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In my run, many religions lost divine power up until recently. (See History) People may not respect clerics because they were not always powerful. Or they may be frightened of the clerics' never before seen abilities.

The domains are listed in order of the gods' preference. For example, Virton's most important aspect is good. Most of his clergy have good as one of their domains.

There are two major exceptions to this rule. The first is Laniss, where her clerics have a roughly equal distribution of her domains. The other is Homani; Clerics are equally likely to choose an elemental domain as they are to choose Animal or Weather.

Some of these domains are listed in Deities and Demigods. Ask the DM for details.

Name AlignFavored WeaponDomainsSymbol
AtmalLESickleDestruction, Magic, Knowledge, MysticismGlass Eye
AvaseCEGreat axeDestruction, Madness, Chaos, BeastmasterMutated Hand
BinnellNGShortspearMagic, Protection, Madness, Mysticism, InquisitionGlitter Globe
GyvenLNLight MaceLaw, Liberation, Inquisition, KnowledgeMagnifying Glass
HirasCGDaggerCharm, Trickery, Liberation, CeleritySmile
HomaniNScimitarEarth, Fire, Wind, Water, Animal, Plant, WeatherTwig of Homani Bush
LanissNScytheDeath, Repose, Healing, DestructionScale
LanissNEScytheDeath, Destruction, PestilenceRed Blade
LanissNGScytheRepose, Healing, SunFeather
LemaniCNQuarterstaffTravel, Luck, Weather, KnowledgeHandful of Straw
NirsiNGHeavy MaceCommunity, Good, ProtectionHandshake
SimayeLEMorning starWar, Evil, Nobility, DominationIron Fist
VirtonLGLong swordGood, Law, Glory, StrengthLightning Halo
ZylathaNEShort swordEvil, Charm, Trickery, Domination, MindRose

For those who use the Weapon of the Deity spell, <A HREF = "WeaponDeity.html"> click here </A>to view what it does to each god's favored weapon.

Atmal: Atmal searches for the anti-life spell. She believes this spell will allow her to destroy anything and anyone she desires, allowing her to rule over all. Her clerics aid her, with promises of great rewards in the afterlife. Her clerics are urged to discover the weaknesses of others and use it to destroy them in one fell swoop. They carry glass eyes as their holy symbol.

Avase: Avase believes that his followers should become powerful fighting machines capable of rending anything limb from limb. His clergy perform heinous experiments to graft arms, claws, and wings to themselves (and anyone they capture.) They are famous for their random and bloody rampages across the countryside. They are easily recognized by their religious symbol - a severed foot with a hand grafted onto it.

Binnell: Binnell believes in the power of magic above all else. Her clergy encourage other spell casters to show their superiority above physical fighters. The temples' libraries have an immense amount of information on magic and magical processes. Her clerics carry around small, glittering globes as their holy symbol.

Gyven: Gyven believes that secrecy is the first step to corruption. He strives to investigate and discover all of the aspects of everyone's life. His clergy serve as investigators, interrogators, and judges. They use magnifying glasses as their symbol.

Hiras: Freedom and love are Hiras' two main goals. She also advocates helping those in need of help. Her clergy frequently disobey the law (all that order stuff gets in the way) so they meet during parties. Clergy use a circular cloth with a smile as their symbol.

Homani: Most druids say that Homani is the patron of nature. They credit him for making sure that animals adopted and modified themselves to meet their local environments. A small twig from a Homani Bush is enough to channel holy (or unholy) energy.

Laniss: Laniss controls the forces of life and death. Her clerics always claim that neither phenomenon could exist without her help. Because of their varied differences, her clergy has been split between advocating life and death.
     Those who celebrate life use a feather as their holy symbol and often work as midwives, fertility specialists, and caretakers. Those who use the red blade as their symbol concentrate on the death aspect. Some of them become executioners. The ones who use the scale as their symbol try to balance life and death.
     Laniss' clergy seem to be the only ones who retained their divine power after the Wailing Night. So they retained a lot of power and respect over the years.

     Clerics of Laniss are granted different domains and different undead-handling abilities depending on which faction of Laniss that they follow. Those of the feather group can turn and control undead. Those of the red blade group can rebuke and command undead. Those of the scale can perform either one (they decide which option when they begin their clerical training and can never perform the other option.)

Lemani: Lemani encourages his followers to learn about their world. His clergy usually wander around the world, writing about their travels. Druids get along well with them because the clergy learn how to survive (and appreciate) the wildlife. They use a handful of straw as their holy symbol.

Nirsi: Nirsi aims toward building and maintaining communities. She also advocates self-defense against foreign invaders. Many families give praise to her, often before their daily dinner. Nirsi and Virton are married, so their temples often cooperate. Her symbol is a handshake.

Simaye: Simaye believes the strong and the insightful should rule. Her temples more resemble fortresses than temples. The clerics usually have great political power, and are often leaders of towns. Simaye's younger brother Virton is her sworn enemy, and battles between the two temples are very bloody. She uses an iron fist as her symbol.

Virton: His goals include protection of the innocent and weak, smiting evil, and aiding those in need. His wife is Nirsi, who was formerly mortal, and their churches try to cooperate as much as possible. His symbol is a halo made of lightning.

Zylatha: Zylatha is incredibly manipulative. He (and his clerics) prefers to trick rather than fight, and "receive" rather than "force" items away from people. He deceived many of the good gods for quite some time, and tricked many good people into worshipping him. Once he was discovered, many of his "true" followers began to live in secrecy. They all wear Zylatha's symbol, though - a rose.