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(Madame Ruff's bio)
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Revision as of 23:13, 27 August 2007

Madame Ruff is a Silver Drakk from the mean streets of Chicago. She's strong but kind.

Ralenda "Ruff" Martas was born without wings or money. In the lower-class high-crime neighborhood she lived in, every day was a struggle to stay alive. The number of thieves, racists, and pimps who targeted her didn't help things either. She learned how to talk and fight back through lots of hardship. But it's only made her stronger.

It took many years of personal battles, but Ralenda drove the criminals out of her home. She set up a neighborhood watch and taught body language and street fighting to the citizens. She even managed to convince businesses to setup shop. The people have nicknamed her Madame Ruff to reflect her altruism and gallantry.

TOA tried to recruit her last year, but she politely declined. Her home still needs improvement, and she's the best one for the job.