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The Book of Pussich: Chapter 4


We located the spot on the cliff directly above the cave entrance. Elly and Nigel climbed down normally. Alekzie cast a spell and climbed down without any rope. Iam was lowered down when we reached the cave. Astrix then lowered our gear, and the rest of the group followed. Lt. Michaels pulled some torches out of his pack and lit them, then we start into the cave.

We scouted the cave and discovered three areas: two were dead ends with treasure and traps, and the third was behind a large gold double door. We ignored the trapped treasure, and blasted through the door. There, we found a large room with two mosaics, one of a sunrise and one of a moonrise. We detected traps in the tiles and started probing them with staves. Elly, Alekzie and Aremis saw magical writing appear in their vision when any tile was depressed but it flashed by too fast for them to read it completely. We determined that some of them were trapped with damaging spells and found a path around them, stepping only on the safe tiles.

This circuitous route brought us to the door on the other side of the room. Gwen attempted to disarm the trap that was on it and a fireball blasted everyone in the room. Everyone wass seriously hurt except Nigel, Astrix and Lt. Michaels. Nigel healed Elly, Aremis, and Gwen. Also Astrix healed Alekie, saving her life and discovering his acceptance as a paladin of Pussich.

Acending Pussich

Pussich ran past the destroyed door and arrived at another locked door, followed by Nigel, Gwen, and Iam. Gwen attempted to open the door and was zotted by a lightning bolt, killing her instantly. Pussich ran into the next room only to be balked by another locked door. Nigel screamed for Astrix, who charged down the hallway and ploughed through the door. The door shattered and Astrix was covered in strange melting emeralds.

Past the next corridor, Nigel carried Pussich into another triangular room and Pussich leapt from Nigel's grasp and into the huge glowing orb floating in the room. Both the orb and Pussich exploded. Nigel then turned his attention to Astrix and poured water on him to cleanse him of the acid on his armor and clothing--but Astrix fell unconscious anyway. Nigel began to feel strange. He sat down and attempted to cast a spell. He successfully cured Astrix, who awakened.

Nigel, now with the unlimited power of Pussich coursing through him, returned down the hallway to Gwen's corpse and prayed over it, bringing her back to life! With Gwen alive, Nigel returned to the room of tiles. Nigel stood in the center of the room amongst his fallen comrades and raised his hands to the sky, letting the power flow through him. Nigel began floating and glowing brightly and a wave of power funneled through him and blasted past everyone, healing all who were hurt and flowing through the entire cavern, destroying traps and shredding all of the tiles and murals in the cave. It then reformed into a much smaller version of the orb, and Nigel collapsed in a heap, unconscious. Alekzie began to heal everyone and the conscious members of the group begin to collect the money and gems that were scattered by the wave of energy.


Right after restoring Pussich to god-hood, the group sent Asterix up the side of the cliff to get help. Iam followed him up the rope. Nigel, Gwen, and Lt. Michaels were unconscious, and Aremis lacked feathers and couldn't fly. Asterix went back to the citadel and got help from two soldiers, Yohan and Anderson. The party all made it out of the cave and back to the barracks. The group put Nigel and Gwen to bed in our section and Lt. Michaels was taken away for medical attention.

We told Scott (The Dark Overlord) the details of the traps in the cave and what we remembered seeing, but we realized that the only person who could've seen everything was Nigel, who is asleep. Scott told us that he needed a report on the entire incident, but we can't give him one until Nigel wakes up, so we decide to stay there a while. Lt. Byron, a doctor, tended to our wounded (all of us except the non-talking animals). He found nothing wrong with Gwen, and said she just needed a little rest. He also decided that Nigel was in a coma, though there was nothing wrong with him. He was very puzzled by Asterix, but eventually gave up on trying to figure out why he's so strange, and just put some ointment on his acid burns. The rest of us were deemed to be just a little wounded, and were told we would recover with rest. We rested for a while.

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