Bruschetta with Salted Tomatoes

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This is a guideline for making lazy-man's bruschetta with all the leftover stuff that you come up with after cooking a dirty Eye-talian meal. The recipe is built off of one large tomato, for easy scaling proportions.


1 large tomato

1/4 cup chopped dill and/or basil

1/2 tsp chopped garlic

1 tsp rock salt/coarse sea salt

4 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

Shredded Mozarella Cheese (for melting on top)

Bread (form factor determines how many slices - one large tomato covers approx. 24 square in - more or less depending on how stingy you are)

Preheat the oven to 400 F. Hack up the tomato. Put it in a bowl. Toss in the dill, basil, and garlic. Give it a good stir. Toss in rock salt and give it another good stir. Go read a magazine for about 10 minutes. Come back and take a look at the bowl. Drain off any of the tomato liquid that has been drawn out by the salt. Cut the bread into slices corresponding to the appropriate surface area you've scaled your recipe to. Brush the slices with 2 tbsp of the olive oil, lay them out on a baking tray, and shove 'em in the oven for 5 to 8 minutes. When the bread's appropriately toasty, take it out of the oven and pay attention to the tomato concoction. Pour off any remaining extra liquid the salt has drawn out, and pour 2 tbsp olive oil into the mixture to halt the dehydration process. Mix in the balsamic vinegar, and top the toasted bread with the tomato mix. Slap some cheese on top and shove it back in the oven until the cheese looks melty and delicious (about 3 minutes). Remove from tray and serve immediately on a hoity-toity plate.