Mead Batch 2x

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I picked up some interesting honey at PA Faire. I'd like to go a little sweeter than usual on this one, so it'll be between 3 and 4ppg, meaning total of between 1.5 and 2 gallons. Here goes nothing!

  • 6 lbs Meadowfoam honey
  • 1 packet Lalvin K1-V1116 yeast
  • Yeast nutrient
  • Yeast energizer
  • 1.5 gallons water

Brought the water to a boil. Removed from heat and dissolved the honey in the water. Hydrated the yeast in 106F water and waited 15 minutes. Pitched at ~100F. -Morrigu 21:08, 19 October 2011 (EST)

Racked with Loken. Odd fruity, almost wine-like flavor. Not sweet, but not particularly dry either. --Morrigu 00:32, 17 November 2011 (EST)

Couldn't help myself and tasted this. It's getting close to ready for the bottle. Has a toasted marshmallow finish. --Morrigu 18 December 2011