From UtterChaos
[hide]Next: Book 1 Finale: Wealth to Squalor
Prev: Draugh Empire, Part 2: Sands of History
gametime June 3 1236 AD (morning)
Surprisingly, the night is uneventful. You hear shouts from armed patrols, but they soon seem distracted by something and ignore the camp. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll need Will Saves from Everyone. DC 18 or be spooked. Vegeta failed a reflex save and took some electric damage from a pylon Nidranisan: Nidranisan : Will Save 7 Cat: awwwwww yeah. i should pretty much just give up and pretend i'm not here every time chad asks for a saving throw. (GM) Chad S. (GM): lolz. Cat: c'mon chad, you know you wanna. fake roll it, man. i wanna see the 20. (GM) Chad S. (GM): After resting, Hawk is at 24/27 HP, Vegeta 31/33, Claire 29/32 Everyone else is at full health. 15 Sorry Cat. Cat: woo! i would've lost anyway! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, that was a raw d20 Assuming you had +2 Will, you would have made it Cat: aaaaah right. NEVER MIND YOU'RE AWFUL. ;) The winds have picked up and it has been overcast. It looks like your destination is in the direction of the storm. George: Hawk Hubertins : Will Save 10 Yup, hawk is spooked again. (GM) Chad S. (GM): 3Spooky5me I mean, 2spooky4me Cat: the universe is taking revenge for saturday. George: Inflationary language? Cat: lolz. George: (If you're not familiar, it's a famous VIctor Borge bit) Cat: (which is worth searching on youtube like, immediately.) Vegeta: Sayan Willpower!! 23 [Nidri] any clue what these things are? [points at the loot list] Nidranisan: Nidranisan : Detect Magic Level Oracle 0 Duration 1 min/lvl Saving Throw N/A Cat: i'll throw out a few spellcraft checks if any of it is actually magic. maybe chad can just go down the list in order :) Nidranisan: Nidranisan : Spellcraft Check 30 Nidranisan : Spellcraft Check 14 Nidranisan : Spellcraft Check 29 Cat: kinda guessing the map isn't magic. probably good on the sleeves and the robe if they are...less on the headband :) Fi: Fi : Will Save 17 Chris: Oh! come on! Haven't made any of these. Hernz: lol realtime 12/15 8:17 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri identifies the Sleeves of Many Garments, but she's not sure about the other items. Claire's Will Save 7 I think roll20 had an update this morning that broke your character sheets. Everyone but the Sayan and the Wolf feel dominating paranoia following their every move. As the party continues their travels, they soon notice the sand and wind picks up around them. They soon find themselves stuck in a sandstorm. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll need a DC 20 Survival check. One of you should lead and the others can follow. Er, the others can aid. George: Hawk is unlikely to be able to even be able to help. Hernz: Fi should lead as he's best at this... veg will support Vegeta: Survival of the fittest 19 George: He'll try to help. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins : Survival Check 8 Cat: my survival is +5...i vote highest bonus leads. Nidranisan: Nidranisan : Survival Check 13 Cat: what all was actually magical? Hernz: I have a +6... if Fi's is higher, he can lead even though technically we've made it with veg and your assist.. but we always go by highest bonus Fi: Fi : Survival Check 18 Chris: Fi's at +9 after the -2 penalty. Fleir: Fleir : Survival Check 14 Hernz: we got a 24 total... woot! Cat: oh yeah -2. forgot about that. i still make 10 tho :) realtime 12/17, 6:50 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi manages to navigate his way through the storm. Oh, what's next? 3 The wind picks up and cuts down on visibility. Fi spots a cave en route where they can seek shelter. Unfortunately, the cave seems to be home of territorial Scorpions.
Battle! vs Scorpion Cave
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll need initiative, people. Fi: Fi : Knowledge-Nature Check 22 Fi : Initiative Check 5.03 Fleir: Fleir : Initiative Check 23.03 Chris: lol Cat: Nidranisan : Initiative Check 15 er, maybe -2 that? if applicable? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You know what Scorpions are. They are poisonous. Initiative is a Dex check, so you take the -2 penalty They are vermin. The giant scorpions have reach 10 feet. Feel free to shuffle your initial positions at the cave entrance. Cat: ooooh swarm. that'll be fun. Chris: Are the rocks in the middle cover providing? (GM) Chad S. (GM): They provide soft cover. Chris: ... I don't think that's what you meant. normal or partial? (GM) Chad S. (GM): partial Chris: Unless the rocks are moving around? (GM) Chad S. (GM): With tiny feet sticking out? It's the Scooby Gang, hiding from the monster Chris: hah Watch out for Freddy's traps. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins : Initiative Check 15 Vegeta: Initialize Battul Protocol: 14 Hernz: have we been rested since the last battul? Chris: Yes, that's why we had to make new fear saves. Cat: so, can claire light the swarm on fire? :) Hernz: are attacks on swarms... so probably but if she doesn't kill them, auto hit I think Chris: I think that the swarm is probably going to be immune to physical attacks, but take extra damage from area attacks. Can't be targeted by limited target spells either. Meghan: Claire : Initiative Check 4.01 Maybe they're friendly scorpions Hernz: I think they take damage from physical attacks if they're tiny or bigger.. but not fine or diminutive Meghan: I have burning hands and pearl of brilliance Chris: Scorpions are pretty tiny. Meghan: burning hands is 15' cone and pearl of brilliance is splash damage Hernz: protect Claire! realtime 12/18 10:52 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Rolling for Hawk's init 19 Chris: He already rolled. So should I have Fi check if their friendly? (GM) Chad S. (GM): The scorpions are pretty hostile. Scorpion Init 2 And slow to react Hernz: lol Round 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): So you guys move before the Scorpions do. By the way, is everyone's character sheet OK? Roll20's last update seemed to break the AC calculations. Hernz: i never updated mine... I'm all for spreadsheets cause monk AC is a pain to calc with all my crap (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah I know, lol Chris: seems ok. Vegeta: [claire] think you can armor me up before we charge? Fi: I think her spells are more useful in dealing with the swarm right now. I doubt those giant ones could touch you without it anyway. Chris: What's your AC without it? mid 20's? Hernz: 21... I ditch defense for offense now Chris: still somewhat useful. How many spells you got there Claire? Meghan: 8 maybe I should've held on to the wand I also have a necklace of fireballs Chris: ... Hernz: a few area spells will kill them... Meghan: type I 1 6d6, 2 4d6, and 2 2d6 Hernz: veg will move 30... if you want to use spell, feel free... if not, he'll deal Vegeta powers up [12 ki left] Hernz: forgot I had barkskin Chris: I would estimate needing an expected damage output from 6d6 with area affect bonus to take out the swarm. Vegeta: aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Meghan: ... oh man I'm just going ot huck a fireball at them and clear them out, aren't I? The two giant scorpions are kinda far apart. if they get closer together, I can get them both. wonder what their move is... Vegeta POWAHS UP, keeping his shirt on in the process. Meghan: plan is to use one of the 4d6 fireballs and then a couple of burning hands to take them out Hernz: haha, just saw the name of the enemy on the turn order lol Chris: yup. It's scorpion. Fi: /me casts Ironskin on Fleir Fi : Ironskin Effects/Target you Duration 5 minutes Chris: Well, that macro doesn't do what it's supposed to anymore... Fi protects Fleir using Elven Wood Magic (TM) Meghan: boo it's different now and that's bad (the macro) Fleir advances and goes total defense. Hernz: oh yeah, you can do that... totally forgot... Vegeta prepares to brace the incoming attacks Chris: lol Hernz: wait, can you do that on a round you cast? no, right? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Total Defense is a standard action Vegeta does not brace after all... he fears nothing Claire hucks one of the 4d6 fireballs from her necklace at the scorpion swarm. It catches Scorpion A as well. Claire: rolling 4d6 ( 4 + 1 + 5 + 4 ) = 14 Meghan: and the swarm takes 1.5xdamage, right? so 21 to the swarm, 14 to scorp A, save for half reflex 14 Cat: nidri can help armor ppl well, a little at least. anyone want +2 deflection bonus? or magic weapon (+1 attack/damage, applicable to monk, doesn't stack w/masterwork) Hernz: you know veg loves them +1s ;) Cat: yeah, if no one else wants a shield of faith, i'd drop magic weapon on him, except i can't reach heh. Hernz: you could have gone before he moved... I was waiting on claire too.. just didnt want to delay my move until everyone logged onn :) Cat: just need to know where i'd be standing then, where did he start? Chris: Two squares to your right. I think it was Nidri, Claire, Vegeta, Fleir in front. Cat: /em casts Magic Weapon on Vegeta! Targets/Area: weapon touched Magic weapon gives a weapon a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. An enhancement bonus does not stack with a masterwork weapon's +1 bonus on attack rolls. Duration: 1 min/lvl You can't cast this spell on a natural weapon, such as an unarmed strike (instead, see magic fang). A monk's unarmed strike is considered a weapon, and thus it can be enhanced by this spell. Cat: awwww yeah, macro fail. :) y'all knew what i meant tho realtime 12/19, 8:51 pm Claire grabs a bead from her necklace and throws it at the scorpions. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swarm's Reflex Save 23 Scorpion A's Reflex Save 2 Most of the Swarm scatters out of the way of the flames, but the large Scorpion takes the full brunt of the blast. Nidri enhances Vegeta's weapons. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Waiting for Hawk. George is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 George: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 18 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 18 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. Meghan: stupid reflex save realtime 12/20, 8:41 am Hawk inspires his allies to fight! The swarm scuttles forward, revealing the skeletal remains of some kind of small humanoids. The Giant Scorpions quickly scuttle forward. Scorpion B is fast enough to snap at Fleir. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Scorpion B snaps at Fleir, hitting AC 15 for 5 damage. It grabs Fleir at CMD 22 Cat: sure, now chad is gonna grapple all of US as revenge. (GM) Chad S. (GM): ...and then you realize this isn't a cave, it's a giant Rhemoraz's mouth NOM NOM NOM Chris: Gah! Cat: at least this time we brought the healer? :) Two more scorpions emerge from the ground. Cat: awwww yeah. Round 2 Cat: infinite xp machine, here we come! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Note the scorpions have 10 ft reach. Chris: Ok. Time to block the big ones and clear a path for burning hands. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Er, the giant ones Cat: yeaaaaah. claire needs to be pretty well within reach to burning hands. or i guess hit B and the swarm and have fleir run all the way around the rock. which would provoke. this is gonna be a meta-shuffle, is what i'm saying. :) Chris: Fleir can probably intentionally provoke moving up anyway. She doesn't have full around attacks yet. Cat: yeah, i think claire kinda wants to be one square below fleir to get a good burning hands. that or some sort of crazy diagonal aim. :) Chris: Well, that spot doesn't provoke from the giants yet. Something like that? Cat: yeah, that's what i'm thinking. Chris: how do you drive this thing? Cat: lol Chris: there Cat: ok. well, when meghan hops online, you can give her our suggestion :) if no one gets splattered by an AOO for any weird reasons, nidri's gonna armor up and catch up with the party. but i wanna wait and see if any healz are needed first. Fleir: /em is attacking Giant Scorpion B with Powerful Bite! Fleir : Powerful Bite Attack 23 Damage 12 Type PBS Fleir bites through the scorpion's carapice. Fi: /em is attacking Giant Scorpion B with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank) Attack 16 Damage 7 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing /em is attacking Giant Scorpion B with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank) Attack 24 Damage 8 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing (GM) Chad S. (GM): Both hit. Gravity Bow helps with your damage output, I see Fi shoots the backside of the Scorpion-shaped barn Chris: Well, rolled for crap damage too. Hernz: god you guys weren't kidding with the macros being all f'd up.. let's try it to see.... Vegeta: /me Pummels Giant Scorpion A, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Attack Results: 25 || 17 (Needs 33 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 17 || 12 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 26 Vegeta: Crit Dmg (blunt): +14 || +12 Special 1: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. Special 2: If hit by first hit, Fort save DC 18 or be stunned for 1 round Hernz: come on STUN! I don't think it's ever worked lol Vegeta has 11 ki left Hernz: oh, just realized he might just outright die... no stun lol Meghan: 30 ft radius... no, 20 ft radius this looks like a job for ... another fireball. this time it'll get scopb B too Hernz: cant wait till you get lvl 3 spells :) Meghan: totally getting fireball when I do hey, maybe the xp from these things will get us there Hernz: maybe when we get to the merki spot and unveil critical plotline Meghan: rolling 4d6 ( 2 + 3 + 1 + 6 ) = 12 ugh Hernz: how many of those beads do you have? Claire hucks another 4d6 fireball a little bit north of the scorpion swarm, catching scorpion A and B but not Fleir in its blast. Meghan: 1 6d6 and 2 2d6 left Reflex 14 for half 1.5 * damage on swarm puts it at 18 burnings hands up next, but that requires me to be a little closer Hernz: should you have moved maybe one more block away from veg? not sure if a swarm can attack us both otherwise? Meghan: So I actually want to be at least 10 ft away from you yeah more like there Hernz: (scorpions chuck a fireball at us) (GM) Chad S. (GM): No stun for hernz Vegeta hopes he stuns the Giant Scorpion, but instead he squishes it. Meghan: those fuckers. Claire plucks off another bead from her necklace and throws it at the vermin. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Swarm Reflex 25 Scorpion B's Reflex 6 Chris: ... The giant scorpion is scorched utterly. Meghan: god damn it burning hands it is. That swarm seems to be cognizant of area of effect attacks. Meghan: if it envelops you, guys, I'm sorry. but I'mma burn it Cat: hah luckily, i can heal from afar now ;) Cat casts Guidance on Hawk! Cat: Duration: 1 minute. Take +1 on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (choose before you roll) Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 17 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. George: Hawk is using the guidance for his attack Hawk Hubertins is attacking Giant Scorpion C with his Composite Short Bow! