Bad Wedding Ideas

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Revision as of 19:13, 29 May 2005 by Ratri (Talk | contribs)

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  1. A Halloween wedding, with everyone in costume, and the officiator in a Cthulhu suit.
  2. A slip-n-slide aisle for the procession. (Inspiration for this came from Ben and Jen's wedding at Castle on the Hill in Ipswich. There's this long, rolling green hill down to the sea. It's super excellent, and would make a good slip-n-slide setting.)
  3. Live favors for the guests at the reception, including mice and goldfish.
  4. Have Mary Prankster play the reception.
  5. Have the groom dressed in full Darth Vader outfit. For extra points, all groomsmen should be outfited with matching Imperial Guard robes and helmets. Any extra ushers, if there are extra ushers who aren't groomsmen, could of course have Storm Trooper armour.