Difference between revisions of "SJSThree:PCR1SN"

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Revision as of 15:18, 29 July 2007

Base Stats

Android Battle Maid R1SN: Raisin


Body 7
Mind 5
Soul 4

HP 75 Armor 20


Weapon: Unarmed | Damage (2 Brutal Level * (5 Damage Level + 2 Super Strength Level) + 6 ACV = 20 Weapon: Mop | Damage (2 Weapon Level * (5 Damage Level + 2 Super Strength Level) + 6 ACV = 20


Ism: Android (-2 points)
Marked: Production mark in embarrassing spot (-1 point)
Owned: Who does own her? SJS? Victory? (-1 point)


Attack Combat Mastery: +1
Computer Scanning: +2
Defence Combat Mastery: +1
Heightened Senses: +1 (Hearing)
Jumping: +1 (3x normal)
Power Flux -- Skill Flux (primal; all skills; equipment -1: programmes) 4 Flux Skill points
Special Defence (disease 2, lack of air 2, poison 2)
Super Speed: +1 (100kph)
Super Strength: +2 (+2 damage mult, +4 on strength stuff)
Tough: +4 (20hp)

Features: +1 pretty (1CP)
Extra Defences: +1 defence (5CP)
Brutal: +2 (4CP)


Skill: Acrobatics: +3 (Flexibility)
Skill: Computers: +2 (Databases)
Skill: Domestic Arts: +5 (Cleaning)
Skill: Etiquette: +3 (Upper Class)


An unexpected package arrived at SJS headquarters from (corporation name). Upon opening and inspection of the contents, it was discovered to contain a android maid, Serial Number R1SN. The SJS gave her the name Raisin since they didn't like calling her R1SN. She performed her normal jobs around the headquarters, keeping everything in running order. It was not until the Juggernaught incident that anyone began to suspect that there was more to her than they initially thought.