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Prev: Draugh Empire, Part 3: Cave of Destiny

June 6, 1236 AD

Three days later, the party returns to the outskirts of the Draugh Kingdom. Sheeva stops as they approach the town.
Sheeva: You can see their tiny kingdom capital from here, yes?
You are all full of spirit and energy - that will guide you very far.
If you are ever in the desert, or near anywhere where the land is so hot it melts rock, call upon me and I will be there.
Fi: Thank you.
Sheeva: Vegeta- we must fight again sometime! I know you were holding back!
Fi: (whisper) Look who's talking.
Nidranisan snickers.
After wishing goodbye, Sheeva turns to the desert and quickly dashes into the sands, like a sidewinder.
Over the three days, everyone was able to recover from their wounds. Hawk and Nidri worked the Scorpion Poison out of their system.
Chris: Now for new will saves?
Cat: was just about to ask :)
The first day after exploring the cave full of Sendrine, Fi noticed the feeling of dread and paranoia was not remotely as intense as when they arrived in the kingdom.
Chris: ... figures.
As the party enters the capital, several soldiers led by General Johann approach. In the center of the group you see the princess.
Fi: Here comes the welcoming party.
Nidranisan: i feel welcome already...

Fi looks uncertain of what to expect.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Feel free to roll a Sense Motive check
Nidranisan : Sense-Motive
Check	24
Hawk Hubertins : Sense-Motive
Check	13
Nidranisan looks mildly amused.
Fi : Sense-Motive
Check	16
Claire : Sense-Motive
Check	6
Vegeta: sense motif 24
The soldiers stop in front of the party.
General Johann: Ah, yes. The guests from Harvest Wharf.
General Johann is prodded by the princess. He opens a scroll and reads from it in a matter-of-fact tone.
Chris: I'm sorry to have tried to have you killed.
General Johann: The Draugh Kingdom now formally apologizes for your unjust accusations of travesty.
The royal family officially recognizes your good faith, and the armed forces officially made a mistake.
The Princess nods and smiles at the party.
Chris: "treachery?"
General Johann grimaces
Cat: i kinda like accusations of travesty.
General Johann: Treachery
The Princess covers her mouth, barely hiding a chuckle.
Fi: Very well. Apology accepted. We won't hold anything against the Empire.
General Johann: We confused you with the Magmere Consortium, and investigated them. They seemed to be searching the desert. Did you find anything of importance?
Meghan: do we need diplomacy here?
The Princess gets serious and leans in.
Cat: uuuh if we don't want to tell them about the thing, we're more likely to need bluff for a while.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): No diplomacy checks needed, but you should decide on what you want to tell them.
Cat: my vote is talk about sheeva and rhino mech, leave out anything about sendrine and definitely not the crystal thingy.
Chris: Ditto. Don't forget the goblin army.
with guns.
Do they want info on what happened with Magmere too?
Cat: yes, that's what i lost in my brain.
and sure, nidri is always all for shitting on magmere.
still gonna let claire talk tho :)

Vegeta stays out of this... as usual... with his arms crossed, he stares off into the sky, with a dead gaze
Chris: Sayan's only speak with their fists?
George: What about BB and da big boss?
Chris: I'm pretty sure BB stays out of this.
Cat: yeaaaah.
Chris: Self aware mechs are illegal, and I'm sure the princess wants that off the radar.
Cat: agree.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You only met the Princess for one night! How would you know that?
Chris: Vegeta spilled the beans.
Vegeta: :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So I've heard:
Rhino Mech
Goblins with Guns
Do not talk about the cave
Do not talk about BB
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I didn't get a confirm about Magmere, though.
Cat: i'm not 100% clear on how we think magmere ties in -- they built the rhino and were working with the goblins?
Chris: I guess now is when we realize we should have gotten 1 weapon.
Hernz: lol
Cat: we just say we had to run out too fast...don't want to show them anything from the cave at all anyway.
Chris: All we've got right now on Magmere is that some intelligent robots were being forced to work against their will. I don't think we should talk about that at this time.
I would just assume that we don't implicate any connection with them now.
Cat: ok.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Sheeva
Rhino Mech
Goblins with Guns
Do not talk about BB
Do not talk about the cave
Chris: I think so. Everything else is reserved for Midnight.
The party gives its report. General Johann nods.
General Johann: Hmm, I see...I wonder how those are related...
Thank you for your report.
...may we leave now, Princess?
The princess smiles once more to the party before whispering something in the General's ear. He shudders before ordering his group to return to the palace.
Nidranisan tries so hard not to smirk.
Chris: Power abuse is funny when it happens to people you don't like :-P
The first of many important decisions were made that day. Knowledge was power, and the travelers from Harvest Wharf had acquired plenty.

Level up!

You are now level 6!

Fi jumps up and down!
Meghan: level up!
Cat: woooooo
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You have some downtime here to buy equipment and make purchases.
Cat: oh look, a cure spell appropriate for fleir's hps.
Meghan: what are our hit point increases again?
Cat: half the die, round up
Meghan: like die average?
Cat: yeah
or at least, reverse engineering says, i got 8 for lvl 1 and 5 for all the levels after on my d8 so i'm sticking with that :)
Chris: Expected value, round up?
Meghan: too bad I can't just put in a formula based on level
Cat: yes, that. and also, that...
Meghan: I get 3rd list spells now
hrm what should I ta--FIREBALL
Cat: yuuuup :)
Meghan: let's be real
Cat: i can see you really agonized over that one.
Meghan: I think I can also trade out a crap spell for a less crap spell
I should figure out what 2 other skills to put points into
Cat: yeah, i should probably be looking at doing that :|
the spell swap, that is.
Meghan: fucking sorcerors
Cat: haha.
Meghan: uuuugh
appraise is in class
as is heal and fly
Cat: yeah, trying to decide if i care enough to keep heal maxed.
given how rarely i roll it, i'm kinda thinking no.
i mean, i could train diplo a point but....why bother?
Claire : Fireball
School Evocation;
Level Sorceror 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VSM
Range 640 ft
Effects/Target 20 ft radius spread
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half DC18
Spell Resistance Yes
Damage: 6d6 to ever creature in area
how to target a point... hrm.
Claire : Fireball
School Evocation;
Level Sorceror 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VSM
Range 640 ft
Effects/Target 20 ft radius spread
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half DC18
Spell Resistance Yes
Damage: /roll 6d6 to ever creature in area
Claire : Fireball
School Evocation;
Level Sorceror 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VSM
Range 640 ft
Effects/Target 20 ft radius spread
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half DC18
Spell Resistance Yes
Meghan: Damage: 22 to ever creature in area
there we go
Can I target a space instead of a token?
Claire : Fireball
School Evocation;
Level Sorceror 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VSM
Range 640 ft
Effects/Target 20 ft radius spread
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half DC18
Spell Resistance Yes
Claire is attacking with Fireball
Meghan: Fireball uses remaining: 3
Damage: 22 to each creature in area of effect
meh. then it would actually calculate which tokens were affected. probably not
I did not have read magic...
Claire : Read Magic
School Divination;
Level Sorceror 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VSF
Range Personal
Effects/Target Self
Duration 6*10 minutes
Claire : Read Magic
School Divination;
Level Sorceror 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VSF
Range Personal
Effects/Target Self
Duration 60 minutes

Meghan casts Resistance!
Meghan: Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 minute
You imbue the subject with magical energy that protects it from harm, granting it a +1 resistance bonus on saves.
I think I was going to swap out charm person...
But I'm damned if I know what for.
Fi : Stealth Synergy
Class: Hunter
Stealth as a team
Fi : Stealth Synergy
Class: Hunter
38 or 35
Chris: Is there a way to take the max of two rolls in a math function here?
Hernz: veg si pumping up his escape artist to escape grapples lol
Cat: haha.
realtime 1/24 12:36 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hit Points is the average, round up. So for d6 classes like sorcerers you get 4 HP per level
Cat: so are there any lvl 0 spells left that don't suck? :)
maybe there is some secret, hidden list somewhere that do things that are at least funny ?:)
Meghan: apparently I didn't have either read or det magic
I have cleanse of alcohol though
(GM) Chad S. (GM): create water, mending, stabilize - those are pretty good level 0 spells.
Hernz: get identify.... that way we can try to ID stuff lol
btw, chad, total of 39 HP

Hernz attacks Vegeta with Flurry!
Hernz: Attack Result: 29
(Needs 33 to crit.)
Damage (blunt): 16
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 24
Crit Damage (blunt): +12
Hernz: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.

Hernz attacks Vegeta with Flurry!
Hernz: Attack Result: 16
(Needs 25 to crit.)
Damage (blunt): 2
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 12
Crit Damage (blunt): +2
Hernz: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.

Hernz attacks Vegeta with Flurry!
Hernz: Attack Result: 15
(Needs 25 to crit.)
Damage (blunt): 7
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 23
Crit Damage (blunt): +5
Hernz: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.

Hernz has no clue how the iterative attacks work... f that
Cat: identify is not lvl 0, and i do pretty well identifying things that aren't artifact level.
i should be able to get a scroll of it though.
Hernz: oh.. nevermind then lol
Cat: i guess i could pick up create water...that desert sure had an effect on me huh ;)
identifying an item is a spellcraft check, DC "15 + item's caster level"
my spellcraft is +12.
so it's sort of a matter of trying it a bunch unless the item was created by someone who is seriously in excess of like level 15.
but yeah, one thing i should look for is a couple scrolls to get that robe or whatever that i can't identify. (unless i was only off by 1 hah)
Hernz: we still need to identify the blue silk robes...
Can we take 20 on that? lol
Also, do people want to keep the sleeves or the headband?
Cat: nidri's was going to wear the headband at least until we decide what we're doing with it.
chad revealed that i couldn't identify that one even with a 20.
though i did just get one more point heh.
identify would give +10 to the roll.
but if i still have to roll, there's only a 50-50 shot i do any better...
so yeah, looks like scrolls of identify are 25 gp. i should just get a few.
Cat: if it's on my list
which...it's not.
so, check with meghan. :)
Meghan: what?
I think I have the headband...
Cat: probably a different headband.
Meghan: probably
Cat: how's your spellcraft check?
Meghan: it's a 6
I was going to switch out a first list spell
Cat: mm possibly worth getting you a few scrolls of identify.
Meghan: think I should take identify?
Cat: probably not worth a spell slot honestly.
scrolls are 25 gp.
unless there's nothing else you want at lvl 1.
Meghan: I have 4 and I rarely use charm person or the pearl of brilliance anymore
Cat: i mean, if you want, sure :)
Meghan: as soon as I switch out pearl of brilliance we'll have to fight undead...
Cat: yuuuup.
Meghan: I did use charm person well that once.
Cat: whether you get the spell or we get a couple scrolls, you can give it a try on the robe...but you gotta roll like a 20.
Meghan: just once.
to identify what again?
Cat: there's a robe nidri literally couldn't identify with +11.
Meghan: ok
I can't remember if there was somethign else I wanted
Chris: I assume that we have at least 2 more meetings to go before we gtfo. Petal Rose and Midnight?

Hernz Pummels Vegeta, concentrating all his attacks in one area.
Attack Results: 19 || 16 || 24
Damage(blunt): 15 || 15
Crit Confirm: 29 || 29 || 28
Crit Dmg (blunt): +13 || +15 || +11
Special 1: Total all damage before applying DR.
Hernz: Special 2: Attacks treated as Magic.
Special 3: Auto-sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save.
Special 4: If hit by first hit, Fort DC 19 or stun for 1 round
....eeeww... I hate how it splits all that into separate lines now

Vegeta Pummels Vegeta
Vegeta: Attack Results: 14 || 16 || 23
Damage (piercing): 14 || 12 || 14
Crit Confirm: 22 || 19 || 20
Crit Dmg (blunt): +10 || +13 || +14
Special 1: Total all damage before applying DR. Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save. Special 3: If hit by first hit, Fort DC 19 or stun for 1 round Special 4: Attacks treated as Magic.
Hernz: that's as condensed as it's gonna get
Vegeta : Perception
Check	19
Vegeta : Ki Pool
School N/A;
Level 0
Casting Time N/A
Components N/A
Range N/A
Effects/Target N/A
Duration N/A
Saving Throw N/A
Description: /me has Vegeta|repeating_lvl-0-spells_$X_used left
Vegeta : Ki Pool
School N/A;
Level 0
Casting Time N/A
Components N/A
Range N/A
Effects/Target N/A
Duration N/A
Saving Throw N/A
Description: /me has 14 left
Vegeta : Ki Pool
School N/A;
Level 0
Casting Time N/A
Components N/A
Range N/A
Effects/Target N/A
Duration N/A
Saving Throw N/A
Description: Vegeta has 14 Ki left

Hernz Pummels Vegeta
Hernz: Att: 25 || 26 || 9
Damage (P): 16 || 12 || 16
Crit Confirm: 23 || 28 || 12
Crit Dmg (P): +14 || +13 || +9
Special 1: Total all damage before applying DR. Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save. Special 3: If hit by first hit, Fort DC 19 or stun for 1 round Special 4: Attacks treated as Magic.

Vegeta Pummels Vegeta
Vegeta: Att: 27 || 16 || 15
Damage (P): 16 || 12 || 12
Crit Confirm: 16 || 17 || 20
Crit Dmg (P): +9 || +9 || +15
Special 1: Total all damage before applying DR. Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save. Special 3: If hit by first hit, Fort DC 19 or stun for 1 round Special 4: Attacks treated as Magic.
realtime 1/25 8:38 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta beats himself up.
Hernz: :) lol
Chad, did you roll the something random that Fleir picked up?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Uhh... 3
Fleir found a very shiny pebble.
Hernz: .....woot
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol
Cat: yay shiny.
Meghan: For Chad & George: Chris is playing Xenoblade Chronicles X and he just ran into a ravine full of girallons. or, as I called them "fireballs, with arms."
George: Does Fi have a dex item?
Pondering my new 2nd list spell.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol, really feeling those Girallons
So I know Vegeta and Claire leveled up
George: I'm about half way done leveling Hawk.
Still working on skills and spells.
Cat: nidri's new HP total is 33
er, hmm.
no, it's not, it should be 39.
so yeaaah, 39. :)
i have one skill point i didn't allocate yet, otherwise done leveling.
should i bother trying to ID that robe again with my one more point? :)
Hernz: How do you set a skill or spell to auto reduce the number of times you have left to use it? I want to do that for my ki
like bard song too
On another note, the sickened condition... nothing says they're immune to sickened... but oozes, golems... nothing?

Dragon Warriors finished partying!

realtime 1/28 8:25 pm
In the distance, you see General Johann walk up to one of the taverns at the docks and read from a scroll.
Some of the Dragon Warriors, including Captain Pankraz, listen to him and then shoo him away.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You have plenty of downtime, but I'll get things moving for now.
Chris: Meghan and I will be rather busy for a bit. Hopefully will be able to figure out last of level and any selling/purchasing this weekend.
Fi: Ah, hello captain. The general bothering you?
George: Hawk is now at 39 HP. I still need to pick a second list spell and his last few skill points.
Chad, is it ok if I take a point of K/Engineering at this point?
Vegeta: [captain] I don't like speeches myself... what's this guy babbling about?
Hernz: I updated prices on the loot we ID'd... if anyone wants any of it, claim in... Claire/Nidri should try to ID that third damn item
George: So active unsold loot is Magmere Factory, Cave of Wonders, and Scorpion Cave?
realtime 1/30 4:07 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, you can take K Engineering.
Captain Pankraz: Vegeta. Fi. Good to see you again. Did things go well with you?
The Draugh Army has been questioning us for the last few days. I think...one day after you arrived.
Anyway, they told us our ship was no longer on lockdown, and they made a mistake and yadda yadda ydda.
Shrengren was this close to uh...revealing himself and taking control of the port directly.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, you were 27 HP last level. How did you get 12 more?
I must have forgot to update last level?
George: Yeah
It's 8 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 1/level(6) = 39
So last level he was 33.
So you must have missed a level.
And yeah, if they're still available, Hawk would want the sleeves of many garments.
Just need to figure out Hawk's other 2nd list spell now.
Hernz: I was gonna say "did Hawk take.... TOUGHNESS???" lol
George: Anyone have suggestions for the 2nd list spell? Right now I'm pondering invis, hold person, or one of the stat buffs.
Hernz: can you sing and be invis?
hold person could be good... but if it gets too good, chad will toss non-humanoids at us lol
Cat: i think spontaneous immolation is lvl 2? you could make claire jealous ;)
Hernz: Blindness? basically render someone useless (like hold person), but can be non-humanoids too...
George: Hawk has a sort of no harm thing going with his spells. They're all buffs. SI isn't on the bard list.
And yeah, invis and singing works fine, just means they can try to use the sound to home in on me. They still get the miss chance if they try to hit me.
Eldrick: Hey! Did you tell them Kandar got away?
Cat: blur might be cool vs invis, because it can go on people who are attacking...?
Hernz: but invis only lasts for one attack... I say hold person is good, so is maybe dex buff... it'd be hilarious to see you load up our gunner :)
I mean, you also have level 2 heal already, which we seem to be needing lots of lately... so you might not be using this new spell as much
[guys] did we buy a scroll of ID? I say we do so that we can ID that last magic item... we can take the money from the pool of GPs... Cat make checks until Chad said you ID'd... then we'll say we spent that many ID scrolls...
For all we know, we have Robes of ass kicking, and we should have donned them... actually, if we just put it on, can we maybe tell what it does to us?
Cat: i can't use ID scrolls, the spell isn't on my list.
Nidranisan : Spellcraft
Check	33
that's with a guidance. best I can do.
chad, lemme know if that does it :)
George: Given that we know this is a difficult check, Hawk would use his Inspire Competence bard song to add another +2, and if that still isn't enough, he can also cast Gallant Inspiration to add 2d4 after we know whether the spellcraft succeeded.
So Nidri gets a 35 on that check.
with a potential additional 2d4 if needed.
No, wait, I can only use one or the other. Given that GI is a higher potential bonus, if the 33 fails, Hawk would use GI rather than the song.
Friggin' non-stacking bonuses.
Cat: so -- chad, let us know if the 33 still fails, and if it does, hawk can throw 2d4-1 (-1 because it won't stack w/guidance)
Hernz: if the 33 fails....... we got a REALLY GOOD item lol
as far as Eldrick's question n us telling them Kandar got away... anyone want to chyme in there? veg doesn't do well with these things usually
Cat: ...it's like you don't read the stuff i type.
i had a 31 before, and that failed :P
realtime 1/31, 4:24 pm
After much effort and a little tune from Hawk, Nidri identifies the blue silk robe as Mnemonic Vestments.
Captain Pankraz and Eldrick wonder if the party noticed their reply...
George: Wow. Ok, so that blue robe is something for about half of the party to fight over.
Hawk Hubertins: How did Kandar get away?
Eldrick: Well, I think he dressed up as a guard and pretended to inspect our lodgings. When Shengren threw them out he must have left with them.
Captain Pankraz: Shengren didn't...

Captain Pankraz sighs
Captain Pankraz: Kandar is surprisingly crafty when he puts his mind to it.
And the Draugh Army can be very pushy. They suspected us of harboring evil figures...the General described you guys, actually!

Captain Pankraz laughs
Captain Pankraz: I told him we had captured a thief and we had nothing to hide. So they inspected us.
Hawk Hubertins: They said we were evil?
Eldrick: You can't be evil - Prince Vegeta is on your side!
Captain Pankraz: They said they noticed signs of corruption at a party or something. If you ask me, the Draugh Army is so large it would be easy to sneak spies in.
I would be angrier, but Kandar gave us plenty of information on the Dragonlord's latest operations, and he knows he can't get anymore support from him. We'll find him again eventually.
Eldrick: Man, let's blow this popsicle stand. When are we leaving, Captain?
Captain Pankraz: As soon as you guys are ready.
George: Hawk now has Invisibility.
Chris: Chad, what's the base price for the small sized suits and weapons from the scorpion cave?
Anyone planning to keep the Sleeves, Headband, or Vestment from the Factory Loot?
Meghan: we should definitely keep the vestment
headband is a bonus to intimidate?
also the sleeves seem like something Claire would want
Fi: We just got back today, and we need to meet with two people before we head out. We got a bit caught up in an incident here with Magmere. Probably why they bothered you.
Chris: Does everyone agree that we should talk with Petal Rose and Midnight before we go?
Fi is at 27HP. Fleir is at 51HP.
George: Hawk also wants the sleeves. Roll off between Hawk and Claire for them?
Chris: You each get one sleeve.
George: :P
Meghan: Hawk can have the sleeves. Claire is fashionable enough not to need them.
(claire also has "clean" and "mending" )
Hernz: Put your name next to the items you want. We'll figure out IOUs after we roll claire's diplo bomb to figure out what stuff would have sold for. And yes Chad, prices on the small sized stuff... maybe one bulk price is enough since we'll likely try to sell it all

Hernz has updated battle stats
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Armor costs the same for Small and Medium creatures.
realtime 2/1 7:07 pm
Captain Pankraz: Well, make your preparations. We'll be here.
Chris: But you didn't even put how many there are. Just misc.
On the Scorpion Cave Loot.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh...
Let's get a bulk price for everything.
Chris: Yeah.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): There are 8 suits of armor
Costing 50 gp each, so... 400 gp total.
Chris: Ok. Weapons?
Or is that included :-P
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll bump it to 500 for weapons and armor.
Chris: Deal!
Is Nidri keeping the Headband, Cat? Or should we sell it?
If we sell all items at 50%, it would be 1530GP. Any kept items will need to come out of that or be paid for if they go over. So decide what you want.
Sorry that 1530GP is the per person amount we get from everything split up.
Hernz: we could get more if Claire rolls well :)
but 1530 is good too lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So, did you guys split the loot, or should we roll for diplomacy?
Hernz: diplo at least for the armors and junk
Chris: I suppose we should start the diplomacy rolls.
Fi will try to help.
Fi : Diplomacy
Check	21
Chris: ... REALLY?
Hernz: lol
Vegeta : Diplomacy
Check	6
You should buy all this crap
Meghan: we should keep the magic items.
maybe not the deadman's headband, I guess
I can usually diplobomb better than any intimidation check
but here's my to-sell diplobomb
Claire : Diplomacy
Check	28
wow that sucked
Chris: It's a matter of who takes ownership of the 5000GP item.
Meghan: oi
Chris: Or does it become a party hot swap item?
Meghan: we should totally do that
on a rotating day-of-the-week basis
make it really hard for Chad to deal with
ok, to bed with me.
George: And Hawk will also try to help Claire
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Diplomacy
Check	29
realtime 2/2, 7:45 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That's some diplomacy. The total is currently... 37
Let's see what the shopkeepers do, here. 24
Does Nidri help? 18
She does, putting it to 39 vs 24...that's +15
You can sell at 65% value.
Cat: i have to look at the cost on the headband.
we don't use intimidate in place of diplo, i use it otherwise.
Hernz: so does Nidri want the intimidate band? prices were calc'd
We each get 1809 GP, minus any gear we take
George: Cool. Hawk has monies!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Time to buy a pony!
George: A magical pony!
With Blackjack!
And hookers!
In fact, forget the pony!
Hernz: lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Slightly out of character for Hawk
George: Just slightly.
That's why that was said OOC. :P
Cat: eeeh. it's kind of expensive for what it does honestly.
Hernz: yup... well, considering you just want it for a +2
Cat: if people don't go around trying to steal and sunder your awesome headgear.
i'd say just sell it.
Hernz: k, then you get the full 1809
Cat: i do wanna spend some time looking at all the rocks we brought back from the cave.
possibly before we go talk to ppl.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You can make a Craft(Alchemy) check. So can Fi, if he wants to help.
Chris: I don't think Claire is buying the vestment for herself (due to cost), but it is one of those things which might be too valuable to the party to sell.
If we keep that as an item belonging to the party that anyone can use, we get 1159GP per person instead.
Fi : Craft (Alchemy)
Check	23
realtime 2/3, 8:23 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Where to next, guys?
Hernz: do peeps want to keep the robes? 700 gs each is a bit of dough...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I guess everyone's downloading Smash Bros characters like me
Hernz: lol
Cat: i help
Nidranisan : Craft (Craft - Alchemy)
Check	17
yup! i'm a helper!
as far as the vestement thingy, i could probably be more well rounded if i hang on to them.
depending on what all spells i can find scrolls of.
Cat: (and nidri actually can afford them)
(i'm thinking things like lesser restoration or slow poison etc etc that could become available...)
Hernz: yeah... get a haste scroll and have Claire cast that at the start of battle since she took fireball :)
keep the robe then
as far as who to visit next.... midnight?
Chris: I suspect midnight will need to happen after dark. Perhaps Petal Rose first? Sheeva seemed to imply she might be interested in what happened.
Hernz: sure, petal rose it is. Chad teleport us there!
assuming we're done shopping
Chris: Does anyone else want to try to get her opinion on sendrine? Right now all our info is really just from one or two sources.
Cat: i don't get haste. if you want haste, you gotta give claire the robe...if i'm buying it, i'm wearing it :P
Hernz: yes, lets see what she knows about sendrine... and yeah, you guys decide on the robe... the moment we sell it, chad lets us find a spellbook with every spell ever known
Cat: so for the moment, on the robe -- everyone gets a share as if we sold it, and i pay the price we would've sold it for?
which is...65% of the 5000?
Hernz: basically it costs the price in the parens... 3000 something, then subtract the 1809, and you owe the rest...if you want to keep it... so you'd pay the diff
so Hawk gets 1809 - 130 (cause he took the sleeves)
Cat: ok, so +1809 and -3250.
and figure out what i want scrolls of. :)
realtime 2/4 8:09 pm

Petal Rose

Petal Rose's garden is surprisingly empty of townsfolk. Her wooden guardians are herding people off the grounds and maintaining a tight perimeter around the garden.
Still, Claire announces her presence and requests an audience. An few minutes later the golems step aside, let the party in, and continue their guard.
The tiny plant-like creature seems motionless, with her hands and feet literally rooted into the ground. It's somewhat scary.
After a few minutes, she blinks, looks up at you and suddenly comes to life: breathing, blinking, moving bit by bit. She snaps off her vines.
Petal Rose: Oh. H-hello. Yes. Um...I'm Petal Rose.
Wait, you know that already.
Number 26, I told you to give me a few minutes to- We're gonna have a long discussion after this.
One of the golems looks down, seemingly embarrassed.
Petal Rose: Hi. Um. I'm kinda on high alert right now. If this is a social call, maybe later?
Something happened a few days ago and...I suddenly can't see something in the desert.
Nidranisan: something in particular that you used to be able to see?
Petal Rose: Uhhh...

Petal Rose freezes for a few seconds
Nidranisan : Sense-Motive
Check	11
Petal Rose: What's the right way to say this: I can see a lot.
Cat: oh yeah, the dice are hot.
Petal Rose: A lot, a lot. As long as it's part of the ground.
Deserts are a little troublesome due to the shifting sand, but it's usually alright.
Nidranisan: and something you used to be watching isn't anymore?
Petal Rose: A few days ago, a cave...disappeared. Caves don't do that
They usually collapse.
Hawk Hubertins: It... collapsed
Petal Rose: But I should see the...ugh.
I need an analogy here.
Hawk Hubertins: So, we were in a cave, had a fight, and when the fight was over the whole place sort of started shaking and collapsed. Maybe it was that cave?
Petal Rose: Or maybe I should let Sheeva handle this. It's her desert, anyway.
Hawk Hubertins: Collapsed might be the wrong word. Imploded?
It was pretty sudden and violent.
Vegeta : Sense-Motive
Check	27
Petal Rose: So I should have...see it. Maybe I can't see it through the desert.
Nidranisan: well, i think we were going to try to talk to sheeva again before we left, we could let her know you were concerned.
Cat: ...we were, right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi had suggested talking to Petal Rose and Midnight.
Vegeta: sheeva is a good fighter... she's probably fine on her own
Cat: aaaaah okay, scratch that then.

