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One of the time stamps is wrong. None of this took place on June 16, 1236 AD.

May 31, 1236 AD (Afternoon)

After a good night's rest, you wake up to another sunny day. Vegeta and Nidri chip in for a wand of swimming. The party finds instructions directing them to the Workers Home district, where they can meet their "escort".
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll need Will Saves from everyone.
Not long after breakfast, a feeling of paranoia settles in, as if they are being watched...
Vegeta: Will save 29
Hernz: that's how it went down against Majiin Buu trying to control him... ain't happening!
also, Veg doesn't have enough GPs to split a wand 50/50 lol... hoping the party can help us out... I can put in 150GPs
Nidranisan : Will
Save	14
ohhhh yeah.
what's the total cost of the wand again?
Vegeta: 750
Cat: ok.
and it needs UMD or an arcane caster to use it?
Vegeta: I think an arcane caster who has it on their class list can use it automatically
Hernz: I hate use to hate staves and crap so I don't know the rules.... and lazy to look it up hahaha
(GM) Chad S. (GM): If it's on your spell list, you can use a wand.
Hernz: thanks chad
realtime 10/22, 7:56 pm
In the Workers Home district, Agent Midnight is talking to Happy Joe. Mostly small talk and making sure he's alright.
Agent Midnight: Are you all prepared? Our destination is three days away.
Vegeta: A sayan's always ready... but um... my friends are in the closet right now....
Agent Midnight: Of....course.
Cat: so, if we have anyone who can use the wand, nidri will buy it.
i think that's pretty much a question for claire.
Vegeta: Claire can use it... the spell in in her list
Hernz: its a basic 1st level spell
she doesn't have to know it... just be a spell she can cast
Cat: sure, well, is veg is kicking in 150 that leaves 600. if claire is cool using it anyone else can also buy in for like 150.

Vegeta coughs up the fundage
The party chips in for a fancy wand.
Hernz: we good to go? Cat? Meghan chan?
Agent Midnight: I've provided us with some camels for transport.
Vegeta: thanks... I'm sure they'll come in handy
Hernz: So watching dragon ball movie 15 (frieza returns).... he has an army of 1000 cannon fodder... was thinking that'd be fun for us to face hahaha
Btw, if you just watch the 3 minutes of credits, it's basically a recap of the entire move... skip to the end haha
Cat: lolz.
and yes, i'm good to go, dunno if anyone else is checking in this week. heh.
realtime 10/23 8:30 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hmm. Seems like people are pretty busy this week.
Cat: yeah, i can sure say it's been hitting the fan pretty hard in my world ;)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, I suspected as much for you and George.
Hernz: I'm good to move on...
Agent Midnight: Prince Vegeta. Nidranisan. What is your favorite kind of tea?
Nidranisan: uh, tea?
I don't really...have a favorite. I guess?
Agent Midnight: Really? You must try chamomile. Or perhaps something simple like honey and lemon.
Nidranisan: I mostly stick with water, honestly. Less messy and fewer burns when the cup breaks.
Agent Midnight: When the cup breaks? Don't be afraid of breaking some of my teacups. I have plenty.
Well, you are free to try out some of the tea I have. I'll make sure to prepare it during the day.
Vegeta: no tea for me... a warrior must maintain a pure body which will in turn allow for better recovery and energy flow
Agent Midnight: A sensible argument. I brought an extra supply of water if you ever require it.
Vegeta: appreciate that... now how familiar are you with these lands we'll be traveling to? Any type of creature in particular we should be aware of that we might encounter?
Agent Midnight: Magmere has controlled the local population, and frightened off most predators. We'll be fighting most of their Agents, and any robots they have reprogrammed.
Vegeta: good to know... been meaning to test those metal droids
Agent Midnight: Fire, Ice and Lightning seems to be your best tools against them. Try to overload the Fire-based robots with lightning, melt the Ice ones with flame and freeze the lightning ones.
Nidranisan: Well, Claire will love the ice ones.
Agent Midnight: Ah yes. The princess told me about your challenge against the robots.
Will Claire...talk them to death?

Agent Midnight has a faint smile.
Nidranisan laughs.
Agent Midnight: Perhaps she should consider becoming a diplomat after all of this.
Nidranisan: She could.
Nidranisan mumbles something under her breath.
Nidranisan: (if she ever loses her taste for setting things on fire.)
Vegeta: perhaps a good pounding will put those robots in their place as well
Cat: ...
realtime 10/24, 8:39 pm
Agent Midnight waits for the party to finish preparations.
She also seems keen on learning their favorite flavor or tea.
Fi: So: Fire, Ice, and Lightning Elementals might be useful? I'll keep that in mind.
Agent Midnight: More importantly, though. How do you like you tea, Fi?
Fi: Camellia sinensis? Ah you mean how you prepare it?
Agent Midnight: Let me see...ah yes, I have some of that. I will be heating the kettle over the campfire. It's quite durable.
Fi: I've always been amused by how many flavors people have extracted from the leaves of a single plant species.
Agent Midnight: ...well, yes. Each region has its own unique flavors and subtleties.
Ah. Are you ready to travel, Fi?

Vegeta waits around shadow boxing
Fi: Yes, I'm always ready for travel.

Fi straps some luggage on a camel.
Vegeta: luggage? you packing for a vacation elf?
Fi: Rice doesn't grow on trees in the desert, Sayan.
At least, I don't have to over pack on water as long as I can still cast.
Agent Midnight: Then we're off. Goodbye, capital.

Agent Midnight salutes by clenching her left fist over her heart and bowing her head slightly.
Agent Midnight: she hops on her camel and heads off, out of town and into the desert.

Agent Midnight she hops on her camel and heads off, out of town and into the desert.
Agent Midnight leads the party into the desert. The large temples and buildings of the Draugh Empire soon give way to small villages and huts, which soon disappear, leaving behind vast expanses of sand.
Cat: ...i hate sand.
Despite the dry, arid environment, the party is able to travel for the first day with little trouble, thanks to sticking to the trail.
Nighttime falls, and it's time to make camp. Agent Midnight prepares tea for everyone who asked for it, taking lavender tea for herself.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You should set up watches and make perception checks.
Nidranisan : Perception
Check	2
awwwwwwww yeah.
gonna be that kind of day.
Vegeta: scouter reading 28
Hernz: I should get a scouter at some point... we'll have to work on that as a magic item lol
Chris: Well, if we base it off of our previous watches, it would be: Hawk & Claire; Vegeta; Fi; Nidir and Fleir. Agent Midnight can choose Vegeta or Fi to keep company.
Hernz: god I hope she doesn't talk to me about tea....
Fi : Perception
Check	26
Fleir : Perception
Check	13
Cat: fourth watch, we all die.
oh hey, i forgot my -2 chad.
so that's actually a 0. :)
Hawk Hubertins : Perception
Check	19
Uhm... I missed a lot, so I'm not sure what the story is with the -2 Cat's talking about. Should Hawk also have a -2 to that?
Cat: my -2 is because i super bombed a will save everyone had to make for paranoia check (it was the second -- first was right when we arrived, second was "this morning")
Claire : Perception
Check	15
Hernz: oooh! we got 4 of us on at the same time! hi!!
Cat: heh.
i just leave this tab open.
Hernz: same, until it goes "bloop"
Cat: it makes a noise? i just have chrome pop up a thing that forces me to reload like once a day.
Hernz: if you don't have it as your current page, it does
when someone says stuff
Cat: ah, i leave my sound off.
Hernz: ah...
Cat: and...there's the refresh popup. :)
realtime 10/25, 8:29 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi, Claire. Can I get will saves from you?
Hawk's Will Save 7
(To GM) rolling 1d4
= 1
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d2+1
= 2
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'm re adding the "Watches" handout because I can't find the old one...
Agent Midnight elects to help Vegeta during his watch.
(To GM) rolling 1d20+7
= 9

gametime May 31, 1236 AD (evening)

Claire : Will
Save	6
Hawk and Claire are on watch when they hear a strange noise, like multiple people are running towards the camp from multiple directions.
Hernz: princesses always fall for the distant yet confident prince
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol
Just waiting on Fi's Will Save. Also, however Claire decides to react.
To the noise.
Hernz: The will save, as you can see from the icon above your character's heads, is how broken hearted you are that midnight, aka princess, picked vegeta
Meghan: probably sounding the alarm
if this was unexpected.
sorry, haven't been paying much attention recently.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): No problemo. You're in the desert on the first of three days travel.
Claire sounds the alarm.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Sleeping people should make a perception check, DC 0 (is anyone at a negative perception?)
Cat: with the -2, yes
Hernz: so... made
Nidranisan : Perception
Check	11
Agent Midnight: But mummy, I don't want that pony...no, the other one...
No, I like my boots...what? Alarm? Where?
Claire : Knowledge-Arcana
Check	10
Vegeta: perception 33
Fi : Will
Save	14
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d6
= 5
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, I think it's time for initiative.
Vegeta: Initialize: 18
Hernz: god I'm wasting all my rolls...
Fi : Initiative
Check	18.03
Nidranisan : Initiative
Check	20.02
Fleir : Initiative
Check	11.03
Cat: er, failed to apply -2 to that...
Chris: It wasn't an attack roll, a saving throw, skill or ability check.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Initiative is a dex check.
Enemy's init 15
Chris: ok. knock everyone but vegeta down 2.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I did wonder about that, too.
Chris: Does Fleir need a will save, or is she not working for the bad people?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir is A-OK. Animal Intelligence! :)
Agent Midnight: Init 25
(GM) Chad S. (GM): GM's showing off his GMPC already...
Claire : Initiative
Check	19.01
Hernz: good, enough dex to maybe allow us to not let her get killed lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Rock falls on her, she dies
Hernz: crocodile comes in and eats her limbs, just in case
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Other rocks fall, point to you and spell "YOUR FAULT"
Circe?: Was I too loud? Welcome to Circe's game. I'm your host- Circe- and I need you to surrender quiet-like. I got a big debt to pay off, and you guys are EASY MONEY!
Fi : Dexterity
Check	22
Why do they have the conditions checkbox if it doesn't automatically apply?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Why does who have what?
Chris: On the character sheet first page. You can pick conditions and it writes the minus penalty to the top right of the character, but it doesn't do anything with the number.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Huh. Never noticed that before. Weird.

Chris is attacking Fi with Long Bow!
Fi : Long Bow
Attack	24
Damage	4
Type	piercing
Yeah, didn't apply it.
Fi: (groggily) Circe's game? is that tastey?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Waiting for Hawk's initiative (with the -2 penalty for being shaken via paranoia)
Agent Midnight: Circe's game? Dammit, we don't have time for this.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): To speed things up (and I don't think Hawk is gonna beat init 25), I'll say Agent Midnight grabs her weapon and quickly reloads it.
Also, please roll a K Planes check to identify the shiny blue skinned women skating towards you, wearing wizard's robes.
Vegeta: hahahaha... how about we play Prince Vegeta's game instead? I call it, you die.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Spoken like a true Sayan Prince.
Hawk Hubertins : Initiative
Check	12.02
Hawk Hubertins : Knowledge-Planes
Check	19

Vegeta powers up and begins glowing a yellow aura (or will once his turn comes up). [veg casts bark skin, 1 ki... 12 Ki left]
George: -2 to each of those.
Round 1
Agent Midnight steps out of her tent, holding one of those weird weapons.
Chris: Now do they spin in circles and we try to find the right one?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, Vegeta, Claire and Fi are up.
Uh, Vegeta powers up?
Hernz: full action or standard only?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Don't worry Chris, the cursor always starts on the real one.
Chris: Getting out of the tent is move equiv, right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You are face up (or down) in the tent. Move equiv to step out, but you have a full round action.
Chris: Do you want to label them A,B, etc so I can click on them you you understand?
Hernz: then vegeta will move out first and then power up for all to see :D
(GM) Chad S. (GM): All of them have unique names.
Vegeta powers up!
Hawk Hubertins: Ice? In the desert? That can't be terribly comfortable.
Circe?: Not too bad during the nights, hun. You wanna see if I can last during the day? Bet you 100 gold I can.
Nidranisan : Knowledge-Planes
Check	24
Hernz: whehre's F... abcde...g..
Chris: That's to leave us guessing.
Hernz: to leave us G.. G... Guessing
Nidranisan: Burn 'em, Claire.
And watch your footing.

Fi is attacking Circe? E with Long Bow!
Fi : Long Bow
Attack	24
Damage	9
Type	piercing
Chris: -2 is already applied to my attacks.
Hawk Hubertins: What Nidri said!
Nidranisan casts Resistance on Nidri!
Nidranisan: Duration: 1 minute. +1 bonus on saving throws
Fi's arrow zips off into the darkness and chips a large chunk of ice off of one of the women. Who, come to think of it, all look the same.
Nidri enhances herself against magical assault.
Claire : Knowledge-Planes
Check	25
Claire : Burning Hands
School Evocation;
Level 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VS
Range 15 ft
Effects/Target cone-shaped burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half
Spell Resistance Yes

Meghan casts Burning Hands!

Meghan is attacking Circe? A with Burning Hands!
Meghan: Damage: 5d4. Damage Result: 8
Burning Hands uses remaining: 7
god, that's a terrible damage role
(GM) Chad S. (GM): What's the DC?
Circe's Reflex Save 7
Hernz: lol
Claire's flames burn Circe, blasting water and steam behind the robed woman.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fire attacks deal 50% extra.
Circe?: 10 gold. Wonder if I can take another one of those.
Circe? A charges Claire with an ice axe, hitting AC 13 for 5 nonlethal cold damage
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'm gonna assume Claire has Mage Armor up, so that misses.
Hernz: uh, does she? does that mean I do?
unless she got a round of prep
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire was on watch and you were asleep.
Hernz: works
A patch of icy fog springs up around Fi and Vegeta.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The patch is effectively fog cloud.
Circe E tries a ranged touch against Fi hitting Touch AC 24 for 1 damage
Circe E tries to confirm a ranged touch against Fi hitting Touch AC 21 for 1 damage
Hernz: hahaha
Cat: niiiice.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Toothpick of DOOM
Circe? E throws one hell of a tiny icicle at Fi.
Hernz: does Fi have concealment in there?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Ooh, good point
Miss Chance
less than 20 = Miss! 19
Chris: wat?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Don't ask me, I just roll the dice
Cat: brilliant.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Circe B tries a ranged touch against Midnight hitting Touch AC 16 for 3 damage
Circe? B is much more successful in hitting Agent Midnight.
However, Agent Midnight seems to resist the effects of the blast.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (Cold Resist 5)
Meghan: Huh.. uh, well, if we had a prep round I have mage armor up
bu totherwise, no
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So AC 11?
Meghan: yeah, probably
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You were on watch, but you sounded the alarm.
Man, I am retcontacular tonight.
Circe? A's axe hits Claire, dealing 5 nonlethal damage. It's also intensely cold.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire, I need a Fort Save DC 14
Circe? D runs up and conjures a field of ice around her.
Circe? C skates into camp.
Circe?: Oh yeah, you deal with ice, huh?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir and Hawk close out round 1.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 18
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
Hernz: woooooooo +2!!
George: ;)

Fleir runs up to Circe E

Hawk Hubertins draws his bow.
Circe?: Dog? Wolf? Uh...bear? No wait, not a bear. Geez, Rose would probably pet you all day long.
Round 2
Fi: She did.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Midnight chooses her opponent carefully...
Coin Toss! 1
Midnight shoots Circe? C, hitting touch AC 21 for 3 damage
Agent Midnight shoots one of them at point blank range, then hustles across the sands.
Claire : Fortitude
Save	7
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, Nidri, Fi and Claire are up. I need a Fort Save DC 14 from Claire, or she is staggered for 1 round.
Consider yourself staggered, ma'am. Move or Standard action this turn.
Meghan: Welp

Vegeta suddenly pumps up [ki left 11]

Vegeta Pummels Circe? D, concentrating all his attacks in one area.
Attack Results: 18 || 24
(Needs 32 on either hit to crit.)
Damage(blunt): 15 || 14
Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 28
Crit Dmg (blunt): +16 || +15
Vegeta: Special 1: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic.
Special 2: If hit by first hit, Fort save DC 18 or be stunned for 1 round
Vegeta emerges from the cloud and punches the hell out of Circe...missing the first hit.

