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Revision as of 08:42, 26 January 2006

It could also be J. Random Gaming comic. Here's a random idea for one:

Aurora and Chadius sitting in front of the TV. Aurora on the Sphere, Chadius in a chair or on the couch. Possibly other characters in the background making poo jokes.

--First Panel-- Aurora: WTF? They stole my horse princess? What kind of horse-princess lets herself get stolen. I mean, she's a horse. She can, y'know, kick and shit.

--Next Panel-- Chadius: It's a Dragon Warrior game. About time you had to rescue a princess. Aurora: I don't wanna! Chadius: But thou must! Aurora: No! Chadius: But thou must! Aurora: No! Chadius: But thou must! Aurora: No! Chadius: But thou must! Aurora: Gah! ... fine.

--Next Panel-- Aurora: ... He sold her already? What the hell is this, gone in 60 seconds? Did he sell her for parts? Chadius: We're sorry, but your princess is in another stable.