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Revision as of 17:27, 15 March 2007

Well, KLM here.

Casa Grande is a nice place to stop. Well, if you're a pirate that is. Anyway, this is a great place to sell off those pleasure bots for tons of creds! First stop: Moma's Kitchen.

I sell two off to her at 150K a pop. Seeing as how the market has it at 130K (ooh, that STD virus really drove prices over the normal 50K, huh?) I smelled major profit. Moma is large and in charge though, and she got her money's worth, oh yeah.

On our way back to the ship a couple of brigands stop us. They smell money. Kamir smells a fight. Oh yeah. BAM! One of 'em shot me in the arm, and it bled alot until Gerd fixed it.