Fi is attacking Circe? E with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	13
Damage	13
Type	piercing
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That'll miss.

Fi is attacking Circe? E with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	19
Damage	7
Type	piercing
Nidranisan is activating her Oracle ability, Demonhide
Nidranisan: Uses remaining: 4
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That'll hit.
Hernz: the 18 misses, yes? just the 24 hits for veg?
Nidri armors up while one of Fi's arrows hits.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The 18 missed because of her icy armor.
Hernz: k
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It is bedtime for me. Claire should figure out what she wants to (move or standard.)
Meghan: Can I 5 foot step and cast?
Realtime 10/26, 7:58pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You can 5ft and then cast, Claire.
The party is under assault by a icy compulsive gambler with a bounty to collect.
Hernz: I think as long as you don't 1+1+2+2+2 your roll again, that thing will go poof
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Ah, burning hands.
Claire : Mage Armor
School Conjuration;
Level Sorceror 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VSF
Range touch
Effects/Target creature touched
Duration 5 hours
Saving Throw Will negates
Spell Resistance No
Description: An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC.

Unlike mundane armor, mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Since mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can't bypass it the way they do normal armor.
Claire is casting Mage Armor on Claire
Mage Armor uses remaining: 6
I did this backwards.
but pretty soon they'll be in range of my bigger spell, so...
realtime 10/27 2:38 pm
Claire retreats and protects herself, shaking off the cold chill.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Circe? A slashes Claire again with her axe, hitting AC 10 for 5 nonlethal damage.
Circe? C slashes Agent Midnight with her axe, hitting AC 20 for 10 nonlethal damage.
Agent Midnight's Fort Save DC 14 6
While Claire is pretty lucky, Agent Midnight is slowed by Circe C's icy axe.
A patch of ice suddenly forms on the ground, underneath Fi and Hawk.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The patch is similar to ice slick and grease spells: you move at half speed and must make a DC 10 acrobatics check to avoid falling prone.
Circe? E slashes Fleir with her axe, hitting AC 20 for 5 nonlethal damage and 4 cold damage.
Circe? D slashes Vegeta with her axe, hitting AC 23 for 9 nonlethal damage and 4 cold damage.
...did I actually hit Vegeta?
If I did, Vegeta needs to make a DC 14 Fort Save, or he'll be staggered for one round.
The cold fog cloud Vegeta is in dissipates in a sudden burst of cold.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta also needs to make a Reflex Save DC 16 or he takes 9 cold damage (save for half.)
Fleir and Hawk are up.

Fleir is attacking Circe? E with Bite & Trip!
Fleir: Attack Result: 15
(Needs at least 29 to crit.)
Damage Result: 6
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 23
Crit Damage: +10
Fleir: Trip Attempt: 22
Vegeta: fort 19
rflx 9
Hernz: what was the rflx save for btw?
and yeah, I took a total of 22 dam... ouch
nevermind, the cloud dissipating
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, the cloud condensed into shards
Vegeta takes the hits full on, but none of it slows him down. Fleir bites Circe? E's robe but fails to get any real traction.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk to close out Round 2.

George is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
George: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 17
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.

George is attacking Circe? G with his Composite Short Bow!
George: Attack Result: 19
(Needs at least 26 to crit.)
Damage Result: 5
Crit: 20/x3
Crit Confirm: 17
Crit Damage: +9
George: Type: P
Hernz: BAM!
George: That's +2 from bard song, -2 from the failed save.
Hawk maintains his rowsing song and nails Circe G.
Round 3
Agent Midnight: Acrobatics Check vs CMD 12
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Circe? C's AoO hits Agent Midnight again with her axe, hitting AC 25 for 6 nonlethal damage.
Agent Midnight clumsily rolls away. Circe doesn't hesitate to bat her away.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, Fi, Nidri and Claire are up.

Vegeta attacks Circe? D with Flurry!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 22
(Needs 32 to crit.)
Damage (blunt): 16
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 26
Crit Damage (blunt): +12
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
presto, you're dead!
Meghan: I'm still staggered or something, right?
Claire : Burning Hands
School Evocation;
Level 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VS
Range 15 ft
Effects/Target cone-shaped burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half
Spell Resistance Yes

Meghan casts Burning Hands!

Meghan is attacking Circe? A with Burning Hands!
Meghan: Damage: 5d4. Damage Result: 12
Burning Hands uses remaining: 5
I now has just as many 1st list spells left as 2nd list ones...
but the targets have to be within 15 feet of each other, so...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire is back to normal.
Meghan: well, whatever. Me and Nidri are hanging out over here.
if you guys can herd the circes together I'll fry 'em
I mean, isn't that why we have a dog?

Vegeta has 10 ki left
Circe? D shatters against Vegeta's fist.
Vegeta: Nidri
a little help... these guys were a little trickier than I thought
Circe?: Dog? Thought it was a wolf. Elf, Constipated Human, Singing Human, Demon Tail, Angel Halo.
Hernz: did it make it's save?
Claire melts one of the Ice Women.
Hernz: or no save on that?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Oops, forgot my save.
Eh, too lazy to fix. Let's say she failed.
Hernz: lol

Fi switches to her sword.

Fi is attacking Circe? B with Sendrine Long Sword!
Fi: Attack Result: 13
(Needs at least 24 to crit.)
Damage Result: 6
Crit: 19/x2
Crit Confirm: 11
Crit Damage: +4
Fi: Notes:
Type: slashing
Circe parries Fi's sword with her axe.

Cat casts Cure Light on Vegeta!
Cat: heal 8 HPs.
Nidri keeps Vegeta standing.
Meghan: they all talk together, right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, in sync
Chris: Surround sound.
Meghan: C and G would be 20 ft apart, right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Circe? G's hits Claire with her axe, hitting AC 16 for 5 nonlethal damage.
Meghan: ouch
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I need a fort save, DC 14
Claire : Fortitude
Save	7
Cat: flaaaaanked.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Circe? C's hits Claire with her axe, hitting AC 21 for 8 nonlethal damage.
Meghan: ouch
Hernz: ouch...
Meghan: y'all are getting busted next round though, I tell you what.
if I don't, you know, die.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That boy ain't right.
Meghan: oh
... I have SR
if they're evil
or if the spell is evil
(if they're evil outsiders)
Hernz: but SR is against spells.. they're wacking you
Meghan: yeah
i take it the freezeray is not an evil spell-like ability?
Claire is promptly double teamed and is soon buried in icy shards.
Hernz: although, you're staggered again?? crap, that's not good
Meghan: I've taken what, like 17 damage total? non lethal?
do I need another fort save?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Circe? E's hits Fleir with her axe, hitting AC 25 for 5 nonlethal damage and 1.
Meghan: And yeah, I'm gonna have to defensive cast next round, even if I 5ft step
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir, I need a Fort Save DC 14
Hernz: do you get to 5ft step and cast if staggered?
Meghan: ... I did last time?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, you did.
And yes, you can.
Hernz: I dont knwo, just curious in case it happens to me lol
Meghan: ok, good
(GM) Chad S. (GM): 5 ft steps don't play by da rulez
Meghan: not even their own
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Circe? B's hits Fi with her axe, hitting AC 9 for 8 nonlethal damage and 4 cold damage.
Chris: As long as you don't use a move action to move, you can 5'.
Meghan: ...
I have resist cold 5
does that mean anything?

Meghan should really pay attention to this, I guess
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I've been ignoring the cold damage they've dealt to you, they can't do more than 5.
You've gotten nonlethal slashing damage so far.
Chris: Chad is on top of everything.
Meghan: "nonlethal" slashing?
... how does that work?
Chris: magic
Meghan: butterknives?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I just roll the dice.
Meghan: paper cuts?
Hernz: lol
Another icy patch forms, catching Hawk, Nidri and Vegeta in it.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): DC 10 Acrobatics to move at half speed. Fail and you need a Reflex Save DC 16 to avoid falling prone.
Meghan: Ice. Why did it have to be ice?
The former ice patch Fi, Hawk and Circe? B were standing on erupts into icy shards.
Hernz: woot, I got a base 10 acro :D
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I need Reflex Save DC 16 from Fi and Hawk, or take 5 cold damage (save for half.))
Fi : Reflex
Save	23
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Reflex
Save	8
George: Right, so... Uhhh... Yeah, that's actually a 6.
Fi avoids the brunt of it, but Hawk is caught in the full blast.
Meghan: hah. right, my -2 hasn't come up yet because I haven't come that close to making my save
Circe? B doesn't blink as she's covered in ice.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir and Hawk are up, but it's time for me to head home.
Hernz: what's the penalty for shooting into melee? -4, right?

Fleir is attacking Circe? E with Bite & Trip!
Fleir: Attack Result: 19
(Needs at least 29 to crit.)
Damage Result: 10
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 10
Crit Damage: +9
Fleir: Trip Attempt: 18
Agent Midnight finally arrives to provide Fleir some support...only to realize she doesn't need it.
Three icy women remain.

Fleir circles the tent and gets into flanking.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 16
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
George: Cross your fingers, Hawk is going to try to move.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Acrobatics
Check	7
Hernz: lol
George: Not so much with the moving.
Hernz: now reflex 16 or you fall I think he said... yay....
George: Cross your fingers, Hawk is going to try to not land on his face.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Reflex
Save	20
Cat: wooooooo
Cat: so like, you stand there and don't fall over?
George: That's with the -2, so he just stands there and doesn't fall over.
So yeah, I think Hawk will hold casting a spell if someone in the party misses an attack.
Round 4
Hernz: oooh, we continue!
Cat: nidri's gonna wait and see what the deal is with claire.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Agent Midnight shoots Circe G, hitting Touch AC 9 for 6 Damage.
Cat: niiiiiice.
Hernz: lol
will hawk help her out?
Misfire! Agent Midnight's weapon jams, and some parts fly off.
Hernz: oh, right, crits with those
Agent Midnight almost curses before regaining her composure and dropping the weapon in the sands.
Agent Midnight: ...this hasn't been my night.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, now it's bed time. I just wanted to get GM stuff out of the way.
Remember you're at half speed, Nidri.
Hernz: would claire hate me if I hit one of those?
Vegeta: crap, can't let her drop too...

Vegeta shoots an energy blast at @{target|token_name}!
Vegeta: Ranged Touch Att: 27
(Needs 29 to crit.)
Damage Result: 9
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 17
Crit Damage: +9
Meghan: do you have flanking from me?
or does it not matter?
Hernz: dnt think for ranged touch attacks
doesnt matter with an 18 on the roll
Meghan: ok, assuming I can take a 5ft step
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire needs to be armed, as well
Hernz: thatis fire damage btw, no save
what a shitty damage roll lol

Vegeta has 7 ki left
Meghan: ah, ok.
ok, casting from here, what check do I need to make?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, if you want to cast defensively.
Meghan: am I at a -2?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Caster Level + Cha Bonus - 2 vs DC 15 + double spell level
Meghan: so 19...
Claire : Concentration Check
Class	Sorceror 5
Check	17
does that mean they get aoo?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, just means the spell is cast but nothing happens.
Meghan: damn.
I'd rather take the aoo.
it would've been better to do the 1st level spell
(GM) Chad S. (GM): If they had hit you with the AoO, it would prompt a concentration check based on the damage.
Meghan: hahah, ok
(GM) Chad S. (GM): If you wanna risk that I'll let you retcon it, buuuuuuuut
Hernz: dammit, I thought for sure you'd kill them so I didn't go up to them lol
Meghan: I will, eventually
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hernz, you were shooting Circe C?
Hernz: yes
Vegeta burns Circe? C badly.
Claire is so focused on not dropping her guard she is unable to conjure flame!
Cat: if i fail the acro check, i'm pretty well done heh. so...do i try to go back over by claire, or just...wait.
hey, are these humanoid? :)
Hernz: just a dc 10 check... you got any dex?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): They are elemental outsiders.
Not humanoids.
Hernz: go ice skating!

Fi is attacking Circe? B with Sendrine Long Sword!
Fi: Attack Result: 24
(Needs at least 26 to crit.)
Damage Result: 7
Crit: 19/x2
Crit Confirm: 14
Crit Damage: +5
Fi: Notes:
Type: slashing
Chris: Time to see what the first Sendrine hit on an outsider does...
Hernz: it might just bypass any resistances... or BANISH THEM!!!
or maybe turn them into random fauna and flora like in Sonic
Chris: lol
Cat: heh.
and yeah, the dc 10 acro check shouldn't be a big deal, but the follow-up save is brutal if i don't make the acro.
Hernz: maybe delay?
guidance and move?
realtime 10/28, 9:41 pm
Fi switches to his black-bladed sword, catching Circe? B and Agent Midnight's curiosity.
A crack forms along the sword as it slices into Circe, almost breaking the weapon in two.
Circe?: Ow. What kinda blade is that?
Hernz: not a good one if it just broke... lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri's turn.
Circe?: Pfft. I bet Sheeva would go crazy over it. I could probably juggle those with some practice. Oooh, that's a good idea. Somebody write that down!
Cat: the point of moving would be to heal claire.
before she gets non-lethaled into unconsciousness.
i'll take a chance on the acro.
Hernz: do itttttt!!!
Nidranisan : Acrobatics
Check	20
Hernz: BOOM!
Cat: hah
(GM) Chad S. (GM): :flex
Cat: yeah, that's WITH the -2 ;)

