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The Book of Pussich: Chapter 1

The Beginning

Everyone woke up near a waterfall. Walking a short distance from there, we found a nudist colony and asked them where the nearest town was. They told us it was Berlin. We set out to walk to Berlin. Along the way, we encountered the avatar of Nigel's god, Pussich. We also encountered normal-looking squirrels who did nasty things like breathe fire and lightning. We met a group of strange creatures that brandished strange black weapons. We destroyed them and immediately camped because of battle fatigue.

During the night, Nigel's foot was grabbed by a hand from underground. He panicked and woke up the rest of the group--but not before taking a swing at the hand with his mace and smashing his foot. We dug the poor "living impaired" individual up, then Nigel smashed its head off its body and Asterix tore off its arm. The living impaired asked politely to be put back in the hole and we obliged. The next day of travel was rather uneventful. Nigel had difficulties coping with the 5 suns and moons, but the rest of the party appeared either to be either young enough to find it really cool or dumb enough not to be shocked. Nigel was in denial about being out of his world.

After some more travelling, we arrived in the town of Berlin. We visited the secretary, who informed us that we had to speak to the mage guild to find out how to return home. We made our way to the mage guild in town and, as we approached, it exploded. As soon as the smoke cleared, we entered the building and attempted to rescue anyone left inside. We found a chest in the defunct guild and took it. Also, we cut the end off a strange rope that was hanging in mid air. After all of this occurred, we went back to speak to the multi-armed secretary of the mayor, who informed us that we had to travel to Capitol City.

On the Road Again

We then travelled away from Berlin. Along the road, we met a tree and had a rather intriguing conversation with it. During our two week journey, we were waylayed by random thugs. We did defeat the thugs, however the next attack was by very small pixies who beat us severely with their tiny bows and daggers. They rendered us unconscious but when we awoke, the small pixies were gone and there were large craters in the ground. There were also signs of digging directly under where our campfire had been, so Asterix finished the digging that the pixies started. What he uncovered was a large chest with a King's fortune of gems, coins and items.

Later, we encountered a rather odd man who had a collapseable shop in his wagon. We engaged in a little bartering for necessary items. (Yeah right; we wanted more magical stuff.) Along the route, we encountered a group of slave women and a man being attacked by two large monsters. We heroically vanquished the monsters thus saving the doomed women and man and made our way to Capitol City.

The City of Many Guilds

The next day the intrepid group received a notice from The Overlord that said, "To Newcomers: The Dark Overlord requests your presence in the Hall of Justice at sundown. Do not be late!" It was signed "Astrigar, Lt. Scribe, Governor of Capitol City." We went and spoke with Astrigar and he told us to not break laws and we'd be fine. Then we dined with the secretary who was more helpful when it came to information gathering. He answered all our questions with very bleak and depressing answers and then sent us on our way...after getting a bit of a bath by some clerically-created water.

We then went back to the inn and sat around for awhile in the common room. Gwen showed everyone a scroll she had found, which read, "Come to Market Square at midnight tonight if you want to get home," and was simply signed "D." The group decided, after a bit of discussion, to meet the mysterious D at midnight. (Insert suspenseful music here) We encountered a figure in an alleway that night who motioned for the group to follow him. He led us to a door and the group entered. Inside we encountered the mysterious D. We inquired of the older gentleman what his name was. He told us it was "Dolric." He informed us that he was the only person who ever successfuly The Hub, and that he would help us get home--for a price. He told us the story of The Overlord and his minions and requested our aid in locating their base of operations. We agreed, after haggling the price, to go find the information he wanted. We then left and spent the night at the inn. The next day we spent quite a large sum acquiring enough supplies to move a small army. We then left Capitol City and headed north.

Plodding Northward

We traveled northward and met quite a large opposition in the form of wandering monsters. One of the quite memorable attacks was executed by a group of Gnolls which attacked our campsite at night. We had some trouble dealing with these Gnolls--a *lot* of trouble! We had struggled until all but one of the gnolls had fallen. Nigel was heavily injured and had fled the camp with a gnoll in hot pursuit. In a heroic effort to save Nigel, Asterix charged off after the gnoll and attacked! Unfortunately he tripped just as Nigel was turning and thrust his sword through Nigel's torso. Nigel fell that day. We mourned our brave, hiccupping cleric and preserved the body.

Bringing what was left of Nigel with us, we travelled two days to a small city. We went straight to the clerics guild and attempted to save Nigel. Luckily the clerics raised Nigel, which made Asterix very happy. After a week, the now-recovered Nigel and his armadillo, along with Iam, Elly, Gwen, Alekzie and the newly devout Asterix departed town travelling again to the north.

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