Ubernerd's All-Purpose Wish List
From UtterChaos
Seriously Wishful Thinking
More time off
A new apartment
A pay raise
A non-shitty immune system
Coworkers that are Not Dumb
A Tom ugrade (Service Pack 4 with Personal Management feature)
Wishful Thinking
A Bar. Heh heh. Heh heh heh heh heh.
For someone to pay off the balance on my pipes at Riverside Motosports
Adjustable brake and clutch levers for my 2003 M620 (link coming)
Black Joe Rocket "Trixie" Jacket. Medium.
Now that you've read all the impossible stuff, here's the do-able stuff
This pretty pretty bracelet for my ToV character It qualifies for free shipping, and the discount code is SEPTB
For someone to take me fabric shopping so I can make this outfit for ToV