Cat casts Cure Light on Claire!
Cat: heal 11 HPs.
Hernz: only half move btw, right chad?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, half speed.
Cat: craaaap
half in the ice, but i can't get out that direction so doesn't reaaaaally matter.
because i can still reach her
but yeah, ok.
i though it healed all the non-lethal?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): "When a spell or ability cures hit point damage, it also removes an equal amount of nonlethal damage."
Hernz: so does double the healing? chad, stop sending nonlethal swords against us... we confused
Cat: awwww i have again been lied to :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): 1 HP of healing gives +1 HP and -1 NL Damage
Cat: otoh, i don't have to feel bad about wasting a good d8 :)
Hernz: true lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, are you armed?
I don't think you are.
Hernz: no, but she is dangerous!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Circe? G attacks Claire, hitting AC 8 for 9 damage.
Circe? C attacks Claire, hitting AC 20 for 6 damage.
Claire, I need a Fort Save DC 14, lest you be staggered.
The two women hack away at Claire, managing to hit once.
Claire : Fortitude
Save	20
fuckng finally
But she ain't frozen!
Hernz: did C provoke by moving through threatened spaces?
Meghan: am I still alive then?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire C provoked from Claire and Nidri.
Meghan: circe c?
Hernz: lol
Meghan: but what kind of aoo can I do?
I don't think I even have a weapon
Hernz: but you guys dont have weapons... PUNCH!
Meghan: really?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, C provoked.
Meghan: I always have my holy lazer
Hernz: 1d2!!
Meghan: can I attack of op with that?
Hernz: nope
Meghan: damnit
Claire : Melee Attack
Check	5
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You can't do AoOs with unarmed attacks if you're not a monk (or Improved Unarmed Strike)
Meghan: hah, ok, then I can do nothing
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Aaaaaand, ya know...
Hernz: oh.... then... um... good, that embarrassing attack never happened lol
Meghan: I spit at her
Hernz: ok, make a fort save so you can burn them bitches!
Claire's spittle freezes as it hits Circe's robe. The woman frowns.
Circe?: Dammit, that always happens.
Meghan: ... if I take a 5' step east
would they both still be in a 15' cone?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Circe? B attacks Fi, hitting AC 12 for 9 NL damage and 3 cold damage.
Meghan: (and agent midnight not?
Hernz: make fort save first to see if you can even think about that lol
Meghan: and ... nidri's tent woul dbe bad
what, into the ice?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): She rolled a 20 Fort, Hernz. Also, not her turn yet.
Meghan: yeah.
just planning it out
nidri, you didn't care about your tent, right?
Hernz: oh sweet, nice... I shut ups
Circe B swings and misses.
Meghan: if I run away I'll provoke, I think.
I like how they've established that I'm a big threat, though
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You're number one!
Another field of slippery ice forms as the previous field erupts into shards.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, Vegeta, Nidri and Claire need to make DC 16 Reflex Saves or take 8 cold damage (save for half)
Vegeta: reflex 25
(GM) Chad S. (GM): ...Evasion!
Hernz: what ice?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh reflex saves via standing still
Fleir and Hawk are up next. Hawk, Nidri and Claire will have to make DC 16 reflex saves to halve 8 cold damage.
Claire : Reflex
Save	3
(GM) Chad S. (GM): ...Agent Midnight will try not to suck next round, but probably fail, lol
Meghan: nice.
ok, so I ignore the first 5 points of cold, right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): 8 damage - 5 cold resist = 3 damage.
Meghan: how injured am I now?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): 29/32 HP with 13 NL damage
Meghan: ok.
oh, Nidri healed me?
Vegeta: for 11
Meghan: thanks Ni

Fleir is attacking Circe? B with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir: Attack Result: 19
(Needs at least 28 to crit.)
Damage Result: 13
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 22
Crit Damage: +10
Fleir: Trip Attempt: 11
(GM) Chad S. (GM): While in the ice slick, you need to make a DC 10 acrobatics check if you want to move at half speed. If that fails, make a DC 16 reflex save to not fall on your butt.
Fleir crunches another entity, spewing ice shards across the desert sands.
Cat: nidri has her knife out.
it lets her provide flanking if needed :)
Chris: well, you can attempt an AoO if you want :-P
Nidranisan : Reflex
Save	3
Chris: WAAAYY too much red this combat.
Hernz: lol
Cat: chris...i caught your bimodal thing.
i also have cold resist 5 tho
so, if i swing for the AOO, i have the -2 from lol-fail save this morning, but...+2 from the bard?
Hernz: nice.. this bitch clearly didnt do her homework

Cat laughs.
Cat: yeah ok.
i'll click the button.
Nidranisan : Dagger (broken)
Attack	13
Damage	0
Hernz: hahahahaha
Chris: minimum of 1.
Cat: hey guys, i rolle a 3 on my d3!
i mean seriously, a 13 doesn't hit these, does it?
Hernz: is it??? if I an a weak 2 year old and punch you, you take no damage regardless of how strong I punch... tiny hands, no strength... just logically thinking... dnd could be diff
Cat: i think dnd kinda assumes 2 year olds aren't punching you.
that said, when eric hits me in the face, it does hurt.
Hernz: LOL
Cat: and he probably doesn't have the unarmed combat feats at age 2.
so he's dealing non-lethal damage, right?
i mean, if he stabbed me with a knife, it would do at least 1 damage.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Reflex
Save	9
George: Guess not.
Now Hawk tries to move out of the ice...
Cat: anyway, i'm not gonna fix the damage macro
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Acrobatics
Check	8
George: Guess not.
Chris: Pathfinder made it where if you do less than 1 point of damage, it is converted to 1 point of NL.
Cat: niiiice.
my stab is kinda useless. :)
the important part is really that i threaten for the purposes of allowing flanking.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Reflex
Save	12
Hernz: can hawk help himself with a skill check with that spell of his?
George: And Hawk is now prone.
And stops singing because he's surprised to have fallen on his rear.
But the effects of his song last for 2 more rounds.
Cat: hernz, we just had that conversation out loud heh.
verdict: not really worth it.
Hernz: lol
he wouldnt have to make a save next round when the circle blows up
George: So instead he's going to sit on his rear and cast Moment of Greatness. Everyone may double their Morale bonus once within the next 5 minutes (I'd suggest in the next 2 rounds) for one roll.

Hawk Hubertins casts Moment of Greatness!
Hawk Hubertins: Level 1
Casting Time: 1 standard
Components: V, S, M/DF (rabbit fur)
Range: 50 ft.
Targets/Area: The caster and allies within a 50-ft. burst centered on the caster
Duration: 1 minute/level or until discharged
Hawk Hubertins:
Double morale bonus for one action of the targets choice within the duration of the spell before making a roll.
Hernz: so either for attack or damage if we use your inspire courage, right?
George: Yup.
One roll, you have to declare before you roll.
And since Hawk's song is now +2, that means you get a +4 on one roll.
Hernz: hey, it says a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls... do spells get that benefit for the damage?
George: Damage spells sure do.
Vegeta: oh.... not sure Claire and I have been counting those on ours...
Hernz: at least I havent...
good to know!
Meghan: I don't think I've cast anythign with damage since bardsong started
Fi: Damnit, Zey. You said it wouldn't break!
Chris: Did the sword at least seem to do something other than 7 damage?
and break...
Hernz: didn't see the health bar prior to you hitting it
Chris: I don't see anyone else hitting her before that.
Hernz: the bar did look more than 50%...and when veg hit for 14, that was a similar bar
so it might have done double... at least 1.5x? chad can let us know if it seemed extra effective
George, if I cast magic missile, does bard song apply to each damage roll?
Chris: No.
Hernz: ok, I'd assume once per spell
Chris: Otherwise the 2d6 for my damage with gravity bow would also get it.
Hernz: good, not broken
well, no, gravity bow doesnt do damage... it just increases the damage die of your bow by one
Chris: yes, it goes to 2d6.
Hernz: right... then bardsong affects your attack and damage with the bow, which now happens to do niftier damage
Chris: yes.
but I get the same bonus on the damage roll either way.
So, it's per damage roll; not per die roll.
Hernz: yeah, so a magic missile might do 4 missiles worth of damage, but you roll the dice separately, still only is one damage roll, so only one bonus applies
Chris: Uhh... "a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls"
Hernz: hm... I was reading inspire courage and doesn't say that... in the bard profile
nevermind....... it does... Im dumb
I should go to sleep haha
Chris: Situation normal. nothing to see here.
Hernz: apologies to chad for having to load the backlog and read all this nonesense
realtime 10/29 9:16 am
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri takes 3 cold damage thanks to her div heritage.
Hawk isn't as lucky.
Hawk falls on his butt as he attempts to move off the ice patch.
Instead he gives everyone a lone moment of greatness!
Fi notes the sword dealt an expected amount of damage.
Round 5

Agent Midnight shakes her head and holds onto her broken weapon.
Agent Midnight: Acrobatics 23
spends some grit and pistol whips Circe? C, hitting AC 23. She spends her Moment of Greatness to make extra sure the blow lands.
She deals 6 damage and tries to knock Circe prone, hitting CMD 15
Agent Midnight skates across the ice and bashes the icy woman in the back of the head with her weapon. Circe spins on the spot but maintains her balance.
Agent Midnight: Let's finish this, quickly!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, Claire, Fi and Nidri are up, now.
Chris: Just to let all my friends know: I broke my kneecap this morning. I fell on my bike when I slipped on some leaves while turning.

Fi drops the broken sword and picks up his bow again.

Fi is attacking Circe? C with Long Bow (Point Blank)!
Fi: Attack Result: 10
(Needs at least 29 to crit.)
Damage Result: 6
Crit: 20/x3
Crit Confirm: 13
Crit Damage: +17
Fi: Type: piercing
Notes: Within 30'
Oww. That sword break messed up my wrist.
Chris: As I said about too much red earlier...
Hernz: lol (about the red)... bummer about the knee... ouch!!

Vegeta strikes Circe? C!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 20
(Needs 34 to crit.)
Damage Result: 12
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 36
Crit Damage: +11
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
Hernz: (I used hawks extra bonus on the attack to make sure I hit)

Vegeta has 6 ki left
Vegeta: one left... Claire, all yours
Hernz: hey chad, does this ice count as difficult terrain? cause if so, we can't 5ft in it, right?
Chris: I think if move is reduced, it does.
Hernz: so Claira cant step back even... ok, good thing I killed one cause then Claire might provoke.
realtime 10/29 8:41 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Sorry to hear about your kneecap, Chris.
Fi's arrow whizzes by Circe.
Vegeta takes Agent Midnight's cue and bashes Circe. Unlike the others, Circe? C collapses onto the ice slick, unconscious.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The ice slick is difficult terrain, so 5 ft step is not possible
Claire and Nidri are up.
I'm adding sword icons to represent your Moment of Greetness
Meghan: my what?
... can I do that in purple?
fuck this, I'mma burn her
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk finished his bardsong, but you can apply a single +4 bonus to a check / attack
Meghan: burn the life out of her.
and since I'm not taking that 5ft step back...
wait, am I?
I could. then I'd just burn her and the tent
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You have 3 options
1) Try an Acrobatics check to move back 5ft
2) Cast defensively to burninate at point blank range
Meghan: cast defensively is a ...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): 3) Cast and risk an AoO. If she misses, you can cast for free
Meghan: concentration check?
Chris: You could apply your +4 to it.
Meghan: yeah
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup. Remember you can apply the moment of greatness to it
Meghan: dc 15+2(level of spell)?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup
Meghan: ... am I still at a -2?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, you still have the -2 penalty
Meghan: so my check is +8, potential +4.
I can't add the +4 to damage, can I?
Chris: no
Meghan: uuuugh, fine
I'm turning my -2 into a +2
Claire : Concentration Check
Class	Sorceror 5
Check	13
Chris: This is the best combat ever!
Circe? G pouts as Claire's hands fizzle.
Meghan: I could've ended it so fast if I'd just stayed where I was and burned them first off
ugh, Locke is jumping on the bed again.
Circe?: Oh come on. Mr. Cramps here set it up and everything.
Meghan: ... interesting
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Welp, you have a move action left.
Claire's move action and Nidri are up.
Chris: Cat's going to busy for a while if I remember correctly.
Meghan: and I can't really move anywhere without an acrobatics check?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, you're on ice. You could stand still instead and avoid the check.
IB hopes you recover soon, Chris.
Meghan: yeah, fuck moving
someone else kill her.
Claire decides to hold her ground.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, that just leaves Nidri.
Cat: uuungh. the one person who has literally no chance of actually killing her.
ok, i need to actually read. back in a sec.
this might be the event that prompts nidri to actually learn a farking damage spell.
so hang on, was agent midnight's weapon broken? or did i just read something goofy? (i didn't go Way Back...)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Her weapon is broken, but she can pistol whip with it.
Cat: but...i ironically have mending.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): ...does that...work?
Cat: the range on it is 10'
"If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original hit points. All of the pieces of an object must be present for this spell to function."
so i guess...it depends a little on how many HP the object has.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hmm, the pistol weighs 4 pounds.
I guess you can repair it.
Cat: i mean...i'm sure i'll roll a 1.
and it probably has more than 8 HP anyway.
but i literally have no way to hurt anything that isn't undead.
i'm not exactly going to shoot a crossbow through claire and vegeta ;)
Nidranisan : Mending
Level Oracle 4
Range 10 ft
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless) DC14
Spell Resistance Yes (Harmless)
Target	one object up to 10 lb/lvl
object healz 3
Nidri points at Agent Midnight's weapon. Midnight is very briefly surprised to watch the weapon repair itself.
Agent Midnight: I...well, thank you.
Nidranisan: They keep me around for a reason.
Agent Midnight: For more than your sense of snark?
Nidranisan: Yeah, really it's just 'cause I'm pretty.

Agent Midnight smiles for a moment, then turns to Circe.
Circe?: Geez. Uh...hmmm... Bet you can't hit me?
10 gold says you can't.
Circe attacks Claire, hitting AC 24 for 5 damage.
(that was nonlethal damage)
Claire needs to make a Fort Save, DC 14
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hey Nidri, did you want to use your move action?
Cat: eh, not really going anywhere.
so, no.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Circe? G backs off. Acrobatics 14
Provoking an AoO from Vegeta and Claire.
Fi: /ooc Claire is unarmed.
Chris: what is this, i don't even...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta hits AC 15 for 12 damage.
Oh wait, he has +12 to attack? I gotta audit that some day.
Meghan: so is G the real one? or is the real one hiding out in the dark?
Circe? G moves away after Vegeta punches her, then raises an icy fog around her.
Chris: C didn't poof when she fell.
The icy ground Claire, Agent Midnight, Vegeta, Nidri and Hawk are standing on erupts into icy shards.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Reflex Save DC 16 to halve the 10 cold damage.
Agent Midnight: Reflex Save 30
Nidranisan : Reflex
Save	9
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Reflex
Save	19
Claire : Reflex
Save	3
Vegeta: (GM) Proud Sayan Reflex Save 15
Meghan: hahahhahaha
I'm so glad I have some cold DR
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir and Hawk are up next. You all have a decent idea of where the remaining Circe is, but she is in a fog cloud.
Cat: the fog cloud is the size of the blue?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup
It's a small cloud.
Hawk Hubertins: Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow.
Nidranisan: eh. just let claire go burning-hands it.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, you are prone.
Meghan: ...
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Cure Moderate Wounds
Meghan: this fog cloud is about 15ft in diameter?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup
Hawk, how much did that heal?
Meghan: Wait, that last con check burned one of my spells, right?
George: Err...
Hawk Hubertins: rolling 2d8+5
= 12
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, you lost 2 spells due to failed concentration checks
Meghan: if it did, I still have 4 burning hands left
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I assume Hawk's standing up?

Hawk Hubertins stands up
Hawk dusts himself off, and rejuvenates himself with a simple tune.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, bedtime for me. Combat should be wrapping up soon.
Hernz: chad, my attack is +12... +3 monk level, 1 weap focus, +6 from my ki use per round, and +2 from bard song
Chris: Fleir has scent, so she should be able to know where Circe G is when within 5'.
You can roll a miss chance if you think it is still appropriate.

Fleir is attacking Circe? G with Bite & Trip!
Fleir: Attack Result: 22
(Needs at least 29 to crit.)
Damage Result: 11
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 13
Crit Damage: +11
Fleir: Trip Attempt: 12
Hernz: God.... for a monk, my reflex save sucks lol
Meghan: .... so I should probably not roast fleir...
Chris: If she's in the cloud she might not know you did it...
Then it would just be Fi upset about it and not Fleir.
Hernz: lol
realtime 10/30 7:51 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, Vegeta included the +2 from the bard song. Okay, that explained it.
Miss Chance (
Miss Chance (less than 20 means miss) 36
roll20 doesn't like < + number
Fleir leaps into the fog!
Round 6
Agent Midnight runs into the fog.
Agent Midnight: Good job, girl. The enemy has been neutralized.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The fog cloud flash freezes, dealing 4 cold damage (Reflex Save DC 16 for half)
Agent Midnight: Reflex Save 13
Fleir : Reflex
Save	8
Agent Midnight is unable to avoid the icy shards but it deals no long term damage to her.
Chris: Bah. More red.
Fleir is nicked by the shards.
Combat Over
Of the six icy women who approached the camp, 5 of them are nothing more than piles of icy shards.
Claire and Fleir stand next to one remaining woman face down in the sand, unconscious.

