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Latest revision as of 23:02, 7 December 2005

Description: Budd, a rebellious teenager went off into the woods one day to escape from his family's strife. While in the woods, he was suprisingly knocked out. When he woke up, some unknown lifeform had combined itself with his body. It seemed to be living with him symbiotically -- he is able to control its vines with his own limbs.

However, as a teenager in search of his own way, he doesn't want these new powers, and is looking for a way to free himself of the symbiote. He heard some stories about Island Number 255, and felt it was a promising lead in order to find a cure.

Upon arrival at the island he discovered that what he thought would lead to his salvation turned out to not be so good. People despised him and thought he was working with the crazy druids.