Chadius: Everything Else

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Fancomic Idea

Superheroes. Satire. Family.

Trying to fight villans and deal with everyday life.

The biggest influence for would be Darkwing Duck. A great, old cartoon. A much more recent influence is The Incredibles.

Major Characters

There are four characters. They're roughly supposed to represent my four major quirks.


Confidence, Incurable Romantic, Father

Real Name: Nate Menta

Age: 28

Height: Kinda short

Weight: Thin, no real muscle tone

Mento is a single father dedicated to protecting the innocents of his fair city. He is also looking for that special someone to spend the rest of his life with, although he hasn't had much luck. He only seems to attract the dangerous types.

He loves his adopted son, Jack. They fight crime together, and Mento is a bit overbearing on him (but it's out of pure love.)

Mento works at Smartypants Publishing as a senior editor. It specializes in books that boost intelligence, wit, and charm. His secretary, Lucy, helps him organize his notes, answer the phone before he can, and cover for him when he needs others. His father founded the company, but disappeared 10 years ago.

Mento fights with...well, raw confidence. Mento has no powers, per se, but he has a knack for demoralizing his opponents and dropping their defenses so he can score a critical hit. Mento also travels with his grappling hook and his 1998 Toyota Camry.


Lost, Media Nut, Son

Real Name: Jack Hanes Menta

Age: 15

Height: Average

Weight: Normal

Prick is, like most other teenagers, lost. Prick lies at that tender age where he hates authority but buys into every new product. Where he can't stand taking orders but loves his father. And where each new discovery reveals a world of information to him.

You see, he can't remember much before he was 12, when Nate Menta adopted him. Not that it matters much. He lives in the NOW, he can't look back. Although something seems to be calling him from then. Maybe he needs to read more back issues...

Prick loves his father, Mento. He corrects Mento constantly, and he can't stand when Mento becomes overbearing, but he wouldn't be happier with anyone else.

Prick fights by extending spikes from his body. His main weapons are 2 long spikes from his hands, with a unique "shpikt!" sound effect that no other superhero has ever used before. He can also cling to walls and surfaces (even though it makes a mess.)


True Neutral, Superiority


Machismo, Inciter

Everything else I did


Megaman X6: Why?