Fi picks up and inspects the broken sword.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir: 38 HP with 5 NL
Fi: 21 HP
Hawk: 21 HP
Nidri: 25 HP
Vegeta: 18 HP with 8 NL
Claire: 24 HP with 18 NL
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Agent Midnight: 16 NL

(GM) Chad S. (GM) takes a quick look around, and then removes ammunition from her weapon before holstering it.

Agent Midnight takes a quick look around, and then removes ammunition from her weapon before holstering it.
Cat: does the non-lethal heal overnight? (is it the middle of the night? i forget.)
Nidranisan casts Cure Moderate Wounds!
Nidranisan: Vegeta - heal 13 HPs.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): NL damage heals 1 per hour.
Vegeta is at 31/33 HP.
Nidranisan: OK, who else feels bad enough they won't be all better in the morning?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi & Fleir will fully recover without magical assistance.
Oh, Vegeta will also recover naturally.
Cat: he will NOW. ;)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, indeed
Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Hawk!
Nidranisan: heal 11 HPs.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk is down 6 HP
Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Claire!
Nidranisan: heal 10 HPs.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire will recover.
Nidri is down by 8 HP, and Midnight has 16 NL
Nidranisan: How's that weapon? need any more repairs or all good to go?
Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Nidri!
Nidranisan: heal 6 HPs.
Agent Midnight: It's in tip-top shape, thanks to you.
Nidranisan: Glad that worked out.
Agent Midnight: Indeed.
Fi: [Nidri] I would ask you to do the same for this one, but I'm pretty sure it won't work.
Agent Midnight: My apologies I could not be more useful.
Nidranisan: it might.
no real cost to trying, Fi.
Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Agent Midnight!
Nidranisan: heal 10 HPs.
Agent Midnight: I feel much better. A good night's rest and I'll be right as rain.
Nidranisan: Excellent.
Nidranisan : Mending
Level Oracle 4
Range 10 ft
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless) DC14
Spell Resistance Yes (Harmless)
Target	one object up to 10 lb/lvl
Cat: do anything to the sword?
Nidri applies her magic to the black blade. Agent Midnight stares, curious.
Fi: So, Zey managed to increase the hardness of the weapon, but now it all goes at once...
[Midnight] Yes it is.
Nidranisan : CL Check
Class	Oracle 5
Check	12
Agent Midnight: What...strange material.
Fi: It's an alloy with something you should be familiar with.
The blade resists Nidri's magic, and is ultimately unaffected.
Meghan: so what about this unconscious woman?
Chris: No one cares. Lol
Nidranisan: huh.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta is busy teabagging her yelling "I BEAT YOU!"
Nidranisan: maybe i'll try again in the morning.
if you don't mind, FI.
Agent Midnight: You...forged it into a weapon? But it's so brittle!
Meghan: as we've seen
Fi: [Nidri] As much as you want to.
Cat: so, how hilarious would it be if nidri learns 'make whole'? ;)

Agent Midnight heads to her tent, emerges with some rope and manacles. She begins binding Circe.
Fi: There has been a rather disturbing group who has been trying to do so. Perhaps in preparation to mess with some angels.
Agent Midnight: Oh? Do tell.
Cat: ...the much-resisted bedtime is finally approaching. back in a bit.
Fi: We rescued the Krimson master smith who had been abducted by them to forge weapons made from it.
He wouldn't make it for them, but he was intrigued by the concept. So he made some for us afterwards.
Agent Midnight: Krimson...Elven Kingdom in Alenno. Isolationist?
Fi: Yes. Well, we seem to have started cracking that shell a little bit.
Agent Midnight: Excellent. Honestly, the Draugh Royal Family could learn a thing or two about that.

Agent Midnight pulls extra tightly on Circe's bindings as she finishes the sentence

Fi provides a little background on CF.
Agent Midnight: Incredible...There is so little we know about this - what did you call it?
Fi: Sendrine.
Agent Midnight: Yes, this Sendrine.
Merki seemed concerned about this material we found.
Fi: We've met someone who has researched it before. It seems to be both resistant to magic, but closely tied to outside dimensions.
Chris: planes, whatever.
Fi: We've seen it used to open portals.
Agent Midnight: Portals to the other planes?
I understand. This Sendrine material has many uses. The potential for abuse is rife, though.
Fi: The Mel's don't seem to know what it is yet. Although they're now more interested in what Merki learned here. That's how we convinced them to send us here.
Cat: right. we're supposed to be trusting her. :)
Agent Midnight: Hence why you're here. I'm certain the resource we are en route towards will answer some of your queries.
But tell me: what are YOU hoping to learn from this?
Meghan: ... I have mending, btw. any chance that'd work on this?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You can try.
Claire : CL Check
Class	Sorceror 5
Check	25
Cat: niiiice.
Meghan: rolling 1d4
= 1
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That'll do it.
Meghan: now I just ... cast it enough to restore the weapon's hit points, I guess
Claire's magic is more successful, repairing a hairline fracture.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): rolling 1d4
= 3
rolling 1d4
= 2
Cat: in other news, meghan is WAY better at rolling virtual d20s than me :)
Two additional castings later, the weapon is as good as new.
Meghan: yay for 0th level spells
anyone else break shit?
Cat: midnight said her gun is all fixed.
far as i know everything else is OK.
Fi: Thanks. Maybe I need to save this for something which is resistant to damage.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'm getting sleepy, guys. Figure out what you want to do with Circe.
Chris: BBQ?
Cat: hah.
Nidranisan: [agent midnight] so...you know her?
Hernz: so I missed just who killed her, and why she's still somehow alive?
and I dont' want to load the chat log if I dont have to lol... anyone?
Chris: Fleir took out the last one, but the real one was the one that you took down.
Hernz: woooooooot
did someone heal that one? cause I sure as hell didn't go NL on her

Chris shrugs.
Chris: Midnight tied her up though.
Hernz: ok lol
Cat: i mean, i assume she's still alive. i don't even really know what she is.
Fi: And does she commonly try to knock out traveling parties?
10/31, 8:26 pm Spooky Edition
Agent Midnight: Circe frequents the Draugh Capital. She enjoys gambling. A little too much.
Well, much too much. A sucker's game, she'll take any risk you present to her.
She has done bounty hunting in the past to help clear debt, and I do have many enemies. Perhaps she was after me?
Fi: Hmm... I feel like she said something about all of us being easy money.
Or was that still in my dream...
So she has some relationship with Petal Rose? Rose said something about being a force of nature. She something like that too?
Agent Midnight: Yes. As far as I can tell, Circe represents the cold, and is quite old. She tried to charge me one hundred thousand pieces of gold to get her exact origins, though.
I lack those kinds of resources.
Fi: Well, It would probably be a bad idea to kill a force of nature. Midnight, your land, your rules. What shall we do with her?
Agent Midnight: I don't think you could kill her, if you tried. That would be like stopping the winter by slashing at the winds.
If you wish to interrogate her, we can wait for her to revive. Otherwise we can simply move on.
She interrupted our first watch.
Fi: Well. She wanted a game. We can give her one. Coin flips for answers or freedom. Heads, she answers a question. Tails, she gets a point. 5 points and she gets to leave?
What do we want to know? Who put out the bounty? For who?
Nidranisan: was the bounty communicated directly to her, or "public"...meaning more people will come after us?
Hernz: that covers about all veg would like to know
realtime 11/1 8:47 pm (Daylight Savings...Something...edition)
Circe grumbles as she regains consciousness, tied and shackled by Agent Midnight's gear.
Circe?: What-who-en-what?
Awww man. There goes the bounty.
Hernz: also, how much is the bounty.... mainly to see if it's high, then likely higher level hunters after us.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I've added a handout "Circe's Interrogation" so you can order the questions in terms of priority.
Hernz: I'm good with that order
George: Yeah, looks fine to me.
Hernz: watch, chad will roll 5 1s in a row or whatever we decide is the "go home free" side of the coin
George: Naturally
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, let's do this
Fi explains the game to Circe.
Circe?: Yeah! Let's do it! Flip it! Flip it good!
Hernz: [she says no] lol
Circe glares at the coin, watching its every move.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Heads is 1, Tails is 2
Hernz: and which is good for her?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Heads means she answers a question. Tails means she gets a point.
rolling 2
= 2
Circe?: Haha! One for me! Keep it comin!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): rolling 1
= 1
Vegeta: sense motive 31 to make sure she's telling the truth
you lie and we have a nice camp fire waiting for you
Circe suddenly gets dead serious, like a pendulum swing
Circe?: I don't lie.
Then suddenly brightens up.
Vegeta: neither do I
Circe?: "Who put out the bounty" you ask? Duh, General Joann. Talks big, but this kingdom has all sorts of lawbreakers.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): rolling 2
= 2
Circe?: That's two.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): rolling 2
= 2
rolling 2
= 2
Circe?: Three. Aaaaand four.
Vegeta: pfft... should have gone the torture route...
Circe?: Hey. Maybe you'll flip a hundred heads. You don't know!
Vegeta: maybe your head will be one of those I flip
Circe?: Do you hear this guy? You and Sheeva should go on a date or something!
Now then, you guys are flipping that coin, or what?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): rolling 2
= 2
Vegeta: Fi... you and your stupid elf games...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Lousy probability
Circe?: Aaaaaaand I'm out!
Vegeta: wait.... one more... win and you go free and get a free shot at me
payback for me taking you down? hehe
Circe? takes a deep breath and shrinks slightly, slipping out of her bonds.
Circe?: Now now, I won fair and square. But, just to show there are no hard feelings...
Vegeta: you can go free... or get a chance at getting even withe me
Circe?: General Joann has a general bounty on Agent Midnight. HOWEVER! He put a bounty out for you guys last morning.
He...also put a bounty out on Giovanni Vermillion.
I took my chances. I figured you would be easier to capture, but meh.
Constipated Human Vegeta. I'm not messin' with you again. Even I know to stop when I'm ahead.
Vegeta: BEAT IT
Cat: ...giovanni was the other one with the fancy color-changing wine?
Circe?: ...you guys should find a better diplomat.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri recalls Giovanni is the president of the Magmere Manufacturing. Vegeta remembers his wine changed color.
Cat: yeah, i think we talked about all that.
Circe skates off into the desert, leaving an icy trail that soon melts away.
Agent Midnight goes to pick up her rope and manacles.
Agent Midnight: ...I should have suspected as much.
Nidranisan: about the general, about you, or about us and giovanni?
Agent Midnight: Attempting to restrain Circe. I am well aware of the bounty on my head. I'm preferred alive rather than dead.
Nidranisan: heh.
Agent Midnight: I suspect the royal family is interested in the knowledge I've built up over the years. I'm just glad someone can put pressure on Giovanni, even if he weasels his way out of it.
Cat: (is it morning?)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You were attacked during the first watch.
Cat: right, but, she revived like...right away basically?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes. Pretty much for storytelling purposes (and you wouldn't have to fall asleep and then interrogate her in the moring)
Cat: k.
Nidranisan: well, is that about it then?
Agent Midnight: Yes, that's it for me. We should get some rest.
Nidranisan: exactly what i was thinking.
Agent Midnight: Hawk and Claire were on watch.
I'll assist Vegeta during his part.
...Vegeta, what's your favorite kind of tea? I honestly forgot.
Vegeta: .... sigh... again... I don't do tea...
Agent Midnight: Oh. You like it simple. Honey and lemon, I understand. Let me check my supply to see if I kept any dried lemon...
Nidranisan: the most you're likely to sell him is hot water.
it's his thing.
Vegeta: let's just keep our eyes open... you drink all you want.. I'll be... THERE
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (I'm imagining Vegeta is waving his arms in a random direction while Midnight's head is buried deep within her backpack)

Vegeta points his head in one direction and walks that way
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Unless you guys have any questions to ask, the rest of the night will pass without incident.
Cat: ...if we have questions, though, WE GET ATTACKED AGAIN.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, Agent Midnight will eventually just offer Vegeta hot water after trying every single flavor she's carrying.

Vegeta eventually takes the hot water...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, I updated the notes to include the interrogation. That's it for now, have a good night!
Chris: Haha. I figured as much. I thought we had two ways to make her talk. A game or money.
Fi: [Vegeta] Would have preferred to pay money for those answers?
Vegeta: my fists can be more persuasive than money... then again, I'm all for surprise... let them come, whomever it may be
Fi: She didn't seem like the type to provide answers from threats of violence. At least not good answers.
Vegeta: like I said, I'm ok not knowing heh
realtime 11/02, 8:36 pm

gametime June 2, 1236 AD (monrning)

After a good night's rest, the party is ready to finish up camp. Agent Midnight carefully prepares some tea and trail rations.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll need will saves from the party.
Agent Midnight: Despite that setback, we should be able to reach the Magmere Installation by tomorrow morning.
I've prepared some transportation for us once we reach the river.
Cat: still have the -2 on saves?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, no penalties on your will save.
Nidranisan : Will
Save	9
Vegeta: Will 27
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It's a DC 16 Will Save.
Hernz: I knew there was something in that tea! lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol.
Fi : Will
Save	11
Hawk Hubertins : Will
Save	20
Woah! For once I might have made a save!
Chris: You did.
Hernz: did you roll one for Fleir, chris?
realtime 11/5, 9:15 pm

gametime June 16, 1236 AD

The walk towards the river takes most of the morning. Agent Midnight notes the party should break for lunch.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire's Will Save 19
Today, Nidri and Fi seem to be a bit on edge.
Agent Midnight: We'll need to cross the river, here. I have some folding boats that should fit three of us per ship.
I can direct one of the boats, but we should decide how we want to split our duties.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'm adding a new handout, Boaty Boat Boat.
But your first mission is to figure out how to break up the party. Up to 3 can fit on a boat.
Chris: Well, we take the goat first, then the lettuce. Bring the goat back, pick up the wolf. Wait...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You forgot the washing machine!
Chris: Wait, what does the washing machine eat? The wolf?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Washing machine eats the sheep to wash the wool
Chris: Professions (Sailor)... lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That skill gets a bonus!
Chris: So... Does Fleir take up a boat slot, and does she help if she does?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): She takes a spot, yes. Not sure how she would help, but if you can explain it I'll allow it
Chris: Well, how does swim help normally?
Or is that only when we mess up?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Mostly when you screw up.
Chris: Well, she'll have a swim check at that point.
Well... Fi has +6 ride and +3 swim with the -2 penalties applied. +7/+4 if she takes off her armor.
Cat: so, in general... 0 ride, -1 swim. that's...without the -2 penalties.
pretty sure AM and Fi are leading boats.
Fi: Ok, room for one more in my boat.

