Supervillain Plot Scrap

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Supermarket (B is in line, approached by two junior villain fanboys.)

(1 is holding "Villains" magazine with Bish on the cover.)

1: Hey, in the hoodie! Is that...

2: Yeah it is! Hey, Bish!


1: You're our hero, Bish! I mean, our villain. I mean, our...

2: Robbing a supermarket? SWEET

(Clerk is worried)

1: Whoa, he's gonna poison the food!

2: No way man, he's gonna make a mutant chicken army!

1: Uh-uh! He's stealing everyone's shopping cards!

2: Two Words. Soda Bomb! Am I right Bish!

(Takes off hood)

B: No, just no. M-mutant Chicken Army? S-soda bombs? Why would I... Of all the... Just...go away.

(Guys run. Clerk is about to grab phone. Bish is clearly grumpy about it.)

(Fake smiles (with the shine in his teeth,) pulls out coupons. Clerk is starry eyed.)

B: *ahem* And by that I mean... I am a normal consumer. Here are some double coupons.

C: Yes sir!