SNS Lixie

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Lixie, AKA Brandon.

A young boy who lives in the same neighborhood as the three sibling ninjas. Hobbies include dogs, exploring fun places, playing fetch with dogs, playing with Pixie and Nixie, taking care of dogs, and sleeping.

Stats (150 points)

Stat Level Point Cost
Body 3 30
Mind 4 40
Soul 8 80

Derived Value Name Value Notes
Base Combat Value 5
Attack Combat Value 5 6 for randed attacks
Defence Combat Value 5 6 for unhindered ranged defense
Damage Multiplier 5
Health Points  ??
Energy Points  ??
Shock Value  ??
Initiative  ??

Attributes (54 points)

Attribute Name Cost Level Total Stat Notes
Companions 15 2 30 Soul
250 Points per Companion
Buster the big dog
Scrappy the little dog
Ranged Attack 3 2 6 -- Throwing
Jumping 2 2 4 Body
Extra Defence 5 1 5 --
Combat Technique 2 1 2 --
Dead Eye
Personal Features 1 2 2 --
Animal Empathy
Appearance (cute)
Ranged Defense 3 1 3 -- Personal, +1 DCV against ranged attacks
Item: Shiruken 3 1 2 --  ???

Skills (43 points)

Skill Cost Level Total Stat Specialization
Animal Training 2 4 8 Soul Dogs
Acrobatics 2 2 4 Body Balance
Burgling 2 1 2 Finding his way in
Domestic Arts 1 1 1 Cooking
Gaming 1 6 6 Mind or Soul Fetch
Medical 2 1 2 Mind Vetrinary
Riding 1 3 3 Dogs
Stealth 3 2 6 Body While Riding
Climb 2 1 2 Body Poles
Slight of Hand 2 4 8 Body Fetch

Defects (-2 points)

Defect Name Cost Notes
Easily Distracted -2
Places that look fun to explore

Buster, the big dog

This massive and highly trainined Great Dane that Lixie often rides around on.

Stats (150 points)

Stat Level Point Cost
Body 8 30
Mind 2 40
Soul 5 80

Derived Value Name Value Notes
Base Combat Value 5
Attack Combat Value 5 Bite, Unarmed 7
Defence Combat Value 5
Damage Multiplier 8 10 for Bite
Health Points  ??
Energy Points  ??
Shock Value  ??
Initiative  ??

Attributes ( 90 points)

Attribute Name Cost Level Total Stat Notes
Armor 2 5 10 Body Thick fur
Extra Actions 15 1 15
Extra Defenses 5 2 10
Feature 1 1 1 Fangs
Hightened Smell 2 1 2
Jump 2 2 4 Body
Massive Damage: Focused 4 2 8 Bite
Massive Damage: General 10 2 20
Melee Attack 3 2 6 Bite
Melee Attack 3 2 6 Unarmed
Super Strength 1 8
Tough 2 4 8

Skills (22 points)

Skill Cost Level Total Stat Specialization
Acrobatics 2 2 4 Body Balance
Climbing 2 1 2 Body Walls
Gaming 1 4 4 Mind or Soul Fetch
Stealth 3 4 12 Body Concealment

Defects (-12 points)

Defect Name Cost Notes
Impaired Manipulation -6
Impaired Speech -6

Scrappy, the little dog

This little guy tries to keep Lixie out of trouble, but not being able to talk doesn't make that easy. He's a Rat Terrier and is a really good tracker.

Stats (150 points)

Stat Level Point Cost
Body 4 30
Mind 6 40
Soul 3 80

Derived Value Name Value Notes
Base Combat Value 5
Attack Combat Value 5
Defence Combat Value 5
Damage Multiplier 5
Health Points  ??
Energy Points  ??
Shock Value  ??
Initiative  ??

Attributes ( 23 points)

Attribute Name Cost Level Total Stat Notes
Extra Defenses 5 1 5
Fast 2 1 2
Feature 1 1 1 Fangs
Hightened Awareness 2 2 4
Hightened Smell 2 2 4
Juming 2 3 6

Skills (24 points)

Skill Cost Level Total Stat Specialization
Acrobatics 2 2 4 Body Balance
Area Knowledge 3 3 9 The Neighborhood
Climb 2 2 4 Body Walls
Gaming 1 2 2 Mind or Soul Fetch
Stealth 3 4 12 Body Concealment
Urban Tracking 2 3 6 Residential
Wilderness Tracking 1 3 3 Woodlands

Defects (-12 points)

Defect Name Cost Notes
Impaired Manipulation -6
Impaired Speech -6