Talk:Longest Road House Rules

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Why would suggstion/charm/dominate be coming up?!?!?!!? (goes and changes all of Zahn's backstory to make him a complete incompetent pushover) -Aurora 15:56, 14 July 2008 (EST)

Leave the poor dominate spell alone. What has it ever done to you?

So, the only big change is to dominate. While I think it's an interesting change, I think there's room here to work with it. Given that there are ways around the dominate without the "You can't get info" clause, I think that's unnecessary. Keep in mind that any questioning while under a dominate can be subverted. It still takes a very skilled mind to both perform an effective interrogation, and to avoid revealing such information. If it's something that the person really doesn't want to tell, give them another save, or even an sliding saving roll scale. I could see it going either way, increasing the bonus or decreasing it as the questioning goes on. An example:

Int: Tell me where the royal army is, and what their attack plans are. Pris(Dominated): Bill is in a tent under a large oak tree, Dan is in the next tent over, probably tending the fire, etc... (Goes on, naming each soldier in the royal army, and their position in the camp, then their position in the attack formation, etc.).


Int: Who has the red dragon orb? Pris(Dominated): The last person who picked it up. Int: What is the name of the person who you know who last picked it up? Pris: The one that their parents gave them.

All resisting a dominate takes is a bit of lateral thinking. Yes, the interrogator can eventually force you to give them information using a dominate, and it does force the person to answer the questions, but it doesn't necessarily make torture useless. Think about this: Do you really want to let a Mage sit around with the ability to draw on magic? There are several verbal only spells and prayers, so it makes sense that you'd put them in an anti-magic area, effectively neutralizing the majority of their power. That would prevent your using any magical influence on them though.

I'd go with a save per round when under interrogation using a dominate to try to extract information, which also means that eventually the dominated individual will make the save, costing another mid-level spell to continue the effect.