Petal Rose paces across the dirt floor
Cat: scrolls fi wanted a sendrine opinion so...
Petal Rose: But there was a cave that collapsed, Hawk? Uh, anything special in there?
Cat: if anyone thinks we shouldn't ask, speak now ;)
Petal Rose: Or am I going crazy?
Nidranisan mumbles something, "not sure those are mutually exclusive..."
Nidranisan: have you heard of a peculiar substance called "sendrine"?
Petal Rose: A send... what?
Hawk Hubertins: Yeah, it was full of odd colored rocks that we think are called "Sendrine"
Vegeta : Sense-Motive
Check	33
Hernz: to see if she's lying about her knowledge of sendrine
Petal Rose: What? I've never heard of this stuff.
Vegeta: [party] she doesn't knwo... don't waste her time
Nidranisan: it has strange properties particularly in interaction with outsiders, and could be why that cave is behaving strangely with regards to your sight.
Hawk Hubertins: What Nidri said.
Nidranisan: at any rate, we spoke with sheeva before we went there, so i'm pretty sure she's aware of the general situation.
Petal Rose: Hmpf. Sheeva never tells me anything. She's always punching rocks. Never tells me about volcanic flow or soil that she's enriched either.
I'll have to have a long talk with her, and soon.
Nidranisan chuckles.
Petal Rose: Weird that I can't see... usually manufactured...

Petal Rose shakes her head
Petal Rose: Okay, this explains a lot.
Nidranisan: manufactured?
Petal Rose: Huh? What? Where?
Thanks for telling me about this cave.
Nidranisan: you said "usually manufactured"
Vegeta: don't play coy with us
Petal Rose: I did? Oh.

Petal Rose turns a brighter shade of pink
Petal Rose: Well, I don't see a lot of manufactured things well. Castles, for example. It's just a big blur.
The cave in the desert, well, it's a desert, I don't see it well in the first place. But now it looks like a big ball of metal just...clumped underground.
People don't do that.
Cat: the big dude got buried, right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Calaminus was buried underground as the cave collapsed, yes.
Nidranisan: ah...like a metal structure, or like a giant metal golem?
Hawk Hubertins: Sounds like the... yeah, him.
Petal Rose: How big is this? Wait, did you guys fight a golem underground?
Nidranisan: more or less, yeah.
i mean, technically there were two.
one was kinda huge, the other one was like seriously colossal.
Petal Rose: ...

Petal Rose squats on the ground
Petal Rose: Maybe you should start from the beginning?
Nidranisan: you know magmere, yeah?
Petal Rose: Yeah. All over the place here. Never trusted them.
Nidranisan: good call.
they are into this whole building the big metal golems thing, and they were homing in on this cave, and sheeva wasn't too pleased about it.
they were drilling down there.
Cat: i'm not actually trying to lie, i just don't remember the details, so correct me if i actually falsify something ;)
Petal Rose: So Magmere put this big golem guardian in there, and you guys destroyed it, and it caused a cave in?
Hawk Hubertins: More or less.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): With the information you have, you know Magmere had a factory in the desert. They didn't seem to know about the cave, though. If they did, you would be surprised that they used mostly goblins to approach the cave.
Agent Midnight knew about the cave and helped you get there once she rescued BB from Magmere's factory.
Nidranisan: ah, i don't think they put it in there...but they were tromping around the desert maybe looking for it?
someone had the golem in there drilling.
Cat: yeah, my memory is, she's not fond of midnight.
Petal Rose: I'll just assume it's Magmere. Serra said she had them running scared.
Nidranisan: i pretty much assume anything underhanded, dirty, or obnoxious is related to them somehow.
and i would definitely NOT want them getting ahold of the sendrine from the cave.
Petal Rose: Hmm. Serra didn't mention anything about a cave. I guess she was distracted chasing Magmere down.
She's always trying to smite something.
Hehe, youngins.
Um. Right. Well, thanks. I think this answered a lot of questions.
Unless there's anything else you have, I need to plan my next move, here.
Nidranisan: care to share what all that explained?

Petal Rose shrugs
Petal Rose: I guess I can't see the cave because a huge Magmere golem fell into a cave in the desert.
Nidranisan: i don't know if we confirmed they were magmere. suspected maybe.
Petal Rose: Sounds like it has some valuable mineral or something. Sheeva and Serra will be hunting Magmere stragglers for days.
Nidranisan: was there a reason you were watching that cave in particular?
Petal Rose: Huh? I watch...everything.
As long as your feet are connected to the ground, I see you.
If your pinky went numb one day, you'd want to know why.
Nidranisan: well. that'll keep me awake at night.
Petal Rose: Um. Right...

Petal Rose shuffles nervously
Petal Rose: So, is that all?
George: Did we ask/tell everything we wanted with Petal Rose?
Hernz: I think so... we wanted to see if she knew anything about the sendrine... no luck
Cat: i think we told plenty. if anyone else has stuff to ask, now's the time
chaaaad, i tried to send you a thing and i think it didn't work. i made a list of scrolls i want to be looking for, but it's long, how should i send it to you :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Email or a shared Google Doc are probably the best ways.
Cat: ah, google doc makes it easier to throw prices/stats/whatever on when we find them somewhere?
unless you want to make a handout in here.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, easier to update over time.
Cat: for scale, it's like 20. ish.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Either format is fine. Whichever is easier for you.
Cat: k, google doc it is :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Sweet. Bedtime for me. Don't get snowed out!
Cat: or snowed in?
chad, i don't have a gmail for you, lemme know if you have one that makes a google doc easier than using your UC address
(GM) Chad S. (GM): therealchadius@gmail.com
Hernz: be safe all... I think we might just get rain down here
realtime 2/5 8:01 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 95
= 95
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 54
= 54
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 74
= 74
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 59
= 59
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 17
= 17
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 47
= 47
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 30
= 30
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 51
= 51
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 80
= 80
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 46
= 46
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 20
= 20
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 48
= 48
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 99
= 99
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Any further questions for Petal Rose? Otherwise, where to next?
Hernz: Did we say Midnight?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi did mention Agent Midnight.
First, you'll have to find her.
Maybe the Princess will know?
George: GM seems to be telling us we should talk to the princess. Therefor, I suggest we go back to Harvest Wharf.
Cat: haha.
...do i really want to spend like 3600 gp on scrolls? ;)
George: Only 3600?
Cat: well, 3625.
so no.
...clearly i should bring claire to the scroll shop and see if i can get a bulk discount.
Hernz: definitely
Vegeta: let's go see midn- I mean... uh... "the princess"

Vegeta rolls his eyes
realtime 2/6 6:22 pm
Unsurprisingly, the princess is busy and cannot hold an audience with you until tomorrow. However, the retainer does ask if you wish to deliver her a message.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Slow night, Cat.
Cat: chris and meghan just got home.
slow week tho, yeah? :)
so what kinda message you guys wanna send? leaving tomorrow, hope to see you before we go?
Hernz: do we want to tell her about merki's message and that we know he's still alive?
Cat: not in a message we're sending.
Hernz: right... but some sort of hint of it... if not, then I guess we can say "we have important news"
Cat: pretty sure if we say we're leaving and wanted to talk to her, she'll understand that we mean "midnight"
Hernz: yeah, pretty much anything we say will give that hint... so yeah, no specific message then
Cat: she seems perfectly well adept at finding us :)
mostly i think we should tell her roughly when we plan to leave. and she'll know how to find us before that.
realtime 2/7 9:10 pm (escape from Sportsball edition)
Hernz: but they just had a kickass xmen apocalipse commercial!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I already saw the creepy commercial of SBL, I'm good
"We're going to stick this motor on your baby's chest."
Although if that ended with the Baby becoming Tony Stark and putting on the suit it would have been worth it
Well, you guys have some free time until you retire back at the inn. Anyone doing anything interesting?
Or should I fast forward?
Hernz: FF
I think we've had a week of free time lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol

June 6, 1236 AD (night)

The party has retired to the bedroom suite when they hear a knock behind one of the bedroom doors.

Vegeta will go see who it is... not expecting anyone in particular at all.......
Hernz: but in case it's someoen with a bomb....
Vegeta : Perception
Check	26
Hernz: do I hear a tick tick tick tick behind the door?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): No ticky tocks

Vegeta opens the door
Surprise! It's a bom- er, Agent Midnight, holding a showbox-sized package.
Agent Midnight: Vegeta. May I enter?
Vegeta: thanks for coming
Agent Midnight: The pleasure is all mine. The Princess regrets that she was unable to formally bid you goodbye, and sent me in her stead.

Agent Midnight gently drops the shoebox-sized package on the commons table
Agent Midnight: Inside are the finest of teas and some biscuits from the royal palace.
BB also sent his personal thanks for your aid. I was able to repair him and he is functioning at full capacity.
Vegeta: so we went to the cave... found some interesting developments...
Hernz: I think if merki said to trust midnight, we should be free to tell her he's alive and the don't trust the mels thing?
Agent Midnight: Oh? The princess didn't mention the cave. I believe the army does not know about it.
Cat: pending chris and meghan, nidri may be dragging claire and hawk scroll shopping that afternoon to haggle for her.
but we can roll diplo bombs later.
Nidranisan: It's possible that is for the better. Have you heard of a substance called Sendrine?
Fi: We were unsure how much to tell the princess in front of the general. I wouldn't want to expose something that you wanted to keep out of his ears.
Such as more of these sentient robots.
We encountered one at the location you specified on the map. It was digging for Sendrine. Said it's 'daddy' would be happy.
Chris: (BTW) We already know what Midnight knows on Sendrine. She only knows about it through Merki, the name was new to her when we brought it up last.
realtime 2/8 6:55 pm
Agent Midnight: Sendrine...yes, I think you mentioned that before.
I feel you were correct to limit the response to General Johann. He has a knack for misinterpreting information.
I know BB will be thankful, as well as myself.
Another sentient robot? Hmm. What creature was it based on?
Cat: player has like, literally, no memory these days :\
(in fact, i apparently can't even remember who plays hawk...)
Hernz: was it a rhyno? the driller?
Cat: the rhino was the room before...
Vegeta: the other one was just a huge mecha with a sword... humanoid I guess
Agent Midnight: A humanoid...uhh
Hernz: Right?
Agent Midnight: An interesting development. The sentient beings were all based on animals. This may be a rogue unit. Did it have some kind of symbol or insignia?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Calaminus was an Iron Giant with a sword who hugged and squeezed Vegeta.
Vegeta: Int to remember insignia? 14
Hernz: I forget if we pointed one out or not
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You remember the goblins in the cave full of Sendrine wore different garments compared to Magmere's clothing.
Vegeta: oh right, the symbol in those armors we sold
definitely not magmere
Agent Midnight: Hmm... Another party? This just got more confusing.
While the army and Magmere were fighting, another party took advantage of the chaos.
Merki was right; this cave is important.
Vegeta: it did collapse as we managed to escape
Agent Midnight: Merki didn't indicate why the cave was important, though. I initially thought the gems inside were simply valuable, but.
There was something else about the gems, wasn't there?
Vegeta: we did take samples... they seemed to debilitate the iron giant
Cat: chad, was there any update to the sendrine info from my helping Fi? (we hit 25...(
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I added a little bit more to reflect the 25 check you made, but that's about all you know from study.
Agent Midnight: Some kind of weapon. I see.
I will tell the princess of its significance, but it sounds like you don't want the Draugh Army to guard the cave either, or you would have told the General.
Secrecy and has its advantages and disadvantages.
Perhaps the fewer who know of this, the fewer attackers. However the Draugh Empire would consider this a token of goodwill from Harvest Wharf if they were alerted.

Agent Midnight shakes her head
Agent Midnight: Politics is difficult.
Nidranisan: no kidding.
i'm not sure "weapon" is quite the right idea.
it's a material really, we thought there was only one kinda, but it turns out there are several, and they have different properties.
Hernz: anyone want to go talk to that old guy who paid us for sendrine to see what's up with these samples?
Cat: fi is concerned that we only ever get info on it from him.
i kinda agree.
Nidranisan: (er, only one "kind")
Hernz: should we tell her of merki? or did we already?
Fi: So, these colored ones are very similar to the black, but carry specific qualities. Red seem to confer extra momentum. Maybe a weapon would cause more knock back?
Blue seem to dissipate magical energies.
Green causes hardened defenses to be weakened.
Cat: we didn't yet.

Agent Midnight nods along, taking mental notes
Fi: As you have observed with the black, it will be difficult to make into weapons.
Cat: i've heard some say we should, i haven't heard anyone say we shouldn't. (tell her about merki.)
Agent Midnight: I see. Someone thinks they are important enough to steal, however. At the very least they are invading.
Fi: I'm not sure what all these groups are planning to do with it.
Heck, I'm not sure what we're doing with it.
Hernz: Ivote for telling her of merki
Chris: I'm not sure of a reason not to.
It's the Mels that can't find out.
Agent Midnight: Haha. Merki, you sly dog...
Hernz: lets do it then
Agent Midnight: He told me they were merely magical reagents.
I will...never forget his sacrifice.
Fi: Speaking of Merki, we have some interesting news.
Agent Midnight: Every life lost is my responsibil- oh, yes?
Fi: I take it that you helped him record that message?
Agent Midnight: Ah yes, he said the white gem was some kind of scrying crystal. I didn't understand it fully, but I did help him.
I was overdue for my patrol of the cavern, so I let him finish things while I went on my route.
Fi: He planted a hidden message in it. Seems he planned to fake his own death to escape from the watchful eye of the Mels.
Explains a lot of what happened.
A look of surprise and relief washes over Agent Midnight's face as Fi explains Merki's survival.
Agent Midnight: He faked his own death...haha! He's fooled everyone to carry out his agenda.
Whatever that agenda is.
M- the Queen never trusted the Mel family, although she could never explain why.
Nidranisan: not that you probably need to be told this, but should you ever be in harvest wharf, he was deeply concerned that the Mel family not find out about any of this.
Agent Midnight: Of course. I am quite good at keeping secrets.
Nidranisan: of course.
Cat: ...
Chris: Just not disguises.
Cat: do i need a bluff check to keep a straight face?
(also, bedtime...back in a few)
Fi: I still do not want to believe that the Mels are bad. They seem to genuinely worry about Merki and us. Hmm... must be what had Merki so weirded out.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): For the record, Vegeta is very good at seeing through mundane disguises
Hernz: lol
Agent Midnight: Yes. I will find out what I can about the Mel family. Perhaps I can procure some documentation on them?
Fi: Well, I guess that brings it around to our on the books task: think there is any chance that the princess would be willing to enter into trade agreements? It might make it easier to keep some information flow between us.

Agent Midnight nods
Agent Midnight: I'll see what she has to say, but I am confident she will open up to trade agreements with the East Ferren Trading Company.
...this has been a lot of information. I'll have that letter of introduction ready for you in the morning. Is there anything else you needed to speak about?
Cat: errrr....i don't think there was anything else from me?
Hernz: nothing else I can think of
Fi: Heard any rumors of an island that sank to the bottom of the sea?
Agent Midnight: What, like a lost civilization?
Fi: I'm not sure if there was anyone living on it at the time.
Well... maybe one person.
Agent Midnight: Hmm...I need to do some research on that.
Fi: As do we. I suspect we may have to seek it out at some point.
Cat: oh god we're going to meet aquaman?
Hernz: lol
Chris: So, last chance. Any thoughts on if we let the Draugh know about the cave. Seems the princess would like it to be made known. They might be able to protect it from others. Or they might take advantage of it...
Cat: if we trust her enough to tell her about merki, i think it's a little silly not to trust her with the cave.
unless you guys think they're just faking being the same person ;)
Chris: We already told her about the cave. It's the rest of the nation.
Hernz: after her suggestion... cant help to improve how they see harvest dwarf
Chris: The princess won't be able to act on it since it would be an undisclosed source.
If we tell the general directly, they would see us better. They might even mine some of the material and make it more accessible in the future. For better or worse.
Cat: i mean, we can tell midnight she's welcome to inform the princess, or seek her advice on the "proper channels" while she's here.
Hernz: I'm all for us taking the credit lol
Cat: lol harvest dwarf.
Hernz: lol
Chris: lol
Hernz: oops haha
Cat: and what i meant was, if she thinks it's safe for the empire to know about the cave, that is strong evidence that it's safe -- but only given what she knows.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): DUN DUN DUN Decision Time!
Chris: Votes? I'm in favor.
Hernz: 2nd it
Cat: my only thought is, she knows very little about sendrine, and if she knew more, would she be more wary of sharing it with the empire?
maybe we can give her a better idea of what we know if its properties, see if she still thinks it's a good idea, and maybe also she can try to find out more about it.
then she knows how to sort of regulate how much she tells the army.
Chris: The primary use of Sendrine is for affecting outsiders. This place seems the type to use it for defense if necessary, but otherwise sit on it.
Magmere is another story.
Probably better the known entity than the unknown.
Cat: yeah, i'd basically recommend saying exactly that IC and see what she thinks.
Fi: What do you think the Draugh Empire would do with the Sendrine if they knew about it?
Agent Midnight: Hmm. This material has many properties...defense would be paramount.
The royal family descends from outsiders. Who knows what its effects are on them?
Nidranisan: Mostly not good, if anything.
Agent Midnight: I expect a lot of research would be done on it, and it would become quite public. The Draugh Army likes to boast.
But it would be well protected in that case.
Fi: Hmm... Something big is going to happen soon.
Agent Midnight: I see. Would that put you in favor of telling the army?
Fi: The Krimson Elves are even getting involved at this point. I'm starting to think it might be better to let the info out. The Mels know about the rocks at this point, but not what they do. I think I trust this nation more with it than those sneaking around.
Nidranisan: And I think publicity is a smaller risk than Magmere getting ahold of it themselves.
Agent Midnight: I understand. I will carry this informaiton on to the princess.
Nidranisan: If everyone knows, more or less, they won't hold an advantage.
Fi: Ok. Shall we arrange a meeting with the general?
Chris: And Chad thought we were ready to go :-P
Hernz: lol
Chris: Probably should talk to the Mels too after this to give them an update on what we've found and about the trade update.
Cat: i didn't get my scroll shopping resolved yet, we can't leave ;)
Agent Midnight: Yes, I see. That makes sense. You should arrive at the castle by tomorrow, after lunch. I'll make sure the General and Royal Family are available.
Hawk Hubertins: Thanks Midnight!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Bedtime for me. More NPC interaction in the Draugh Kingdom!
lol, you guys are dragging this out. Oh well, it means I made good NPCs.
Hernz: lol
Chris: That or we have no idea what we are doing, and are fishing around for hints.
Cat: gold star for chris!
Hernz: shhhhh dont admit!
realtime 2/9, 8:15 pm
Agent Midnight bids you all a goodnight.
Chris: I've added the loot changes to the bottom of the "Loot!" summary page. If you record your money, note it on the page so that you don't forget.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll fast forward to the next morning.

June 7, 1236 AD (morning)

(nonludicrous speed)
As promised, a courier delivers a sealed letter. It asks for your audience with the King, Queen, Princess and General after lunch.
Fi : Euphoric Cloud
Level Hunter 2
Range 150 ft
Duration 5 rounds
Saving Throw N/A
Fi : Euphoric Cloud
Level Hunter 2
Range 160 ft
Duration 6 rounds
Saving Throw Negates DC15
Hernz: Fi kills the messenger
(GM) Chad S. (GM): No, the Messenger got real high off of that cloud
Hernz: oh... clearly no idea what the spell does lol
and too lazy to look it up haha
btw, not sure if you saw the 5.0 rules they posted... I think they're trying to simply stuff... specially grapples haha
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I can finally look at the 5.0 rules.
Hernz: on the pathfinder site, they're not complete yet (like they only have one feat)... but there's a bunch there to give you an idea
once we're done spell shopping (I'm assuming that gets done fairly easily) lets go to this after lunch thing
Cat: yeah i just need to convince meghan and george to log on and roll a diplo bomb to help me haggle.
Hernz: although, from what we've done so far... haggling when buying doesn't really work... unless maybe they combo a 50 who knows...
Cat: worth a shot.
i still think a bulk discount makes sense ;)
Hernz: I'm all for it, let's see if chad's generous... and we dont roll crap lol
George: Does Claire want to lead the diplo-bomb, or should Hawk?
Cat: probably claire?
realtime 2/10 7:20 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'm ready for diplomacy checks when you are
Nidranisan : Diplomacy
Check	20
I help!
Hawk Hubertins: Helping Claire...
Hawk Hubertins : Diplomacy
Check	33
Cat: ...
now meghan shows up and rolls a 1.
George: Yeah, that'd be the way of things.
Hernz: nice roll... lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Dayum, good rolls
So, Claire's diplomacy?
Is anyone doing anything else before lunchtime?
Hernz: not me
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, I'll just fast forward to lunchtime, then. Claire can make her roll when she's here.
The Imperial Palace is flanked by armed guards. You are escorted into a meeting room.
There are already 5 figures seated at the other side of the table.
You recognize the Princess to the left of the middle, and General Johann at the far right.
At the center sits a dwarf, wearing very ornate armor. To the right stands a humanoid woman with some unearthly features wearing a headband.
On the far left, next to the Princess is a robed woman. Her face is indistinct but her robe seems to be full of circles that shift as you approach.
Hernz: ...interesting bunch
General Johann stands up after getting an awkward glare from the robed woman
General Johann: Ahem.
I am General Johann. I am introducing Serra on the other end, and the royal family in the center.
The Princess, Queen Lucellia and King Arcetus of the Draugh Kingdom.
King Arcetus: Please be seated.

Vegeta sits like a good boy

Fi looks around the party wondering if she should talk.
Chris: Perhaps a diplomatic character would make the introductory remarks?
Hernz: that's what I'm waiting for lol
Chris: Meghan is absorbed in Supernatural right now.
I can have Fi make a pre-meeting statement that Hawk or Claire make perty.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Probably for the best. Claire needs to make that Diplomacy roll for Nidri, anyway.
Fi: [PreGame] We've completed our research on what we found in the desert. There is a cave in the X Quadrant that is rich in a unique material that we call Sendrine. We believe that the invading goblin and golem force was targeting this cave. We eliminated the current threat, and the cave collapsed during the fight. I'm afraid they will be back to try again though.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Is that your report? Or is this prep for what you will tell them?
Chris: I'm prepping in character.
Fi: [PreGame] This Sendrine has a wide variety of properties that mostly relate to extra-planar magics and outsiders. We are hoping that you can protect this resource for now, and in exchange we will tell you what we know about this material to help you get started in understanding it.
[PreGame] There is a lot of odd movement happening in the world right now especially regarding outsider activity. I think this material may become a very important factor in the near future, and we hope you will be open to working with us in the future.

Vegeta approves this message
Chris: I leave this for party approval and tweaking.
Cat: someone mentioned serra before and now i don't remember who or in what context.
Hernz: serra angel the +4/+4 flying w. vigilance in magic the gathering....
Chris: Another of the Sisters (Petal Rose & company). Tiefling.
Hernz: I was a little off
Cat: ah.
Meghan: ok, I haven't been paying attnetion
what diplobombs do you guys need?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri needs 1 for shopping
And you're infront of the royal family right now, so maybe a 2nd one?
Chris: also review and approve Fi's report before we present it.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Anyway, makes those rolls and introductions. It's bedtime for me.
George: My name is Hawk and I approve this message.
Cat: i think i'm fine with Fi's message.
Vegeta: sounds like a solid plan elf
Meghan: For nidri
Claire : Diplomacy
Check	26
(wow that sucked)
and for the royal family:
Claire : Diplomacy
Check	25
holy crap that sucked more.
Meghan: Un believeable
why do we even have that lever?
Cat: so yeah, about that thing where i was like "now meghan shows up and rolls a 1"...
Chris: Nope. a 3 & 2!
Cat: close enough :P
i (attempt to) help with the royal family. (mostly introductions and slight clarifications on the sendrine business.)
Nidranisan : Diplomacy
Check	19
Fi : Diplomacy
Check	4

Fi continues to have no tact.
Cat: heh.
Meghan: nice
realtime 2/11 9:24 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Are the post time stamps busted for everyone else? I told roll20 about it and it's on their list of bugs.
Nidri's shopping: 33 vs 24
So Nidri can buy them at 90% list price.
I've added a document, "What to tell the royal family" to help out with coordinating what you want to tell the Draugh Royal Family. Right now it has what Fi wrote.
Petal Rose has mentioned Serra a few times, she's one of the elemental sisters, alongside Circe and Sheeva.
Chris: Yeah, it puts all the times prior to your login at the time that you logged in.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Diplomacy
Check	32
Also assisting Claire with the royal family diplo-bomb.
Hernz: Do we want to say anything (if it comes up) about sheeva, seeing how her sister is here?
I guess we wouldnt have known that ahead of time, so not time to prep for it... nvm
realtime 2/11 7:37 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll give another hour or so before I react.
Alright, let's do this.
Diplomacy total: 30
So, last chance to change "What to tell the royal family".
Otherwise I assume that's what you will tell them.
Alright, hitting that lever.
With Claire's prodding, Fi describes the cave, its contents, and dangers from outsiders.
Queen Lucellia whispers something to King Arcetus. He muses and nods.
Serra: Hmpf.
King Arcetus: I see. It sounds like you have had quite the expedition, especially for a business trip. What brought you out there?
The Princess: Weren't they accused of corruption? I think they were accidentally exiled.
Weren't you?
General Johann frowns
Nidranisan: It seemed prudent to be out of the way for a while until things were sorted out.
Serra 's circles on her dress shudder
King Arcetus: Yes, I see. Sometimes the royal army is too eager to catch their foe.
Tell me more about this Sendrine material. How did you discover it and its properties?
Nidranisan: Most of what we've learned about it so far has been observation, and a bit of coaching from one scholar in the craft of alchemy.
Someone back home was trying to make weapons from it for use against Outsiders.
General Johann: So scholars in Alenno know about it, as well.
Queen Lucellia whispers to you, yet it is loud enough to hear casually
Queen Lucellia: We will need his name.
King Arcetus: We will need to know what you know about this "Sendrine." It raises worry that a foreign army is trying to claim Draugh property.
Rest assured, we will protect this while we try to understand its properties.
And of course, the East Ferren Trading Company will be the first to know about it.
Serra: What do you think of the Mel family?
Serra turns to face you, eventually. General Johann is shocked by her abruptness.
Nidranisan: They have treated us well.
Then again, compared to Magmere...
that could be said of almost anyone.
Cat: welcome back to the Nidri&Fi show, folks. bust in any time! :)
George: I don't remember the dude's name, but Hawk might just blurt it out.
Cat: mycel verdantflame.
y'all like my dodgy dodge on the mel family? ;)
Chris: probably a bit too dodgy.
Fi's filters are not fully engaged.
Fi: I'm not too familiar with their history or where they hail from, but I like them. It has been pleasant working for them. They care for their employees and the people of Harvest Warf.
Nidranisan nods.
Hawk Hubertins: Weird thing about Mycel Verdantflame is I get the impression he isn't really here when we go to see him. I mean, he's in a lab. Well, sort of. Maybe an observatory? But it feels like it can't be a real place.
But he does seem to know quite a lot about Sendrine.
And as far as the Mels go, they're a bit careful about their interactions, sort of understandably. There was that kerfuffle about their connections, some suggestions that they might be attached to outsiders, but I also like them. Once you earn their trust, they deal pretty straight.
realtime 2/12 7:47 pm
Serra: As you say.
Serra turns forward
King Arcetus: This Micel Verdantflame seems to know a lot. General Johann, I want to know more about him.
Thank you all for your honesty. It's quite refreshing, isn't it dear?
Queen Lucellia nods, slowly
King Arcetus: This was well worth the conversation. Tell Harvest Wharf we will begin trade negotiations with them. For now you can have access to some of our trade routes.
The Princess smiles
King Arcetus: I must apologize, but the day is busy. The Queen and I have much to do, but the Princess will be willing to answer your questions.
King Arcetus and Queen Lucellia stand up and leave the room.
Serra and her coat remain unnaturally still, while the princess gives you a nod.
General Johann breathes a sigh of relief and prepares to leave.
Cat: poor general johann...
he's had a rough week with us here :)
realtime Feb 14, 2:31 pm (Happy Love Day edition)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The Princess, Serra and the General will remain in the meeting for a bit before you are escorted out of the palace. You should figure out if there's anything else to do in the Draugh Kingdom.
George: Nope, I'm good.
realtime Feb 14, 9:24 pm
The party is escorted out of the palace.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Where to? It's the early afternoon.
George: To infinity and beyond!
Or maybe back to the inn to get ready for the trip back home?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Sounds like a plan.
The Dragon Warriors are busy partying and packing up for their journey back to Harvest Wharf.
Cat: resolved nidri's scroll business.
Nidranisan : Lots of scrolls
scrolls to cast from
Nidranisan : Lots of scrolls
level and spell name
1 - comp lang
2 - ant haul communal
2 - delay poison
2 - endure elements communal
2 - gentle repose
2 - make whole
2 - restoration (lesser)
2 - zone of truth
3 - create food and water
3 - dispel magic
3 - remove disease
3 - water breathing
that's the list if anyone cares :)
Chris: Shall we give the Mel's some feedback before we head out? We haven't contacted them since we left?
You know like a "Hi, we setup some trade arrangements and found some info on what Merki was looking for. Will discuss further when we arrive?"
realtime Feb 15, 7:19 pm
Captain Pankraz: So, you guys are all set? Eldrick almost broke one of the army's fancy weapons.
Hernz: I'm good with contacting the mel's... cant hurt for them to know we did some trade enabling
Vegeta: what kind of weapon? not that it matters... weapons tend to break
that's why the body needs to be trained and made stronger than any other weapons
Captain Pankraz: Hmm. I know a couple of Dragon Warriors who would agree with that idea, Vegeta.