Fi peers into the water.
Fi : Knowledge-Nature
Check	17
Fi : Perception
Check	16
Anything hostile in these waters, Midnight?
Hernz: I say I man another one (+2 ride, +4 swim) and midnight the other?
Vegeta: good idea Fi.... perception 18
Hernz: yay shitty perceptions!
Meghan: I have +1 ride and 0 swim
I have a feeling that agent midnight should probably be the leader of the third boat
Cat: ...also, def getting claire to hit me with that wand before i climb in :)
Meghan: I don't have the wand of mage armor any more
now I just have mage armor. :P
how long has it been since our last fight?
Cat: no, the swimming one.
we bought one for whatever the waterbreathing spell is.
Meghan: we did?
Cat: well no one else answered, so vegeta and nidri bought it.
Meghan: ah-ha
and Claire's the one who should use it because Nidri would break it
Cat: we assumed claire would at least be ok using it.
but if you want in, just kick nidri 150 gp ;)
Meghan: oh, I actually have that

Claire hands Nidri 150 gp
Cat: sweeet claire is in!
so, i renewed my car registration sunday night. which turned out to be good monday morning when i went to get it inspected, because i still had the expires-in-2014 registration in the car.
so today, my renewed registration arrived in the mail.
and i eagerly opened it up, thinking to myself "Boy, this time I'm gonna go put it right on the car!"
...it expires in 2015.
so, did renewing on the first of the month create some crazy funky issue...or have i been driving without a registration for LITERALLY AN ENTIRE YEAR?
Cat: well, 11 months i guess.
Claire: weird
Meghan: sorry, wrong character
but yeah. whoops?
Cat: and of course if i want to ask an actual person, i have to call M-F 9-5
realtime 11/6, 8:28pm
The party debates over who should enter what boat.
George: Boat bad.
Fi and Vegeta peer into the water. It seems calm.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi notes the river is almost unnaturally calm.
Agent Midnight: It sounds like I should lead the third boat.
Cat: how long will it take for us to cross?
Agent Midnight: An hour at the most, I'd say.

Cat is activating her Oracle ability, Demonhide
Cat: Uses remaining: 3
(actually 4, i just...apparently failed at clicking the arrow.)
haha i missed the spot for the one extra 'favored class' skill pont.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It looks like Hawk and Claire should decide which boat they're going to get on.
Cat: ...you guys should totally leave vegeta to fend for himself ;)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It's like a school playground where no one picks the unpopular guy
George: k.
Hawk picked his nose. Err, boat.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire?
Meghan: you fuckers left me with vegeta
ok, but
midnight has a better chance of getting us across the way
I'd rather live
Chris: Something incredibly stupid is going to happen now...
Midnight and Fi are going to fail spectacularly, and Vegeta will be taunting us all on the other side.
Meghan: and yet
we're still staying where we are
Hernz, isn't not because we don't love you. We just don't trust you.
Hernz: hahahahaha
btw, the wand of swimming lasts 1 minute... if this takes an hour, no use in casting it
Cat: hah.
well, claire can hang on to it and try to get to anyone who falls in ;)
i'm definitely armoring up before we go over though, my armor lasts several hours :)
Hernz: And we're off in the boats!
realtime 11/7, 9:04 pm
Like the unpopular kid who tries his hardest, Vegeta is left to man his own boat.
Chris: The prince needs no help.
The trip starts simple enough. With some good paddling, the boats disembark and start their trip up the river.
As if on cue by a mystical yet awesome force of nature, the river waters become agitated, as if it came to life!
The waves seem intent on capsizing the boats.
Fi: Surprise. Surprise...
Agent Midnight: I...didn't expect this. Be prepared for anything, they say!
A vortex of water appears near the opposite coast, trying to pull the boats in.
Agent Midnight: How does a river...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Your first team check: DC 12 Ride check.
Fi : Knowledge-Nature
Check	27
It doesn't.
Fi : Ride
Check	10
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Profession(Sailor) only needs DC 8, and you can also try a DC 16 Swim check.
Chris: There's the 4.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Looks like Nidri will have to assist Fi in order to succeed.
Agent Midnight: Ride check 12
Nidranisan : Ride
Check	10
awwwwww yeah
Fi is focusing on what the heck that whirlpool is, but Nidri keeps him on track.
Agent Midnight's boat seems alright as well.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Now, for the prince.
Cat: lolz.
Chris: Nice, Cat. We made the absolute minimum.
When does Hernz leave? tomorrow?
Cat: yeah, welcome the world of D&D, where 10 plus 10 is 12!
Chris: At least 10+10 >10
Cat: at least i managed to roll the 10 ;)
Chris: Thank You!
Cat: i guess i was sort of due for Not A Disaster. ;)
Vegeta: ride 18
Hernz: I leave on Thurs btw... then likely not on for 3-4 weeks... unless I get something in asia, but not planning on taking laptop
Vegeta: Don't you guy lose ground!
Cat: it's water, not ground. :P
Hernz: bada boom!
George: We dead yet?
Vegeta: rides x5: 14, 5, 13, 17, 7
Chris: Fi Ride: 12, 16, 12, 24, 24
Fleir Swim (Just in case): 14, 9, 27, 18, 19
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Ride
Check	22
Hawk Hubertins : Ride
Check	14
Hawk Hubertins : Ride
Check	13
Hawk Hubertins : Ride
Check	15
Hawk Hubertins : Ride
Check	17
Nidranisan : Ride
Check	1
Nidranisan : Ride
Check	12
Nidranisan : Ride
Check	18
Nidranisan : Ride
Check	7
Nidranisan : Ride
Check	17
Claire : Ride
Check	3
Claire : Ride
Check	2
Claire : Ride
Check	10
Claire : Ride
Check	16
Claire : Ride
Check	21
Hernz: Looks like veg will be left behind after all lol
Meghan: if he screws up too much, after we make it to the other side Fi and Midnight will drops us off and go together to go get him
Cat: i'm assuming we're fighting a water elemental or something before we get there heh.
realtime 11/8, 9:10 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Time to crunch some checks!
Round 1 Summary: Everyone navigates towards the opposite coast. Vegeta does surprisingly well by himself.
Thanks for writing your checks in the handout!
Agent Midnight: Ride checks: 10 7 24 25 15
Round 2
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone manages despite the waves acting up. Hawk begins to wonder if he should have led (with that 22 ride check.)
Round 3
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta for some reason begins to sail towards the whirlpool. He thought he maybe could punch it, but it turns out he can't.
Agent Midnight is so distracted by his foolish behavior she too is dragged towards the whirlpool.
(Vegeta had a 5 ride, Boat 1 had 11 total)
Round 4
Hernz: lol
Meghan: I thought round 3 was Midnight's 24 check
Hernz: PUNCH-UUUU!!!
Meghan: or are we starting with round 2?
and going to round 6?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, we're going to round 6.
Agent Midnight gets her sea legs back and sails quickly through the seas (28 check total)
Vegeta and Fi do OK.
Round 5
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Thanks to the GM's rolling a 20, Agent Midnight is able to steer her boat to shore.
Now Hawk, Claire and Midnight can assist others by shouting sailing advice like backseat drivers!
Meghan: whee!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Not to be outdone, Fi picks up speed.
Meghan: I mean, I shout real well with that 21
(GM) Chad S. (GM): "You! Move through water good!"
Meghan: TOPWISE!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): "Yes, good like that"
Hernz: "DONT DIE!"
Chris: Pro Tip ^^^
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta realizes punching water is a bad idea and continues to sail forward.
Round 6
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi, Fleir and Nidri get off the boat on the other side of the shore just in time to see Vegeta try to punch the water again.
Vegeta: I swear there's something there!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Luckily, Claire reminds him that DYING IS BAD and he should continue towards the shore
Round 7
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, gimme a Ride check. Anyone else online can try to assist.
Vegeta: ride 19
Fi : Ride
Check	12
Vegeta: This thing is following me, I swear!!
Fi: I think it like you.
Vegeta: perceptions! 22
Chris: And it goes away the moment we get out...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Just as Vegeta reaches the shore, the whirlpool seems to dissipate. The river returns to its unnatural calm.
Fi: Well... someone knew what we were doing.
Vegeta: hmph... I tell you I saw something creating that thing... anyway, seems to have gone away
Agent Midnight: Hmm. Something in the river? I haven't heard of many aquatic models from Magmere.
But we are within an hour's journey of their base of operations.
Our plan is to occupy their control room. From there, we should be able to shut it down, help my friend, and get more information.
My only question for you is if you'd like to sneak in, or would you rather be...loud about it?
Vegeta: haha! Is that even a question?
Fi: Apparently.
Vegeta: besides, half of them sneak like a blackguard wearing full plate

Agent Midnight whispers "half plate" before shutting up

Fi nods.
Cat: ah, moments too late to help. :)
Hernz: lol
Fi: While I fully support a stealthy infiltration, I'm afraid not everyone here would be a part of it.
Meghan: heh
Agent Midnight: It sounds like Vegeta has a point. You're well equipped for strikes, less for extraction. Luckily I timed our approach so we should get there when the guard shift ends. That should buy us some time and confusion.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Welp, I got a few maps to draw. You guys should prepare for BATTUL soon
Hernz: if Claire can cast up a mage armor, much appreciated
Veg's defense is gone and switched for offense now
Meghan: yeah, how many prep rounds do we get?
and who needs mage armor?
Cat: well, nidri's just gonna keep armor up for another hour.
realtime 11/9, 8:07 pm
now loading...
Over the hour, a large building and iron factory can be seen. Several metal golems in the shape of animals are seen pushing carts of iron ore. Guard uniforms sport the Magmere Company logo. With Agent Midnight's direction, you are able to avoid most of the patrols.
Agent Midnight: This is it. Get ready. Remember to use your ice on lightning-based foes and lightning on the firebreathers.
The party manages to sneak into the enemy compound, avoiding most patrols. They reach the front gate, where the door guards are patrolling. One metal golem patrols the grounds, while another bird-shaped golem stands atop one of the large crates.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, get your preparations ready, and roll initiative.
Also, place yourself anywhere on the light gray zone.
Agent Midnight: Initiative 15
Meghan: Ok, mage armor up on me and vegeta
Claire : Initiative
Check	21.01
Nidranisan : Initiative
Check	10.02
er. might need to -2 that.
Nidranisan: [AM] These things aren't going to be resistant to damage from weapons, are they?
Cat: (i'm assuming we could have taken care of a few of these "what to expect" questions on the way over)
Nidranisan: And will they be throwing elemental attacks we need to be prepared for?
Hawk Hubertins : Initiative
Check	9.02

Fi casts Ironskin on Fleir
Fi : Ironskin
Effects/Target you
Duration 5 minutes

Fi casts Gravity Bow!
Fi: Duration: 5 minutes
Fi : Initiative
Check	4.03
Fleir : Initiative
Check	7.03
Chris: Great start...

George casts Abundant Ammunition on Fi's quiver!
George: School: N/A; Level 1
Casting Time: 1 standard
Components: V, S, M/DF (a single piece of ammunition)
Range: One container, touched
Duration: 1 min/level
Targets/Area: N/A
George: Saving Throw: DC 15, N/A; Spell Resistance: No
That should be Hawk casting on Fi...
Meghan: I might need a -2 to mine as well.
unless I'm not at -2 to everything anymore.
Cat: thought you were ok in the save this morning.
i think it was fi and nidri who failed it?
Chris: yup
BTW. Clicking the "Fear" checkbox seems to appropriately apply the -2 to things.
Cat: hah thanks.
good to know.
i'll probably have that lingering around for a while.
Chris: Same here.
Vegeta: Inits 21
Meghan: Like I keep track of these things...

Vegeta powers up, raising his defenses [casts barkskin, 12 ki left]
Hernz: Why does this feel like the MetalMan stage?
Chris: Insert chip tunes here
Realtime 11/11, 8:53 pm
Agent Midnight: Any weapon should be effective against the robots. Many of them specialize in ice, fire or lightning. I'm not sure which.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Badguyz Init 12
The party prepares itself for battle!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The party gets a surprise action against the guards. Move or Standard action only.
Cat: any of the bad guys look particularly well-equiped?
Agent Midnight: Fires her weapon against flatfooted Stickshooter B, hitting AC 11 for 5 damage
Agent Midnight's shot hits a nearby crate.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The Stickshooters are holding similar weapons to Agent Midnight. Boomstick's weapon is a 2 handed one, while Axeman...has an axe.
Eagleed and Kuwanger are robots based on a bird and a beetle of some kind.

Fi is attacking Stickshooter B with Long Bow!
Fi : Long Bow
Attack	28
Damage	8
Type	piercing
Fi's arrow is on the mark, however.
Cat: hmmmm.
Chris: Debating if Fleir moves forward and becomes a target. I suppose if Vegeta is, they should both do it.
Cat: any armor on any of them?
(i'm trying to figure out if nidri should curse one.)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): All of the humanoids are wearing armor.
Cat: kinda thinking maybe axeman or boomstick.
anyone want to weigh in?
also, any clues what the shimmery puddles are? :)
George: Hawk's going to start singing when he gets a chance, but in theory it's Claire, Vegeta, and Nidri first.
Yeah, I'd say don't step up alone. If the front liners both move up, it's probably ok.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The shiny stuff is a combination of water and oil.
This is a surprise round, Hawk. If you sing now I'll give the party their bonuses retroactively (so, +1 damage)
Also, note Vegeta will be controlled by the GM tomorrow, since Hernz will be travelling.
George: Ahem. +2. ;)

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 18
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
Chris: So, evidently, I already had that checked. Don't add to my damage.
Hawk begins a new and improved Bardsong.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nighty night, folks.
Meghan: bardson buff activated
Hm. I could do resist energy. What do we think we're up against?
Cat: we don't know yet if it's lightning, ice, or fire.
Chris: I would guess there is one each of two types.
Cat: i think i'm actually going to curse boomstick A.
axe guy has to get in our faces, presumably.
Hernz: I'll be taking my laptop on the trip after all... so I might not need GM control :)

Vegeta powers up: +4 AC for 1 rd. 11 ki left.
Hernz: scratch that...

Vegeta that never happened... 12 ki left
Hernz: (no sense in raising AC if I'm the first to act next round anyway)
Cat: hah can fleir run around and flank? ;)
Hernz: fleir would be short a couple, that's why I stood where I am... won't be able to flank
Cat: is she move 50 or 60?
Chris: 50

Fleir runs up along with Vegeta.
Meghan: Does anything provide cover?
Nidranisan : Oracle's Burden
Level Oracle 5
Range medium
Duration 1 min/lvl
Saving Throw Will negates DC14
Spell Resistance Yes
Target	one creature
Spell_description	The target creature suffers all the hindrances and none of the benefits of your oracle's curse class feature (i.e. everything they equip/use is broken.)
it calculated the DC wrong.
it's actually 16. it thinks it's a 0th lvl spell.
anyway. targeting boomstick A
realtime 11/13 8:58 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The large crates provide cover and are about 15 feet high.
Vegeta and Fleir run onto the frontlines.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Boomstick A's Will Save 10
The man's two handed weapon, his armor and even his googles- snap and break as Nidri points at him.
Cat: awwww yeah.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire to end the surprise round. Then she, Vegeta and Agent Midnight get to act in the first round.
Meghan: ok
primary target axeman a...
secondary target ... boomstick a?
this is the "start of next round thing, yeah?
Cat: so you moved up in the surprise round and now you're casting first in the real round?
Meghan: Yeah, I think so
dunno if I should cast yet or not
Cat: no real reason not to?
boomstick is cursed with nidri's oracle curse.
may or may not be more vulnerable to physical attacks with his broken armor than stickshooter A at this point. definitely target axeman though :)
Meghan: rolling 1d50
= 43
realtime 11/15 4:41 pm
Claire moves up to get a better shot at her foes.
Agent Midnight runs towards one of the crates before reloading her weapon.
Claire : Burning Arc
School evocation;
Level Sorceror 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V,S
Range 35 ft
Effects/Target One primary, 1 secondary for half damage
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half DC17
Spell Resistance Yes
Claire is attacking Axeman A with Burning Arc
Burning Arc uses remaining: 4
Damage (primary): 5d6, 21
Damage (secondary): 2d6, 7
Meghan: secondary target is stickshooter A

Hernz Pummels Stickshooter B, concentrating all his attacks in one area.
Attack Results: 24 || 32
(Needs 32 on either hit to crit.)
Damage(blunt): 16 || 13
Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 25
Crit Dmg (blunt): +10 || +15
Hernz: Special 1: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic.
Special 2: If hit by first hit, Fort save DC 18 or be stunned for 1 round
woot woot crit! if 25 hits, that's a tons of damage.... 54

