GM): tomorrow. Hernz: oh ok, so after dungeon party Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Local) check: 10 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Is anyone trained in K Local besides Hawk? Chris: not I Cat: nooope. maybe next level i should grab a point heh. George: Hawk technically isn't trained, just has bardic knowledge. Cat: i should snag a point of k. history too. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, I know. Virtually trained. Chris: I can only think of Shadow saying "I'm not interested." (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, bedtime for me. See you tomorrow, folks. Feel free to buy stuff. Anyone doing anything for the rest of the day? Chris: Are we healed up already? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, people are still beaten up...I should probably update everyone's HP here Fi is at 5 HP, Hawk is at 11 Chris: Yeah, we should figure out who needs more than the night to recover. coughFleircough I don't remember if we topped her off. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hmm, the battlemap says she's at full HP. Chris: Maybe. I did hit her with a 10hp heal at the end. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, that would have done it. I remember Fleir was at 17 HP when we dropped out of initiative. Chris: Ok. Fi needs at least 2 more to recover overnight. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Right. Nidri should be fine. Hawk is down 4 and will need minor healz to recover. Chris: Or have they changed that? I think Nidri has 1 left. If only we could split it... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri's down by 1, but she can sleep that off. Chris: I meant cure light spell. I just omitted it somehow. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, I see. Overnight rest gives you your level + Con bonus back. HP back Chris: So I get 0? :-P (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bonus, not modifier I did double check that before typing Chris: Good, otherwise I would have been losing health every night at level 1... (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'm imagining half of the world's humans dying after a week. Chris: Or 3/5ths of the elves. (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol How do the elves survive for 1000 years if 3/5s of them die immediately? Chris: They must be born at higher levels since they take longer to gestate... (GM) Chad S. (GM): They train inside the womb...Inception Hernz: so we're just resting the night, yes? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Resting unless people have another plan this evening. Hernz: rest is good... (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think Chris was trying to figure out who heals whom. Hernz: Claire can ding Hawk if needed and then Fi is left down a HP or two after rest, no? (this is coming from the guy who wouldn't use a healing herb in resident evil EVER) lol Anne S.: not playing tonight after all? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, we'll be playing. Or die trying' Hernz: it's just random as to who shows up... when fights break out, we be texting like crazy to get peeps on... ok, maybe that's just me and chris haha so how many HP does your char have Anne? Anne S.: ok, I'll keep my browser open while I work on other stuff. Hernz: that's what I do :) Anne S.: Hannelore has 14 HP Hernz: one short of beating vegeta.... and I'm level 2... ok, I think you prbably beat most of us with HP at half our lvl lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Usually people are taking care of the kids and putting them to bed, so don't expect super crazy action until 8:30 ish Anne S.: Woo! It's good to be the frontliner awesome (GM) Chad S. (GM): And yes, you will be well liked. Hernz: what's your ac? (before you rage :)) Anne S.: 19. Hernz: nice!! what are you wearing? and keep that answer in-game! Anne S.: I'm going dodge/mobility rather than taking hits hopefully Meghan: Yes, Claire can light Hawk on fire until he's better Hernz: sweet Meghan: she does 1d4+1 so it'll take at most 2 tries. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, and Nidri can heal Fi. Meghan: What's Hanna's alignment? Or should we find that out in game? Anne S.: she darn, sorry, she's c/g Hernz: come on neutral! damn, ok, one more to heal! :) Anne S.: sorry, too much rage to be a fence-sitter :P I feel a little like a stalker reading all of your character profiles Hernz: hahahaha how tall is your char? Anne S.: 2'11" Hernz: hey chad, can you make her char visible in the profiles? I dont see it (GM) Chad S. (GM): She hasn't joined the party yet You don't know. You don't know! Hernz: oh right, ok ok lol Anne S.: Ah sorry, at least Hernz didn't ask how much she weighs yet. Hernz: LOL tiny barbarian... too hilarious :) do you use regular size weapons or small ones? small, right? Anne S.: I have to use small, yeah Hernz: don't worry, you'll still do more damage than vegeta lol and get better AC... and better HP... hey, why am I here again? lol Anne S.: Because monks are badass later. So... /waggles eyebrows "What's your character wearing? How tall is he?" Hernz: it's on his dating profile Anne S.: Lol! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta: Power Level must be at least 8000, but less than 9000. Must enjoy blowing up planets. Hernz: hahahahaha Anne S.: Hahaha!! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Eating food time now... Meghan: Yes, another good character. I can light you on fire, too (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, I think everyone gets healed and can rest the rest of their wounds.
April 18, 1236 AD (morning)
Another sunny day for our heroes. Vegeta is ready early... seems to be aching for a fight Vegeta: (mumbling to himself) I'm so close... I know it..... Cat: did y'all need me to cast that cure or is 3 hp enough and i don't need to bother rolling it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): As the party awakens from their rests, runners appear and hand them messages. The messages are from Captain Dakan, asking you to meet him as soon as you able. Vegeta: Might as well head over to him... that friend of his might have found more info on those creatures Hannelore Tentoes: lays in wait Cat: lol. The party meets at the barracks and are led to Captain Dakan's office. Captain Dakan is, as usual sitting on a chair on his big desk. Vegeta: You wanted to see us? Also in the room, is... Anne S.: Beside Dakan's desk you see a small pile of leather and sharp edges. on closer inspection, you realise it's a barbaric young halfling woman Hernz: wearing leather? Hannelore Tentoes: Oy. This is a special case. Alexen Dakan: Haha, told you. Hannelore Tentoes: grins Vegeta: who's the pint? Alexen Dakan: This young woman is Hannelore Tontoes. She is an...investigator. Hannelore Tentoes: (she's two pints of gonna save your scrawny...) Vegeta: so an investigator... she working with your other assistant? Alexen Dakan: Zeela? Haha, no. Norvi has told me you may need some assistance now he has left. Additionally, Hannelore has been instrumental in solving some mysteries that, honestly, I knew nothing about until the killers appeared in my jail cells. Vegeta: SHE is going to replace the great warrior Norvi? Hannelore Tentoes: She is. I've read your file, but it's good to put a face to it. You all gonna introduce yourselves? Vegeta: so this isn't a joke...... Hawk Hubertins bows yo Hannelore. Vegeta: I'm Vegeta ... Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins, at your service. Hannelore Tentoes: bows to Hawk Hannelore Tentoes bows to Hawk Anne S.: I'm guessing everyone else is afk? Hernz: likely I'm sure they'll all be nice and polite lol Anne S.: Veggie is just happy he's not the shortest in the party ;) brb, tea Nidranisan: Call me Nidri for short. Nice to meet you. I take it you heard we are headed back into the caves under the city today? Vegeta: (whispers under his breath) at least she's so small they might not notice her Alexen Dakan clears his throat Alexen Dakan: Officially, she is assigned to protect and escort you. After what happened to Merki, I think having personal escort would be useful. Vegeta: welcome along tentoes Anne S.: back Hannelore Tentoes: Nice to meet you as well Miss Nidri. Yes, I had heard. Are you all ready to head out? Vegeta: We were just about to, so yes, let's be on our way Hannelore Tentoes: I might just like this after all Anne S.: so, we go? Hernz: this is where we wait for gm to say we do/did :) and now we wait lol Alexen Dakan: The prisoners from Magmere are still tight lipped. I may have to go there personally. Anne S.: Ohhh Hawk Hubertins looks slightly pale and swallows hard. Nidranisan: Mm. Surprising with how giddy they were yesterday. Maybe whatever they were on, wore off. Alexen Dakan: Well, one of them keeps ranting about her pet ant. Vegeta: ah yes, that dead thing well, if you manage to get them to talk and spill anything, please let us know Alexen Dakan: Of course. Cat: i'm good to go. spelunking time! Hernz: lets go so we can have anne make her first offical perception or k local check lol Anne S.: :( My bed time is ten o'clock. I'll stay until 10:30 if we're going to get into a dungeon. Cat: chad usually signs off at 10 also. (the movie is almost over.) Anne S.: movie? Cat: guy night. Anne S.: oh, guy night So, I guess I'll just go to bed. It was fun meeting your characters Cat: yeah, some nights are slow. g'night :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nighty night, folks. Meghan: Yeah, tuesdays from 9 to 10 I am not around and probably not much for a while afterwards because tumblr Fi: Vegeta, have you not learned anything about judging people? Besides, if we are judging based on appearances, I would say she has seen more fights in the wilderness than you. Good morning, Ms. Tentoes. Welcome to our multifarious team. Thank you. Chris: misline. George: You're welcome. (GM) Chad S. (GM): That letter should have been sent by Melanie, not Melodie. Retcon Lazers! Melanie's party is later tonight, on April 18 1236 AD.
April 18, 1236 AD (morning)
With the newest member of the group, a halfling named Hannelore, the party prepares to investigate more of the caverns that run underneath the city. (GM) Chad S. (GM): If anyone wants to do additonnal prep, do it now. Otherwise I'll skip ahead to the caves. Hernz: To the caves!! Vegeta: (to Fi) yeah yeah... fights in the wilderness are one thing... real war is another Meghan: wait, we're going caving, and then to a party after? Hernz: yes Meghan: awesome With all of that settled, the party returns to the... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Which neighborhood entrance do you want to check out next? Vegeta: I assume the way we came out is maybe not the best answer? I know Fi tracks that better than the rest of us... George: I think we should go in via the docks and keep searching from there. ...docks entrance. The guards open the thick steel door and let the party inside. Hernz: yay to making decisions! Cat: i was gonna push for going in where we came out (docks) as well. nevertheless, i suspect we follow Fi as there was a particular place shklee was headed yesterday. Fi: I want to head back towards the magmere corpses and look for another route that they took. Either where they came in or where they went. Aside from the ones that died. Nidranisan: Sounds like a good plan. Vegeta: sounds good (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, make a survival check. Fi: Fi's Survival check: 26 Chris: +1 if for tracking. Hernz: yeah, I can't beat that with a 20 lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi directs the party through the caverns without much trouble for the next hour or so. He returns to where he saw multiple footprints cross in multiple directions, most of which are deeper within the caverns. Make a Survival or K Dungeoneering check. Chris: Is either more useful, or do both? (GM) Chad S. (GM): K Dungeoneering is easier, do one George: You get survival, I'll take the kd. Fi: Fi's Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check: 20 Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check: 5 Vegeta: survival 10 George: Or that. Fi: That way looks like it might cave in. Fi points to the left fork. Fi: Some people did go that way though. Does anyone have a way to mark that direction as dangerous? I would like to take the right fork and come back that way only if necessary. Vegeta: anyone have a sharp blade to carve an X on the floor or something? Nidranisan: Sharp, no... Chris: If that is feasible Fi will mark it. Nidranisan: But I don't really care if the rock ruins it. Hernz: well it was quasi soft and muddy when we last checked... Nidranisan pulls out her knife and attempts to mark the wall with an X. Hernz: AND I'm off to tenisu again... don't die! Fi also notes hazards on the map. (GM) Chad S. (GM): So, the right path! Make a perception check. Fi: Fi's Perception check: 14 Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Perception check: 16 Chris: there's my 3. Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Perception check: 14 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+7 ( 13 )+7 = 20 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+9 ( 15 )+9 = 24 (GM) Chad S. (GM): You all notice a source of light further down the tunnel. You also hear the sounds of multiple people crying and moaning, as well as more hissing. Fi: Ugh. Prepare for combat and lets try to be quiet this time. Meghan: prep rounds? wand of mage armour is ready Hawk Hubertins: Do you want to go scout first? Maybe we won't have to fight this time. Fi: Shall the sneaky ones go first just to make sure, or shall we assume? Fi puts out her light, and sneaks off. Fi: Fi's Stealth check: 19 (To GM) rolling 1d20+11 Perception Check ( 6 )+11 = 17 Nidranisan is watching Fi intently, at least for the first uh, 60 feet? Cat: yeah, 60 ft. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 1 ) = 1 Chris: I'm sure this will be entertaining in just a moment. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (Apologies LOADING) (To GM) rolling 1d20+3 ( 14 )+3 = 17 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+3 ( 18 )+3 = 21 Fi screams! Fi Screams like a....hmm. As she is shot by two arrows. (GM) Chad S. (GM): People should roll for initiative. Fi: Fi's Initiative result: 21.03 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone except Fi is further back, I'll need to modify the map. Fi: Fleir's Initiative result: 23.03 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Tunnel lazers! Map is updated. (To GM) rolling 1d20+3 ( 15 )+3 = 18 Claire: Claire's Initiative result: 3.01 Meghan: I'm great at initiative! George: Hawk Hubertins's Initiative result: 22.02 Meghan: I need to remember to select my character before rolling. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Waiting for Nidri and Hannelore's initiatives. Will roll Vegeta's. Vegeta's init 6 Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Initiative result: 11.02 Cat: fleir is like "WHAAAT MY FI SCREAMED" so i saw talk of a prep round before fi sneaked off, but did we do that? 'cause i missed it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire did offer her wand of Magic Armor, no one took her up on it. Feel free to prep while Fi was sneaking off. Meghan: I probably would've taken myself up on it. Fleir can't ask so decide for yourselves. Meghan: Where do I put my AC? I would've put one on Vegeta, too and probably fleir since they got it last time (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can rearrange your starting positions (except Fi) Meghan: nvm, found armor George: I'm good. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, auto rolling Hannelore's Init Hannelore's Init 5 Yeesh Chris: lol Round 1 Nidranisan is activating her Oracle ability, Demonhide Nidranisan: Uses remaining: 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): I assume that was prep Cat: yeah. it's actually up for an hour, so if fi is sneaking off, that's going on. probably pretty much in general. :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi, Hawk and Fleir are up. George: Hey Chad, Cat pointed out that Comp Lang would have been a good idea as a prep spell for Hawk, especially given the long duration. It cool with you for me to have cast that before we "snuck" up? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, that's fine George: Thanks. George is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 George: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 12 Hawk Hubertins draws his bow as a part of his move action. Chris is attacking Black Clad Striker C with Powerful Bite & Trip! Chris: Attack Result: 20 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 9 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 22 Crit Damage: +9 Chris: Trip Attempt: 20 sigh. Hawk Hubertins just before he starts singing: Fleir did that. Hawk Hubertins: Guys, they decided to kill us, not capture us. Let's not do that, ok? Fi winces in pain. Fleir contributes to the "Don't get killed" campaign by killing one of the ambushers. Fi: I couldn't tell... Meghan: yay (GM) Chad S. (GM): What are you doing this turn, Fi? Fi is attacking Black Clad Striker D with Long Bow! Fi: Attack Result: 10 (Needs at least 25 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 14 Crit Damage: +15 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Cat: i'm totally gonna start writing cheers for fleir, for hawk to sing. Chris: missing. Cat: it's kind of a tease, having it roll all the crit stuff when you miss. Fi is slightly distracted by the two holes in his chest. Meghan: mmmm whatcha say... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Archer attacks Fleir hitting AC 10 for 4 damage The archer's arrow lands on Fleir's armor. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker D attacks 1 Striker D attacks Fleir hitting AC 21 for 3 damage Chris: AC20 Striker D's arrow hits, however. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman A's trip attempt against Fi hits CMD 7 Swordsman A stomps the ground and the earth erupts near Fi's feet. Fi is quick and steps out of the way, maintaining footing. Fi: WTF?! (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker A will shoot 2 Cat: ...that's fi isn't it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Gray Striker A attacks Fi hitting AC 21 for 5 damage Yes. Fi screams again! Hit by a 3rd arrow, Fi falls. Chris: did you count the soft cover? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hmm. Does it count as cover if all are viable targets? Chris: yes. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, I guess I didn't. DOUBLE RETCON LAZERS Chris: YAY! AC22 with soft cover applied. Fleir stands Fi back up and spits the arrow out of her mouth. Cat: niiiiice. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Gray Striker C attacks Fleir hitting AC 5 for 3 damage The other striker misses Fleir by a bit. Cat: he got C's in striker school. Fi: Good girl, Fleir. You saved my ass. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, Vegeta, Hannelore and Claire are up. Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Fi! Nidranisan: heal 9 HPs. Meghan is attacking Black Clad Striker D with Pearl of Brilliance! Meghan: Attack Result: 10 Damage Result: 4 Pearl of Brilliance uses remaining: 4 Notes: Touch attack or throw it as splash weapon. Splash 10'. Must make a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds huck Meghan: sorry, that was claire Fi: Hi Nidri! Guess I was right about battle. Thank you. Meghan: even if AC 10 doesn't hit there's splash dazzling Nidranisan: Always right behind you two. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker D's Fort Save 12 Meghan: I don't remember what the fort save dc was (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker D is dazzled for 2 rounds You have 20 Cha so it's at least 15 Alright, that's it for today. If you have ideas on what you want to do, next turn, send me a whisper. Cat: think those are more magmeres in the cages? 'cause i don't think we have the manpower to apprehend all of them... Chris: perhaps, but they are all rather weak right now from starvation. Cat: lovely. Meghan: I have 19 cha Hernz: ok, time to read! Meghan: good luck with that. I gave you an armor spell, I think Chris: yeah, chad marked him with the castle icon. Hernz: so just bard song up and armor... ok Meghan: Oh, Anne's wee little halfling is adorbs Hernz attacks Black Clad Striker D with a Knee to the Gut! Hernz: Attack Result: 12 (Needs 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 23 Crit Damage: +6 Hernz: Special: Fort save DC 15 or be stunned for 1 round. god, that was with a charge... Vegeta is at -2 AC for rest of round... 20 AC with mage armor and that penalty oh and that stun is at DC 16 not 15 (in the off chance I actually hit) Vegeta's leaping kick misses the dazzled striker. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sent Anne a message. Will see what she plans to do. (I assume it's along the lines of rage + charge Striker D) George: That would make sense. Hernz: Does shooting into melee and soft cover stack? Just curious how that works... like if the archer were to shoot vegeta right now (and assume he didn't have the feat to avoid shooting into melee), would he get a -4 and me a +4 for a total basically of +8? Chris: yes The soft cover is an AC bonus. While firing into melee is an attack penalty. Hernz: The feat only removes the penalty, right? Chris: Precise shot removes the melee penalty. I have a trait which can ignore one creature of soft cover when using a long bow. Hernz: sweet cool! (GM) Chad S. (GM): All right, auto moving Hannelore Hannelore Tentoes: Hey Anne, you're just in time! Anne S.: yo, is anything happening tonight? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh man, that was weird It's your turn! Anne S.: ok, that's weird (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sorry, I spoke using Hannelore by accident Anne S.: um, I kill it with my sword? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Would you like to enter Rage? Yes/No? Feel free to Move Hannelore over if you're on a non-phone Anne S.: rolling d20+3 ( 16 )+3 = 19 rage yes! ooh, 19 is a crit! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Who are you attacking? Hernz: no, you rolled a 16 it's the roll that counts (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nvm, I guess only Striker D is in range Anne S.: oh, right :( (GM) Chad S. (GM): Roll for Damage Don't forget the +1 from Inspired Courage Anne S.: rolling d10+1 ( 10 )+1 = 11 Hernz: nice......... Anne S.: oh, +1 courage, so 12 is it dead? Hernz: first hit, inta kill Hannelore flies into a frenzy, draws her greatsword and cuts down the striker. His hisses die out immediately. Vegeta stops for a moment, his eyes wide open.... Anne S.: Sorry I missed last night,I didn't see any activity so I went to make cocoa and got sucked into Gallivant Round 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): No problem. I usually wait a day before I auto move people. Fleir, Hawk and Fi are up next. Hannelore has +4 Str, +2 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC for the next 6 rounds. Cat: are those hisses actual speech as far as hawk can hear? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, it is Vishkanya speech...something not polite. Cat: ok, he has comp lang up so he'll understand them. George casts Abundant Ammunition on Fi! George: School: N/A; Level 1 Casting Time: 1 standard Components: V, S, M/DF (a single piece of ammunition) Range: One container, touched Targets/Area: N/A Duration: 1 min/level George: Saving Throw: DC 15, N/A; Spell Resistance: No Err, forgot to select Hawk for the spell. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 11 Hawk's quiver seems to overflow with arrows. Cat: time for........archer wars? :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): cue explosion George: Err, that should have been Fi's quiver, not Hawk's. Cat: but hawk cast it, not george ;) George: And it replaces the arrows, not causes a huge number to appear. ;P (GM) Chad S. (GM): So you were targeting Fi? George: Yup (GM) Chad S. (GM): I know, I was deciding between "unlimited" arrows and arrows appearing out of thin air. George: Ok, just as long as you know it replaces them and doesn't suddenly make the target have a qiuver full to overflowing. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup. Cat: so now just waiting on chris? probably bedtime at hyrule. Anne S.: Ooh, got it working on my phone. Useful. Cat: (for Locke, i mean) Hernz: how am I the only one that can't get it to work on his phone!?!? lol Anne S.: To be fair, there isnt much to see, and i can choose to either type, or see what is being said. