Andrew's Webcomics

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What I generally am following now. Descriptions to be added as I feel non-lazy.

More or Less Dailies

Sluggy Freelance. You have heard of Sluggy, haven't you?

Something Postive. A great comic full of blasphemous humor and touching moments.

Questionable Content. Like a cross between Something Positive and Diesel Sweeties. No, I don't like Diesel Sweeties, but this one is good.

PvP. A gaming comic.

Candi. A simple and humourous comic about a girl and her ferret living at college.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

El Goonish Shive. My favorite comic in the whole wide world. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, so I'll just steal the description from the site itself: "A strange comic about a group of teenagers and the bizarre, often supernatural, situations that they face." I should warn you all that, like Unicorn Jelly, the art and writing start out bad but get better.




Errant Story


The Wotch.

Girl Genius.

Penny Arcade.

Order of the Stick.


Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday

8 Bit Theatre.

Around Twice a Week

The Midlands.

Real Life Comics.

Alpha Shade.

Tsunami Channel.

Two Kinds.


VG Cats

Pastel Defender Heliotrope.

Not So Often


Special Mention

Unicorn Jelly. Its actually finished now, but I just had to mention it here anyways.