ZTeam Tina

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Name Tina Player Nybble
Level/Class 1 Rogue Race Halfling
Alignment True Neutral Deity Olidammara
Size Small Age 26
Gender Female Height 3' 2"
Weight 33lb Eyes Black
Hair Long (3') Black Braided Skin Moderately Tan


Stat Value Modifier Temporary Score Temporary Modifier
Strength 9 -1
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 6 -2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 9 -1
Charisma 12 +1
HP Wounds Subdual
4 0 0
AC 10 Armor Dex Natural Deflection Size
13 10 0 2 0 0 1
Touch AC 13
Flat footed AC 11
Initiative Dex Mod Misc Mod
2 2 0
Base Attack Bonus 0


Save Total Base Ability Mod Magic Mod Misc Mod Temp Mod
Fortitude -1 0 -2 0 +1 race 0
Reflex +5 +2 +2 0 +1 race 0
Will 0 0 -1 0 +1 race +2 morale vs fear


Attack Hit Bonus Damage Critical Range Type Notes
Dagger +1 1d3-1 19-20/x2 10' pierce or slash +1 race bonus when thrown
Short Sword +1 1d4-1 19-20/x2 pierce
Sling +2 1d3-1 x2 50' Blunt +1 race bonus included
Grapple BAB Str Mod Size Mod Misc Mod
-5 0 -1 -4 0


Skill cc Key Ability Skill Modifier Ability Modifier Ranks Misc Modifier
Bluff C Cha 5 +1 4
Climb C Dex 4 +2 0 +2 race
Diplomacy C Cha 5 +1 4
Escape Artist C Dex 6 +2 4
Gather Info C Cha 5 +1 4
Hide C Dex 8 +2 2 +4 size
Jump C Str 1 -1 0 +2 race
Listen C Wis 1 -1 0 +2 race
Move Silent C Dex +2 2 +2 race
Sense Motive C Wis 3 -1 4
Sleight of Hand C Dex 6 +2 4 +2 Deft Hands
Spot C Wis -1 -1 0
Use Rope C Dex 6 +2 4 +2 Deft Hands


Feat Notes
Deft Hands +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand & Use Ropes checks

Special Abilities

Sneak Attack +1d6

Protective Items

Item Type AC Mod Max Dex Check Penalty Spell Fail Speed Weight Special
Leather Armor +2 +6 0 10% 20ft 7.5lb


Item Weight Notes
Light Load Medium Load Max Load Lift over head Lift off ground Push or Drag
22.5 45 67.5 67.5 135 337.5


Copper Silver Gold Platinum