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 21 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Damage Result: 3 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 12 Crit Damage: +7 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P Chris: Did you forget your own bard song +2 to damage? Nidri uses divine energies to grant Hawk's aim as he shoots the far away scorpion. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Giant Scorpion D charges at Fleir, hitting AC 14 for 7 damage. Will try to grab vs 21 CMD Scorpion Swarm climbs all over Hawk and Vegeta, dealing 6 damage I need 2 Fort Saves from Vegeta and Hawk: DC 15 vs Poison and DC 14 vs Distraction. Err, they are both DC 15. Round 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): If you fail your Fort Save you are nauseated for 1 round. Chris: Scorpion D seems too far away to hit Fleir. Is it actually closer? George: Yes, the +2 bardsong damage appears to have been missed by my macro. So scorpion C should have 2 more damage from Hawk's arrow. Vegeta: Fort 1: 16 Fort 2: 12 Hernz: no poison at least so nauseated I can't attack or cast... can I activate ki as a swift action? thinking of moving up 3 blocks, which would provoke from C, so if I can activate my swift I'd increase my dodge AC... Chris: If Veg is nauseated from distraction, he can only use one move action this round and nothing else. George: Hawk Hubertins : Fortitude Save 11 Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins : Fortitude Save 15 George: Ok, so Hawk is poisoned but not distracted? Hernz: yup... ok, then made my move... provoked an AOO from C... but at least it leaves claire a clean shot at the swarm AC 23 chad Meghan: Ok, so Claire isn't moving and is going to queue up a burning hands for right in front of her, facing the swarm, after Hawk gets out of the way I would suggest no one else get in the way of it, too It gets Giant scorpion C, too. realtime 12/20 8:10pm Vegeta isn't nauseated by the scorpions, he just wants the other party members to have a chance to shine. Yeah, that's it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Giant Scorpion's AoO 7 The Giant Scorpion swipes at a rock in reaction to Vegeta's movement. Hawk takes 1 Str and 1 Dex damage from the poison. but he isn't distracted. Chris: Chad, 2 things from the history: 1) George forgot a +2 on his crossbow damage, so C should have taken 5 from him. 2) D seems to be in the wrong place to have attacked Fleir. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I added 2 damage to George's damage. Also, you're right about Scorpion D. I'll say it didn't make an AoO, otherwise Vegeta's position would make no sense. George: Short bow, not crossbow. (Why does everyone think Hawk has a crossbow?) (GM) Chad S. (GM): I know it's a shortbow... Cat: if hawk can 5', he can come over here next to me so i can heal him and he's out of claire's cone... :) Chris: Because short bows are uncool. Everyone knows that X and Long are cooler. Cat: yeah, except mine. my crossbow, while masterwork, is decided uncool. Chris: No, It's cool. That's extra character. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Long Crossbow X would be cool Or is that a talent art? Chris! Xenoblade won't end! "Battle Arena"? R U Serious? Chris: Haha. I forgot about how convoluted all that was. Fleir: /em is attacking Giant Scorpion D with Powerful Bite! Fleir : Powerful Bite Attack 20 Damage 10 Type PBS (GM) Chad S. (GM): Number 2 wants me to "hurry up", then he locks me in an elevator. If he wants a Monado in the face, why throw in a maze jeez (rant over) Fleir ignores the OOC endgame discussion and chomps on a scorpion. Fi: /em is attacking Giant Scorpion D with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank) Attack 15 Damage 13 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing /em is attacking Giant Scorpion D with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank) Attack 13 Damage 6 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Chris: Those are both +1 with Fleir there. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Did you include the +1? Chris: no. It's hard to handle that many mods at once. (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's fine. One of Fi's arrows sinks into the scorpion, while the other bounces off. Meghan: do you want me to roll damage from the burning hands now or wait until Hawk gets out of the way? (GM) Chad S. (GM): The range on burning hands is 15 ft, right? You're 20 ft away from the Scorpion. If you 5ft in front of the swarm... uh Goddamit cones Wait a sec... I think Claire can 5ft N and burn the scorpion and the swarm without friendly fire So Claire can move and cast now. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 16 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. Cat casts Cure Light on Hawk! Cat: heal 10 HPs. claire can now fire straight left w/o hitting any friendlies :) Hawk clears out of the swarm while Nidri heals the bites. Meghan: also puts me more than 10' away from anyone else. Claire : Burning Hands School Evocation; Level 1 Casting Time 1 standard action Components VS Range 15 ft Effects/Target cone-shaped burst Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Reflex half Spell Resistance Yes Meghan casts Burning Hands! Meghan is attacking Scorpion Swarm with Burning Hands! Meghan: Damage: 5d4. Damage Result: 12 Burning Hands uses remaining: 7 gets scorp C too ugh, should've had a dc... 16 Save DC is 16 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Giant's save 3 Swarm's Save 9 Huzzah Meghan: fucking finally Cat: hah. Meghan: half-again damage is 18 total am I going to have to use another to finish it off? FINALLY, most of the swarm is burned under Claire's fingertips. The Scorpion is also badly burned. Meghan: The scorpion is also cursed (GM) Chad S. (GM): The swarm took 18 damage and will need more burnding Giant Scorpion C attacks Vegeta, hitting AC 17 Giant Scorpion C attacks Vegeta, hitting AC 20 Giant Scorpion C stings Vegeta, hitting AC 22 Giant Scorpion D attacks Fleir, hitting AC 23 What's Fleir's AC? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Giant Scorpion D attacks Fleir, hitting AC 15 Giant Scorpion D stings Fleir, hitting AC 16 Ah, 25 The Scorpions are unable to get a good grip on their well-armored prey. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The scorpion swarm crawls over Hawk and Nidri, dealing 11 damage Hawk and Nidri, I need 2 Fort Saves, DC 15 (1st vs Poison, 2nd vs Distraction) Round 4 Hawk loses another point of Str and Dex due to the poison (2 total) Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins : Fortitude Save 4 Hawk Hubertins : Fortitude Save 21 George: So Hawk is poisoned again but still maintains focus? Good grief. Cat: Nidranisan : Fortitude Save 11 (GM) Chad S. (GM): He's a strong man. Well, strong enough to ignore the spiders in his mouth. Cat: Nidranisan : Fortitude Save 7 i got nothin' (GM) Chad S. (GM): I need 2 Fort Saves, Nidri Nidri feels the venom coarse through her veins. She takes 1 point of Strength and Dexterity damage. Fleir: /em is attacking Giant Scorpion D with Powerful Bite! Fleir : Powerful Bite Attack 26 Damage 9 Type PBS Fleir takes another yucky bite out of the scorpion. Fi: /em is attacking Giant Scorpion D with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank) Attack 10 Damage 8 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing /em is attacking Giant Scorpion D with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank) Attack 20 Damage 8 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing With another pair of arrows, Fi defeats another scorpion Cat: ok, time to get out of here so claire and finish these suckers off. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I need a second Fort Save, Nidri Cat: i did 2 i failed them both 11 and 7 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Roses are red, Violets are blue I am blind, Nidri is nauseated Cat: i assume i can still 5' (GM) Chad S. (GM): You have a move action Cat: so, i can walk away. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup Chris: they don't even get an AoO Cat: i'll...be over here. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Balanced! Hawk Hubertins stops singing. Hawk Hubertins: I'm starting to fweel little woozy. George: Hawk withdraws from the swarm Is he now at -3 to str and dex? (GM) Chad S. (GM): -2 Double poison just resets the timer George: Oh. Ok. Chris: You also don't need to use a real withdraw. George: Meh, he's just moving away and sitting down. So what, he loses 1 point of each every round until he saves or the timer is up? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oops, good point. I did that wrong, but the net effect doesn't matter. You get a Fort Save every round George: Ok. (GM) Chad S. (GM): But you failed the second swarm sting, so it's the same net effect. George: Well, he failed the fort save again anyway, so it'll keep ticking. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah. Next round though you and Nidri should make Fort Saves George: K. Hernz: reading the backlog.... lol Cat: just punch it :P Vegeta: /me Pummels @{target|token_name}, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Attack Results: 15 || 28 (Needs 31 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 12 || 10 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 19 Vegeta: Crit Dmg (blunt): +16 || +17 Special 1: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. Special 2: If hit by first hit, Fort save DC 18 or be stunned for 1 round Hernz: /me Pummels Giant Scorpion C, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Attack Results: 22 || 12 (Needs 31 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 10 || 13 Crit: 20/x2; Crit Confirm: 16 Hernz: Crit Dmg (blunt): +11 || +11 Special 1: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. Special 2: If hit by first hit, Fort save DC 18 or be stunned for 1 round Vegeta: ignore the hernz ones Meghan: ... I don't even have to move. Hernz: ugh, the mods are wrong... let me recalc the mods Meghan: Claire : Burning Hands School Evocation; Level 1 Casting Time 1 standard action Components VS Range 15 ft Effects/Target cone-shaped burst Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Reflex half Spell Resistance Yes Meghan casts Burning Hands! Meghan is attacking Scorpion Swarm with Burning Hands! Meghan: Damage: 5d4. Damage Result: 16 Burning Hands uses remaining: 6 Hernz: should be AC 18 and 31 Meghan: should catch scorp C as well. Hernz: for 12 and 10 dam.. and a stun if he stays up Meghan: swarm should've moved further away. Cat: lol finally a good damage roll now that it's almost dead :) Hernz: lol Cat: chad, i'm gonna leave my next-round fort save here...might be a little nuts tomorrow. Nidranisan : Fortitude Save 19 yaaaaaay. Vegeta has 10 ki left realtime 12/21 2:23 pm Vegeta squishes the last scorpion, while Claire burns the rest of the swarm away. Combat Over
Sheeva, the source of the storm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Rolling Fort Saves for Hawk and Nidri: Hawk 19 18 15 22 Nidri 5 7 21 4 (I assumed Nidri would cast Guidance on herself.) Hawk manages to fend off the poison, while Nidri takes half a minute or so to fight it off. So Hawk took -2 and Nidri took -1. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Just noticed her Fort Save. Hawk and Nidri have taken Strength and Dexterity damage from Scorpion Poison. Hawk -2, Nidri -1 While waiting for the wind outside to die down, the party looks around the cavern. They find several goblinoid sized corpses in various states of decay. Small scorpions climb around the carrion. (GM) Chad S. (GM): See the "Loot in the Scorpion Cave" handout Tell me when you guys have healed up. Cat casts Cure Light on Nidri! Cat: heal 12 HPs. Cat casts Cure Light on Hawk! Cat: heal 11 HPs. Chris: Should Fi heal Vegeta, or does Nidri have that covered? Cat: if we expect the possibility of another fight today, it might be good for Fi to. though i do have a reasonable number of spells left Meghan: /em is healing Claire with Heavenly Fire Healing Healing Result: 6 Type: healing Notes: Only heals good creatures. Ray. Use up to 8 per day. Heavenly Fire Healing uses remaining: 0 actually 7 remaining Fi: /em casts Cure Light Wounds on Vegeta. Healing: 12 Saving Throw: DC 14, Will half; Spell Resistance: Yes realtime 12/22 12:44 pm The party quickly recovers, and grabs the loot from the Scorpion nest. The Sandstorm dies down enough to venture outside, although it's still blinding. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll need a Survival Check, DC 22. One of you leads, the others assist. Chris: I guess Fi will lead. Fi: Fi : Survival Check 10 Chris: Amazing as always. Fleir: Fleir : Survival Check 20 Fi: Good girl. Chris: Now we just need a 20 from Vegeta and a 10 from everyone else. At least the one thing that Fi can't screw up is direction. Vegeta: survivings 23 Hernz: just for you chris :) lol Meghan: Claire : Survival Check 3 sorry. Chris: Oh well... Meghan: now you need a 20 from each of nidri and hawk? Chris: yup Meghan: welp. good luck if we fail, know I fucked it up (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk has a -1 to Survival, so... realtime 12/23 7:55 am (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nonlethal Damage 3 Fi thinks she sees a clearing, but the winds pick up significantly and turn the party around. Battered by the strong winds, the party returns to the scorpion cave (GM) Chad S. (GM): where a dozen emperor scorpions do not attack because they don't exist So make another survival check. Vegeta: survivings 9 Hernz: all you Fi lol Vegeta: I can't see a thing with all this damn sand! Fi: Fi : Survival Check 15 Chris: ... Well, a 6 is better than a 1. Fleir: Fleir : Survival Check 15 Chris: I'm clearly rolling these in the wrong order. Fi: I hate sand. Chris: Just need a 10 from everyone else again... Cat: Nidranisan : Survival Check 7 NOPE! welcome to a lovely pile of nopenopenope. :) George: And Hawk has a -2 from the last failed save too, right? So... Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins : Survival Check 9 Cat: aaah yeah i keep forgetting that -2 isn't there a status that actually applies that properly? George: Is there? Anyway, sounds like we're boned. Cat: what. failing survival checks in D&D games never causes problems! ...at least we're not steering with UMD ;) Hernz: lol more subdual damage! Cat: should i just leave like 8 survival checks? and chad can just burn them in order? :) Hernz: lol, good idea! Vegeta: surviving 3: [[1d20+6] surviving 3: [[1d20+6]} Hernz: DOH! lol Vegeta: surviving 3: 15 surviving 4: 26 surviving 5: 18 surviving 6: 24 surviving 7: 15 surviving 8: 21 Vegeta: surviving 9: 18 surviving 10: 21 realtime 12/23 9:14 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): 17 Hmm, I think that's everyone but Claire. And you're 5 away. Nonlethal damage 3 Chris: The fear status applies that to the skill and attack rolls correctly (but not saves) Another hour of wandering through the desert leads to...the same damn scorpion cave. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Care to try again, Fi? Vegeta will help! Cat: Nidranisan : Survival Check 8 ...nidri won't! Fi: Fi : Survival Check 20 Who got grease on the map? Vegeta (GM) wipes away the smudge Fi cleans enough gunk on the map to notice a small pit that should serve as a shelter from the winds and sand. As the party reaches their destination, the wind seems to die down. They can clearly see the sands on the other side, swirling around. If this were a storm, they would be in the eye of it. Chris: It's the eye of the tig... oh nevermind. As they reach the core of the pit, the party sees periodic gouts of flame shoot into the sky, disperse, and enter the sandstorm. The source of the flame becomes very clear: A serpentine humanoid is spitting flames into the very sky! Cat: lolz. (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can make Knowledge(Planes) or Knowledge(Nature) checks to identify it. Fi: Fi : Knowledge-Nature Check 14 Chris: back to crappy rolls. (GM) Chad S. (GM): At least you made the roll that advanced the plot Chris: yeah with a whopping 11 on the die. Cat: Nidranisan : Knowledge-Planes Check 22 Chris: THX Fi: That's no salamander... Please don't tell me this is another of the sisters. The salamander seems to alternate between spitting fire into the sky and shadow boxing. Cat: uhhhh why do we find all the wacky stuff? :) oh yeah, PC glow. Nidranisan: So, she's...kinda fire...but also kinda earth. is she actually causing that stupid storm we've been wandering around in for like DAYS? Cat: (i know, not really days.) Fi: Well, based on the location and what I know of storms... I would say yes. Nidranisan: ...why is she causing that stupid storm? Fi: Maybe it's fun? Sheeva suplexes a huge boulder Fi: Some kind of training? Nidranisan: anyone wanna ask? Chris: Must resist urge to have Fi suggest that Vegeta challenges it. Cat: lolz. and i was gonna say "Veg! sense motifs!" (GM) Chad S. (GM): If she has noticed you, she hasn't reacted yet, so feel free to figure out how you want to approach this. Cat: i support trying the social route. sense motif/diplo/etc. i also support slash key abuse, apparently. Fi: I vote that we politely ask if she could take a break so that we may have some time to get to our destination without getting swept away. And if that doesn't work, Vegeta can challenge her. Vegeta: something tells me your way will fail... sense motifs 29 Chris: Locke says that she has big punching hands, and that we are going to need to beat her up. Hernz: btw, if there's indication sheeva is hostile, veg would suggest claire buff him... she looks like she can hit hahahaha, exactly! Vegeta: ok, back to baking Fi: Is that you call it nowdays? realtime 12/24 8:21 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta notes that Sheeva has already noticed the party and seems to be waiting on their reaction. She seems to be the type who reacts to physical prowess. Cat: great, anyone take that feat? hah. realtime 12/25 10:14 am (Christmas Edition?) Vegeta: on second thought, let me try first... Vegeta approaches a large rock near Sheeva and punches it to demonstrate his physical prowess Vegeta: Hawk, sing Eye of the Tiger /me Pummels Vegeta, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Attack Results: 28 || 16 (Needs 32 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 13 || 16 Vegeta: Crit Confirm: 31 || 15 Crit Dmg (blunt): +16 || +16 Special 1: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. Special 2: If hit by first hit, Fort save DC 18 or be stunned for 1 round Hernz: So Veg does 29 damage in one hit to the rock (assumign Hawk does Eye of the Tiger)... 8 hardness means 21 HP damage to rock Vegeta has 9 ki left realtime 12/26 9:08 am Vegeta does what he does best: Hit something really hard. The salamander looks on, intrigued. Sheeva: Haha! Well done, Saiyan Prince! I heard many stories of your strength and superiority. General Bardocks's last stand was legendary. I see you brought your friends, too: The elf, the wolf, the singer, and the heaven and hell-touched. Petal Rose is quite chatty, and told me you would approach. This is one of my favorite places to train. Plenty of rocks to smash. The Empire doesn't bother me out here unless Serra is out for blood. ...did you come here to spar? Sheeva grins Cat: That's not training, that's... uh... really...bad...geology? (i'm not really contributing here.) (also, do we know who Serra is?) Hernz: do we think sparring means real fighting to the death or just friendly? can I do a sense motive on that? Vegeta: sense motifs 32 realtime 12/27 8:26 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta senses that like all proud warriors, Sheeva wants to go all out, but she thinks of it more like a boxing match than a fight to the death. You have no idea who Serra is. No wait! Petal Rose: Huh? Oh, yeah my sister. Lightning. Angel. Freaky coat. You can't miss her. Yes, tiefling. My sister Serra works with the army. Well, she works for the queen directly. Not sure if that's part of the army. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Petal Rose spoke of Serra briefly. Cat: so, really, she just wants to beat him into unconsciousness. is this a "pick your champion" boxing match? do we get to prep him? ;) i get the sense petal rose has a bunch of sisters and this might be another one. George: So Hawk can sing, and can cast as a part of the song in a way that's actually difficult to detect as casting vs. singing. Sound like a plan for a TI or a GI? Chris: Also, Fi's immediate reaction upon seeing her was "Please don't tell me this is another of the sisters." Hernz: veg can do all subdual damage... smething tells me armor would be needed against her lol realtime 12/28 1:45 pm Vegeta gauges whether he should fight Sheeva or not. Sheeva, for her part looks at the party. Sheeva: So, is this a one-on-one match, or are these allies getting involved? Let us fight honorably, yes? Do not worry about our injuries- I'll handle that afterward. Sheeva cracks her knuckles. Her skin turns redder than before. Cat: up to veg what he wants to do. Vegeta: A fight between true warriors... [to the party] stay out of this Hernz powers up Vegeta powers up... ahem
Duel! Vegeta vs Sheeva
Vegeta has 8 ki left Vegeta: init 21 Cat: soooo shocked. ;) nice init tho ;) Vegeta assumes defensive stance... ladies first Cat: otherwise known as, lets figure out how much trouble we're in :) Hernz: lol realtime 12/28 9:11 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sheeva's Init 12 It sounds like Vegeta and Sheeva will have a one on one. Unless anyone wants to interfere, I'll put this on auto pilot. Sheeva: I knew it! I'll keep it even. Vegeta keeps his defenses up and waits patiently for Sheeva to approach. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sheeva's tail hits AC 10 Round 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta pummels, hitting AC 25 and 23 Hits for 9 and 10 damage Sheeva is stunned if she fails a DC 18 Fort Save 22 The flames burn Vegeta, dealing 7 damage Sheeva attacks 3 times hitting AC 12 8 22 Vegeta punches Sheeva twice. It burns a lot. Round 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta pummels, hitting AC 16 and 28 Hits for 10 damage Sheeva is stunned? 15 Vegeta takes 2 fire damage Vegeta stuns Sheeva, giving him a free chance to strike! Round 4 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta pummels, hitting AC 14 and 25 Hits for 10 damage Sheeva is stunned? 24 Vegeta takes 2 fire damage Sheeva: Good! Good! Your defenses are impressive! I can barely lay a hand on you, haha! Sheeva attacks 3 times hitting AC 28 9 8 Thanks to Vegeta's defensive training he barely avoids one of Sheeva's fists! Round 5 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta pummels, hitting AC 22 and 24 Hits for 14 and 14 damage Sheeva is stunned? 14 Vegeta takes 6 fire damage Vegeta quickly stuns Sheeva yet again, taking a few more burns. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta pummels, hitting AC 13 and 31 Vegeta confirms hitting AC 30 Hits for 21 damage With a mighty uppercut, Vegeta knocks Sheeva out. (GM) Chad S. (GM): (And used 4 stunning attempts)
Talking more to Sheeva
Sheeva recovers consciousness within a minute or so. Sheeva: Ha. Ha. Ha...Good. Good! I knew you Saiyans were tough! I expected no better from you. Sheeva breathes warm flames around Vegeta. Bathed in the warm wind, Vegeta feels his wounds close. Sheeva: Now then...what did you want to talk about? Cat sports-caster-izes the whole fight from the peanut gallery. Cat: so yeah, is this where we mumble something about where we're trying to go and ask her to kindly let us get there? Hernz: lol, fyi, the defensive fighting was only the first round... she would have hit me once on that last 28 but one hit wouldn't have done him in with the damage he had taken, so no biggie Vegeta smirks Vegeta: that's quite a punch you pack... not bad Vegeta has 3 ki left Fi: Ah yes. We were just trying to reach a cave nearby, but this sandstorm was making it a bit difficult navigate. realtime 12/29 6:53 pm Sheeva catches her breath. Sheeva: Hmm? Yes, I was training as usual when I noticed a large army of goblins roaming this desert. They seemed to be led by an Iron Giant of some kind- very impressive. Crackling with lightning. Some of the Goblins tried to fight me- foolish. But I knew I couldn't stop them all. I don't know what they are looking for. But I know how to slow them down. ...Circe is good for something, I guess. Sheeva shrugs Fi: Goblins with an Iron Giant? Did they get one of Magmere's golems? Or did Magmere recruit the goblins... Or maybe a golem found a way to bypass it's submissive programming and is rounding up the goblins to revolt against its former masters? Nah... Anyway, Circe? Are the two of you making this storm or are you stalling them until she arrives? Nidranisan: Seriously? her again? Hernz: btw, we have all this loot if you want to make ID checks Cat :) realtime 12/30 8:28 pm Sheeva: Circe isn't working with me. She's probably wasting time on a magic show or racking up debt again. Well, I can fight them, but I don't know why they're here. Usually I put up a storm and people are smart enough to leave, but. They're persistent. And so are you. George: So we're dead, right? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You guys are fine (although Hawk is still poisoned) Cat: which loot? (GM) Chad S. (GM): "Loot from the Scorpion Cave"? Hmm, no all of that's ordinary Cat: and there was some i missed from the previous set...just lemme know how many checks to roll ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Right, "Loot from the Magmere Factory" Cat: maybe tag the things that are magic so i know how many checks :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Updated Cat: huh i missed the headband and the robe? i thought i only had one crap roll. Nidranisan: Nidranisan : Spellcraft Check 26 Nidranisan : Spellcraft Check 27 Cat: well, if that doesn't do it, sorry folks :) Hernz: nice rolls! but yeah, the fact that your 22 or whatever missed it maybe means... it's a big item!! lol Fi: Ok, that's what I expected. I just wasn't sure why you brought her up. I guess just for dealing with lightning golems. So, do you want help dealing with this army? Perhaps dealing with the golem will disperse the rest of them. realtime 12/31, 5:47 pm Nidri identifies the headband, but not the robe. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The headband is Dead Man's Headband (CL 1) The Identify spell gives a +10 to Spellcraft checks when identifying magic items...looks like that's your only hope here Sheeva: I guess so. I'll start hunting goblins, then. The sandstorm should clear up in a few hours. Maybe you should go after the golem. Vegeta could maybe handle it on his own, haha. Cat: yeah, i don't have that spell heh Jan 1, 2016 11:44 am Happy New Year! Cat: woooooo ok, that headband is...silly. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Random treasure rolls rock! Cat: the sleeves are pretty funny. i kinda feel like claire or fi needs those :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire will love those sleeves, haha I see what you mean about Fi, though. Cat: claire will want it. fi probably won't but should ;) after all, that hat. (GM) Chad S. (GM): "What do I wear?" "Eh, just try different costumes until one works." Cat: so what exactly does a "competence bonus" stack with? i think my feat actually gives a racial bonus to intimidate...the doofy headband probably stacks with it. because what nidri really needs is...more intimidate. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I see Nidri has: 4 Cha + 5 Ranks + 5 Racial vs Humanoids The headband would stack with that Cat: yup. maybe i'll keep that one. :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Why does the Char Sheet say +12, though? Cat: failed save this morning (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, OK Cat: i checked the checkbox for whatever status that is that applies the -2 wait, i'm missing a skill rank again. arrrrgh. and...all my class skills seem to have gone away? go me. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, they are all unchecked You might want to correct that One of Roll20's updates borked these character sheets Agh they were checked when I wasn't looking Cat: yeah, i know the char sheet got doofy, the recalc checkbox fixed most of it. i just didn't notice losing all the checkboxes on the class thing...it's fixed now. those spellcraft rolls should've had +3...dunno if that gets the robe (GM) Chad S. (GM): A 30...uh one sec... Nope, you need > 30 Spellcraft. Cat: geeeez. i assume this thing glows like nobody's business? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, it's bright Cat: i could probably pick up a scroll of identify somewhere civilized? really though, +10 isn't honestly that much when looking for something nebulously ove 30 heh. (GM) Chad S. (GM): It would be +10 +12 for you. Much better chances to ID it. Cat: so there's a random cantrip from some other book i don't recognize, is this fair game? http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/enhanced-diplomacy yeah, i just probably have pick up a few scrolls for when i inevitably roll like 2's on them ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, that's fine. Note that you're casting magic right before talking to someone. Cat: yeah. or at least within a minute. :) still deciding. the real other option is stabilize. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Stabilize can't hurt. Especially when you want to capture goons Cat: or can't get across the field to help a friendly. ...i get another cantrip next level anyway. funny how you get the most spells off the shortest list. also, guys, we need to make it to 7th level at least, so i can get my wings. :) Hernz: Chad, you heard Cat... get us to level 6 so we can get to 7 lol Cat: i bet we get 6 when we finish the cave thing here ;) realtime 1/2/2016, 1:23 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): So, what does the party want to do ? Chris: Reminder: Our options are to try to go after the Lightning Golem that has been working with Goblins, or head straight for the cave. Fi has already suggested that we try to deal with the Golem. