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This is one of those extra-handy concoctions of pre-fab foods that makes everyone think you're a dirty Eye-talian chef. If you're inclined to imitate that oafish asshat pseudo-chef Emeril, whose dirty Eye-tie mafia probably owns over half the Food Network (which is the only reason that accounts for the fact that his rotten show is on 12 HOURS OUT OF ANY GIVEN DAY), make sure you say things like "BAM!" a lot while you're doing your stuff. Sometimes your audience applauds when you sprinkle on the cheese.


Enough Mama Rosie brand frozen cheese raviolis to make a satisfying meal

1 frozen chicken breast

1-2 tbsp Classico Pesto sauce from a jar

1/2 tsp minced garlic fresh or from a jar

4-7 pieces of California-style marinated artichoke hearts from a jar

1 tsp olive oil

salt (to taste)

pepper (to taste)

grated Parmesan (optional, unless you want to be like Emeril, in which case it's mandatory for your final exclamatory "BAM!")

Boil some water in a pot and toss in the frozen ravioli until they float to the top (that indicates when they're done). While that's boiling, defrost your frozen chicken breast in the microwave, and cut it into bite-sized hunks. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, heave in the garlic and fry for 30 seconds until fragrant, then add the chicken hunks into the pan. Before you stir up the ingredients in the pan, salt and pepper the raw chicken and add 1 tsp pesto sauce on top. Fry everything up in the pan, making sure to say "BAM!" at least 10 times as you add in ingredients one by one. Make sure the chicken has been cooked all the way through ("it's-a salmonell-a, BAM!"), then turn off the heat, drain the ravioli, and put it back into the pot. Pour in all the chicken, garlic, and juices from the pan, and add some more pesto sauce to the ravioli according to your taste preference. Toss in the marinated artichoke hearts and give everything a good stir before serving it up in big hearty bowls. Grate a little cheese on top, and bask in your audience's applause. BAM!