Captain Pankraz rolls his eyes at Shengren, the human monk
Captain Pankraz: But then again I don't have a 20 foot tail.
Vegeta: this weapon of any interest?
Captain Pankraz: It was one of their long-ranged weapons. A "musket". Seems to go right through your armor, but it kind of tickles.
Vegeta: ha good for him then, he shows promise.

Captain Pankraz sighs
Captain Pankraz: Eldrick pointed the weapon directly in his face...
Luckily his reactions are quick enough he slapped it away against a wall.
Shattered to pieces.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You guys will have 2 weeks of downtime on the Dragon Warrior ship as it sails back to Alenno. So, think about the message you want to relay to the Mel family, and questions for the Dragon Warriors on the way back home.
Cat: oh boy.
two weeks to figure out WTF we're telling the Mels.
and practice saying it with a straight face.
so we already told the Mels some stuff about the black sendrine -- is the takeaway from here the whole "hey, it comes in colors too"?
realtime Feb 16, 8:52 pm
The Dragon Warriors prepares their ship. You get one last look at the Draugh Kingdom before embarking back.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, you guys have some time to coordinate your message and talk to the Dragon Warriors.
Cat: what's the best way to coordinate message? maybe a handout we can all edit and sign off we agree?
i feel like finding stuff like that in the backlog is difficult.
Hernz: I'm with you on the backlog... specially if people don't sign in for a few days
I edited the "what to tell the royal family" handout and include a Mels section... write away!
Thanks Chris. I was gonna do something like that but got lazy.. you win a silver piece for your work
realtime Feb 18, 8:33 pm

June 19, 1236 AD (morning)

After a long, uneventful trip, you arrive back in Harvest Wharf two weeks later.
Captain Pankraz: Well, that's the journey.
Two weeks of partying, I guess. We'll be here for a few days. Good luck to all of you.
Hernz: no kraken?
Eldrick: Maan, that kraken was sure scared of us! No one messes with the Dragon Warriors!
Hernz: lol

Vegeta might have sparred here or there with Eldrick on the 2 week trip
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You guys are free to talk to the Dragon Warriors and talk to the locals in Harvest Wharf.
Vegeta: Keep up the good work Eldrick... learn to channel your ki and you'll become a true sayan worrior yet
Eldrick: Yeah, I'm learning a lot about unarmed combat. I can't rely on my boomerang forever.
Vegeta: someone grabs it and then you're done... the only way to grab your fist in with the middle of their face!
Hernz: somehow that sounds like some bad s&m
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol
Alright, good night everyone.
Chris: Chad, do you want to move the form we are working on to it's own handout, or should we continue working on it under the "What to Tell the Royal Family" handout?
Cat: added a bit to the handout.
George: Whee! Handouts!
Chris: Handout modified.
I think Fi would probably try to see if any of the Dragon Warriors (especially Shengren) have heard anything about an island that sank long ago.
Hernz: they don't strike me as the type that would know, but hey, worth a gather info check
Chris: Hey, Dragon that lives in the water. Hard to beat that for sea knowledge.
Cat: hah
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I renamed the "What to tell the royal family" handout to "What to tell the Mel family" handout and moved the Royal stuff to the bottom.
realtime 2/20 6:55 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): roll20 fixed the timestamps.
Now if only they could fix the damn backlog.
Fi spends some of the time talking to the "human" monk, Shengren, who is actually a Bronze dragon.
Shengren: Huh? An island that sank? Well, islands sink all the time, Fi.
Give me a moment...
Oh yes, THAT island. Let me think. With that human. She was quite the powerhouse. Big into... ah, transformation magic. Do you know one time she posed as a silver dragon and tried to sneak into a meeting between the metallics?
Shengren frowns
Shengren: Very disrespectful.
But such power.
It took us hours to notice.

Fi has a shocked face.
Shengren: I heard once that she tried to force everyone to transform, for their own good.
Now that kind of mass transformation is difficult. Either she was VERY powerful, or she used some kind of intermediary.
Details of that island was...er, buried when the island sank. We couldn't even find her corpse.
Fi: Hmm...
I heard a rumor that she joined with the island.
Shengren eyebrow raises
Shengren: I hope I'm looking intrigued.
Sometimes I map the wrong emotion to a human face.
Humans are so intriguing. Innovative. Impulsive.
Fi: That looks right.
Do you know anything about if she had issues with outsiders?
Shengren: She had a fight with the fey who naturally live there, and some rebels I think.
But no real reports of outside outsiders.
Fi: I would really love to see that island, but it seems a bit of a stretch.

Chris is unsure if Chad intended to set us up on underwater adventure hijinks.
Meghan: my fire spells will be useless..
Cat: haha.
maybe that's the teaser for next season, after we wrap up this Mel business? ;)

Hernz: quick, take ranks in swim! lol
Meghan, care to vote on what to tell the mel fam in the poll? I think we're mostly agreeing on most things
Meghan: sure
Chris: I'll try to write something up off of this soon. Might not make it tonight.
realtime 2/21, 8:09 pm
The party continues discussing what to tell the Mel Family as they dock in Harvest Wharf.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Did everyone get my email about the NPC directory and copying chat logs into the wiki?
I'd like to clear the chat archive by March, so it becomes useful again. I tried to save it to PDF and Chrome said it would take 1900 pages!
Hernz: hahahaha... yeah, haven't checked out the link yet though
I'm all for moving it... no need to keep all the backlog readily handy
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It takes about 40 seconds to load it, yeesh
Hernz: which isn't terrible... I click on the backlog link, go get me some ice cream... but I am gainign some considerable weight from that...
Chris: Seems reasonable.
Hmm... Ice Cream.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Anything else you wish to do before meeting the Mels?
Chris: Probably will report in an schedule a time to talk first.
Hernz: and we'll drop by our office to see if there's any random messages... sure, why not
Adrias Stonebottom smiles and nods as you enter the office
Adrias Stonebottom: Well, well. If it isn't you guys. How'd the trip to the Druagh kingdom go?
Vegeta: Got some fun fights on ;)... makes any trip worth it
Adrias Stonebottom: Hmpf. Your business trips always seem to end in a series of fights.
Well then... Abraxinal has taken over in the sales department for a week or so. Marjorie's on a trip to the Krimson Forest.
Fi: To be fair, this one started in a series of fights.
Cat: i'm cool with making the chat log useful again.
i liked the plan in the email
Chris: F*cking roll 20 just lost what I typed. ugh.
realtime 2/22 8:30 pm
Chris: Have to get back to it later.
Hernz: doh
Adrias Stonebottom: Yeah, yeah yeah Fi.
The Mels are having another meetin'. You should come back around lunchtime.
Chris: Ok, I dumped a conversation outline into the handout. Please let mark any sections you might want to censor or elaborate on.
Hernz: so you are suggesting mentioning midnight, or just an outline of all we could say and censor that?
Chris: I think we have to at least mention her. She the only contact for Merki. We have to have gotten information from somewhere.
Too much information we got won't make sense otherwise.
I originally was against it, but explaining it just didn't work.
Hernz: hm... well, veg is definitely staying out of this with his non-lying vow :)
Chris: No lies in what I put down. (I think)
I still need to figure out what to put down for the Sendrine findings.
Hernz: no reason not to say there's different colors we saw... dont mention the white crystal though?
not sure what the white crystal does even though lol
By the way chris, world trigger is good stuff... only on ep 26 right now, but I'll catch up soon!
Chris: I like it, but it definitely falls for some of the shonen cliches. Team battle ranking system, anyone?
Hernz: I like battle ranking systems!! lol
chad, put us in a battle ranking system colosseum!
Chris: I guess that explains that colosseum fight we had in your run.
Hernz: damn straight!
realtime 2/23 8:17 pm
Chris: Threw some sendrine stuff in there.
Right after lunch, the party is told that they can meet Melvin in his office.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'm giving Cat George and Hernz some time to review the document.
Hernz: works for Veeg
Cat: bah.
roll20 also failed to prod me to reload and nuked my small changes.
Hernz: bummer... screws us again
Cat: re-updated.
it was small stuff anyway.
George: I'm fine with the current plan of what to tell the mels based on the doc. Diplobomb to help with melvin?
Hernz: do it...
Vegeta : Diplomacy
Check	10

Vegeta stays up all night practicing what the party will say, and it shows the next day. Go SUPAH-SAIJIN!!
Hernz: Also, leaving behind a sense motifs
Vegeta : Sense-Motive
Check	32
Hernz: God he just nails those
Cat: heh
leaving some rolls also.
Nidranisan : Diplomacy
Check	16
Nidranisan : Sense-Motive
Check	22
realtime 2/24, 8:07 pm
Melvin, Melodie and Melanie Mel await the party as they enter the office.
Melodie stands up and hugs...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 4
= 4
Melodie Mel: Oh my gosh! You guys are back! I'm so happy you're here!
Melanie snorts and rolls her eyes.
Melvin Mel: Melanie. Professional.
Melodie Mel: Oh, sorry! Gotta...ahem I am glad to see you returned safely. Please give us your report.
Melodie politely sits back down.
Melvin Mel: What she said. We are glad to see you back.
Fi gives a huge info dump, which will be in the summary somewhere.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 42
= 42
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 30
= 30
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 31
= 31
By the end of the report, Melodie is wiping away tears. Melvin looks rather glum. Melanie is still her happy-go-lucky self.
(To Vegeta): You have the vaguest suspicion that Melvin was surprised about the wine changing color.
(To Vegeta): Melodie seems quite sad about Merki's last mission, although she expresses disgust and shame over how the party was persecuted.
(To Vegeta): Melanie was definitely the most professional of the group- you didn't notice any change in her demeanor.
Melodie Mel: So Merki found a cave of this stuff? sniff Why didn't he mention anything to us? Did he not trust us?
Melvin Mel: Merki always knew to hold onto his trump cards...
I can't blame him for his suspicions.
More importantly, I'm glad to hear everyone survived the ordeal AND you were able to complete Merki's last mission. That means a lot to me, thank you.
Cat: PS: pretty sure nidri clearly looks like she has no clue what to do about that hug.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Stand there dumbfounded while the head of security glomps you?
Melanie Mel: Well, maybe that Vermillion guy switched their drinks. I mean, look at what Magmere did to us.
Duh, they're corrupt.
Once we're done with this Krimson Forest stuff, you guys should come with me to the Isle of the Sun. It will be a nice vacation.
Melvin Mel: Business trip.
Melanie Mel: Tomato, Tomato.
Charity drives don't organize themselves.
Vegeta: trained for two weeks on a boat here... last thing I want is a vacation

Vegeta cracks his knuckles
Melanie Mel: Always ready for some action, huh?
Vegeta: some people like pulp in their wines... I like it on my fists
Hernz: Oh, btw, have you seen the latest DB Super?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope.
Hernz: vegeta grew a beard... then shaved it off 10 seconds later... damn!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol
Hernz: 3 years in the hiperbolic chamber (of course violating the 1 yr at a time, and only once... who needs rules?)
all this while Dende was playing tennis with popo
clearly that episode spoke to me
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol
Vegeta: Yo
(GM) Chad S. (GM): wat

Vegeta has grown a full beard after 2 weeks at sea and all that traveling

Melvin Mel: But thank you for opening up the routes.
Fi: Yes, of course. I just wish I could understand why all this activity is starting up now in different locations.
Melvin Mel: Something big is coming up soon...Krimson Forest is at war now with the Redtooth Clan.
Well, what's left of it.
The diseased landscape has spread to the Krimson Forest outskirts.
Melodie went there to investigate- she's skilled in the healing arts.
Vegeta: yes, my people were used to fighting in that type of environment... we've adapted very well to diseased lands such as that
Melvin Mel: That's good to hear. As a sign of goodwill, I wanted you guys to investigate. Some of the Krimson mentioned you by name.
This Sendrine material only works on outsiders? Weird. I've never heard of this stuff, but it's clearly important if so many people are fighting over it.
...are there any questions I can answer?
realtime 2/25 8:19 pm
The party finishes their discussion with the Mel family.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So, what's next for the party?
Chris: Fi was kind of tempted to flat out ask if he knew why the Draugh were worried about them.
Fi: Anyone want to talk to Dakan?
Melodie grins at the mention of Dakan.
Vegeta: I'm good
Hernz: god I love the beard!
Cat: i'm too low-brain to have much to ask right now heh.
i hope we'll get more info on that krimson forest mission.
George: I has the dumb, but Hawk would probably ask about whether the mels have any idea why the drow... err, draugh were worried about us/them/EFTC/etc.
Melvin Mel: Sorry, were you asking something?
The Draugh Empire is very careful about protecting their lands from outside evil.
I see our reputation from the Fifty Year War proceeds us...
Hopefully with the new trade agreements we can smooth things over.
Melanie Mel: Draugh Empire. Too dry for my tastes...I'm gonna have to go there at some point, aren't I?
Nidranisan: It wasn't that bad, really...
other than a few "colorful" characters and too much magmere. (like, any.)
Melodie Mel: Hmpf. Magmere. They haven't been back here for the last few weeks...I guess we drove them out. I'd love to help stomp them out of the Draugh Empire.
Vegeta: yes... they'll think twice before going against a super sayan now... so when's this "vacation"?
Melanie Mel: Once this whole Krimson Forest mess is settled, I think. Right dad?
Hernz: I forget if they asked us for help w that?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Melvin mentioned people in the Krimson asked for the party by name.
Hernz: oh, then veg wouldnt have mentioned the vaca... sorry..
Vegeta: I'm ready for a trip back to the forest when you guys are ready...
Fi: Had enough ocean already?
Cat: we should decide who else we want to talk to. and whether we want to talk to mycel about the colored sendrine.
i could go either way about mycel. wouldn't mind talking to him but would lean against selling him the few bits of colored stuff we have (assuming he'd want to.)
realtime 2/26 9:35 pm
Cat: hi chad. :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Howdy.
Cat: hanging out with the crickets over here. :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, I'm surprised they're about in the middle of the Winter.
Some nights are quieter than others. Feel free to ask one of the Mel NPCs
Cat: heh.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Or suggest a destination for the party, and I'll drag them there.
Cat: i need to like, go remember who all the 'usual suspects' are.
other than mycel and dakan.
mmm things i'm not sure we've reconciled: merki said there were five heroes in the war not four like dakan says. anyone wanna dig for more war info?
Nidranisan: oh hey, so on the whole redtooth thing...any info come through on that guy's new wife? (was it Riga who had the new wife?)
Cat: (yes, i'm reviewing wtf was going on over there :) )
Melvin Mel: Riga Plague-Bringer made a big power play recently. The Krimson did mention a new wife of his.
Melanie Mel: "CF" or something like that.
Nidranisan: yeah, same damn lady we've been chasing forever.
if she's still involved there and hasn't moved on again, something big probably is happing.
we've reason to believe they are aware of sendrine and at least some of its properties as well.
at least, the black variety.
Melodie Mel: All of this fighting for some stupid rocks.
Nidranisan half-mumbles about how some people will go to amazing lengths to weaponize anything.
Melvin Mel: The danger the Krimson is facing hasn't become public knowledge yet. Not many in Harvest Wharf know about it.
Nidranisan: that's probably good for preventing massive panic.
Nidranisan looks hilariously matter-of-fact about that.
Nidranisan: do you know who it was up there who asked for us in particular?
Cat: note, we should check in with merki's parents too.
Melvin Mel: It was a blacksmith...I think his name was Zey?
Nidranisan: ah yeah.
well, i'm glad they were confident in our abilities after the first go-round.
Cat: and away to bed i go. if no one else weighs in, i vote a quick stop with dakan, and then a check in with mycel.
Chris: I think Dakan is reasonable. Mycel I'm uncertain on.
Cat: do you have specific questions for dakan? i'd mostly pick his brain a little more about the war and the four heros and whether he knows anything about the draugh.


realtime 2/27 8:20 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I am going to clear the Chat Archive tomorrow afternoon.
Dakan is found in the shooting range, overseeing Norvi as he instructs young troopers on how to fire a bow.
A mess of arrows are buried in the approximate locations of their targets 100 feet away.
Dakan notices you approach and he smiles.
Alexen Dakan: You're doing well, Norvi. No one has shot himself in the foot yet.
Pardon me while I speak to your previous unit.
Greetings, friends. I had not heard from you in ... a month. Good to see you are all intact.
Fi: Been hanging out with the Draugh.
Chris: Depends. Anyone against hinting that Merki might be alive?
meh. probably not.
I'm interested if he's familiar at all with the Draugh blasphemes against the king. Maybe hint that Merki had some supicions over the Mels since he visited there.
Alexen Dakan: Ah, the Draugh Empire...they rejected our requests for aid during the Fifty Years' War. They stayed neutral.
I have wanted to try their tea. I've heard it's exquisite.
Cat: george says "say hi to the old radish for me."
Nidranisan: it was decent.
Cat: no hints to anyone about merki imho.
not even his parents. (who we will stop and see on the way to the krimson, right?)
Hernz: I was going to suggest the same... keep quiet about merki... no sense in telling his parents until we have something solid... there's a reason he disappeared without telling them... plus, you know, spies, info torture... all that stuff... better keep it to ourselves
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Chat archive has been cleared! You can find the most recent logs at
Cat: wooooooooooo
Hernz: Chad levels up
Cat: haha
chad acquires awesome new GM feat: clear chat log.
(also, given that chris and meghan are in disney until friday, i'm guessing we won't see them a ton.)
Hernz: I think we're good talking to people then? :)
We can go to the forest, and on the way, visit his parents to see if they've been affected by this thing or know what's causing it, but that's about it... we keep hush hush
Cat: yeah we can pretty easily put off talking to mycel until we get back.
if we decide we want to
maybe there's more Fi and Nidri can do to study the colored stuff while we're traveling.
realtime 3/1 7:54 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So, any words for Dakan, or will you travel to Krimson Forest?
George: Err... Does Daikon have any questions for us? Maybe present him with a summary of what went on and see if he has any thoughts on it?
Chris: Fi is kinda interested in presenting that Merki was trying to figure out if the Mels really were outsiders, and which side they really were on if so. Based on his findings in the Draugh lands. Also, the Draugh now know about this Sendrine material.
Cat: guys, we are SO ORGANIZED.
Hernz: if we want to find out if they're outsiders, we can cast det evil, stay a few seconds behind a wall so they don't notice, and if we find a strong aura, they're either outsiders or level 25+ humans... unless they're neutral... then we're screwed... if they're good, then we don't need to worry much, right?
realtime 3/2 8:34 pm
Fi asks for a private audience with Captain Dakan. In a meeting room, Fi gives a summary of the party's trip to the Draugh Empire, the general paranoia of the land and their discovery.
Alexen Dakan: Hmm...the Mel family. The Fifty Years War was fought over them and their supposed harboring of evil outsiders.
And the Draugh Empire's suspicions. It's a nasty world out there.
Trust is earned, not bought. I've seen the Mel Family bribe the greedy and work with the honorable, and yet...
My gut tells me they are hiding something major. Humor an old man as he gives an anecdote.
Alexen Dakan takes off his helmet
Alexen Dakan: Melodie enjoys sparring with me. She is an exceptional swordswoman. Very fond of her greatsword.
And yet...I've always noticed she has an archer's frame. Toned, coordinated, graceful. She's certainly strong enough to swing a blade but she never challenged me to a contest of archery.
One night, I challenge her to the shooting range. Only fifty paces, nothing too difficult. She refused to participate and gave a litany of excuses.
I finally convinced her to try, and I began winning easily.
Almost as if she wanted to lose. Like she had something to hide.
I began to play dumb, missing shots, not using enough tension, making a mockery of it.
Alexen Dakan: At first she seemed annoyed, but she was soon insulted by my archery. "How did you save Harvest Wharf with that lousy aim?" She screamed. She got serious and nailed bull's-eye after bull's-eye.
With so little training, she's easily the best archer I've ever seen; better than me I'd dare say. Why did she hide that? When did she learn that?
By the time she realized what happened, she was...frightened. I saw it in her eyes. I didn't understand why that was a secret to her, and she fled before I could ask anything.
With Lord Carfen's...transformation, Shavanni and I continued our research. The ring that ruined him was made of Sendrine. If demons and divs are using this Sendrine to return...
I wonder how long the Mel Family has known about this. My gut tells me they are witholding some kind of information.
I heard Marjorie Mel is now in the Krimson Forest to personally investigate the diseased lands. Keep an eye on her. I hope she is there to help the Krimson, and not to finish them off.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I added the "Talking to Dakan" handout. You can edit it to ask more questions.
Hernz: hm... an assassin wouldnt want you to know she's good at killing... hm.....
Cat: the 5 heroes thing...i forget if the tip we got was that there were really 6? or am i mis-remembering and dakan usually says 4 but there are really 5?
'cause...that's what i was gonna ask about, but it looks like it's already here :)
Vegeta: heh, I think I like that monk... of course, the name of prince vegeta will never be one to go annonimous...
Fi: An Archer, hmm? Wasn't there an archer vigilante around here?
realtime 3/3 8:51 pm
Alexen Dakan: Hmmm. You're thinking of the Night Guardian. Supposedly an archer who fended off Magmere.
Nidri, there are actually 5 heroes. Only 4 people are known.
Cat: i could've sworn someone at some point told us "there were really n+1 heros in the war, not n like Alexen Dakan always says" but heck if i can remember who or find where.
Fi: Someone with too much motivation for seeking justice and secretly is really good with a bow. The profile kinda fits for her.
realtime 3/4 8 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So. Anymore questions for Dakan? Or is it time to hit the road?
Hernz: hit the road jack, and dont you come back no more no more no more no more
100% of the people present vote to move!
If anything, we can always do a "btw, we probably asked this and that" as long as it isn't as a result of some other convo with someone else... in the meantime, TRAVUL TIME!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Let's do it!
Hernz: yay oregon trail horse and wagon!

June 22, 1236 AD

The next few days are pretty quiet, all things considered.

Halgresh & Company

You approach Halgresh's Hut and the edge of the Krimson Forest
Fi: Shall we check in?
Cat: have we encountered any of the poisoned land yet? is it close to them?
Hernz: I say we check in to see what they know about the diseased lands... I think we said no melki talk?
realtime 3/5, 7:51 pm
Halgresh is glad to see the party back. She ushers the party inside. Allshai is there, as well, cooking a stew. Lugtan is sweeping up and cleaning the house.
Halgresh: Come in! Come in! Allshai cooking ox soup. And lentil soup for...elves.
Allshai: Ah, good fortune did smile upon us!
Greetings, old friends.
Lugtan: Oh hi. They saved me, you know? Halgresh also save me from gray land.
Halgresh: Me tell you not to look at gray land! Tell Allshai thanks for saving you from elves!
Allshai: It's fine, Halgresh. The soldiers owed me a favor.
Lugtan had heard rumors. Redtooth Orcs are fleeing the lands en masse. I've had visions of some orc captains swearing allegiance to the Krimson in exchange for information and safety.
So Lugtan went to look.
Lugtan: Gray ground everywhere outside of forest. It bad. Very bad. Me didn't see much more, Elven Army stopped me.
Allshai: Come, come. Have some soup. Meat and Vegetarian options.
Fi: Oh. Thank you. We are on our way to meet with the Krimson now. Zey wanted to meet with us for some reason.
The EFTC sent Marjorie already to try and help with understanding the plague.
Allshai pauses for a moment.
Allshai: I have...interesting visions about her. A bad event is in her future, but I'm not sure on the exact details.
Nidranisan: Can you tell if it's related to all this diseased land/plague business...or something else?
realtime 3/6, 8:01 pm
Allshai: Hmm...my visions don't go that far.
Sorry I couldn't be more specific.
Hawk Hubertins: Guess we should make sure we're there so we can help before whatever it is happens.
The party enjoys some soup, and prepares to enter the Krimson Forest.

Vegeta does not enjoy the soup ;)
Vegeta politely rejects the soup.

Krimson Forest

Entering the Krimson Forest, the outer edge is as usual overcrowded.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Anything to do on the outside towns, or off into the inner sanctum?
Hernz: a quick glance to see if we notice any effects of the disease spreading this far?
Chris: Probably just try to get a feel for what has changed since here last.
Vegeta : Perception
Check	29
The town is crowded. Vegeta notes some homes have been converted to makeshift hospitals.
Some people are showing signs of illness.
Vegeta: looks like things are getting pretty bad...