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Also note that the sandstorm is still up. No one asked Sheeva to stop it, Vegeta just bested her in a test of strength. Chris: She also just said it would dissipate in a few hours. What time of day is it? (GM) Chad S. (GM): It's about noontime now. The sandstorm would be gone in the afternoon. Cat: I'm fine going after the lightning golem. it sounded like sheeva was making the storm to hamper them and if we help take care of it then she can leave the storm off. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sounds like a plan. Sheeva: That Metal Monstrosity... I saw it travel... that way. There are many roving bands of goblins in the storm. I'll drive them out while you deal with that thing. Prince Vegeta, if you are ever on this land again, call for me and we will spar again! (GM) Chad S. (GM): You can make a survival roll to determine the direction she pointed in relative to the map. Cat: awww yeah those again! i'm helping. i'm assuming Fi is leading. Nidranisan: Nidranisan : Survival Check 14 (GM) Chad S. (GM): You have helped. Cat: whoa, i'm actually helpful. Fi: Fi : Survival Check 21 Fleir : Survival Check 6 Chris: I rolled over a 10! Cat: woooooo (GM) Chad S. (GM): Checking the distance and directions Sheeva gave you, it would seem like the golem is roughly where the cave is. Fi: Figures... probably after the same thing we are. Nidranisan: sigh. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The sandstorm is less intense than before, now that Sheeva isn't blowing hot sand into the air. Fi figures out a good route to the cave. So you guys can go to the cave when you are ready. Cat: nidri's ready when everyone else is. how long will it take to get there? (GM) Chad S. (GM): About an hour. Cat: anyone wanna weigh in on nidri's 2nd list spell choice? :) Chris: Anything do ice damage? Cat: summon monster II could summon a small elemental. which i suppose could probably produce various kinds of damage. Chris: Technically I can do that currently. Hasn't been worthwhile to use yet. Cat: independently not useful, or compared to what else you can do in a round? because some rounds, i'm kinda useless :) hilariously, the one potentially effective damage spell i looked at does lightning. unless i want to take inflict moderate wounds, and get all up in someone's face about it. Chris: compared to something like a gravity bow full round attack. Cat: yeah. i'm thinking for me, it might be a reasonable use of a round to drop a summon when no one needs healing. Hernz: A summon would be good to take hits, and even dish out some flanking if they suck at attacking... cause you can summon them anywhere within range Vegeta: thanks Sheeva... I'm sure we'll spar again some time [party] off to the lightning golem then? surviving 21 in case it's needed realtime 1/3/2016 10:39 am Sheeva wishes the party goodluck, then she runs off into the storm, bursting into flames. The party proceeds along the map route towards their destination. They see several goblin bodies, torn apart by the loose sand, devoured by scavangers, and some pulverized from above, like some heavy weight stepped on them. The goblins' weapon and armor have the same symbol as the ones the party witnessed in the scorpion cave. An hour later, the party stands in front of a hole that gently slopes underground. Thanks to the storm, there are no sentries at the entrance. (GM) Chad S. (GM): If you guys want to do any prep, now's the time. Cat: and we believe this is a lightning golem? i could drop one or two resist energy if you guys want. Nidranisan: /em is activating her Oracle ability, Demonhide Uses remaining: 4 Cat: also, anyone care if nidri grabs the Dead Man's Headband at least until we get back to town? also, for the record, i think i'm gonna stick with the summon monster II idea. chad, lemme know if you want me to wait until we finish this plot arc to add it. George: Hawk's prep spell only lasts 5 minutes, so he'll cast AA on Fi as close to the start of combat as possible. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri: You can get Summon Monster II. I'll assume you haven't cast it. Cat: i wonder if fleir will get annoyed if nidri summons a wolf ;) Vegeta: Claire/Nidri, if you guys can spare your buffs, throw them at me Hernz: Claire's is more important Cat: THANKS :P you want the lightning resist or the +1? Hernz: only cause you might need the heals lol Vegeta: lit res actually would be great... i took a bit of damage with nat weapons against sheeva Nidranisan: /em casts Resist Energy! Duration: 10 min/lvl Vegeta - gain resist energy 10 vs whatever element Nidri said. Vegeta: Thanks Nid Nidranisan: geez, even the short version was still too much? Hernz: lol he's testing what he can get away with lol N will soon come lol The party runs down the slope, and sees torchlight as the sunlight fades away. Fi: /me casts Ironskin on Fleir Fi : Ironskin Effects/Target you Duration 5 minutes Hernz: oh yeah, forgot my own power ups lol Vegeta powers up and goes SSJ The party enters an excavation site. Several goblins are picking away at huge, colored rocks. Chris: Are we doing one round of preparing? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, you guys have a round to prep
Battle! vs Goblins with Tunnel Rhino
Vegeta (casts barkskin)... 7 ki left Chris: Fi : Initiative Check 20.04 Fleir : Initiative Check 12.03 Meghan: assume armor The goblins in the room pick at the rocks. One of them directs a large, metallic golem shaped as a rhino. Hernz: if you can give to veg, much appreciated, yes Meghan: how many am I going to give out in the time I've got? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You have 1 round of prep. Mage Armor lasts an hour, so you would have time as you entered. Vegeta: initiatives 4 (GM) Chad S. (GM): The light yellow cliffs are 15 feet above the ground. There are stone stairs on some of them. Hawk Hubertins casts Abundant Ammunition on Fi's quiver. Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins : Initiative Check 12.01 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Calire and Nidri should roll for initiative. Enemy Init 16 Nidranisan: Nidranisan : Initiative Check 8.02 Chris: Well, I'm about to go to bed since I'm getting up at 2am to try to catch the meteor shower. I'll put Fi's action in since he's first. Meghan: Claire : Initiative Check 12.01 Chris: Time for Fi to get in trouble going first... Meghan: ok, mage armor for me and vegeta I guess. Fi: /em casts Gravity Bow! Duration: 5 minutes Fi buffs and runs upstairs. The bombers quickly drink some kind of potion, making themselves fast and limber. Boomstick Goblins B and C set their sights on Fi. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Boomstick B grits his teeth and shoots Fi hitting touch AC 13 for 6 damage Boomstick C grits his teeth and shoots Fi hitting touch AC 24 for 5 damage One of the pellets hits Fi, piercing his armor. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Boomstick Goblin A shoots at Clockwise starting from Fleir 2 Boomstick A grits his teeth and shoots Nidri hitting touch AC 22 for 3 damage Goblin A fires, hitting Nidri through her demonhide. He then reloads his weapon. Tunnel Rhino begins emitting massive amounts of electricity around it and begins advancing. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Badguys are done, you are up next. Nidranisan casts Resistance on Nidri! Nidranisan: Duration: 1 minute. +1 bonus on saving throws Cat: i'm starting an icon collection. Chris: I've been meaning to ask, are firearms in this region at an early or advanced level? Fleir runs up to deal with the goblins attacking Fi. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 15 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. Vegeta: thanks Claire Get rid of the pests... I'll hold that thing off... Hernz: moves towards Rhino, likely provoking Vegeta: /me attacks Tunnel Rhino with a Knee to the Gut! Attack Result: 17 (Needs 32 to crit.) Damage Result: 14 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 22 Vegeta: Crit Damage: +11 Special: Fort save DC 18 or be stunned for 1 round. Vegeta has no stuns left, 6 ki remaining realtime 1/4/2016 7:32 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): These firearms are early. Fleir gets up in the goblin's business. Vegeta runs up and swings wildly at Tunnel Rhino. His fist bounces off the electrical shield. Hawk begins to sing enthusiastically. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire is up and will finish Round 1. Cat: oh hey, i didn't move. Chris: Then they are only touch attack up to the first range increment. Meghan: Can I hit things up there with fire? rather, with the 15ft increase, tunnel rhino and boomstick goblin A are more than 15ft apart, right? but from here I think I can hit him. Claire : Burning Arc School evocation; Level Sorceror 2 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V,S Range 35 ft Effects/Target One primary, 1 secondary for half damage Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Reflex half DC17 Spell Resistance Yes Burning Arc uses remaining: 4 Meghan: Claire is attacking Boomstick Goblin A with Burning Arc Damage (primary): 5d6, 17 Damage (secondary): 2d6, 3 secondary target it bomber goblin, unless tunnel rhino is somehow in 15' of boomstick goblin but I don't think it is. and I'm pretty sure I don't need line of sight for this but maybe? Meghan: I mean, it's an arc. and I need to be within 35 ft so I should be good? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, that will work. At first I thought you were asking about burning hands, haha Tunnel Rhino's reflex save 19 Boomstick Goblin A's reflex save 20 Claire singes the Rhino Golem and one of the goblins. Round 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi is up. Chris: My sheet got mucked up again. Gotta fix it. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Those roll20 updates, amirite? Chris: It also only partially took the changes I put in before the last forced reload. Had to redo the gravity bow change. Fi: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin A with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 21 Damage 13 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin A with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 8 Damage 11 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Fi shoots the goblin across the cliff. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Goblin C shoots at Fleir at point blank range, hitting touch AC 17 for 8 damage Goblin B shoots at Fleir at point blank range, hitting touch AC 16 for 3 damage "Gaaah! Wolf! Not Wolf Blitzer, real wolf!" "Must be Reeta Wolf. Yuck!" The two goblins yelp and slowly retreat as they fire upon Fleir. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Boomstick Goblin A shoots at Fi at hitting AC 19 for 3 damage Cat: ... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bomber Goblin C throws an alchemical bomb at Claire, hitting AC 13 for 10 fire damage Cat: really? they know reeta? Bomber Goblin C drops an alchemical mix that misses Claire. The flames wash over her, but she has Celestial Resistance (TM) and ignores the heat. Chris: Everyone know Reeta... Cat: seems that way. i should totally drop a summon up there huh. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bomber Goblin A and B pull out their crossbows and fire upon Nidri and Hawk. Goblin A vs Nidri: AC 14 for 2 damage Fi: Whoah, real weapons. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Goblin B vs Hawk: AC 18 for 5 damage Cat: woooo i think that might actually miss me because i armored up? One bolt dashes off of Nidri's thick skin. Hawk isn't as lucky. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Tunnel Rhino tries to gore Vegeta. Let's see if it rolls an 18. 11 Nope! Cat: lol. Vegeta effortlessly parries the huge drill attachment. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone except Fi can go. Fleir: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin C with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip Attack 26 Damage 13 Type PBS Cat: nidri's gonna end up running back and forth looking really doofy. Fleir: Fleir : CMB Check 23 Fleir chews on one of the goblin's legs and drags her off her feet. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Did that include Inspire Courage? Chris: The Attack and damage did. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay. Cat: hmm. giant spider, or giant ant? George: Giant spider! Oh wait, that should be "Big Ass Spider!" Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 14 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin A with Masterwork Short Bow, composite! Attack Result: 23 (Needs at least 23 to crit.) Hawk Hubertins: Damage Result: 7 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 23 Crit Damage: +14 Type: P Notes: Hawk Hubertins: Cat: ...i'll go after that gets resolved ;) Chris: nice crit! Meghan: excellent George: ::) Hawk does what he can. Hernz: WOW... a double crit... roll again!! /me Pummels Tunnel Rhino, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Attack Results: 31 || 20 (Needs 32 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 9 || 9 Hernz: Crit Confirm: 32 || 20 Crit Dmg (blunt): +11 || +10 Special: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. that was veg obv... and wow, shitty damage rolls lol Meghan: Is goblin C now more than 15 ft away from tunnel rhino? realtime 1/5, 1:14 pm Hawk is tired of this poison nonsense, he's tired of the sandstorms and he's tired of these goblins. Vegeta pummels the animated rhino. The electricity tickles him as his fists land. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Pathfinder doesn't use diagonals on height, so Tunnel Rhino and Bomber Goblin C are 25ft away from each other. Meghan: ok, then I'd got tunnel rhino first and then bomber goblin C Claire : Burning Arc School evocation; Level Sorceror 2 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V,S Range 35 ft Effects/Target One primary, 1 secondary for half damage Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Reflex half DC17 Spell Resistance Yes Claire is attacking Tunnel Rhino with Burning Arc Damage (primary): 5d6, 21 Burning Arc uses remaining: 3 Meghan: Damage (secondary): 2d6, 5 oof. Nice damage on the rhino Cat: woowoo. Hernz: lets hope for a shitty rflx from rhyno Cat: yeah. realtime 1/6 9:29pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Wait, how can burning arc target Goblin C? Burning Arc has to hit targets within 15 ft. Anyway, zapping a rhino Reflex Save 24 Page refused to load, but TR got a 22 reflex there. Bomber Goblin C is 25 feet away (15 ft up, 10 south) And out of range of the secondary ray (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri to finish round 2 Meghan: well, there weren't any other secondary targets Cat: Nidranisan : Summon Monster II School N/A; Level Oracle 2 Casting Time N/A Components N/A Range N/A Effects/Target N/A Duration N/A Saving Throw N/A Description: Summon 1 monster from the level 2 list: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/summon-monster#2nd-level Or summon 1d3 of one type from the level 1 list: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/summon-monster#1st-level It appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. fiendish giant worker ant one square south of goblin C. As Claire burns the Rhino-like contraption, Nidri calls upon the dark realms to bring forth the mightiest of insects! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Note that Summon Monster is a full-round action. Nidri can be interrupted if she is hit and fails her concentration check. Round 3 (GM) Chad S. (GM): What Fi do? Fi: /em is attacking Bomber Goblin C with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 14 Damage 16 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing /em is attacking Bomber Goblin C with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 24 Damage 15 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing One of Fi's arrow bounces off the Goblin's hide, but the second one scores a solid hit! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Boomstick Goblin C will provoke from Fleir as she tries to stand up Fleir: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin C with Powerful Bite! Fleir : Powerful Bite Attack 27 Damage 9 Type PBS Fleir chews on the Goblin as she stands back up. Both goblins open fire on the wolf in front of them. Goblin B quickly reloads. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Goblin C vs Fleir: Touch AC 15 for 7 damage Goblin B vs Fleir: Touch AC 10 for 5 damage One shot penetrates Fleir, while she evades the other goblin's aim. Bomber Goblin A and B have clear shots to Fi and Hawk. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Goblin A shoots (Even = Fi) 2 Goblin B shoots (Even = Fi) 1 Chris: Is that a misfire? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh yeah, that is a misfire. I'll resolve that in a second. Goblin A's crossbow vs Fi: AC 19 for 1 damage Goblin B's crossbow vs Hawk: AC 22 for 4 damage Hawk receives another bolt, while Fi proves to be too distant a target. Meanwhile, Boomstick Goblin B suddenly yelps as his weapon gets red hot. "Yaaaa! Bligon said gun never do that again!" He drops the weapon and pulls out a sword. Bomber Goblin C pulls out an extract and drinks it, restoring 5 hit points. Tunnel Rhino tries to be more than a meatshield... (GM) Chad S. (GM): 17 And fails. Chris: The goblins have been the real threat. A dark cloud of gas poofs next to Bomber Goblin A. A fiendish giant ant appears next to him! (GM) Chad S. (GM): PCs are next. Nidri, unless you can communicate with it, you can't give it more than simple instructions. But I think "attack these guys" is good enough. Fleir: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin C with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip Attack 15 Damage 9 Type PBS Fleir : CMB Check 9 Fleir nibbles, but the goblin quickly hops out of the way. Meghan: I should let vegeta kill off the tunnel rhino, right? Claire : Burning Arc School evocation; Level Sorceror 2 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V,S Range 35 ft Effects/Target One primary, 1 secondary for half damage Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Reflex half DC17 Spell Resistance Yes Claire is attacking Bomber Goblin C with Burning Arc Burning Arc uses remaining: 2 Damage (primary): 5d6, 12 Meghan: Damage (secondary): 2d6, 10 ugh. I can't hit it again with the secondary, right? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, they're out of range. Cat: yeah, spells says it will attack enemies to the best of its ability. so that's what i'm assuming. Vegeta: /me attacks Tunnel Rhino with Flurry! Attack Result: 24 (Needs 32 to crit.) Damage (blunt): 15 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 24 Vegeta: Crit Damage (blunt): +15 Special: Attacks treated as Magic. Hernz: I'm assuming that took care of him... he moves on Also, this and the fight vs Sheeva was on the same day, right? Vegeta: If so, Veg is out of ki.... Cat: yes, same day. Chris: Still the same day as the scorpion fight as well. realtime 1/7 8:19 pm Vegeta's foot goes right through Tunnel Rhino's energy core. It becomes immobile and shuts down. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bomber Goblin C's Reflex Save 17 Claire burninates the goblin. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk and Nidri to end round 3. Cat: do i need to do something for the ant? (GM) Chad S. (GM): I assume you want it to fight Bomber Goblin A? Cat: seems reasonable. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Ant vs Goblin A: AC 16 for 7 damage Cat: it has a bite +3, does 1d6 + 2. yeah, that. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, bardsong...still misses, sadly. Cat: doh. The ant bites, but can't pierce the Goblin's surprisingly tough hide. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri and Hawk can still move. Cat: thought i cast the summon last turn...i get more than just a move this turn? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Did you move then cast last turn? Summon Monster is a full round spell. So it takes your move and action. If you did nothing but cast last turn, you have a full turn right now. So Nidri can move and act. Cat: i think i did move, but...actually, can the ant be way over there? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, hmm. This is what I get for not reading ranges Cat: the spell is close range, i think it needs to be over here swinging at bomber C (GM) Chad S. (GM): You have a 45 ft range Cat: i think i could've dropped it close enough to be near C without moving. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Makes sense. Cat: and since i missed i assume it still missed anyway. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah. Cat: so this round i can go heal hawk sorry, gonna be a PITA while i figure out this whole summon thing :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, you have a full turn. Cat casts Cure Light on Hawk! Cat: heal 8 HPs. Nidri does what she does best. Cat: yeah, gonna save some emergency healz if fi or fleir gets in trouble up there. Besides breaking stuff. Nidranisan shakes her fist at the voice in the sky. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright Hawk, what do you want to do? (Also Fi should probably prepare his next action) George is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 George: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 13 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 13 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. Hawk Hubertins is attacking Bomber Goblin B with his Composite Short Bow! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 18 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 2 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 5 Crit Damage: +5 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P George: There's still something wrong with my damage calculation. Should be +2 to that. Hawk's arrow briefly sticks into Bomber Goblin B's hide, but doesn't manage to stick. Round 4 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi, you're up. Then the goblins go Fi: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin C with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 13 Damage 8 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin C with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 14 Damage 12 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Cat: ... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Those are gonna miss. Chris: There are going to be arrows all over the place after this. Goblin C reloads, steps back, fires and prods Goblin B into melee. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Goblin C vs Fleir's touch AC: 12 for 3 damage Goblin B vs Fleir: AC 15 for 0 damage Chris: lol The goblins are obviously better at ranged assault. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bomber Goblin B vs (Clockwise from Hawk) 3 Goblin B vs Nidri: AC 10 for 2 damage Goblin A vs Vegeta: AC 10 for 2 damage SO ANYWAY Bomber Goblin C steps back, then throws an alchemical bomb at the giant ant. Cat: (18 hp, reflex save +0...if you didn't still have that lying around.) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Goblin C vs Ant's Touch AC: 24 for 6 damage One goblin manages to hit its target, but not for much thanks to its fiendish resistance. Cat: haha that's where you used the good d20? ;) also, that. As the party continues, a loud drilling/rumbling noise is heard from the east. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Your turn, guys. Fi: Really? Are more coming? Nidranisan: sounds like something is...maybe vegeta can look through that way and tell us what's there... Hernz: FYI, they don't get any resistance as summons until they have at least 5 HD I think Cat: it says it does. Hernz: resistance to damage that is... really? let me check cause then I have to fix lucia lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fire Resistance Cat: it gets summoned as either fiendish or celestial. which have different elemental resistances. Hernz: oh that was fire... ok Cat: yup, fire. Vegeta seems to run out of energy and his hair turns back to black Cat: speaking of the ant, it can 5' up and try again i guess heh (GM) Chad S. (GM): Ant vs Goblin C: 15 for 7 damage Bomber Goblin C quickly hops back and avoids the bite Vegeta: /me strikes Bomber Goblin A! Attack Result: 10 (Needs 26 to crit.) Damage Result: 8 Crit: 20/x2 Crit Confirm: 22 Vegeta: Crit Damage: +9 Special: Attacks treated as Magic. Fleir: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin C with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip Attack 26 Damage 10 Type PBS Fleir : CMB Check 11 Vegeta: no... what timing.... ugh Vegeta gets in the goblin's face...and that's about it. Fleir is unable to knock the Goblin out. She's not feeling well... Vegeta: guess I used up too much energy in 3 straight battles.... ugh Nidranisan casts Guidance on Hawk! Nidranisan: Duration: 1 minute. Take +1 on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (choose before you roll) Meghan: I don't think I can get within range of anyone... maybe with a huckable thing Nidri guides Hawk's hand... Meghan: pearl of brilliance has range 60 /em is attacking Bomber Goblin B with Pearl of Brilliance! Damage Result: 14 Attack Result: 16 Pearl of Brilliance uses remaining: 3 Notes: Touch attack or throw it as splash weapon. Splash 10'. Must make a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds Meghan: (GM) Chad S. (GM): Is that a touch attack? Oh yeah, looks like it Did that include Hawk's bardsong? Oh right, you're shaken this morning So the pearl misses, but its fort save... 6 Bomber Goblin B ducks out of the way, but the flash overwhelms him for 4 rounds. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk to end round 4. Bedtime for me, though. You may as well make your rolls for round 5, Fi. Fi: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin C with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 25 Damage 10 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin B with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 10 Damage 14 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing realtime 1/8, 5:55 pm In round 5, Fi defeats one of the goblins who have been harassing Fleir. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Waiting on Hawk to finish Round 4. Then enemies will move. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 12 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. Hawk Hubertins is attacking Bomber Goblin B with his Composite Short Bow! Hawk Hubertins: Attack Result: 23 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 17 Crit Damage: +2 Hawk Hubertins: Type: P Hawk Hubertins stands his ground. Hawk stands his ground and shoots one of the Bomber Goblins. Round 5 Fi shoots one of the goblins. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Goblin B gulps and slashes at Fleir. Goblin vs Fleir: AC 19 for 4 damage Bomber Goblin C throws another alchemical bomb at the ant. Bomb vs Ant: Touch AC 13 for 10 fire damage The Ant gets burned a bit. Bomber Goblin A throws a bomb at Vegeta. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bomb vs Vegeta: Touch AC 14 for 9 fire damage Vegeta's Reflex Save: 16 Vegeta avoids the bomb and the small explosion it creates. (GM) Chad S. (GM): XBow vs Hawk: AC 25 for 3 damage Bomber Goblin B and Hawk continue their shootout. Chris: http://www.ktm.com/us/x-bow/ I would be impressed if that hit Hawk. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, the goblin threw a racecar at Hawk I approve of this Didn't hit Nidri, though Party is up (except Fi) As the party fights, you hear more drilling from the side room. Fleir: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin B with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip Attack 15 Damage 12 Type PBS Fleir : CMB Check 19 Another bite catches nothing but air. The goblin shudders. Meghan: Claire : Burning Arc School evocation; Level Sorceror 2 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V,S Range 35 ft Effects/Target One primary, 1 secondary for half damage Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Reflex half DC17 Spell Resistance Yes Claire is attacking Bomber Goblin B with Burning Arc Burning Arc uses remaining: 1 Damage (primary): 5d6, 20 Damage (secondary): 2d6, 4 Meghan: no secondary target (GM) Chad S. (GM): Goblin B's reflex 27 Goblin B takes a nasty burn. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Man, I'm rolling hot for these saving throws. Nidri, Hawk and Vegeta to end round 5 Hawk Hubertins stops singing and triggers the +1 to hit. George: Bard song continues for 2 more rounds. Hawk Hubertins: /em is attacking Bomber Goblin B with Masterwork Short Bow, composite! Attack Result: 12 (Needs at least 26 to crit.) Damage Result: 6 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 13 Hawk Hubertins: Crit Damage: +11 Type: P Notes: Hawk gets nice and close...but fails to hit. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll have the Ant attack Goblin C. Ant vs Goblin: AC 19 for 6 The ant bites into the goblin and chews the life out of him. Tossing him aside, the ant clicks its mandibles. Cat: MY ANT WAS USEFUL!!!!! i mean maybe it can crawl down the cliff and over to help vegeta? Chris: woo! The ant poses triumphantly. Cat: awwwww yeah. so is there like, a passageway off to the right? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, Fi: Anyone wanna check on the next room while we finish up here? Cat: so i could hustle over that way and look into the next room at what's going on over there? double move? Chris: lol you could even run for quad. Cat: that's double...should be able to maybe see something from here... