Difference between revisions of "TOA Cerulean"

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(revamp page setup for purchase of special attack)
(Experience (1 CP): add last run and summary.)
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# On a successful hit, no HP damage is dealt, but target's mind stat is reduced by 1 (per level in the attack).
# On a successful hit, no HP damage is dealt, but target's mind stat is reduced by 1 (per level in the attack).
===Experience (1 CP)===
===Experience (3 CP)===
These are mostly just notes for me to keep track of available character points from experience rewards and plans for what to spend them on. If anyone is actually following this section, they should expect it to shuffle. A lot.
These are mostly just notes for me to keep track of available character points from experience rewards and plans for what to spend them on. If anyone is actually following this section, they should expect it to shuffle. A lot.
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* Special Defense: +1 level (1 CP)
* Special Defense: +1 level (1 CP)
'''CP awards (35 CP)'''
'''CP awards (37 CP)'''
* Runs: 31
* Runs: 32
** Missed run 7/23/07
** Missed run 7/23/07
* Summaries written: 3
* Summaries written: 4
* Backstory cp awarded: 1
* Backstory cp awarded: 1
* Art cp awarded: 0
* Art cp awarded: 0
Maybe when I finished that picture and get it scanned in...
Maybe when I finished that picture and get it scanned in...

Revision as of 20:49, 29 August 2007

Disclaimer: Character in full-blown 'play' mode. Beware.


Cerulean is a pixie doll that was wished to life, a little like the rabbit in the story of The Velveteen Rabbit, only without the help of a fairy. Ceelie has a brilliant blue dress, azure hair and eyes, and big blue butterfly wings. She is 6 inches tall, and weighs "almost an ounce and a half, honest!" (Actually, about 1.384 ounces.)

The kind of butterfly Ceelie's wings are modeled after. (Image credit: www.duiops.net)

Ceelie knows the girl who made her -- Helen, a quiet, black-haired girl, about six when Ceelie came alive -- and has gone to visit her. She's never spoken to Helen, of course, but wanted peek in her window just to see her again, and hopes Others will be accepted enough in Helen's lifetime to meet her for real. Helen is a somewhat shy but moderately intelligent little girl, and Ceelie has picked up some of those mannerisms from her. She is a quick learner, and liguistically gifted, but is still quite young. Because so much of Ceelie's psyche was formed by a young child, sometimes she doesn't have the most adult responses, but she tries to act grown up.

Ceelie has some foggy memories of the time when she was a doll. Some are just glimpses of games Helen used to play with her, her name and nickname, the sound of Helen's voice, and the warmth and comfort of sleeping on Helen's pillow. Some are images of the most powerful moments in Helen's life. Her first clear memory of her own is waking up about a year and a half ago snuggled under the blankets in a hotel room bed, knowing that everything would be okay. Somehow, she'd always known what Helen was thinking.

With only a vague idea which way to go to get "home", Ceelie set out to try and find Helen. Somehow, after a few days, she made it as far as Hollywood, and found her way onto a movie set in a filming studio -- they'd put the same sheets Helen had on the bed for a child's bedroom, and Ceelie fell asleep there. When D found her, thinking she was just a prop, he picked her up. When she yawned and opened her eyes, he was quite suprised. After a brief, and on Ceelie's part teary, conversation, she was comfortably hidden in his pocket until he got home that night.

Ceelie spent about a week learning about the world and exploring D's mansion, before a pair Agency representatives tracked her down. D was a little defensive at first, but once Ceelie explained why they were there and what the Agency did, he was willing to let them in. They stood on the doorstep gaping for a moment before stepping inside to talk. The two agents offered Ceelie, and ultimately D as well, membership in the Agency. Ceelie put her foot down when they asked her to move there, though, and insisted that she would stay with D.

