Hub:Chapter 1-6

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The Book of Pussich: Chapter 6

Leaving The Overlord

We traveled south from Scott's keep. One night, as we were setting up camp, we met a nice flock of bats who coalesced into the Lord and Lady Von Trauen. They ask the group for directions to one of the other cities. After receiving the information, they turned into bats and flew off into the night sky. The next morning, Elly made us a rather exquisite breakfast. We ate and then packed up and begin travelling again.

On the wagon, Elly showed Nigel the gems she took from the orb's lair. Nigel asked Elly if they could get a temple built with their newfound wealth. Elly then showed Gwen the gems. Elly suggested that we make Skryfe our home and rent a house there. We travelled until nightfall and made camp in a clearing.

That night, Alekzie spotted several dark shapes heading toward the camp during her watch. She attempted to talk to Aremis, but no sound came out of her mouth. Alekzie then poked Elly with her staff and woke her up. She ran around and tried to wake the others up. She managed to wake Iam who attempted to talk but couldn't, making him go a little silly. At this point, the three people who were awake spotted driders: evil beasts who are half-drow, half-spider. They woke up the rest of the group and turned to face the creatures.

Spider Smashin' Time!

The driders advanced on the group and began to shoot arrows. Astrix got hit as soon as he got up, and the shot paralyzed him. The group fought valiantly. Iam hit a spider with a stick and killed it. Nigel charged forward towards the driders and attacked one, crushing it with a swing of his mace. Gwen took a shot at a spider with her bow and missed. The driders attacked and missed everone but Nigel. Alekzie wraped her cloak around herself and disappeared. Elly threw a dagger at one of the driders and killed it. Gwen took an arrow shot but accidentally raked the bowstring across her chest as she released the arrow. The monsters attacked again, and missed everyone except Alekzie. Iam began stomping on the spiders and killed one. Alekzie took a swipe at the spider that hit her, and killed it. Gwen took a swing at two with her short swords and killed both. Nigel ran over to the paralyzed Astrix and started attacking the spiders crawling on him, killing one. Iam squished a few more spiders and wend to attack the spiders surrounding Nigel. The group finished killing the spiders, but was immediately surrounded by half-orc, half-boar creatures who tied us up.

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