Chadius: TOA Summary 11/25/06

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Here's the timeline diagram of the weave-unweave insanity. From here on out, only the unweaved timeline exists.

  • Deen and Diiman carry Li out; Tara and Lily carry Tarxius out
  • Shadra Haela is talking to Zii when they arrive
  • Tara interrogates Tarxius for a while
  • Lily asks Lucy about Anastasia, she doesn't see her in the photo or know her.
  • Lily traces the account that transferred to Atlanta.
  • Goto Atlanta, investigate the bank. The record was forged, none of the bank staff knows about it.
  • The group splits up: Tara & Li looks for Henry's company record, find a company recently formed
  • Lily looks up the record's origin: All bank transactions stopped for two minutes while the forged record was made
  • Diiman, Viveka and Ceelie go to Henry's "Home," an abandoned house (on the outside.) The inside is quite furnished. In the bedroom, they trigger a fire creature that demands "Bring me the unicorn!" They flee the house while the creature burns the house down.
  • The fire department comes in, finds a fire rune that caused the fire.
  • Zii tells them to hold tight while Tarxius unweaves
  • While eating, Diiman talks to Li about starring in a movie
  • History is fixed, but Henry has protected himself well.
  • Zii reports that Tarxius is very badly injured, and no one knows what happened to Henry. He's not in jail anymore.

Day 1:

Complicated things happened at the mall, summed up by Li's report. The conclusion of this is that we brought back to TOA two injured/unconcious parties: Li and Tarxius.

Tarxius was taken into custody. Li was brought to the medical center to recover. We discussed what we'd discovered from Tarxius with Zii. Li joined us after healing. Zii took Tara and Ceelie down to the TOA prison to interrogate Tarxius.

Viveka, Diiman, and I went to speak with Lucy about clothing replacement, new weapons, and Anastasia, respectively. Lucy claimed to not be able to see Anastasia in the picture I'd taken of her, nor did she personally know anyone by the name of Anastasia. I am concerned by the way Lucy acts when I am around but I have not been able to determine the cause of this yet. I will also try to do some research later on why she would not be able to see Anastasia in the picture, as Diiman and Viveka could both see her.

I attempted to work on my motorcycle again, but was interrupted by mental contact from Ceelie for Tara. She wanted me to trace the money that Tarxius was paid with by Henry. I did so, and traced it to a bank account in Atlanta that had been set up specifically for this large transfer of funds. I took down all the information relevant to this account and conveyed it to Tara. The group decided to go to Atlanta the next day.

Day 2:

We took a portal to Atlanta in the morning. I rearranged my abilities to be more capable at computer espionage and a small amount of healing. The portal let out in the coat check of a hotel in Atlanta. The coat check was very full. The clerk informed us that it was because there was a Numair convention in the hotel.

Diiman rented a van for us to use for transportation while in Atlanta. We immediately went to the bank branch where the dummy account had been opened. I went in alone to question the clerk, Max, who had opened the account. Ceelie connected the group via telepathy to ensure that I collected all the necessary information. I used my fake police ID to imply to the manager and Max that I was a NYC police detective on an unspecified investigation. They were very cooperative, and provided me with the following details:

  • Max had been sick on the day the account was opened, and not at work, though he had been scheduled to be there. Payroll records verified this.
  • The manager I spoke to was working that day. He had not witnessed this account being opened and knew nothing about it. Since it was such a large amount, he was sure that he would have remembered it.
  • This was the first time they had seen anything for this account. Ceelie verified that they were being truthful.
  • They had reviewed the security tapes for that day and had not seen anything unusual.

I acquired paper copies of the payroll records and anything pertaining to this account. Additionally, they had not heard of Henry McJerksalot.

At this point, the group split up. Viveka, Diiman, and Ceelie went to the abandoned building that was listed as the contact address on the account. I went to an internet cafe to trace the hack that set up the account. Li and Tara went to city hall to find information on Henry McStupidface.

I was very successful in tracing the hack back to the bank. I also procured the actual record of transactions that day. Although they had been steady and constant for the time leading up to and after the time that the account was entered, for two minutes around the time when the account was created there were no other transactions being made in this branch. This lead me to believe that Other intervention was involved.

I received a phone call from Ceelie shortly thereafter. Once I had processed the image of Ceelie dialing Diiman's cellphone, I received the following information. Please keep in mind that it was difficult to hear, as there was a lot of background noise from fire trucks, Diiman shouting, and other static.

Viveka had found that the abandoned building only looked abandoned from the front. Inside, it was fitted out as a comfortable dwelling. She called in Diiman and Ceelie to deal with something interesting in the bedroom. Diiman activated a fire trap that vocally implied it was after Tara. The monster (not a Numair) quickly started burning down the building. Ceelie and Viveka escaped the building promptly while Diiman tried to subdue it. He exited the building through a window when it became necessary. They called the fire department, which in turn contacted TOA. The monster was destroyed and they found evidence of it being made by something magical.

Since Tara and Li did not have a cellphone, I volunteered to take a cab to city hall to inform them of the events. The cab driver seemed to recognize me from "a few years back." I made it clear that I did not wish to discuss anything with him, but I noted his name (It's Foo Barbaz) and I will investigate him at a later date.

I found Tara and Li in the public records section of city hall. Tara had found Henry McJerkydude's business and home address. The home address matched that of the abandoned building. I filled her in on its destruction by fire and about the trap being intended for her. She appeared unnerved by this. We called Ceelie and told her what Tara had found. They planned to come pick us up.

After being picked up, we discussed what to do next. We called Zii to fill him in on what we'd collectively discovered. He informed us that in one hour, Tarxius was going to reverse the fate weave that he'd made to free Henry McAssface from prison. We decided to wait and see what would happen with the reverse-weave.

We got lunch. Li had never had fast food before. I don't know how he feels about it yet.

Immediately before the weave was scheduled to happen, we parked near Henry McDoodypant's business address to observe the effects.

I have just received an information dump from the rest of my team. Apparently, Henry McShithead had fate woven about one week ago to make it such that he had never been in TOA's prison. The correct history has been restored with one exception: while he is still a known criminal, he is no longer being held in TOA's prison. I find this disturbing. Additionally, the fate weaver responsible, Tarxius, is in intensive care for excessive bleeding.

I am unsure why we appear to be in Atlanta. I will have to review my notes when we get back to TOA headquarters.