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think you can't move icons on the phone, either. Vegeta: I get bored enough at work, that woudl suffice for me haha (GM) Chad S. (GM): If it helps Hernz I haven't tried to use my phone. It would probably explode. Cat: i don't have it on my phone either. then again, i haven't had time for boredom at work in quite a while... Fleir is attacking Gray Clad Striker C with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 5 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 10 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage: +6 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 11 Fleir bites, but does not connect. Chris: I might as well use my special arrows while the spell is up. Cat: yuuup because they won't get used up :) Chris: ok. Using a trip arrow. Fi is attacking Gray Clad Striker C with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 20 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 27 Crit Damage: +11 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Cat: lol. Fi: trip attempt 18 Cat: rolled the d20's in the wrong order ;) Hernz: trip with arrow?? George: Nice! Chris: it's special ammo. Hernz: sweet Chris: 25gp an arrow. Fleir's arrow hits the striker and bowls him over. Cat: dude, your wolf is awesome. ;) Chris: yeah ;-) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, the striker's provoking an AoO as he stands up Chris: ok. Fleir is attacking Gray Clad Striker C with Powerful Bite! Fleir: Attack Result: 15 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 19 Crit Damage: +6 George: Standing up in front of Fleir? Not a smart move. The striker tries to stand up, but Fleir makes sure he stays down. Cat: "down boy!" (GM) Chad S. (GM): Ranger attacks Fleir hitting AC 16 for 7 damage The archer closes in and hisses. His arrow slams against Fleir's barding, but fails to penetrate. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman A runs up but keeps her distance. She seems to chant something, then flames streak out of her hands. Hawk, Nidri, Fi, Fleir: Make a reflex save Cat: Nidranisan's Reflex save: 11 Save notes: +2 to save vs curses or magic spells that cause curses (Born Damned trait) George: Hawk Hubertins's Reflex save: 16 Save notes: Fi: Fi's Reflex save: 25 Save notes: +2 vs enchantment Fleir's Reflex save: 12 Save notes: George: On a hilariously unrelated note, Exploding Kittens is totally going to make their stretch goal. They've slowed some, but in the last 3 hours have gotten another 1000 backers. Anne S.: ...clarify? Chris: hilarous card game on kickstarter. raised over $3 million so far. George: In 2 days. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, Nidri, Fi and Fleir take 2 fire damage, Save Reflex DC 13 for half. Nidri has 5 fire resistance, right? Anne S.: ooh Cat: yup! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hey, what's Fleir's Reflex save? Cat: he rolled 12. sad puppy will be a little singed. Anne S.: noooo! Chris: I keep telling myself that I should change his stat boost to dex, but do I ever listen to myself? no... Hernz: lol that's the second save missed by 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman B's trip attempt against Vegeta, targetting CMD 9 Vegeta: sucker Chris: We're trippin today. Or at least trying to. Anne S.: tripping dragonballs? Swordsman B pulls out his flail (what?) and stomps the ground. The earth erupts near Vegeta's feet, but the warrior stands proud. Chris: I'm a little afraid of the high from those. Anne S.: lol! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker A attacks Hawk hitting AC 17 for 5 damage Hernz: lol laughing at chris's comment not the fact that hawk got plunked Chris: lol right back. The gray clad striker quickly closes in and cuts into Hawk. George: Ow. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, Claire, Vegeta and Hannelore are next. Vegeta Pummels Armored Swordsman B! His arms move so fast that to the untrained eye, it looks like Vegeta struck just once. Vegeta: Attack Results: 17 || 18 (Needs 21 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 3 || 6 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 15 Crit Dmg (blunt): +3 || +2 Vegeta: Special: If hit by first hit, Fort save DC 16 or be stunned for 1 round. Hannelore Tentoes: Oooh.... Meghan: Hawk, Fi, Fleir... how are your fort daves? saves? George: Sucky Hernz: I still remember meghans last comment when I totally missed with that attack lol Chris: Fi: 1 Cat: that's 'cause it was awesome. Vegeta aimed to stun the swordsman, but he knocked him out instead. Chris: Fleir: 5 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Dat Con penalty Vegeta looks at Hannelore and says "your turn" Hannelore Tentoes MANIACAL LAUGHTER Cat casts Cure Light on Hawk! Cat: heal 5 HPs. Hernz: don't forgte your +2 to attack/dam due to rage Hannelore Tentoes: rolling d20+6 ( 6 )+6 = 12 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Who are you attacking, Hannelore? Hannelore Tentoes: While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, \ whoever is closest? the arrow guy? I honestly can't see the board because of all the photos. Cat: striker A is closest. three steps up. George: Or two directly up. But yeah. Cat: if you mean the head shots for each character/player at the bottom, there was a way to shut them off. Meghan: Ok. Think fast. Claire is attacking Armored Swordsman A with Pearl of Brilliance! Claire: Attack Result: 13 Damage Result: 7 Pearl of Brilliance uses remaining: 4 Notes: Touch attack or throw it as splash weapon. Splash 10'. Must make a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can disable the photos by choosing "Names Only" on the Player Avatars option Claire: Huck. Hannelore Tentoes: wait was there another bonus from the bard or no? I don't think a twelve hits.. Cat: yes, that! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Inspire Courage gives a +1 to attack Meghan: Hannelore may want to wait a mo before doing that Hannelore Tentoes: ok, so 13 Meghan: b/c that's within 10 feet of swordsman A. Hannelore Tentoes: also, where is the player avatars option? Vegeta: she can move to the side Cat: it's the way bottom of the options under the gear icon. George: The gear at the top is the settings, then it's at the bottom of that screen. Meghan: Ha, technically I could've hucked it at the archer instead. Can I do that? Hernz: move one to the rgiht (GM) Chad S. (GM): [Meghan] Yeah, throw at the archer. Meghan: it doesn't splash anyone there. I didn't see the archer earlier same attack. AC 13, etc etc. Chris: [Meghan] Throwing over people is +4AC. Meghan: sooo, move first? Cat: yeah, somewhere to the right of vegeta gives you a clear shot? Hernz: oh, so either throw at the gray guy and hit hawk anyway, or -4 to hit the swordsman Hannelore Tentoes: OH MY GOD I"M ADORABLE Anne S.: sorry, just saw my battle icon Meghan: that's w/in my move, w/in the spells range, and unblocked from 3-13 archer over there (GM) Chad S. (GM): [Anne] That's one of the free tokens they offer - will probably draw one over the weekend. Hernz: oh yeah, movemetn... that Anne S.: ohh, ok (GM) Chad S. (GM): If the 3-13 archer were here there wouldn't be a fight... Claire: so yeah, does ac 13 hit? Meghan: no kidding we'd be dead (GM) Chad S. (GM): Archer's Fort Save 10 The Archer is dazzled for 4 rounds Meghan: but does it hit him? Anne S.: um, so did I hit it? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, it hit Meghan: ... Meghan gives Chad the side-eye Anne S. facepalm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anne, was that a charge? Fi: Nice toss! Hernz: she did not declare it Claire's orb of light burns the archer. He's clearly disoriented by the light. Chris: Sounds like she didn't add bardsong yet. (GM) Chad S. (GM): If she charged, she hit. Hernz: but you cant do it that way chad (GM) Chad S. (GM): raspberry George: Is she off by 1? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope Off by 2 Anne S.: um, ok,... Hernz: would you normally charge with already a -2 penalty from range to AC which would lower it another -2? Hannelore Tentoes: CHAAAARGE!! Cat: hernz makes it sound like "rage" is somehow compatible with "carefully considered caution" ;) Hernz: lol... just saying Hannelore Tentoes: rolling d10+5 ( 9 )+5 = 14 (GM) Chad S. (GM): You already rolled, Anne. George: That was damage, not attack. Hernz: that's her damage lol George: She hadn't rolled damage yet. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, nvm Hannelore Tentoes: I had rolled to hit. just now I rolled damage Cat: i like how you can't immediately tell the difference ;) Meghan: nice good to be the front liner Squish! Hannelore screams and quickly cuts down another striker. Hannelore Tentoes: :D The Archer hisses loudly. Round 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, Fi and Fleir are up. George: I don't have the brain to come up with lyrics right now, but they're worried about the commander showing up, which will be real soon now. Fleir is attacking Archer with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 24 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 3 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage: +6 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 18 Cat: haha. ha. ha. Chris: shitty crit. Cat: yeah, and the min damage up front didn't help. still. Hernz: does it confirm............ Cat: he's on his ass too. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 11 Fleir leaps ahead and digs into the archer's torso, knocking him down. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, it's a crit Hawk Hubertins is attacking Armored Swordsman A with his Composite Short Bow! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 12 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 8 Crit Damage: +5 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P Hawk's arrow fails to penetrate the swordsman's armor. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi? Fi is attacking Armored Swordsman A with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 20 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 15 Crit Damage: +19 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Cat: stab. Fi's arrow, on the other hand, digs through the swordsman's armor. Nidranisan: This is going so much better than yesterday. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman A attacks Hannelore hitting AC 21 for 9 damage Fi: If I'm interpreting Hawk's lyrics correctly, we might need to expect more. Meghan: oh, but she's good! I can heal her. The Swordsman's sword glows as he cuts deeply into Hannelore. Not that she cares. Hernz: lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir, the archer will provoke an AoO Chris: ok The caged people cheer wildly. Cat: go go wolf power chomp! George: DId he not learn from the other guy who tried to stand up in front of Fleir? Fleir is attacking Archer with Bite! Fleir: Attack Result: 16 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 9 Crit Damage: +6 Hannelore Tentoes: I LIKE THIS SONG. MORE TO KILL!! Fi: Kill It Fleir! One of the caged people kicks the archer right into Fleir's maw as he tries to stand Nidranisan: I think she's on it, Fi. The Archer isn't getting back up. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, Nidri, Claire and Hannelore are up. Vegeta strikes Armored Swordsman A! Vegeta: Attack Result: 6 (Needs 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 23 Crit Damage: +2 Hernz: nice charge... lol Cat: boy, you rolled the d20s in the wrong order too ;) Hernz: some pathetic rolls Nidranisan: you want to do the honors, claire? Hannelore Tentoes: rolling d20+8 ( 20 )+8 = 28 crit!! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Roll to confirm Hannelore Tentoes: rolling d20 ( 17 ) = 17 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh yeah Roll that crit damage Chris: OVERKILL! George: The best kind! Vegeta's arm catches nothing but ait... Cat: there no kill like overkill. :) Hannelore Tentoes: is that double? air George: Yes. Meghan: nice welcome to the team Cat: two dice, double mod. Hannelore Tentoes: rolling 2d10+10 ( 4 + 9 )+10 = 23 Vegeta stares as his fist misses an a huge swing just misses him Meghan is healing Hannelore with Heavenly Fire Healing Meghan: Healing Result: 5 Type: healing Notes: Only heals good creatures. Ray. Use up to 7 per day. Meanwhile, Hannelore splits the remaining swordsman from the naves to the chops. Hannelore Tentoes 's greatsword swished by Vegeta to cleave the last remaining foe in half Hannelore Tentoes: oh, yay! Meghan: Need more? Hannelore Tentoes: BLOOD!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Cat: are we staying in combat time? Hannelore is burned alive!...strangely it feels good. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, we're out of combat. Hawk Hubertins wraps up his song. Nidranisan starts checking corpses for the keys. Hannelore Tentoes is fatigued for 6 rounds Nidranisan: Someone like say, Hawk or Claire, wanna go find out who these people are? Hawk Hubertins: They were saying something about their commander entering this realm soon. I think we got them just in time. Claire: sure Meghan: they human-ish? I don't have any other languages, I think The people here are elves, humans, half-orcs, and dwarves. They definitely look native to Harvest Wharf. Cat: no magmere uniforms? Man 1: Yes! You saved us! Claire: Anyone have ... lockpicks? or keys? Nidranisan: keys are here. Claire: Great, let's get 'em out of here. Hannelore Tentoes: Where did you get the keys? With the keys Nidri found, the thirty six people have been freed. Fi: Everyone! When you are release form a line here, and we will guide you out! Vegeta: now hold on... one or two we can contain while we escort them back... what do you suppose to do with all of them? Nidranisan kicks the archer. Man 1: Haha! Hannelore Tentoes yawns Fi: I'm not walking back and forth for hours to get then separately. Hannelore Tentoes: arm them with weapons from their guards Vegeta: let the guards come here! these were our enemies... you don't arm your enemies Nidranisan: When exactly where they our enemies? Meghan: they're not magmere Hernz: oh... the cartoons looked it.. nevermind Hannelore Tentoes: no, really, we just killed those guys, they don't need their weapons anymore, the prisoners have them, they defend themselves on the way out Hernz: withdraw my sayings Meghan: ya weirdo. Man 1: I know what they are doing! I was on shift, but they gave me a chance to rest for a few minutes. Claire: Don't mind him. He's from out of town Nidranisan: The caves are potentially treacherous enough I suspect an escort would be preferred in addition. Though, we do have our own mission here. Cat: are they actually lining up like Fi asked? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Some are lining up, but the others are clearly scared. Fi: [Nidri] As we are heading out, can you take down their names? Claire can you calm them down? Claire: Claire's Diplomacy check: 26 It's fine. everything's fine. Nothing to see here. How are you? Hawk Hubertins helps Claire Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Diplomacy check: 15 Hannelore Tentoes gathers weapons of the fallen for redistribution Meghan: Negative, we have a coolant leak, very dangerous. ... shoots comm boring conversation anyway. George: Aren't you a little short to be a stormtrooper? Fi: I would prefer that panicking people not get weapons. Hannelore Tentoes: rolling d20 ( 15 ) = 15 Cat: interested to know if they're not lining up better within about 30 seconds of the diplo checks. Hannelore Tentoes: here are your weapons, have fun now! Claire and Hawk manage to calm down the panicked people while Hannelore picks up weapons to arm them with. Fi: I don't think most people think of that as fun. Nidranisan heads up to the front of the line and gets out the stuff to note down names. Fi: Ok. We are going to head this way and proceed to the entrance. Please do not deviate, there are other dangers off this route. Hannelore Tentoes looks at Fi with an "ok, crazy person" expression Man 1: Y-yes, thank you. My name is Peldin. Peldin Majors. I am a librarian, and I studied many ancient languages. On route to the Docks entrance... Nidranisan notes the names as people go by and then keeps an eye on the rear of the pack. Man 1: I was on my way home one night when the Vishkanya kidnapped me and forced me to build a statue. Fi: [Peldin] So you know what they have been discussing? Man 1: Yes. They hope to open a route, or portal of some kind for their leader, I believe. I had just finished a shift and they returned me to the cave when you rescued us. I think they are almost done - they had begun worshipping the statues just as I left. Fi: Shit. Can you describe the route? Claire: Maybe he should show us the way? Nidranisan: He may be able to point it out on the map. Claire: and send the rest of them to send the guards in after us? sounds like something dire that should be taken care of ASAP Man 1: I will try...they call themselves the Cult of COBRA. Nidranisan: We only need to get this group to the door. George: Chad, I will kill you unless there's a huge barbarian with a starmetal sword who comes in to deal with the statue. Cat: thud Chris: gah! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Happy Dance SNOOPY DANCE Hernz: lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): No I can't do that yet, gotta save that stuff for later George: As you wish. YO JOE! The party escorts the slaves to the Docks side entrance. Hannelore Tentoes: We prepare for the kill?! Fi: Shortly. The guards are surprised to see so many, but one of the guards immediately runs off to call for a medic. Guard: So many...what is going on? George: bedtime for me. Sleep well, I'll most likely kill you in the morning. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Woo-hoo! Fi: They were being held captive by Vishkanya. Anne S.: Woot, good game, good night (GM) Chad S. (GM): Night. Usually I stop by 10, but... Nidranisan writes up some notes on the situation on the way back, folds them carefully, and ties them shut. Fi: We must return and stop their ritual. Please, tell Captain Dakan that if we do not return soon, to send help here. Nidranisan: We should get this note to Captain Dakan. Fi points at the map. Guard: Yes, of course. I will call a Runner immediately. Thank you for all you've done. May the gods shine upon you all. Fi: Thank you.
April 18, 1236 AD (lunchtime)
Fi: Ready to go bust some more snake heads and statues? Vegeta: as always Anne S.: So ready. Nidranisan: Yup. Note has the whole situation for Dakan. Anne S.: nice! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, I'll leave things here for tonight. Have a good night, folks. With the slaves rescued, Peldin Majors's warning urges them back into the caverns. It sounds like the statues dedicated to the Cult of COBRA's patron Stheno is complete. Some kind of portal will open and the Commander will be free to roam this land. Hernz: did the guy mark our map to where that statue was? Chris: Did you check the map? Chad wrote it in. Hernz: oh, didn't see the bottom... had to scroll haha well, no stuns left for the day... doh! Cat: is "the forked caves" where the cages were? or were they in the room between that and the statues? Chris: The forked caves I think is where we avoided the path with the cave-in. It might have been the room after that. Unclear. Hernz: Chad, has it been an hour since the fight? (i.e. recast mage armor?) Chris: It's an hour per level, so depends on what level the wand was. Hernz: wands are minimum level for spell when randomly rolled Chris: I don't make assumptions. Hernz: it was worth the min level when we checked the price :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oops, had to fix map. COBRA slave cages are the place you fought and rescued people. Chris: k Hernz: Co-bra.... LALALALALALALALA Chris: I almost said that yesterday. Hernz: I couldnt help it today... how can you?? Cat snickers. Chris: I don't have a rocket launcher :-( Hernz: lol... we'll get you one so we good to head down there before the ritual completes? Fi will lead on. Hernz: sad though that nowadays, I also hear COBRA and think "expensive health insurance" Chris: lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): The greatest insurance scam! Hernz: that's what we're going up against... insurance agents... hope you have high Will saves so yes chad, has it been an hr? Meghan: oh man, we're old now that's sad Hernz: LOL (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, it's an hour Vegeta feels the defensive aura fade (GM) Chad S. (GM): In terms of HP: Fi is at 8/9 Hannelore is at 10/14 Hawk is at 14/15 Fleir is at 19/24 Everyone else is unharmed Cat: this might be a good time to consider wanding up a little, so i've got healing spells later when hawk is busy in combat. Hernz: Fi you have 9?? Chris: what? Hernz: HP... Chris: yeah. what about it? Hernz: oh right, -2 con... right right Meghan: I can also light hawk and hannelore on fire Hernz: DO IT Meghan: where are our characters? (GM) Chad S. (GM): They're not on that map... I can switch to the slave pit map So you can click on targets Meghan is healing Hannelore with Heavenly Fire Healing Meghan: Healing Result: 3 Type: healing Notes: Only heals good creatures. Ray. Use up to 7 per day. is down by one ok? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk & Hannelore are down by 1 Will have to ask Anne & George when they are available George: I wouldn't bother unless it's free (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, off to the caves? Hernz: yes Meghan: yup After a quick stop, the party returns to the Docks side entrance. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a Survival check, Fi. Fi: Fi's Survival check: 13 Hernz: only Fi? (GM) Chad S. (GM): People can assist. Vegeta: survival 7 Hernz: ha! we all fall in a pit and die Meghan: Claire's Survival check: 12 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Huh. The "Spider Pit" has a giant spider inside. I thought it was just to scare you away from the candy. Cat: Nidranisan's Survival check: 24 Chris: Finally a good roll :-P Cat: the bedtime saga is underway. we'll be back in a few minutes. it's...actually a really short saga. Fi clearly wants to stop the cult. In hir rush, the party goes in few loops, wasting valuable time. Finally Nidri points out that they have passed that stalactite for the fifth time, and finds their spot on the map. Chris: Does Know direction help with that? Cause I get that for free :-P I kinda built the character for wilderness exploration... Cat: yeah, not caves? ;) Chris: including caves. K. Nature is 8. K. Duneoneering is 6. Survival helps in both. Plus I took light, know direction, purify food & drink, spark, & detect poison. Hernz: I built vegeta to apparently miss all the time lol Chris: You would think with all that wis, he would know better. Hernz: badaboom! lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): I know you did, Know Direction was factored in. The party eventually reaches the large room where the people were captured and enslaved. Chris: woo. Vegeta: perception 30 Fi: Let's see if the man's directions make sense. Hernz: that's to hear anything in the next room Cat: nice one veg. Meghan: fuck ambushes Hernz: hahaha Vegeta: one second... watch your step... it's very sandy here (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check Hernz: untrained? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, trained only. Cat: go Fi :) Fi: Fi's Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check: 13 Cat: awww, late on the cheer. (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...and Hawk Cat: hawk is in the kitchen making hot chocolate. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it. 13 With Vegeta's warning, Hawk and Fi note the ground here is very loose. It's hard to keep footing in here and it would be easy to fall. It's best to take this slowly. You don't need Acrobatics checks if you take your time and slow down. Vegeta: let's just move slowly... Nidranisan: Agreed. Tiptoe! The party crosses the rough patch without trouble. About half an hour later, they see light at the end of a tunnel the sounds of hissing is very apparent. Hernz: meghan, do it Meghan: what, mage armor? Vegeta: :) Claire is using their item Wand of Mage Armor Claire: Wand of Mage Armor uses remaining: 44 Boop on Vegeta Claire is using their item Wand of Mage Armor Claire: Wand of Mage Armor uses remaining: 43 Boop on Fleir Claire is using their item Wand of Mage Armor Claire: Wand of Mage Armor uses remaining: 42 Boop on me Fleir: Rank Rou. Claire: wah Chris: sorry. Claire: you should be Chris: couldn't resist. Cat: so, prep time i take it. when george is back i'm thinking we should see if hawk has another comp lang available... Nidranisan is activating her Oracle ability, Demonhide Nidranisan: Uses remaining: 0 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, prep time. George: What's the bonus from mage armor? Hawk only has 1 spell left, and I feel like his other spells will be more useful. Vegeta: 4 George: Can Claire give one to Hawk? He's in leather. Fi casts Magic Fang on Vegeta. Fi casts Magic Fang on Fleir. Vegeta: thanks again.... this feels a bit like our sayan powers... Fi: Uh... sure. Claire is using their item Wand of Mage Armor Claire: Wand of Mage Armor uses remaining: 41 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 3 ) = 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 1 ) = 1 Claire: boop on hawk Hawk Hubertins: Thanks Claire. As soon as we're in, I'll start singing. Chris: Anyone else? (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 3 ) = 3 Cat: i'm good with my own. Chris: I meant doing prep. Otherwise, CHARGE! Hernz: COBRA LALALALALALALA Cat: lol. Chris: LoLoLoLoLoL Meghan: oh good god As the party runs in, they see several things before them: (GM) Chad S. (GM): I assume you guys aren't using stealth? Chris: nope. Hernz: last time he tried he got a few bullet holes in him :) About half a dozen slaves are putting the finishing touches on three wooden statues, Each depict a half man, half snake. Meghan: lol stealh lol stealth even Water rushes past your sides. Cat: nice statues. About half a dozen Vishkanya are at the ready. (GM) Chad S. (GM): On the wall behind the statues, the image of a masked Vishkanya is projected against the wall. Chris: lol. commander. Hernz: and here we were all hoping that was a giant Commander: [Common] The portal is opening now! COBRA! Attaaaack! Meghan: Seriously? Seriously. Cat: duh, it's CHAD. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a knowledge Planes or Spellcraft check. K Planes is easier. Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Knowledge (Planes) check: 14 Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Planes) check: 14 Claire: Claire's Knowledge (Planes) check: 8 Meghan thuds at her 1 Meghan: I have one fucking knowledge skill and that's it Hernz: meghan made a K Air-planes check (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+3 ( 11 )+3 = 14 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, roll initiative. Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Initiative result: 8.02 George: If we have to. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Initiative result: 11.02 Vegeta: initiative 15 Fi: Fi's Initiative result: 8.04 Fleir's Initiative result: 11.03 Cat: pretty sure i've never rolled over like a 9 for init. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think that leaves Claire and Hannelore. Cat: dear god, the snakey statues have boobs. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hannelore's Init 19 Yeah I know, it's weird Hernz: HAHAHAHAH Chris: Dex barbarians aren't that weird. (GM) Chad S. (GM): >_> Rearrange your starting positions if you want Hernz: I'm fine there Cat: duuuude, our front line, is, a front line. Chris: the rear line is still bigger :-P (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri could tank right now, it's just not advisable. Cat: totally could. i'm the 1.5 line. for cripes sake, i need to start standing in front of Fi instead of behind shklim. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I am sleepy as heck right now, and I haven't heard from Anne. Vegeta can make his move and I think I'll call it there. Round 1 Hernz: great... the one time I'm first and I'm too far to move and attack lol... and hawk is after me.... George: I'd bet she won't be on tonight. Vegeta delays Vegeta: wasn't there some story about snakes you knew about hawk?? Chris: don't want to run up on your won? own. Vegeta: gah!! Vegeta vegeta engages Defense fighting Vegeta: I'll draw the attacks Vegeta 's sayan pride overrides any wisdom check to stay back Hawk Hubertins: Something's about to teleport in. We need to make this quick! Fi: Great. How do we stop it? Hawk Hubertins: I'll get back to you on that one. Meghan: Claire's Initiative result: 11.01 woohoo, it populated. Meghan gets a look at the map Meghan: we should've brought a bigger boat (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, that's it for tonight. Hope the storm misses us. George: snakes with boobs. So wrong. Hernz: snakeskin boots? oh boobs... nevermind why is my mind not in the gutter? George: It's stuck at 92,999! Meghan: ? George: Oh, whew, I just needed to reload. Exploding Kittens Kickstarter. Hernz: Vegeta is getting ready to get the shit flanked out of him Chris: I suspect the berserker will probably either be with you or charging past. Hernz: I hope not cause she'll go down fast if she does... she'll take someone down with her, of course haha imma go shovel... in case anything happens well, that was easy... we only got like 1 inch... I should really go out more lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol. Apartments rule! Hernz: lol any word from Anne? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, nothin. George: Pinged her to see if she can pop online for her turn. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Woo, lost internet for 2 hours. Hernz: doh (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, finished Hannelore's new Icon. Not as cute, but a bit more wild. Hernz: nice... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Now with XBox HUGE halfling feet. Halflings hate shoes. Hernz: lol George: Anne is unlikely to be online much on weekends, but will try to check in tonight. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it. Will wait until the evening before I move her. Meghan: the blackground is the same color as her hair, isn't it? err, background Cat: yup. i had to look twice. :) Hernz: I like the detailed foot hair he added lol Chris: halfling == hobbit ? Hernz: I dunno man Cat: they're sort of...combined. Chris: Oh dear god. I just looked at next week's weather... Cat: you mean, tuesday? like, monday night, tuesday, into tuesday night? Chris: Yeah. And then more on Friday and Sunday. Cat: anything that far out is a joke for now. :) Chris: True, but still. It was a bit scary. Cat: tuesday just got on the forecast this afternoon. there was one crazy model this morning that said "holy shit, guys, storm!" and this afternoon a bunch of the rest got on board with it. NWS has nothing on friday for belmont. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Back. Auto moving Hannelore (great, brown hair on brown floor) Hannelore enters Rage! (3/6 turns remaining) Hernz: was she standing in fron tof nidri? nm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hannelore attacks Striker B hitting AC 24 for 8 damage Hannelore rushes in and clobbers one of the strikers. Vegeta: she's crazy..... Fi: That's what barbarian's do the best. The remaining slaves run into the corner, clearly scared. Commander: No! The summoning has just started. Close the gates! Archer attacks Vegeta hitting AC 10 for 5 damage As one of the strikers moves up to intercept the party, the archer fires an arrow Vegeta saw coming a mile away. (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...more like 25 feet away. Hernz: lol Vegeta tilts his head to the side as the arrow flies by (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman B casts against 1 Two orbs of pure energy shoot from Swordsman B's hands, hitting Hannelore in the back for 7 damage (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker B attacks Hannelore hitting AC 9 for 3 damage The striker serves as little more than a distraction against Hannelore. Meghan: why don't I have a little castle? is that for mage armor? Hernz: I think he put it on nidri by mistake? Cat: nidri has it for her own armour-ish ability. Hernz: then yeah, clair should Meghan: gotcha. Chris told me I could do it myself (GM) Chad S. (GM): Twas for mage armor, sorry. Swordsman A tries to BAD TOUCH Vegeta hitting Touch AC 11 for 12 electric damage Hernz: thank god for my nice touch ac lol Meghan: Monk Vegeta: can't touch this The Swordsman puts his cutlass to the side and conjures electricity through his free hand. He tries to shock Vegeta, but the prince is unimpressed. (GM) Chad S. (GM): SPOILER: Vegeta is a prince Lord. Prince Lord Sir. Chris: that ship has sailed. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 3 ) = 3 Cat: I thought it was Lord Prince. Ah well. ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 3 ) = 3 Vegeta: that's not nice.... (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 1 ) = 1 Some kind of magic is afoot, as another swordsman comes crawling from behind one of the statues! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone besides Vegeta and Hannelore, go Vegeta: Hawk, you know anything about those? Meghan is attacking Armored Swordsman B with Pearl of Brilliance (undead)! Meghan: Attack Result: 9 Damage Result: 10 Pearl of Brilliance (undead) uses remaining: 3 Notes: Touch attack or throw it as splash weapon. Splash 10'. Must make a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 2d4 rounds. Splash area takes 1d6 damage and must save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds bleh. Meghan: 1) pretend Claire did that and 2) make the same save Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 10 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman B's Fort Save 12 Meghan: ugh. pretend that was the regular one, too Hawk Hubertins shrugs at Vegeta. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The swordsman is dazzled for 2 rounds. Meghan: the fort save is for 1d4 rounds, no damage Chris: I suppose I should wait for Hawk to sing... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk began a bard song. Chris: Oh he did. Chris is attacking Gray Clad Striker A with Powerful Bite & Trip! Chris: Attack Result: 10 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 9 Crit Damage: +7 Chris: Trip Attempt: 16 Fleir did that. Cat: silly human, trying to take credit for the wolf ;) Fleir runs up and misses the striker with her powerful bite. Hernz: archer wars! The Swordsman approaches the gate and is blinded by Claire. Cat casts Detect Magic! Cat: School: N/A; Level 0 Casting Time: N/A Components: N/A Range: 60' cone Targets/Area: N/A Duration: 1 min/lvl Cat: Saving Throw: DC 14, N/A; Spell Resistance: Fi is attacking Archer with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 16 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 14 Crit Damage: +13 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Fi shows how real archery gets done. Cat is totally taking credit for the tiefling. Nidranisan focuses her magic and notices there are magical auras in the area! (GM) Chad S. (GM): 1st round of detect magic, yaaaay Round 2 Cat: 2nd Round: Number of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura. 3rd Round: The strength and location of each aura. so i guess...i can tell which one is strongest next round? Cat: oh yeah, it splits on linebreaks. PASTE FAIL. sorry, was trying to spare you the spam. :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): So you can tell how many there are and which one's the strongest in Round 2. Round 3 will tell you where it is. Fi: Uhh... Why are these guys spreading apart so much? Cat: C just came out of "nowhere" and i assume B is going for the squishies. Vegeta Pummels Armored Swordsman A, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Vegeta: Attack Results: 16 || 6 (Needs 22 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 8 || 8 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 14 Crit Dmg (blunt): +3 || +7 Vegeta: Special: Total damage from all attacks before applying DR Hernz: btw, no longer fihgting defensively obv Cat: nice dmg rolls. Vegeta quickly kicks the swordsman in the mid section. Hernz: yeah! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, waiting on Hannelore. George: She doesn't have cleave, right? (GM) Chad S. (GM): That is correct George: Then her action will almost certainly be to kill the guy in front of her, and move on to the next target. Hernz: was going to say same (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...Good point. George: Though it wouldn't make sense for her to actually move, I don't think No, I take it back, kill the guy in front of her, then 5' to the right. Puts her in position to charge her next target. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hannelore attacks Striker B hitting AC 24 for 13 damage George: There's no kill like an overkill. Hernz: damn she gets good rolls lol Hannelore cuts the striker cleanly in two then prepares for the upcoming onslaught. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, make a reflex save Cat: Nidranisan's Reflex save: 18 Save notes: +2 to save vs curses or magic spells that cause curses (Born Damned trait) Hernz: nice save One of the swordsmen steps on a pressure plate. A wooden gate springs up from the ground, cutting off Hawk and Claire. Nidri quickly leaps in front of the gate, remaining close to her frontline comrades. Cat: well, this will be interesting George: Is it solid, or can we see/shoot through it? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker A attacks Fleir hitting AC 13 for 3 damage Meghan: whoops (GM) Chad S. (GM): The wall is solid wood. Claire: got an axe? Hernz: can we still hear him sing? George: Can the party hear me singing? (GM) Chad S. (GM): They can hear you sing Hawk Hubertins shakes his head no. Meghan: wait, can we swim around it? or is that not water?:) (GM) Chad S. (GM): That's water. Cat: you miiiight want to go left if you're gonna try it. Chris sings "Go West" (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman A attempts spell combat against Vegeta! Hernz: life is peaceful there? what does spell combat mean? lol is that like a lame version of mortal kombat? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman A attacks Vegeta hitting AC 21 for 8 damage Hernz: phew! 22 right now Cat: nidri is probably lucky B used his action on the gate, actually. Hernz: go mage armor! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman A's Concentration Check DC 17 12 Swordsman A's Reroll Concentration Check DC 17 8 Cat: yeah, keeping that wand was definitely a good call. The swordsman tries to hit Vegeta with his cutlass and conjure a shield of energy at the same time, but fails at both. Hernz: do I get an AoO for the casting? not sure how that works there (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, it was cast defensively. Hernz: ok Chris: rather he failed to cast defensively and lost the spell. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman C attacks Hannelore hitting AC 16 for 4 damage Vegeta: she's at 16 now cause of rage? Hernz: nbvm 17 The new swordsman arrives and swings at Hannelore. She quickly ducks under the blade. (GM) Chad S. (GM): +1 Size AC yeah Archer fires at 1 Cat: lol nice. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Archer attacks Fi hitting AC 14 for 2 damage Does that hit? Chris: No AC18 The enemy archer isn't very good at Archer Wars... Hernz: lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 3 ) = 3 Meghan: ok, Chad, why do the big snake statues have boobs? Another striker appears from one of the statues. (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...I couldn't find better tokens. Meghan: clearly George: That's three players who have now pointed that out to Chad. Chris: "Because your mind is unable to interpret their actual existence, and you are seeing what you want to" Cat: thanks chris. Chris: no problem. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone except Vegeta, go. We'll stop for the night once Vegeta moves next turn Fleir is attacking Gray Clad Striker A with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 18 (Needs at least 25 to crit.) Damage Result: 11 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 15 Crit Damage: +9 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 20 Meghan: how do I swim? how i shot web? Fleir quickly tears down one of the strikers. (GM) Chad S. (GM): HOW YOU MINE FOR FISH? Meghan: do I roll a thing or just sploosh and hope? Hernz: LOL (GM) Chad S. (GM): Roll a swim check DC 15 to move 1/4 your move as a move action, or 1/2 as a full round. Fi is attacking Archer with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 11 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 11 Crit Damage: +16 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Chris: a 4... Looks like Archers suck at Archer Wars (GM) Chad S. (GM): Is Fleir moving? Chris: Soft cover's back ;-) Hernz: hahaha Meghan: next round then (GM) Chad S. (GM): Still Concentrating, Nidri? Cat: all i hear in my head is "dead horse is cover..." yup trying to decide if i'm moving somehow to get further from sword B. Hernz: hawk just going to keep on singing? Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Hawk Hubertins|repeating_class-ability_6_used:- Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 10 Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 10 Hernz: you cant sing while swimming right? George: Not worth swimming. Hawk has a -1 check. Hernz: yeah, no thanks lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk prefers to play in water rather than actually swim. Round 3 Vegeta Pummels Armored Swordsman A, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Vegeta: Attack Results: 3 || 8 (Needs 22 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 7 || 7 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 24 Crit Dmg (blunt): +3 || +5 Vegeta: Special: Total damage from all attacks before applying DR Chris: oops. Meghan: whiff, whiff... Hernz: great confirm..... lol Vegeta flails against the swordsman, but neither make true progress against each other. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Slapfight Meghan: slapfights hit each other. (GM) Chad S. (GM): lolz Meghan: this was a "near hit" (GM) Chad S. (GM): Air Slapfight It's like Air Guitar. Oh man, my brain is turning to mush here. Time for bed. George: G'nite! Cat: gn'ight yeesh. my apostrophe is drunk. Hernz: yawn alright, I'm off to second tennis match of the day... Chad, you got my moves... I'll likely not be around till like 9:30 tonight Chris: Good luck Hernz: yeah, I sucked... ugh... but I'm back... looks like I didn't miss much :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, nothing missed. George: You missed us getting to level 3. Hernz: lol! George: ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, gonna auto attack with Hannelore Hannelore attacks Swordsman C hitting AC 26 for 10 damage Hernz: roll for me chad!!! lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hannelore crit threats Swordsman C hitting AC 7 for 9 damage Chris: lol Hernz: wow well, better than the other way around Hannelore crushes another armed swordsman. She pulls back to catch her breath. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman B tries BAD TOUCH hitting Vegeta's touch AC 17 for 9 electric damage Touch AC 20, right Vegeta? Hernz: 18 now had the +2 last time from fighting defensive Putting aside his Flail, the swordsman charges his hand with electricity. Vegeta barely dodges out of the way. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh wait, flanking Then the swordsman doubles back and zaps Vegeta. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker attacks 8 Striker attacks 1 Archer attacks Hannelore hitting AC 22 for 2 damage The Archer hits Hannelore with an arrow, then backs away. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker attacks 3 Hey Chris, what's Fi's Touch AC from Striker C's POV? Chris: 14AC + 4 for soft cover currently. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker C throws a Tanglefoot Bag at Fi hitting touch AC 19 Make a reflex save, Fi Fi: Fi's Reflex save: 13 Save notes: +2 vs enchantment SPLUT! Fi has been entangled by a bag of sticky goo at his feet. It will hold strong for 3 rounds. (GM) Chad S. (GM): http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances#TOC-Tanglefoot-Bag Fi: Yuck! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman A attempts Spell Combat. Swordsman A attacks Vegeta hitting AC 24 for 4 damage. Swordsman A casts defensively DC 17 10 Swordsman A retries defensively DC 17 16 The swordsman is successful at hitting Vegeta, but fails to cast a spell. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 3 ) = 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 1 ) = 1 Vegeta: ugh... Another striker materializes out of thin air next to one of the statues! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Enemies are done. Most of you should go now Fleir is attacking Armored Swordsman A with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 11 (Needs at least 26 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 9 Crit Damage: +5 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 13 Meghan: how does swimming work again? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a DC 15 Swim check to swim across. This is a full round action. Chris: I'm rolling for crap on most of these. Meghan: thanks Fi is attacking Armored Swordsman A with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 23 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 10 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 13 Crit Damage: +13 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Chris: better. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Don't fail that swim check by 5 or more... Fi: Stop picking on the little guy! Meghan: Claire's Swim check: 3 ... Hernz: ouch Meghan: glub glub glub Vegeta: who you calling little! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi, you factored the -2 for being entangled, right? It doesn't matter with that roll. Hernz: and the dex penalty? Claire dives in, but the current is too strong for her and drags her underwater. Good thing she can hold her breath. Hernz: but I'd assume even a 19 would hit the swordsman (GM) Chad S. (GM): Even with those penalties Fi still hit Hernz: ? right lol Fi struggles against the goo and fires an arrow into the swordsman, nearly dropping him. Fleir is unable to penetrate his armor. Chris: I've applied the penalties to my sheet now. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, waiting for Hawk and Nidri. George is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 George: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 9 George is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 George: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 7 Hawk Hubertins: Err, that was Hawk singing. George: And then I got that backwards too. Cat's on the phone with her Sister and will be on in a bit. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it. George: I think that's all Hawk can do since there's no way he'd be able to make that swim check. Meghan: hah... I shouldn't have tried (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk could also attempt to bash the gate Meghan: could you maybe pull me out? George: So my other options are to make a strength check? I'll try to help Claire. Can I try to pull Claire out as a standard action? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah. Hawk reaches over and pulls Claire out of the river. Meghan: glub glub glub Claire: Uh... yeah,don't do that. maybe with our powers combined we can ... rattle the fence uselessly Hawk Hubertins nods and keeps singing. Fi: So, what do we do? Break the statues? Vegeta: I think that's what we should do... let me get these punks off of me... Cat casts Cure Light on Vegeta! Cat: heal 6 HPs. Cat points at Nidri. She did it! Vegeta: thanks... I owe you one Nidranisan: I think that's at least 3 so far. It's cool. Just punch the almost-dead guy when you get a chance. Hernz: crap... do I move for flank bonus... yeah, think I should... won't be able to punch the other guy... oh well Vegeta Pummels Armored Swordsman A, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Vegeta: Attack Results: 7 || 8 (Needs 24 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 4 || 6 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 20 Crit Dmg (blunt): +5 || +3 Vegeta: Special: Total damage from all attacks before applying DR Hernz: a 3 and a 4..... Chris: Nidri would provoke doing that. Cat: right, i suppose i could attempt the concentration check and lose the spell if i fail it? Fi: Or you could move down one square and just take one AoO. Chris: that was ooc. Cat: true. (GM) Chad S. (GM): If she's hit it forces a Concentration check. Cat: yeah, i'll just let him swing i guess and we'll see what happens. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman B attacks Nidri hitting AC 12 for 10 damage Nidri notices how wounded Vegeta is and risks the swordsman's wrath to heal Vegeta. Round 4 Cat: boy, glad that didn't hit. Vegeta, tired, misses the swordsman. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hannelore attacks the swordsman hitting AC 15 for 7 damage Hernz: seriously chad, roll for us lol Hannelore takes the swordsman out just as her energy gives out. She's pretty exhausted. Cat: greaaaaat. have all the new people come in from the right so far? i mean, the new attackers. (GM) Chad S. (GM): One person came from the middle statue Swordsman B attempts Spell Combat. Swordsman attacks Nidri hitting AC 20 for 5 damage Does that hit? Hernz: I'm sure it does (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman tries to cast defensively DC 17 11 Swordsman retries to cast defensively DC 17 27 Swordsman attempts a Bull Rush against Nidri targetting CMD 21 Hernz: god vegeta's going to owe nidri lol Cat: lol. The swordsman bashes Nidri with one hand and a blast of water hits Nidri with the other hand, pushing her back. Cat: yay, i'm out of threat range without provoking! Chris: lol Hernz: THAT's what they've been trying despereately to cast all this fight?? lol Chris: I've also seen them use shield. pretty sure they are not one spell ponies. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker D throws a Shuriken at Vegeta hitting AC 6 for 3 damage ...fart Cat: lol. my healing is so cool, it comes with protection from dice luck for 1 round! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker C attacks Hannelore hitting AC 21 for 6 damage Nidranisan: Guys, this is some "strong" magic, but i didn't get a full read on where it's coming from. Chris: down she goes. The striker sees an opportunity and takes down the halfling. Fi: Well unless someone who knows how planar gates works has any better ideas, I think beating on the statues is what we've got. Hannels, no! Cat: yeah, i didn't see, but it looked like the new guys were coming in behind them, possibly particularly the one on the right? Chris: time to take an arrow... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Archer attacks Fi hitting AC 14 for 9 damage Did that hit? Chris: AC 16 currently Hernz: phew An arrow lands near Fi's glued feet. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 1 ) = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 2 ) = 2 Meghan: Planar gates? Time to shout through the wall, I guess Cat: so yeah, do i know anything about planar gates? :) Meghan: unless someone over there tries to figure out how to get it up. ;) ... yes, I meant it like that. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, people go. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 7 Fleir is attacking Gray Clad Striker C with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 22 (Needs at least 25 to crit.) Damage Result: 11 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 18 Crit Damage: +7 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 24 Nidranisan: woooo go fleir! Fleir chews 'em up and spits them out. Chris: Now for my attack at -4... Cat: heh i think i need to go stand up hannelore. but you can shoot first :) Fi is attacking Archer with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 9 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 4 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 21 Crit Damage: +13 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Cat: ooops. Archer Wars continues its stalemate. Hernz: lol Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Hannelore! Nidranisan: heal 6 HPs. Cat: i'll take it. Nidranisan: I only have one of those left, guys... Vegeta: I got it... Nidri stops Hannelore's bleeding,. Her eyes open, awake. Fi: Fleir won't attack structures, so someone else will have to break them. (GM) Chad S. (GM): That leaves Hawk & Claire. Cat: hawk bardsonged. afaik that's all he's doing. i would assume he would've said? Vegeta: can someone open the gate or do I have to? Chris: could try for lucky stength rolls. Cat: i assume you'd go fiddle with the square where the guy closed it. Vegeta: using the lever they did Cat: i would, if i weren't healing someone, but then again i might break it HAH. Hernz: can vegeta make it in 30ft? If I can take a diag as 5, then I think I can make it, but forget how that works (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can make it there in 25 Hernz: and is it a standard action to trigger? Chris: It was a pressure plate. It might not be easy to reverse. Hernz: oh... fuck lol... vegeta won't figure it out hahahha Chris: Or it could be simple. No idea. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Who knows? Hernz: good point... yeah, leave that to someone else then... I'll beat up statues.... once I get there Claire: I whine Nidranisan snickers. Claire: I take it this isn't climbable? (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's about 6 feet tall. Cat: and how high is the ceiling of the cavern? (6' 8") (GM) Chad S. (GM): Very high. Cat: so, they could try to climb over and it's not that big a deal if they fall off because it's only 6' Chris: well at 6 feet you can reach the top, so it shouldn't count as completely smooth. Hernz: one of you can push the other up Chris: looks like DC15. maybe 10 if it has places to shove your feet. (GM) Chad S. (GM): It does, it's not well made. Meghan: what really? better chance than swimming. Claire: Claire's Climb check: 3 Claire falls on her ass Meghan: didn't make and difference. Round 5 Hannelore stands up and readies her axe. Vegeta Pummels Gray Clad Striker D, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Vegeta: Attack Results: 4 || 20 (Needs 22 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 3 || 3 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 13 Crit Dmg (blunt): +5 || +8 Vegeta: Special: Total damage from all attacks before applying DR Chris: snake eyes. Vegeta pummels one of the strikers. Vegeta: terrible Commander: Yes! COBRA reigns supreme! Prepare the next wave to crush the interlopers! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker D attacks Vegeta hitting AC 18 for 4 damage Nidranisan interlopes with the best of 'em! Vegeta: no! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Archer attacks Fleir hitting AC 10 for 9 damage Hernz: hey, why my hp go down? he missed (GM) Chad S. (GM): He did? I thought your AC was 18 Hernz: touch (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh Hernz: normal is 22 with magearmor Fi: Go away! I'm busy! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman attacks Fi hitting AC 10 for 3 damage The swordsman apologizes and leaves Fi alone. Hernz: this is how you roll! lol Meghan: snerk (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker E shoots Fleir hitting AC 13 for 2 damage Two arrows are fired at Fleir, but they fail to penetrate his armor. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Go! Cat: is fleir gonna help with sword B? Fi drops her bow and draws his sword. Chris: maybe. Fi is attacking Armored Swordsman B with Long Sword! Fi: Attack Result: 7 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage: +3 Fi: Type: slashing Notes: Chris: yeah. Hernz: not much luck tonight lol Chris: Is Nidri moving at all? Fleir will either take her spot or flank. Cat: yeah if you want me to move first i can, trying to figure out what i'm doing. Hernz: she might provoke unless she withdraws Cat: or unless i just 5' away. what do i get to do if i withdraw? it's a full round action, yes? Hernz: I forget George: You can take no other actions if you use a withdraw action. Though it's technically a move action. Chris: But you can cover double move distance. George: Correct. Sorry, you can't do anything other than move. Cat: so. guidance on fi, or hilariously join the archer whiff war? now accepting votes for what will be more hilarious. Chris: Well, I'm at high penalties and stuck here one more round. You could certainly try to shoot almost anyone after a 5'. Cat: point. George: Hitting the archer will be super difficult right now. Chris: not from the spot to the right of Fleir. Cat: yeah, i just told him that out loud, like a normal person. i can draw my crossbow while i 5' step? i have a point of BAB now! Chris: The 5ft is free, so it doesn't really matter. Cat: cool. Nidranisan is totally whipping it out. LET'S DO THIS. Hernz: if nidri crits vegeta will quit being a sayan lol Chris: 5% chance of life altering event... Nidranisan is attacking Archer with Light Crossbow (broken)! Nidranisan: Attack Result: 11 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: -1 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 4 Crit Damage: +0 Nidranisan: Type: P Notes: Hernz: hahahaha Cat: HEY. Chris: not too shabby. Nidri pulls out her crossbow, says a quick line that sounded cool and...misses the archer. Cat: "well, i am a healer." Hernz: you need to get rid of the -2 damage... no modifiers War. Archer War never changes. Cat: i need to muck with a proper macro that floors it appropriately. George: Ok, my turn to fail to climb the wall. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Climb check: 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fail in Style Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 6 Cat: guys? i think we need to like...try this round again. Hawk adds a quick hymn about this confounded wooden wall. George: War were declared. Fleir is attacking Armored Swordsman B with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 22 (Needs at least 26 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 20 Crit Damage: +10 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 19 Nidranisan: YAY FLEIR! at least someone is competent! Cat: does the 19 trip make it? Fleir trips the swordsman threatening Fi. Fi: Thanks, Fleir! (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think that leaves Fi and Claire. Hernz: CLIMB!! Chris: Fi missed. Hernz: with an assist from hawk! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Right, missed Fi's roll Claire: Claire's Climb check: 9 Claire gets so close and then falls on her ass again. Vegeta: the +1 to skill check from hawk!! Meghan: (it's funnier this way) Hernz: HAHAHAHA Round 6 Nidranisan: c'mon veg, you can do it! bash his face in! Fi: Boot to the head! Vegeta attacks Gray Clad Striker D with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 14 (Needs 22 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage (blunt): +6 Hernz: that hit? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope Missed by 1 Did Hawk prepare that? Hernz: HAWK?? can he do it if he doesnt have line of sight? Hawk Hubertins casts Timely Inspiration on Vegeta! Hawk Hubertins: School: N/A; Level 1 Casting Time: 1 immediate Components: V Range: Close Targets/Area: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Hawk Hubertins: Saving Throw: DC 15, Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes A word of arcane-empowered inspiration can snatch victory from seeming defeat. Cast this spell when a creature fails an attack roll or skill check. The target gains a +1 competence bonus per five caster levels (maximum +3 bonus) on the attack roll or skill check retroactively. If the bonus is enough to make the failure a success, the roll succeeds. (GM) Chad S. (GM): They can see through the gate. Hernz: then can clair light up hanne? Chris: It's a ray, so I think that counts as cover. George: That has the double effect of using up Hawk's last level 1 spell, and giving him another round of bard song. Hernz: ah, right... yeah that George: And turning Veg's miss into a hit. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright. Vegeta: you want some more??? Vegeta boots the striker in the head. He's barely standing. Vegeta attacks Gray Clad Striker D with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 10 (Needs 22 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 14 Crit Damage (blunt): +8 Hernz: dammit! Sadly Vegeta is unable to follow through with his threat. (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's a quarter to 11. Do people want to keep going? Claire: if she came down so I could see her diagonally across the water I could ray her. Hernz: I can George: I'm up for one more round, but that's it for me Cat: yeah, 1 more round probably ok (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright. Hannelore cautiously walks over to the edge of the water, figuring Claire could help her out. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+5 ( 14 )+5 = 19 Hannelore Tentoes: (GM) Found a switch here! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hannelore's took Total Defense this round for +4 AC. Commander: COBRA's next wave is ready? GO then! All for the mighty Stheno! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi + Fleir: Swordsman B provokes as he stands Fi is attacking Armored Swordsman B with Long Sword! Fi: Attack Result: 15 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 11 Crit Damage: +4 Fi: Type: slashing Notes: (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker D attacks Vegeta hitting AC 9 for 5 damage Hits because he's prone Fleir is attacking Armored Swordsman B with Bite! Fleir: Attack Result: 20 (Needs at least 26 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 24 Crit Damage: +9 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Er, Fi hits because he's prone Cat: pretty sure chomp-chomp hits too :) pro tip, don't try to stand up in front of fleir unless he likes you. she. Claire: I take it I have to heal her next round? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman B will cast defenseivly DC 17 23 Cat: did B not get nuked by fleir? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman B attempts a Bull Rush against Fleir hitting CMD 18 Swordsman B survived both hits Hernz: oh wow Cat: wow. that's a lot more HP than it looked like he had left. i guess B is on turbo! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swordsman B fires another jet of water from his hands, pushing Fleir back against the statue of Stheno. Striker D fails to do anything significant to Vegeta. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Archer shoots at Fi hitting AC 22 for 8 damage Hernz: ouch Fi: OW! George: Is Fi staggered? Chris: yup Nidranisan: siiiigh. Fi is almost knocked to her feet as the archer scores a direct hit. Hernz: and wins archer wars! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker E attacks Fleir hitting AC 22 for 3 damage Cat: i know you have a potion...now might be the time. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker E confirms crit on Fleir hitting AC 4 for 4 damage Cat: y'know, when it's your turn, and you can 5' away. Chris: woot min damage! The Striker finally manages to poke Fleir. The goo around Fi's leg turns brittle and flakes off her legs. Chris: thankfully, I can move this action. Cat: yeaaaaah. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Enemies are done, go for it Cat: this is why i'd like to keep one last spell in reserve tho. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Climb check: 9 Cat: nidri's gonna wait and make sure you're ok before doing something else tho. Chris: If you heal me first, I can take a full action. Otherwise I can only move without passing out. Hawk has REALLY had it with this wall. Cat: you can't 5' and chug a potion, just one or the other? George is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 George: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 6 Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 6 Chris: Oh. It will evidently apply the 1 damage after the healing. Cat: i'm kind of reluctant to use my last spell when someone could be bleeding next time. Fi casts Cure Light Wounds on Fi. Fi: Healing: 9 Saving Throw: DC 14, Will half; Spell Resistance: Yes Cat: or that. (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...don't you have a wand of CLW? Hernz: oh... Cat: hawk has it. Chris: So I'm back to 8 after taking the point of damage from doing that. Fi groggily steps back and drinks the potion. Chris: that was my spell. Cat: naw, he actually cast it. nice roll btw :) Hernz: yeah lol CHARGE!! oh no, too close Fleir is attacking Armored Swordsman B with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 21 (Needs at least 26 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 22 Crit Damage: +9 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 14 George: Go Fleir! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir pounces (but not Pounces) the swordsman, taking him out. Fleir growls angrily. Nidranisan is attacking Archer with Light Crossbow (broken)! Nidranisan: Attack Result: 2 (Needs at least 20 to crit.) Damage Result: 1 Crit: 19/x2 Crit Confirm: 8 Crit Damage: +5 Nidranisan: Type: P Notes: YES, -2 DAMAGE. IT'S BROKEN. WOO GO ME Hernz: yeah, nidri's not gonna like that bow lol Claire: hrm... do I need to hit? Nidranisan: This thing is crap. Claire is healing Hannelore with Heavenly Fire Healing Claire: Healing Result: 4 Type: healing Notes: Only heals good creatures. Ray. Use up to 7 per day. Nidranisan mostly rolls 1's and 20's with it. Round 7 Vegeta attacks Gray Clad Striker D with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 5 (Needs 22 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 18 Crit Damage (blunt): +5 Vegeta attacks Gray Clad Striker D with Flurry! Vegeta: Attack Result: 3 (Needs 22 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 3 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 19 Crit Damage (blunt): +4 (GM) Chad S. (GM): ... Hernz: hahahaha Fi: Stop trying to hit him and hit him! Vegeta: he's a little harder to hit than you'd think! Nidranisan: and you think I'm lame...I didn't even train for this. Vegeta: (whispers to himself) you're lucky I owe you one Nidranisan: it's ok, the dice hate us all. oh wait. ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sounds like people are going to sleep. Nidranisan: zzzzz Cat: oh wait, you meant out of gate. last 2 rounds, i think we're asleep in game too (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol George: Yup. G'nite guys! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Night. Let's hope that storm is all talk and no action Cat: yeaaaah, hope is nice, but... it's not. :( Vegeta: alright, night then! Cat: g'night folks! Hernz: ok, can't wait to get this thing going again... and maybe roll double digit attacks, right Fi? lol how's the snow up there? I haven't looked out my house... lol Chris: not bad yet. George: IT"S THE SNOWPOCALYPSE! SNOWMAGEDDON! IT'S THE END OF DAYS! (GM) Chad S. (GM): So uh...no Guy Night tomorrow. I assume. I wouldn't be able to attend even it there were one. Chris: uhh. yeah. Hannelore steps over and pulls a level she spotted. The fence lowers back to its original position. Hernz: WOOO! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker D attacks Vegeta hitting AC 19 for 5 damage Hernz: denied! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Archer attacks 2 Archer attacks Nidri hitting AC 16 for 7 damage Hernz: come on mage armor..... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Striker E attacks Fleir hitting AC 21 for 3 damage One of the Strikers hits Fleir with his blade, hissing happily. The other striker misses Vegeta, and an arrow bounces off of Nidri's scales. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 3 ) = 3 Another Archer appears from behind the center statue. Commander: Hahaha! Where are your heroes now? No one can stop COBRA! (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Enemies are done. Heroes, go. (cept Vegeta and Hannelore) Fleir is attacking Gray Clad Striker E with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 6 (Needs at least 25 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 12 Crit Damage: +11 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 23 Hawk Hubertins draws his bow while moving. (GM) Chad S. (GM): That's a miss. Hernz: Chris! I said roll double digits! Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 5 Fleir looks sad. Hawk Hubertins is attacking Archer with his Composite Short Bow! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 16 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 1 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 15 Crit Damage: +12 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P Hernz: that's one of those where you'd rather it not hit lol Chris: archer has cover from there. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh yeah... Hawk joins the Archer Wars! Sadly, Archer Wars never changes. Hernz: lol I love archer wars Hawk Hubertins: Cover from...? George: Err, ooc. Chris: Statue and Gray clad striker. George: ok Fi drops her sword, picks up his bow, and attacks Archer. Hernz: pick up is move action? Chris: yes, just checked. Fi is attacking Archer with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 21 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 27 Crit Damage: +12 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Fi brings an end to the Archer Battle. But the Archer War rages on! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri and Claire are up next. George: Cat is on the phone, and working, so may be a bit. Cat: yeah i need a few mins accepting suggestions on what would be useful for nidri to do :) (anyone want a guidance?) Hernz: if you're saving the last heal, then yeah, take cover and maybe a guidance to someone... I'm sure we could all use it Chris: Or you could pull out your dagger and try to help flank someone. Hernz: she's low on HP.... with limited healing, not sure we want her next to someone who could whack her? unless she fights defensively, a preferred strategy of vegeta lol Chris: getting into melee makes one not be archer bait. Meghan: I'll heal hannelore again. Claire is healing Hannelore with Heavenly Fire Healing Claire: Healing Result: 4 Type: healing Notes: Only heals good creatures. Ray. Use up to 7 per day. Hannelore nods in appreciation, although the fire does feel weird. Hernz: vegeta is getting ready to take this guy down! I feel the dice this time!! (GM) Chad S. (GM): You're really feelin' it? Hernz: I used up my sub-sixes the last 2 rounds... Cat: can i give someone flanking? i don't see a spot in range. i'm thinking maybe guidance on fi, from what the board looks like. (i didn't catch up.) Hernz: I dont see one till next round when Hanne/Fi can move in place Nidranisan casts Guidance! Nidranisan: Duration: 1 minute Fi - take +1 on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (choose before you roll) Cat: it's that or start over trying for 3 full rounds of det magic... if you guys think that's worth it, i can run off in a corner and try that next. Hernz: I think that's fine for now vegeta's gonna start pounding on rock, so.... lol Round 8 Hernz attacks Gray Clad Striker D with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 7 (Needs 22 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 7 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 20 Crit Damage (blunt): +5 Hernz attacks Gray Clad Striker D with Flurry! Hernz: Attack Result: 19 (Needs 22 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 7 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 7 Crit Damage (blunt): +4 Hernz: wooo! go second hit! lol Vegeta defeats the striker, then prepares to smash the wooden idol. Hernz: Imma hit ya in the boobies! Vegeta: no one messes with the prince of the sayans! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hannelore charges Striker E hitting AC 26 for 5 damage Hannelore confirms Striker E hitting AC 21 for 18 damage Hannelore is glad to be back. Hernz: god you roll good for her! (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's pretty nuts so far..but hey Barbarians smash Archer Attacks 3 Cat: ooo ooo is that me? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Archer A attacks Vegeta hitting AC 13 for 8 damage Nope (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 3 ) = 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 2 ) = 2 Cat: lol the archer whiff continues. but for how long.... veg is gonna boob-punch that snake statue next? An archer runs infront of the statue and tries to shoot Vegeta. Tries. Another Archer appears from the statue. Hernz: right in the boobs... might be a critical hit spot lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Enemy turn is over. Cat: you want a guidance too veg? before you punch the boob? Hernz: lol sure haha Chris: I don't you have to roll to hit on that. Cat: what, it's not just denied dex? ;) Chris: You could get Fleir first if you want. Hernz: maybe give it to fleir... mgiht do more good there Cat: ah yeh, before he moves. Hernz: agreed Cat: these are freebies i.e. lvl 0 Nidranisan casts Guidance! Nidranisan: Duration: 1 minute Fleir - take +1 on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (choose before you roll) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri helped Fleir? Meghan: Chris is saying we should stay here killing archers until we have enough xp to level up (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol Chris: I did not say that. Hernz: HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Meghan: I clearly heard you say it spawns an archer every round (GM) Chad S. (GM): Smash 2 of the statues then wait in front of the 3rd with readied actions Hernz: he just wants all the free arrows Chris: it spawns a bad buy every round. Meghan: And if that doesn't imply "kill spam for xp" I don't know what you meant by it Chris: Maybe eventually they will get bigger. Meghan: I mean, we're clearly playing a jrpg here Chris: Well we don't get xp until after the battle. If we get KOed we will lose it all. Fleir activates guidance. Fleir is attacking Archer B with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 18 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 8 Crit Damage: +6 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 13 Chris: Guidance is included. bah. Shoulda power attacked. Fleir trips the Archer, breaking the melee Ceasefire of the Archer War. Hernz: a 13 trips it? wow... Fi is attacking Archer A with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 18 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 10 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 22 Crit Damage: +16 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Fi however follows the Archer Convention and scores a kill in honorable combat. Meghan: ok, do we know what we're supposed to be doing? should I make some k-planes checks or something? Chris: lol Claire: Claire's Knowledge (Planes) check: 17 George: Any hints, other than kill snakey guys? Cat: prevailing thought is beat up the statues, but all i got out of k planes was that there's some kind of craaaaazy magic in here. when we first walked in. Claire: Claire's Spellcraft check: 5 Hernz: maybe one of you can ask the slaves and try to diplo bomb them? Claire: lol magic Cat: you guys think it's worth dumping 3 rounds on det magic? Hernz: vegeta cast BOOB Meghan: Sure. Cat: 'cause i can start that again next round. Hernz: unless things get rough... Chris: Or there could be a fixed number of waves ;-) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Note diplomacy usually takes several rounds to actually change attitude. Hernz: only one way to find out (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire, anything else this round? Meghan: I'm not going to kill steal from fleir maybe yell at the prisoners to make a break for it? y'know, diplomatically "y'all might want to run the fuck away" Hernz: can you light the wood on fire? Meghan: Claire's Diplomacy check: 21 with what fire? alos, there's a hole. if it was on fire, it'd actually be more difficult to get through. Hernz: I dont knwo... thought maybe your thing was a magic fire thingie Meghan: not unless it's evil wood Hernz: LOL but the statues look eeeevil! Claire urges the slaves to make a break for it, but they are pretty scared and lost. They have no idea where to go. Meghan: ok, I'll go gather them up next round. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 4 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Moving, Hawk? Hawk Hubertins examines the statue to see if he can figure out anything that needs to be done to it other than possibly destroying it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a K Planes check, Hawk Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Knowledge (Planes) check: 12 Hawk You are unable to pinpoint the source. (GM) Chad S. (GM): That leaves Nidri. Cat: oh hey, again? Hernz: GRIMLOCK PUNCH WOOD Cat: you want me to come look at the statue first, and if i can't find anything, i'll detect? Hernz: sounds good something tells me punchiing might not work lol Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Knowledge (Planes) check: 19 Hernz: they seem to be coming from behind? maybe a trap door in their butt? Chris: some came from the front. Wanna guess where that door is? Meghan: do snakes have butts? Hernz: picachu vagina all over again! (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can repeat this check if desired. Detect Magic round 3 would guarantee it. I need to use whisper tags. Cat: lol math time. Nidranisan: 2 tries to get probably 14 or better on a d20? or guaranteed 3 rounds? whoops. that was SO ooc. Round 9 Cat: i'm feeling the guarantee at this point. you guys just keep it under control for 3 rounds and i'll get you an answer. hawk can keep fondling the statue. Hernz: lol ok, so how hard is it to hit the broad side of a barn? Vegeta Pummels , concentrating all his attacks in one area. Vegeta: Attack Results: 10 || 9 (Needs 22 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 8 || 3 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 13 Crit Dmg (blunt): +5 || +4 Vegeta: Special: Total damage from all attacks before applying DR Hernz: ...... does any of that hit? Chris: It doesn't move and its huge. Hernz: that's what I'm hoping yeah giant life bars! Cat: i thought it was vs it's hardness or whatever. as if that doesn't sound bad. Hernz: the hardness of wood... hahahaha Chris: hardness is like DR. Vegeta strikes the wooden statue, breaking some of it off. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 1 ) = 1 Hernz: does it seem to absorb some of my attack? Cat: i think it's those hilarious wrist things. :) Commander: Haha! COBRA is invincible! We will crush you all! Vegeta: looks like attacking these things work... hit em hard! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hannelore attacks the statue hitting AC 24 for 9 damage Hernz: another crit! too bad it's wood Cat: looooool. Hannelore chips at the statue. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Archer provokes from Fleir Hernz: chad, does it absorb some of the impact? I'm guessing 5DR? Commander: Haha! COBRA will- wait a minute. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The wood has hardness 5 Fleir is attacking Archer B with Bite! Fleir: Attack Result: 18 (Needs at least 26 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 16 Crit Damage: +10 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make a Sense Motive check Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Sense Motive check: 23 Cat: hey look, motifs! The archer tries to stand but Fleir continues to violate Archer War convention. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 9 9 = 9 Cat: (i assumed you meant everyone.) (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 2 ) = 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d3 ( 3 ) = 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2 ( 2 ) = 2 Nidranisan: Vegeta -- try this one! Vegeta: what are you talking about? A Vishkanya wielding a flail appears from the central statue. (GM) Chad S. (GM): People can go now. Fleir is attacking Armored Flailsman E with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 21 (Needs at least 26 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 26 Crit Damage: +10 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 22 Nidranisan: The statue -- concentrate fire over here. Vegeta: you guys come here! I'm not that fast to get there! yet... Nidranisan: No, it matters which statue. Vegeta: oh... ok, fine... Fi: What do I shoot? Just the statue in front of you? Nidranisan: yeah. Meghan: do you guys think the statues are evil? :) Fi is attacking Statue A with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 16 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 11 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 20 Crit Damage: +10 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Cat: you need some kind of crazy spectacles that give you 'know alignment' Meghan: yeah I do Nidranisan: Nice shot. Vegeta: looks like you'll take that one down before I get there... which one's next? Nidranisan: not sure yet. Commander: N-n-no no! Leave that one alone! COBRA! We must not fail! Go! Cat: but you should totally double move your butt over here JUST IN CASE. Chris: Vegeta could just charge it, right? Vegeta: ok ok Hernz: yes, he will Cat: lol charge. i like the hilarious vision of a massive charge with a boot to the head at the end. especially if he rolls a 1. Hernz: lol Cat: but yeah, that's totally the answer. you can kill steal it ;) Hernz: I have a 50/50 of doing no damage to it lol on a charge Cat: that's still half a shot :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire, Hawk, Nidri? I think Claire was going to calm them down. Meghan: double move, I guess. Claire's Diplomacy check: 30 y'all can go escape now. there's a hole in the gate. Better run. Claire convinces the three to flee. Cat: pretty sure i can't actually hurt the statue. Nidranisan casts Detect Magic! Nidranisan: School: N/A; Level 0 Casting Time: N/A Components: N/A Range: 60' cone Targets/Area: N/A Duration: 1 min/lvl Nidranisan: Saving Throw: DC 14, N/A; Spell Resistance: Cat: yup, still magic........ Nidri concentrates and realizes there is magic in the room! (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...yaay Hawk? Cat: er, he'll be back in a few minutes? i'm gonna push him to shoot the statue in the face. but we'll see. Meghan: you can't hug it and have it take affected by your curse? Cat: i think there's a bunch of caveats about it not working on constructs...i would guess this is a similar situation. mostly it's not supposed to be helpful in any way other than the one they say it's allowed to be :) George: One sec, going to catch up on the stuff. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +1 Hawk Hubertins: +1 to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +1 uses remaining: 3 Hawk Hubertins is attacking Statue A with his Composite Short Bow! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 21 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 13 Crit Damage: +6 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P George: Well, I hit it... Chris: are you adding your own bardsong? Hernz: dont you get a +1 to dam too? from bardsong? or do you not inspire yourself? George: Let me check. That's with the +1 from bard song. Chris: ah... right... George: I'm really confused. Hernz: your damage is only 1d6 George: Yeah, ok I didn't add the +1 in the macro or something. So I almost can't damage these things. Hawk's arrow sticks out of the statue. Round 10 (whoo!) Vegeta charges at statue A Vegeta strikes Statue A! Vegeta: Attack Result: 17 (Needs 25 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 13 Crit Damage: +7 Cat: niiiiiiice. Vegeta's flying kick knocks some more wood off of that statue. Commander: Curse you! The rise of COBRA will not be stopped! We will find more people to destroy the breach and then you will pay! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hannelore hits for 10 damage Hannelore shrugs and knocks another solid piece from it. The statue is very wobbly. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Flailsman provokes against Fleir Fleir is attacking Armored Flailsman E with Bite! Fleir: Attack Result: 12 (Needs at least 26 to crit.) Damage Result: 7 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 7 Crit Damage: +5 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Flailsman attacks Fleir hitting AC 18 for 4 damage Chris: 19 The Flailsman screams "COBRA!" as he stands and swings his flail. It bounces off of Fleir's magical armor. Cat: boy, things really looked up when we cut back to fighting like 1 guy at a time. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Everybody go (Or, go to sleep. Whatever floats your boat.( Fleir is attacking Armored Flailsman E with Bite & Trip! Fleir: Attack Result: 15 (Needs at least 26 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 17 Crit Damage: +9 Fleir: Trip Attempt: 13 Nidranisan concentrates. Fi is attacking Statue A with Long Bow (Point Blank)! Fi: Attack Result: 17 (Needs at least 27 to crit.) Damage Result: 9 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 8 Crit Damage: +12 Fi: Type: piercing Notes: Within 30' Fleir bites into the Flailsman, finishing the job. As Fleir's arrow knocks the statue over, the party hears the Commander scream. Cat: ...Fleir shoots arrows too? Commander: This isn't over yet, Joes! COBRA....RETREEEEEAT! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir barks arrows Chris: awesome! Cat: ...where are they retreating to? Fi: Down you go damn statue! (GM) Chad S. (GM): The image of the Commander fades away as the statue is destroyed. Fi: Should we break the others for good measure? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, fight's over. I'll calculate loot tomorrow, but for now... Nidranisan: i was thinking we should. Nidranisan finishes up the det magic, just for kicks. Hawk Hubertins: Yes, I agree, it's a good idea to break the other statues. Among the statue's ruins, the party notices a black and gold rod embedded in a jet black stone. Nidri identifies it as the source of the magic teleportation magic. And detects some kind of summoning magic. Claire calms down the slaves while the party wrecks the remaining statues. Nidranisan: crap. is this... this isn't another one, is it? Fi: Relic? Nidranisan: Nidranisan's Spellcraft check: 11 Cat: whelp, i can't tell :) Nidranisan: yeah, i dunno. Hawk Hubertins: Is that the that the captain wants us to find? Nidranisan: something summony is going on. George: Unobtanium was what Hawk meant. Chris: The captain didn't want anything. But is that rock the special stuff? Hawk Hubertins: Err, the librarian, I mean. The fellow who wants us to find the black stuff that summons angels. Nidranisan: possibly. Cat: does it look like the stuff? :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, you've certainly never seen this material before. Nidranisan: So, Fi, you wanna hang on to this? i'm thinking maybe i shouldn't stuff it in the same bag next to Jubilation. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, bedtime for me. Stay safe, folks. George: G'nite! You stay safe and warm too! Fi: Sure. I'll hang on to it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I have added the loot from this fight to the Loot! handout Also: I hope you enjoy SNOWMAGEDDON 2015 according to the news Cat: lol "news" (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's barreling down on us like a Shotgun full of snow! Fi takes the black and gold rod. His body language changes immediately and she rubs her eyes. Fi: (Polite) Pardon...hmm. This isn't the Realm of Order. Where am I? Fi balances and twirls the rod in one hand. Cat: lol nice save. should've dropped a Resistance on shklim. Chris: I even rolled well. Fi: (Polite) Where is Harvest Wharf? Nidranisan: You're under it...are you okay? Fi: (Polite) Indeed, I am doing well...Oh I see. Still on the Material Plane... Nidranisan: Might I ask your name? Fi: (Polite) And traces of access to the realm of Stheno... Fi moves some of the debris Cat: is fi suddenly stronger than usual? Latrop: Hello, fiendspawn. You may refer to me as Latrop. Nidranisan mumbles something sort of like "That's divspawn to you, thanks." (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi seems to be of normal strength. Latrop: My apologies. Power is waning, and I wanted to investigate this circle. Nidranisan: Can you tell us anything about it? Latrop: This corrupt material... manufactured by an insane human mage who violated many arcane rules. Combined with the heavy religious worship and... this... Latrop pulls out a scroll of paper. Latrop: Wouldn't be possible without help from the outside. I wonder who sponsored them? Oh well. Cat: pulls out...of the debris our out of Fi's pocket? Nidranisan: Hmm. insane human mage huh. So you think an outsider is sponsoring them? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Latrop pulls out from the remains of the statue. Cat: does talking break concentration, or do i still have det magic up? Latrop: Someone had to come here, build a statue and provide the scroll to link to the realm of Stheno. Nidranisan: They had slaves building the statues. And people were starting to teleport in from Stheno. (GM) Chad S. (GM) Det Magic is alive and well. Fi is under the effects of an Enchantment spell. Cat: k. and the scroll? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Geez, that was supposed to be a whisper. Cat: also, how strong? :) ...did i lose connection, or did everyone else disappear? :) Anne S.: snow day! working from home and thought I'd check in. Cat: there's a lot of backlog...the snake guys are dead, and the artifact we found put an enchantment on Fi... so far the one who possessed shklim seems nice enough... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hannelore is out of rage today :) Anne S.: ok, has it been only one day in game? what's the enchantment/who is Shklim/possessed by what? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, one day. After rescuing the slaves, you heard of the oncoming invasion and doubled back. Just in time, because the Cult of COBRA led by COBRA Commander started to enter this plane. Chris: Meghan spilled coke on her laptop so we were in disaster recovery mode for a bit. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Coke. Mankind's greatest foe. George: Heh. Sure is. The last flakes from the stone fall off of the rod Fi's holding. Suddenly, her posture and dialect changes to something normal. Fi shakes his head. Fi: Thanks, Latrop. Just ask next time. Ok. I suggest we grab what we find of that rock and keep it separate from the relics. Then we should probably head back, speak to Dakan briefly, and get cleaned up for the party. Busy schedule... [Prisoners] Follow us closely and we'll guide you back out to the city. The guards will take care of you from there. Nidranisan: So...that's the stuff the guy in the library wanted, yeah? Cat: nidri totally remembers his name. Fi: I can only assume. From Latrop's statement it seems to be case. Nidranisan: Do you want to keep the rod? Anne S.: Uh, what party? Nidranisan: Oh right, Hannelore doesn't know about the party. Chris: If you want to ask in character, feel free. Cat: lol i totally just processed that IC. Hannelore Tentoes: what party? Nidranisan: One of the ladies from work is throwing a big party tonight. Anne S.: did i really have to type the same thing twice to get an answer? Nidranisan: We were all invited, I'm sure you can come too. Chris: It was unclear if I need to reply in character or not. Different explanation. Fi: I wonder if we can bring plus ones. Would you be interested? They tend to expect slightly different attire. Anne S.: I had asked out of character because I wanted the ooc explanation before roleplaying it. Chris: One of the daughters of our employeer invited us as employees to a party tonight. She tends to throw kinda wild parties for employees and potential suitors. Melanie. Anne S.: ohhh, ok. thank you! seems like a useful place to be, but not sure if hanners would fit in Hannelore Tentoes: I would be interested, what kind of attire, or what kind of party is it? Fi: I'm not sure, I think there will be some singing, dancing, and probably booze. It is bring your own booze though. As for attire, I'm guessing city folk fancy dress up. You know, that attempt to make one's self stand out like a peacock. Not that I'm one to talk. I fear that I have signed myself up for a rather fancy hat... Hawk Hubertins: You'll want a pretty dress. Well, depending on what your intentions are, you might want a slinky dress. Or possibly a fancy dress. Hawk Hubertins blushes a bit. Vegeta: ugh, definitely not looking forward to this "party".... Nidranisan is carefully picking up any shreds of that funky rock she can find and putting them in yet another random scuffed, dented metal container she has pulled out of her backpack. Hernz: updated prices on sheet... if anyone wants something (masterwork longbow perhaps?) put your name next to it... Nidri, still want that light xbow? lol On the way back to one of the fallout shelter entrances, the party meets a unit of guards, on route to aid the party. Cat: lol. Nidranisan: You guys found the ...uh, refugee? what are we calling them now? Some citizens escaped while we were fighting the bad guys. I hope they were able to get to safety. Fi: Liberatee? Nidranisan: I guess. Fi: Escapee just sounds too negative. Nidranisan: Yeah, that makes it sound like we're hunting them, not making sure they're okay. Guard: Yes, we found them, thank you. Has the situation been resolved? Hannelore Tentoes: refugees? jail-breakers? Nidranisan: Yup. Fi: We found the source of the problem. I don't know if there are any stragglers. Guard: Good. We'll press on and continue the investigation. Thank you all for your aid. Fi marks hazards on their map. Fi: Good luck. The guards continue on. The steel door swings open as the party steps out of the shelter in the Docks district. It seemed less of a shelter for good than a breeding ground for evil. QUEST COMPLETE! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone gets 700 XP Cat: project "breeding ground for evil" complete. Hernz: we should have kept the guys spawning! lol :) Fi: :-/ Chris: ooc Hernz: that's what you suggested! Chris: That was Meghan. Hernz: but awesome, one step closer to level 3! Chris: I just mentioned that it was spawning new guys each round to her. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Smash two statues, all melee fighters camp the third! Perfect! Hernz: imagine all the longbows we'd get! we'd be rich!! George: WooHoo!! One quest from level 3. Now on to the party quest. ;)
April 18, 1236 AD (afternoon)
Anne S.: do I get experience since I've been on and off? Hernz: thats how it's been the whole time... we all cant be on at all times... but chad can confirm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone gets the XP The party's glad to have you here, trust me. Anne S.: hooray! Meghan: so glad (GM) Chad S. (GM): Should've seen the first battle in the caves. Meghan: frontliners always welcome Anne S.: what leveling system are you using, or rather, what is my first target number? Vegeta: 1300 Anne S.: kk (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fast levelling. You need 1300 xp to reach level 2 http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/character-advancement Anne S.: yup, I have the chart up, didn't know which we're on (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...ya'll had me worried in that final battle. Thank goodness for Mage Armor. Hernz: lol, yup Chris: stupid tanglefoot. Cat: yeah, that want of "oh god don't hit me" is pretty useful. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The wooden fence did its job, but I expected more backliners stuck behind it. Also, Magi are cool, unless they fail to cast defensively. Hernz: lol, yup.... btw chad, how much are those tanglewood bags worth? couldnt find a price Cat: i was lucky on that one. (GM) Chad S. (GM): http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances Tanglefoot Bags are sold at 50 gp Hernz: funny I was saving to get bracers of AC+1... but that wand obliterates it right now lol Chris: Fii was suspicious of it, so she ran up. Shoulda said something to everyone else. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Thank you all for indulging my Saturday Morning Cartoon fix...That won't be the end of it, by far. I'll get Darkwing Duck into this, somehow shakes fist Cat: Chad...i think we mostly knew what we were in for when we signed on for a Chad special. we'd be disappointed if it were any other way :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): That fight would have ended sooner if Vegeta didn't get dropped to 2 HP. Then Nidri would have hit round 3 on her det magic and the statue could have been smashed sooner. Anne S.: :ah Hernz: lol I guess I could have engaged all out defense... nah! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Barbarian Rage Powers are pretty cool... I just built an NPC who uses them and wow, much more exciting than 3.5 Barbarians. Cat: or i could've just let veg fall and stood him back up later. i kinda like him owing nidri another one. ;) Anne S.: yeah, the rage powers seem pretty awesome Hernz: lol... yes yes... you're my Dende (the little namekian boy that heals vegeta when near death) Cat: i totally remember dende. he's adorable. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Unlike Dende, Nidri can take hits... Cat: kinda true, actually. hang on, isn't he also blue? or am i misremembering? Hernz: close, he's green Cat: right. Hernz: I should make a dende character next time I play... then again, I have a gazillion ones I want to play lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Updating everyone's HP: Fi 8 Nidri 10 Hannelore 12 Hawk 14 Vegeta 8 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir and Claire are unharmed Cat: well, i'll at least try to fix myself up before the party... Nidranisan: can we have our tokens back? :) urp. Nidranisan points at Cat. Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Nidri! Nidranisan: heal 9 HPs. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oops, changing maps. Nidranisan: oh yeah, I'm back. Meghan is healing Hannelore with Heavenly Fire Healing Meghan: Healing Result: 4 Type: healing Notes: Only heals good creatures. Ray. Use up to 7 per day. gotta look good for the party. Claire is healing Hawk with Heavenly Fire Healing Claire: Healing Result: 5 Type: healing Notes: Only heals good creatures. Ray. Use up to 7 per day. I've got two left, but I think that's probably enough (GM) Chad S. (GM): That just leaves the dirty neutrals Cat: lol. Hannelore Tentoes: That's a rush :) you said... peacocks? I'll figure something out. Hernz: nothing wrong with the rugged look! (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...Hannelore goes off to kill several dozen peacocks Anne S.: that is the plan, yes. (GM) Chad S. (GM): like a boss Anne S.: was thinking she' take it literally and kill peacocks until she has enough for a feather skirt. then a shimmery green tube top. done. Cat: this is gonna be so good. Anne S.: what do I roll for that? ooh, she could make the tube top out of the short feathered skins of the peacock's bodies... with a little hairclip rom those sprig feathers on their heads... (craft) is an in-class skill. Hernz: but it has to be trained... I think... no? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You probably know peacocks aren't local to here. That being said, you know there are some peacock salesmen in Traderstrip. Maybe you could...acquire some? Hernz: nm, that's profession Chris: You only get the in-class bonus if you take a rank. Anne S.: huzzah! how much is a peacock? Hanners is little, so she likely only needs two for the whole outfit. ah, I don't have the rank. Chris: don't let that stop you ;-) Anne S.: later this afternoon, Nidri will be approached by Hanners carrying two dead peacocks and asking for tailor advice (GM) Chad S. (GM): You find Glorious Ander's One Stop Peacock Emporium. He'll sell you a pair for 20 gold. Anne S.: aw, crud Meghan: too much? maybe Claire has a really nice top she can lend you. With a belt, it could be a dress. Anne S.: Weapons were expensive, so Hanners has 1g to her name Meghan: please let Claire dress you up like a little rabid doll. (GM) Chad S. (GM): They are exotic birds... Chris: guess we sell stuff first :-P Are just the feathers cheaper? Cat: yeah, sell the loot. when she gats a share, she'll be hooked enough to stay with us. :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): The feathers alone are a little more expensive. George: Hawk will get cleaned up and wear one of his outfits. Anne S.: Meghan, that could be cool, but wouldn't Claire worry about getting the dress back relatively intact? George: And if he has time, he can work on selling some of the extra stuff. Anne S.: also, pheasants are sort of like peacocks and much easier to get... Hawk looks at his closet of nearly identical outfits and picks the...fanciest one. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I assume Hawk's going for fancy. Cat: awww pheasant would go with your hair :) Hernz: does anyone want any of the loot? if not, all getting sold... I assume we'd keep health pots and ammo... the rest can go if people don't claim it Anne S.: woot, money for teasure George: I actually spent the money to have two or three specific outfits, and he's wearing his "Entertainers outfit". ;) But that image amuses me, so I'm good with that. Hernz, Hawk is going to take one of the MW bows. Anne S.: unless there's anything halfling sized, I'm set George: Which I just finished marking. Hernz: k, put your name next to it... then I think we said we deduct whatever the selling price would be cool I'm all set (GM) Chad S. (GM): The MW bow has a COBRA insignia on the shaft, but I assume you rub that logo off. Hernz: chad, you might have to figure out the spellbook prices... not sure how those work George: Or cover it up. Whichever. Hernz: draw a moustache over it George: Hang on, I had the wrong kind of bow. Nevermind, Hawk will pass on it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): "COBRA SUX and I stole their sweet bow" George: So I think we're selling all of the loot Cat: well (GM) Chad S. (GM): Spellbooks are 0. Spellbooks are weird. Cat: not the 'mysterious blackrod' nor the 'shiny black lump of coal' nor the potions nor the arrows. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Spellbooks exist to copy spells off of. Hernz: are they worth anything? Cat: if i cast read magic, can i tell what spells are in it? (or does it have a nice handy table of contents already?) (GM) Chad S. (GM): I can write the spells down. They are all arcane in nature. Cat: if it's worth 0 at a store, we may as well hang onto it unless/until we meet someone who wants it? Meghan: Claire would worry about that the second time, yes. The first time, she would just assume you'd treat it well. Serves her right (GM) Chad S. (GM): Added spellbooks. Vegeta: I might have edited it at the same time with the total... do it again Anne S.: hannerlore would not intend to destroy it. but it seems unlikely that it would be returned unscathed :/ (GM) Chad S. (GM): Updated Hernz: so since no one can use them... they worth anything at a guild or anything? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, nothing. Toss em in a fireplace. Meghan: ... Hernz: maybe keep them in the office in case we get a mage later? or jsut toss em Cat: i think it's basically free for us to keep them. so we should just keep them in case anyone ever wants them. (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can pad the bookshelves out. Anne S.: what are the books made out of? Hernz: and keep the sling that's worth 0... first weapon in our weapon rack... a sling Meghan: keep them as trophies Cat: lol. Meghan: don't halflings love slings? Meghan is just warming up to the short jokes, btw (GM) Chad S. (GM): Halflings hate shoes and toss rings into volcanoes. All day, every day. Hernz: lol Anne S.: you jest now, Hannelore could end up wearing any or all of those trphies Hernz: alright Claire/Hawk, roll them 20s! Nidranisan is checking in at the office again while the sellers go out selling. George: Claire want to take the lead, or want to help Hawk? Hannelore Tentoes: Oh, yeah, guys I just gotta run over to the volcano to get rid of today's magic ring. BRB (GM) Chad S. (GM): Just call the magic eagles who don't care! Fi: Here, take this one with you too. Meghan: suuuure. I don't know which Hannelore Tentoes: No prob, got you covered Fi. It will take like, twenty minutes on my giant eagle friend. and maybe he'll help me find something to wear Meghan: Hannelore should've taken parts of the corpse for trophies. maybe skin 'em to make boots Vegeta is not with the party currently... training separately after seeing a little pint wreck more havok than he could have Claire: I mean, not boots she'd wear or anything. George: Well, Claire has a slightly higher check. Meghan: sorry, ooc slightly. what is your diplo check again? Hannelore Tentoes: oh, damn. they were snake people, that would have been perfect. Nidranisan: Belt. Meghan: right? yeah. no! suspenders Fi: Complete with snake face mask. Anne S.: come on, sideless minidress. Claire: next time we fight snake people Nidranisan: We could go back. Anne S.: with matching gaiters Claire: you're going to need to take up profession (tanner) when we're done Anne S.: how much would it be to hand a tailor a skin and get a dress and gaiters back? in time for tonight.. Claire: a lot Meghan: I"m not sure if it's possible (GM) Chad S. (GM): Chad has no idea how this part works.... I'm sure a mage somewhere could do it, but probably not for cheap. Cat: it'd have to be magic. Hannelore Tentoes: Yes, i am considering that heavily since this mission seems to require a certain puissance in the world of fashion Cat: tanning takes a long time. Meghan: did they have ears? could you make them into new earrings? Anne S.: would have to pierce her ears Meghan: that doesn't take very long halflings are known for having large ears Anne S.: Is it weird to ask you to make up a number on how much it would cost to get some pheasant's made into a skirt and top...maybe with a barrett? Meghan: (wait that's gnomes) Anne S.: yeah, halflings ears are normal size and slightly pointed it could be pretty cute for Claire to dress her though. What is Claire's stle? style Hernz: I bet after all this, we show up and they're all wearing jeans and tshirts Cat: yuuuup! but hey, this is a social encounter, crazy RP is how we get xp's for those! ;) Hernz: lets hope someone has a midget fetish ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, I'll peg the price of making it on the fly at 80 gp. Make Whole strikes again. Cat: lol. Nidranisan: Well, I don't know what a share of this run is yet, but I'll float you a loan for a dress that awesome. Anne S.: aww Hannelore Tentoes: Oh!! are you sure?! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make Whole is a level 2 spell. Cast be a 3rd level wizard times 10 gp is 60. This price assumes the wizard has 24 hours to prepare the spell, and you want it done in 2-3 hours. Anne S.: ..is that comparable for the peacock outfit? ah, ok (GM) Chad S. (GM): The style would be comparable, yes. Nidranisan pulls out a 100 gp banknote. Nidranisan: You promise you'll pay me back? Hannelore Tentoes: Yes! I am dedicated to this mission so I will be here and you can have my shares of the loot until it's paid off. I already have everything I need, this is just a big WANT Anne S.: ....Is it a poor decision to put my character in debt after the first mission? borrowing a dress might be smarter, but she is not a smart character Hernz: we'll definitely get more than that from teh loot as soon as we sell it Chris: Nah. The rest of us all had debt in our back story ;-) Anne S.: ah, ok, cool Nidranisan hands Hannelore the note. Hannelore Tentoes: :D Thank you! Meghan: but this way, you'll have a dress. and that might be important. we seem to get invited to these things a lot Fi: What have I done? Hannelore Tentoes runs to Glorious Ander's One Stop Pecock Emporium. Fi: Ok. See you guys at the party. Hannelore Tentoes buys two peacocks, runs to a tailor mage. neatly breaks both peacocks necks and hands them to the mage with the rest of the money and describes what she wants. Gives him a big smile. Cat: fyi i am organizing loot a little. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20+12 ( 14 )+12 = 26 Anne S.: sorry, just thought I would share Chris: awesome. Hannelore Tentoes: Woohoo! thank you! Anne S.: ...I must draw this... Cat: we should decide who has the 2 potions of cure light. Fi should still have one from before. Chris: yup Anne S.: where is the loot list? Cat: it's under 'handouts' there's a perpetual one called "Loot" as we sell, we summarize. usually once per "quest" Meghan: wait, are we still in need of diplomacy checks for selling stuff? Cat: i assume. Meghan: did we decide who was leading and who was supporting? Cat: no, but statistically, you should lead. Anne S.: ooh, cool as a side note, next level, Hanners is taking a rank in Craft: Haute Couture Cat: craft or knowledge ;) i think claire needs K. Fashion. Meghan: oh god I don't have that many skill points I'll use bluff instead Cat: well, once we get invited to a third party. then we'll have a proof by 3 examples that There's Always Another Party. Meghan: Claire's Diplomacy check: 14 Hernz: HAHAHA Meghan: this is why you never let me lead when we're selling stuff. Hernz: you're fired Meghan: didn't we learn this last time? Cat: see prior quote about 3 examples. Anne S.: I could intimidate to help? Meghan: please don't Anne S.: lol, kk Meghan: we'll just end up paying for them to take the stuff away Cat: some day, hannelore and i will go do an intimidate sale. Anne S.: see how much we can scare hem into paying us to go away? them Ugh. I've been terrible with typos lately, sorry guys Chris: I tinhk it is a comomn occuarnce. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins's Diplomacy check: 21 George: Ok, yeah, next time Hawk leads... Hernz: alright, when Chad comes back, he tells us the moneys we get with a 14+2? George: Which means it'll be my turn to roll a 1 on the diplomancy check. Vegeta: probably 50% (GM) Chad S. (GM): Merchant's diplomacy check 25 Meghan: we fail we fail hard Hernz: ok, he's here... didnt see him in the list...weird Claire isn't able to get any headway. Honest Ander's sells at prices at 50%, no matter what! He does like Hawk's hat, though. Chris: The list is bupkiss. Anne S.: you're right, Chad has found invisible mode? (GM) Chad S. (GM): The PC list is always messed up. It doesn't show me Cat right now Anne S.: you're right... Vegeta: 252 gp, 6 sp, 6 cp each and 1 cp in the treasury? Meghan: sounds good wait, we have a treasury? Hernz: lol Meghan: is it just for the remainders after dividing? Chris: Piggy bank. Meghan: it's full of copper? Hernz: full of 1 copper so far lol Meghan: so we got 1446 gold? loot list says it'd be worth 2892 gold Chris: looks like half to me. Hernz: we also get +70 gp in gold pieces Meghan: Ah, ok. Hernz: I marked it down on my sheet Meghan: wait, are the prices listed what they sell for? Vegeta: that's the book price... we only got 50% of that Meghan: so 1466 gold to split? Hernz: plus 70 gp Meghan: no... ugh yes Vegeta: 1516 total Meghan: the total at the top is weird because it's everything at face value, including gp? but that's not what we sell for so it'd be easier to math if we had the already-in-cash money separate from the total Hernz: total at the top was book value if we were to purchase, not including the gp extras Meghan: if that's what you did, then can it say that? Hernz: I separated it... then when chad said 50%, I div 2, add gp Meghan: comment your code! Hernz: however you guys want to track historical moneys... I don't care for historical moneys hahaha Meghan: this isn't historical yet Chris: Are we selling Nidri's Xbow? It was included in the total. Vegeta: k, yes, fine, I should have called out we also had 70 gp separate yeah she didnt want it Cat: uh, no, she's keeping it... that's why it had her name. Hernz: oh, I thought you said you didnt want it... ok, my bad Cat: no, i saw the question go by and didn't get a chance to answer. Meghan: then the total is 2757 for what the equipment being sold is worth Vegeta: yes (GM) Chad S. (GM): Pathfinder's boring. Let's do math! Chris: 2857 Is what I got. Vegeta: oh god.... Hernz: lol Cat: fyi, i'm ready for the party at this point. whenever everyone else is. Meghan: ah. the tanglefoot bags are nested among the stuff that's being kept Hernz: vegeta will show up when its ready too we're selling that ok, can we agree on equip total minus the xbow? Meghan: there, annotated. So, 249 gp, 7sp, 5cp? (per person) this is why your teacher told you to show your work in school, Hernz Hernz: nope, nidri should get less cause she kept the xbow Anne S.: oh, wow, ok. Meghan: have we ever done that before? Hernz: no one's ever kept items other than healing stuff or the wnad that we all use... we all decided that's how the loot was going to be used before Hannelore Tentoes hands Nidrinisan a 100 gold note Hernz: and I think we all said the ammo is ok to just pool together for everyone Hannelore Tentoes: woot, ammo Meghan: so do you propose that she gets less the amount that it would cost her to buy it, or the amount we would have sold it for? Anne S.: i mean, woot, ammo Hernz: that we sold for everyone gets the party discount lol Meghan: so 17.5 gp? Vegeta: yup Meghan: So Nidri gets 17.5 gp less, and we each get 3 gp, 5 sp more? Vegeta: yup Meghan: ok so: Nidri's share: 232 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp Everyone else's share: 253 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp Hernz: that was a pain ahhaha Meghan: lil bit annotate the loot list as you like Hernz: ok, party time when people are ready... I'll be hiding till then lol Anne S.: I'm just working from home on the couch, so I'm ready whenever. Though I might get up for a snack... Hernz: I'm claimign to do the same :) Cat: i'm...actually working. heh. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sounds like Hannelore, Nidri, Fi, Vegeta, Hawk are ready. Claire? ...I should've worked more today lol Vegeta: lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh well. Umm, snow! Hernz: I'm not judging you Cat: lol no one at my company is getting shit done this week i bet. Anne S.: I'm getting a fair amount done. not judging though (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol Chris: Clearing the snow has been a pain. Meghan: I'm also actually working Chris: The plows keep filling in driveway. Meghan: I spilled coke on my personal laptop. ;( double suck because I just got a cintiq and was drawing again. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Coke. Mankind's greatest enemy Meghan: and yet, I need it to live Cat: george is just going out now to start the first round of snow clearing here. As Nidri approaches her office, she notices Marjorie Mel outside of the door, about to turn and leave. Nidranisan: Oh hi Marjorie. How are you? Marjorie Mel: Doing well, Miss Nidranisan. I wanted to apologize for the lack of assignments in the last few days. We will have more ready in the next few days as we finalize some deals. Nidranisan: Excellent. We have taken the opportunity to develop our relationships with some others around Harvest Wharf. Marjorie Mel: I appreciate your initiative in aiding the Company without assignment. Nidranisan: Merki always had great relationships and tips from all kinds of people. It will be a long time before we have that many connections, but we have to start somewhere! It will be good to have an official assignment again. Have you heard at all about how they are doing in the Krimson Forest? Marjorie Mel: Yes. Mister Dewleaf had begun more communication with the town. A few agents have begun basic business with them - and we have even more Krimson Berries than I know how to deal with. Marjorie Mel shakes her head Nidranisan: Ugh. Well, I hope it will lead to something better. Marjorie Mel: It will, of course. Short Term losses are nothing compared to the Long Term gains of the Forest's secrets. Chris: Maybe we will come across a starving populous. Nidranisan: Well, in the meantime, if we come up with any good experiments for them, I supposed we'll let you know. Were you just coming to check in with us about upcoming assignment? Or is there anything else we can help you with? Marjorie Mel: Officially, yes. Unofficially, Melanie wanted to know if you were attending her charity event this evening. Nidranisan: We are. I hadn't realized it was a charity event. We will have one additional guest if that's ok. Marjorie Mel: I use that in the loosest term, as Melanie did. Nidranisan: A young woman by the name of Hannelore Tentoes. Marjorie Mel: Oh? I'm certain Melanie will not mind. Nidranisan: She has assisted us in some of our efforts today. And I believe is out procuring appropriate attire as we speak. Marjorie Mel: I will ask Abraxinal all about it later on. She seemed excited about one of the guests to this event. Nidranisan: Interesting. Do you know who? Marjorie Mel: Her name is Sal'nessee. Quite the singer. Descended from demons and knows quite a bit of Undercommon. Nidranisan: Ah. I see. I'm sure that will be interesting. I bet Hawk will be quite interested in her singing as well. Marjorie Mel: I'm certain at that. I was surprised Darius Kolphan would also attend. He is quite the comedian, though. I wonder what brings him to Harvest Wharf... Enjoy your time at the "charity" ball, Miss Nidranisan. Nidranisan: Thank you Miss Marjorie. We're looking forward to it, and also to our future assignments. Will we see you there? Marjorie Mel: No you will not. Chris: She will be invisible. Nidranisan: Ah well. I hope you have an enjoyable evening wherever else you plan to be. We'll be sure to check in here promptly tomorrow in case you are back with instructions. Marjorie Mel: Of course. Marjorie Mel leaves, en route to some other office in the East Ferren Trading Company. Nidranisan writes in the party on our calendar, and blocks off a -slightly- late start to the day tomorrow. You know, "in an hour late" kind of deal. Meghan: is this going to be another mini game? if so, I'm super psyched parties are so much easier when I can roll dice to get through them. Cat: it totally has to be. heh. and dude, check out nidri's bullshit skills. way better than she gives herself credit for. ;) i think it's just that the only person she can bullshit is her boss. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright. Going offline, will be back on this evening. Cat: sounds like the party tonight might be...y'know...tonight :) Anne S.: back from shoveling ah, ok, 8:30/9 then Hernz: no idea Cat: usually 8:30/9 is when evening picks up because the kids go to bed. yeah, we're old. I sure hope this party doesn't end up like the last one. 'cause i don't have much left in the way of spells. :) Vegeta: lol George: And Hawk can only sing for a few more rounds. and is out of level 1 spells. Cat: yeah, let's hope this sticks to "charity" (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anything else before the party begins Hernz: nooo! they'll want us to donate all our hard earned moneys!! Meghan: it's 9PM on a tuesday. I'm ... occupied for the next hour Hernz: vegeta's good Meghan: and Chris is out shoveling snow Cat: i'm good.
April 18, 1236 AD (Evening)
Meghan: oh good, my bestie is here Cat: ah, your buddy lady terria is here. Meghan: right? Cat: i love that we bring fleir to these things. :) oh hey forgot to pick up wine on the way over. Meghan: mine and Chris's computers are playing the roll20 chime in stereo Cat: i think we pick up some wine on the way over. Melanie's "charity" ball has an odd mix of clientele. Some of the guests are clearly nobles, well dressed and quite conservative. (GM) Chad S. (GM): go grab some wine, Nidri. Other guests are clearly here to party. All night, if needed. Cat: what do a couple bottles of "pretty good" wine cost? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Wine prices vary from 2 sp to 10 gp. You might want to get 1 gp bottles. Cat: yeah, sounds reasonable. Melanie Mel, lounging against a table is surrounded by multiple nobles. Cat: i assume vegeta and fleir won't be having any. Hernz: correct Cat: so like, 3 bottles maybe? dunno, a couple extra to share? Melodie Mel is hanging out at the bar, talking to those who come near. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi also planned to buy a bottle. Cat: ok. i'll get 3 and fi can get whatever else. Nidranisan picks out a couple decent wines. Nidranisan has them wrapped, and carries the back from the bottom. Abraxinal is chatting with several of the looser guests. In Undercommon, as usual. The largest crowds seem to assemble around two people. Darius Kolphan is a well-toned human dressed in flowing green robes. He stands confidently, either proclaiming with his booming voice or cracking jokes. Occasionally he looks over towards the stage. Sal'nessee's fame is the only reason people don't think she is a demon. She seems to nail every stereotypical detail: red skin, tail, bat wings, yellow eyes. But many around the world have come to listen to her enchanting songs. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Welcome to Melanie's "charity" ball. This is almost all RP. Anne S.: ta da (GM) Chad S. (GM): So, feel free to talk to NPCs. Hernz: can you label her in the map? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Label who? Vegeta: sal'nessee Chris: the one on the stage? (GM) Chad S. (GM): She's on stage. Hernz: ok ok... with a name on she seems more important lol Hawk Hubertins gives a polite bow to Melanie Mel. Hawk Hubertins: Good evening Melanie. Vegeta is drawn to her performance... mainly because the rest of them he just has nothing to say Fi is wearing a nice and simple suit, but is wearing an extravagant hat with lots of feathers. If you include the hat, she's over 7' tall. Vegeta is wearing his plain pink dress shirt... you're surprised he showered Fi joins hawk to say hi to the organizer. Cat: good point. Nidranisan stops by with them also, on her way to go lurk near Darius for a bit. Hannelore Tentoes is wearing her peacock skirt and barely there top with matching barrett. She brings a 1gp bottle of small batch beer. She joins Claire. Melanie Mel Waves away some of the suitors. "Move aside. Talking to guests." Cat: let's see how stupid this button looks. :) Nidranisan is wearing a gold dress. Nidranisan: The dress is simple, with flowing sleeves and a corseted waist. The stitching is beginning to come undone in places, the lacing is frayed, and the hem is ragged. The neckline seems to persistently come untied, occasionally revealing a surprising amount of striking blue skin. Cat: hey, my macro didn't totally suck. :) Melanie Mel: Howdy Hawk. Fi. Nidri. Glad you could come. Fi: Good Evening. Thanks for inviting us. Anne S.: ah, I guess Claire is hanging back. Chris: Or Meghan isn't paying attention. Hannelore Tentoes joins Fi et al Fi: We brought along a new friend. Meet Hannelore Tentoes. Melanie Mel: [Fi] Oh? Is that her? Howdy Hannelore. Fi: Hannelore, meet Melanie. Melanie Mel: [Hannelore] Hmm...I think I've seen you before. Are you with the Town Guard? Melanie Mel is a big-boned Half-Orc dressed relatively loosely. She is almost always reclined on a loveseat, and seems to be surrounded by suitors at all times. Melanie Mel: [Fi] She's pretty quiet, huh? Hannelore Tentoes: Yes, I'm with Investigations. It's a pleasure to meet you Anne S.: had to check work email, bad timing Melanie Mel: [Hannelore] Oh? What are you investigating? Anne S.: player doesn' remember except I probably shouldn't say "so and so's death" Chris: It wouldn't happen to be Merki's death? Cat: heh. Anne S.: there he is, had to look at the log. Merki, yeah. also merki's leads Chris: You may be aware that this is the company that he worked for. Anne S.: Yes, I know Chris: ok. just checking. Anne S.: and unless corporate culture is very different here, anyone in this room could be implicated in his murder. Cat: possibly, though the team and abraxinal have reasonable alibis. Anne S.: which is why hanners can't say too much. it's no good to interrogate at a party well, yeah Chris: cool. Anne S.: so, since I'm new, is it a bad idea to tell this chick "Oh, I'm helping out this team in order to look into the circumstances of Merki's death" ? also, goddamnt, it is really hard to remember that he is Merki not a merkin. Cat: lol. sorry, that was for the second part. :) Chris: I would consider it to be negative attention. But RP however you feel appropriate. Anne S.: yeah, that's what I thought (GM) Chad S. (GM): You know the Mel Family is in charge of the East Ferren Trading Company, the largest company on the continent. Melanie is the VP of Marketing and Melodie is the head of Security. Anne S.: I can't remember, was Merki's death made to look accidental ? Chris: NO It was not. Anne S.: riiight, decapitation Chris: Decaptiated in his office. Hannelore Tentoes: I've been detailed with a bit of a light assignment this time. I'm just to look out for this group since they worked under Merki. They don't seem to need to much looking after, just a bit of muscle. Hernz: btw, zooming in on Hannelore's char... looks like she's moking a huge joint Hannelore Tentoes: All of my usual cases are in a wilder environment, so other detectives are taking the lead on this one. Melanie Mel nods Anne S.: It's her sword. :PPPP Melanie Mel: [Hannelore] Kid, I like your dress. Thanks for taking care of this group. I like 'em. Hawk Hubertins smiles. Hannelore Tentoes: Well thanks! I just killed it today. I'm glad to meet you, I like this group too and they were saying you really know how to throw a charity event Fi chuckles. Melanie Mel: [Hannelore] Oh, right. Charity event. Haha. I really like you. Hawk Hubertins: She's quite the character. Melanie Mel: [Hawk] Sure is, Hawk. Fi: So who's this then? Fi gestures at Darius Hannelore Tentoes: He seems like quite the character Melanie Mel: [Hawk] After our little jam session a few days ago, I wanted to call these two over. Hawk Hubertins: Oh? Melanie Mel: [Hawk] Sal'nessee travels around the world, singing about...well whatever she wants to sing. [Hawk] As for Darius...I think he wants a piece of that demon ass or something. Or, he's all about giving speeches and jokes. Nidranisan snorts. Hawk Hubertins: Oh. Oh my. Hawk Hubertins blushes. Fi coughs. Fi: I'm going to get something to drink. Nidranisan is kind of snickering behind her hand at this point. Hawk Hubertins: Well, I certainly look forward to hearing Sal'neesees performance. Fi: What should we do with the drinks we brought? Melanie Mel: [Fi] First, you give me one of those bottles. Hawk Hubertins: Though I'll admit, I had been hoping we would have a chance to have another douet. Melanie Mel: [Fi] Second, you tell me where you got that hat. Fi hands over her ancient Krimson Wine. Melanie Mel: [Fi] Krimson Wine...nice age on it, too. [Hawk] Hawk, we have plenty of time for duets. Fi: Ah this? I have a good friend who is starting as a fashion designer. Driana Hodgins. Melanie Mel: [Fi] Driana Hodgins...I'll remember that. It's a little...thrown together, but I like the overall design. Nidranisan: Interesting. Any thoughts of introducing her to the rest of us? Fi: If you are interested, I certainly can. Nidranisan: "Thrown together" is about the only thing that isn't a disaster on me... Fi: I'm afraid she had less notice than you gave us. Nidranisan: Maybe someone with actual skills could come up with something. Nidranisan sighs. Melanie Mel: [Fi] Haste births inspiration, so don't worry too much about it. Fi: yeah, I like it. Nidranisan didn't get the memo on 'feathers' until too late. Hawk Hubertins: Melanie, if you'll excuse me. I'd like to speak with your sister and my... err... drow? And certainly, let me know when you'd like to perform. Melanie Mel: [Hawk] Knock yourself out, Hawk. Part of this party is for you, ya know. Hawk Hubertins smiles and gives another polite bow to Melanie. Nidranisan: Think there's any chance Sal'nessee will talk to some of the guests at some point? George: I think that's about it for me tonight guys. One or two things to do, then bed. Nidranisan: Unsurprisingly, I'd love to hear a little bit of her story. Meghan: ok, supernatural is over so I can participate again Melanie Mel: Sure. HEY SAL'NESSEE! GET OVER HERE! Meghan: Gonna chat up my buddy Fi: That works... Sal'nessee bows politely Sal'nessee: [Nidri] Hey there. And you are? Nidranisan: Hi. Nidranisan...I guess Nidri for short. I forgot how...straightforward Melanie is. Terribly sorry if I interrupted you. Sal'nessee: Haha. Anything for Mel-Melanie. Are these your friends? Nidranisan: Yup. First crew I've found in a while who actually puts up with me. Fi: ? Nidranisan: Erk, that was totally for mel Nidranisan rewinds. Cat: so...little...brain...... Sal'nessee: Well, you seem nice enough. Don't know why anyone wouldn't like you. Now me? Haha. People judge this book by its cover. Nidranisan: Yeah, I kinda get that too. Vegeta: bluff 12 Nidranisan: You've traveled...what, pretty much everywhere? Vegeta seems troubled by something... and he's trying his best to hide that there's something bothering him Fleir sniffs at Vegeta. Sal'nessee: Pretty much. Up, down, all around. But I'm a survivor. I guess we're all survivors. Right? Sal'nessee elbows Vegeta Cat: i thought he was still standing hopelessly by the door. Nidranisan: Been through the Blargle region lately? Cat: don't judge me. Chad said i could. Sal'nessee: Hmm...yes I did. A few months ago. Nice place. Hernz: yeah, vegi moved to let her prep her stuff Sal'nessee: Is that your homeland? Nidranisan: It is. Haven't been back in quite a few years though. I always wonder how they're doing, but I'm sure my family is long gone. Sal'nessee: You should definitely go back there when you have the chance. I go home every year or so. Nidranisan: Oh really? That must be refreshing. Sal'nessee: It's easy when you're rich... Melanie Mel snorts Nidranisan: Yes, well, I do suppose that helps. Fleir: Fleir's Sense Motive check: 20 Nidranisan: I suspect I'll be lucky if Marjorie will give me the time off to go. Fleir whines at Fi. Meghan: ... if the dog thinks you're a good person, trust the dog Sal'nessee: Who are your friends here, anyway? Fi: Be right back. Nidranisan: Ah, this is Fi and that's Fleir. Well, there went Fi and Fleir I guess. This is Hannelore. Meghan: (she's new) Nidranisan: I think Hawk was just leaving as you came over, he's speaking with Melodie. He's a bit of an entertainer himself though...quite a different style, as you can see. Sal'nessee: Yes, indeed... Nidranisan: He's nice enough. Turns pink a lot. Really a lot. Nidranisan chuckles. Sal'nessee: Oh yeah. I definitely will grab Hawk after this... Nidri. Take good care of yourself, alright? I gotta perform soon. Nidranisan: Poor boy. I look forward to hearing you. Enjoy your travels. It's been a pleasure. Meghan: can Terria and I be the mean girls people watching by the wall now? Claire: Ok, dish on the people here. I need to know everything Fi speaks with Vegeta briefly and then nods. Fi whispers with Nidri for a moment. Cat: i'm off in about 5. Darius's joke ends with "...but it was actually Tuesday!" and the passers by burst into laughter, some of them crying. He gives his trademark grin. He stares at Nidri for a moment, and his smile becomes genuine. Cat: oi. yeah, so, is he cute? ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): We can handle this RP tomorrow, Cat. Chris: we all know what's important. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Protip: Cha is 24 Cat: chris, all i heard with chad's half-a-joke was "and then he said i'll molest you with this cheese stick" Nidranisan toooootally smiles back. Chris: lol. Nidranisan: I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. You're Darius, right? Darius Kolphen: Darius Kolphen, at your service. Chris: double Fi's charisma. wow. Darius Kolphen bows to Nidri Cat: and a good bit nicer than mine, but nidri's probably still one of the pretty folks in the room. Nidranisan 's dress is definitely a little "special" in the front, but she's been pretty absent-minded about fixing it. Hernz: more than triple vegeta's lol Nidranisan curtseys. Nidranisan: Nidri. Pleasure to meet you. Chris: Let's go be wall flowers. Or weeds maybe. Cat: it's cool. you guys beat up magical statues. so yeah, when i said 5, i guess i meant 10. or whenever george is done in the bathroom. so you got a few more minutes for this one chad. :) Darius Kolphen: So, how can I help you today? You don't seem like one of the idle rich here. Nidranisan: Ah, no, I wouldn't really qualify as either of those things. I'm a bit new to Melanie's parties, just trying to meet a few interesting people. You seemed ...engaging. Cat: Nidri is going to trademark the ellipsis. Nidranisan might be staring a little, but not too much, you know? Darius Kolphen: Melanie always knows how to throw these parties. Often in the name of charity. I donated a lot of money to helping rebuild Harvest Wharf after the , ah "earthquake". Fi is observing the courting ritual of the modern urbanite. Darius Kolphen: But that's not important right now. How are you doing? Nidranisan: Me? Pretty good, really. Picked up a new team member, explore some places around town. I ah, work for the Mel's. Which is nice, but not great fun to talk about so, hoping to get out more, y'know? Darius Kolphen Nods sternly Darius Kolphen: Sometimes you do need to take a break. Investigating mission persons can really get to you after a while. Nidranisan: Oof, yeah that sounds pretty trying. Darius Kolphen: Doing some comedy will help lighten the mood. Nidranisan: You do comedy? Darius Kolphen: Darius Kolphen. Actor. Comedian. And Investigator! Nidranisan: That's a lot of talents. Nidranisan seems thoughtful. Nidranisan: Though not unrelated ones, I would think. Darius Kolphen: It's all about reading your audience, and knowing how to adjust. Once I am in their head, I know how to pry it open and make them enjoy their time. Nidranisan chuckles. Nidranisan: You do seem to have a pretty good read on audience at the moment... Cat: only, with more words in there. correct ones. where they belong. I CAN'T EVEN FLIRT IN CHARACTER ON THE INTERNET. Darius Kolphen: Yes, well...I suppose there is one person I should be reading right now. I propose a date. Between the both of us. Do you accept? Fi is taking notes. Nidranisan: Oh my. Well, that does sound lovely. Did you have something particular in mind? Sal'nessee glances in Darius's direction, then laughs Nidranisan is so going to regret this. Nidranisan is so going to do it anyway. Meghan: "appu di llama?" "Frou de schna" ++ / ++ Cat: lol. Meghan: using a bunch of romance interactions to get to date level. Nice. Chris: woohoo? Meghan: that's the idea. eyebrow wiggle Darius Kolphen: I'll be in town for a few days. Perhaps we can have dinner in one of the fine establishments in the Cliffside district. Nidranisan: Sounds wonderful. Chris: Any stealthy characters wanna follow and watch? Darius Kolphen: I'm currently in the Scales of Platinum, room 415. You can send me a runner when you are free. Nidranisan memorizes that. Nidranisan: I will. Looking forward to it. Darius Kolphen: I will see you soon... Hernz: pffft... as if vegeta would care Darius Kolphen: Be careful, and stay vigilant. Nidranisan smiles. Nidranisan: Always. Chris: Yeah. I realized after I asked, that could only be Fi... Cat: heh. ok folks, i talked to the named characters. i think it's past my bedtime. :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Night Cat Chris: The crime solving Cat? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Indeed. Meghan: wah Claire: Hey Hawk, you should meet my friend. She's awesome. Meghan maniacally cackles (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, that's it for now folks. More RP shipping and hidden quests tomorrow! Meghan: I love shipping... Chris: Are there different levels of points awarded for successfully shipping different characters? (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol Chris: I would have to assume that both Fi and Vegeta would be high difficulty. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bonus points if you ship FixVegeta Chris: I didn't say it. Meghan: I will now (GM) Chad S. (GM): HARD MODE ENGAGED Hernz: lol Meghan cracks her knuckles Meghan: bitch, it's on prepare for the E rated fanfiction (e is for explicit) Chris: Is that FiGeta or Vi? Anne S.: Yo, wfh due to back pain - I'm around for today. I'm sorry I fell asleep during the party >.< Hernz: I'm wfh cause I'm lazy lol Chris: I'm wfh cause I just spent 3 hours clearing and raking snow. Anne S.: :/ George: I'm in the office because... err... not sure why, actually. I totally could have worked from home today. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I've been wfh, but today was pretty busy. Hernz: you dont know how to WFH! lol :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Had to make up for yesterday, haha Cat snickers. Cat: i was in the office. it was sadly not all that much better than Monday was. Hernz: I've gone to work 0 times this week... gone to play tennis 2 (and tonight 3) lol Cat: yup...your priorities are pretty clear hernz. ;)
April 18, 1236 AD (evening)
Melanie's "charity" ball continues, with guests talking, flirting, and generally posturing with or against each other. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I think Hawk has a lot of RP for the evening, but did anyone else want to converse? Hernz: vegeta's all set.... he's in his own world now all thinking again (GM) Chad S. (GM): Waiting for Hawk (or anyone else) to converse. Hernz: I'll be back at 11 :) off to hit some balls jejeje (GM) Chad S. (GM): BONK George: Are they underinflated? (GM) Chad S. (GM): DUN DUN Melodie Mel: Hi Hawk! Enjoying the party? Hawk Hubertins bows to Melodie. Hawk Hubertins: Good evening, Melodie. It's quite the social event. How are you this evening? Melodie Mel: I'm doing well. You've been doing a lot for the East Ferren Trading Company lately! Hawk Hubertins: We have been quite busy. I hope I'm not too ripe. We've been spending a lot of time under the city in the last few days. Melodie Mel: Under...? The shelter. Daddy gave control of it to Lord Dakan after the Fifty Years War. Lord Dakan is so cool! Hawk Hubertins: Yes, the shelter. There are also quite a few natural caves attached to it, probably what it was carved from in the first place. Melodie Mel: Oh yes, Daddy thought it was a great place to take shelter and relax. Hawk Hubertins: Lord Dakan has been quite generous with his support for our little group, especially after the other incident. Melodie Mel: He's a good man. Really good man. I've been sparring with him for a while. He's so smart! Hawk Hubertins: Indeed. He's also quite skilled, both as a leader and a warrior. Chris: Melodie gah It wouldn't let me type the ascii heart symbol. Cat: haha denied. Chris: Melodie heart Dakan. Melodie Mel: What does he have you guys looking into? No wait, that's classified. Probably. He's always keeping secrets... Hawk Hubertins: I'm afraid it is something he's asked us to keep to ourselves, though it has some interesting potentials. Melodie Mel nods Chris: Don't want to brag about freeing a bunch of citizens? George: Hawk wouldn't remember to talk about that. Melodie Mel: These parties are so weird. Everyone's trying to control someone, or find out someone's secrets. Hawk Hubertins: It's the first time we've been to one of your sisters parties. Any advice? All I've heard about them is rumors of who was at the last one, and who they woke up next to. Meghan: Also I'm trying to introduce you to Lady Terria, Hawk Melodie Mel: Haha! Don't lose yourself, Hawk. I can break up the physical battles but not the social ones. Hawk Hubertins: I'll do my best. I'm pretty good at the social side of things, but I'll keep the advice in mind. [Melodie] Ah, if you'll excuse me, it seems Claire is trying to get my attention as well. Fi wanders over to the discussion. Hawk Hubertins: Yes Claire? Melodie Mel giggles Hawk Hubertins smiles at Fi. Fi: [Melodie] Has Hawk been telling you of our adventure in the caves? Claire: Hey, This is Lady Terria. I thought you guys should meet and chat. Hawk Hubertins: [Fi] A bit, but I didn't want to go into too much detail. Secrecy for Dakan and all. Meghan: pretend i said something charming Hawk Hubertins bows politely to Lady Terria. Hawk Hubertins: [Terria] A pleasure, my lady. Fi: Oh come on. Its all over town that we freed a bunch of captured citizens. Melodie Mel: Oh my gosh. Captured? Hawk Hubertins: I am Hawk Hubertins, singer, song writer, and traveler. I'm sure Claire has told you many stories already of our adventures together. Lady Terria: [Hawk] Oh my, the pleasure is all mine. You can just call me Moira. Fi: [Melodie] There were some odd creatures down there that had been abducting people to work as their slaves. Not sure to what end though. Cat: bluuuuuuuuff Meghan: oh but who's bluffing? Fi: Fi's Bluff check: 13 Melodie Mel: (To GM) rolling 1d20+8 ( 11 )+8 = 19 Claire: Claire's Bluff check: 11 Meghan: I rolled a 3... Hawk Hubertins: [Terria] And please call me Hawk. Cat: fi's the one trying to kinda lie. :) Hawk Hubertins smiles. Meghan: This is me playing along Melodie Mel: [Fi] Wow. I never knew. But why go through all of that work if they weren't... You're sure you didn't see that they were doing? Cat: did claire help? does shklee at least have a 15 going here? :) Lady Terria: [Hawk] Oh! You're a performer, too? Did you come to upstage Sal'nessee? Haha! Fi: Maybe. Fi shrugs. Hawk Hubertins: [Terria] That would be terribly rude of me, though from what I've gathered there may be a duet or trio later with me and Melanie. Melodie Mel: [Fi] Haha! Best I not pry too much from you. I'll get it out of Captain Dakan later. Melodie Mel laughs, then grabs a glass of wine Fi laughs as well. Lady Terria: [Hawk] Yeah. I think Darius would enjoy it, though. [Hawk] This party is a little loud, and a bit too...direct. Lady Terria shudders a bit as a barely-clad dancer runs past her Hawk Hubertins blinks at the sight. Hawk Hubertins: I see what you mean. Lady Terria: [Hawk] We should have dinner at some point...do you like seafood? George: BRB. Melodie Mel: [Fi] I feel so sorry for those people... I told Daddy to keep an eye on those tunnels. Fi: [Melodie] yeah, unfortunately it appears that things inside have deteriorated over the years. Hawk Hubertins: [Terria] I have yet to encounter a cuisine that I didn't enjoy, especially with such charming company. Melodie Mel: [Fi} I should- I mean, I should ask to inspect those tunnels. sigh Lady Terria: [Hawk] Heehee. Catch of the Day serves great seafood. I should know - I own the place! Hawk Hubertins: [Terria] I would love to see your place. Err, restaurant. I'd love to have dinner with you. Hawk Hubertins blushes. Lady Terria: [Hawk] Oh my gosh. Okay, blushing. Um... I know you're busy and all. So, um, send a runner? Fi: [Melodie] If you do be sure to watch for hazards. The floor has fallen in at least one place, and I saw an area where the ceiling would probably collapse. Hawk Hubertins: [Terria] Of course. If I can manage it, maybe in the next few days? Meghan: Claire will now be updating her mental shipping map Lady Terria: [Hawk] Oh my. Yes. Of course. That's fine. Yay. Melodie Mel: [Fi] The floor? Yes, of course. I'll take a look. Thank you Fi. Melodie Mel shakes Fi's hand. Melanie seems a bit lost in thought. Hawk Hubertins: [Terria] If you'll excuse me, Moira? Hawk Hubertins bows over Lady Terria's hand. Lady Terria: [Hawk] Oh! Lady Terria blushes, clearly impressed. George: And yet again Hawk accidentally flirts. Hawk Hubertins smiles at Abraxinal. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] Good evening, Abraxinal. Chris: Hawk moves to his next flirting target. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Life Debt Master! Always good to see you. Abraxinal bows Fi: [Claire] So dinner dates for two in the party... Seems to be catching. Cat: heh fi overheard nidri's date? Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] How are you finding this social gathering? Chris: was taking notes. Check the log ;-) Cat: niiice. :) i did see something about you scribbling. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Incredibly well. I almost understand what most of the people are talking about. Many are interested in my dress - they like how it exposes the back. Melanie helped me design it! George: What's the dress look like? Hawk Hubertins looks Abraxinal over. Meghan: and Abraxinal is well on her way to her own dress-designing business. yay. Claire: [Fi] Well, you know how it is at these parties... Fi: Uh. Not really. The funeral was my first. Claire: [Fi] Wait ... no you don't. That's how it is at these parties. Abraxinal wears a mostly black evening gown with red highlights. The cut on her back exposes her shoulder blades and end at her lower back. Fi: [Claire] Yeah, I took some notes on Nidri's courting ritual. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] V-very nice. The cut is very flattering. Cat: you are so going to have to post those notes on the wiki. Chris: lol. Abraxinal: [Hawk] Sal'nessee gave me some good advice and said it may expose too much. But I am very glad you enjoy this. Claire: [Fi] Courting. Ritual. ... right. You know what you should do? Fi: [Claire] And now Hawk is discussing Abraxinal's dress. [Claire} Huh? What? Claire: [Fi] Compile those notes together and keep them, or a copy, in the office library. I think they'd be good for studying. [Fi] But be sure to make a couple of copies because I imagine they'll get borrowed a lot. Claire's Bluff check: 21 Fi: Fi's Sense Motive check: 10 [Claire] Good idea. Claire: [Fi] You should take some notes on Hawk, too. Cat: and thus "the courting rituals of the wild Nidri" was born. Claire: [Fi] For comparison. Fi listens in. Claire: Ah, Fi is our version of Jane Goodall... Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] Compared to some I've seen here, your gown is almost modest. Fi: Fi's Stealth check: 11 Meghan: that should probably have been ooc Chris: not in armor, add 1 to that. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] I had worried about that too. But this party is a bit more tame than what I'm used to. Sal'nessee told me to relax and enjoy the time here. (To GM) rolling 1d20+1 ( 9 )+1 = 10 Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] Truly? I haven't attended many such gatherings, and in the past I was the entertainment, and didn't have much chance to participate in such... festivities. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Ah...did I see Most Hated Foe with the Bow pass by? Cat: lol rhyme. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] You mean Fi? Hawk Hubertins looks sternly at Abraxinal. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] You will address her respectfully. Fi is trying to keep to the other side of a person. You can still see her hat. Fi she seems to be writing something. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Oh! My apologies, Life Debt Master! I meant no offense. Um... uh... [Common] El-ffff? Elf? Hawk Hubertins nods approvingly. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] There isn't really an alternate word for that. [Undercommon] I will try to add this new slang. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] I understand. You may address her.. him... My companion by name. [Undetcommon] It would be wise to observe what you can here. There are quite a few interesting conversations going on. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Alright, the...[Comon] Elff.... [Undercommon] named Fi. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] Yes. And should you hear anything you think important, tell me and Melodie. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Yes, there are many. Sal'nessee promised to tell me much afterwards. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] What do you think of her? Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Most Respected Sal'neessee has visited my homeland multiple times and has graced us with many concerts. She helped me understand my.. heritage and not be ashamed. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] You should never be ashamed of who you are. [Undercommon] I must admit to being... jealous. I know nothing of my own heritage. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Well, it's a bit different for me, Life Debt Master. Turning my hands into demon claws - it was quite worrying at first. Sal'neesee told me not to be afraid, and embrace what makes me unique. The Mel family has also been very accepting of me. [Undercommon] I suppose my situation is different from yours, Life Debt Master. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] You are not the first I have met with such a heritage. Most have been among the best I've been privileged to meet. [Undercommon] And you are definitely living up to that standard. I am pleased with your progress. [Undercommon] Perhaps if Melodie agrees, I could help you practice your language skills some evening? Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Oh. That would be excellent. Although I should ask my Work Master Marjorie Mel, yes? George: That's who Hawk would have said. Player can't keep the names straight. :/ Any time Hawk said Melodie to Abraxinal, sub Marjorie. :P (GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it. Too many M's! Abraxinal: [Undercommon] I would enjoy the opportunity, Life Debt Master. Please tell me when you are ready for such an evening. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] I look forward to it. I'll inform you when my duties permit me to take the evening. Hawk Hubertins bows politely to Abraxinal and smiles. Abraxinal waves goodbye. Hawk Hubertins: Following me around, Fi? Hawk Hubertins looks amused. Not too long after, Sal'nessee and her backup dancers get off the stage. Melanie gets off of her seat and walks onstage. She gives the crowd a moment to quiet down. Melanie Mel: Alright, shut up, the lot of you. Seriously, you can keep this up afterwards. Melanie Mel clears her throat Melanie Mel: Harvest Wharf has been here for hundreds of years. The earthquake we've had a few days ago has destroyed lives, families and businesses. In a way it was a wakeup call for all of us. It is up to us, the strong and the elite, to pour our resources into helping the people of this fine city recover from disaster. For this evening, we have two world-famous entertainers here to support and entertain us for our efforts. First one's first: the warmup. Darius Kolphan hails from the Island of the Sun, and he's had plenty of time to tell us plenty of jokes. Give him a warm hand of applause, folks. Hawk Hubertins applauds enthusiastically. Darius Kolphen bows in apology to Nidri as he walks on stage. Sal'nessee shakes his hand and wishes him luck as she gives applause. Cat sort of squishes over so he can walk by. Cat: er. sigh Sal'nessee: He should do well. Nidranisan raises an eyebrow. Fi: [Hawk] Yes, I'm studying the courting habits of urbanites. Hawk Hubertins: [Fi] Yes, of course, the... what? Fi: [Hawk] Claire thought it would be a good idea to observe multiple subjects. Hawk Hubertins blinks. Hawk Hubertins: The... the... C-courting habits? I was just... talking. Being sociable. Talking. To people. George: Yes, Hawk is that socially clueless. Fi: Yes, well in your case I have observed a mix of the two. I'm slightly confused how you transition between the two since it seems slightly random. Hawk Hubertins: I... I... Courting? Switching? Hawk Hubertins blushes and looks confused. Fi: Well, you do have a dinner date scheduled with the charming lady over there. Is that not a typical part of courtship? Hawk Hubertins: Dinner. Yes. We're going to have dinner. I was being polite, and she seems to be an interesting person, and someone Claire thinks I should get to know better. Fi: I could be mistaken. Hawk Hubertins: Date? Hawk Hubertins turns slightly pale. Fi: I'm fairly new to this, but she seemed to emitting pheramones. Cat: yes, we're laughing. out loud. ooc. Fi: I noticed something similar with Nidri earlier. Hawk Hubertins: W.. Nidri? She's going to dinner with Moira? Cat: i love how meghan, in character, has convinced fi, in character, to write the fanfic. in character. Fi: What? No, she's also going out for dinner with Darius. Sal'nessee chuckles Nidranisan smiles. with juuuust a bit of a twinkle. Hawk Hubertins: Moira is going to dinner with Darius? What does Nidri have to do with that? Cat: please tell me hawk gets +5 xp for the "who's on first" routine. though maybe fi is the one with notes on who's on what base ;) Meghan: and it's going to be one of those really nerdy fanfics, too Fi: No no no. Nidri is going on a date with Darius. Moira is going on a date with you. Meghan: and my character, in character, wants to read it. George: It's a good thing this isn't a face to face RP session, because I wouldn't be able to get half of these lines out. I'm laughing too much. Darius Kolphen begins a one-man play, "The Phoenix's Ashes" Cat: (it's true, he is.) Hawk Hubertins: She is? O... I am!? Fi: YES! Hawk Hubertins gulps. Fi: What? based on my observations you are rather skilled at this portion. Nothing to worry about. Hawk Hubertins: I... I... I think I should sit down. Fi: Nah, just watch the show. Cat: so are those women actually like, 9 feet tall? i'm trying to figure out why they're huge :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Different artists draw at different scales... Cat: and just imagining that this party involves a set of 9' twins in matching red dresses. yeah, but this is funnier. Hawk Hubertins wanders over to find a chair to sit down in, and sits down a little hard, looking flustered. (GM) Chad S. (GM): And random distribution fail Chris: ok. I'm going to bed. I've got PT at early o'clock. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Night Chris. Cat: g'night chris. George: I should wander off soon too. G'nite Chris! Darius Kolphen continues his play about a little bird that thought it was a baby phoenix and tried to reach its old nest. Darius Kolphen he proceeds to pratfall Nidranisan laughs and then kinda covers her mouth. It turns out the bird isn't the phoenix, but is the phoenix's best friend and guardian. Darius Kolphen ends the play with "...and then I had to climb up the other mountain!" Darius Kolphen Perform Check 30 The crowd erupts into laughter and begins clapping once they finally catch their breath. Nidranisan applauds with the crowd. Darius Kolphen bows to the audience as he steps off and returns. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, bed time for me. Sal'nessee's performance will have to wait for tomorrow! Cat: dun dun duuuuun. George: G'nite Chad! G'nite everybody! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anyone there? My display just says Meghan Meghan: Dunno. Chris just got home a bit ago (GM) Chad S. (GM): Real quiet tonight. Then again it took me longer than usual to get home. George: Nope. Cat is still out at a going away party for someone who is leaving Vecna, so will probably not be home for a bit yet. (GM) Chad S. (GM) Sal'nessee and her backup crew get on stage. She puts a finger to her mouth as the crowd falls silent. Fi: Hmm... Is this where the term stage presence come from? Hawk Hubertins nods. Sal'nessee starts softly, with almost a whisper. It picks up gradually, until it sounds like she is almost screaming. Her band springs to life, as she sings about the joy of choice. Chris: Devo? Sal'nessee sings of the joy of being herself. The power to choose her own destiny. The power to see the world her own way. And the power of you to choose your own damn life. Hawk Hubertins is entranced by the song. Sal'nessee perform check 23 Sal'nessee is covered head to toe in sweat, and her white dress has all sorts of multicolored dye running across it as she wraps up. Sal'nessee: Let's hear it for Harvest Wharf! Fi: YAAY! Hawk Hubertins stands and applauds enthusiastically! The crowd claps for what seems to be an eternity as Sal'nessee thanks everyone for clapping. Fi: I haven't seen anything like in ages. Sal'nessee: Stick around, everyone. The night is very young. Sal'nessee gets off stage, and the party goers continue to celebrate and have a good time. Hawk Hubertins: [Sal'nessee] Pardon me, may I congratulate you on an exceptional performance. Sal'nessee: [Hawk] Hmpf. That was so awful. I felt like I couldn't stay on beat. Chris: lol 7. Hawk Hubertins chuckles. Hawk Hubertins: [Sal'nessee] Believe me, they couldn't tell. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Hawk Hubertins. Sal'nessee: [Hawk] Huh? We haven't met? Right. Sal'nessee. Pardon my sweat. Sal'nessee extends her well-toned arm for a handshake Hawk Hubertins shakes Sal'nesse's hand. Hawk Hubertins: We haven't been properly introduced at any rate. Your performance was energetic enough that I'd be surprised if you weren't a bit winded. Sal'nessee: [Hawk] Yes. You seem to be a performer by trade. One of Melanie's guests? Hernz: sorry, a little late Hawk Hubertins: [Sal'nessee] I work for the EFTC. I was trained as a singer and performer by my troupe as I was growing up. Vegeta would have applauded to some extent to her performance Hawk Hubertins: Melanie and I sang together at Merki's funeral. Sal'nessee: [Hawk] Oh, is that how you met? I heard this Merki fellow was well connected in Harvest Wharf. (GM) Chad S. (GM): No problem Hernz. Hawk Hubertins: [Sal'nessee] He was a fair boss, and a good friend. Melanie and I met through the company, though I've only come to know her since Merki's passing. Sal'nessee: Melanie is a very generous person. She hosted my first concert here, and I am thankful for that. Merki... Merki... Oh yes, a Half-Orc, yeah high? A shame he passed away. He was a very cunning individual - I really liked that. Hawk Hubertins: Yes, that would be him. That was a wonderful song. Something you wrote? Sal'nessee: Yes. It's all about the lack of restrictions leading to absolute freedom. Something that I believe in. If you can't have fun, it's just not worth it. Hawk Hubertins: There is more to life than just fun, but it is important to have fun. Sal'nessee chuckles Sal'nessee: Well, maybe we'll just agree to disagree there. Hawk Hubertins: After all, without joy in our hearts, how could we sing? Sal'nessee is caught off guard, and ponders on it for a bit Fi: I don't know. I thought there were genres that drew on other emotions heavily. Hernz: is Claire here like to talk to? Sal'nessee: Yes, I see what you mean. Maybe I lost track of that tonight. I can't believe Darius outperformed me tonight. Chris: Meghan is downstairs watching something. I could bug her if you want. Hawk Hubertins chuckles. Hawk Hubertins: So you and Darius know each other? Hernz: its ok, I'll bug Fi Sal'nessee: Darius has been following me for the last few months, ever since my concert at the Isle of the Sun. Vegeta comes back from outside and seems to be looking for someone... he heads towards Fi Fi: Oh. Vegeta. Doing better? Vegeta: Fi, a moment of your time Hawk Hubertins: And yes, Fi, there are a wide variety of songs that express every emotion, but without the seed of joy in the heart, you can't properly express any of them. Fi: Sure. Vegeta sounds llike he's in some kind of rush Vegeta: this way Hawk Hubertins: [Sal'nessee] Following you? Hawk Hubertins raises an eyebrow. Fi: Talk to you later, Hawk. Fi follows Vegeta. Sal'nessee: [Hawk] The seed of joy... Not sure what Darius wants from me, but he's polite enough. [Hawk] Maybe my joy rubbed off on him, and I'm his muse. Hawk Hubertins chuckles. Hawk Hubertins: And what a wonderful muse you are. Your performance tonight has certainly inspired me to improve my skills. While I have been able to raise the spirits of my companions, I feel like there's still something lacking. Maybe I could sing for you some time? Get some pointers? Sal'nessee: [Hawk] Of course, Hawk. Anytime. I'd love to hear your performance in private. Hawk Hubertins smiles. Hawk Hubertins: Name the place and time, and I'll be there. Hawk Hubertins bows slightly. Sal'nessee: [Hawk] You flirt. I didn't expect this coming from you. Hawk Hubertins blinks. Hawk Hubertins: W-what? Melanie Mel: He wants to practice singing, Sal. That's it. Right Hawk? Hawk Hubertins: Yes! Sal'nessee: [Hawk] Oh! I'm- I'm sorry, Melanie. Hawk. I, uh, overrestimated, Hawk Hubertins: I... Err... No? Yes? Uhm? Hawk Hubertins gulps Melanie Mel: Sure did. Hawk's a simple performer. Don't drag him down, Sal. Hawk Hubertins: [Sal'nessee] You're a very... and I'm... But that wasn't... Hawk Hubertins blushes and hyperventilates a little. Hawk Hubertins: What? Was it? Sal'nessee: [Hawk] Let's- let's stick to singing lessons for now. Hawk Hubertins squeaks: ok. Sal'nessee: Phew, there we go. Hawk Hubertins clears his throat. Hawk Hubertins: Would you ladies like a drink? I'm suddenly feeling somewhat parched. Melanie Mel: Sounds like a swell idea. Meghan: Yeah, I'm here-ish. I could probably chat with Melodie Melodie Mel: [Claire] I hope you're enjoying the party, Claire. Sal'nessee's songs always rile up the crowd! Claire: Yes, it's fun Melodie Mel: [Claire] For all you've done for the company, and all you've done for the city, I wanted to thank you. I hope this party is a small token of our appreciation. Claire: Well, this is all amazing. I'm completely flattered. And it looks like all of my coworkers are enjoying themselves. Melodie Mel: [Claire] Oh, that's so great! When Fi mentioned you rescued people underground I was so happy. Sal'nessee and Melanie head to the bar to order some drinks. Melodie Mel: [Claire] I know you were part of the city guard for a short time. Did you quit? Hawk Hubertins wander over with them to get a drink as well. Melanie Mel: [Hawk] Don't worry about Sal, Hawk. Sometimes she gets a little too caught up in her work. Hawk Hubertins: [Melanie] Not at all. I admire her passion and commitment to the arts Melanie Mel: [Melanie] Yeah. Life hasn't been exactly easy for her. For a while she had her voice and her anger. I sponsored her long ago and now look. A world sensation. Fi: [Melodie] Excuse me Melodie, could I have a moment of your time outside. Claire hmms. Hawk Hubertins raises an eyebrow at Fi. Melodie Mel: [Fi] Oh, hi Fi! I hope you're enjoying your time here. Claire: [Melodie] Well, something like that. Turned out I didn't make a very good guard, and Merki had much better use for my skills. It was a very strange couple of weeks transitioning Fi: [Melodie] Yes, but something has come to my attention that I need to discuss with you. Melodie Mel: [Claire] Well, I like to think you're still protecting the city in one way. I'd love to talk some more, but Fi wanted to ask me something. [Fi] Lead the way, Fi. Melodie Mel sniffs as she walks along the outside wall. Melodie Mel: [Fi, Vegeta] Should we go together? Vegeta: [Fi, Melodie] If you're ready to get dirty Fi takes of his hat. Fi: Let's go. Meghan: you know what this party needs? A giant wooden horse. Chris: Those lines must sound amazing out of context. Hernz: lol Melodie Mel snaps her fingers. Her night dress reverts into a chain shirt. Fi: That's handy. Melanie Mel: [Hawk] Where the heck did my sister go? She and Fi went off and- Melanie Mel grins Melanie Mel: [Hawk] I NEVER thought she'd do that. Not in a million years. Chris: So not going there. Meghan: This sounds like a conversation Claire wants in on Melanie Mel: [Claire] Did you expect that? Fi, Vegeta and Melodie travel through the underground tunnels, following traces of explosive powder. Melodie seems focused on the task at hand. Fi comes to a fork in the tunnel and notes one way leads to the part of the caves with a weak roof. In fact it must be the other side of the tunnel he saw before in the shelter. Fi: This looks familiar. Melodie Mel: Oh? This looks like the tunnels Daddy dug out the fallout shelter from. Fi: Yes. I'm pretty sure we were on the other side of this passage this morning. Melodie Mel is clearly disturbed by this. Fi: Have to be quiet in there because the ceiling could give out. I wonder if that was one way that Magmere got into the tunnel or if the other way around. Chris: Does the powder trail seem to be coming from the tree or towards the tree? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Seemed to be towards the tree. You would guess it was dragged out. Claire: Not even a little. Melodie Mel: [Fi] Oh. Oh no. Vegeta: [Melodie] what's the problem? Melodie Mel points down the other fork in the tunnel. It's not immediately clear what it is. After about ten more minutes of travel, the smell and the soot make it obvious. This was ground zero for the explosives. Fi: What was here? Or above here? Melodie Mel: We're right below the Palace of the Old Queens, Fi. Um, right below my home. Fi: Oh dear. Vegeta: crap.... Melodie Mel examines some of the soot. She briefly scowls, then punches the wall in anger, chipping some of the stone away. Hernz: summon water! Fi: I can only imagine this was something Magmere did. I don't see the Vishkanya doing this. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright. Bedtime for me, folks. It will be night time by the time Fi, Vegeta and Melodie return to the party grounds. Cat catches up...
April 18, 1236 AD (nighttime)
The party is starting to wrap up. Some nobles are going home, others are going home with special guests. Most of the team have chatted the night away, wondering what happened to Fi, Vegeta and Melodie. Chris: I can only imagine the rumors... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Melanie has a couple dozen already. Claire is not trying to stop this, I'm certain Chris: And Fi is going to be all dirty when we get back. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta's already covered in soot... Chris: yeah, but he took his shirt off. It won't be quite as bad. Meghan: OMG, stop it? Claire is coming up with her own versions (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol Hernz: lol no one home? mi casa? Chris: su casa? Hernz: que pasa? Chris: playing Hyrule Warriors. Hernz: nice.... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Poof I see Chris, Meghan and Hernz online. Anyone else? Hernz: thats all I see Cat: bedtime achieved. cub hork cleaned. it's ...been a long week. so i think the named characters are basically taken care of, no? (GM) Chad S. (GM): I believe so. Cat: any cute extras? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup. Cat: nidri's totally finding the cutest extra who gives her a second look. that can happen more or less off screen. Meghan: At someone point Locke is going to have to be put to bed too also, does anyone want sketches of anything? I got a new tablet and I've been trying it out (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oooo sketches Meghan: and by "new tablet" I mean I finally, after 15 years of wanting, spring for a Cintiq. Cat: heh. Meghan: I should clearly start drawing our Hub 2 characters for xp Melodie Mel turns to Fi and Vegeta Melodie Mel: Shall we head back? Please? Fi: Yes, we should. Vegeta: yeah Fi: I'm sorry to have shown you that. I was concerned for everyone's safety. Cat is basically waiting to see if we have a plot exit from the party. if not, Nidri is going home with "cute extra #1" Melodie Mel: Hmm? Oh, you did the right thing, Fi. There's nothing wrong with protecting others. I'd make a bad head of security if I didn't know. Fi nods. Vegeta, Fi and Melodie trace their way back and exit from where they came, next to Melanie's patio. Fi picks up his hat. Vegeta takes his shirt and hangs it over his shoulder Vegeta is shirtless and covered in soot. Fi's clothes are also covered in soot. Melodie also has soot from head to toe, and quickly snaps her fingers to switch her armor back to a dress. Melodie walks right up to Melanie. Fi: [Claire] Could you assist me cleaning this up? Claire: Oh, of course! Claire casts Clean! Claire: School: Transmutation; Level 0 Clean uses remaining: 9 Vegeta, you too? Fi: [Claire] Thank you. George casts Prestidigitation! George: School: N/A; Level 0 Casting Time: 1 standard Components: V, S Range: 10 ft. Targets/Area: N/A Duration: 1 hour George: Saving Throw: DC 14, N/A; Spell Resistance: No Vegeta: ...if you're bored Claire casts Clean! Claire: School: Transmutation; Level 0 Clean uses remaining: 8 Chris: Does Melodie need it? Claire: What else am I going to do with it today? Hawk Hubertins uses Prestidigitation to clean people. Meghan: No, she snapped her fingers and switched back to a dress. Chris: Dress yes, rest of her? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Melodie is obviously covered in soot, except her apparently clean dress. George: Since it's a cantrip and essentially infinite use, Hawk will just cast Clean a bunch on people. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk sprays his personal liquid on multiple people George: Yes, exactly that. Except he's singing the whole time. Chris: I don't even... Fi: [Melanie] Sorry for dragging your sister away from your party. Melanie Mel laughs Melanie Mel: [Fi] Oh man. I'm sure you are, Fi. I'm sure you are. Fi looks puzzled. Claire grins Melodie Mel: [Melanie] Will you be serious for one second, sis? There's a mess of- Melanie Mel: Shhhhh. Shhhh. We'll talk later, alright? Everyone's enjoying themselves right now. Having a good time. Maybe we can talk later? Hawk Hubertins raises an eyebrow. Fi: [Hawk] I'll tell the rest of you in the morning. Hawk Hubertins nods. Melodie Mel: Unbelievable... We found a security breach and...ugh. Sometimes you're not in control, sis. Determined and upset over Melanie, Melodie storms out of the patio. Melanie Mel: sigh Sometimes she's a little too wound up, you know? I think it's time to wrap this up. Vegeta: if my house were to be at risk of blowing up, so would I Melanie heads up on stage to get everyone's attention. Vegeta walks outside Fleir whines as Melodie goes past. Melanie Mel: Alright everyone, thanks for attending. Time to head home everyone. Or head home to where ever you're going. I'm sure East Ferren Trading Company's Security will escort you to where you need to go. The partygoers proceed to empty out of the patio. Many in groups and quite excited and it's clear this is the beginning of their day. Fi: Bleh. Now I feel like I interrupted things. Darius Kolphan laughs and takes his leave. Hawk Hubertins: Sounds like it was important. Darius Kolphen: I had a lovely evening, Nidri! See you soon. Sal'nessee: Hawk. I can't wait to hear your lovely voice again. Send a Runner when you're ready. Hawk Hubertins bows to Sal'nessee. Hawk Hubertins: I look forward to hearing you sing as well. Fi: [Claire] Did Hawk end up courting Sal'nesse too? Hawk Hubertins: We're two artists who are going to help each other with our performances. Sal'nessee heads on stage to talk to her backup dancers and Melanie. Lady Terria: Hawk. Um. Catch of the Day. Fish food. Contact me when you're ready. Cat: FISH FOOD! Hawk Hubertins: [Terria] I look forward to it. Hawk Hubertins bows to Lady Terria. Lady Terria blushes as she leaves, clearly pleased Fi: [Hawk] Hmm... Can I assume there was at brief misunderstanding then? Hawk Hubertins: I... Err... Yes. Fi takes some notes. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Master, there is clearly strife among Work Master's siblings. I will keep you informed on what I learn. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon, Abraxinal] Yes, something was discovered by my associates. Let me know what you hear. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Of course, Life Debt Master. Most Honored Sal'nessee was also concerned. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] It will probably be best for you to return to your other duties. You are my ears in this. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Yes. A good night to you, Life Debt Master. Hawk Hubertins: [Undercommon] I will be in touch about your lessons as well. Good night. Fi: [Undercommon] Good bye. Abraxinal: [Undercommon] Oh! Most Hat- [Common] Elllfff [Undercommon] Ally of Life Debt Master Fi. Good Night to you as well. Squinting, then smiling, Abraxinal is glad to see this time without getting overwhelmed by sunlight. She turns to leave the patio. Fi: [Hawk] Most hated foe. I suppose that makes sense... Hawk Hubertins shrugs. Hawk Hubertins: [Fi] It's as close as they can get to "elf" Besides the custodial staff, the only remaining guests are Melanie and Sal'nessee. Fi: [Hawk] Explains why it was missing from the vocabulary. I suppose we should go. We should meet up at the office in the morning. I'll go over what happened. Hawk Hubertins: Unless the Mels want to talk about it tonight once the rest of the revelers are eone. Fi checks outside. Vegeta: (holding his shoulder while rotating it) yes, a little rest could be welcome Chris: Anyone lingering? Melodie gone? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Melodie's gone, too. Claire: [Fi] Maybe not with as much intent as he did Lady Terria ... Fi: I don't think they are having a discussion tonight. At least not here. Meghan: pretend I said that earlier Fi adds it to her notes. Fi: [Vegeta] Thank you for showing me what you found. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri is nowhere to be found, either. Vegeta: [Fi] no problem... I had too much on my mind to think clearly, figured you would make a good set of second eyes Fi nods. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright. Anyone doing anything else this evening? Fi: [Hannelore] That's probably enough beer for the night. Cat: ;) Hannelore Tentoes: (GM) But it's tasty! And I can almost taste the colors. Fi: Uhh... I'll help you get home. Hannelore Tentoes: (GM) I can do...whatever....yeah, we're going home! Whee Cat: claire totally notices fi taking hanners home ;) The team heads to their respective living places to rest for the night. Meghan: oh good, more shipping time Hawk Hubertins: :P George: :P (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta will be at 11/15 HP after bedrest. Fi will fully recover overnight