Vegeta has 11 ki left
Hernz: all counts as one blow in case it has DR
Chris: 54? I thought 44. 16 + 13 + 15. Wouldn't the 10 only apply with a critical on the first attack too?
realtime 11/16 6:35 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Axeman A's Reflex Save 3
Stickshooter A's Reflex Save 12
Claire's flames main the axe wielder and the stickshooter!
Vegeta clobbers the frontline.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Boomstick fires his broken musket at Vegeta, hitting Touch AC 15 for 8 damage
Boomstick A fires his broken weapon at Vegeta, but it deflects off his armor.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Stickshooter fires a pistol at Claire, hitting Touch AC 19 for 5 damage
Sitckshooter A moves up and fires a small pellet at Claire, bypassing her magical armor.
Kuwanger A hurls a small bead of red-hot ash at Vegeta, Fleir and Claire!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It's effectively fireball, dealing 17 fire damage (Reflex Save 14 for half.)
Vegeta's Reflex Save 18
Fleir's Reflex Save 8
Claire's Reflex Save 4
Vegeta avoids the brunt of the ash, but Fleir and Claire aren't so lucky.
The Axeman retreats and pulls out a potion.
Cat: mm. so that seems to be a fire one.
Eagleed A flies 15 ft above the ground.
Cat: does that mean we hit it with ice, or lightning?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Use lightning on fire-based foes.
Chris: Fleir has yet to succeed on a reflex save for evasion to apply :-P
Cat: well ok then.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Eagleed opens its mouth and a stream of lightning hits Fi and Hawk.
Cat: so, ice on that one?
Chris: yup
(GM) Chad S. (GM): This is basically lightning bolt, hitting for 17 lightning damage (Reflex Save DC 14 for half)
Cat: because if they gave us one that needed fire damage, that would be too quick ;)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk's Reflex Save 22
I'll need a reflex save, Fi
Fi : Reflex
Save	9
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Circe needed fire damage!
Chris: wtf?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You'd think that +8 would help, buuuut...
As the electricity surges through Fi, Hawk is able to heroically dive out of the way and miss most of the bolt.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, those are the badguys.
Agent Midnight: An Egleed unit. They finally got the flight function working. Damn it.
Chris: Too bad ice elementals don't fly.
Is Nidri doing anything specific before Fleir or Fi go?
Cat: not sure it matters when i go, just gonna go heal fi.

Cat casts Cure Moderate Wounds!
Cat: Fi - heal 13 HPs.
Nidri heals most of Fi's lightning burns in an instant.

Fleir is attacking Kuwanger A with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	16
Damage	9
Type	PBS
Fleir focuses so much on power that she isn't able to pierce the iron armor on the Kuwanger unit.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): AC is > 16...

Fi is attacking Eagleed A (+15 feet) with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	16
Damage	11
Type	piercing

Fi is attacking Eagleed A (+15 feet) with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	20
Damage	10
Type	piercing
Fi's arrow pierces the aerial fiend, but it continues to function
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk to close out Round 1

George is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
George: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 17
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.

George is attacking Eagleed A (+15 feet) with Masterwork Short Bow, composite!
George: Attack Result: 18
(Needs at least 28 to crit.)
Damage Result: 7
Crit: 20/x3
Crit Damage: +13
Crit Confirm: 12
George: Type: P
Hawk's arrow pierces through Eagleed's hull. It still functions!
Round 2
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Agent Midnight shoots Eagleed A hitting Touch AC 23 for 8 damage
Agent Midnight takes aim and brings the flier down with a well-placed shot. She then reloads her weapon and shuffles towards cover.
Agent Midnight: Luckily, they haven't reinforced Eagleed's armor.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire and Vegeta are up next.
Nidranisan: [AM] do we need to worry about those machines getting up again?
Agent Midnight: Not without lots of repair.
Downtime Magmere can't afford right now.
Meghan: so machine and stickshooter, or stickshooter or boomstick?
who wants to guess if the machine is fire resistant?
Cat: i'm betting very likely it is.
i can't remember if AM specifically told us they were.
but it's the fire one, so i'd go for boomstick and stickshooter...
Hernz: For the feat Veg has, if one hit crits, all the hits that land are also crits... it's the Pummel Style

Vegeta Pummels Kuwanger A, concentrating all his attacks in one area.
Attack Results: 31 || 20
(Needs 32 on either hit to crit.)
Damage(blunt): 16 || 12
Crit Dmg (blunt): +13 || +16
Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 22
Vegeta: Special 2: If hit by first hit, Fort save DC 18 or be stunned for 1 round
Special 1: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic.
Hernz: of course, these things are likely immune to stun, but what does veg know yet? :)

Vegeta has 10 ki left
Hernz: well this sucks... they changed how pummeling style works now... they removed any mention of criticals........
that basically just nuked my high level build... f'ing f'ers
yup, they totally nuked that feat to basically be a DR bypasser only now.... great.....
feel free to weigh in chad. Also, I'm off for 2 days or so on this... put me on autopilot till I return... I smashy smash
realtime 11/17 8:39 pm
Vegeta's fist punches through Kuwanger A, knocking out several critical components.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Waiting on Claire before the badguys move.
Meghan: ok, so do we think that the machines are fire resistant or fire immune?
Claire : Burning Arc
School evocation;
Level Sorceror 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V,S
Range 35 ft
Effects/Target One primary, 1 secondary for half damage
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half DC17
Spell Resistance Yes
Claire is attacking Kuwanger A with Burning Arc
Burning Arc uses remaining: 3
Damage (primary): 5d6, 15
Meghan: Damage (secondary): 2d6, 8
secondary target is stickshooter A
now we find out if the machines take any damage from fire...
Hernz: Cold FIRE! Somersault! AAAAHHHHHHHHAHHHH!!
sorry, just went all streets of rage 3 on us there
realtime 11/20, 8:48 am
A flaming arc shoots out from Claire's fingertips. It circulates through Kuwanger A and exits throught its exhaust pipe harmlessly.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Stickshooter A's Reflex Save 22
Stickshooter A feels the burn.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Stickshooter A retreats behind a crate and reloads.
The axeman drinks the potion he pulled out last round, healing 20 hp.
He then runs forward, using the crate for cover.
Kuwanger A steps back and flame shoots from its mouth, engulfing Vegeta and Fleir.
Kuwanger A steps back and flame shoots from its mouth, engulfing Vegeta and Fleir.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta's Reflex Save vs DC 13 23
Fleir's Reflex Save vs DC 13 15
Vegeta manages to avoid the flames thanks to his Royal Sayan training.
Fleir avoids the majority of the flames, taking half of 16 fire damage.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Boomstick A fires his broken weapon at Fleir, hitting touch AC 24
for 4 damage.
Crit confirm? 7 for 1 additional damage
He runs behind then gate, then yells "I'm gonna tell the foreman, tell him to get the big guy!"
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, Fleir, Fi and Hawk are up next.
Boomstick A has 22 HP and everything he touches breaks.
Hernz: looks like I didn't miss too much... thanks for the awesome rflx saves chad! lol
I'll sign back on later
Chris: Fleir has evasion, Chad.

Cat casts Cure Moderate Wounds!
Cat: Claire - heal 16 HPs.
realtime 11/20 8:36 pm
Fleir barks to the gods above and her singed fur reverts to its original, unharmed form, as if she were never burned in the first place.
Nidri heals most of Claire's wounds.

Fi is attacking Kuwanger A with Long Bow (Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Point Blank)
Attack	19
Damage	7
Type	piercing
Within 30'
Chris: Also, that attack on Fleir is the first time I've had a character get hit only due to the natural 20 always hitting.
Oh. Touch AC. bleh.
Wait, why is a firearm touch? Seems a shield should help.
I know it's the rules, but still seems a bit odd.
Hernz: I think it
is because it assumes you can't put the shield in front of the bullet fast enough
Ooooh... we're in nice cone/fireball formation! lol
realtime 11/21 8:23 am
Fi's arrow shutsdown Kuwanger

Fleir is attacking Stickshooter A with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	20
Damage	13
Type	PBS
Trip: 13
Chris: I forgot since my macros all got changed. Are trip attempts made with CMB or your attack bonus?
If it is attack instead, then that is 1 higher.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 16
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.

Hawk Hubertins readies the action of casting a spell if a party member misses an attack.
Fleir gnaws on the stickshooter, knocking her unconscious.
Hawk prepares to inspire an ally if they miss.
Round 3
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Agent Midnight spends a point of grit and fires at Boomstick A, hitting Touch AC 16 for 5 damage
Boomstick A is at 17/22 HP
Agent Midnight: He's trying to sound the alarm!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta and Claire are up to go.
Meghan: From here I have two things that might take care of boomstick A
my 2nd list spell, which might be better used on "the big guy"
or ... charm person
conserve big spells?
Hernz: do we try to kill him? Veg probably wants him to sound the alarm... it's veg after all

Vegeta charges boomstick A
Hernz: let's just finish him off anyway...

Vegeta strikes Boomstick A!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 33
(Needs 34 to crit.)
Damage Result: 13
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 20
Crit Damage: +12
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.

Vegeta has 9 ki left
realtime 11/22, 8:20 pm
Vegeta charges the man with the broken armor and weapons, knocking the wind out of him.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Boomstick A is at 4 HP
What's your move, Claire?
Claire : Burning Arc
School evocation;
Level Sorceror 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V,S
Range 35 ft
Effects/Target One primary, 1 secondary for half damage
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half DC17
Spell Resistance Yes
Claire is attacking Boomstick A with Burning Arc
Burning Arc uses remaining: 2
Damage (primary): 5d6, 22
Damage (secondary): 2d6, 6
Meghan: no kill like overkill
no secondary
Whatever the Boomstick's plan was, he isn't going to live to tell it.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Axeman A shrugs and attacks 6 clockwise from the top
Hawk, hitting AC 16 for 4 damage
Pardon, that should be AC 14 for 3 damage
The axeman...hurls an axe at Hawk. Luckily the bard's armor blocks the majority of the impact!
Weighing his options carefully, the Axeman starts to flee the battlefield.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You're out of threats. You can try to finish the axeman off, or let him go.
Chris: ... Fi is never one to let a parting shot go by.

Agent Midnight will let the man go, spending time to reload her weapon.
Chris: I think he gets partial cover from the container.

Fi is attacking Axeman A with Long Bow (Rapid)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid)
Attack	16
Damage	10
Type	piercing

Fi is attacking Axeman A with Long Bow (Rapid)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid)
Attack	24
Damage	11
Type	piercing
Fi takes the time to give a parting shot to the man. His shield deflects the first arrow but not the second.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You guys should decide if you want to finish the Axeman off, and post-battle recovery.
Chris: Not going to spend the time chasing.
Cat: yeah, i have no need to chase people down.

Cat casts Cure Moderate Wounds!
Cat: Fleir - heal 14 HPs.
George: Agreed. No need to chase him down.
Vegeta: I'm not wasting my time on that nobody... where to next Midnight?
The final guard gets away with an arrow in his butt.
Combat Over
realtime 11/24 10:11 am
Agent Midnight: It's not worth chasing him. If we can defeat the foreman, we can locate my friend here. I expect another fight, soon, so get ready.
The factory is in a state of panic. Civilians employed as Magmere researchers, janitors and managers flee, personally escorted by some more of the metal golems. Most of the automata are in various states of damage and disrepair.
The panicked workers don't seem to notice or pay attention to you, and you notice little resistance on your way to the R&D sector.
An ominous metal door stands in front of you. You see a cold mist seeping in from underneath.
Agent Midnight: This is it. My friend should be inside. I hope he's still...alive.
Are you all ready?
Hernz: I assume the armors cast by Claire are still up... they last like a few hrs, right?

Vegeta and his 9 remaining ki are ready
Fi: Wait, if they weren't alerted to our presence, why are they panicked about?
Agent Midnight: I'm not sure. I thought we would have to sneak around, trigger a fire alarm, then discreetly enter the office and interrogate the VP.
And they aren't paying attention to us, either...
At this point, force seems necessary. That's where you all come in.
Your shields are up, it's been about 15 minutes.

Vegeta powers up (Barkskin). 8 ki remaining
Hernz: maybe a few heals around the party?
Cat: hawk said he's got some healing, and i'm not sure it makes sense to burn the spells topping off?
if anyone still injured wants a heal before we kick down the door let me know.
Hernz: oh ok, works for me
Cat: travelling tomorrow thru saturday...may or may not have spotty wireless.
George: Yeah, Hawk's heal spells are all level 2, so not really the "topping off" variety.

Fi casts Ironskin on Fleir
Fi : Ironskin
Effects/Target you
Duration 5 minutes
Chris: That is all I'll prep unless people end up casting more than 1 prep spell before rushing in.
realtime 11/27, 8:18 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk is at 19/27 HP
Fleir at 36/43
Fi at 19/23
As the party approaches the door, a conveyor belt quickly whisks them into the Factory Executive Room. The door opens and shuts behind them as they travel through.
In front of the party is a massive, ice spewing-golem modeled after a walrus. A crude Magmere Company logo is scrawled on its chest.
Several stone structures in the room crackle with lightning as two men in the back smile, their axes ready for action.
Behind a crude waist-high steel barrier in the back is seemingly the boss of the operation, holding a boomstick.
In the corner lies a Big, Blue Beetle-like robot. It is stuck in a glass tube. Several wires connect his body to the floor. Agent Midnight seems to recognize it immediately.
Agent Midnight: BB! You're still functional...
Robot Beetle: N-n-not for long! Pylons, draining me!
Da Boss: This is it? Some bratty royal and her goon squad has my entire factory scared? Where's the rest of the army?
Whatever, get 'em Frostrus!
Frostrus: Ordering ME around...damn. Sorry BB, but I gotta follow orders.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Badguyz Init 23
Roll for initiative, folks. You would only have 1 round of prep for short term spells and abilities.
Fi : Initiative
Check	14.04
Fleir : Initiative
Check	16.03
Nidranisan : Initiative
Check	9.02
Claire : Initiative
Check	11.01
must construct additional...
Cat: back home in the land of available wifi.
totally waiting for the "i am the walrus" joke.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Initiative
Check	21.02

Hawk Hubertins casts Abundant Ammunition on Fi's quiver!
Hawk Hubertins: School: N/A; Level 1
Casting Time: 1 standard
Components: V, S, M/DF (a single piece of ammunition)
Range: One container, touched
Targets/Area: N/A
Duration: 1 min/level
Hawk Hubertins: Saving Throw: DC 15, N/A; Spell Resistance: No
George: That was Hawk's prep spell.
realtime 11/28 7:52 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta's init 16
Round 1
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Agent Midnight's Init 21
The metal walrus starts up and blows an ice-cold wind at the party, slowing their movements and reactions.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll need a DC 15 Fort Save from you, or you are staggered fro 3 rounds.
Agent Midnight: Fort Save 22
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Axeman A throws his throwing axe at (even = Fleir, odd = Hawk) 2
Fleir, hitting Flatfooted AC 15 for 7 damage
Axeman B throws his throwing axe at (even = Vegeta, odd = Nidri) 2
Vegeta, hitting Flatfooted AC 14 for 5 damage
Fleir and Vegeta are able to avoid the axes tossed their way.
Da Boss notices a giant walrus is blocking his shots, so he ducks behind the barrier to get a clear shot.
Agent Midnight: I'm going to make my way up to that barrier and help BB.
Pistol Whips Axeman B, hitting AC 22 and knocking down CMD 15
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Fortitude
Save	14
Agent Midnight runs in, grits her teeth, and topples Axeman B with the butt of her weapon, dealing 5 damage.
Hawk experiences extreme c-c-cold.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): How did you add a counter to that icon?
At any rate, you guys are up and need to make a DC 15 Fort Save to avoid getting Staggered for 3 rounds.
George: Huh? I thought you added the counter
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Maybe it was a g-g-g-g-ghost
Okay, figured it out.
You guys are up next.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 15
+2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
Hawk sings! About how damn cold it is!
Nidranisan : Fortitude
Save	17
Fi : Fortitude
Save	9
Fleir : Fortitude
Save	25

Fleir is attacking Axeman A with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	16
Damage	9
Type	PBS
Trip: 27
Cat: so, we have to break the pylons or something? to rescue the beetle guy in the back?
George: Seems that way.
Chris: I'm wondering if Frostrus will keep attacking if Da Boss gets dropped.
Claire : Fortitude
Save	19
I suppose I can cast resist energy: cold, but that would take the place of one of my 2 burning arcs left...
Oh, I can bless
Claire : Bless
School Enchantment;
Level 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VSDF
Range 50 ft
Effects/Target The caster and all allies within a 50ft burst, centered on caster
Duration 5 minutes
Saving Throw none
Spell Resistance Yes
Description: Bless fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.

