Supervillain Plot Scrap

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1: Hey, in the hoodie! Is that...

2: Yeah it is! Hey, Bish!


1: You're our hero, Bish! I mean, our villain. I mean, our...

2: Dude, why are you here? Part of your evil plan?

(Clerk is worried)

1: He's gonna poison the food! Sweet!

2: No, he's gonna make a mutant chicken army!

1: Uh-uh! He's stealing everyone's shopping cards!

2: Two Words. Soda Bomb! Am I right Bish!

(Takes off hood)

B: No, you are not. Mutant Chicken Army? Soda bombs? Why would I take over a supermarket! Of all the... Just...go away.

(Guys run. Clerk is about to grab phone.)

(Smiles, pulls out coupons.)

B: And by that I mean... I am a normal consumer. Here are some double coupons.