Rykilde's Journal

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Revision as of 22:01, 30 November 2004 by Rykilde (Talk | contribs)

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So it looks like I'll be taking three, not two, semesters off from college. I guess more time to get grounded and centered is a nice thing. And also, I'm not exactly gung-ho to return to the bubble that is MIT.

On a different note, read in the paper today that the Supreme Court declined to hear the argument of the people who're challenging the Massachusetts law allowing same-sex marriages. Of course this was from the point that the federal government cannot make the precedent of interfering in states' rights...but the challengers don't believe that. Honestly...government should only take a moral stance in those actions which harm others, like theft and murder. Sorry, but while you might find Sally and Jane's marriage offensive, it's not harmful to you. That's the root of the issue.

And, oh noes! The mud is down today until Dec. 7. Whatever shall I do? Get caught up on my artwork and the wiki, that's what. Mmmm, free time. --Rykilde 21:01, 30 Nov 2004 (EST)