Fi frowns.
Fi: I'm really not sure what we can do to help. I'm not well versed in either diseases, especially not magical ones.
Vegeta: maybe we can get to the source of the problem... in any case, we should proceed to the inner sanctum and see what we can find out
my people have often faced creatures and some other sources that dealt diseases... may of us grew resistant to those, though I do have limited knowledge of them
It's clear things are a little tough here.
The party moves on into the inner most reaches into the Krimson.
The innermost section is militarized, again. There are some sickened soldiers.
Vegeta : Heal
Check	18
Hernz: can I tell what's afflicting them?
very un-veg move... but I only care to see if I can figure out some sort of creature that I know that might cause such a disease
I dont care the actual disease name
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It looks like the Shakes, commonly transferred through touch.
Vegeta: hm... this affliction is transmitted by touch... I forget the creatures... just try not to get touched by whatever we might run into
George: Hawk sings to try to raise their spirits.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Perform (Singing)
Check	36

Fi gets caught up in Hawk's performance.

Vegeta can be seen with his fingers tapping his arms to the beat with his arms crossed
The elves wonder what the funny human is doing, but then they soon cheer wildly.
Some of them even dare to sing along with the short-lived human.
Nidranisan : Heal
Check	21
anything interesting about it or just the expected?
(To Nidranisan): Many victims of the Shakes. You also notice bits of severely rotted flesh on some of the soldier's armor.
(To George): I'm playing XCOM 2 now. Aliens suck, XCOM rules! 85% isn't 100% hit rate
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Bedtime for me guys. You are able to find the Master At Arms, as well as the Blacksmith Zey. Feel free to ask questions.
Also: XCOM rules, Aliens suck
Chris: Master at Arms: I think we want to know the overall status of what's happening. Has Marjorie been here? Anything that we would be of help with?
Zey: What could we help with, that he sought us out?
Nidranisan is carefully inspecting the armor of one of the soldiers.
Cat: aaaaaaaaah they redid my spells page.
so lost.
(From Nidranisan): nidri's gonna pick the one that looks the furthest advanced in the disease and test out these robes by casting 'remove disease' through the scroll. assuming she thinks remove disease will actually help.
(From Nidranisan): and take a closer look at the rotting flesh -- elf or orc? same disease, different disease, normal rot?
(From George): I haven't played 2 yet. I'm on my second playthrough of XCOM EW. It feels an awful lot like the original XCOM.
(From George): And yeah, 85% misses an awful lot of the time...
Hernz: where these the guys that made the sendrine weaps for us?
if so, maybe ask about that with the new colors (if the party wants)... otherwise, what Fi said about Marjorlie
realtime 3/7, 8:56 pm
Nidri notices the tell tale signs of undead flesh on some of the soldiers' armor.
She tries to cast Remove Disease on one of the soldiers.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Caster Level check: 29
The elven soldier's shakes subside as Nidri uses her magic on him. It's clear he needs some rest, but the worst is over thanks to her aid.
Meanwhile, Fi goes to talk to the Master At Arms.
Master at Arms, Dorrel: Greetings, Fi. And your allies. I wish we could meet under better times. Once again, we must call for your aid.
The Redtooth clans have been at civil war, but it's clear a leader has emerged. Borrax Rex is no more, slain by Riga Plague-Bringer.
Some of the captured Orcs claim that he has absorbed some of their wolf riders. And others have become demonic in appearance after they...succumbed to disease.
Some of our bravest soldiers ventured out to investigate and defend. Some came back diseased. Others came back as... the undead.
Marjorie has been very useful, curing diseases and healing wounds of the troops she brought back, but we're losing this battle. She can't heal them quickly enough. She and a squad of my bravest men volunteered to head to Plague-Bringer's throne; they are certain the cause of this disease lies there.
Supplies are short, unfortunately. All I can offer you is a map. A vial of antiplague will help protect you for an hour, but it will take maybe three hours to reach Plague-Bringer.
Master Blacksmith Zey is busy barking at several apprentices, telling them to hurry up.
Zey: Ah yes, hello everyone. Thank you for coming here- I fear if you can't stop this, this may be the last days of the Krimson.
Or I'm being overdramatic.
Shavanni told me to ask for you all to handle this crisis- she said you had the "right tools for the job."
I hope you still have some of that special weaponry- HEY! SECURE THAT APRON!
ahem I hope you still have some of that available.
Vegeta: are the lands themselves plagued or just the creatures within it?
Zey: I've heard the very life has been drained from the Redtooth Lands. What was once rich red dirt is now a lifeless gray.
If it's anything like last time...I'd prepare for the worst.
Hernz: veg is ok with letting them work the other sendrine
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Is anyone offering the sendrine to Zey? I assume you guys haven't told him about it.
Hernz: one vote for yes here....
Chris: How long did it take him to make the Sendrine weapons last time?
Hernz: if it takes a little while, veg/fi/fleir can go scouting... well, veg could... he's pretty confident he's at minimal risk on all this disease crap... he has move 50... could do a quick scouting and be back fast
Fi: We did put the arrows to good use recently. I didn't have much luck with the sword. It shattered when I used it, but we managed to mend it.
I'm still unsure what targets it is most effective on.
Vegeta: maybe some of it could offer protection as well... who knows
Fi: Hmm... Seems far to brittle for things like armor.
Vegeta: charms? in any case... I say we let him see what he can come up with
Fi: We've got some new colors that we found too. The red seems to knock back the things that it hits. Blue blocks magic. Green reduces damage resistance.
Hernz: if this ends up taking longer than a couple hours... do we leave them to be made or wait for the weapons?
Cat: do we actually have enough to do anything with?
Chris: 3 red, 2 Green, 2 Blue. It took one per "weapon" previously.
Cat: ah i was unaware these chunks were that big.
blue might reasonably be made into a defensive item.
Hernz: I dont think we need melee weaps... Fi is squishy up front and the rest of us dont use them, right?
Cat: bracers or something if not actual armor.
green may also be useful as arrows for fi.
Hernz: yeah, it'd be great to get some defensive stuff out of these... who knows what they can do... only chad knows
realtime 3/8 8:02 pm
Zey: It's a shame the sword almost broke. I guess it's too brittle...
That or I need to experiment more, haha.
I'll need the day to forge new weapons. I'm not...completely sure what the effects of these alloys are.
Hernz: party thoughts on whether we wait or not? I say we just go if it's going to be a full day... let him research the new alloys and what hecan do... prep remove diseases
Cat: ...we have people who prep spells?
what time of day is it? i thought it would be afternoon if we started the day at halgresh's hut.
Hernz: I forget how clerics work or whatever nidri is lol
Cat: pretty sure all of us are spontaneous casters...
and i already used up my one cool spell for the day heh.
Hernz: oh... uh, well then, if it makes sense to rest a day (not sure if we have a spare day or not) I'm sure that'll come in handy... do we wait?
if we do decide to wait, veg will try to stealthily travel maybe an hour or so into the lands... scope out the afflictions firsthand... but the moment he sees any opposition, he'll return... he can probably perceptionize, hide, and move fast enough to make this work
Chris: Before we decide what we make of the day, what would we want anyway? It seems like there are few weapon users in the party, so all that I can think of would be arrows for Hawk and Fi.
Hernz: yeah, just you two... ok chad, give us options for the rocks
realtime 3/9 8:31 pm
Zey: Masterwork weapons are available right now.
If you want me to try to forge these rocks, hmm. They are a bit small.
I think I'll need two of these rocks to forge a weapon.
I'm not sure how to make protective gear using this, since it's so brittle.
Hernz: did we end up talking to the old guy who kept asking us for sendrine?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You did not talk to Micel.
Hernz: wonder if these could be made into rings or some crap... otherwise... more arrows lol
I'll let you guys decide
Chris: I don't know what to decide. It feels like we shouldn't delay heading out, but it was also stated that we were bring what was needed. Maybe that just means the Sendrine that we already have...
Hernz: I'm good with that... if anything, we can always get the sendrine worked after we kill shit :)
we still got some sendrine arrows, right?
Chris: The only advantage that I know of for getting the green sendrine arrows would be to lower DR of a target for a round.
Fi has 44 black Sendrine arrows left.
Hernz: I think we're good for now.. your arrows will bypass DR, maybe hawk can take a few, and there's spells aplenty :). veg will try to not run out of ki as fast
Zey: I'm happy to hear your arrows have been useful, Fi.
Cat: what time of day is it?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It's in the afternoon.
Hernz: it did seem like this was urgent... I say we go... chad will likely kill some helpers if we take too long lol
Cat: i didn't get the sense that it was so urgent we need to leave when it's already afternoon vs prep now and head out first thing in the morning.
...three hours there and three hours back?
i lean towards talk to ppl and/or gather intel, leave first thing in the morning -- otherwise if everyone else wants to just go, i'm find with that. :)
Chris: If we leave in the morning, does Zey think he would have time to make a set of arrows?
Oh and I just remembered that we picked up that piece of Calaminus' armor. Fi would have wanted to spend some time on the boat to see what made it damage resistant. Perhaps why is was affected by Sendrine. She would probably ask for Nidri's help with that. Player forgot about it.
Hernz: IF not urgent THEN party stays, else party goes. Chad? sense of urgency?
realtime 3/11 8:24 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yee gods, I was so sleepy last night.
Master at Arms, Dorrel: Let's wait until the morning, shall we? Some more of the Krimson will be fully recovered by then.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi and Nidri should make some alchemy checks to analyze Calaminus's armor.
Hernz: how dare gm get sleepy?!?!?
Fi : Craft (Alchemy)
Check	24
realtime 3/12, 7:24 pm
(To Fi): Your studies reveal the armor is made of an adamantine/Sendrine alloy. The mix is a bit crude, though.
Chris: Any objections to Fi showing the armor to Zey? It's a adamantine and sendrine alloy which might give him some ideas and/or insight.
Hernz: do it
btw, interesting low level spell (wiz/bard lvl 2): oppressive boredom: make a will save or stop your current task.. like... fighting :)... lasts 1 rd/lvl... not bad for taking out fighters for a while since they got shitty wills
Zey: Anything else you wanted to show me? Or did you come to humor me before the plague spreads?
Vegeta: check out this armor
Zey: Hmm? What is this?
Zey grabs some of his tools to take a look
Zey: Hmm, Adamantine.
No wait...
Something else in here...
Hmm? What is this?
I'm...not sure what else is in here. Brittle, yet maleable.
Where did you get this from, perhaps? Not the same people who made those lousy weapons...
Vegeta: same place as those rocks
Zey: There was armor like this? Not very natural.
I'd say this is either a very odd helmet or the shoulder piece for a giant's suit of plate armor.
Hernz: guys, chyme in here if we mention the iron giant or not....?
Nidranisan : Craft (Craft - Alchemy)
Check	21
i'm a helper!
whatever we told the mels is gonna get around i think.
i don't see much need to keep it secret from other allies.
Hernz: oh, forgot we told them :)
Cat: i'd go light on anything about BB or midnight.
Vegeta: the armor was a piece of this iron giant we found in the same caves as the rocks... it seemed weakened by them
Hernz: that works, good good
Fi: From what I can tell, it is an alloy of the Sendrine and Adamantine. Someone else has been working on this. I'm not sure who though.
The Sendrine based weapons that you made us were effective against it. The green sendrine rock was able to weaken for short periods.
realtime 3/14 7:08 pm
Zey: I see. With a substance so brittle...someone obviously knows his alchemy.

Fi frowns.
Zey: Golems and alchemy go hand in hand, Fi.
Fi: I know someone good enough in alchemy. I really hope that is not the case though.
Zey: Let's hope not, Fi. Call me if you need any more help. I need to make sure-
a barrel of hot water almost tips over as a clumsy apprentice trips against it
Zey: -that.
Zey yells at the apprentice, telling him what a disaster that could have been for himself, his classmates, and the Krimson Guard.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Where to next, guys? It sounded like you wanted to move out tomorrow morning.
Anything you want to do before the next morning?
Chris: Did Zey specify if he could have a set of arrows by the morning?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Did anyone ask for one? He can if you want it.
Chris: Yeah, I asked if we could get a set of green.
Just in case ;-)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it. Fi will hand two green rocks over.
Chris: hah... clumsy Elf apprentices...
Fi: Ok. I think Fi is set until morning.
Chris: ooc
Hernz: off to adventuring!
Cat: unless wandering around chatting uncovers anything interesting around town/camp/whatever, i vote fast-forward to tomorrow morning.
realtime 3/15, 8:37 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fastforward we go.

June 23, 1236 AD

After a good night's rest, you stop by Zey's tent.
Zey: Good morning, all. Here's another 50 arrows. Green-tipped.
I hope this is useful.
Vegeta: thank you come again
Hernz: Autobots... ROLL OUT!
by the way Chris, not sure if you're still watching World Trigger, but it's definitely getting really good... not just colosseum battles lol
realtime 3/16, 9:10 pm
Cat: sweet. so. off we go?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup. I'll have a summary tomorrow though. Getting sleepy.
Cat: hehe ok :)
Chris: I need to watch episode 70, but yeah, I'm still watching.
realtime 3/17 12:36 pm

Redtooth Lands

You and a small squad of Krimson begin another foray into the Redtooth Lands. The land is more gray than before, as if the life is drained out of the land itself.
You find the bodies of Orcs and Elves strewn about as you start the journey. As you get further inside the mix changes to something far worse.
Occasionally you see Orc skins, as if they were shed. You also notice rotting Elf flesh. Based on the still intact armor, the flesh has rotted at an accelerated pace.
A gray mist rises about you, blocking your sight from the rest of the army. You hear the shouts of combat and laughter from the direction of the Krimson Guard; it's not clear what that means if anything.
Trying to find the source of the mist and the disturbance, you find one clue: An orc with deep gray skin, horns sticking from his head and a pair of bat wings laughing at Marjorie Mel.
What were once Krimson soldiers are now animated husks, patrolling aimlessly around Marjorie. Many other Orc and tainted Orcs cheer enthusiastically.
Marjorie for her part seems to have taken minimal injuries, despite her rope and gag. She seems to see you and react with eyes of fear and concern.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, there's the description. Please make a Fort Save, DC 18. Figure out what you want to do.
Also: Apologies for the grid in this and the next battle.
Vegeta : Fortitude
Save	13
Hernz: doh!
when it's my turn, I'll power up... I'll roll init for when we're ready
Vegeta: inits 10
do we want to take out the orcs first? If Claire armors me up, I'll quickly make my way up to Marjorie
Hernz: oh wait... Claire has fireball now... hehehehe
(From Vegeta): sense motifs to see if I can tell what the situation is? 24
(From Vegeta): not sure if that makes sense or not
Fi : Fortitude
Save	22
Fleir : Fortitude
Save	22
Chris: whoo... I've used up my luck for the day.
Claire : Fortitude
Save	18
Hernz: well, I'll gladly let you lead off with a fireball hahaha... how many of those you got?
Meghan: 4
and it's my only 3rd list, so...
I also have a necklace with 3 more on it
Hernz: spam spam spam! lol
though this likely won't be the only fight today.... conserve... learned that the hard way last series of fights lol
realtime 3/18 8:41 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi, Fleir and Claire feel just fine.
Vegeta sneezes once. Could it be...nah must be pollen.
Sounds like people are rolling for initiative.
Hernz: BATTUL!!
(To Vegeta): The orcs seem to be celebrating a successful assault. Although the non fiendish Orcs are a bit worried...
Hernz: Are the demon orcs large?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, they're all normal sized
Hernz: D is mid square... that's why I got confused
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, I tried new mapping software and added gridlines. This and the next map will both have bad grid lines.
Hernz: ah, that's what you meant by issues with the map earlier... gotcha
Hawk Hubertins : Fortitude
Save	6
Hawk just sort of sits down and passes out... And then turns into a demon.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Maaaaybe not immediately.
George: But he turned inside out...
(From Hernz): btw, if this is a disease, veg is immune
George: And exploded.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Initiative
Check	3.02
Hernz: you're rolling GREAT
George: At least it can't go down from there?
Though if I do somehow manage to roll a 0 or a -1 on a d20 I'm going to call it a night. ;)
Hernz: lol
Claire : Initiative
Check	11.01
Nidranisan : Initiative
Check	22.02
Fi : Initiative
Check	6.03
Fleir : Initiative
Check	23.03
Nidranisan : Fortitude
Save	17
(+2 against curses?)
Hernz: might be disease... I'm hoping at least cause then I'm immune and my fail doesnt matter lol... let's hope it's one of those... one of us better make the save! lol
Cat: if claire goes right for the fireball, i can give you a shield of faith...i'll be +3 deflection.
otherwise, i can summon something.
Hernz: nice! how long's that last?
Cat: the armor?
1 min/lvl
Hernz: not bad
Cat: so like 6 minutes.
basically forever in a fight :)
Hernz: yup
veg would definitely take that
Cat: is it just me or did the map actually go away?
Hernz: just you?
Cat: refresh ftw.
that is a shit ton of enemies. by the way.
Hernz: yeah, I realized when I was like "demon orc D?? where's the rest?"... and yeah..
Cat: fireball that top left corner is my vote ;)
Hernz: yup....
Cat: man, how'd marjorie get herself in this much trouble?
Hernz: she failed a fort save? lol
Cat: oh right...third list spells.
i have prayer now.
but everything is really far away so...maybe later.

Cat casts Cure Serious on Nidri!
Cat: heal 20 HPs.
i kinda wish when you clicked the "test macro" button it would say like "this is a test"
before it does it.
Hernz: watch, you'll heal half that when you have to heal veg lol
Cat: that would be too logical.

Cat casts Cure Moderate on Nidri!
Cat: heal 16 HPs.

Cat casts Cure Light on Nidri!
Cat: heal 7 HPs.
woot cure macros are working.
realtime 3/19, 10:27 am
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Borrax Rex's init 18
Zombie init 17
Orc init [[1d20+3[[
Orc init 6

Battle! vs Borrax Rex, rescue Marjorie!

round 1
Borrax turns, points at the party and orders everyone to attack.
In Orc, he yells, "More bodies for our queen! Harvest, now!"
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir and Nidri are up.
Cat: i assume even if we don't speak orc it's pretty clear it's a hostile order?

Cat casts Shield of Faith!
Cat: Duration: 1 min/lvl
Vegeta - Take a +2 deflection bonus to AC!
It's actually +3 now
because i hit lvl 6

Cat fixes macro
Cat: ok, the map keeps randomly disappearing and it makes me sad.
Hernz: lol
Vegeta: thanks Nidri
Hernz: just realized I have a +1 deflection bonus already from the prot ring.. still, +2 more is always welcome
Chad, did we get to prep before we started? I know you said "what do you guys want to do?" or some such...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You can roll K. Religion and K. Planes checks to identify the creatures here.
I assume you would have hour-long prep spells up, since you're in a warzone.
Cat: ok well if mage armor or something was already up, we'll just assume i cast magic weapon on veg instead.
Nidranisan : Knowledge-Planes
Check	11
Nidranisan : Knowledge-Religion
Check	23
Hernz: but mage armor and the other one stack :) so it's ok to just buff me a lot lol
armor wise
Vegeta: Meghan, I'd assume Claire would have armored veg up :)
(To Cat): These Zombies...are Fast Zombies
(To Cat): http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/zombie/zombie-fast
Cat: but would you rather have +1 hit/damage instead of the extra 2 AC?
Hernz: fair enough :) I'll take the hit/dam
Meghan: yeah, how many mage armors am I doing?
Cat: i'd be armored up with my demonhide.
since i have like 6 hours of it.
Nidranisan: guys, watch the zombies, they're actually...quick.
maybe claire can give us a little crowd control before they get in close.
Hernz: chad, did we have a prep round or no? just curious :)
or like a surprise round rather
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, everyone noticed everyone else
Hernz: k
Cat: they're just far enough away that we can pretty safely do a little prep at the top of the round :)
any of them look like they have ranged weapons out?
Vegeta: yup... or just shield Claire while she bombs them away lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, most of the orcs seem to be archers.
Cat: lovely.
i feel some archer wars coming on heh.
Hernz: do the spiderwebs provide cover?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Those are trees
Hernz: cover on all squares they cover up?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah.
Meghan: the map refuses to load for me. :(
Cat: poor, sick, trees.
even on a refresh, meghan?
it's been super flaky for me.
Meghan: wait no it's back
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Try reloading, roll20 doesn't redraw as often as it should
Cat: it disappears and then i refresh...and yeah, once it just randomly came back.
Meghan: if I hide the chat window and bring it back it comes back
Cat: aah, yeah, i think mine did when i switched to macros and back or something.
when it gets to your turn i vote fireball in the top left corner if possible ;)

Fleir takes a step and goes total defense.
Cat: ok, switching tabs also blinks the map in and out.
i've never had this with maps in the past, i wonder if roll20 broke something.
Hernz: ok, I think Cat went by buffing me, so let's see how fast these things move...
Chris: I only have issues if I left myself logged in too long.
Meghan: so to be clear, I'm trying to not hit Marjorie with fireballs, right?
Hernz: I didnt even know you could hide the chat lol
Cat: i like how fleir has learned not to run all over the map ;)
Hernz: hahaha
Meghan: conditioning
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir prepares for trouble, while Nidri shields...someone
Chris: Fi dies too often when she does that.
Hernz: she magic fang'd veg
Cat: and yes, my turn was buffing vegeta, though now that i know we already had armor up, change the buff to magic weapon.
Hernz: THAT
Cat: agree: once is too often ;)
and it sounds like vegeta was the only taker for an armor spell...i can poke george in a minute and see if hawk would have one up.
Hernz: FYI chad, my char sheet here reflects the correct ACs and junk... I added all the buffs and turned them on as appropriate... in case I'm not here to see if I get hit or not
Meghan: I probably need one as well
Hernz: it'd be great if the maps came with grid coordinates.... so we could say "fireball G7" lol.... wait, that's actually a legit sounding idea....
Borax Rex strides forward, bareing his claws...
Meanwhile, the zombies lurch ahead with unnatural speed.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire, Vegeta and Fi are up.

Vegeta powers up (not SSJ) [barkskin] 1/14 ki used
Vegeta: I'll try to block the right side
Chris: At least these Zombies provide soft cover from arrows :-P
Hernz: unless they have the fancy feats you do lol
Meghan: the zombies are not named. are they targetable?
Chris: It's an Elf trait and only works with longbows.
and only through 1 character of soft cover.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, they are...
Is there anyone whose HP you don't see right now, besides the zombies?
Meghan: nope
Hernz: just zombies
Meghan: ok, first fireball is going to start 1 north of zombie A
that'll get A, B, C, I, H, and G but not Fleir
Claire : Fireball
School Evocation
Spell Level Sorceror 3
Caster Level 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VSM
Range 640 ft
Effects/Target 20 ft radius spread
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half	DC 18
Spell Resistance Yes
Caster Level Check	13
Claire is attacking with Fireball
Fireball uses remaining: 3
Meghan: Damage: 26 to each creature in area of effect
Hernz: WHAT A ROLL!!
Meghan: for a shitton of damage
Hernz: do you need line of effect?
cause it shoots out a bead, no?
Meghan: I have no idea what that means
(GM) Chad S. (GM): She has LOS, to hit that spot
Chris: It's only an issue in constrained environments (arrow slits)
Hernz: A glowing, pea-sized bead streaks from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed range, blossoms into the fireball at that point. An early impact results in an early detonation. If you attempt to send the bead through a narrow passage, such as through an arrow slit, you must “hit” the opening with a ranged touch attack, or else the bead strikes the barrier and detonates prematurely.
Meghan: yeah, just read
I can see around Nidri and Zombie H I think
and my range is ... a lot.
Hernz: I just want to know... that way we can block for her while she shoots through us lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Time for some reflex saves
(GM) Chad S. (GM): 11

Meghan does a little dance in her chair
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (PS, they don't have enough HP to survive saving for half)
Meghan: you're welcome fleir
Claire releases a small bead fro her hand that explodes, incinerating the zombies as they close in.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So, move action?
Meghan: sure. away from zombies
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta and Fi are up before the Orcs advance
Hernz: I powered up and moved

Fi casts Ironskin on Fleir
Fi : Ironskin
Caster Level 6
Effects/Target you
Duration 6 minutes
DC 15
Caster Level Check	23
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi buffs Fleir.
Uh, and people should tell me what their ACs are
Cause I lost with all the buffs
Meghan: I should probably have buffed.
George: Mine is 77.
Meghan: but the fireball was so much more satisfying
My AC can best be represented by a series of partial differential equations.
Chris: Fleir is 27
George: Hawk/s is 16. ;)
Hernz: Veg 28
Claire should have mage armor on... I think warzone for the spell being in hours is automatic
Meghan: mage armor is duration hours/level (not hurs per level really)
so yeah, I've got it up
AC 15
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So, Fi and Nidri?
Chris: ... Why is this not auto adding my dex to AC???
Fi is 19.
Hernz: Rain of Arrows time lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Did Rider A roll a 20? 12
Demon Orc Rider A's arrow misses Fleir.
Meghan: whoops
I can burning hands him from here though
... I can take a 5 ft step back and burning hands him from here though
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Did Rider A roll a 20? 20
Meghan: ...
Hernz: COME ON!!!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Did Rider A roll another 20? 14
Meghan: stop that
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Rider A's arrow hits Vegeta...somehow for 5 damage

Vegeta was tying his shoe in front of the zombies and forgot to dodge... yeah
Meghan: The Orc looks just as shocked as Vegeta
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Did Rider D roll a 20? 3
Meghan: "I made him bleed his own blood."
Two of the orc riders travel along, drawing their longswords.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, Hawk, Fleir and Nidri are up. Nidri, I need your AC.
Bedtime for me.
Chris: Which have the swords out?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Riders B and C
Chris: thx
Hernz: what do the demon orc riders have?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Longbows.
Hernz: the one next to claire?
Chris: Can't ride and shoot a longbow.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Demon Orcs has his claws out
Oh? Then they have shortbows
Take 1 less damage, Vegeta
Chris: Yeah. Longbows are full height.
Hernz: k
Chris: WTF? A longbow can't be used while mounted, but a composite longbow can?
Hernz: what???
Chris: That's what each description says. Insane.

Fleir is attacking Demon Orc Rider D with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	12
Damage	7
Type	PBS
Fleir : CMB
Check	10
ooc Wonder roll power, activate!
Cat: armor buffs -- assuming things like mage armor that last for hours were already cast before this combat started, so whoever wants one should probably have one (doesn't claire still have that wand?)
right, read not quite far enough in the chat log.
nidri is AC 16
Nidranisan : Summon Monster II
Spell Level Oracle 2
Caster Level 6
DC 16
Caster Level Check	22
Description: Summon 1 monster from the level 2 list: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/summon-monster#2nd-level
Or summon 1d3 of one type from the level 1 list: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/summon-monster#1st-level

It appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability.
Cat: incidentally...are we actually level 7 and i just failed to update stuff?
also, fiendish hyena: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/hyena/summoned-creature-hyena
Chris: no.
Cat: ok thought claire's thing said 7.
Chris: I think we just turned 6.
Cat: and got confused.
i'm thinking drop the hyena in flanking with fleir.
Meghan: I dont' have the wand but I do have the spell
Cat: ok just means marking off the right number of castings :)
i'm assuming veg can handle the zombies and/or claire can 5' and bomb them again heh.
Meghan: why did I have my caster level with 2 Misc?
that's fixed. didn't actually affect anything with the spell I think.
Cat: maybe save DC, but i hear that didn't matter much ;)
(or is that just spell level and stat mod?)
Meghan: I think it is just spell level and stat mod
I don't think I'm actually using my caster level anywhere.
it was set to 5+2(misc)
Cat: caster level is mostly concentration and piercing SR.
Meghan: maybe I was being particularly penetrating
Cat: that's what...she said.
and on that bombshell, good night everyone.
realtime 3/20, 10:59 am
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, waiting on Hawk's action.
Hernz: Hawk, sing us a song, you're the... guitar man?

