Rythym Action Damage and Streaks

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Current Choice

Idea 3 seems good.

Stunning enemies is a good idea. It would pause the beat and give the player time to switch targets.

Implementation 1

  • Increase damage output when a melody is completed, up to a maximum.
  • Getting hit reduces the multiplier.
  • The alternate mode brings the multiplier to maximum.


  • Rewards early play too much.
  • Rewards never getting hit too much (difficulty is skewed.)

Implementation 2

  • Damage output is increased with each melodic phrase.
  • When the melody is completed, the damage resets to normal.
  • Completing a melodic phrase stuns all enemies for a short time.
  • The alternate mode stuns all enemies for a bit, and maxes out the damage for one melody.


  • Controls the damage to a per-melody basis.
  • Emphasizes streaks, but only to one melody, and not throughout the entire song (like Implementation 1)
  • Stunning enemies gives the player time to switch targets.


  • Emphasizes staying on one target.
  • The positive feedback loop (of damage during a melody) is limited-time-only. But it does control the song.
  • The player could abuse this system by attacking safe/weak enemies to build up the damage, then switch to a hard enemy to deal real damage, and avoid its parries. Maybe this is just a high-level abuse I can leave for "hard mode" or something to handle.

Implementation 3

  • When you attack freely, you "lock on" to an enemy.
  • While locked on, you must play the beat that appears. If you miss too many times, you lose your lock.
  • Playing a melodic phrase while still locked on deals damage, and increases your damage.
  • Your damage decreases with every melodic phrase you miss (or do not complete.)
  • The more you miss, the more attacks the enemy does. These attacks will hurt you and break your lock.
  • Completing a melodic phrase stuns all enemies for a short time.


  • Allows the user to switch targets freely, since the damage bonus doesn't switch when the enemy is beaten.
  • The beats seem more like a duel. With every missed attack, the enemy notices a vulnerability and tries to poke it.
  • Stunning enemies is good.


  • The damage bonus emphasizes attacking weaker targets first.