Hub Stylus

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Revision as of 12:26, 23 March 2006 by Chadius (Talk | contribs)

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Sliding Victory Uppercut of the Earth Dragon Style!!!1!

Stylus is a 17-year-old Monk from the past stuck in the world of the future.

The last thing Stylus remembers is chasing a couple of criminals in his old neighborhood when he was knocked out. He woke up 10.000 years later when the Hub party opened the casket he was stuck in inside a masoleum.

Stylus is a bit hyperactive. He's always active and likes his conflict as action-packed as possible. He tends to copy his moves from fighting games and action movies.

Stylus is very friendly and tries to get along with the rest of the party. He likes to spar with Asterix, the other melee fighter of the group. He also likes Gwen, although he finds the naked thing awkward.

He has a crush on Nachta and tries to impress her as much as possible. He tries to get her to participate with him, but she's a bit grumpy about it. Oh well, she can't resist his charms forever. As long as that jerk Drow Bish doesn't get there first...