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 20
Chris: They all just left Marjorie sitting there.
George: Hawk's not quite in a position to go after her... yet.
He's going to stay put for the moment.
Cat: heh i was just observing the same thing.
i have vermin shape now, i can turn into something that flies ;)
George: And Hawk can go invisible and wander over too. I think it may become a race to see who gets there first. ;)
Cat: depends on whether it's looking like a massacre over here or not...
Round 2
As Hawk sings a song of inspiring courage, Fleir's bite fails to catch the orc - she turns out of the way.
Nidri begins summoning a creature from the depths of Hell-ish.
Borrax Rex flies over alongside Vegeta.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Did Borrax Rex roll a 20? 10
His Claw fails to do much against the Sayan Prince.
Zombie F provokes from Vegeta as the undead shamble around him.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Did Zombie F roll a 20? 10
The zombies are relatively quick, able to slam multiple times.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Did Zombie D roll a 20? 7
Did Zombie E roll a 20? 18 3
Did Zombie J roll a 20? 14 19
Vegeta's defenses stay strong.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire, Vegeta and Fi are up.
Meghan: I almost want to burning arc something
Claire : Burning Hands
School Evocation
Spell Level Sorceror 1
Caster Level 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VS
Range 15 ft
Effects/Target cone-shaped burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half	DC 16
Spell Resistance Yes
Caster Level Check	18
Damage: 12 to each creature in area of effect
Burning Hands uses remaining: 5
at the demon orc rider D in front of me
Hernz: Veg OOO attack w no SSJ bonus:

Vegeta Pummels Zombie F
Vegeta: Att: 14 || 24 || 14
Damage (P): 5 || 11 || 6
Crit Confirm: 28 || 25 || 18
Crit Dmg (P): +6 || +8 || +6
Special 1: Total all damage before applying DR. Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save. Special 3: If hit by first hit, Fort DC 19 or stun for 1 round Special 4: Attacks treated as Magic.
Hernz: ACK!
just hte first one... an AOO

Vegeta activates SSJ mode 2/14 ki used

Vegeta Pummels Borrax Rex
Vegeta: Attack Results: 21 || 24 || 19
Damage (piercing): 16 || 10 || 13
Crit Confirm: 25 || 21 || 25
Crit Dmg (blunt): +12 || +10 || +17
Special 1: Total all damage before applying DR. Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save. Special 4: Attacks treated as Magic.
Hernz: mostly subpar rolls... nice way to start
oh, and stun DC 19 on the first attack if it hits... I have all the macros not quite perfect yet

Vegeta used up 1/6 stuns
Chris: Bleh, too spread out. Let's see if we can disable two for a bit.
Fi : Euphoric Cloud
Spell Level Hunter 2
Caster Level 6
Range Medium
Duration 6 rounds
Saving Throw Negates	DC 15
Caster Level Check	24
Chris: Inside the brown circle.

Fi moves so that she can't get boxed from making 5' steps.
Chris: So don't stand behind her :-P
Vegeta hits the Zombie as it approaches.
Hernz: nice!
14 hits... that's nice lol
Vegeta's fists quickly pummel Borrax Rex. His magically enchanted fist goes right through Borrax Rex, as if he were made of dirt.
Borrax collapses into dust at the warrior's feet.
Vegeta: I got this side, I'll meet you guys up the other end
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi focuses and releases a cloud of fog, hitting two of the enemies.
Demon Orc Rider A's Fort 12
Orc Rider B's Fort 16
Hernz: 1 of 2 ain't bad
Demon Orc Rider A zones out, maaan.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Rider B laughs.
And says something in Orc.
(To Fi): Hmpf. Div form makes you weak, wimp.
Meanwhile, Claire steps back and releases a gout of flame at the Demon Orc.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Reflex Save 24
But the Orc remains unhurt.
Hernz: EVASION???
oh, right, demon
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You passed the SR check, but it seems to resist fire.
Demon Orc Rider D doesn't like being burnt, picks up a stone and puts up a field of supernatural darkness.
He cast Darkness.
Some of the orcs grumble as they fire into the darkness.
Orc Rider A shoots at 1 (even = Hawk)
Hernz: VEg flat AC is 25... I think this makes him flat-footed?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, hitting AC 15 for 6
Vegeta, you can't see your attackers in total darkness. You lose your dex bonus.
Meghan: well, fuck
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Rider D shoots at... 2
Claire, hitting 15 for 10 damage
If you have Darkvision, you're OK.
Meghan: I should've flame arched between zombie d and the orc
I have a halo
Hernz: do I lose my dodge bonus too? i.e. flat-footed? if not, just dex = AC 26
Chris: Do the Orc Riders have 60' dark vision?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You lose the Dodge bonus.
Orcs have 60 ft darkvision
Hernz: ok, so flat-footed :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Rider B charges Fleir, hitting AC 14 for 10 damage
The Orc charges in, glances off of Fleir's armor, and continues past her.
Chris: Is this the normal Darkness spell, where it lowers the light level by one? So Low light vision is ok?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hmm, it is dim light, since it went down by 1 step
You can see alright.
Chris: Ok, Fleir and I have Low light vision.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Rider C charges Fleir, hitting AC 19 for 6 damage
Meghan: I'm just going to light everything on fire.
if I light up the tree, does it provide enough light for everyone?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Rider C stops right in front of Fleir.
Hernz: NICE
meghan's idea I meant... that'd eb awesome lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Demon Orc Rider A sits there, inhaling the fumes maaaaan
Hernz: so in low light, we can see fine within 60 feet is it? I forget how that works for us "normals"
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Two of the orcs walk into melee with Vegeta.
Vegeta: The enemies have 20% concealment in dim light.
Meghan: guess the halo's going up
are my spell-like abilities at my level?
Hernz: they should be, caster level you mean?
Marjorie rolls her eyes and tries to undo her bonds.
Meghan: yeah.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Spell likes are at your level.
Meghan: then the light created from my halo would be equivalent level 6
(GM) Chad S. (GM): er, total level.
Meghan: it's at will
can I just do it or do I have to wait for my turn/take an action?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Need to wait for your turn
Hernz: at will means you can cast it unlimited times, but still takes an action
Meghan: well it's either that or I burn some orcs and zombies
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, Fleir and Nidri are up. Time for bed.
Meghan: you guys vote light?
Hernz: light dispels the darkness, right?

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 19
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
Cat: well, the thing i summoned has darkvision 60'
so that's nice.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Invisibility
Caster Level 6
Effects/Target you or a creature or object weighing no more than 100 lbs./level
Duration 1 min./level (D)
DC 16
Caster Level Check	9

Fleir is attacking Orc Rider C (with Wolf and Longsword) with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	11
Damage	10
Type	PBS
Hernz: and the race is on!
George: Hawk sings himself invisible inside the darkness and walks forwards.
Spell casting gives him a free round of song.
Fi: Damnit, Fleir. Just bite them.
Hernz: ouch... like you said, you used up all your rolls already lol
Chris: Just don't walk into the fog cloud, Hawk.
(From Hawk Hubertins): Using the ninja mask for invis.
Chris: Don't need the bard tripp'n.
George: Is where Hawk moved to in the fog cloud, or should he be one square to the right?
Chris: This off grid thing is driving me nuts.
George: Meh, doesn't make a difference for his last step to be 5' to the right, and that's definitely not in the cloud, so that's where he'll go.
Hernz: lets assume you can run through the tree... I assume the trunk isn't 3 squares wide
Hawk Hubertins: Since he's invis, he doesn't provoke, so he can move right next to the zombies.
Cat: eeeh, looks like enough of a shitshow over here i will stick around at least another round.
George: Err, that was ooc.
Hernz: yup, that's why I meant I assume the trunk is only a 5x5, not 15x15
Cat: so i guess my summon shows up on my turn, and i get my usual actions?
Hernz: yup
George: Heh. If I ever throw a tree that big at you guys, there'll be a reason for it. ;)
Hernz: hahahaha!
Cat: you want him the summon to help with zombie crowd control?
i can drop it where it flanks one with veg.
then you can go after the orcs.
'cause maybe it can actually hit the zombies.
Hernz: if you didn't have to decide when you started casting, then sure, a little flanking is nice
Cat: everyone moved since i started, seems a little silly.
Hernz: yeah, not sure... lucia will have this issue soon too... I'd assume at cast time makes sense
Cat: OK, feindish hyena appears just west of zombie F (in flanking with vegeta) and should go ahead and attack it.
Nidranisan : Prayer
School N/A
Spell Level Oracle 3
Caster Level 6
Range 40' burst
Saving Throw none	DC 17
Spell Resistance Yes
Caster Level Check	17
Description: You and each of your allies gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
pretty sure that gets everyone except orc rider D over there, and marjorie.
and i'm gonna go stand in the tree for cover.
Hernz: go luck bonuses!
you should roll for the summon... or does chad do that?
Cat: i think chad was doing that.
but hey, it gets +1 from the prayer ;)
it's AC 14, bite +3 for 1d6+3, with like... 13 HP i guess?
with another +1 from prayer, if a 14 was hitting those zombies, it could actually be like, useful.
Hernz: yup!
Cat: and it trips!
Hernz: if you had a celestial one cast, it would have smite also against evil (these things)... but you did fiendish, right?
Cat: yeah.
not the best ooc decision.
she's still figuring all this stuff out ;)
it'd be +2 damage against one of them. probably not a huge deal.
Hernz: true... wasn't sure if you're like lucia who just favors animals/dinos
from a character flavor perspective
Cat: nope, i had considered having her only ever summon feindish, but they're flat out not as good, so that annoyed me.
Hernz: yup
Cat: haven't really made up my mind yet if she's going to have it be sort of random or what.
but no, she'd be the type to know every detail of what all of them can do and pick the right creature.
Hernz: I'd say celestial would be fine then... not like you meant magic missile all of a sudden
what level summon is that btw?
Cat: summon monster II
if they work out well she might pick up some bigger summons...it's nice because it adds a target when we have like no front line.
Hernz: yup, or 1d3 smaller targets :) lol
Cat: well yeah, the monster I list stuff is cheese tho.
realtime 3/21 8:52 am
Hawk turns invisible and sneaks away.
Round 3
Fleir continues to distract the Fiendish Orc.
Poof! A Hyena from the depths of Hell appears and bites a Zombie!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hyena bite: AC 4 for 7 damage. Trips vs CMD 15
Forgot to include Bardsong, flanking and prayer but that's not gonna cut it
Nidri meanwhile blesses the party and curses her foes.
Zombies are immune because they are mindless
Demon Orc Will Saves: [[1d20-1] 17 8 19
Demon Orc Will Saves: 13 11 19 3
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Rider Will Saves: 9 8 16
Nidri curses most of the enemies in the room.
er, plain
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I'll move Zombies in a bit.
The good news is that the grid looks like it works on the other map. But this one's busted.
Zombie E attacks (odd = Vegeta) 1
Zombie F attacks (odd = Vegeta) 1
Let's see some 20s! 5 16 19 20
Let's see some 20s! 9 16 14 17
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Did that crit? 15
Zombie F manages to slam Vegeta once for 7 damage
Vegeta, Fi and Claire are up next.

Fi casts Gravity Bow!
Fi: Duration: 6 minutes
Meghan: five ft step back and activating the halo
Claire lights up the immediate area so she and Vegeta can see stuff. Fi uses this opportunity to make the Longbow grow HUGE

Vegeta has no idea where all these hits are coming coming... time to take some down. SSJ maintained 3/14 ki used

Vegeta attacks Zombie E with Flurry!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 29
(Needs 35 to crit.)
Damage (blunt): 11
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 24
Crit Damage (blunt): +15
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.

Vegeta attacks Zombie J with Flurry!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 29
(Needs 35 to crit.)
Damage (blunt): 15
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 32
Crit Damage (blunt): +16
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.

Vegeta attacks Zombie F with Flurry!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 24
(Needs 30 to crit.)
Damage (blunt): 15
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 31
Crit Damage (blunt): +13
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
Chris: I think your die got stuck.
Hernz: lol

Vegeta takes a step down to prevent orcs from moving to rest of party
Vegeta crushes two zombies and leaves the third for the Hyena.
Demon Orc Rider A continues to breathe the fumes.
Orc Rider B (all the way at the bottom) charges Claire.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hits AC 22 for 5 damage
Chris: Damn strafers.
Hernz: does the charger provoke from me?
Chris: Do you have 10' reach?
Hernz: I guess it can run down the line and hit her form the corner, nvm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Rider D just ran left to right across the bottom
Chris: B
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, that's what I said

(GM) Chad S. (GM) leans back in chair

(GM) Chad S. (GM) overconfident, falls out of chair
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Wolf Rider C swings once at Fleir, then takes a backstep
Hey, he could have hit Fleir on a 19...but then he was baned
Back to fishing for 20s
Chris: We could put armor on Fleir to get her over 30 :-P
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Demon Rider D attacks 3
Claire, hitting AC 1 for 6
Chris: Hmm... maybe just 29.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, wrong attack roll
Meghan: still shitty
I'm fine
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It's fiiiiiiine
Chris: This half of the map is awesome.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Meanwhile, Marjorie wants to twiddle her thumbs.
Demon Rider C! Roll a 20? 15
Hernz: is it back to darkness?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire has her halo on, you can see
Meghan: now if we only all had fire immunity I would pull a FF tactics move and just fireball all of us
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Demon Orc B with Flanking? AC 6
The Demon Orc Riders fail to injure Vegeta with the power of TEAMWORK
Hernz: LOL
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Rider D has only unobstructed target, so she takes aim at Nidri.
AC 21 for 6 damage
Even with the tree helping her, Rider D is still able to stick it to her.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That leaves Rider A... Even is Nidri 1
Roll a 20? 10
The orc fires at Vegeta, then circles around the battlefield.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, that's all of the Orcs. Hawk Fleir and Nidri are up next.
Hernz: the race to the top resumes!

Fleir is attacking Demon Orc Rider D with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	23
Damage	14
Type	PBS
Fleir : CMB
Check	11
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Are those magical fangs?
Chris: nope
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay.
Fleir finally gets a grip on fiendish orc hide. Eww.
Hernz: you can roll for the hyena no?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, that's true.
Hyena's bite hits AC 24 for 8 damage
Hernz: I did look and summons can only be told basic "attack", but not flank and crap unless you speak their language... more for lucia than anything... so there's some cool spells and items that let me talk to them to tell them more
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, I've thought about a Druid summoner with Speak with Animals.
Hernz: or you summon them already in flanking... or summon smart things that can talk or are intelligent
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, summoning gets great at higher levels when you can call intelligent outsiders.
George: You guys waiting on me?
Hernz: yup
and cat after you if she's there to poke

George is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
George: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 19
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 19
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
George: You guys definitely want Hawk singing, not George. ;)
Hernz: lolol
George: Double move. Next round freeing Marjorie. I think.
Round 4
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri is up, then it's Zombie D's time to shine!
Demon Orc Rider A nods along with Hawk's song. It's cool, maaan
Hernz: the song that's coming out of thin air....
(GM) Chad S. (GM): He can see the music duuuuuude
Hernz: "do these guys have walking sound effects???"
hey chad, the demon orcs... are they riding on a wolf or something, and is that something also attacking us?
realtime 3/22 8:32 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The Demon Orcs are not riding anything. I thought they were at first but then I reread my stat blocks
The Orcs are riding wolves but please, too many rolls already
Hernz: k,just making sure if there was anyting left fighting after we killed an oc
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nah, don't worry about that. I'll just have the wolves flee.
Hernz: they have those mouth.... muzzles on them
something tells me she won't kill the zombie....
Cat: did fleir not do full damage?
Hernz: he was one short
rolled a 5 on his d6
oh, right... yeah, that, no full damage

Cat casts Cure Moderate on Claire!
Cat: heal 10 HPs.
Hernz: DR
Cat: ...
Hernz: sorry, you can change yoru mind if you want :)
my bad...
Cat: nah, just rolled crap.
forgot i have magic weapon not magic fang...only works on monks.
Hernz: :D
Cat: in other news if you ever need to pierce DR cold iron, let me know.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Zombie tiem 2 12
Okay then.
Fi, Claire and Vegeta are up.
Hernz: K... Next level I get to bypass that too :)

Vegeta maintains SSJ mode 4/14 ki used

Vegeta attacks Demon Orc C with Flurry H!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 29
(Needs 35 to crit.)
Damage (P): 12
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 19
Crit Damage (P): +12
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save
Hernz: need to know how hurt he is before I proceed with next attacks
actually, that shoudln't kill him...

Vegeta attacks Demon Orc C with Flurry H!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 21
(Needs 35 to crit.)
Damage (P): 18
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 20
Crit Damage (P): +17
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save
Vegeta defeats one of the demon orcs.

Vegeta attacks Zombie D with Flurry H!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 15
(Needs 30 to crit.)
Damage (P): 17
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 21
Crit Damage (P): +11
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save
Hernz: hit or miss.....
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That's a miss
Hernz: damn!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That's your turn?
Hernz: yeah, no point in moving... otherwise I leave them open to attack from above
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Got it.
Claire and Fi are next.
Hernz: time for archer wars!

Fi is attacking Demon Orc D with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	23
Damage	16
Type	piercing

Fi is attacking Orc Rider C (with Wolf and Longsword) with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	20
Damage	18
Type	piercing
Hernz: nice damage rolls!
Fi reduces a demon orc to dust and pierces one of the Orc riders.
Fi: [Elven] Die you evil beasts!
(To Fi): Orc C replies in Orc: Hey Rex have good dental!
(From Fi): How's the hazard pay?
(To Fi): The Orc rolls his eyes. "Hmpf. Elves."

Fi has a short conversation with Orc C in orcish.
Meghan: congrats, orcs, you're standing 15ft apart
Claire : Burning Arc
School evocation
Spell Level Sorceror 2
Caster Level 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V,S
Range 40 ft
Effects/Target One primary, 2 secondary for half damage
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half	DC 17
Spell Resistance Yes
Caster Level Check	23
Claire is attacking Orc Rider C (with Wolf and Longsword) with Burning Arc
Burning Arc uses remaining: 5
Damage (primary): 6d6, 21
Meghan: Damage (secondary): 3d6, 6
primary was C, secondary A
that did not roll a 3d6
rolling 1d6
= 4
add 4 to it
Meghan: I'll try to fix my macro
(GM) Chad S. (GM): C's reflex 11
A's reflex 17
Claire burninates one of the orcs and singes the other one.
Meghan: next time
(GM) Chad S. (GM): gadget
(From Fi): [Orc] Well, I hope the dental was worth it.
Meghan: indeed
I'm not sure that I should move...
since my halo is up
Hernz: next to Fi
Chris: Orc B can do another run by attack on you from there.
Hernz: so he cant charge you without provoking from veg
then again, that might leave you within reach of the demon orc.... I say take your chances with the rideby?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Are you good with that spot, Claire?
Meghan: yeah, I'm good
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay then.
Orc Rider B leaps into the fray to strike at Vegeta, rolling a 20? 12
The Orc Riders fire at the fast moving hyena.
Orc Rider A hits AC 11 for 5 damage
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Rider D hits AC 9 for 11 damage
Buuuuut their aim sucks
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Demon Orc B sidesteps and tries to roll a 20 17 7 18
Demon Orc A remains fascinated.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, Fleir and Nidri are up.
Marjorie continues to struggle against her bonds.

Fleir is attacking Orc Rider B (with Wolf and Longsword) with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	12
Damage	13
Type	PBS
Hernz: you have been rolling CRAP for Fleir
(GM) Chad S. (GM): 1 out of 4 can't be that bad
Chris: It is with a +10 to hit...
Hernz: also, the hyena goes with nidri
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hyena vs Zombie: AC 19 for 11 damage
(From Hawk Hubertins): How is Marjorie being held? Is she tied up with rope, etc?
(To Hawk Hubertins): Rope and a gag.
Cat: woo woo go hyena?
The hyena chomps into the Zombie and laughs.
Hernz: lol
Cat: i'm gonna conserve spells.

Cat casts Guidance on Fleir!
Cat: Duration: 1 minute. Take +1 on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check (choose before you roll)
'cause fleir is clearly having the most trouble here.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 18
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.

Hawk Hubertins cuts the ropes holding Marjorie and removes the gag.
Marjorie holds perfectly still as Hawk cuts through the ropes using his trusty Supertool (TM)
Marjorie Mel: ...thank you, Mister Hubertins. Let us hurry and finish this quickly.
Round 5
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Zombie attacks (even = Vegeta) 1
Zombie vs Hyena: AC 14 for 6 damage
Zombie attacks (even = Vegeta) 1
Zombie vs Hyena: AC 8 for 10 damage
The zombie slams the hyena once and stomps the ground with its foot.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta, Fi and Claire are up.

Vegeta maintains SSJ aura, 5/14 ki used

Vegeta attacks Demon Orc B with Flurry H!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 19
(Needs 37 to crit.)
Damage (P): 14
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 27
Crit Damage (P): +17
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save
Hernz: ....yay flanking?
(the 19 includes it already)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That hits

Vegeta attacks Demon Orc B with Flurry H!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 19
(Needs 37 to crit.)
Damage (P): 15
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 31
Crit Damage (P): +16
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save
Hernz: wow, back to back 2s.... lol

Vegeta attacks Zombie D with Flurry H!
Vegeta: Attack Result: 12
(Needs 30 to crit.)
Damage (P): 12
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 16
Crit Damage (P): +16
Vegeta: Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save
Hernz: the curse of Fleir attacks

Fleir whimpers.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol
Well one fist hit.
Hernz: 2 did
both 19s, right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, I didn't realize you rolled the same thing twice
Hernz: lol, yup... didn't I roll all 4s last time Chris?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The last attack missed the Zombie
Hernz: correct
Chris: I thought it was better than a 4. But yes 3 of the same roll.
Cat: my hyena's still winning!

Fi is attacking Orc Rider D (with Wolf and Shortbow) with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	25
Damage	12
Type	piercing

Fi is attacking Orc Rider D (with Wolf and Shortbow) with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	32
Crit Confirm	18
Damage	13
Crit Damage	+20
Type	piercing
Fi reminds the Orcs that general insurance is more important than dental.
Meghan: hah
Claire : Burning Arc
School evocation
Spell Level Sorceror 2
Caster Level 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V,S
Range 40 ft
Effects/Target One primary, 2 secondary for half damage
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half	DC 17
Spell Resistance Yes
Caster Level Check	14
Claire is attacking Orc Rider B (with Wolf and Longsword) with Burning Arc
Burning Arc uses remaining: 4
Damage (primary): 6d6, 21
Meghan: Damage (secondary): 3d6, 14
second target is zombie D
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Rider B's Reflex Save 6
Zombie's Reflex save for the lulz 13
Claire burns an Orc and a Zombie
Cause when all else fails, use fire
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Rider B slashes at (even = Vegeta) for AC 17 for 10 damage
Orc Rider A fires at Fi, hitting AC 18 for 8 damage
The Orc has trained to attack Fi, but his aim sucks.
Marjorie stands up and carefully adjusts her veil.
The hyena runs after the Orc Rider.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hyena charges Orc Rider A: AC 11 for 9 damage
Hawk, Fleir and Nidri can move.

Fleir uses her guidance.

Fleir is attacking Orc Rider B (with Wolf and Longsword) with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	17
Damage	14
Type	PBS
Fleir : CMB
Check	20

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 17
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
Fleir finishes off the Orc Rider.
Cat: i guess i could...go heal vegeta?
Hernz: he wont complain lol
Fi: Should I drop the cloud?

Cat casts Cure Moderate on Vegeta!
Cat: heal 16 HPs.
Round 6
Nidri heals Vegeta back to full!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): We've got 2 orcs left.

Vegeta goes back to regular sayan mode
Vegeta: sure drop it

Fi dispells the cloud.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The remaining orc is fascinated fro 2 rounds
Hernz: can I charge or is the tree in the way?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): There's a tree
Any move action, Fi?

Fi moves.

Vegeta moves behind the stupid orc
The orc bellows. "Man, I could see the music! Can you see the music?"
Hernz: he gets a new save cause an enemy approached
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Will Save 5
"The music, maaan!"
Meghan: fuck it, I'm injured a little right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes.
Meghan: I don't think I want to waste spells on the order rider.
orc rider

Meghan is healing Claire with Heavenly Fire Healing
Meghan: Healing Result: 10
Type: healing
Notes: Only heals good creatures. Ray. Use up to 8 per day.
Heavenly Fire Healing uses remaining: 6
that's probably nor right
Meghan: it's probably actually for 7. :/
Hernz: still max heals you since u were down... 5 I think
Meghan: as my damage mod is "floor\(\@\{class-0-level}/2)"
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, super bedtime for me (and almost everyone else.)
Meghan: yeah
should I be moving up?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Night folks. This battle should end soon.
Chris: probably
Hernz: as much as I love Haste, man a good fireball is much better lol
realtime 3/23 11.18 a
Demon Orc A remains fascinated
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Orc Rider A's wolf snaps at the hyena, then takes a step back.
AC 18 for 4 damage
Trips CMD 7
Rider A fires at 2
Fi, hitting AC 19 for 5 damage
Chris: bah. barely
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It's just a scratch!
Chris: but I need it fixed!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, Fleir and Nidri are up. The Hyena will continue its pursuit.
AC 16 for 10 damage
Trips 13
No trip, but the Hyena sinks its teeth into the Orc rider.

Fleir is attacking Orc Rider A (with Wolf and Shortbow) with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	15
Damage	11
Type	PBS
(GM) Chad S. (GM): NOW you needed that guidance
Oh yeah, with the Zombies gone I guess everyone has a turn.
Fleir misses, but-

Fi is attacking Orc Rider A (with Wolf and Shortbow) with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	19
Damage	12
Type	piercing

Fi is attacking Orc Rider A (with Wolf and Shortbow) with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	17
Damage	15
Type	piercing
Fi finishes it off.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone except Fi and Fleir: gimme your actions this turn.
Before Vegeta pummels this high Demon Orc into paste
Hernz: he's dropped SSJ mode... might not even hit now lol
not sure what it is, but the macros aren't displaying the right numbers... I'll have to do manually

Vegeta Pummels Demon Orc A
Vegeta: Att: 13 || 25 || 16
Damage (P): 12 || 6 || 12
Crit Confirm: 27 || 19 || 18
Crit Dmg (P): +10 || +9 || +9
Special 1: Total all damage before applying DR. Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save. Special 4: Attacks treated as Magic.
Hernz: what?? a 4 doesn't hit in non SSJ mode?? lol
oh, and the orc auto snaps out of it
RULES DISCUSSION: On a separate note, I thought there was a limit to the number of Summon Monsters you could cast simultaneously... or Simulacrums.. otherwise.... a little overpowered if you can have a swarm of simulacrums or cast 3 summon spells at the same time?
Cat: double move
Nidranisan: You OK Marjorie? Need any assistance?
Hawk Hubertins: Looks like Vegeta has this under control. What exactly did we just stumble on, Marjorie?
Vegeta only connects once. The Democ Orc snaps out of it.
Marjorie Mel: Thank you, all of you. We're about to stop a plague. A perversion of life. I am unharmed, but I must concentrate.
Round 7
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire, you're up.