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Gimme a perception check. Cat: Nidranisan : Perception Check 3 awwwwwwww yeah. nope, should've run closer! maybe next round. Nidranisan: I think there's another one, guys.... Fi: Well, yeah. What's it doing other than drilling? Nidranisan: Uh...gimme a minute, I think I need a closer look. Vegeta: /me Pummels Bomber Goblin A, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Attack Results: 18 || 21 (Needs 26 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 10 || 4 Crit Confirm: 11 || 16 Vegeta: Crit Dmg (blunt): +4 || +6 Special: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. Hernz: hope the first one hit.... come on! realtime 1/9 9:59 pm Vegeta's first strike misses, but his second hits. Round 6 (GM) Chad S. (GM): You're up, Fi. Fi: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin B with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 19 Damage 12 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin B with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 28 Crit Confirm 12 Damage 8 Crit Damage +21 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing realtime 1/10, 9:28 am Fi continues his assault against the goblin (former) gunner. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Boomstick Goblin B vs Fleir: AC 17 for 2 damage Goblin B's Acrobatics vs Fleir's CMD: 25 Boomstick Goblin B knows she has no chance against the heavily armored wolf who tore up her partner, so she rolls out of the way towards the stairs. Bomber Goblin B throws an alchemical bomb at Hawk. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bomb vs Hawk's Touch AC: 12 Hawk takes 8 fire damage Bomber Goblin B is still dazzled. That should be AC 11. Still hits Hawk though. The alchemical bomb hits Hawk squarely in the chest, and flames burn him. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bomber Goblin A throws an alchemical bomb at Vegeta. Bomb vs Vegeta's Touch AC: 22 Mage Armor doesn't help vs Touch AC, so I think Vegeta's Touch AC is 18. Vegeta takes 5 fire damage Bomber Goblin A has good aim and hits the Saiyan prince straight on. The Giant Ant makes a beeline for one of the Bomber Goblins, quickly climbing down the cliff and running across the other one. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Party is up. Nidranisan tries to peer into the next room to get a better look at what's happening. Nidranisan: Nidranisan : Perception Check 2 Cat: NOPE! GUYS I AM SUPER USEFUL! Hernz: LOL best perception checks EVER lol btw, veg is 19 touch.. I got a prot ring that we found a long time ago Vegeta: /me Pummels Bomber Goblin A, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Attack Results: 7 || 18 (Needs 26 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 9 || 9 Crit Confirm: 12 || 20 Vegeta: Crit Dmg (blunt): +10 || +9 Special: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. damn these powers! Vegeta is back to his shitty hitting streak... normal veg sucks lol Vegeta continues to whiff as Nidri notices the second cave, again. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir, Claire and Hawk to finish Round 6. Hawk Hubertins is attacking Bomber Goblin B with his Composite Short Bow! George: Attack Result: 18 (Needs at least 24 to crit.) Damage Result: 5 Crit: 20/x3 Crit Confirm: 12 Crit Damage: +5 George: Type: P The poison weakens Hawk's aim, and another arrow glances against the Goblin's toughened skin. Nidranisan: Guys, I think he might actually be done digging already. Maybe just leave the stupid goblin there and check this out? Vegeta: these guys are annoying... I'm coming Hernz: lol Fleir runs past the goblin, provoking. Hernz: that was meant as a whisper.... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Boomstick Goblin B vs Fleir: AC 12 for 4 damage Fleir dodges the goblin's small longsword. Fleir: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin B with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip Attack 12 Damage 9 Type PBS Chris: ... Meghan: oh, he's on the edge... if I get up to the edge, can I hit him with a burning hands? probably not, it's a 15' range. do we think they're evil? Let's find out if they're evil. crap, I don't remember what my holy laser is actually called ray of something heavenly fire The goblin yelps and leaps out of Fleir's bite. Meghan: /em is attacking Bomber Goblin B with Pew Pew Holy Lazer! Attack Result: 19 Damage Result: 6 Type: divine Notes: Only hurts evil creatures. Ray. Use up to 8 per day. Pew Pew Holy Lazer uses remaining: 7 Meghan: Claire remains determined and burns the silly goblin. Hernz: is it at -4 though cause of fleir melee? (GM) Chad S. (GM): She's shooting the Bomber Goblin, not the Boomstick Goblin Round 7 (GM) Chad S. (GM): What's up, Fi? Fi: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin B with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 11 Damage 9 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin B with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 16 Damage 12 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Chris: I am not amuzed... The goblin freaks out and rolls away from both of Fi's arrows. (GM) Chad S. (GM): The goblin will provoke from Fleir. Fleir: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin B with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip Attack 24 Damage 10 Type PBS Fleir : CMB Check 27 (GM) Chad S. (GM): The goblin provokes again as it stands up. Chris: no combat reflexes. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Does Fleir have Combat Reflexes? Got it. Fi: You all can start heading to the next room. I'll make sure they can't follow. Bomber Goblin A throws a bomb at Vegeta. Vegeta: heh, all yours elf (GM) Chad S. (GM): Bomber vs Vegeta's Touch AC: 14 for 5 fire damage I think that misses Miss direction: 5 The bomb falls behind Vegeta. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, Reflex Save? DC 13 for 4 fire damage Vegeta: reflex 8 Hernz: wah wah Chris: Our rolls are awesome right now. As soon as we were down to 3 little goblins. The flames singe Vegeta. He doesn't have eyes behind his head. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Party is up. Fleir: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin B with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip Attack 12 Damage 9 Type PBS Chris: lol... it continues. Hernz: can I double move and make a perception check? "Yaaah! Wolf keep trying to bite!" Nidranisan: after moving and percieving, do i have a standard left to heal vegeta when he shows up? Cat: lol ooc (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes you do, Nidri Cat: ok, well, if he's gonna stand next o me i think i've got a cure light left. Hernz: oh, so I can perceive then? Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Vegeta! Nidranisan: heal 7 HPs. Vegeta: thanks Nidri Nidri mends most of Vegeta's wounds while he looks around... Cat: i did double move plus perception last round. ...please roll better than i did. twice. ;) Vegeta: perception 24 Meghan: ... Hernz: lol Meghan: we can run, right? straight enough line? what's run, 4x? Chris: yes 4x is typical Vegeta: looks like a huge iron giant is in there... let me take a look to see if I can feel it's intent.... (to be done next round) Vegeta wonders how Nidri totally missed a huge iron giant in there this whole time (GM) Chad S. (GM): The Giant Ant tries to stall for a little longer... Ant vs Goblin: AC 15 Nope. The ant will disappear at the start of the Nidri's next turn. Claire runs to the next room. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, behind vegeta. realtime, 1/11 8:50 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk. Whatcha doin'? Chris: I'm going to bed soon, so I'm going to queue up my actions. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Please do. 2 rounds of full attack should do I'll assume the goblins fled by then Fi: /em is attacking Bomber Goblin A with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 22 Damage 15 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing /em is attacking Bomber Goblin A with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 26 Damage 10 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing (GM) Chad S. (GM): That will defeat Bomber Goblin A Boomstick Goblin will provoke, so Fleir can get an AoO Fleir: /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin B with Powerful Bite & Trip! Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip Attack 11 Damage 13 Type PBS /em is attacking Boomstick Goblin B with Bite & Trip! Fleir : Bite & Trip Attack 19 Damage 12 Type PBS Fi and Fleir clean up the remaining goblins with a combination of arrows and teeth. The ant poofs in a cloud of darkness. Combat Over Chris: Ok, so I'll be about 1 or 2 rounds behind. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sounds right. Night Chris. Chris: g'night.
Battle! vs Calaminus
The party runs around the corner, to find an iron giant juggling some of the large stones. Behind the golem is a crevice full of multicolored rocks. As she enters the room, the crystal Claire has been carrying begins to vibrate, pulled by an unknown force. Cat: NIIICE, EXTRA HUGE. ACK CAPS LOCK er, sorry. (aftermath of typing with a toddler...) Calaminus: Yaaaaay! I found the pretty rocks! Daddy will be happy now! Cat: oh god, more daddy issues? Calaminus tries to juggle them briefly before dropping them. Calaminus: Owww, they are really hot! Vegeta: uh... anyone else notice that alchemical-like reaction when he picked up the stones? Hernz: isn't 4 squares colossal? Cat: yeah, this guy looks really nasty. Vegeta: you guys fire away, I'll keep him busy....... or try (GM) Chad S. (GM): Huge creatures usually have 15 ft space This one has 20 Hernz: ok (GM) Chad S. (GM): Sounds like I need some initiative rolls Vegeta: inits 13 Cat: Nidranisan : Initiative Check 3.02 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi's init 12 Cat: I AM SO GOOD. (not a caps-lock incident.) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri refuses to believe it is that big Fleir's init 11 Fi & Fleir won't be here until round 2. George: Hawk Hubertins : Initiative Check 20.01 Vegeta still has his aura up... just not his SSJ aura Vegeta: anyone figure out those colored rocks? Cat: well, since nidri is nearing uselessness, she can try. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Calaminus's Init 9 You guys get a free round to move around. Er, Calaminus will do nothing during Round 1. Claire's Init 6 Vegeta: let's see what he's got....I'll block his path (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yellow platforms are 15 up. You know the drill Hernz: I'll actually wait to see if anyone figures out we have to break rocks (GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it. I'll let Vegeta, Hawk, Claire and Nidri figure out what they want to do in round 1. https://wiki.utter-chaos.net/ucwiki/index.php?title=DivineDetritusDraugh3CaveOfDestiny#Cave_of_Destiny The summary hasn't changed too much since last week (you're fighting. More.) So I didn't send a summary email. OMG Kineticist class = bender http://www.d20pfsrd.com/occult-adventures/occult-classes/kineticist Cat: lol the drill. nice one. are fi and fleir not here yet? Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 11 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. Hernz: Chad, just FYI, veg's fists are treated as magic against sheeva ;) he got lucky with the stuns correct, they arrive next round Chris: Anyone else want to ask, "Who's your daddy?" Hernz: and what does he do? Ok, if anyone finds a reason to go for the rocks, I I'll go... otherwise, block the path by standing in mid the gap next to the red rock... fight defensively I'm out for the rest of tonight realtime 1/12, 6:51 pm Hawk maintains his song. Calaminus: Hmm? Is someone there? New friends? Cat: lol friends. Nidranisan: Depends what you're doing. Calaminus: Daddy told me to look for the cave with the shiny rocks! And I found it! It's all mine now! Chris: Say it! George: it. Hernz: so anybody got the skillz to tell if we need to break rocks? Chris: Fi does. Nidri might. Not sure exactly how breaking them would help. George: What skills do you think it would take? Cat: dunno, hey chad, what do we roll to figure out wtf the rocks are? :) k something, or alchemy? realtime 1/13 8:22 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Skills include Craft(Alchemy) K(Geography) and K(Nature) Roll 'em if you got 'em Fi: Fi : Craft (Alchemy) Check 24 Fi : Knowledge-Geography Check 19 Fi : Knowledge-Nature Check 28 Chris: Fi's skills are useful! Meghan: got nothing (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi will have plenty of things to say when she arrives Hernz: DOH! lol Ok, veg goes before big C anyway... moving Vegeta assumes a defensive stance As Vegeta moves up, Fi and Fleir head towards the next cavern. The Iron Giant taps some of the rocks with its feet. It giggles some more, seemingly oblivious. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire and Nidri to finish round 1 Hernz: ....and I gotta go again.... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Super Hernz...away! Vegeta (GM) Puts on a cape and flies out of the cavern Vegeta (GM) Returns to the cavern, takes off the cape and puts on his glasses. Did you hear about that mysterious superhero who saved the world a few minutes ago? Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins : Knowledge-Nature Check 9 Hawk Hubertins : Knowledge-Geography Check 8 George: Wow. A 2 and a 3. Ouch. I think this is Hub backlash. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk realizes those rocks are...rocky. They do seem very loose. A good shove would knock them off. Nidranisan: Nidranisan : Craft (Alchemy) Check 22 Cat: whoa... realtime 1/14, 8 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri and Claire are up. I'll delay Claire. Unless Claire or Nidri have something they want to do... Nidranisan: uh...huh. That's...some kind of sendrine. but, not black. Vegeta: he seems to have been hurt when touching it... still got those sendrine weapons? Cat: if anyone better at talking wants to try to get more info about "daddy" ... we've heard this kind of speech pattern before. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Anything else Nidri wants to do this turn? Cat: thinking about moving. would it help to take a closer look at the rocks? i mean, i'm not exactly gonna roll better than i already did so maybe not worth it ;) i better at least sort of follow vegeta. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, getting closer may help. Cat: hmmmm ok can i double move or did that check take my action? Meghan: Does the red sendrine make him act all wacky? And the green sendrine maybe, I don't know, get him high? wait, that's the same thing. Which one changes his gender? I moved realtime 1/15 8:10pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri can double move. Round 2 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk and Vegeta are up. Fi and Fleir will arrive on the map now and can act in Round 3. Vegeta: let's see how tough this guy is... Vegeta approaches carefully... still in defensive fighting Vegeta carefully approaches the monolith, who is still crouched over and poking its new somewhat painful toys. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk is up. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 10 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. Hawk moves ahead just as Fi and Fleir arrive in the chamber. One look at those rocks and Fi knows what's going on. The Iron Giant hears something besides its own giggles. It stands up, turns around, takes a look at Vegeta and starts bouncing towards him. Calaminus: A new friend! Yaay! I will hug him, and squeeze him, and call him George! Calaminus tries to grab Vegeta with its ginormous hand (GM) Chad S. (GM): Calaminus provokes an AoO from Vegeta. Calaminus's CMB check: 40 Cat: lolz. The giant wraps its arm around Vegeta and starts "hugging" the proud prince (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta's AoO: 15 for 4 damage Vegeta flails, but is unable to overcome its magnetized plating. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire and Nidri are up. Oop. Forgot something. (To GM) rolling 5 2 5 = 5 As the giant dances and squeezes on the prince, the cavern starts to rumble. A red rock shoots up from one of the cliffs. (GM) Chad S. (GM): A K(Dungeoneering) check may be useful here. Fi: I wonder why all the Sendrine here is colored. Fi : Knowledge-Dungeoneering Check 8 Chris: ... Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins : Knowledge-Dungeoneering Check 26 Fi: Hey guys, WTF is that thing?! Fi points at Calaminus. Chris: Fi didn't see anything earlier, so if you want to suggest using sendrine or anything else, you will need to inform her. Cat: nidri's taking a closer look at this green one. tho if i gotta roll again, i'm not winning the lottery twice hah Nidranisan: It's talking about 'daddy' like that idiot in the swamp, and trying to ...hug vegeta? Nidranisan shouts back to Fi. Meghan: let's see if it's evil Meghan is attacking Calaminus with Pew Pew Holy Lazer! Meghan: Attack Result: 23 Damage Result: 6 Type: divine Pew Pew Holy Lazer uses remaining: 6 Notes: Only hurts evil creatures. Ray. Use up to 8 per day. Claire's lazers score a solid hit, but fail to do much. Doesn't seem to be evil. Round 3 Nidranisan: it seems kinda chatty claire...maybe you can ask it what it's doing here... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, Hawk, Fi and Fleir are up. Vegeta is grappled. George: Any info from the 26 k/d check? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk recalls a few things about rocks. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 9 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. Hawk keeps up the beat as he crosses the middle and goes up the stairs. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, Fi and Fleir are up. Meghan: DIPLOMACY?! MY FAVORITE Cat: next time we get a go i'm gonna wait for you to try it. then at least i can say we tried. unless it smushes vegeta on its turn. Chris: Anyone wanna tell Fi what's going on? Otherwise, he's just going to attempt to fill it with normal arrows. Meghan: what's he speak? (GM) Chad S. (GM): The giant seems to speak common Cat: heh. not sure there's a compelling reason either way, i have a feeling we'll end up fighting it. but i think Fi should've heard nidri say the thing about it saying stuff and 'hugging' vegeta, and asking claire to try talking to it after the pewpew failed. so, fi can probably decide based on that whether to hold until claire goes or not. Fi and Fleir move. Vegeta: Elf, use your fancy arrows... he doesn't seem to like sendrine! realtime 1/16 1:09pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta's in a tight situation. What will he do? Cat: lol tight Claire: Well, it's not evil... Vegeta Pummels Calaminus, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Vegeta: Attack Results: 24 || 26 (Needs 26 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 5 || 3 Crit Confirm: 17 || 22 Crit Dmg (blunt): +9 || +6 Vegeta: Special: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. Hernz: I don't know if I have a penalty or not... my arms are not magic for this since I'm out of Ki Vegeta: I don't think I could beat his CMD... I'm sure his size makes it better than my 20+6 bonus from escape artist (note to self, pump that skill up!) Hernz: that was ooc of course and again, the crit rules changed for pummel, so only applies to the second hit Vegeta pummels! Both hits land at once. Its thick, magnetized armor resists some of the pummel. Calaminus: Heehee! You want to play? You brought friends too! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Calaminus maintains his grapple 45 And deals 12 damage Calaminus: I'll play catch with you, too missie! Some of Calaminus's iron plates break off of its shoulder and tries to restrain Claire. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Ranged Touch vs Claire: AC 19 Iron bars form around Claire. She can break out by beating CMD 28, or dealing 15 points of damage. Claire and Nidri are up next. btw, if you haven't been playing major boss music, you should be doing this now Hernz: veg ain't gonna last long... doh lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, I assume the party will help. Vegeta: hahaha, I can trade hits all day! Calaminus: Yaaay! Rock'em sock'em! Hernz: does a crit fail on his CMB release me from the grapple? otherwise his +25 is better than my 23 CMD lol (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, sorry. Hernz: ok, so no need for you to even roll, that's all I meant on that :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): Haha, I roll to keep it legit Hernz: hahahaha (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 7 7 = 7 (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 6 3 6 = 6 Calaminus's stomping causes another rock to erupt from the ground. Cat: Nidranisan : Strength Check 13 realtime 1/17 4:31 pm Nidri shoves the green rock off the cliff. It rolls off the cliff, tumbling into the monolith. As the rock hits, Calaminus's iron plates briefly warp. It seems to have briefly lost its resistance to blows! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire to end round 3 Hernz: excellent... Meghan: Should I use diplomacy? what do we want it to do? I mean, I'm not real caught up on what we're doing here but I'll try to talk my way out of it, since it's not evil. unless the resistances made it immune and it really is evil. Chris: It seems to be doing damage to Vegeta even if it isn't out of malice. Fi doesn't like that. Cat: it talks like the girl in the swamp with the wolf. even if we do end up fighting it, trying to talk to it might get us info. it sure sounds like this is the big boss fight. Meghan: I'll roll diplomacy to try to talk but I don't know what to say. Claire : Diplomacy Check 35 it's just been so long since I diplo bombed (GM) Chad S. (GM): Diplomacy takes a minute to use. I hope this fight ends in 10 rounds. Anything else you want to do, Claire? Meghan: huh. fine. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Possibly nuke the cage pinning you. Meghan: right, what works on it? burning hands, you think? (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll allow it! Meghan: Claire : Burning Hands School Evocation; Level 1 Casting Time 1 standard action Components VS Range 15 ft Effects/Target cone-shaped burst Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Reflex half Spell Resistance Yes Meghan is attacking Claire with Burning Hands! Meghan casts Burning Hands! Meghan: Damage: 5d4. Damage Result: 15 Burning Hands uses remaining: 2 apparently I'm attacking myself. :P but the cage, I mean. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Cage's Save 21 Claire burns at the iron cage, but it somehow rearranges itself to hold Claire and evade the flames. Round 4 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, Fi, Fleir, Vegeta are up next. Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 8 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. Hawk Hubertins casts Moment of Greatness! Hawk Hubertins: Level 1 Casting Time: 1 standard Components: V, S, M/DF (rabbit fur) Range: 50 ft. Targets/Area: The caster and allies within a 50-ft. burst centered on the caster Duration: 1 minute/level or until discharged Hawk Hubertins: Double morale bonus for one action of the targets choice within the duration of the spell before making a roll. George: Casting as a part of the song, so the bard song is free for the round. Gives everyone in the party a one time +4 from bard song instead of the +2. Err... scratch that. I failed to check ranges. It wouldn't get anyone. Hawk Hubertins: Double moving instead. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi Fleir and Vegeta up next. Fleir is attacking Calaminus with Powerful Bite! Fleir: Fleir : Powerful Bite Attack 25 Damage 8 Type PBS Chris: Start with normal arrows for this round since Nirdi did the rock thing. Fi is attacking Calaminus with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi: Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 10 Damage 13 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Fi is attacking Calaminus with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi: Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 17 Damage 5 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Cat: ... Fi: Vegeta was thrashing too much... Cat: yeaaaaaah. dude, the barn is over there Fleir bites into the giant easily. Fi's arrows bounce off its metal hide. Cat: ...that's a big health bar, guys. pro tip, i have 5 spells left. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Waiting for Vegeta to... probably flurry. Cat: yeah Meghan: ... am I out of the cage? Or is that a temporary issue? (GM) Chad S. (GM): You're still in the cage. You need to deal 8 more damage. Cat: someone cast Summon Hernz so we can advance the boss battle! (GM) Chad S. (GM): lol Cat: i need to see how beat up he gets next round. technically, i can throw him a cure light... Vegeta Pummels Calaminus, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Vegeta: Attack Results: 8 || 25 (Needs 26 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 5 || 6 Crit Confirm: 12 || 20 Crit Dmg (blunt): +7 || +9 Vegeta: Special: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. Hernz: sorry I wasn't here! Cat: hah it's fine. i'm just a snot. it's gonna take me a couple rounds to get to the next rock, thinking i should probably throw you a bit of a heal before i leave. Hernz: how much range you got on those? realtime 1/18 1:25 pm Vegeta hits the behemoth. Unlike last time it doesn't resist part of his fist. Calaminus's armor seems to recover and reinforces. Calaminus: Oof! You like to play? Me too, I like to play! Grapple check vs Vegeta's CMD 44 Calaminus squeezes Vegeta for 11 damage The metal bindings around Claire squeeze her (GM) Chad S. (GM): Grapple check vs Claire's CMD 40 The metal bindings deal 8 damage. Claire is at 24 HP + 6 NL damage. (To GM) rolling 4 4 = 4 Another rock, this time red, springs up next to Nidri. Lucky. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri and Claire are up. Claire's cage has 8 HP left. Vegeta: AAAAAAHHHHH!! Calaminus: Yaaaaah! I love to sing too! All of my Georges love to sing! Calaminus screeches in tune with Vegeta's screams Cat: ooooooh. hey, i don't have to run around. but, uh, vegeta. yeah. Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Vegeta! Nidranisan: heal 10 HPs. Cat: i assume shoving the rock is a standard action? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, shoving the rock is a standard. Nidri manages to relieve some of the squishing. But it's only a matter of time... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire's turn Vegeta: thanks Nidri! Nidranisan: i only have 2 of those left, hurry up. Cat: ...and be really glad i took that feat :P Hernz: :) Meghan: How much more damage to the cage do I need to do? (GM) Chad S. (GM): 8 more damage Meghan: Claire : Burning Hands School Evocation; Level 1 Casting Time 1 standard action Components VS Range 15 ft Effects/Target cone-shaped burst Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Reflex half Spell Resistance Yes Meghan casts Burning Hands! Meghan is attacking Claire with Burning Hands! Meghan: Damage: 5d4. Damage Result: 8 Burning Hands uses remaining: 1 no whammy no whammy... also why does a cage get a reflex save. really? Hernz: I think hitting with regular attack would do more damage since objects only take half, no? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, I know...that's what the rules say. Meghan: really? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Reflex Saving Throw 10 Meghan: I could do that, maybe. or that Claire's intense heat shatters the cage. The metal plates quickly return to Calaminus Hernz: guess not lol Round 5 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, Fi, Fleir, Vegeta are up next Hernz: I'll go now, but my attack will wait until after hawk... in case he drops the rock on him :) Fi uses 2 sendrine arrows. Vegeta Pummels Calaminus, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Vegeta: Attack Results: 26 || 15 (Needs 26 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 3 || 4 Crit Confirm: 20 || 10 Special: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. Vegeta: Crit Dmg (blunt): +9 || +9 Fi is attacking Calaminus with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi: Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 18 Damage 5 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Fi is attacking Calaminus with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi: Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 21 Damage 5 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Hernz: great damage rolls all around........ Fi is cursed. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi, you're attacking after Hawk? Fi used sendrine arrows as mentioned earlier. Chris: might as well test the hypothesis. One of Fi's arrows bounces off of the iron plating, but the second one scores a hit. It seems to deal an extra 4 damage as it hits. Chris: wow. nearly double. Hernz: does it seem to bypass DR? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, it did. Cat: we're doing tooth brushing and bedtime stuff. might convince hawk to 5' and shove after that :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): DC 10 Strength check to shove the boulder Hernz: yay....... go hawk.... he's just barely weaker than veg lol Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 8 +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. George: And having failed the save, Hawk is at a -2 to that as well? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, indeed. Plus you're poisoned. Hernz: yikes... Hawk Hubertins: rolling 1d20-4 ( 2 )-4 = -2 George: Ok, so -2 on the first try... Hernz: LOL George: Does that mean that Hawk somehow manages to secure the boulder a bit? Hawk kind of...pokes at the rock. Cat: maybe you could take a running start...... Vegeta's fist scores a solid hit, but is unable to penetrate its defenses. