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(Added Jupiter and Orbit)
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Latest revision as of 18:56, 30 November 2004


Jupiter (aka David) is the front man for Jupiter's Moons. He uses his business management, marketing, and research skills to keep the team employed, well funded, and out of trouble. He is also an excellent pilot, having flown the Orbit for many years in dangerous situations. However, his combat ability is lacking, and he leaves pretty much all the combat and espionage maneuvers to his team.


The Orbit acts as the mobile base of operations as well as the team insertion and extraction vehicle. The Orbit is a heavily modified supersonic VTOL transport. Among the upgrades are massive armor plates and an advanced shield that protects nearby friendlies from fire as well as the ship. The Orbit can accommodate 10 people and 200 tons of equipment for three weeks before new supplies and a refueling are needed.

In order to succeed as an insertion and extraction vehicle, the Orbit relies on stealth technology against sensors, vision, and hearing. The large vehicle can often slip right past both guards and automated defense systems, allowing it to insert the team just within the defended perimeter. It has also proven to work as a weapons delivery platform in the form of Elara using it as an airborne strike platform, shooting her guns and missiles at targets from the opened back of the ship.

The Orbit near came to the end of its career during the Dino Mech run due to its encounter with Project Dragon in which it was both engulfed in Energy Breath, shot, grenaded, jumped on, and bitten. Despite all this, Io managed to piece it all back together within a day after having it hauled back to base.