Alternity Kaelum

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Kaelum is a Mechallus in Eric's Alternity run. You can call him KLM or K, he doesn't mind.

He's a no-holds-barred merchant with the technological knowhow to back it up. Give him a rubber band, a straw, and a paper clip and make a gun out of it. Then he'll sell it at double market value. Aww yeah.

To Kaelum, life is all about making money the most creative way possible. Understanding economics, business sense and psychology gives him the edge in business deals.

Technological developments are also important to K. He enjoys putting stuff together and letting it do the hard work for him. Plus it gives him time to think about the next big deal. KLM's perfect day involves making the right deal AND building the ubertool.

Right now Kaelum is riding the Sapphire, helping Captain Marcus pay off his father's debt. Cyrum gave them the ship, but he also gave them a 1-million+ Credit bill to pay off. Kaelum loves to swindle the swindlers though, so he gets a big kick out of watching Cyrum squirm.