Now she lives a fairly comfortable life in a dollhouse in D's living room. Every few months, Ceelie coerces him, with a great show of fluttery eyelashes, into going out and buying her some new doll clothes. While her house does not have much to show in the glittery department, she does have a lovely set of dishes, a fine wooden table and chairs in her kitchen, a comfortable sofa, working lights, indoor plumbing, and a real bed complete with tiny pillows. And, of course, a silk dressing screen in the bedroom, for her privacy.

Ceelie's Memories

Stats (34 CP)

Body: 4

Mind: 7

Soul: 6

ACV: 3

DCV: 3

HP: 50

Shock: 10

Attributes (71 CP)

Attribute Level CP Notes
Flight 1 2 Glider, 10kph
Gadgets 1 2 TOA ID (full size), TOA suit, teensy bow and arrows, lockpicks, one small scalpal blade with a cover, a knapsack from the outdoor-sports barbie line's hiker babe doll, miniature working water gun, fancy toothpick
Heightened Senses 1 1 Infrared/Ultraviolet vision
Highly Skilled 6 6 +60 skill points
Jumping 1 1 roughly 15" vertical or back, 30" forwards
Mind Barrier 1 5+5 Force Field blocking 20 points of damage. Area: 1m, Targets: 1, Range: 10m, Duration: 1 round
Mind Shield 5 5 +5 bonus to mind/soul checks, 50 points mind armor
Regeneration 1 6 5 HP/round
Special Attack 1 4-1 Mind Breaker
Special Defense 1 1 Sleep (Needs sleep every 3-7 days)
Telepathy 8 24+10 Targets: 10, Range: 10,000 km

Defects (21 BP)

Defect BP Notes
Diminutive 4 Takes an extra 15 damage, -6 penalty to ranged attacker, etc.
Easily Distracted 1 Anything with glitter .
Easily Distracted 1 Huge or oversized things (particularly dinosaurs.)
Inept Attack 6 -2 ACV
Marked 2 Wings, size, blue hair...but she can hide in bags and pockets pretty easily.
Activation time 4 Regen: 1 round to activate, cannot be interrupted.
Concentration 2 Regen: Activation requires concentration (meditating).
Concentration 1 Mind Barrier: Requires slight concentration.

Skills (80 SP)

Banked: 4

Skill Level SP Notes
Acrobatics 3 9 Balance
Slight of Hand 2 8 Picking locks
Climbing 2 4 ...up people and into their pockets
Domestic Arts 1 1 Decorating
Language 1 3 English, French
Occult 4 24 Studies the "mutable history" concept and the power of the human wish/desire
Social Sciences 4 12 Psychology
Stealth 2 10 Hiding
Visual Arts 1 3 Sculpting
Archery 1 2 1 damage -- the Pixie Plink of Doom

Mind Barrier Details

Ceelie has learned to protect herself, and occasionally others, with a psychicly generated shield. Having discovered this new talent, she is working hard (when she remembers) to gain better control and ability to help her friends with this ability.

Range: The range PMV indicates how close a target must be for her to protect someone else with a Mind Barrier.

Area: The area PMV indicates how large an area the shield can cover. Ceelie can protect person-sized things, but not huge things. (Which is awful, 'cause they're cute!)

Targets: The targets PMV indications how many people (other than herself) she can protect at the same time. It increases as a slow progression.

Duration: The duration PMV indicates how long the Mind Barrier will last on a target that Ceelie is not touching.

Mind Breaker Details

Mind Breaker is Ceelie's mental assault -- the focused effect produced when she lashes out in telepathic rage. She'll work, if slowly, on refining this as she matures and progresses in her telepathic abilities.

1 point restriction: target must have appropriate intelligence level to possess hopes, fears, desires, hatred etc.


  • Mind Attack (+5)
  • Drain Mind (+1)
  • Short Range (-1)
  • No Damage (-1)
  • Static (-2)
  • Limited Shots 6 (-1)
  • Unreliable (-1) -- A critical failure renders that specific target unattackable for the rest of the scene/day.
  • Unique Disability (-1) -- Requires establishing a telepathic connection and identifying an appropriate psychological weakness for each target. Takes (at least) 1 round of prepwork each time a new target is selected.