Bless counters and dispels bane. Bloodline spell.
Bless uses remaining: 5
ok, so that was the prep spell
Chris: Then Fleir hit AC 17.
Claire : Burning Arc
School evocation;
Level Sorceror 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V,S
Range 35 ft
Effects/Target One primary, 1 secondary for half damage
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half DC17
Spell Resistance Yes
Claire is attacking Frostrus with Burning Arc
Burning Arc uses remaining: 1
Damage (primary): 5d6, 19
Damage (secondary): 2d6, 9
Meghan: Pretend I went there first. I only need to be within 35 feet to hit him.
secondary damage to pylon ..
rolling 1d2
= 1
(and I made my fort save so I'm not staggered
realtime 11/29, 5:19 pm
Fleir resists the cold but is unable to get past Axeman A's shield.
Claire shakes off the cold, and blesses the party with pretty sprinkle sparkle happiness.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Reflex Save 18
Frostrus swerves out of the arc's way, but is still burned severely.
The flame jumps and burns the pylon, although it resists some of the flame. (hardness)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta's Fort Save 6
Vegeta, Hawk and Fi are slowed by the intense cold.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, Fi and Nidri are up next.

Fi casts Gravity Bow!
Fi: Duration: 5 minutes
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Chris, was that your prep round or your round 1 action?
Chris: I think that Fi's prep action was iron skin on Fleir.
unless I stated that I was doing that early enough that I ge another one :-P

Cat casts Resistance on Fi!
Cat: Duration: 1 minute. +1 bonus on saving throws
Hernz: so staggered for 3 rounds...

Vegeta shoots an energy blast at Frostrus!
Vegeta: Ranged Touch Att: 8
(Needs 27 to crit.)
Damage Result: 13
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 22
Crit Damage: +16

Vegeta has 7 ki left
Hernz: well, shitty rolls... yay!
11/30 8:48 pm
Fi makes his bow huge, while Vegeta throws a beam of energy at the floor.
Energy surges from the beetle in the corner into the wires in the room, draining 4 energy.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): BB Beetle is at 26/30 hp
Pylon 4
Pylon 2
Pylon B discharges thunder against Frostrus, dealing 5 lightning damage (Reflex DC 15.)) He uses a reflex save of 9 to halve the damage
Pylon 8
Pylon 6
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Pylon F discharges thunder against (Even = Fleir) 1
Axeman A, dealing 11 lightning damage. Saving throw: 11
The pylons zap Frostrus and Axeman A.
Round 2
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Axeman A draws an axe and attacks Fleir, hitting AC 14 for 8 dmaage
Axeman B stands up, provoking from Agent Midnight. She hits him prone with her sap at AC 11, dealing 5 damage.
Oops, forgot bless.
Agent Midnight hits Axeman B as he moves away, draws another axe and readies his shield.
With Claire as the only open target, Da Boss fires his musket.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Spending a point of grit, Da Boss fires his musket at Claire, hitting her touch AC 15 for 6 damage.
After hitting Claire, Da Boss ducks behind Frostrus.
Da Boss: Charge already!
Frostrus: Hmpf. I'm not doing this because you said so, dummy.
Frostrus's belly exudes a sheet of ice as he slides forward, threatening to crush all in his path!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Frostrus is trying to trample Vegeta, Claire and Nidri.
You can either:
Take an AoO at a -4 penalty
OR make a Reflex Save, DC 21
If you take the AoO or fail the reflex save, you will take 12
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Frostrus may knock you down if your CMD is 5 less than 18
and you didn't avoid him.
Hernz said he would be absent for 3 days. I'll have Vegeta try to avoid frosty.
Vegeta: (GM) Reflex Save 16
Vegeta is bludgeoned by walrus-like belly, but stands his ground. Frostrus is forced to stop before reaching Nidri.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So Claire needs to either make an AoO at -4 or a Reflex Save DC 21 to avoid 12 damage. If she doesn't evade it, she will be knocked prone.
Claire : Reflex
Save	20
so close
Cat: awwww clearly dropped resistance on the wrong person.
does bless help? :)
Meghan: no. :(
Cat: drat.
does bard song help?

Cat tries, so hard.
Meghan: unless it's a fear or charm based trample, no
Chris: lol
Meghan: but can I cast from prone? 'cause Imma burn his ass.
Cat: lol indeed.
i think you can? but you'll also still provoke?
Meghan: my CMD is 13.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You'll provoke from casting while threatened, but there is no rule against casting while prone
Claire is knocked over as several tons of metal walrus clobbers into her.
Agent Midnight: Acrobatics Check 23
Agent Midnight leaps over the barrier, landing on the other side.
Agent Midnight: BB! I'm here!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, time for you guys to move. Tell me what you want Vegeta to do if it's more complicated than "hit nearest thing"
George: Do I still get a 5' if I'm staggered?
Also, does it look like Mr Walrus there has reach?
Chris: It sounds like you can get a 5' any round where you don't use a move action and don't have movement restrictions.
I'm assuming that he has 15' reach.
George: Nidri, do you want to heal Claire and I'll tag Veg?
Cat: yeah i can heal claire.

Fleir is attacking Axeman A with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	24
Damage	14
Type	PBS
trip: 10
realtime 12/1 8:25 pm
Fleir gets her head past the shield and trips the man. He doesn't get back up.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You would guess Frostrus has a 10 ft reach.
Chris is correct about the 5 foot step.
George: Is it valid to cast, 5' step, and touch the target? Spell = Cure moderate.
Cat: pretty sure i've done the cast-move-tap before.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, you can.
The touch comes for free with the spell.
George: Ok then.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 14
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
George: (Free round of song because he's also casting)
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Cure Moderate Wounds
Effects/Target creature touched
rolling 2d8+5
= 14
George: Touching Vegeta with that one.
Vegeta: (GM) I am feeling great. Thank you, good sir. I am a brave and curteous prince

Fi is attacking Frostrus with Long Bow (Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Point Blank)
Attack	23
Damage	12
Type	piercing
Within 30'
Fi hits Frostrus with another arrow.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire, Vegeta and Nidri are up.
Chris: Also, Chad's Vegeta is the best.
3 rounds of staggered means that we have 3 actions with the restriction, right? So next round is the last one?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You'll be free right before round 4's badguyz phase

Cat casts Cure Moderate Wounds!
Cat: Claire - heal 12 HPs.
Meghan: hooray
I'm going to try to get away and get up.
I'm guessing I won't be able to move and attack from prone.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You can attack from prone, but you take a -4 to attack.
Also, you're prone.
Meghan: more like cast
I mean really
I want to get out of reach though
like, get behind pylon G
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Standing up is a move action (and provokes an AoO.) Then you'd have another move action.
So you can get stand up and flee, taking an AoO. Or cast defensively while prone and hope Frostrus doesn't attack you.
Meghan: and lose my spell if it fails?
seeing as I don't have a bunch of those left, I don't want to do that.
I'd rather get to a safe distance and then cast.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, you lose your spell if you cast defensively and fail the check.
Meghan: assuming I survive.
so yeah, stand and flee to ...
do I need to roll?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, but Claire provokes for standing up from prone.
Frostrus's AoO vs prone Claire hits AC 23 for 8
Meghan: am I far enough out of reach? maybe i should go further
Frostrus slaps Claire as she stands up and flees.
Meghan: ouch
Claire: Waaah.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It seems to have 10 ft reach.
Frostrus: I have to stop them all...
Robot Beetle: Frosty, damn it!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): GM will do a bunch of stuff tomorrow, probably. Nighty night, guys
realtime 12/2 6:35 am
1 energy is drained from the large beetle.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Beetle is at 25/30 hp
(To GM) rolling 1d8
= 2
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Pylon B activates and zaps Axeman B for 2 damage, Reflex Save DC 14 for half
Reflex Save 21
One of the diodes lights up and tickles Axeman B.
realtime 12/2, 9:23 am
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, Staggered will strike at Frostrus.
Vegeta: (GM) Good sir Frostrus, I'm afraid I must resort to physical violence in order to assert my physical superiority!
Vegeta hits AC 23 for 8 damage
Round 3
Da Boss: Back off, princess! We found him, he's our property!
Da Boss fires his musket at Agent Midnight, hitting touch AC 14 for 6 damage
Agent Midnight spends the rest of her grit and quickly drops prone, avoiding the shot.
Agent Midnight: Sentient beings are not your property!
After shooting, he steps 5 feet back, drops the musket and draws his shortsword.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Axeman A tries to stand up, provoking from Fleir.
Fleir's AoO: AC 28 for 14 damage
Axeman A tries to stand up, and fails.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Axeman B runs around the fray, getting into melee with Fi.
Frostrus spreads his attacks between all targets in range: 1 = Fleir, 2 = Hawk, 3 = Vegeta, 4 = Nidri
Power Attack Tusks vs Fleir: AC 28 for 16 damage
Power Attack Hand Slap vs Vegeta: AC 24 for 11 damage
Power Attack Hand Slap vs Nidri: AC 25 for 12 damage
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Power Attack Ice Spike vs Hawk: AC 8 for 9 damage
Power Attack Ice Spike vs Nidri: AC 13 for 7 damage
I think Vegeta's AC is 24 (10 + 3 Dex + 5 Wis + 4 Mage Armor + 2 Barkskin), so that hits.
The walrus-shaped golem pummels Fleir, Vegeta and Nidri before ejecting his icicle-tusks vaguely in their direction.
Frostrus beats his chest
Frostrus: The Force will be victorious!
Agent Midnight stands up from prone and runs into melee with Da Boss.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Phew Okay, you guys are up. I think Vegeta's AC is 24, but everything else should be legit.
Vegeta will continue to strike Frostrus unless you have a better plan.
Cat: no, i think "beat up the giant walrus" is a pretty ok plan.
bah. i provoke if i cast huh.
i guess i could cast defensively and try to tap veg with magic weapon.

Fi steps back and shoots.

Fi is attacking Axeman B with Long Bow (Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Point Blank)
Attack	17
Damage	11
Type	piercing
Within 30'
Claire : Burning Arc
School evocation;
Level Sorceror 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V,S
Range 35 ft
Effects/Target One primary, 1 secondary for half damage
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half DC17
Spell Resistance Yes
Claire is attacking Frostrus with Burning Arc
Burning Arc uses remaining: 0
Damage (primary): 5d6, 21
Damage (secondary): 2d6, 6
Meghan: secondary target is pylon ...
rolling 1d2
= 1
(when it's my turn)

Fleir withdraws from Frosticus and moves into melee with Axeman B. (Provoking from Axeman B)
12/3 12:33 pm
realtime 12/3 12:33 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi's arrow bounces off Axeman B's shield. He swipes at Fleir as she runs in to protect
Axeman B's AoO vs Fleir hits AC 12 for 6 damage.
Claire shoots a ray of flame from her hand, melting Frostrus's icy spikes and producing a lot of steam.
Frostrus's Reflex Save DC 17 23
Pylon F is singed by a secondary ray.
Vegeta will try to finish off Frostrus.
Vegeta: (GM) Oho! I pity Frostrus for fighting me, the humble yet brave Prince Vegeta!
Vegeta attacks AC 24 for 12 damage
Vegeta wallops Frostrus as it narrowly avoids the brunt of Claire's fire blast. Yet it still functions!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk and Claire to finish the round.
Chris: Nidri, not Claire.
Cat: right. uhm.

Cat casts Guidance on Hawk!
Cat: Duration: 1 minute. Take +1 on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (choose before you roll)
some day, i'll remember to switch the thing to nidri before i cast.
some day.
Meghan: Just a plink away on frostrus, huh?
Claire: Too bad I'm all out of those big fire ray spells...
(good thing I still have burning hands...)
realtime 12/4, 6:57 am
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri guides Hawk's next action. What will he do?
George: So was there a particular reason Nidri thinks Hawk needs the guidance?
Chris: Plink Da Walrus!

George is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
George: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 14
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 14
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.

Hawk Hubertins is attacking Frostrus with Masterwork Short Bow, composite!
Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 15
(Needs at least 28 to crit.)
Damage Result: 7
Crit: 20/x3
Crit Confirm: 10
Crit Damage: +16
Hawk Hubertins: Type: P
George: That attack includes the +1 from guidance.
12/4 9:34 pm
realtime 12/4 9:34 pm
Hawk's arrow gets stuck in the giant walrus's armor, but fails to do any real damage.
5 energy is drained from the Beetle.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Big Blue Beetle is at 21/30 HP
(To GM) rolling 1d8
= 6
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Pylon F zaps Frostrus, hitting for 10 damage.
Pylon F's lightning zaps Frostrus. It seems to short out as energy fizzles out of it.
Frostrus: General, run! I can't go on any longer!
The iron-plated walrus collapses under its own weight and stops moving.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d8
= 4
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d8
= 3
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d8
= 6
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d8
= 8
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Pylon H zaps Claire for 5 lightning damage (Reflex Save DC 14 for half damage.)
Claire: (GM) Reflex Save 3
Round 4
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Da Boss attacks Agent Midnight, hitting AC 11 for 2 damage
Agent Midnight attacks Da Boss, hitting AC 18 for 1 damage
The two 'slingers play rock 'em sock 'em robots.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Party is up. The barriers are about 4 feet high.
Chris: We're unstaggered now, yes? After enemy's round 4?

Fleir is attacking Axeman B with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	13
Damage	13
Type	PBS
Chris: Oh, come on Fleir.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 13
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
Hawk Hubertins : Cure Moderate Wounds
Effects/Target creature touched

Hawk Hubertins heals Fleir
Hawk Hubertins: rolling 2d8+5
= 13
George: Casting covers bardsong expenditure this round.
Claire : Burning Hands
School Evocation;
Level 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VS
Range 15 ft
Effects/Target cone-shaped burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half
Spell Resistance Yes

Meghan casts Burning Hands!

Meghan is attacking Pylon B with Burning Hands!
Meghan: Damage: 5d4. Damage Result: 13
Burning Hands uses remaining: 4
that hits pylon b and f
realtime 12/5 8:33 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, Fi and Vegeta shake off the freezing frost and are able to move at full speed!
Fi's bite is unable to get past the fighter's armor.
But at least Hawk is able to help!
Claire melts one of the pylons and damages another. The energy drain from BB slows down slightly.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi, Vegeta and Nidri are up. Should Vegeta help fight the Axeman?
Cat: yeah, axeman needs to go.
nothing stops me from traveling through frostrus's squares at this point, right?
i mean, he doesn't count as goofy terrain or anything?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You can travel through the squares, but you probably should stop on there.
Cat: so that's ok?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah.

