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The team's born again Christian Electrical Engineer.

Stats (36 CP)

Body: 4

Mind: 7

Soul: 6

ACV: 5

DCV: 3

HP: 50

EP: 65

Attributes (8 CP)

Attribute Level CP Notes
Divine Relationship 1 2 Re-roll a die once per session
Highly Skilled 3 3 +30 skill points
Gadget 1 1 Wearable Computer
Gadgeteer 1 2 Builds stuff twice as fast

Defects (4 BP)

Defect BP Notes
Owned 1 Church ties / duties
Significant Other 1 Girlfriend
Easily Distracted 1 religious debate
Easily Distracted 1 heathens

Skills (50 SP)

Skill Level SP Stat Notes
Area Knowledge 3 12 Mind
Computers 2 10 Mind
Electronics 3 12 Mind
Etiquette 2 6 Mind
Mechanics 2 6 Mind
Occult 2 4 Mind

Alternate Form Attributes (40 CP)

Attribute Level CP Notes
Combo Attack 2 4 Can combo with up to four others
Armor 1 3 +10 armor
Flight 1 3 50kph skimming 1m above surface. Requires concentration (-1cp)
Special Attack: "Claw" 3 12 Short Range (-1), Accurate (1), Penetrating (force field) (1), 40 Damage (2)
Special Attack: Power Surge 3 3 Area 3m (1), Aura (2), Static (-2), Limited Shots 6 (-1), 60 Damage (3)
Special Attack: Brownout 3 3 Drain Energy (1), No Damage (-1), Area 3m (1), 40 EP Damage (2)
Highly Skilled 4 4 +40 sp
Item of Power 2 8 Command Shell gives following 2 abilities
* Transmutation (1) (4) Transmute up to 1kg of material into something else
* Heightened Senses (6) (6) Sensors galore

"Claw" Damage

Dice Roll 2-3 4-6 7-10 11-12
Damage 60+6 45+6 30+6 15+6

Alternate Form Skills (40 SP)

Skill Level SP Stat Notes
Special Ranged Attack 3 12 ACV "Claw" Attack
Unarmed Defense 2 10 DCV Strikes
Ranged Defense 3 18 DCV personal