Meghan is attacking Demon Orc A with Pew Pew Holy Lazer!
Meghan: Attack Result: 9
Damage Result: 7
Type: divine
Pew Pew Holy Lazer uses remaining: 6
Notes: Only hurts evil creatures. Ray. Use up to 8 per day.
Hernz: we roll good
Meghan: damage results was probably actually 4
since it won't do the math right
realtime 3/24 11:16 am
Claire's ray of holy light misses the orc, who mutters "YOU STOLE MY GOOD RHYTHMS!" and lashes out at Vegeta
(GM) Chad S. (GM): 14 15 8
Failing to do much.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, give me your actions.

Fleir is attacking Demon Orc A with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	27
Damage	10
Type	PBS
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Not tripping, I assume
Chris: oops. no.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Thought so.
Fleir bites but DR resists some of the damage.

Fi is attacking Demon Orc A with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	32
Damage	16
Type	piercing
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That'll do.
Fi and Fleir finish off the last Fiendish Orc.
Combat Over

Marjorie Rescued

(GM) Chad S. (GM): The hyena has about 2 rounds left.
Marjorie Mel: These lands are diseased, and it advances at an accelerated rate. When you told me about the orcs who fell to the disease and were reborn with fiendish traits, I became concerned.
The diseased land is very potent- incubating within an hour and wearing your body each hour instead of each day. Symptoms are similar to the Shakes- clumsyness, loss of hand-eye coordination and dizzyness.
If you die to this disease however, the orcs seem to gain fiendish qualities and become absolutely loyal to this C.F. person.
The elves who died had their bodies perverted into zombies. What you destroyed were the remains of the unit that was escorting me to help find the source.
Despite my many health problems, diseases have had trouble infecting me. The orcs who captured me weren't sure of what to do with me.
I do think I know where C.F. is- it's where the disease is the most concentrated. When you are ready, I will lead you there. I'm doing all that I can to prevent the disease from expanding further.
Vegeta: hmph... these orcs were just a nuisance...
Hernz: btw, is this disease the failed fort saves that some of us... failed?
Chris: I suspect that we will have to wait to find out.
Hernz: ah yeah, we arent waiting around an hr to find out lol
Chris: I'm going to assume that we will be rolling more saves in an hour.
Hernz: yup
Chris: There are those potions we're supposed to drink that cover us for an hour. Did we already drink those, or are we still waiting on those?
Hernz: ah, just found an advantage of barkskin over ironskin... bark lasts 10min/lvl vs 1min/lvl for iron
(GM) Chad S. (GM): uhhhh....I don't remember if you drank them or not.
Chris: I don't think we did. I don't we ever even discussed it.
We've been out for what an hour now?
Vegeta: 3 hrs I think they said it'd take to get here, right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I think so, yeah.
Chris: So we've been out and hour and expect 2 more for our destination?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, that's accurate
Fi: Should we take the potions for the last hour of the trip, or now?
Nidranisan: i would think last hour...the closer we get, the more worried i am.
Fi: Seems reasonable. Shall we head on?
Chris: Should we do any healing or save the spells? Fi's at 22/27.
I suppose she could heal herself. Not like he goes through spells quickly.
Cat: yeah, nidri likes to save healing for battle emergencies where possible.
fi has more useful things to do during combat.

Fi casts Cure Light Wounds on Fi.
Fi: Healing: 9
Saving Throw: DC 14, Will half; Spell Resistance: Yes
Cat: i think cure light is capped at +5
unless you have something awesome that stops that.
Chris: Yeah. I only needed 5, so didn't really matter.
Cat: everyone else looks ok except me i think.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, then.
Vegeta: we ready to go?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I will need 2 Fort Saves from you as you travel to the source.
Vegeta : Fortitude
Save	24
Vegeta : Fortitude
Save	18
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Also, you should prep any hourly buffs as you approach the source. Night guys.
Hernz: mage armor should last a few more hours, so we're good there
Cat: i'll just mark off 2 more hours of my armor.
Hernz: barkskin lasts 1 hr (10 min/lvl)... that something I can prep once we get close enough?
Nidranisan : Fortitude
Save	11
Nidranisan : Fortitude
Save	14
awwwwww yeah
i'm toasted ;)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, anything within 10 minutes is OK
Cat: we assumed 3 hrs out and 3 hrs back?

Vegeta will have his aura up when they near... 6/14 ki used
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes 3 hours to and back.
Cat: k. i get 6 hours of demonhide.
so, unless something unscheduled comes up that should be fine.
nidri's pretty ok for spells...as long as we don't get shanked by something big on the way bak.
Fi : Fortitude
Save	7
Fi : Fortitude
Save	10
Chris: There they are...
Hernz: lolol
Fleir : Fortitude
Save	10
Fleir : Fortitude
Save	16
Meghan: this'll end well.
Chris: srsly?
Vegeta: make sure everyone has one of those vials on them in case we need them
Claire : Fortitude
Save	24
... how?
Claire : Fortitude
Save	10
Hernz: you all pass out and me with my lousy 10 strength die trying to get you out
Meghan: there we go
Chris: No we'll be zombies chasing you out.
Meghan: ha-ha
Cat: i'm picturing that scene from airplane.
where marjorie is describing the symptoms.
and me and fi are like sweating buckets and stuff.
Hernz: hahahahaha
realtime 3/25 8:44 am
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Looks like everyone but Hawk made their rolls.
Fi takes 5 Dex damage as they approacht the site.
Fleir takes 5 Dex damage as they approacht the site.
Nidri takes 11 Dex damage as they approacht the site.
Antiplague - If you drink a vial of this foul-tasting, milky tonic, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against disease for the next hour. If already infected, you may also make two saving throws (without the +5 bonus) that day and use the better result.
Those who are infected may wish to drink the antiplague to retry those Fort Saves.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, you owe me 2 Fort Saves.
The party approaches the site, they see some shattered remains of Riga Plague-Bringer's camp. His symbols have been replaced with those of a blood-red ruby. Marjorie's eyes widen as she recognizes the symbol.
Marjorie Mel: Lu...Lucavan.
Marjorie Mel pauses for a moment, and bracers herself before recovering.
Marjorie Mel: We are in the presence of a Lucavan. She is now powerful enough to infect anyone in the Redtooth Lands, and she just tried to expand her influence into the Krimson Forest. I am doing all I can to hold it back, but...I can't do much else.
We'll have to defeat her, now. I know you have some kind of trump card against outsiders, now is the time to use it.
I do not order you to do this as a supervisor. I am asking you as a resident of Alenno. I fear for this continent if her power grows any stronger.
Chris: Fi and Fleir will definitely take the anti-plague. Should I just roll two fort saves again for each of us?
Meghan: should we make rolls to understand what a lucavan is?
Cat: uuuuuh.
so we've had some stuffy stuff about lucavans before.
which player doesn't remember.
someone might have to pour it down nidri's throat lest she drop the vial.
Hawk Hubertins : Fortitude
Save	16
Hawk Hubertins : Fortitude
Save	8
Cat: ...did i somehow fail both but Fi made one?
Hernz: I think Fi has made the initial one prior to the battle
we had to make 3 total... Nidri failed 3, Fi/Fleir failed 2
Vegeta: Nidri, here, use my vial... this thing has no effect on me
Nidranisan: Thanks.
Cat: ok, so, i chug the stuff and i get to reroll both of those two saves and take the higher?
Hernz: not sure if once or twice... I think we rolled twice for 2 hrs of travel...
Cat: yeah, the two throws says "that day" so who knows how chad is translating it. he said "Those who are infected may wish to drink the antiplague to retry those Fort Saves." -- plural
and it sounds like i'd get a +5 on the next one after (assuming it's within the hour)
well, here's 2 rerolls, chad can process however he needs and revise my dex dmg if needed. :)
Nidranisan : Fortitude
Save	16
Nidranisan : Fortitude
Save	20
Hernz: you forgot to make it +5 on those
George: What Chad isn't telling us is that the stuff in the vials is actually just ginger beer.
Hernz: lol
Fi : Fortitude
Save	24
Fi : Fortitude
Save	20
Fleir : Fortitude
Save	14
Fleir : Fortitude
Save	19

Fi coughs.
Fi: That stuff packs a punch.
Nidranisan: no +5 on the reroll
Hernz: I'm confused, but that's probably cause I didn't pay as much attention cause I wasn't affected lol
Nidranisan: it has 2 effects: if already infected, save twice and take the better roll. separately, +5 for the next hour.
er ooc :)
Hernz: gotcha
Cat: chaaaaaaaad. i need to know if i'm still tripping over my feet every step!
Hernz: lol... how much dex does nidri have?
Cat: 14
so yeah, 11 would kinda hurt ;)
11 dex damage that is.
Hernz: ok, so not TOTALLY collapsing at least lol... but yeah, that's harsh
Cat: yeaaaaaah.
so after chad resolves the final disease count -- with the fancy robes, nidri can cast 1 (for the day) of either lesser restoration or remove disease.
before we spring the next fight we can probably pick what makes the most sense and do that.
or neither, and save it if we want a zone of truth for CF later ;)
Hernz: Something tells me once we kill CF, this will be gone... but next battle might be a heavy "stay out of melee range with anything" for a bunch of us (I think hawk might get 2d8 penalty as well)
hm... keeping her alive might keep the disease around...
Cat: yeah that's why i said let's see how the dust settles with the anti toxin.
Hernz: yeah
Cat: i think hawk failed 1 save but we won't know for sure until chad checks. :)
Hernz: I thought they were DC 18s... I could be wrong
Cat: it looked like someone made one with a 16 before.
but if fi or hawk has significant dex damage, the lesser restoration could make a difference.
Hernz: yup
yeah, I read the logs... DC 18
Cat: huh oh.
Hernz: assuming this is the same dc...
Cat: it may not be.
Hernz: looks like we'll find out tomorrow lol
Cat: fi had 22/7/10 and took 1d8. fleir had 22/10/16 and took 1d8. nidri had 17/11/14 and took 2d8. so yeah, 18 would do it, and i just had an off-by-one start lol. claire led with an 18 and hawk led with a 6, so...claire is just getting sick and hawk is probably chugging a vial too. ;)
it looks like fleir still missed one save with the rerolls.
Hernz: yup... veg missed the first one, but as a monk he's immune to disease
or maybe making the next two saves cured me (could be something else, never knwo)
George: We had 3 of those potions, right?
Hernz: I thought we each had one, but now that you mention it, I do recall they said soemthing about having limited supply
George: Yeah, we definitely didn't have enough for the whole party.
Cat: i thought it was one each.
they only work for an hour for the +5.
that's why it wasn't enough for the party.
Hernz: well, if we're short, something tells me Nidri, hawk, Fi get dibs
Cat: can't find it in the log.
Hernz: yeah, dont think they clarified how many we got
Chris: Chad never actually specified a ratio or quantity.
Cat: note how chad is cleverly building up suspense before the big boss fight ;)
Hernz: hahahaha
realtime 3/26, 1:34 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh man, Friday night was busy and then I slept like a log.
"If already infected, you may also make two saving throws (without the +5 bonus) that day and use the better result." Usually diseases affect you daily, so you'd drink the antiplague and make 2 rolls against it.
I'm going to say that you make 2 extra rolls on the spot upon drinking it, and then it expires right before the next hour.
So you make the Fort Save, fail, then take the antiplague, and make 2 more rolls.
And with that:
Nidri failed the 1st save, failed the 2nd save, then drank the Antiplague and made her save. Then she failed the 3rd save.
Nidri drinks the antiplague as soon as she feels wobbly and regains her composure (No Dex lost)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): No wait, I'm misreading. You need 2 consecutive saves to cure yourself. You made the 2nd save because of the antiplague, but you failed the 3rd save. So you're still infected and you take 1 Dex damage.
Fi feels woozy on the 3rd hour, and takes the antiplague to boost hir defenses. Fi emerges without any trouble.
But you're still infected.
Fleir seems to be in a similar situation: infected but still as dextrous as ever.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Everyone was able to get a max of 1 vial of antiplague, that's what I meant by limited supply.
So Hawk has a vial of antiplague. He will take 7 Dex damage if he doesn't make his Fort saves.
What was once Riga Plague-Bringer's hut is now a blood-stained shrine. The statue crudely resembles a woman holding a scythe in one hand and a round rock in the other.
Two creatures in the shape and size of Borrax Rex stand guard next to a beautiful blue-skinned woman, draped in revealing red cloth.
Marjorie Mel: ...I don't recognize her. Why is a pairaka serving as the Ruby? The Lucavan were the masterminds behind the Fifty Years War. Outsiders from Evil Planes who bonded together in a mission to cause as much bloodshed as possible.
Carnelian Fetish: Why would you, of all people, deny my chance to raise a new nation? These orcs- the smart ones- were all too willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater cause. Mel'jorie, you traitor! Your diseased flesh will thrive in the new world. No more hiding!
Marjorie Mel: ...no. This is a curse I will endure. No one else. Especially not some over eager Ruby replacement.
Carnelian Fetish: Carnelian, not Ruby. Carnelian Fetish, the symbol of Sagittarius!

The Vector of Disease: Carnelian Fetish

Boss subtitles flash across the party's view: "The Vector of Disease: Carnelian Fetish"
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay. Check on your hourly buffs. You knew you were going through a boss door, so if you don't mind losing a minute you can put up your minute buffs.
I'll wait for you guys to resolve disease before we roll for init.
George: Hawk's previous saves were 16 and 8. Was the 16 sufficient to make it? That will probably change the order of actions regarding the antiplauge gingerbeer.
Cat: buffs nidri can offer (in a somewhat limited fashion if y'all want healing later) are: +3 deflection bonus to AC, +1 hit/dmg (magic weapon) to...well, melee weapons or monks only.
those would be minute buffs.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): George, both saves failed.
Meghan: I can put up a bless
+1 morale bonus on attack rolls, lasts for 6 minutes
how long has it been for hourly buffs again?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): 3 hours
You know the Lucavan were evil outsiders during the Fifty Years War (Marjorie gave a general description). Roll k history if you want to know more.
Also you can roll K. Planes to recall more about a pairaka like Carnelian Fetish.
I just KNOW I'm going to mispell her name a million times.
Meghan: carnivious fetlife
Claire : Knowledge-Planes
Check	25
hey look a skill I have
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh! It's Pair-aka, not Par-aika
Meghan: Cucumber Felting
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire's Pokedex reads: Pairakas are combinations of seduction and destruction. They can spread disease by touch and through their claws.
(To Claire): http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/divs/div-pairaka
Cat: doesn't bless not stack with bardsong?
Meghan: don't morale bonuses stack?
Nidranisan : Knowledge-Planes
Check	26
Meghan: ugh, fire immune
Cat: yeah, nidri knows a little about this kind of critter heh.
(To Cat): http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/divs/div-pairaka
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri peeks at Claire's Pokedex, with a "Yeah I knew that already" look on her face
Meghan: hrm.
Cat: in other news, i can solve some DR problems.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Morale bonuses don't stack.
Meghan: I think the holy lazer is good but I don't remember about the pearl of brilliance
ok, then bless is bleh
save the spell
Cat: save the spell.
i'll drop a prayer.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Well, when you have a bard handling the buffs.
Meghan: yeah
I think pearl of brilliance is just ... damage?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, you just have to deal with SR
Cat: so in theory she also has DR cold iron.
i don't know what the sendrine will do vs that.
Meghan: heavenly fire does not specifically say it is good but it only damages evil creatures.
"This damage is divine and not subject to energy resistance or immunity"
Cat: lol nice.
Meghan: 1d4+3 baby
lol if I can hit
Cat: so monk strike, weapons, or up to 20 matching arrows -- i can give the ability to pierce her DR.
Meghan: what about the boraxes? also demons?
Cat: technically we didn't really kick down the door yet, we're preping ;)
Meghan: ok
I'll make another kplanes check later
Cat: i mean, we already knew what she was...
so i kind of assume we can prep our minute-buffs.
Hernz: Veg would rather have the +1 than the DR bypass... he can do pummel to overcome that
Meghan: dr 10
Hernz: I guess 10 is a lot lol... ok gimme that haha
Meghan: yeah
Hernz: In theory, I can get both... 6 minutes and 5 minutes 54 seconds is good enough lol
that's assuming you guys have the spare spells to dish
Meghan: both is good
George: Hawk does whatever makes the most sense. Player doesn't have the brain to figure it out. SNR too low for me to brain.
Hernz: lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): George were you mind controlled last turn?
Don't let those Ayliens get to you
Also, I'm not sure if George is referring to prep spells or handling the disease.
Hernz: did he roll the two new fort saves after drinking gummy berry juice?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I did not see anything.
Hernz: Hawk should drink the juice and make 2 fort saves George :)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): George said: "George: Hawk's previous saves were 16 and 8. Was the 16 sufficient to make it? That will probably change the order of actions regarding the antiplauge gingerbeer." I replied "George, both saves failed."
Hernz: Meanwhile, buffs we will have: 1) Bardsong (+2 att/dam. +2 vs fear/enchant, Morale bonus), 2) Prayer (+1 att/dam/saves, Luck bonus)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Huh, I never realized Prayer is luck but Bless is morale
Hernz: yeah, just checked it... very odd
so technically, prayer affects -1 to all enemies too (if cast near them), cause luck bonus applies to all types, right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, you'd need to cast near enemies to deal the -1
Hernz: right... now, if we move more than 40ft from her after she casts it, do we still benefit?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nope, you need to be close to get the buff
Hernz: k
Btw, I like how hawk is up front as part of the meat shield lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hernz...Hawk is Goku.
He's better at this than you
Hernz: super very yes!!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, time for more errands. See you all tonight.
Chris: I'm not sure how online I will be. I'm spending the day and part of the night out in Westford playing with telescopes.
Definitely will put up some multi-minute prep spells.
Cat: hernz, i can probably give you both.
i thought it hit everyone in 40 ft at the time.
even if they moved later. (prayer that is)
chris, does fi want the DR piercing on any arrows?
George: That should be Hawk's starting position. On the right side for once! ;)

Cat is activating her Oracle ability, Rift Weapon, on Vegeta
Cat: Uses remaining: 0
Touch one weapon (or a group of up to 20 similar pieces of ammunition) and give it the ability to penetrate DR/cold iron for 1 minute per caster level. At 9th level, can also grant the additional ability to bypass DR/good or DR/law.
A monk's unarmed strike is considered a weapon, and thus it can be enhanced by this ability.
George: Hawk guzzles the goo and makes more saves.
Cat: the 0 is a lie.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Fortitude
Save	5
Hawk Hubertins : Fortitude
Save	18

Cat casts Magic Weapon on Vegeta!
Cat: Targets/Area: weapon touched
Duration: 1 min/lvl
Magic weapon gives a weapon a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. An enhancement bonus does not stack with a masterwork weapon's +1 bonus on attack rolls.
You can't cast this spell on a natural weapon, such as an unarmed strike (instead, see magic fang). A monk's unarmed strike is considered a weapon, and thus it can be enhanced by this spell.
ok, marked off spells for buffing vegeta.
Cat: once all the plague stuff is resolved, lemme know if someone wants that lesser restoration before we kick down the door.
Nidranisan: There is definitely something not right about her...
Vegeta: thanks nidri!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, Hawk takes -1 Dex during hour 2, then he drinks the antiplague. He cures, but then he fails hour 3.
So Nidri and Hawk have -1 Dex from the disease.
I'll need some initiative rolls.
Vegeta : Initiative
Check	12.02
Cat: ok, saving my 1 cool spell for later then :)
Nidranisan : Initiative
Check	10.02
Cat: oh yeah.
totally not paying attention.
Hernz: the question is, did you cast prayer yet, or later?
Cat: later.
it's good as a first round spell.
Hernz: yup yup
Hawk Hubertins : Initiative
Check	9.02
Ok, either Fi or Claire needs to roll an 11.
Hernz: lol
Cat: we're so good at this game.
Claire : Initiative
Check	11.01
I hear we get an extra 10,000,000 XP if we all make a straight
Meghan: haha
Cat: too funny.
George: That's why I wanted the 11, Hernz. ;)
Cat: i like how none of us are addressing the fact that CF totally knows marjorie and called her Mel'jorie. (i mean dude, the gme ven changed her name on her token...)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Ooo, intrigue!
Cat: also, the whole red thing...is troubling.
but i dunno if nidri or claire is taking the time to explain that.
Hernz: I think every time I've typed that name, I misspell it, so I couldn't even tell lol... I'm terrible at names... should have called her bob
George: Bruce. Her name is Bruce.
Cat: we're...going to need a wig?
...george isn't looking.
George: She types as I look over at her.
Cat: i was waiting like, forever. literally.
all of time went by.
George: Right, Bruce.
Chris: Ok. 6 minute prep spells going up.

Fi casts Ironskin on Fleir
Fi : Ironskin
Caster Level 6
Effects/Target you
Duration 6 minutes
DC 15
Caster Level Check	15

Fi casts Ironskin on Fi
Fi : Ironskin
Caster Level 6
Effects/Target you
Duration 6 minutes
DC 15
Caster Level Check	14

Fi casts Gravity Bow!
Fi: Duration: 6 minutes

Fi casts Magic Fang on Fleir!
Fi: Duration: 6 minutes
Fi : Initiative
Check	7.04
Chris: Guess Fleir needs an 8.
Fleir : Initiative
Check	4.03
Chris: DOH!
Meghan: you were so close
you let us down

Fleir goes home.
Meghan: no, we'll keep Fleir, we need her. Fi can go home.
Hernz: so close.... soooo close...
realtime 3/27 2 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): CF's init 20
Baddies Init 18
Ms. Mel's Init 17
You're Too Slow! -Sonic
C'mon, step it up! -Sonic
Round 1
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hmm, I don't know people's ACs after buff a palooza.
Chris: Gah! being taunted! Must smash 'em!
Fi is 23AC. Fleir is 27AC.
Carnelian Fetish assumes a fighting stance and stomps the ground. Zombies crawl from the mounds.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Thanks Chris
Oh, I already added them. Well, that happens.
She then moves ahead as her fiendish allies move to flank.
Marjorie takes a defensive stance.
Marjorie Mel: She's trying to infect this very shrine. I'll do what I can to contain it, but avoid any pitch-black areas that erupt, especially if you are already suffering from the disease.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Party is up. K. Religion and K. Planes checks can be used to identify Borrax Rex and the Zombies, although they look similar to what you've seen already.
Chris: I'll wait for the other buff casters to take their action.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I figured. Anyway, Boss Battle Music plays as the party pauses to decide their next action.
(This is the part where you crit on round 1, killing her before anything happens)
Nidranisan : Knowledge-Planes
Check	27
Nidranisan : Knowledge-Religion
Check	12
pretty sure that's the opposite of what i did last time ;)
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Just like the previous battle, those Zombies are fast.
Borrax Rex looks just like that Borrax Rex that captured Marjorie.
Cat: ok, i didn't get any info on what that was last time.
i think i flopped the k planes.
also, is there fun terrain under the zombies?
(To Nidranisan): This is the half-fiend template applied to an orc.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The zombies just crawled out of a pile of rubble about 10 feet high.
Cat: ok. does it block me having the 40' burst hit CF?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): No, it's pourous enough you can channel magic through it
So your burst can affect her.
Cat: k.
dunno if veg or claire are going to move further than 40 feet heh.
but i'm gonna pop a prayer.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, I need SR checks against Borrax Rex and Carnelian Fetish.
Borrax Rex B is out of range.
Cat: is that just caster lvl?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup
Unless you have a feat like Spell Penetration
Cat: yea was just checking, i don't think i do
ok, first one for rex A, second one for CF.
Nidranisan : CL Check
Class	Oracle 6
Check	23
Spell Pen Bonus	0
Nidranisan : CL Check
Class	Oracle 6
Check	8
Spell Pen Bonus	0
ah well.
and i think i get zombies B and C also.
Cat: nope, guess not b.
i measured wrog heh.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It's a mind affecting spell, right? Undead are immune.
Cat: is it?
ah it is. why would i think luck wouldn't be lol.
well, i got one at least.
and we all get the +1.
i'm pretty sure a summon isn't going to help much here, i may just save that for healing.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I see. Anything you want to do with your move action?
Cat: eh not really anywhere good to go before everyone else moves.
i'll sit tight.
Nidri makes a quick Prayer, enhancing the party's accuracy. One Borrax Rex feels down on his luck, while CF chuckles.
Cat: i assume others are also gonna wait for hawk to start up bardsong.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Holding....Holding....hooooolding...
Carnelian Fetish: Worry not, Sister. When I remake you, your Div blood will truly shine!
Nidranisan spits.
Nidranisan: i don't need to be remade.
i'm fine just how i am.
George: So Hawk is getting ready to sing since we're trying to take out Corinthian Leather before Margerine flips her lid.
Cat: if she's my great-great...great-grandma i'm going home ;)
George: Dear, you're already home. You're on the couch.
Cat: ...i know. that's....why that was funny. :P
George: :P
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Carnelian Fetish, you are NOT the mother!
Cat: (my eye daggers aren't working...)
Carnelian Fetish seems genuinely confused.
Marjorie Mel sighs
George: So yeah, Hawk's action will be to start his +2 bard song and probably step around behind Marjorie.
Marjorie Mel: This fiend's flaw...
George: Maybe one to the left of there.
Marjorie Mel: She really does think it's a good plan.
George: AKA: This.