Attack description:

The attack represents scanning the target's mind for some strong pyschological effect that can be used to confuse, scare, intimidate or otherwise mentally unbalance the target. After finding such a hook, the attack innundates the target with images that slowly drain away their sanity.

Attack mechanics:

  1. Ceelie makes a Mind + Social Science (psychology) check to tailor the attack to a specific target. Keep attempting until successful - takes 1 round per attempt. Then that target may be attacked for the remainder of the scene.
  2. Ceelie uses Mind + Social Science (psychology) to hit. (Crafts a maddening illusion.)
  3. Target uses Mind + Mind Shield to dodge. (Resists mental invasion.)
  4. On a successful hit, no HP damage is dealt, but target's mind stat is reduced by 1 (per level in the attack).

Experience (3 CP)

These are mostly just notes for me to keep track of available character points from experience rewards and plans for what to spend them on. If anyone is actually following this section, they should expect it to shuffle. A lot.

Potential Improvements:

  1. Increase telepathy ability: Particlarly if/after she starts acting as communications for the group. (3 CP per level, or 1 CP to increase PMVs. Goal: lvl 10, 1k people)
  2. Mind Barrier: Buy off concentration and improve PMVs. (5 CP/lvl. Goal: lvl 3 w/no Concentration, 4 targets, 100m range, 10 initiative duration)
  3. Increase mind shield: Should keep up with the telepathy a little. (Goal: lvl 8, area rank 2, targets 10, range 1km)
  4. Increase soul stat: Strong-willed and psychicly gifted, just needs to mature. This should be spread out based on in-game time. (2 CP per point increase. Goal: 8)
  5. Mind Breaker: Level up to reduce disabilities. (4 CP/lvl. Goal: lvl 4)
  6. Increase mind stat: She's a quick learner and still growing up. This should be spread out based on in-game time. (2 CP per point increase. Goal: 10)
  7. Improve flight: Wants to fly like Li when she grows up. (2 CP per level for speed increases. Goal: lvl 3)
  8. Heightened Senses (new): Type II senses like Ultrasonic Hearing (high and low), Radio Reception, possibly some touch sense e.g. vibration (1 CP)
  9. Highly Skilled: Improve used skills or aquire needed ones. Next up: improve social sciences (psych specialty), and buy new languages.
  10. Improve Regen: Buy off defects (1-2 CP at a time) and possibly get a second level (6 CP).
  11. Increase body stat: Constantly mimicing D's moves is good exercise. This should be spread out based on in-game time. (2 CP per point increase. Goal: 5)
  12. Special Movement (new): Balance (1 CP)
  13. Special Defense (new): Age (1 CP, 2 later)

Mind Barrier Improvements Needed (10 CP)

  1. +1 targets (2 targets) -- 1 CP
  2. +1 duration (5 rounds) -- 1 CP
  3. remove concentration -- 1 CP
  4. +1 level (40 damage blocked) -- 5 CP
  5. +1 targets (4 targets) -- 1 CP
  6. +1 range (100m) -- 1 CP

Past Improvements (31 CP)

  • Telepathy: +2 levels, +3 range PMV (9 CP)
  • Body stat: +1 (2 CP)
  • Mind Barrier: +1 level, +2 area, +1 targets, +1 range, +1 duration, -1 concentration (9 CP)
  • Mind stat: +2 (4 CP)
  • Heightened senses: +1 level (1 CP)
  • Highly skilled: +3 levels (3 CP)
  • Soul stat: +1 (2 CP)
  • Special Attack - Mind Breaker: +1 level (3 CP)
  • Special Defense: +1 level (1 CP)

CP awards (37 CP)

  • Runs: 32
    • Missed run 7/23/07
  • Summaries written: 4
  • Backstory cp awarded: 1
  • Art cp awarded: 0

Maybe when I finished that picture and get it scanned in...