Rykilde's Addictions

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The hobbit has quite a few of these. The most numerous ones are those related to computers.

Sluggy Freelance
Kevin and Kell
Something Positive
Queen of Wands -Ended. Wah!
Jin Wicked -Specifically, Crap I Drew On My Lunchbreak.
Wapsi Square
21st Century Fox
Friendly Hostility -Used to be Boy Meets Boy.
Two Lumps
The Devil's Panties
Ghastly's Ghastly Comic -Perhaps the most wrong comic I know. You have been warned.
Gaming Comics:
Order of the Stick
Real Life
General Protection Fault
8-Bit Theater
RPG World
Penny Arcade
Fantsasy Comics:
Drow Tales - Moonless Age. And its sister comics Breach of Faith, Rebirth, Spiderborn (ended), and Longest Wait.
Earthsong Saga
The Wings of Change
Elf Life

Other Web Thingies
Quantum Muse
The Onion
The Stranger

City of Heroes
Legends Roleplaying -A LARP here near Utter Chaos.

Non-Computer Things

  • Writing in my Journal. I am considering joining Xanga or LiveJournal, because many of my friends are there too, in which case that'll go in the lists above.
  • BOOKS! Books and more books. At last count I have over 600. There's probably a lot more now, since I last counted in high school. I've given some away but I've bought a lot more. 600 seems...so puny, so there's probably a lot more. Someday I'll make a listing of what I have...just to scare people, of course. I know what I have, in that if you ask me if I have it I can tell you yes or no and where it is. I also know what I want in that I have a mental list of books I am always on the lookout for in stores, used stores, thrift stores, yardsales, etc... I do patronize libraries, but I prefer to own books. I prefer hardcovers for reading, paperbacks for my wallet (and storage, as they tend to be of uniform height). I have heard bibliophilia and obsessive book-owning called 'the gentle madness'. I agree.
  • Anything Lord of the Rings.
  • Hobbits.
  • Dragons, though not so much as I used to be...
  • And of course, there's always my boy.