George is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
George: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 16
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 16
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
Cat: i totally need to bust out the intimidate next round. requires being within 30' tho.
George: Next round he'll hide casting in his song and go invis, round after that, he'll hide casting in the song and do a moment of greetness.
Cat: he is kinda the party greeter.
George: Then he'll leave earth for no raisin.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, George. I'll put him on autopilot if I don't hear from you in the next few days?
George: Ok.
Hawk sings a rousing song, recalling tales of Dakan and the great heroes slaying the Lucavan, one after the other.
Cat: lolz nice music choice.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Borrax Rex has an SR check of 15. CF's is...higher.
Cat: yeah, and apparently she doesn't count as "humanoid" either?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): She is not a humanoid.
Cat: a sad boss fight for nidri.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Although she looks like a blue skinned-one draped in revealing red cloth.
Cat: yeah, gonna have to figure out the whole red thing at some point, but now is not the time.
Claire : Knowledge-Planes
Check	12
so do we know anything about the borax rex's?
can I assume they're fire immune?
let's kill two zombies with one fireball and find out if the borax rex is immune.
Claire : Fireball
School Evocation
Spell Level Sorceror 3
Caster Level 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VSM
Range 640 ft
Effects/Target 20 ft radius spread
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half	DC 18
Spell Resistance Yes
Caster Level Check	20
Meghan: Claire is attacking with Fireball
Fireball uses remaining: 2
Damage: 18 to each creature in area of effect
there are a couple of points in the middle of the BR-A, Z-A, Z-C triangle that work for that without hitting any of us.
Chris: I'll let Vegeta decide if he wants the Borax or the Zombie. Fleir will take the other and Fi will try to clean up after them.
Hernz: veg was going to go after CF.... I don't tihnk we want to leave her alone
Figuring Claire takes out the two zombies, fleir/fi take out BR-A, and veg might draw B by attacking CF... something tells me she's a caster and needs to be stopped soon... not sure what MJ can/will do
Did we identify if CF is undead?
George: I'm pretty sure CF is not undead, just a Div.
Hernz: k, let's try a stun on her... I'm hoping to draw them... hoping I don't draw more than I can chew :)

Vegeta activates SSJ mode as swift action

SSJ Vegeta attacks Carnelian Fetish with a Knee to the Gut!
SSJ Vegeta: Attack Result: 24
(Needs 35 to crit.)
Damage Result: 13
Crit: 20/x2
Crit Confirm: 28
Crit Damage: +13
SSJ Vegeta: Special: Fort save DC 19 or be stunned for 1 round. Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save. Special 3: Attacks treated as Magic

SSJ Vegeta has used 7/14 ki

SSJ Vegeta has used 2/6 stun attempts
Hernz: oh, and it's also cold iron cause of the spell cast on veg
Claire's shoots a bead of fire that explodes, engulfing the zombies in flame.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Borax Rex A's Ref Save 20
Zombie A's Ref Save 12
Zombie B's Ref Save 20
Er, that's Zombie C
Meghan: yeah
they only have, like, 12 hp?
Claire's flames destroy one Zombie and burns the other. Borax Rex leaps out of the way, avoiding most of the flame. His skin resists the rest of it.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Zombies have 12 hp
Borax Rex is not immune to fire, but has Fire Res 10

Fleir is attacking Borax Rex A with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	23
Damage	15
Type	PBS
Fleir : CMB
Check	25
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Is that bite magical?
Chris: yes
(GM) Chad S. (GM): OM NOM NOM
Fleir drags Borax Rex A with a well-placed bite.
Vegeta goes for a knee to the gut and connects.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): CF's Fort Save 13
The hit throws her off balance and unable to do much for a moment.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Up to you, Fi.
Chris: Does it seem to do full damage?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, it hits fully.
Chris: Does the rubble provide any impediments? move/cover?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It's about 10 feet high, I'd make that the uh... +4 AC cover
Since you have to arc over it

Fi is attacking Zombie C with Long Bow (Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Point Blank)
Attack	33
Damage	11
Type	piercing
Within 30'
Hernz: one away from a nasty crit... wait, can you crit undead? I forget
(GM) Chad S. (GM): What arrows are you using, Fi?
Chris: On the Zombie? Normal with magic bow.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh, right. Thought you were shooting CF
...or the Zombie is the REAL Lavos
Chris: lol.
Hernz: hahahaha
still one of the coolest bosses
Round 2
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Chad goes to wash the dishes.
Carnelian Fetish stumbles around drunkedly, mumbling about Borrax Rex's deepest desires.
Hernz: btw, did CF take the full hit from veg?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, full damage
Borax Rex A will stand and provoke, Fleir.

Fleir is attacking Borax Rex A with Powerful Bite!
Fleir : Powerful Bite
Attack	15
Damage	16
Type	PBS
Hernz: ok
Fleir takes advantage of Borrax Rex's prone position and chomps him as he stands. She then spits out the dust that he turns into. Ewww.
Cat: yeah...queue me to go close enough to intimidate CF unless someone suddenly needs a pile of healing.
still worth a shot without my bonus.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): what's your bonus?
Zombie B lunges after Hawk, hitting AC 21 for 5
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hawk, what's your AC?
Borrax Rex B fires an arrow at (even = Cliare) 1
Marjorie, hitting AC 15 for 12 damage
The arrow bounces harmlessly off of Marjorie as Borax Rex approaches.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fire Alarm, apologies.
Hernz: I htought you were doing the dishes lol
Meghan: (did the fire hurt the borax rex?)
Hernz: not after he made the reflex save... so likely resist 10
you should pull a circa-2000-hernz and totally ignore fire alarms like I did in the dorms lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol, someone on the floor above burned their food.
Hernz: SEEEE??? lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You're a bad role model, Hernz.
Hernz: tuh-rrrrble
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire, Borax Rex made its save and has Fire Resist
Took no damage
Flames are still burning on two of the mounds Claire burned. Several Zombies burst forth from the Westmost mound.
Hernz: we know what's happening there... lol
Meghan: guess I know what I'm doing next round.
they're already in formation and everything.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 2
= 2
Hernz: oh oh... what's this ground shit!?!!
Sickly gray gas starts to seep from the ground beneath most of the party members.
Marjorie Mel: The shrine grounds are trying to infect us directly. I'll neutralize this one.
Marjorie Mel inhales deeply, dissipating the fumes nearby her.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay. Party is up.
I heard Nidri will intimidate, and Hawk will turn invisible.
Meghan: 40 ft between zombie B and zombie D
fireball has 20 ft radius.

SSJ Vegeta Pummels Carnelian Fetish
SSJ Vegeta: Att: 24 || 17 || 12
Damage (P): 16 || 13 || 12
Crit Confirm: 23 || 24 || 29
Crit Dmg (P): +15 || +15 || +14
Special 1: Total all damage before applying DR. Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save. Special 3: If hit by first hit, Fort DC 19 or stun for 1 round Special 4: Attacks treated as Magic.
Cat: +13 for non-humanoid.
Hernz: 2 2s again... ugh
Meghan: yeah. One fireball is going to get all of those and borax rex as well.
sound good?
Hernz: well, if she gets stunned by the first attack, teh second might hit..
(GM) Chad S. (GM): TOASTY!
Claire : Fireball
School Evocation
Spell Level Sorceror 3
Caster Level 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components VSM
Range 640 ft
Effects/Target 20 ft radius spread
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half	DC 18
Spell Resistance Yes
Caster Level Check	25
Claire is attacking with Fireball
Fireball uses remaining: 1
Damage: 26 to each creature in area of effect
Meghan: wow look at all those 6s
Cat: niiiiice.
Hernz: niiiiiiice
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Welp, Zombies are gone even if they save, so...
Cat: lol hernz
Meghan: the question is do I have to keep burning the piles
I'm pretty sure I can do that with burning hands though.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Borax Rex's Reflex Save 23
Meghan: does he still take just a tiny bit of damage?
Claire burninates the Zombies and singes Borax Rex.
Meghan: yay
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, he took 3 damage
Meanwhile, Vegeta hits Carnelian Fetish.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fort Save 23
Hernz: so only one hit connects, yes?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes.

SSJ Vegeta used 8/14 ki, 3/6 stuns
She shakes off the dizzyng effect.

Fleir moves into flanking.
Hernz: crap... could I use the flanking? lol
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol. Wouldn't matter in this case.

Fi uses a green sendrine arrow.
Nidranisan: woo let's see what these do!

Fi is attacking Carnelian Fetish with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	34
Crit Confirm	15
Damage	11
Crit Damage	+28
Type	piercing
Cat: ...not that she can actually see but hey, let's pretend.
Hernz: doh, no confirm
Meghan: damn it
Cat: yeah, that was an unfortunate d20 heh.
Meghan: remember when a crit was just a crit?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Pepperidge Farm Remembers
George: GM: Can one of my inspiration rolls fix that?
Err, spells.
Hernz: I think we established just the attack roll, right?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): How much would that spell provide?
> +5?
Cat: 2d4
George: "Attack roll or skill check" is the wording of the spell.
And yeah, 2d4.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Hmm. It might help.
George: The question is whether the crit conversion counts as an attack roll.
Hernz: I think in previous rulings we said it didn't help since it's not an attack roll
George: Wording is that the attempt to convert is another attack roll.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yeah, it's an attack roll
Hernz: ok

Hawk Hubertins casts Gallant Inspiration on Fi granting +3 to the last roll!
Chris: doh
George: Ack!
Meghan: damn
Hernz: Claire stole all the good rolls lol
Cat: worth a shot.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 15
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.
CF glares at Fi's arrow with contempt. She swats it away as it reaches arm's length.
George: Had to try. It had a chance.
Hernz: she just deflected it?? Bitch!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): pus on shades
Welp, there goes my cool points

Fi pulls out a black sendrine next.

Fi is attacking Carnelian Fetish with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	33
Damage	12
Type	piercing
Hernz: nice attack rolls at least
Fi's second arrow hits and deals an extra 12 damage
Meghan: "pus on shades" is appropriate with this boss, though.
gross but appropriate
Hernz: do we notice anything happening from Fleir being on the gray crap?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): That's mostly small rocks. Fleir seems to be OK.
Chris: Hernz kills Fleir.
Cat: nice extra dmg roll at least ;)
chris, you gotta let chad roll more of your stuff ;)
Chris: The main attack rolls are just fine rightnow.
George: I keep forgetting to tag Fi with AA as a prep before a big fight. :/
Chris: Won't help with Sendrine.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol. OK. It's bedtime for me now Hawk & Nidri should figure out their next move, and I'll number crunch in the morning.
Cat: fair point.
Hernz: hawk went already
(To Hernz): She's going to provoke on her turn when she moves, so make an AoO or something.
(To Fleir): She's going to provoke on her turn when she moves, so make an AoO or something.
Nidranisan : Intimidate
Check	24
Cat: meh.
Nidranisan shouts at CF.
(From SSJ Vegeta): 16, 14 damage
George: Hawk already went. GI + bardsong and a 5 foot step.
Nidri's mean words is met with confusion.
(From SSJ Vegeta): sucked lol
(From Fleir): [d20+11]AC for [d6+10] damage
Carnelian Fetish: I don't understand...why would you say that? What have...they done to you?
(To Fleir): Would that trip?
(From Fleir): 27AC for 11 damage
(To SSJ Vegeta): lol
(From Fleir): 31 CMB
(From Fleir): Forgot flanking on those.
(To Fleir): thanks.
Cat: queueing up to either heal someone if someone gets beat up, or start casting 'resistance' on people (beginning with me.)
Round 3
Carnelian Fetish is rather annoyed by Fi's archery and closes in for melee.
Vegeta fails to capitalize on it, but Fleir chomps down.
realtime 3/28 9:01 am
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir's trip CMB 31
Chris: That's the same thing I rolled...
(GM) Chad S. (GM): You rolled 31, not 29
Chris: Oh... weird.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Then again, rolls in whispers are weirdly formatted
Maybe I should roll for you more often when fighting bosses, lol
Chris: haha!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Does Fleir's bite bypass cold iron?
Chris: No, just magic.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lol, this boss wasn't supposed to get locked down, but here we are.
She provokes again for standing up.
Chris: Sorry, Chad.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I don't know if Vegeta or Fleir has Combat Reflexes
Chris: Vegeta said that he does. Fleir does not.
If she doesn't like the arrows, she should stay down :-P
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta's AoO: AC 25 for 17 damage
Fleir, make a Fort Save vs Disease.
Fleir : Fortitude
Save	14
Chris: lol. Back to the bad rolls. I'm doing great on attack and bad on defense.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): lolz
Two more copies of Borax Rex emerge from near the blood-stained statue.
Borax Rex B drops the longbow and engages Vegeta directly with claws and bite.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Nidri, Borax Rex B provokes.
I'll assume Vegeta's AC is insanely high
So close
Two more patches of earth begin to leak diseased gas. Marjorie dismisses the one underneath Vegeta's feet.
Marjorie Mel: Quickly, please.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Party's up.

Fi uses a black sendrine arrow.

Fi is attacking Carnelian Fetish with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	26
Damage	8
Type	piercing

Fi uses a green sendrine arrow.

Fi is attacking Carnelian Fetish with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	15
Damage	12
Type	piercing

Fleir is attacking Carnelian Fetish with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	30
Damage	11
Type	PBS
Fleir : CMB
Check	28
Chris: Gah. I'm plagued by 1's now!
At least only one was on an attack roll, but it was the important one.
Fi's first arrow is casually swatted aside, while the second arrow fails to penetrate her skin.
Fleir's teeth sink into her thigh, but she's agile enough to not fall over.

SSJ Vegeta Pummels Carnelian Fetish
SSJ Vegeta: Att: 21 || 27 || 15
Damage (P): 12 || 16 || 15
Crit Confirm: 28 || 34 || 15
Crit Dmg (P): +12 || +16 || +11
Special 1: Total all damage before applying DR. Special 2: Target sicken on crit for 1 round. No Save. Special 3: If hit by first hit, Fort DC 19 or stun for 1 round Special 4: Attacks treated as Magic.
Hernz: come on stun-lock! lol

SSJ Vegeta used up 9/14 ki and 4/6 stuns

Meghan is attacking Carnelian Fetish with Pew Pew Holy Lazer!
Meghan: Attack Result: 18
Damage Result: 8
Type: divine
Pew Pew Holy Lazer uses remaining: 5
Notes: Only hurts evil creatures. Ray. Use up to 8 per day. Damage is 1d4 + level/2
Meghan: ooo, I might've hit
... why does that still say 1d4 + 6?
I changed it to a damage mod of 3.
should be 5.
this is for testing:

Meghan is attacking Claire with Pew Pew Holy Lazer!
Meghan: Attack Result: 26
Damage Result: 5
Pew Pew Holy Lazer uses remaining: 4
Type: divine
Notes: Only hurts evil creatures. Ray. Use up to 8 per day. Damage is 1d4 + level/2
Meghan: ok, it's fixed.

Hawk Hubertins is activating his Bard ability, Inspire Courage +2
Hawk Hubertins: +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, and save vs fear & charm
Inspire Courage +2 uses remaining: 14
Note: Effect lasts for 2 rounds after song has ended.

Hawk Hubertins casts Abundant Ammunition on Fi's quiver!
Hawk Hubertins: School: N/A; Level 1
Casting Time: 1 standard
Components: V, S, M/DF (a single piece of ammunition)
Range: One container, touched
Targets/Area: N/A
Duration: 1 min/level
Hawk Hubertins: Saving Throw: DC 15, ; Spell Resistance: No
George: Hawk also hides his casting in the bardsong, and gains a free round of singing due to the casting.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Perform (Singing)
Check	33
DC 33 sense motive or perception to detect that Hawk was actually casting.
Hernz: claire might need to make an SR check
Cat: whoa, i can take a stab at this guy? i mean.
Nidranisan : Dagger (broken)
Attack	18
Damage	-1
awwwwww yeah.
min 1 damage though right? right?
oh, except i don't have DR.
i mena.
Cat: mean.
i don't pierce DR.
Meghan: oh cool I have spell penetration.
Claire : CL Check
Class	Sorceror 6
Check	11
Spell Pen Bonus	2
+2 from Spell Penetration
wow boo
so 13?
Cat: is it actually a spell?
it's a spell-like ability, which doesn't mention SR...and SR doesn't mention spell-like abilities. THANKS.
realtime 3/29 8:45 am
One of Vegeta's fists bypasses her defenses.
Claire's holy energy sears CF's skin and she cries out in pain.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): "Spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance and dispel magic."
...Or rather it would have, if the energy had penetrated her magical defenses.
Borax Rex B continues to ignore Nidri, even as she sticks a dagger in his backside.
Round 4
Carnelian Fetish: Mel'jorie, why? You should be joyous for my work here! Now you'll endanger the other Lucavan!
Marjorie Mel: As Miss Nidranisan said, I am perfect the way I am. I do not require your assistance.
Carnelian Fetish lashes out at her two attackers, her claws dripping with disease.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): vs Vegeta: AC 33 for 8 damage
vs Fleir: AC 22 for 11 damage
Her claw digs into Vegeta, although the disease she carries has no effect on him. Fleir's enhanced hide saves her from the backhand.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Borax Rex B aids CF vs Vegeta 22
Borax Rex C aids CF vs Fleir 13
2 Borax Rexes close in and shield their mistress against Vegeta and Fleir.
The third Borax Rex produces a layer of dim light around his mistress.
Four more Zombies emerge from the mounds as two more patches of ground release diseased gas. Marjorie shuts one of them down quickly.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Party is up. Let's see who gets the kill. The circle is in low light conditions.

Fi uses a black sendrine arrow.
Chris: There are too many soft cover targets in my attack line now. She gets partial cover of +2AC.

Fi is attacking Carnelian Fetish with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	19
Damage	12
Type	piercing
Chris: That will miss, so moving my second shot.

Fi uses a green sendrine arrow.

Fi is attacking Borax Rex D with Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)!
Fi : Long Bow (Rapid, Point Blank)
Attack	23
Damage	15
Type	piercing

Fleir is attacking Carnelian Fetish with Powerful Bite & Trip!
Fleir : Powerful Bite & Trip
Attack	15
Damage	16
Type	PBS

Chris gives us and goes home.
CF deflects the first arrow. Borax Rex provides enough cover to protect her from the second arrow, and Fleir is unable to penetrate her skin.

Hernz has used 10 / 14 ki

SSJ Vegeta has used 10 / 14 ki

SSJ Vegeta attacks Carnelian Fetish with Flurry!
SSJ Vegeta: Att: 25 (35 to crit.)
Damage (B): 17
Crit Confirm: 31
Crit Damage (B): +16
Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
Hernz: Aide add +2, right, so that should hit I think
using next two attacks against BR-B but if that didn't kill her off, they'd go at her

SSJ Vegeta attacks Borax Rex B with Flurry!
SSJ Vegeta: Att: 24 (35 to crit.)
Damage (B): 11
Crit Confirm: 35
Crit Damage (B): +12
Special: Attacks treated as Magic.

SSJ Vegeta attacks Borax Rex B with Flurry!
SSJ Vegeta: Att: 17 (30 to crit.)
Damage (B): 16
Crit Confirm: 16
Crit Damage (B): +11
Special: Attacks treated as Magic.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): One last thing Hernz... you're in dim light conditions. That's a 20% miss chance.
Hernz: rolling d5s.... 1 is a miss

(GM) Chad S. (GM) holds his breath!
SSJ Vegeta: 3 5 1
Hernz: woot
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Luckily this is one of those "kill the boss missions"
Vegeta shoves Borax Rex aside and punts Carnelian Fetish.
The zombies and the fiendish orcs collapse into dust, scattered along the winds.
Carnelian Fetish struggles to standup, ultimately falling to her knees. She points in Marjorie and Nidri's direction.
Carnelian Fetish: You...must carry on the mission...before the other Lucavan do!
Carnelian Fetish bursts into a spray of red particles, leaving behind a Red Ruby the size of Vegeta's fist.
The particles quickly shoot ahead, and hit Marjorie dead on.
Like some kind of wind vacuum, Marjorie absorbs the black and gray fumes from the area. Pretty much all of it.
Do not...touch...
Marjorie Mel collapses.
combat over

Lucavan Aftermath

SSJ Vegeta:
SSJ Vegeta : Perception
Check	28
Hernz: thats to see if she was looking at the ruby or something on her "do not touch"
(GM) Chad S. (GM): She seemed rather woozy and off balance; it wasn't clear.
Leaving the office now.
Hernz: I wish I could do this in the office lol
although technically, when I work from home I can...
Nidranisan : Heal
Check	26
Hernz: what are we healing? are people bleeding?
Cat: that was a heal check to look over marjorie.
and see if i can figure out what's going on.
Hernz: oh, good idea!
veg will assist
Cat: after that's resolved, det magic on the ruby.
sweet, assist away.
SSJ Vegeta:
SSJ Vegeta : Heal
Check	22
hey... uh, look, over there, that looks weird too
Cat: (i totally just called in the troops.)
(i have NO CLUE if there's anything to find or if this is already a ridiculously high check for something obvious lol.)
Hernz: haha
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Heal
Check	5
Hernz: chad: "guys, she's dead" heal check 5 tells you that much
George: Hawk doesn't help.
Cat: lulz. BUT THIRTY.
should've dropped a guidance on myself first. ;)
(To Nidranisan): Marjorie absorbed a LOT of diseased air and seems to be fighting off the infection. Touching her would risk infection.
Nidranisan: if anyone touches marjorie they'll risk getting infected by the disease.
so be careful over here.
SSJ Vegeta: I'll carry her
SSJ Vegeta : Perception
Check	26
Hernz: to see if there's any items of interest before we leave

SSJ Vegeta picks up Marjorie and tries his best to not show he's struggling a little
SSJ Vegeta: let me know if that has the same issue, I'll carry it... our sayan blood is immune to this

Vegeta powers down
Cat: did all the disease-causing-ness of the area go away when we beat the boss?
Nidranisan : Detect Magic
Spell Level Oracle 0
Caster Level 6
Duration 1 min/lvl
DC 14
Caster Level Check	25
(To Vegeta): I need a Fort Save, DC 25
(To Nidranisan): There is magic in the area! There are multiple magic items in the are! The Red Ruby is a very strong aura.
Fi : Heal
Check	26
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta sees 3 longbows.
And the shrine. A DC 10 K. Religion check says the shrine is an altered shrine to Laniss (Death Aspect.)
Cat: we've...heard of that before.
Nidranisan : Spellcraft
Check	25
(To Nidranisan): You aren't able to identify anything about this ruby.
(From Nidranisan): will the gallant inspiration help? ;)
(To Nidranisan): Nope, not enough
Fi : Survival
Check	16

Fi makes a mediocre sled for vegeta to pull for Majorie.
(From Vegeta): fort 13

Fleir decides to pull it.
Nidranisan : CL Check
Class	Oracle 6
Check	12
Spell Pen Bonus	0
well, we'll see what we can do for her when we get back.
Nidranisan picks up the ruby.
Nidranisan: i'll take another look at this tomorrow.
ok, i'm ready to go when you guys are...let's get back to the elves.
After a few minutes, Marjorie awakens and immediately rolls off the cart. She splits off about 30 feet from the party and begins coughing.
(To Nidranisan): I need a Will Save.
Vegeta: so what did you want us to not touch?
Marjorie Mel Raises her hands, requesting distance
Marjorie faces up, towards the sky and vomits a stream of jet black flies, in about a 30 feet radius sphere around her. They swarm about her for half a minute, and then scatter up and away into the skies.
She spits some more black liquid and finally stands up.
Vegeta: uh....
Marjorie Mel: ...do not touch me. And do not touch the Red Ruby.
Vegeta: it's ok, this disease of theirs doesn't affect me
Marjorie Mel: ...you are fortunate, Prince Vegeta.
Vegeta: The gm asked for a fort save for no reason..... [deadpool style]
Fi: So... Should we be concerned over your current condition, or are we worrying needlessly?
(From Vegeta): sense motifs while we ask her stuff to see if she's hiding crap 31
Chris: Tact... not Fi's forte.
Marjorie Mel: (To GM) rolling 1d20+13
= 15
(To Vegeta): Marjorie seems sincere.
Marjorie Mel: I am...I will recover.
But your assistance is appreciated.
But to be safe, you should not directly touch me.
The Red Ruby. The Lucavan's favorite trick was to possess people through physical contact.
Chris: So... Did Nidri take my advice and use tongs?
(I told Cat to do that in person btw)
(From Hawk Hubertins): http://www.dragonarte.com.br/index.php?pageNum_tirinha_exibe=51&totalRows_tirinha_exibe=347
Cat: more likely picked it up with a bag.
y'know, inside out bag trick like a dog poop.
Chris: No... now I'm just imagining using a pooper scooper.
Nidranisan : Will
Save	23
(To Nidranisan): Despite Marjorie's concern, you feel perfectly fine and can take care of yourself- no wait, this Ruby is probably cursed, what the hell dump it!
Marjorie Mel: Miss Nidranisan!
Did you touch the Ruby?
Do you have something... sacred to contain it?
Hernz: a bag for doggy poop
Chris: sacred poop bag.
I've got one for Fleir.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): 7th dungeon item
Used against the cursed guardian, Poopie-Doo
Nidranisan: I mean, I didn't directly touch it, I just put it in a bag.
It seemed like a good idea at the time, now I'm not sure why I bothered.
I don't really do 'sacred'
Marjorie Mel: ...yes, I see. Do you have anything blessed? Otherwise...I may be able to handle it better.
Nidranisan: maybe the elves have something lying around?
Vegeta: doesn't she break anything she touches anyway? :)
Cat: while true, probably doesn't do anything to random gemstones.

Fi sighs.
Chris: We already fessed up to dealing with angels to the Mels at some point right?
Cat: probably?
Chris: I know we at least explained the angel statue. I think we mentioned them appearing.
Cat: hey chad, what counts as "blessed" or "sacred" ? :)
Marjorie Mel: A-anything profane?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): "blessed" or "sacred" something carried by a good outsider.
Nidranisan starts rummaging through her stuff.
Nidranisan digs past a bunch of mundane stuff, and the Robe of Jubilation flashes by.
Nidranisan: wait, this?

Fi shrugs.
Fi: Best shot we've got.
Marjorie Mel: Th-that should do. Contain the gem within the robe.
Nidranisan: o...kay...
Nidranisan puts the gem in the robe and wraps it up?
Marjorie Mel: Good. That should contain them.
These gems are quite dangerous.
We should...return to the Krimson Forest.
Vegeta: No reason to stay... I say we go
Fi: You can rest on the sled if you need more time to recover.
Nidranisan: Didn't claire talk to a lucavan once?
or was it...in the stupid cave thing under the city? ugh.
Marjorie Mel: No. I am fine.
Marjorie Mel inhales deeply
Marjorie Mel: I haven't felt better in years, actually..
Vegeta: excellent...
Hernz: btw chad, is the land still diseased like before? that's not healing or anything right?
Cat: he told me no.
Hernz: thanks
(GM) Chad S. (GM): The land itself is no longer diseased.
realtime 3/30, 11 am

Krimson Forest

With Marjorie recovered from the disease, and Nidri in possession of the Ruby Red gem, the party returns to the Krimson Forest.
The Krimson Defense Force remains on high alert but are glad the party has returned intact.
Shavanni Tinderrain is also at camp, tending to the wounded and injured.
Marjorie Mel: We should speak to the Master At Arms.
Vegeta: alright, let's head over there
Cat: we should come back after and talk to shavanni too.

Cat calmly awaits the denouement plot dump. (yeah, right.)

Hernz is waiting for Chad to try to match the 15k XP from the hub lol
Cat: lolz
well i have it on good authority he's working on "book 2"
so, i'll get my wings yet ;)
Hernz: ...excellent.....
Fi: Ok. But you're still on the hook for our own discussion when we get back to Harvest Warf, boss. Your part in this will be locked up until then, yes?
realtime 3/31 8:25 am
Marjorie Mel: Yes, Fi. I owe you that much, at least.

Master At Arms

In the Warrooom, you tell the Master-at-Arms that Carnelian Fetish has been defeated and the Redtooth Lands are no longer diseased.
Master at Arms, Dorrel: Thank the gods. I was not sure how much longer we could hold out- too many soldiers came back with the Shakes.
Scouts and some of our clerics had already noticed the lands corruption clearing.
...don't tell anyone this, but... I'm actually glad to be fighting orcs again.
And not...whatever those things were.
Harvest Wharf, we are in your debt.
So many orcs were wiped out from the civil war and the disease. It will take them time to recover.
Master at Arms, Dorrel: Unless you have anything else to tell me, I should be heading off.
Wait, this is the Warroom. You should be heading off.
Hernz: not sure if I'll be here later tonigh, so leaving a sense motifs for when we question her about wtf happened and why CF said all those things and stuff
Vegeta : Sense-Motive
Check	20
Hernz: that's my worse motifs ever
Cat: hah nice.
realtime 3/31 8:46 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): OMG Marjorie has a chance to bluff?
So unless anyone has anything to say to the Master At Arms...
(From Vegeta): btw, I think you should make a rule that you always roll our bluff/sense motifs secretly.. that way in case veg sucks, people might still believe him over someone who made a better sense motifs... that'd be hilarious :)
Chris: I'm drawing a blank.
(To Vegeta): Yeah I know, I should keep more stuff hidden. Then again it's hilarious when you roll a 35 and detect no falsehoods
Hernz: hm... no, nothing I got... there was no reward or anything right? ;) lol (you guys must think I'm the greediest player ever)
(From Vegeta): haha, you
(GM) Chad S. (GM): No reward beside your thank
(From Vegeta): you are right
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Er, his thanks


You wanted to speak to Shavanni?
Chris: We already knew you were a greed player, Hernz.
Shavanni exits one of the tents and walks up toward the party.
Marjorie quickly excuses herself.
Marjorie Mel: I would like to speak to Shavanni later. I'll give you all a moment now.
Fi: Oh. Ok.