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Stopped by DR Hernz: all of it? (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir, it's up to you now! Hernz: it was a crit... (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, crit did not confirm Cat: did it not confirm? yeaaaah. (GM) Chad S. (GM): You did 3 damage Hernz: oh... though it was a 20 AC before... ok, nvm Cat: ok fleir, it's all you ;) dude's like 1/3 dead... Hernz: as long as it's not Streets of Rage style with a black bar under this one Nidranisan: haha. er Cat: haha Fleir is attacking Calaminus with Powerful Bite! Fleir: Fleir : Powerful Bite Attack 24 Damage 10 Type PBS Chris: Just hope it's not Legend of Mana! Fleir sinks her teeth into Calaminus and leaves a nasty mark! Meghan: Next time I have an action I should probably go help Nidri push rocks. Nothing else i have will reach. maybe if i get up near Nidri and push the rock I'll be in range to burninate Calaminus: Nice doggy! But I will hug you after I hug George! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Grapple vs Vegeta 41 Calaminus hugs again, dealing 9 damage to the Sayan Prince! (To GM) rolling 5 5 = 5 Another blue rock pops up as Calaminus bounces in place. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri and Claire are next Meghan: double move? yeah Vegeta, if you were good, I could light you on fire. but here we are consider accepting Jesus as your lord and saviour. Cat: no damage spells left? Vegeta: duble move means no spells this turn? Chris: She's got nothing to cast except maybe burning hands. Hernz: gotcha Meghan: Nothing in range burnign hands is 15 ft and I've got two flaming arcs but I need to be closer 35 ft. Hernz: yeah, but if you're in range, means he has an AOO cause he has insane reach Meghan: maybe i could've hit him from the lower level but I thought Nidri was going to push the rock so I'm gonna help Chris: If you push the rock, Nidri can heal. Meghan: is he 20x20 or 15x15? yeah Cat: 20x20 Meghan: does the 15' up we are count for my range? Cat: craaaaaap. Meghan: because then I need to stand where the rock is. Cat: i forgot about that. Hernz: he'd be at eye level for you Cat: true. he's presumed 20 tall? Meghan: if it doesn't count, I just need to take one step forward. but pushing the rock next round might be better. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, he's 20 feet tall. Cat: well, the big question now is, do you guys want me to try pushing the rock this turn and hope it works, or make one more last-ditch effort at keeping veg up for a round? Hernz: the arrows do well while he's busy squeeshing me... Cat: fair point. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Strategy! Decisions! Cat: really, i'm just judging how pathetically vegeta is squealing. Hernz: our firepower right now is Fi... we're meat shields lol Cat: that's how he communicates whether he wants healz ;) ok, let's do this and move on. Nidranisan casts Cure Light on Vegeta! Nidranisan: heal 10 HPs. Cat: if claire and i both push the rock does that lower the dc/give us a bonus/help somehow? :) y'know, next turn. Nidri uses her newly earned ability to heal Vegeta's wounds from afar. He inflates slightly. Round 6 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi, Hawk, Vegeta, Fleir: Go Hernz: same deal waiting on hawk Vegeta Pummels Calaminus, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Vegeta: Attack Results: 21 || 23 (Needs 26 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 3 || 5 Crit Confirm: 22 || 19 Crit Dmg (blunt): +5 || +5 Vegeta: Special: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. Hernz: does a 21 hit? also not sure if I have a minus from graple on these or not (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, the 21 hits Don't worry about grapple penalties. 'Cause I don't remember. Vegeta pummels away, managing to overwhelm some of the armor. Hernz: again, waiting on hawk if he does Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2 Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 7 Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended. rolling 1d20-4 ( 8 )-4 = 4 George: Better? Still not quite there. Hernz: lol Hawk struggles yet again (GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi and Fleir are up George: I still have TI and GI for reactions when someone barely misses. Hernz: probably save thsoe for Fi Cat: yeah too bad it doesn't work for crit confirm. Hernz: yeah... :) Cat: awwww did we lose chris already? Fi is attacking Calaminus with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi: Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 23 Damage 10 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Fi is attacking Calaminus with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi: Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 24 Damage 12 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Cat: wooooooooo Hernz: BOOM! (GM) Chad S. (GM): Still with Sendrine arrows? Chris: Yup. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Make sure you count those. Chris: Down 4. Another two Sendrine-tipped arrows pierce the giant's armor, dealing an extra 8 damage (GM) Chad S. (GM): That's 30 damage total Hernz: nice! go Fleir! Fleir is attacking Calaminus with Powerful Bite! Fleir: Fleir : Powerful Bite Attack 9 Damage 12 Type PBS Chris: lol Fi absorbed all the good luck. Fleir is left with nothing. Calaminus: Owies! George, why is elf playing so rough? (GM) Chad S. (GM): C's Grapple vs Vegeta 33 George: 'Cause you're a big fat meanie pants. :P Hernz: wow, yhat's the first sub 15 roll on a grapple lol Meghan: hahahah (GM) Chad S. (GM): Calaminus squeezes Vegeta for another 13 damage Vegeta: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! Calaminus: Yaaaaaaaaaaaa! Claire: You're going to break your toy. Calaminus: George is good at singing! Cat: sorry, he's rolling 2d6+4 and i'm only rolling 1d8+5. Vegeta: [in very dramatic DBZ fashion] (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 8 8 = 8 Hawk feels the ground beneath him shake, but then halt. He sees the tip of a green rock beneath his feet. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire and Nidri are up and then it's bedtime for me. Hernz: but but.... we can finish this!! Cat: how's your strength check, claire? :) Meghan: strength check? pretty average Claire : Strength Check 15 Cat: well ok then. Hernz: nice! Claire: Yeah, I got this. With a quick one-liner and a mighty heave, Claire shoves the red rock onto Calaminus. Covered in red powder, the titan trips and falls! Cat: lol and drops vegeta? Tenderized Vegeta spills on the ground. Cat: did you randomize which way he falls? 'cause if he falls left i can reach him, but there i can't ;) (GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 1 1 = 1 (GM) Chad S. (GM): Random, sorry. Chris: you can take a 15' drop, right? Hernz: he's on the ground... cant AOO (GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh no, Physics! Cat: lol physics. what's a 15' drop do to me? (GM) Chad S. (GM): DC 15 Acrobatics lets you ignore 10 feet of the fall. Hernz: dc 15 you avoid all... else 1d6 or 2d6 damage (GM) Chad S. (GM): You take 1d6 nonlethal if you make the fall Cat: suuuuure, and the other 75% of the time? :) (GM) Chad S. (GM): And 1d6 lethal if you fail the fall And you're prone if you fail Cat: ah. so that will prevent me from casting anyway. (GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup. Well, everyone except Claire should feel free to make their Round 6/7 actions. I'm going to bed. Cat: g'night! Hernz: ok, again, attacking after hawk Vegeta Pummels Calaminus, concentrating all his attacks in one area. Vegeta: Attack Results: 7 || 20 (Needs 26 on either hit to crit.) Damage(blunt): 3 || 3 Crit Confirm: 11 || 9 Crit Dmg (blunt): +3 || +9 Vegeta: Special: Total the damage from all attacks before applying DR. Attacks treated as Magic. Hernz: ugh.... Cat: yeesh. Vegeta is still dizzy from the fall Fleir is attacking Calaminus with Powerful Bite! Fleir: Fleir : Powerful Bite Attack 18 Damage 11 Type PBS Cat: that is like a SEA of red. though, prone, the 20 might hit him... Hernz: hahahaha Fi is attacking Calaminus with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi: Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 24 Damage 11 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Cat: i think 21 was hitting before. Fi is attacking Calaminus with Long Bow (Rapid)! Fi: Fi : Long Bow (Rapid) Attack 24 Damage 10 Ranged Notes: +1 within 30' Type piercing Hernz: but the 3 damage wont do anything Cat: but fleir's 18 might hit now. Fi uses 2 more sendrine arrows. Hernz: there, Fi takes the kill, easy Claire: I got a rock Cat: i think nidri is just gonna refocus, see what all that works out to, and go before the dude stands up. no real use being flat on my face on the ground. Vegeta falls to one knee, exhausted Cat: not gonna like, run around and try to flank it while it's lying down? ;) i guess you've been delaying anyway and letting hawk/fi go first. :) Hernz: he's pretty sure Fi took it out realtime 1/19, 9:21 am Still dizzy from the fall, Vegeta scores a weak hit. Its armor is undamaged. Fleir manages to bite the downed fiend, tearing off a critical piece of armor. Electricity surges through, revealing a glowing red power core. Whether through instinct or lots of exposure, Fi knows to fire two arrows right through its weakpoint. With that, the giant begins to pound his fists on the ground, causing the cave to shake even more. Calaminus: NOOO! George! Why did they hit the Big Boom Button! Dad's gonna be so mad when he puts me back together! Between the energy and the rumbling, it's clear that this cave will collapse within a few minutes! Fi: Uh... Oops. Quick find the thing the crystal is reacting to! and maybe pocket some colored sendrine if you have the chance. For research purposes. Combat Over, by the way
Out of the cave.
Vegeta: perception 425 perception 25 Hernz: oops lol Vegeta: let's see what we can find, quick! Fi: Fi : Perception Check 16 Chris: There's my 4. Hernz: you need a 425 like I rolled lol Chris: That was pretty pathetic for a d2014 Hernz: lol, that's what I was thinking Fleir: Fleir : Perception Check 17 Hernz: I'll likely be gone for when people log in... abuse my 10 strength to carry what you need lol Vegeta: by the way, nice shooting elf Fi: Oh, thanks. I'm glad to know there was a point to lugging these black arrows everywhere. Vegeta: heh (GM) Chad S. (GM): So Vegeta quickly scans smaller, easily pocketed rocks of the red, blue and green varieties. Claire feels the fragment as it pulls her towards a small white pebble with a small recess. Basically you guys have enough time to grab 2 things: 2 kinds of rocks, or one of the weapons left by the goblins. Any longer than that and I start rolling. Meghan: rock... rock ... rock... Cat: i'd rather scavenge for rocks Nidranisan : Perception Check 7 if i can find any HAH George: Hawk's grabbing some red and some green rocks and then he's gonna GTFO. Cat: yeah, i mean, if i can find a bit of blue. or have time to go try to grab a chunk from the big blue one and then run for it. Hernz: just tell veg what you guys want him to grab, he'll go for it... Fi isn't interested in the Goblin weapons, they seemed ineffective. Chris: Is any of Calaminus' armor is easily takable? realtime 1/21 7:26 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk grabs a pair of red and green rocks, then leaves. Nidri finds some blue rocks and runs. Claire is eventually drawn to a white rock, the size of her fist. Anything else? Fi contemplates grabbing a piece of Calaminus's armor, and notices a chip of its armor broken off next to Vegeta. Fi has time for 2, Vegeta has time for 2, and Claire has time for 1 piece. I added a document "Cave of Wonders Loot" to track what you took from the cave. Vegeta: veg will grab the piece of armor and some red rock Fi grabs some rocks. Fleir feels left out, and grabs something random off the ground. Cat: lol awesome. that'll turn out to be the coolest one. ;) Chris: or a stick :-P Fleir: Fleir : Perception Check 7 Chris: Yeah, probably a stick. But even that is special in a desert... Hernz: lol realtime 1/22 6:13 pm Party members quickly grab some rocks and then hightail it out of the cave! As they escape they hear the cave collapse. Sand sweeps in from every direction to fill in the gaps. The party escapes as the cavern is swallowed whole. The sandstorm is almost clear. Now that they're outside of the cave, the shard Claire carried and the white crystal she holds are drawn to each other. Claire notices a small hole on the crystal, about the size of the shard she carried. (GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll assume Claire puts the shard in the crystal. Please read the "White Crystal Message" handout. Meghan: sure Claire : Perception Check 7 I cannot make a dc 22 perception check anyone else want to try? Vegeta: perception 31 Hawk Hubertins: Hawk Hubertins : Perception Check 19 Cat: Nidranisan : Perception Check 5 haaaaaa. Fi: Fi : Perception Check 18 Fi is distracted by the sendrine. Cat: lol. i'm just...like not even paying attention when it happens. Chris: we both rolled a 6 :-P Hernz: at least one thing veg is good at lol Chris: That and making will saves so that you don't get a -2 penalty to everything. Hernz: haha Cat: so uh, do we know where we're going next/ ? also, maybe at least vegeta needs some healz first? Hernz: just a little bit... lol Chris: Well, should we start heading back to the capitol? We'll need to find a place to rest along the way. Should we try to visit Sheeva on the way back? Vegeta: Sure... she might know something about these rocks too realtime 1/23, 7:27 pm (GM) Chad S. (GM): The light flashes brightly in front of the group. Vegeta notices Sheeva approach the group. Chris: (how convenient) Fi: Oh, hello again. Seems we both finished up? Sheeva: Ah, yes! Glorious battle! Goblins piled upon me, from the ground the sky! I threw them off, grew to the size of the hills and breathed flame upon them! Fi: Raining goblins? That's a new one. Meghan: "hallelujah it's raining..." Sheeva: Haha, they are cunning, but not loyal. As soon as they heard a loud noise they scattered to the winds. That loud noise, well, I'm not surprised you're next to that cave in. Fi: Uh... yeah. The big metal thing went boom. Sheeva: Big metal? Fi: A golem of some kind. I think Vegeta grabbed a piece of it. It was digging for these rocks. They didn't seem to agree with it's composition. Chris takes away the apostrophe and hides it. Sheeva: Hmm... Rocks are very interesting. But this seems like overkill. No doubt Petal Rose will have many questions to ask. If you need a guide from the desert, I will help you exit. Cat casts Cure Moderate Wounds! Cat: Vegeta - heal 18 HPs. (GM) Chad S. (GM): While Sheeva isn't paying attention, Vegeta relays a very important message he saw when the flash. I have updated the "White Crystal Message" Handout I'm going to assume Vegeta would mention it before Sheeva arrived. Hernz: yes, sorry Vegeta: “I’m alive- keep this secret, especially around the Mels" I saw that message flash at the end of merki's message Fi face palms. Fi: Of course... That asshole. Vegeta: hahaha... I knew he was tougher than that! Sheeva returns to the group. Sheeva: So then...are you ready to head back? Nidranisan: Yes. Sheeva: Then follow me. Sheeva helps guide the party through the desert landscape. She and Vegeta spend the night watches sparring. Few predators want to challenge the red hot salamander, and the nights go peacfully.