Cat casts Cure Moderate Wounds!
Cat: Claire - heal 12 HPs.
i'll 5' out of the way later so she can burninate the other two pylons i guess.
Nidri steps over the golem's remains so she can patch Claire's wounds.
Cat: after axeman, veg can pretty much punch pylons.
Vegeta: (GM) I will always protect my allies!
(GM) Attacks Axeman B, hitting AC 33 for 9 damage
(GM) Super Sayan God Super Sayan rulez!
Hernz: and I'm back in local time!
1) love Chad's veg also lol
2) you forgot my monk AC.. I'm AC 27 (you forgot my ring of prot and monk bonus) so the power attack hand slap of 11 damage shouldn't have hit veg :)
3) that pylon kill steals frostrus is hilarious lol

Vegeta has 5 ki remaining

Fi is attacking Pylon F with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	25
Damage	12
Type	piercing

Fi is attacking Pylon G with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	13
Damage	14
Type	piercing
realtime 12/6 8:21 pm
Vegeta shakes his head, returning to his former demeanor.
Fi takes a step back and shoots the Axeman.
4 energy drains from the beetle golem.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Big Blue Beetle is at 17/30 HP
(To GM) rolling 1d7
= 7
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d7
= 4
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d7
= 3
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d7
= 7
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Pylon E zaps Vegeta, dealing 7 electricity damage (Reflex DC 14 for half damage)
Vegeta's Reflex Save 11
Round 5
The two gunslingers continue their slapfight.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Da Boss hits Agent Midnight, hitting AC 22 for 7 damage
Agent Midnight hits Da Boss, hitting AC 22 for 4 nonlethal damage
Agent Midnight: This goes a lot quicker with a partner...
Robot Beetle: Sorry, power drain reducing gravitational impulses. Can't exert my strength here!
Da Boss: Shaddap! The president will be impressed with my score here!
Robot Beetle: The presid- haha, he doesn't know. OW THIS HURTS.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, finish this up, guys

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 13
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
Cat: i guess i could try to hit the pylon with my crossbow.
i mean.
it's stationary right? how hard could it be? (i...probably don't do enough damage to hurt it.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It has hardness of about 5.
Cat: and i do like a d6 - 3 or something stupid like that.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Sounds about right
Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 12

Hawk Hubertins is attacking Pylon F with Masterwork Short Bow, composite!
Hawk Hubertins: (Needs at least 28 to crit.)
Damage Result: 8
Crit: 20/x3
Crit Confirm: 25
Crit Damage: +11
Type: P
Hawk Hubertins: Notes:
Hawk's arrow reduces Pylon F to rubble.

Cat casts Cure Light on Nidri!
Cat: heal 8 HPs.
ok claire, burninate east :)
Nidri approaches the barrier and prepares to cross over.
Cat: you guessed it :)
(can i climb over it in a move action? do i have to make a climb check or something?)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It's a 3 foot barrier, it's a DC 0 climb check.
Cat: lol ok.
so don't roll a 1 then ;)
(unless i'm still at -2. then it'd like...don't...roll a 2?)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah!
Cat: yeah, my...climb check is maybe like, actually a -1.
for the record. :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): with or without the -2?
Cat: without
i.e. 0 ranks, 9 strength -> -1

Fleir is attacking Pylon H with Powerful Bite!
Fleir : Powerful Bite
Attack	13
Damage	14
Type	PBS
Fleir gnaws away at the Pylon...

Fi is attacking Pylon H with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	17
Damage	10
Type	piercing
Zappy. Fi topples what's left of it.

Fi is attacking Pylon G with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	16
Damage	13
Type	piercing
And starts work on another.
Claire : Burning Hands
School Evocation;
Level 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VS
Range 15 ft
Effects/Target cone-shaped burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half
Spell Resistance Yes

Meghan is attacking Pylon C with Burning Hands!

Meghan casts Burning Hands!
Meghan: Damage: 5d4. Damage Result: 9
Burning Hands uses remaining: 3
hitting G too
Claire finishes off the Pylon Fi started on.

Hernz Pummels Pylon E, concentrating all his attacks in one area.
Attack Results: 31 || 28
(Needs 32 on either hit to crit.)
Damage(blunt): 11 || 10
Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 32
Crit Dmg (blunt): +12 || +14
Hernz: Special: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic.
so add up the dam before the damage reduction

Vegeta has 4 ki left
Cat: ...why can't you roll to hit like that against non-stationary opponents?
Hernz: I was slowed
or staggered or whatever.... that requires a full attack
Cat: no, you just get crappy dice all the rest of the time :P
Hernz: oh that.... shut up lol
Cat: hey, i didn't blame you, i blamed the dice!
Hernz: I've been rolling pretty good... helps to have a +12 with bardsong and SSJ
Cat: heh
i need to pick a couple spells that can actually do stuff.
realtime 12/7 7:12 am
Pylon E kerplodes under the mighty Sayan Fist of Vegeta.
The pylons drain 1 energy from the robot beetle.
Round 6
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Slapfight continues between the two slingers.
Da Boss hits AC 23 for 2 damage
Agent Midnight hits AC 15 for 4 nonlethal damage
Alright, your turn. The barrier is about 3 feet high, so you can jump or climb over it.

Fleir is attacking Pylon D with Powerful Bite!
Fleir : Powerful Bite
Attack	25
Damage	9
Type	PBS
Chris: ugh

Fi is attacking Pylon C with Long Bow (Rapid)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid)
Attack	12
Damage	11
Type	piercing

Fi is attacking Pylon D with Long Bow (Rapid)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid)
Attack	14
Damage	9
Type	piercing
For Fi, it's like target practice.
Cat: i could go curse da boss.
or rather, do that from here. and climb over next turn.
would mending heal BBB? :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri should make a K Engineering check to determine how BB Beetle responds to magic.
Cat: even if i don't have the skill? ;)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri doesn't really know how to heal BB. Maybe mending will work?
Nidranisan: Hey AM -- can I help BB or is magic just gonna bounce off?
Cat: talking's a free action, right? ;)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Sure is
Cat: i'll give her a chance to acknowledge the question before i figure out what i'm doing.
Chris: Fleir, already did her action by the way. (Right before Fi's)
Agent Midnight: You could try- ow- controlling the console. It's next to the tube BB is inside.
You do know how to use the console, right?
Fi: A cabinet that holds the controls for an organ?
Agent Midnight: Ah...how about we handle this madman first.
Robot Beetle: Repairs take hours, usually. And we don't have that much time, anyway.
Nidranisan: ok, well, i can try after if you want and we'll see if it works.
Nidranisan : Oracle's Burden
Level Oracle 5
Range medium
Duration 1 min/lvl
Saving Throw Will negates DC14
Spell Resistance Yes
Target	one creature
Spell_description	The target creature suffers all the hindrances and none of the benefits of your oracle's curse class feature (i.e. everything they equip/use is broken.)
Cat: throwin' it on Da Boss.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Will Save DC 14 5
Nidranisan: neener.
Nidri points at Da Boss. Suddenly his longsword fractures and his armor snaps, exposing weakpoints.
Cat: does a gun even work when it's broken? ;)
ah he had a sword out.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, he has a sword.
Fleir gnaws away at a Pylon.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, you have a Move Action.
Cat: i think i'm gonna wait out of threat range for now.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it.
Claire : Burning Hands
School Evocation;
Level 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VS
Range 15 ft
Effects/Target cone-shaped burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half
Spell Resistance Yes

Meghan casts Burning Hands!

Meghan is attacking Pylon A with Burning Hands!
Meghan: Damage: 5d4. Damage Result: 11
Burning Hands uses remaining: 2

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 12

Hawk Hubertins is attacking Pylon A with Masterwork Short Bow, composite!
Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 10
(Needs at least 28 to crit.)
Damage Result: 8
Crit: 20/x3
Crit Confirm: 23
Crit Damage: +9
Hawk Hubertins: Type: P
Hernz: I think pylon A is still up, so I'll charge that... if not, charge pylon B (I got plenty of move on a charge)

Vegeta strikes Pylon A!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 16
(Needs 34 to crit.)
Damage Result: 10
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 33
Crit Damage: +15
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
Meghan: how many hit points do these pylons have?
Hernz: not much, but objects take half damage from fire/cold, and hardness 5 against our physical attacks from what chad said
so figured maybe pylon A still is up
Cat: i guess technically, if i draw my knife and wade in, i can give AM flanking...
Hernz: I should have charged in there instead... oh well
Cat: it's a 3' wall, you wouldn't be able to actually charge...
Hernz: I meant just like, go in there, yup
Cat: yeah probably heh
i'm over here being all like "yeaaaaah, i got your back or whatever"
realtime 12/8 8:06pm
Claire and Hawk combine their efforts to destroy the pylon.
With the Pylons destroyed, the power stops draining from the beetle.
Robot Beetle: Huh? Power's cutoff. Woo! Weapon systems online in...uh...1 minute.
Agent Midnight: I'm not sure we have 1 minute, BB.
Once this fool is done with, I'll free you. Hang tight.
Round 7
'Slinger Slapfight
Agent Midnight: Hits AC 27 for 4 nonlethal damage.
Da Boss: Hits AC 13 for 5 damage.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, party's up.
Hernz: Is movement reduced for the 3ft barrier or do we act like normal move?
I'll attack in case I can... ignore it if I can't (and I'll just move up there)

Vegeta strikes Da Boss!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 6
(Needs 20 to crit.)
Damage Result: 14
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 3
Crit Damage: +9
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
Hernz: um... that should be a 18, not a 6... for some reason didn't use the bonus to attack...
Vegeta: If we
Hernz: if we've been instructed explicitly to use nonlethal, veg can do that... otherwise, regular damage
Vegeta jumps up from cover and punches Da Boss.
Vegeta: let's see you face a real warrior!

Vegeta has 3 ki left

Fi is attacking Da Boss with Long Bow (Rapid)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid)
Attack	25
Damage	12
Type	piercing

Fi is attacking Da Boss with Long Bow (Rapid)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid)
Attack	18
Damage	15
Type	piercing
Chris: He gets partial cover.
Oops, I guess I mean normal cover.
realtime 12/10 9:13 am
With two well-placed arrows, Da Boss is taken out.
Combat Over
Agent Midnight wipes the sweat off her brow and begins working on the console. After pressing a few keys, the glass tube lowers and the giant beetle-shaped golem is able to move.
Robot Beetle: Thanks Midnight. Ah... Do you think you could repair Frosty?
Agent Midnight: Well, this factory should have plenty of spare parts. But I would need time to learn how its internals operate. Every model is different.
Midnight shrugs.

Agent Midnight shrugs
Robot Beetle: Dangit. We don't have time. The Imperial Army is on their way. I intercepted some of their messages.
They're after Giovanni, you and...um...

Robot Beetle looks over the party
Robot Beetle: oh yeah, you guys, too.

Agent Midnight shakes her head
Agent Midnight: Hmm...We may need to split up, then. I'm used to evading the army, and I need to do repairs on BB. Best we go together and distract them.

Agent Midnight hands Claire a small white crystal and a map.
Agent Midnight: See? We're here. You need to get there, in this cave. It's about 1 day away.
This crystal is very important and will let you interact with...something in the center.
Merki didn't even tell me what it does. But he said it was important, and I should leave it in your care.
Agent Midnight climbs over the barrier while the Big Blue Beetle shoves the barrier aside.
Robot Beetle: Howdy. My serial number's annoying to repeat vocally. Just call me BB.

Robot Beetle tries to gently shake hands with everyone
Chris: I suppose Nidri can test a mending on Frostrus.
Vegeta: hmph... this guy was a pushover...
Agent Midnight: For someone of your physical might, I suppose he was a challenge. I couldn't have gotten here without your help.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d100
= 87
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d100
= 38
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d100
= 86
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d100
= 69
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d8
= 4
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d15
= 1
Cat: yeah, can nidri test mending on frosty?
that and if midnight lets me, i'll give her a cure light before we split up.

Fi looks over the map.
Fi : Knowledge-Geography
Check	22
Fi : Survival
Check	13
Yes, I see. Shouldn't be a problem.

Fi shakes BB's hand.
Fi: Glad we were able to be of assistance.
realtime 12/12 12:47pm
Agent Midnight is glad to accept aid from Nidri.
Mending doesn't seem to do much to the golem.
Cat: hub magic missile: 29

Cat casts Cure Light on Agent Midnight!
Cat: heal 6 HPs.
Hernz: Hub missile... nice... how'd we do? Sorry again I had to bail early!
Chris: Aside from Manny getting killed we did well. Ember finished it up with the missile. Then she went and helped another set of Frost Elves that got ambushed by frost worms. The Frost Elves Hunters that came back by to pick up the mammoths were impressed by only having one death among our group.
George: Yeah, you guys managed to avoid the TPK. I guess I'll have to try harder next time.
Hernz: lol
Ok, so looks like we're heading out!
realtime 12/13 8:12pm
Nidri helps close most of Agent Midnight's wounds before splitting up
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, Manny kind of ate it there.
Shylye has Liberating Command, but she spent all of her magic casting Endure Elements.
Agent Midnight: The Draugh Army... brings back memories. Let's go, BB.
Robot Beetle: Yeah! You think they found Scarlet?
Agent Midnight: Doubtful- whoa!
The Big, Blue Beetle grabs Agent Midnight and pulls her in. Its robot shell reforms into a large steel ball, and rapidly rolls out of the room.
Hernz: they leave frostrus and da boss there?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, those two remain.
Vegeta: perceptionalizing for loots! 27
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Jeez, now I gotta roll for treasure... one second
(To GM) rolling 1d12
= 11
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d12
= 8
Hernz: hahaha... just figured... there's got to be stuff hahaha... haven't had loot in a while
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d100
= 61
Hernz: the one danger is being high level with level 1 equip... die fast we do
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d100
= 6
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d12
= 2
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d100
= 21
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I've added a "Loot from Magmere Factory" document
Hernz: as far as your email on manny feats... we do have a lot of travel and downtime for crafting...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah. Plus Manny is in so much debt, lol. He could pay some of it off by making goods for you all.
Hernz: though other than astera and you, we don't use much armor... but would be a source of income since George lets you sell items for the full price? ;) lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): All Manny can do is +1 enhancements right now because his caster level is 5. Ugh
There's a trait that can boost it by 2 but I'd need... a feat
Vegeta: but still, since you need the 1/2 the money or whatever up front, it doesnt matter... make multiple +1s would take the same time as a +2 for the money

Vegeta teaches the party some economics
Hernz: so yeah, you'd be looking more to make stuff to sell to then have money to buy the stuff you need
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol, ooc conversations for another game
Vegeta manages to find some loot. Nothing more than the party, an unconscious boss, and the whirr of machinery lie in the factory.
Vegeta: Alright Fi, which way do we go per the map?
Fi figures out a route out of the factory and away from the Draugh Imperial Army.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I assume you guys are fleeing the army.
George: Wait, we're not charging the army?
Hernz: midnight told us to flee it and go to this place on the map where merki wanted us to go
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, that's her plan
Seems like it will take a day or so to get there.
The imperial army seems distracted fighting Magmere agents.
George: Ok then, off we go.
They also seem distracted chasing the last known wareabouts of "the agent".
The rest of the day is surprisingly uneventful.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Feel free to heal up at camp.
I'll roll for watches tomorrow.
Cat: whoever wants healing before we go to sleep, let me know.
Hernz: I think my being hurt was a hit that shouldn't have hit me... I should be at full I think...
realtime 12/14 8:27 pm