Fi shrugs.
Shavanni Tinderrain: She's always like that around me... Good to see you all alive.
Fi: Good to be alive. Can't say I would appreciate being a zombie, but I probably wouldn't care at that point...
Shavanni Tinderrain: Always with your blunt sense of humor.
Let's find somewhere a little more private...
Shavanni ushers the party towards a recently emptied tent.
Shavanni Tinderrain: So, what happened out there? I have a pretty good guess but I want to hear your view on it.
Nidranisan: zombies. demon orcs. lots of disease.
basically what we were expecting.
we'd be tracking CF for a while. nice to be done with that.
can't say i'm convinced she's gone for good, but maybe.
Fi: And we now know that CF stood for Carnelian Fetish
Apparently there was some history with Marjorie there. We'll need to figure that one out.
Shavanni Tinderrain: Hmmm...Maybe I should have been there.
Shavanni Tinderrain shakes her head
Shavanni Tinderrain: I can't be everywhere.
I had a terrible vision of the Lucavan's return. Did you see a... gem of some kind?

Fi makes a face.
Chris: It's obvious before she can say anything.
Shavanni Tinderrain: I had to ask. Sometimes it's nice to be wrong.
At least it blew up when you beat her.
Fi: Uhh...

Hawk Hubertins starts humming and looking all innocent.
Nidranisan: was that something you saw?
Shavanni Tinderrain: No. When... we fought the Lucavan, their gems detonated upon defeat.
Fi: See, you ask something that turns out to be true. And then you say something as if it was a given that is not...
Shavanni Tinderrain: (Sense Motive 17)
The gem survived?
Fi: yes
Shavanni Tinderrain: How...damn.
But you destroyed it, of course.
Nidranisan: maybe my gut is right, and she's not really defeated.
Hawk Hubertins: Uhhh...
Fi: Should we? We were told not to touch it.
Shavanni Tinderrain: This is new territory for me. Usually Lucavan gems simply exploded.
Fi: In my limited experience, I find that breaking things when you don't understand can often lead to issues.
Hawk Hubertins: Or explosions.
Fi: So far, just one of those for me.
Nidranisan: i am in agreement with Fi.
i still don't understand these Lucavan well enough.
the last thing i want is to believe we have destroyed it when we actually have not.
Shavanni Tinderrain: I would...smash that thing, but...I trust your judgement, alright?
Hawk Hubertins: I mean, what happens if we smash it and suddenly there are dozens of Lucavan instead of just the one?
Shavanni Tinderrain: I never really got to investigate it fully. You know. a war and all.
And the evidence went away before we could examine it.
Nidranisan: ....hawk, i suspect that would cease to be our problem very quickly and not in a pleasant way.
Hawk Hubertins: Oh. Right.
Shavanni Tinderrain: You mentioned something was wrong with Marjorie? The Mels always drew a blank.
Nidranisan: she made some heroic efforts to contain the disease.
both during and after the battle.
Shavanni Tinderrain: Right. She said she was a healer back in the day.
That's good, then. You mentioned she had some history with Carnelian?
Nidranisan: it seemed so.
though CF was pretty talkative with me too.
Nidranisan makes a face.
Shavanni Tinderrain: Yeah, they're always trying to get in your head.
Fi: Nidri, I would appreciate it if you didn't continue her work here.
Nidranisan: me in particular.
fi, you are well aware how i feel about her and her "work?
er, "work"
Shavanni Tinderrain: My Commanding Officer was a Demon and lured me into too many death traps.
Fi: Yes, just thought I should state my feelings as well.
Shavanni Tinderrain: If Dakan hadn't convinced me to stand down...

Hawk Hubertins shudders.
Nidranisan: CF wanted to remake the world or something...to "fix" me. i told her i'm find just how i am.
Shavanni Tinderrain smiles
Shavanni Tinderrain: Yeah. I've heard that speech before.
(From Hawk Hubertins): Yay! Sketchy incest achieved in Fire Emblem! ;)
Nidranisan: because they all give it? or you know her?
(To Hawk Hubertins): They're not blood siblings, so it's OK??? FIRE EMBLEM LOGIC
Shavanni Tinderrain: Oh, no I meant the Inner Krimson Sanctum.
(From Hawk Hubertins): I decided to not go down the blood relatives route this time, but may have to in a future play through to see what happens.
Shavanni Tinderrain: They always tell me I could have been the perfect archmage if I would learn some "discipline".
Shavanni Tinderrain airquotes the word discipline
Nidranisan snickers.
Shavanni Tinderrain: They also told me who I'd marry, where I would study, how many children I would bear and when I'd retire.
Nidranisan: i'm guessing, not so much.
Shavanni Tinderrain: So I left, joined Mardens City's militia and met Lord Alexen Dakan instead.
Yeah, I'm still their best mage.
Shavanni Tinderrain grins
Nidranisan: yup.
Shavanni Tinderrain: But I'm not archmage. No biggie.
Nidranisan: overrated, i'd guess.
Shavanni Tinderrain: You sit in a tower all day long, theorizing while the world outside burns. Not my style.
Shavanni Tinderrain stands up
Shavanni Tinderrain: Never my style.
Make sure to stop by Harvest Wharf and tell Dakan about this, OK?
Nidranisan: of course.
Fi: Speaking of sitting in a tower... Do you know anything about Michael Verdantflame?
Shavanni Tinderrain: Verdantflame... Verdantflame... Elven male, about yay high, big into astronomy?
Hawk Hubertins: Yes, that sounds like him.

Fi nods.
Shavanni Tinderrain: Yeah, he's focused on magic than morals.
Uh, more about magic.
He'd be a great candidate for highmage here if he wasn't into interplanar travel.
It's not too popular of a subject here.
Too modern.
Fi: Hmm... I'm wondering who he's allied himself with recently.
Chris: I forget if we've already brought up the Sendrine topic with her.
Shavanni Tinderrain: Good question. He's not here anymore.
Chris: we still have that recording of the symbol used by the invading goblin army right?
Shavanni Tinderrain: I think so.
Cat: i don't think we have?
talked to her about sendrine that is...
Fi: Do you have any idea who this symbol belongs to. I'm suspecting that he's working with whoever uses this.
Shavanni Tinderrain takes a look at the symbol
Shavanni Tinderrain: Hmm, I don't recognize it...
Fi: Ok. Thanks. We've been drawing blanks so far. They snuck into the Draugh Empire looking for something.
Shavanni Tinderrain: Hmm. I'll keep an eye out for this. The Draugh Empire's a little stuffy, but they mean well. Specially the Princess.
Nidranisan: indeed. they'll be opening up trade/communication a little more with havest wharf after our visit.
we...seem to have that effect.
Shavanni Tinderrain: Haha! Look at you guys!
Fi: We just happen to be good at finding trouble.
Apparently people are more likely to talk to you if you fix things for free.

Fi shrugs.
Nidranisan laughs.
Shavanni Tinderrain: Yeah. Anything else I can help you with, or do you need to take a rest?
Nidranisan: fi always cuts right to the heart of things huh.
Shavanni Tinderrain: Always blunt. But honest.
Nidranisan: i can't think of anything else right now.
always a pleasure though.
Shavanni Tinderrain: Good talking to you all. I was glad to meet you all here, I thought I would miss you.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Good night, folks.
Cat: so...back to the wharf?
or talking to marjorie here before we go back?
i'm all for talking to her here...she might actually speak a little more freely when she's not surrounded by the usual atmosphere.
Hernz: I say talk to her here as well
realtime 4/3 9:28 am
Shavanni leaves the tent and returns to helping treat the diseased and wounded.

Onward to camp

The party decides to have a chat with Marjorie, who just finished speaking to the Master At Arms.
Chris: I don't know. I would rather not push her in foreign territory.
Marjorie Mel: I have treated all that I could for now. Perhaps you would like to take a rest as well before we leave- some of you still need to fight off the Shakes.
Chris: I lost track. Which of us are still affected?
Fi, Fleir, Nidri, and Hawk?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fi made 1 save. Fleir, Hawk, Claire and Nidri failed last time.
You need 2 consecutive saves to shake off the disease.
So, not Vegeta is your answer.
Cat: it's less about pushing her and more about maybe having her talk somewhere she might feel a little freer.
Hernz: wow, we're all on at 10am!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): It's never too early for Divine Detritus!
Hernz: leys just ask her and if shewants to defer, let her say so
Cat: pretty much what hernz said.
Hernz: So veg would like to know 1) how does she know CF, 2) what was their conversation about, 3) what happened to M with her absorbing all that crap... what's that mean? hernz is picturing some Lodoss War possession going on here lol
I might not be here shortly, so Chad, feel free to roll a sense motifs
(GM) Chad S. (GM): What's your bonus, Hernz?
Hernz: 15
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Okay, then.
Marjorie Mel: Perhaps when we leave the Krimson, I can explain more in detail. For now, rest assured that I have recovered.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 17
= 17
(GM) Chad S. (GM): (To GM) rolling 16
= 16
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Vegeta detects no falsehoods in her reply.
Hernz: ok, that works, let's head out then i guess
(GM) Chad S. (GM): If there are no objections...
The party begins its trek back to Harvest Wharf, with Marjorie in tow.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Night 1: You guys need to prep vs disease.
Cat: is there any tending that helps?
or just...roll some saes?
sa....ves.... i can spell.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Heal check, DC 18 will give whomever you help a +4 bonus on their Fort Save
Also, you may want to ask Marjorie questions, since she's here with you.
Cat: heh. well, if Fi already made the first one, I'll tend Fi.
Nidranisan : Heal
Check	14
well, unless ppl help.
so feel free to pile on, everyone-except-fi!
Nidranisan : Fortitude
Save	21
Vegeta : Heal
Check	20
Cat: sweeeet.
almost there. :)
george is out until like 5.

Vegeta gives a story of how sayans are awesome against disease, hoping that will help... somehow
Cat: lol.
i took it more as a withering criticism of whatever i was doing ;)
Hernz: hahaha, sure that could work too lol
Cat: why do i have this funny feeling nidri is going to make every other save for like a week?
hmmmm it doesn't say how many people, just that it takes 10 minutes to do.
so can i actually make a heal check for each person?
also doesn't say if i can treat my own disease.
Hernz: can we make multiple rolls for different people? (like not everyone savign at the same time?).
in case we can, here's my assists (or lead in case Nidri can't help herself)
Vegeta: Fi done
Nidri 12
Hawk 15
Claire 21
Fleir 10
Cat: A good point.
fi done
nidri 24
hawk 13
claire 10
fleir 23
Cat: lol poor claire.
Hernz: lol
Cat: so yeah, chad can process those however he sees fit :)
and if we can do them all it basically takes us an hour.
not bad.
i'd have to do the math, i wonder if we have a better probability of success making separate checks heh.
Vegeta: I need a 12 or better, which means I have a 45% of helping each... you need a 9 or better, so you have 60%... my chance of aiding you is 85% to give you a 70%... yeah, I just finished wine with my folks for lunch, I can't do that right now lol
Cat: lol
separate rolls is significantly better heh.
unless i screwed up the math somewhere along the way ;)
i fail on 1-5 no matter what, fail on a 6 if you roll 1-13, and fail on 7-8 if you roll 1-4.
Hernz: no one else can assist?
Cat: i think that makes 121/400 the probability of failing if i lead and you help...separately it's 8/20 * 11/20 = 88/400.
dunno what anyone else's checks are -- not super high from what i remember.
also waiting on chad to confirm the details ;)
Chris: Fi also has a +9 heal.
Fi 15; Nidri 19; Hawk 22; Claire 12; Fleir 26
Cat: lol fun.
chad's gonna have a field day with this. :)
George: Err, so Hawk should make how many fort saves when?
Chris: We've only made heal checks for one day so far :-P
Fi : Fortitude
Save	11
Fleir : Fortitude
Save	11
Chris: ...
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Fortitude
Save	10
George: Even with a +4 I don't think that's enough for the save.
Cat: so save from claire and then it's all chad crunching the numbers? :)
so far the number crunching looks pretty easy heh.
Claire : Fortitude
Save	17
how's that?
i just.
Meghan: was mine actually good enough?
Cat: wanna make a heal check lol
no, it's off by 1.
and thats the one heal check i rolled utter crap on.
Meghan: were there add ons from something else?
Cat: good enough heal checks.
the one for you is sitting at a 15 with nidri, vegeta, and fi combined because i rolled a ONE.
Meghan: hah
Cat: if we make it to 18 for the heal check, you get a +4 on the save
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Whew, terrible Fort Saves abound
Fi, Fleir, Hawk, Nidri all failed their saves.
Claire is off by 1...did anyone else try to heal her?
Uh, Nidri passed, actually
She needs 2 consecutive saves
The night is rough for the party, although Marjorie seems fine.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Oh wait, duh. Marjorie auto aids Claire, if you'll let her.
Cat: whaaaat?
oh hey, didn't read far enough.
yup, would love marjorie's help.
so nidri and claire are at 1 save, everyone else is back to 0 saves?
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup
Cat: huzzah. oh wait, that's...not very good.
Meghan: wait, can I help with heals?
Cat: it won't help anyone else.
they all failed by more than 4
Meghan: ah
nevermind then, screw you guys
Marjorie carefully helps Claire deal with the Shakes.
Cat: so are ppl suffering dex damage from the fails?
George: Whee! Failed saves for everyone!
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup.
Oh, in case you need to know: Marjorie's Heal check 28
Cat: haha thx, she should be leading the checks :P
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Alright, time for some Dex damage:
Fi 4, Fleir 4, Hawk 1, Claire 4, Nidri 3
After a good night's rest, the total Dex damage from disease is:
Fi 3, Fleir 3, Hawk 1, Claire 3, Nidri 3

June 24, 1236 AD

overcast. Marjorie does not take part in breakfast and instead conjures some water to drink with her medicine.
Marjorie Mel: Miss Nidranisan. Do you have magical means to remove their disease?
Nidranisan: I can try once per day.
So far I have had mixed results.
Nidranisan looks everyone over.
Cat: fi and claire are in the worst spot it seems?
Marjorie Mel: I see...with the rising sun I am capable of trying six times. You should go first, though.
Meghan: are we?
Cat: except claire made one save.
so i'll try on fi.
Meghan: yeah
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Claire and Nidri made one save so far.
Meghan: should I try another save today?
you have to make two in a row?
Cat: that'll be tonight.
Chris: Fi and Claire both have bad saves.
Cat: claire got a heal assist and made hers.
Meghan: are you putting up prayer before these?
Cat: for what?
Meghan: let me check my notes
Cat: the saves i assume are durasive, and the skill check takes 10 minutes.
Meghan: +1 luck bonus on saving throws
Nidranisan busts out the scroll and uses the robe to cast remove disease on Fi.
Meghan: apparently I still had it checked as prayer being on when I rolled my fort save
otherwise it would have been a 16
Cat: that'll still succeed though.
Nidranisan : CL Check
Class	Oracle 6
Check	20
Spell Pen Bonus	0
Nidri's magic seems to work on Fi, and the disease is cleared.
Nidranisan: Well. Glad we kept the robes.
Marjorie Mel: Useful.
George: Hawk also has a pretty bad fort save.
Nidranisan: For anything you can get a scroll of, yeah.
Nidranisan puts the scroll away.
Marjorie Mel: I make no guarantees, but I will try to purge the disease from the remaining four.
Nidranisan: Thank you.
Meghan: shoudl I try to make my fort save first?
Hawk Hubertins: Thanks Marjorie. Whatever the result, we appreciate the effort.
Meghan: to see if I even need it?
(or is marjorie using non-magical means?)
Cat: probably she should just do ours last.
Marjorie Mel sighs, then removes on of her gloves, revealing a withered hand.
Marjorie Mel: Caster level check on Fleir: 16
Caster level check on Hawk: 27
Caster level check on Claire: 16
Caster level check on Nidri: 29
Meghan: so it's not like a tiny baby hand?
Cat: lol.
Hawk Hubertins: That's much better. Thank you! Are you sure you're ok though? That hand looks like it must be uncomfortable.
A side effect of the plague?
Marjorie Mel: Hmm, let me try again on Fleir and Claire. Hawk and Nidri have been cured.
Caster level check on Fleir: 12
Caster level check on Claire: 29
Unfortunately I was unable to help Fleir.
George: I'm assuming the stat damage still needs to heal normally, even after the disease is cured?
Marjorie Mel puts her glove back on.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yes, stat damage is still present.
Dex Damage: Fi 3, Hawk 1, Nidri 3, Claire 3, Fleir 3
Marjorie Mel: My hands have been withered since birth, Mister Hubertins.
Cat: lol i forgot one healed overnight.

Hawk Hubertins blushes.
Hawk Hubertins: My apologies. I was unaware. I didn't mean to be rude.
Cat: we got pretty lucky on the dex dmg rolls this time.....
Marjorie Mel: It was an intuitive guess, Mister Hubertins. No offense was taken.
Shall we continue moving? We should be in Harvest Wharf tomorrow.
Nidranisan: Sure. Would you mind a few questions while we walk?
Marjorie Mel chuckles
Marjorie Mel: Of course, Miss Nidranisan. With all that happened yesterday we have much to learn from each other.
Nidranisan: have you actually met CF before?
Marjorie Mel: No, I have never met Carnelian Fetish.
(From Hernz): do secret motifs:)
Marjorie Mel: (To GM) rolling 14 vs 34
= 14
Marjorie Mel: (To GM) rolling 31
= 31
Marjorie Mel: (To GM) rolling 22
= 22
Marjorie Mel: (To GM) rolling -11
= -11
(To Vegeta): Marjorie is telling the truth, and seems slightly offended by the question.
Cat: player fail...anyone else can chime in too.
Nidranisan: but you do have some experience with these...Lucavan.
in general.
Marjorie Mel: After the Fifty Years War, I did some research on them, who they were, where they came from. It only felt natural to know my enemy.
They have tempted many mortals into short term gains in exchange for using or corrupting their bodies.
Her words, her motions- CF seemed confused when I rejected her idea for a world riddled with disease.
(To GM) rolling -9
= -9
Nidranisan nods.
(To Vegeta): She seems legitimate.
Marjorie Mel: As if I would want people to be as physically weakened as I am, dependent on a careful balance of magic to survive.
Marjorie Mel shakes her head
Marjorie Mel: No, that is... no.
Nidranisan: hmm.
what did you mean about the whole...serving as the ruby thing?
Marjorie Mel: The Lucavan tend to follow a theme of gems and Zodiac symbols.
The previous Ruby Red I heard of was a Red Dragon who served as a shock trooper in Harvest Wharf's Army.
Nidranisan: ah, which is why she shouted back something about sagittarius?
Marjorie Mel: Yes, she said that.
The Ruby Red I learned about was Taurus.
Nidranisan: and she said she was carnelian...what made you think she is this Ruby?
Marjorie Mel seems deep in thought
Marjorie Mel: I assumed as much.
(To GM) rolling -3
= -3
(To Vegeta): She assumed they were one and the same.
Marjorie Mel: My father said he was once visited by a merchant, right before the war. This merchant was very pushy and wanted my father to sign away the Company to him.
My father was glad to throw him out, but he always wondered if that was a Lucavan.
With our power and influence, we are sometimes targeted by powerful creatures.
They try to tempt us in various ways, and we know to reject their offers- there is always some kind of string attatched.
Nidranisan: i'm still amused by the whole pairaka hate red thing.
but maybe it's because i'm desperate to see humor somewhere in the whole thing.
Marjorie Mel: Pairakas hate the color red, yet she wore red, used the Redtooth Lands as her home base, and manifested as a Ruby.
Maybe she was overcompensating?
Nidranisan snorts.
Nidranisan: or was the pairaka actually just being controlled?
i can't even keep track anymore.
Marjorie Mel: It's always difficult to keep track of these issues. I would say to ignore it, but you all seem quite invested.
Nidranisan: she was a bit of a thorn in our side for quite some time.
Marjorie Mel: Like, those arrows for example. Fi's arrows drove right through her skin. I've seen swords bounce off creatures like her without a scratch. Where did you get that from?
Nidranisan: they're made from that sendrine material we mentioned. it has strange properties in conjunction with Outsiders.
Marjorie Mel: Ah, very effective.
(To GM) rolling 12
= 12
Marjorie Mel: If we had weaponry like that during the War, it would have been a lot easier for all of us.
Nidranisan: mm.
do you have any idea why she called you Mel'jorie?
Marjorie Mel: That worries me as well. The previous Lucavan called me that, as well, combining my given and family names with a pause.
That is why I suspected her of being a Lucavan, and I guess I was correct.
(To GM) rolling -9
= -9
(To Vegeta): While she is telling the truth, you feel she is omitting a different answer.
Marjorie Mel: A...healer called me that before the War, promising me a flawless, healthy body if only I would carry a gem around. I told the healer to leave me be. He said I would regret my decision.
Nidranisan: a gem, huh.
imagine that.
Marjorie Mel: We are all part of this world. We all must do our part.
And we must take pleasure in life. I am glad for my mother's sacrifice in bringing me to this world, and I would not sully her memory by...
Marjorie Mel exhales
Marjorie Mel: Infecting the rest of this land.
(To GM) rolling 3
= 3
(To Vegeta): She's obviously upset about bringing up her mother's death, but otherwise she's telling the truth.
Nidranisan: you said something to her about a curse, and not allowing it to affect anyone else...it's not like my curse though is it.
Marjorie Mel: No Miss Nidranisan. There are many reasons I hide my physical features. One is that for many, it is...repulsive. The other is that I can disease people with a touch.
I must concentrate carefully to make sure I don't hurt anyone who touches me. It's why I warned you all not to touch me.
Nidranisan: i see.
is that also why you seem to have some sort of special power over CF's diseases?
Marjorie Mel: Yes, it seems like that. I haven't suffered from the negative effects of disease. Ever.
Nidranisan: i suppose it is of some consolation if one's curse has an up side.
Marjorie Mel nods solemnly
Nidranisan: though mine was once used against me. to my great annoyance.
Marjorie Mel: Everyone will try to use your gifts and your curses. It's important to make sure it's used for a great benefit.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): And with that, it's bedtime for me. Good luck on tomorrow's commute, everyone
Slush City
Vegeta: thanks for your honesty Marjorie
Cat: lolll.
at least my 9am meeting is canceled.
g'night chad.
realtime 4/4 7:42 pm
(GM) Chad S. (GM): So Fleir is still diseased, and everyone except Vegeta has Dex Damage; Fi 3, Hawk 1, Claire 3, Nidri 3 and Fleir 3.
Heal checks for Fleir?
Nidranisan : Heal
Check	17
if marjorie is willing to auto-help, that takes care of that ;)
though i think at +9 fi also auto-helps.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Yup, that will do it.
Fleir, Fort Save?
Hawk Hubertins: Well, [/
(GM) Chad S. (GM): I managed to catch my wireless keyboard as it fell
George: Nice.
Hernz: lol
Fleir : Fortitude
Save	20
Cat: yaaaaay.
Hernz: random roll 1
realtime 4/5, 8:47 am
Fleir starts to fight off the disease, but takes 8 Dex damage in the process.

June 25, 1236 AD

The day is rainy. You hope to reach Harvest Wharf right after lunchtime. Marjorie refuses breakfast and continues to rely on her medicines.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Overall Dex damage: Fi Nidri Claire 2, Fleir 10. Hawk naturally recovered and Vegeta was never diseased.

Fi tries to help Fleir walk straight.
Hernz: ouch!
Nidranisan: So, I can make one attempt to cure Fleir, or I can help her with the clumsiness.
In the hopehat she is better tomorrow.
Cat: well that got odd and some letters went missing.
Nidranisan: Or, if perhaps Marjorie wanted to attempt to cure her, my help with the clumsiness would at least make her more comfortable today.
Unless, perhaps, Miss Marjorie is able to cast a stronger version of a restoration spell.
realtime 4/6 1.38 pm
Marjorie Mel: I had prepared for two attempts at curing Fleir of her disease, and two attempts at lesser restoration. I'll try them now.
My apologies, Miss Fleir. I'll try not to hurt you.
Caster check number 1 22
With a touch, Marjorie is able to purge the disease from Fleir.
Marjorie Mel: Lesser Restoration 2
Lesser Restoration 3
With two more attempts, she is able to give Fleir some coordination back.
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Fleir is at 5 Dex damage now.
Cat: ok, i'll throw a lesser restoration on there too
go me: 4
woo :)
ok, now confident fleir will not literally faceplant on the way home.
June 25, 1236 AD (afternoon)
The party returns to Harvest Wharf, mostly recovered from the disease. Marjorie bids the group good luck and begins her return to the East Ferren Trading Company.
The party is privy to new information, but their next steps are unclear. Who will they trust? Where will they go?
The threat of the Lucavan is over for now, but what forces are at still at play?
End of Book 1
(GM) Chad S. (GM): Woo! End of Book 1!
I'm giving you all a free level up.
You are now Level 7
Cat: woooooo
go team :)
Hernz: WHAAAATTT??? nice...
well, I got work to do now! lol
Any magic user taking item creation feats? :D
Cat: lol no
George: Level 7, huh?
Cat: yeah, now i gotta pick spells again.
Hernz: lol
Cat: and a feat.
oh hey, it's my last first-list spell. no pressure.
George: Hey! Hawk gets a level 3 spell! That's when the cool spells start, right?
Cat: i could get det evil heh.
George: Prepare for silliness.
Hawk Hubertins:
Hawk Hubertins : Haste
Spell Level Bard 3
Caster Level 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a shaving of licorice root)
Range close
Effects/Target one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless)	DC 17
Spell Resistance Yes (Harmless)
Caster Level Check	17
Description: The transmuted creatures move and act more quickly than normal. This extra speed has several effects.

When making a full attack action, a hasted creature may make one extra attack with one natural or manufactured weapon. The attack is made using the creature's full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. (This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by a speed weapon, nor does it actually grant an extra action, so you can't use it to cast a second spell or otherwise take an extra action in the round.)

A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Any condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses.

All of the hasted creature's modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the creature's jumping distance as normal for increased speed. Multiple haste effects don't stack. Haste dispels and counters slow.
Hernz: mmmmmm haste..... :)
George: Figured you'd like that one.
Hernz: don't for get the machine gun Fi would turn into lol
George: Not to mention that Fleir can now make sure everything is tripped.
Cat: ok my lvl 2 spell options are officially a very long list of crap.
(From Hernz): cause I know you'll ask: 45 HP. Also, Veg will take the feat Serene Stride, and use Qinggong monk ability to replace the totally nuked Wholeness of Body with.... Either Snatch Arrows or Cloak of Winds... still debating that one
(From Hernz): other than that, a few skills (guess who maxed escape artist to try and get out of grapples lol), BAB+1, and the Ki Blast (Scorching Ray) now fires two blasts
Chris: And... magically Fleir is size class large.
Hernz: he get 2 attacks yet?
Chris: No, still only +4 BAB. Fi only just hit +5 BAB.