Chadius: Ways to die

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Just in case you're reading it wrong...

I don't ever plan to die. But if I do, it had better be worth it! Here's a listing of absofreakinglutely cool ways to die, if I need the chance.

Buried face in Aphrodite's Bosom

"For an instant I must fight the urge to bury my face in the perfumed valley between those breasts, and althgough I know well that this would by my last act before a violent death, I suspect at this moment that it might be worth it."

-Ilium, Page 44

OK, OK. Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, just called you into her room. She leaned forward to give you secret orders for a mission, but that doesn't matter. She threatened earlier to rip out your entrails and wear them as garters if you disobeyed, but that doesn't matter.

Look, she's hot. I mean, hotter than hot. I mean, DUDE. Are you ever going to get this opportunity again?